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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Defense Sounds f 3 to 5 minutes attack minutes imminent. '-NO. 24 /962 Percy M Pie 6017 S.E. 86th Ave Ente,edA seo,c)s ImttTLi).atptlu, llptdofcekit ) Siltelt.2 , a:Jlinton: 10 Cents per Copy lde, t @u/d Reduce ." ": I EFFECTIVE i00aa Lumber Import , ') /; 10 hliIllL  k ,;tely declare an to be given Senator "Warren G, / : .against excess've Magnu,%on's Commerce Committee ,_ imports, tile in Washington June 14 and 15 ' 'j flE.hel'rnen's Associa- shonld convince President Kennedy "k| _"i,,dgett, executive place an immediate quota restraint ....  q,.__L____=.i,_ said Senators upon fast-growing Canadian im- J'JL' I 1 I:. e and Vance ports," Edgett said. ET | rRVlL/g|Ueted hearings Softwood imports in the U.S. .rnr ,dm,Ji.: t problems in Ma,'ket increased 21.5 persent in .a. ' W "vqqmlk:3, suggested the the first four months of 1962 "!ELmPply to Lhe U.S. Edgett said oor ma at the i:r0 for relief, imp "t. y take asCUrrentnnch asra'0 :[ea's Economic percent of the total U. S. softwood .   aj)e immediately market within the coming year " 0ffln'lission ano , LOCAL STOCK - EA. dL # " ' ............................ I liE) ti°n would re- " • | I}ontbs," Edgett i ,. . • J_ I aths of the cur- ' mo00o kaualizatmn I I m::o,,e mills down -- WOrk.,, : the Tariff Com- ' :: " vised lumber- Board J00la f,=,,/ "or That Summer Salad  ellilY for assist- - ........ "'-- "ERBUNCH Itl0000nelspending The Mason County Commisslon ,---  • m;cerdepertmental will meet at I0 a.m. July 2 to r h # .lll. made at the form itself as the county board of | II0000lte 00ouse equalization. The board will have l p' I .tion 22 "of the additional sessions to hear appeals -- ' _',;! Marketing Act during the following two weeks. ' -'izes the Prem-  action i ports of agri- re sufficient ndustry can S er and wood agricultural Act. North- Willis Burnett, county assessor, said the assessment roll would be open to public inspection during the two weeks the Ioard of equal- ization is having its sessions. Much of the work is completed and notices of assessment have been sent to some taxpayers, Burnett said. ERS 2], Reed 6raduates DiplomasFriday ....-.OWd filled the _.. I1" Friday night 0 Ill JI 'ne S Re-d  " • m Shur-fresh'"00=nv graduating NGEL FD. OAKE" 400002rd "roaident, to ounce .............. class hearts PPLE TURNOVERS Pkg' at *,t,e eere- of 2 super- were Mike WIN LOAF BREAD ounce Nancy Briggs and William Ra3- mend, National Merit Scholarship certificates of merit; Sharon KeN lerman and John Sells, senti-fin- alists in National Merit Schohu'- ship program. Two 1961 graouates received scholarships for the second con- secutive year. Barbara Pearson was awarded the Shelton-Mason County Zonta Club scholarship WHOLE KERNEL ,12.ounce Tin NIBLETS OORN NIBLETS 12-ounce Tins MEXIGORN ONE-HALF GALLON GLOROX BLEAGH POWDER ROOM Assorted 400'$ FAOIAL TISSUE POWDER ROOM Asstd. 4.pak TOILET TISSUE NABISCO -- 16-ounce Pkgs. OREO GREMES ALLEGRES LARGE 'OHEX EGGS TASTEwELL OATSUP award winners Olympic Col- Pacific Deenie Schafer [inton, Uni- scholarship on, Central dornl- .arvin Bailey, State College 8elolarship. University students cooperative ; Carolyn Colle sehol- Mr. Lee's [e scholar- Dill- Mr. Tacoma Award in I Music and Beckwith KeN Hi- achieve- Shelton Wetter h'ene As- Hin- Jour- outstanding Wet- alternate, Cam- S. Reed schol- 40 eL 8, SCholarship; IbeMiero, ache- Mason Sher- Lawver's Citer, "'Wa- SsOeiatioil Club of and E. Reed and Katherine Richey the Shelton General Hospital Auxiliary schol- a rship. Linda Sp0.oner and I4therine Richey reived Thurston-Mason County Medical Society Schloar- ship for the second consecutive year. Class' speakers at the gradua- tion were Lynn Jeffery, Nancy Briggs, Cathy Heuston and Shar- on Kellerman; Musical selections were presented by the senior band, senior choir,and Sandra Stevens, a vocal solo. The Rev. W. F. Kellerman of 1he Redeemer Lutheran church, Dayon, gave the invocation and benediction. were Martin arieltman the State elation SSocia,tion in BeN tress- IT'S FLAG DAY TODAYFlags are waving up and down the streets in the Shelton business dis- trict for Flag Day today. Here, Ray Spilseth, left, places a flag in its holder while his brother, Lea, holds several others ready to place them. Ray heads the flag committee of the Mason County Chapter of the Washington Association for Retarded Children, which has the project to IWA, Lumber Charles Savage, business agent of IWA Local 38, said a meeting of the IWA Advisory