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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 11, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-ixlson COUNT JQIRNM. 3"” v , L 1..— Pic Abserves Close Of School Term For Union -‘ ~ k I III II; fligig‘iTgi’gsefgeJ, TiliillSilAY Nium *' C 0' v i i with a picnic on MayI29tll at'i pg,“ TwanOh State Park‘ M155 Mar-.Six—Team Circuit To Play Tiles- garet Greer, the leacher rzomI dayI Thursday Games Each January lstIto the end of the.I WeekI SNRSeaSOH term, left Friday for her home in2 Aberdeen, An interesting feature City league softball teamsI far 0f the year was the SChOOI paper'ibehind their usual schedule, toe son'th L... _ ‘LM~_.____._ . in. SOFTBALLERS l iN HIGH GEAR, WlN FROM CllAli’lP tun l . Bill Millikan Boris—Brilliant 3-Hitl i Game as Shelton Ten Defeats Olympia Brewery, 10-1 MinervavPark Girl gBecomes Bride Of 'IVaughn Man Friday, l By Mrs. R. P. Anderson Minerva Park, June 10—On FI‘l-, fday evening, June 7th, at 8 p.m.i Miss Beulah Cameron of Minerva Park and Mr. Merle Kupka, of Vaughn, were united in marriage at the home of the Rev. Robert! Brumblay in Shelton. Guests at l l I i i l i By Virtue E. Hanlon Pickering, June 11. There; was a get—together held at the; Grant schoolhouse Friday eve-1 lning, May Blst. The date also marked the closing '1 of another school term and the loss of threeI eighth grade students, Ruth Lind-j OLYMPIA SOFTBALL LOOP \V. L. RF. RA. . . I I I I I 24} ' i l ' -ledlted by the puPlls' lthe mark for the o enin of thelse , Robert Lundquist and Frankicémmfilanof -------- 4 1 34 I asildsfiza; There were three from here,1940 season next Tfiursiy with1Gl¥1y receiving diplomaSI ...... .. I Mrs Bill Carlson, Miss Catherine Who gradualth “Om §mfltfm hlghjsix teams engaging in three} Ruth Lindsey bears the distinc- The Spar ' ‘I 2 2 26 27l ‘ Cameron, Dan E. Cormier, Mrs. SChOOIEIgupe ti" IflglceD‘fm-Eli‘kil‘mifihes- ‘tion of being neither absent nor LI MI (Sflfiitrb )'II 2 3 31 32 Lorraine Pagel and Mrs. Robert'g’anl'b wm “1r 1“ an aw i Activians travel to the Sim—(tardy during her eight years of Olympia Brewery 2 3 28 32 u B'Iumblay‘ The” many friends and Mm Woodrow Youngikomish Indian Reservation (.liu-iclementary schooling. Several orphans ________________ II o 5 3! 5| wish them much happiness. ~' o ,mond to , . Mr.'and Mrs. E. F. Weidner, of Cave Creek, Arizona, are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Williams. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Anderson returned Sunday from a two week visit in Spokane and Chewelah They were accompanied home by their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Paul Anderson and her four children, and baby, Alice Jean, also Miss Jane Williams, all of Four Lakes, home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Stark. and Mrs. ed at dinner in Shelton Monday, . evening by Mr, and Mrs. L. Dimrgc d‘amond' Hack. last week at the Young's parents, I Mr. 5 wer e g uedts Young were entertain— MI‘S. Carl McGee honored Mrs.,a.t a meeting of team managers Memorial Day with their iCity ten while on Loop Field two lgamcs will be in progress at the tangle with the Union same time when Skokomish Grange meets Mt. View on the Elittle diamond while Rayonier and lDeMolay are squaring off on thengI 1 Organization plans were laid games were played and refresh- ments were served late in the evening. Memorial Day guests at the Ernest Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Johnson, Mr. and Harry Johnson and daugh- ter, Marjorie, of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. LaPage spent son Latest Scores L. M, 10, Brewery 1. Cams 4, Wolf's 3. Milkers 6, BreWery 1. Spar 9, Orphans 5. . Next Monday Spar at Shelton. Brilliant three-hit pitching by Bill Millikan, backed by the error- less and at times gilt-edged sup- And we're going to help you put him on a pedestal . . . even if it’s just for one day! During the rest of the year Dad is rather taken for granted . . . we don’t particularly notice his difficulties unless they are very obvious. And his clothes! We hardly know he wears them. How about giving him something new to wear from the L. M.’s low priced selection? He’ll appreciate it. Gifts wrapped. I . Young with a luncheon last TueS-glast Thursday night at which a and familyI Mn and MFSI Ted La_ on of his teammatesI moved theI I I I I II “32°OEV‘J‘W‘M‘" “m” after “‘6 day to which ladies orzrew simple 11"“? lg, gevem. 3:8 Page and children of Bremertondifi. M. team representing Shell... Famous Arrow Shirts .. . . .. $2.00 Wonderful Ties r J the nei hborhood were uests. icircuit were aim aymg mg 5 Mn and MrSI Frank Strong an .1. . 1 A I f u I I I . II _ ,I MI" and Mrs' R' R Anderson On Weanesday Mr. andg Mrsflwill be Tuesdays and Thursdays. daughten ConnieI Doris Hopkins ["1 the Olympla Cass '50 tba Hell like the style and fit of these high-quality shuts. are spending the week in Olympia as delegates to the Grange State Convention. "' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Shepard spent last week visiting friends inl Seattle. Mrs. Ella Flemming, of Ho- Quiam spent the week end in the] park. . Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Daniels and daughter, Miss Patt of Hoquiam, and four guests spent the week énd at their summer home in the park. ' a Mrs. Elmer Swanson and Mrs. Roy Phipps spent Saturday in Tenino. . Mr. and Mrs. Stahl were hosts. Sunday to about 20 Spanish warl veterans and their wives from Centralia. They had a lovely pic- nic dinner in the park. .. Mrs. Ella Fleming, Mrs. Hanson and Alice Hanson Fred spent tie to visit friends. lthelr first effort. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fredson and. Miss Williams motored to Scat-I l Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morris, of Naches, were guests last week of, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry; Morris who returned with them’ Tuesday for a visit in Naches and‘ Yakima. Frank Morris, another, son, who is employed in a storel at Copalis Beach, went with them for a. vacation. , Sunday, June 2nd, the softball-1 ]Young and baby, Mrs. Stark andg‘A split season will be played with IJack Allison for Union City, Don two rounds to each half. A sched- ule was prepared which will car- ry the season up to August 27. Managers of the six clubs will be Everett Fourre for Skokomish Grange, Ray Brown for Mt. View, Woods for DeMolay, Barney Mor- gan for Rayonier. At the pres— ent moment the Activian manager has not been definitely announced since the departure of Walt Hak- l l team had their first game, They'lla for summer school. played this Skokomish Valley team at the Middle Skokomish Valley field. They were defeatedlaune 13 24 to 9 but not discouraged with family of Shelton have moved in- to the-large cottage of Garfield's for the summer. Other new residents are Mr. and SECON D HALF FIRST HALF Activians at Union. July 251 mother, and Don Healy, all of Seattle, came down to the Strong cabin Memorial Day and returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hanlon and children of Olympia and Mrs. J. B. O'Donnell of Fruitland, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanlon and family Mem- orial Day. The Grant school picnic was held at Spencer Lake on June 2nd, and all reported a very fine time. Bob Bellman of Centralia, spent the weekend at the home of his Mrs. Arthur Beck, and enjoyed the school picnic on the Skokomish-Mt. View, little Loop. lake Sunday. Rayonier-DeMolay, June 18 Union at Skokomish. Rayonier-Activians, little Loop. DeMolay~Mt. View, big Loop. big Loop. July 30 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paynton of Grapeview, were dinner guests of Mrs. Josephine Hushek Tues- day evening. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. league a notch higher in the standings with a rousing 10 to 1 victory over the Olympia Brew— ,ery, 1939 champions, on Stevens lField in Olympia last night. It was the L. M_’s second straight triumph in the fast soft— ball circuit after defeat in its three opening games. Millikan was never and was only scored upon through a daring bit of base running by Carl Reder, Brewer second sack- ed, who scored from second base on a hunt in the third inning. By that time, however, the L. M. was tout in front by seven runs, hav- ing broken the champions morale with three tallies in the first and third frames sandwiched around a single score in the sec— ond. Ned Snelgrove’s double with the bases full in the first, and a series in danger I Wonderful Fath , “Mark Twain” and others, priced at $1 to $1.65. Jantzcn Swim Trunks . . . . . . $2.95 Dad will enioy going swimming with you in a brand new Jantzen. Others at $1 to $1.95. “Buffer Heel & Toe” Socks . . . 