Committee has been scheduled June 20. The committee will get a report on the progress of negotiations and consider what should be done, he I said. raise funds. For a fee from the merchant, the group will furnish a flag and standard and see it is put out on specified days. Association members are busy now with their annual re- newal campaign. Already the response has been gratifying, Ray said. Other members of the as- sociation flag committee are Bob Kimbel and Don Smith. Company Talks Continued Negotiations between lumber companies and the International parking at two points along High- Woodworkers Association contin- way 101 within the city limits, ued in Portland last week. should be discontinued when they met Tuesday aftezo0n. Dog Awakens Owner to Pull Neighbor From Burning Home HERO OF FIRE--Teddy, an Australian Shepherd dog, sat beside his master, Wally Aldrich, at Elmer Swanson's Cabins, as Aldrich described how Teddy had wakened his son and him in time to get a neighbor from a burning cabin. Teddy wasn't too sure about the camera and after the picture was taken, came over and sniffed to see what that was the photograpter was holding. A hero al'ollnd Ehner S'4rans 0n's c'tbins near the airport these dayS is "Teddy" a h.trge, black an(l white Ausl.ralian Shepherd dog. Teddy is credited with waking sleeping cabin inhabitants in time for them to get a man oat of a Eurning cabin and prevent the fh'e from. spreading further Wed- nesday night, June 6. Teddy's barlcing walcened his owner, Wally Aldrich, aad his son, City Gets Petition For LIO, Protest Is Hoard The Shelton City Corarftislon e,, lr6provement; ,twice.. ,:e4, a disputed LID petitioand )>NLE,, MYOR,. delaying..Atctj0n. a suggestion from the State High- on the.petition for'a, week, advised way Department that parallel them that the problem was be- They differed action on both. A petition was prdsented to in elude two blocks of Callanan Street along with another area in Mt. View on which a petition was submitted last week. THE PETITION was presented by Glen Watson who had present- ed the previous petition. He said he was presenting it on behalf of Vern Howe, one of the property owners, whohad instigated the action. Mrs. Mary Peterson, spokesman for three women from the area, asked What could, be done to keep the LID from going .through until they could settle a problem with the contractor who had sold the honses. She said that according to the contracts, the street improvement was supposed to be included as part of the cost of the houses. She wanted to be certain, she said, before the LID went through that those owners who had bought homes under those conditions did not end up paying for the street State Rural Mail Carriers To Meet Here About 00 persons from throug- out the state are expected to gath' er in Shelton July 8-11 for the State Convention of the Washing- ton Rural Letter Carriers Associa- tion. Headquarters for the convention will be the PUD Auditorium. Officials of the organization from the Seattle regional office will attend the meeting. Speakers will be state officials from Olym- pia%Iax Jordan, Mississippi, nation- al vice president, and M's. Rial Rainwater, Oklahoma, n a t i o n a I committeewoman, will also attend. tween the property owners mad the contractor and that the city would not do anything for a week to give them time to get it settled. In a letter to the commission, the State Highway Department said that in a recent check of possible speed limit changes on Highway 101, they had found two places where businesses utilized angle parking along the highway and this was a definite traffic hazard, Angle parking along a State Highway is illegal under state law, the Highway Department pointed out. POLICE CHIEF Paul Hinton sad that the problem had been going on for a number of years and that the Highway Department had suggested it be remedied on previous occasions. Mayor Trawls said it was an obvious problem, but, he did not want to do Something which might hurt business by cutting down on its parking area. He suggested that something might be worked out with the owners of the businesses so they would have enough off-street park- ing space So that parallel parking along the highway could be in- stalled without causing them a hardship. City Attorney John Ragan told the commission he had ehecked into a request of the former com- mission that he investigate possi- ble perjury in hearing. He said it wouid be necessary to spend about $500 to get the necessary transcrip£s of the hearing. The commission tabled further action until they can look into the. problem. The Chamber of Commerce turned over to the city a request for more picnic tables at Kneeland Pa rk. , "The number of tables there now was inadeqnate to take care of the number of people who wantcd to use them, Shelton Schools To (let Funds The Shelton Consolidated School District has been certified for im- mediate payment of $9,355 and a tentative entitlement of $13,530 under Public Law 874 by the De- partment of Health, Education and Welfare, Senators Warren Magntt- son and Henry M. Jackson re- ported this week. The law provides funds for schools whose enrolhnent has been effected by federal installations. ................................ -.2.-___ Time To Renew Dog Licenses Mtyor Frank Trawls Jr. re- minded heiton residents tltis week that city clog licenses ex- pire tim end of Jmm ad must Im renewed. jrees are ,$3 for an mtspayed "female zmd $2 tar t spayed female and male. • Don. Don went to inve.tigate and • 'row the cabin of Lawz'mce Widte eak across the, road in flanms. 15r. L. E. [to the cabin and got White out. night in He ws paralyzed ft'om breathing Park in the smoke mid would not live been able to make it ont himself, they- the eider Aldrich said. sOUtlx end Forest Service fire figltting Shape for equipment arrived to fight the ' ' and it con-' There are 352 members of the trol. The fire did extensive dam- association in Washington, includ- age to the inside of the cabin, ins retired rural letter carriers and Aller everything had quieted substitutes are 360 rural down, and tire Aldrichs had gone mail routes in the state. bac.k to bed, they were again awal{encd by Teddy when one of the m;0tresses which had been Strike Keeps pulled from' lhe burning cabin had flamed lip. Both rally Aldrich and Ehner Srallson, ovvner Of tile cabins, said ifthedogha(in,LwakenedLhe Work Halted residents when he did, WhiLe would most likely not have gotten out of tile cabin and the fire The strike by won work@rs con- could have easily spre'd and done tinued to tie up construction of a great deal more damage than the Washington Correction Center it did. and other projects in the Shelton Teddy is friendly with everyone area. who lives in the cabins and acts Talks between the union Assort- as a watch dog for all the cabins, ated General Contractors contin- Aldrich said. ued in hopes of finding a solution. White was taken by ambulance The strike is affecting con- to a hospital the night of the fire. struction projects throughout the He is now up and  [. law Prohibits Use of SchoeJ Bus In Recreation Program The use of school busses for the Transportation c'ty's summer recreation pro- Ooherty I$ gram has run afoul of a state law strengthened by the 1961 legisla- ture. Hitch Cancels sc00oo, board members con-a$etaH sidered the problem Tuesday night. IVItILE ANXIOUS to assist the program, the board could see no 5irl'00 Camp way ill which they could legally Coach Here allow the use of busses, except at a cost to the recreation program which it couldn't afford to pay. Girl Scout Day Camp in the R.W. Oltman, superintezlent of Shelton area has been cancelled schools, told the board tlmt under for this year because of a caneella- the law. tie program could be de- tion of the use of school busses clared an extra-eirricular activity, for transportation, the Shelton Day but, then the recreation program Camp Committee of the Tall would have to pay all costs of the i Timber Girl Scout Conncil an- bus operation. .{ nounced this week. He estimated it would cost about It had been planned to use scbool $35 a day to operate the bus. in busses to transport the girls, but, addition to the cost of a driver. the committee was informed it THE LAW, revised by the 1961 ::: would be impossible becanse of a legislature, has . been in effect state law which forbids their use about a year, but, this is the first for non-school activities, time it ha come up. There isn't time enough to set up The law states "the school board plans with a new camp site and shall charge, for any extra-cirricu- a new program this year, the corn- lar uses, an amount sufficient to mittee said. reimburse the district for its com- :;:::":: The committee is making plans plete cost incurred by reason of to locate at a different camp site such u." in 1963. Oltman suggested one alterna- ::.i!.ii.!. tire -- that the recreation ecru- Letters of explanation and fee mittee purchase one of the busses JIM DOHERTY refunds are being sent to all girls the district was going to replace. New Basketball Coach who have signed up, the committee said. THE SCHOOL BOARD sug- There are still openings at Camp gested a possible meeting with the Jim Doherty, 33-year-old veteran Kennydell for established campers, recreation committee to see if of eight years of high school bas- the committee advised the girls, sontething could be worked out. ketball coaching, was named as "We hope everyone wR1 under- The school board approved con- successor to Jerry Vermillion as stand the reason for the cancella- tracts for Jim Doherty as has- Shelton's varsity basketball men- tion and give their full support to lcetball coach: Betty Eager and tot Tuesday night i)y city school any further plans," the committee Marilyn Johnson as elementary superintendent R. W. Oltman. said. school teachers and put school Doherty's appointntent was ap- ._._ nurse Rosie Smith on contract, proved by the school board at its ree- Aite-nd Oltman told the board in recom-regular meethtg Tuesday. Th mending Doherty, he appeared Doherty comes to Shelton after to be the best choice from a field four years at Sequim. of about 1.5 who had inquired about This past season he became cen- the position. THE BOARD decided, not to Lral figure in a disciplinary con- Boys State troversy which rocked the Sequim accept a piece of land offered by community after he dropped a half J. E. Angle as a potential school dozen varsity players for breaking site. The land was offered with a training rules. Three Shelton high school jun- reversionary clause so that it The incident received state-wide iors start a memorable week of would go back to Angle if a school attention and won much snpport citizenship and leadership train- wa not built on it within seven for Doherty's action among sports ing next Sunday as delegates to years, followers for his conrage in plac- the American Legion sponsored The board voted, on the recom- ing prinmple above victory. Boys State at Pacific Lutheran mendation of Oltman, a three per PRIOR TO HIS tenure at Se- University in Tacoma. cent salary increase for non-certifi- quire he had coached one year at Mike Carte is being sponsored cate district employees. M()ntesano and three years at by the Shelton Kiwanis Club, John The board was told legal papers Leavenworth in eastern Washing- Anderson by the Mason County were being processed in the suit ton He has also had Co;hing ex- 40 & 8 Voiture 135, and Loren over the building of the addition to perience in assistant; roles Ih foot- Gee by Fred B. Wivell American Grant C. Angle School. ball and track. Legion Post. At Shelton he will succeedBrnce Theywill return to their Shelton Car Stolen Kreger as tennis ct, aeh am will homes June 24 after a week of handle the high ache)el intranural training in the functional aspects basketball program. ' r of citizenship and constructive at- Doherty was selectcd f  a £itdes toward tbe American form In Shelton gr°up of 15 applicants fo rth, r , p 0" of government. '  sition yarn.ted by Ven.dl ten hen This is accomplished by setting he accepted the var.:' h1.¢ball Ula.. "model". govermnental units His car was slen while parked coaching assignm'en: ,,VIar- city, ;' county and state -- in at second and 'o[a treLs Ttie- tins College a montlL: agr Ver- which the delegates elect their day night, Danrhy Wilson, 808"S. million spent .fur ye' at the own officers through two 'model" 13th street, tolcl the Shelton Pc- Highclimber helm, during which political parties known as Blue lice Department. he Lwice Lied for Lhe Seamount and Gold. They are assigned to The car is a 1956 Oldsmobile, league championslip. their governmental units and white and grey. The license num- Doherty is a graduate of Whit- political parties according to the ber is XAC-773. worth College in Spokane, where order in which they register at The theft oecured about 8:45 he had an outstandipg playing ca- Boys State. p.m. Tuesday. reer. He was all-conference choice in the Evergreen league for three years, wa chosen as Inland Em- Tourists to Be Chamber Guest ,,, ,oo:,. and was captain and inspirational award winner in his senior year in 'Operation Smi/e " Sunday HE AND VERMILLION were teammates on an outstanding in- dependent amateur team in Spo- By early next Monday afternoon kane wlich played in the AAU some lucky out-of-state tourist and national tournament. Hinton ran* his wife will be carrying an indel- He graduated in 1954 with his ible memory of Mason County back bachelor of arts degree in educa- home. tion. His classroom experience has Journalism As the Chamber of Commerce been in physical education and so- part in "Operation Smile", Sheriff cial