35¢ 3 pairs $1.00. New summer colors and patterrw~sure to make a hit with him; also 25¢ grades. Boxed Handkerchiefs . .. 49¢ (3 in box. Plain white or colored borders. “Man—Sized") Other boxed Handkerchiefs 75¢ and $1.00 box. SportShirts............... $1.00 New weaves and styles in blue, green, tau, white. Others to $3.95. Broadcloth Pajamas $2.00 An ideal gift for any man . . . plain and fancy in slip-on and coat styles . . . in Wilson’s “Faultless No-belts." - , I I of successful hunts and a couple - 32te§$§bagieh£lflih in Mrs- Cfiu'l Morris. formerly ofiJune :20 I August 1 {Ohm KrabbenhOfP 19 0" the 3101‘ of missed bases by the defense in . . . . . The Shelton hospital for the past‘Mounmm. Vlew' Shem)“- They Mt- View at Union . llst’ hm are hOng for a Speedy .the third accounted for the big Give him “round-the—house” and “on-thc-beach“ comfort two weeksI returned home SundayI are now installed in the home of Skokomish-Rayoniep, little Loop. recovery I mmngs for the LI MI I at low costI All Spun Rayon Green teal cameII maroon MrsI Peterson who has been star George Bartsch. Mr. Bartsch has ActiVians—DeMolay, big Loop. Mrs. Elida Barnes was a. Seat- Frances Eacrett’s defenswe ’ ing with his folks in Shelton, re- turned home with him. moved into his new cottage. MI‘S.IJllne 25 Morris was the correspondent for this 'district last winter August 6 DeMolay at Skokomish. tle visitor Thursday. from Sunday until work at catcher was outstanding for the L. M.. but Fritz Plamon- WoolSweaters $3.95 .Mr and Mrs, Roy phipps, of as well Union-Rayoniei', little Loop. Mrs. J. LaPage gave a birth- don’s great catch of Vern Lid- And $495; A useful gift for Dad that will give him Tenifio Spent last week visiting as for Mountain View. Activians-Mt. View, big Loop, day luncheon last week. Those (113's screaming drive in deep months of comfortable wear. Mn an'd MrsI Elmer Swanson A regular meeting of the Hood June 27 August 8 present included Mrs. Warren leftcenter with the bases full in . , h )5 Mr and Mrs. Tom DeLong 0f Canal ImprOVement Club was DeMolay at Union. RobbinsI and baby, Jerry, Mrs. the first, robbing the L. M. out- , , , , , , , $1 , held Monday evening, June 3rd, Activians.skokomish, big Loop. Frank Robbins, Mrs. John Jensen Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderbeck of Hoquiam, spent Saturday and Sunday in the R. P. Anderson home visiting their sis- ter, Mrs. Paul Anderson of Chew- elah. Mr. and Mrs. Elmond Swanson and little daughter, Beverly, of Tenino, spent the week end in the Elmer Swanson home. Mr. Fred McDowel returned on Tuesday from W.S.C. at Pullman for the summer vacation. A Vacant House Won't Pay Taxes . . . Advertise It! ‘ ESTERN lIFE Insurance Company ______..,____________.__— a i Announces the l Glen Vig I as their ' LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Mason County A. L. BELL Abstracts, Real Estate Loans and Insurance BELL BUILDING I SHELTON, WASH. : n. PRICE is RIGHT . Why not Have the B E S T Inquire, Then You'll Buy Modern CONCRETE BRICK and MASONRY UNITS l g .i a l l l l PRODUCTS . Seventh St. Bridge Phone 123 THE Ml'lTHPRlIH'JFll Although a small was an attendance it interesting meetin. It was decided to purchase two sets of quoits for the club grounds, also cement to build an outdoor stove. The entire club was re- quested to meet at the club grounds Sunday and decide where the improvements should be made. It was reported that it is nolelfly 1‘5 possible to drive to the property. A committee was appointed to work out details for some week evening dances this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Pixley and Mrs. Marcia. Clark attended the gran- ation of Miss Betty Oswin from Bremerton high school June 5th. Miss Oswin is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pixley. Merritt Stark brought over from pasture his son Gene’s four horses last week and a number have already enjoyed horseback LOCAL