sciences mainly. W. A. Potter, accompanied by Lea Doherty is a native of Minneso- Joslin, chairman of the Chamber's ta. graduating front DuhtLh high wKnp'"0r's'o committee for the "Operation school in 19,17 after whtch he at- Smile" project, will stop a car tended Lhe Du]nth branch of the with an out-of-state license early University of Minnesota for one Sunday afternoon, year. .;;: lts occupants will be handed a He and his wife have Lwo daugh- ;i.ik Century 21 World's Fair packet ters, 8 and 4 years old. They will ;: containing free tickets t:o num- he looking for a three-bedrenm erous fair events, and one of the l,ouse to rent when they move to log-monument replicas the Shelton Shelton. ]::":" Lions Club has been selling. ' ........................................... !i: Following pictnre taking at the Fee Is Set For i, ' log monument on Hillcrest and the Santa Clause monument down- town, the tourists will be taken on a tour of Hood Canal and a Record equests sidetrip to Lake Cushman, to din- ner at the Cottage Care, provided a night's lodging at the Mill Creek Mason Cmtnty commissi.oners set Mote], breakfast Monday morning a fec of 10 cents a line for dupli- at the Shelton Hotel, a tour of cations of property records in the either Simpson's mills On the wa- county treasurer's, and assessor's I terfront of the Company's logging offices when they ]net Monday. operations tat their option with The action was taken after Oscar Levin as their guide), then Assessor Willis Burnett and Tress- given a hmch at Ritner's Broiler urer John B. Cole appeared before DENNIS HINTON before being sent on their way. the commission to ask that a "Operation Smile", an annual standard fee be set. At Journalism WorkMmp Chantber project, is being held in The records usually requested Dennis Hinton, outstanding conjunction with World's Fair-are the name and address and young journalist at Irene S. Reed ".hospitality week" this year, Joslin asscsser's tax lot number of wart- high school,-is attending a special said. newspaper workshop at the Uni- cus pieces of property. versity of Washingto this week The fee will apply to all persons mder the sponsorship 'of the except, government agencies. Shelton-Mason County Journal. Four Confess The boardsetJuly2asthedate The workshgp is limited to 50 of a bearing on a request for a outstanding Journalism students franchise to serve part of the in Washington high schools. It Lake Cushman area with elee- sLarted Monday and continues -00,,nur"lar;es, tric, ity by the City of Tacoma. through Friday with the students 'The commission is also working living in University dormitories cn a request from Nat- and studying at work sessions aL Four young Olympia men, held iwal Gas company for a fra, nehise to put natural gas lines in t.he the university's school of communi- in Thurston County jail have con- county. No date Ires been act for cations, fessed to 10 burglaries in Mason a hearing. Speakers and instructors for the County in reeenL months, the A hearing on Paradise Shore sessions include Seattle-area news- Mason County Shutoff s Office said. Estates, scheduled for 2::]0 p.m. papermen and women from both The four, Glen Kline, Claire Monday was postponed one week daily and weelcly newspapers on Kline, George Borden and Ken at the reqnest of those interested. topics ranging from news and Morgan, wet'e questioned by Mason ................................... , ........ feature writing Lo editing, photos- County officers this week. Officials Seek raphy and advertising. The thefts include frozen food The young journalists will also taken from one home and all the St0en Truck gather and edit news for the first: furnislfings from another. summer edition of the University student newspaper, The Daily. Quite a bit of the stolen prop- Mason County officials are look. They will have time to enjoy erty has been recovered, the ing for a 1946 1':,-ton Ford truck several evenings aL the C-21 sheriff's office said. reported stolen front the Simpson World's Fair. / Maso{ County officers Were also Timber Conq)any somehme be- Hinton was awarded the on then' trail wlmn they were tween Friday and Monday. Journal's annnal scholarship for arrested. They had the name and The lruclc was Jn [.he Kennedy his work with the Highclimber, address of one of the l.our and Creek area when taken. student newspaper at Irene S. had obtained a search warrant for Sheldon P. Sageser, North Reed high school, during the past his home when the arrests were Shore, reported a cabin broken two years, made. /nLo sometime eince Niay 1.