TELEPHONE SOLD The Hood Canal Telephone has been purchased by Frank Nos~ Mt. View-Rayonier, little Loop. July 9 August 13 Mt. View at Skokomish. Union-Activians, big Loop. DeMolay-Rayonier, little Loop. July 11 August 15 Skokomish at Union, Active-Rayonier, big Loop. Mt. View—DeMolay, little Loop. August 20 Rayonier at Skokomish. Union-Mt. View, big Loop. DcMolay-Activians, little Loop. uly 18 August 22. Rayonier at Union. Activians-Mt. View, little Loop. Skokomish-DeMolay, big Loop. July 23 August 27 Activians at Skokomish. Union-DeMolay, 'big Loop. Rayonier-Mt. View, little Loop. Double Dose Of | .1 l l Grapeview J line 6 Grapeview, June 10—Thursday, worthy of Olympia, also the home June 6, was “doubleheader” day of C. M. Pixley. Mrs. Marciafor Grapeview. The annual meet- Clark who has been handling theling of the Vaughn Ladies’ Aid phone business for her brother, is erty. l Lower, Skokomish School Teachers Are All Retained By Jack Twiddy lwas held at the home of Mrs.‘ H. v move to a cottage on the prop- society, conducted the meeting as- sisted by Mrs. Van Slyke and Mrs. Freeborn. After the business ses- sion Mrs. A. A. Stratford read from “A Doctor of the Old School” and Mrs. H. E. Peterson read “A Tribute to Dad” and Mrs. Terry, accompanied by Mrs. Kingsbury, sang two numbers. Mrs. Bert Mit- chell presented the work of the State Board of Congregational Women. Mrs. Peterson was assist- Lower Skokomish, June 10_ cd by Mrs. Walter Eckert, Mrs. School on the reservation closed A» At Stratfordv MTS- Wm- Spoon‘ on Tuesday, June 4, The school er, Miss Hattie Barker, Mrs. E. J. directors held their meeting on Monday, June 3, at which time thepresent staff of teachers were engaged for the next term of school. The teacher’s staff con- sists of Mrs. Gladwin, principal, Mrs. Hawks, Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Rasmussen. The dance Saturday, June 8th, sponsored by the Twanoh Athle- tic Club was a success, with a big crowd in attendance. Twanoh Athletic Club added an- other scalp to their belt Sunday, June 9, by defeating the Queets Indians by a score of 13 to 5. Bat- teries fOr the game were: Queets, Bennett, Hicks and Davis; Twa- noh Athletic Club, Wilbur, Allen, Miller, Smith and Peterson. A clam bake was enjoyed by a large crowd before the game. On Saturday, June 22, at 2:30 the Twanoh Athletic Club will play the Shelton Olympics at the J. E. Martin, A. L. Bell, and F. C. Willey were appointed ap- praisers of the estate of the late Maude A. Miller in a superior court order signed by Judge John M Wilson Saturday, i; row A7 — NC SERVICE MASON COUNTY STEAM LAUNDRY Wright, Mrs. A. W. Zizz and Mrs. Hillman. The meeting of the Vau- ghn women at Grapeview is an- ticipated with pleasure each year and this occasion was much en- joyed, as usual. The other “occasion” of the day was the school picnic at Twanoh Park on the Canal. There was a. good attendance and the tables, under the direction of Mrs. Bill Sund, Mrs. Al Okonek, Mrs. Buck- ingham and Mrs. L. Wren were loaded with grand eats. Games and hiking on the trails were enjoyed by the younger ones. This, also, is an annual affair to which all look forward. Mrs. F. A. McIntyre of Matlock drove over for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Zizz. Bernard Housen has joined the daily commuters to Bremerton where he is employed in the Navy Yard Mrs. Elton Cleveland (Marvel ier husband is in Alaska. Mr. Bert Mitchell drove to Ore- gon Saturday morning and return- ied that evening with Mrs. E. E. Lange'llier, who will spend the summer with the Mitchells. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Richards .and Albert Richards of Seattle I and daughter, Karla, Mrs. Ceder- berg and Mrs. Bill Bumgardner, all of Shelton, and Mrs_ Elmer Wiss, Mrs. Isabel Droscher and the hostess, Mrs. J. LaPage. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wright and children of Tacoma, spent the lweekend at the J. M, Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gilliatt of Bremerton, were calling on friends in the community on Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Wiss, Mrs. Isabel Droscher and Mrs, J. LaPage were guests at a birthday luncheon giv- en for Miss Olivia Cederberg in Shelton on Wednesday. . Mrs. Craig of Tacoma, spent Memorial Day with her sister Mrs. J. M. Peterson. The Pickering Homemakers club met with Mrs Maldor Lund- quist Thursday afternoon. Fif- teen members responded to roll be with Mrs, J. E. Jones, on June 20th. Mrs. Chas. Droscher and son Jerry, were overnight guests on Tuesday night of Mrs. Droscher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiss. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larsen of Shelton, were guests at the La- sults. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bennett. ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ball, made a trip around Harstine Island on Sunday. The Shelton high school picnic was held at Mrs. Hushek’s resort on Spencer Lake on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peach of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wylie were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong at their cabin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J, LaPage were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gilliatt of Bremerton Wednes- lday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Mitchell, Mrs. Williams and daughter, Jan- et, Mr. and Mrs. Hallendorf and sons Jerry and Dale, all of Se- attle, splint Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Maldor Lundquist and family. Mrs. Lillian Cameron and son Sam, joined friends from Olympia and Shelton for a. trip up Hood Canal and a. view of the beauti- ful rhododendrons last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cole made a trip around Harstine Island in their boat during the week, camp- ing out one night. , Mrs. J. M. Peterson spent the weekend in Tacoma visiting rel- atives. IMrs. Em Welty of Seattle, is Visiting at the Frank Wylie home. Mr_ and Mrs. Orin Woodworth and children, Jackie, Virginia and Fanny Ann of Yakima, spent the Mr. and Mrs. P. E, Ball were overnight guests of Mr and Mrs. R. P. Anderson of Minerva Park, Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanlon spent Sunday with her niece and family, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Bemis and children of Hoquiam. spent Sunday at their home. Zintheo Attends 2 Realty Conclaves summer after enjoying four days at two realty conferences last week. One day was spent in Vancou- ver, Wash, where the Washing- ton State Association of Realty Boards met for its annual ses- sion. A trip through the Van- couver industrial found highly \ Mrs. O.'Woodworth and Mrs. :P. E. Ball called on Mrs. J. M. Peterson Sunday afternoon, ,GIRL ARRIVES FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs, Roger Spaulding of Shelton became parents Fri- day of a. baby daughter born at Shelton hospital. . . . I. I. McKitric 71 a former M. C. Nell) Zintheo, Shelton Mrs , . . , I rcaltor an(d insurance agent, was Shelton l'eSldent. last Fl'lday 1“ back at his desk again this week Shelton man, Puyallup. Funeral seerce were Three days were spent in Port- land at the annual convention of the Pacific Northwest Realtors Ass’n, which dovetailed in neatly with, the annual and noted Port- land Rose Festival, which Mr. Zintheo described as one of the section was most beautiful events he had ever interesting by theseen, fielder of a sure home run, was the defensive piracy of the game. Liddle smacked the ball hard three times but couldn’t get a safe hit. Next Monday the L. M. enter- tains The Spar ten on Loop Field at 6:30 in the final game of the first round of the schedule. Three rounds comprise the full Schedule. The short score last night: R. H. E. L, M. ........ ..313 010 2 10 10 0 Brewery .... ..001 000 0 l 3 5 Batteries: Millikan and Eac— rett; Johnson, Peterson and En- sley. Skokomish Sends Grange Drill Team To State Confab Skokomish Grange will be much in evidence in Olympia this week when State Grange is in session. The local Grange will be repre- sented by its drill team, wnich last year received such favorable notice. Mrs. Faye Johnston and Mrs. Mary Skerbini are the com- completing the negotiations. She E. Peterson. There were 16 from Page home Sunday: The .men mittee in Charge' State Grangel i Z The Abstract Man of will remain here to assist the newleach community present. Mrs. M. , spent most Of the time hShmg 0“ ‘is m seSSion June 11 14‘ I 5 organization for a while and wilmenesI president of the VaughnlSpencer Lake With very good re.- At the electionx last Saturday ’ for special tax levy for school district No. 43, the voters au- thorized the folly by a vote of 52 to 3. . Mr. and Mrs. Toefiel Richert have rented their farm and dairy herd to Warren Johnston. The Richerts are moving to Shelton. Paul Keever will work for War- ren Johnston on the ranch. The Skokomish garden group met last Monday With Mrs. Her- man Abern. The new group is headed by Mrs. Marie Meek, president, and the secretary is Mrs. Betty Welsh. The Nels Johnsons, who have been living at the Musgrove place on the Olympic highway have purchased a house at.Camp 3 and moved there. The death of Avery Reed came as a. shock to this community and Mrs, Reed has our sincere sympathy. Since their marriage just a few years ago the couple has lived very quietly at the old Jesse Kirkland place. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kopperman have moved to the Valley from Mountain View. They are occupy- ing the teacher’s cottage. EdI Ahern has had a bulldozer clearing.his beach property near Union. Farmers are beginning to cut hay and report a good crop this year. Mr. Jay Todd, from Seattle, was an overnight guest at his Lo 81 k ‘sh d'amond. . Sisters. Mrs, Jean Todd Fredson - n wer .3113; Housen) is welcomed back as a weekend Wlth Mrs. WOOdworth’S on Friday. ' , getllel and dEClde Who to send dow APPRAISERS APPOINTED resident for a few months while parents! Mr- and Mrs- P- 13- Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ahern . and son Philip drove to Medina Sunday to flat Mr. and Mrs. Ruley Parent. Mrs. Parent was Esther Ahern, and Philip will spend the summer at Medina, helping in the gas station which Mr. Parent owns and operates. {Former Resident Dies in Puyallup Word has been received by Shelton friends of the passing of held Monday. Mrs. William Shorter, Miss Nel- lie Shorter, Mrs. Sarah Marshall, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Bennett, of Shelton attended the last rites. Mrs. McKitric is survived by her husband, who was a carpenter while in Shelton, and two sons, Howard and Stanley. her Most styles; Popular plain or wing tip styles, or two- tones. We can change the size later if it doesn‘t fit. Smart Loafer Coats . . . . . . . . $3.95 Spun Rayon. Well tailored plains in soft materials for sport and business. . All wools $5.95. CoffeeCups 50¢ With saucers . . . Father’s size . . . plain 50¢ ;decorated 75¢ Every Smoker Appreciates SMOKING TOBACCO . . . VELVET, P. ALBERT, GRANGER ....... _. 73¢ Full 1-lb. cans. CIGARE’TTES ............................ .- Carton $1.47 Camels, Luckies, Chesterfields, Raleigh, Pall Mall. PIPES .......................................................... __ $1.00 Frank Medico or Smoke Masterf Others 50¢. Pocket Knives ........... 25¢ up U .. FATHER’S DAY/:yd There’s no better WW ing Dad that yol} just about the fin give on earth than to :i‘“ GENUINE PALIM CRAVATS. They 1"; , cool—easy to tle/ I, muss and wear d ‘ longer. Patente . . , . . i IoN. ‘ . , ndmg, Gene Stark ,5 ex ected call and three ViSitors were pres- CONSTRIUCT Appomtment 0‘ home from puuman Saturday 0,. S ent. Delicious refreshments were By Jean Todd Fredson All sizes and kinds Washability. £11115] .' Sunday, l g served. The next meeting will Skokomish Valley, June 10 ~ teed. Watches $150111) Electric Shavers .. $7.50 & $15.00 Shave-masters 1.00 . sons and daughters /- ‘ HERE’S a great idea, a double 102ir . for Father’s Day . . . gang up and give Suit from the L. M. Men’s Shop. ly important these day to keep D his very smartest. e c 0‘7 We can really get enthusiasti and - Dads we know . . . they’re a lot of gr . , and each and every one would get 3 b1? out of this unanimous vote of confider1 a thoughtful family. You know the kind of clothes he, 100 in and likes to wear . . . and don’t Wofl : the fit, we’ll take care of that. Justip come in a body . . . we can help. i .Timely Clothes $35.00 to $45.00 Curlee Clothes $22.50 to $32.50 Won’t the old boy chuckle when he g his new Suit . . . on Father’s Day 1 I On Time JuSt Pay 1A; monthly! . -'