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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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? !i!!!;+ ¸ 14, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A./" Shelton, Washington &apos; ' + + .............................. ' Local Telephone L ts t and M+ Employee Honored Page 3 Week of school ;'l)proprialrely decorated, was pro-week following the sale of their Clifton James and daughter Car- eports :o .tccessory thefts t to Shelton Police t. 1, Shelton, report- aps stolen from his €as parked in Ever- Mrs. Alez Toney, , Shelton, reported tolen front her ear. Aberdeen, leported ur lmb caps from his t Shelton. 'vVarren .n'ted a sport coat eontainiug clothing is car wifile parked +venue. Dorcy, 118 South said hc lost a tent of his car. The tent into a bundle. 'oman Gets 'ore Purdue :'bogast, Shelton, was ts at Purdue Univer- e, Ind., who received mmencement exerei- :1 a nmster of science cation. • . are endowed by with certain inalien- • .among these are and .the pursuit of .... Thomas Jefferson YOUR III YOUR grade school ' Mrs. Myron all to delicious ats. A scrump- .Y dinner was esday by the H ,rr3 Hillman. mt ofir  were Hillman to tim grader+, Sanfm'd, C tier Clayton, them with much to their To top off Your home and like all q be mies are very they include vandalism others. Fol lense loss from get one Policies £or kR, AVE. A..i-  426-4134 n61u 'r¢ , E1 1Nx PLACE Herb !K RLO Ar Dmk Angle , -- • :' ':EA co, .u YOU .,.,o. ;'' Ur8 Stea 1'7! " mshlp,  Railroad Bus Lines & rts" CALL: RAVEL NTI R IE PAY THE FREI( ide(1 by Mrs. Julius Stock• A trip to Olympia and a tour of our state capitol building, fol- lowed by tasty picnic fare served at the beautiful Priest Point park, filled Wednesday to overflowing. Thoughtful of the chilflren, as ahvays, Mrs. Polk sent along gaily decorated spice cupcakes, and a sheet cake as extra goodies for the entire school. More than one mother accompanying the group returned to Grapeview that evening with quivering leg muscles as a result of making the 262-step climb up into the capitol dora( with the children. Mother nature lent a helping hand when, after .' cool and rainy spell, she flood- ed the day with sunshine, making a perfect outing of it. GRAPEVIE1V'S LONE high school graduate, Mary Jane Cook received her diploma from Shel- tows Irene S. Reed high school at the impressive commencement exercises held last Friday evening at the high school gymnasium. Mary Jane plans to pursue a nur- sing career. She will leave late this weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook, and sister Billie Jean for Topeka, Kan- ,,,as, where she will report to the Stormont-Vail Hospital for an in- terview and physical examination to determine her acceptance into their Nurses' Training School this fall. The Cooks will be house guests of Howard's brother, Dr. Harry H. Cook, who is an oral surgeon. Incidently, Howard, Cleo and family moved into the form- n Any New 'Oar in Our You Save nbler American . . $ iani Sedan . . , $ !! moulh Sedan . , , Top Trade in " 0000I,,UMINUM BANK TERMS :rnbination (IMBEL MOTORS o o R gSLER -- PLYMOUTH --- ;LER -- INTERNATION,b ,. First St. Storm Door to Seconds '299s =P OR BOTTOM • SOLID, INUM CONSTRUCTION EAORETT LUMBER Phone HA 6-4522 @ tome Lo 3()b and Carole Battles, formerly of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rauschert were most proud and happy to learu that son Tyrone, not only made the Olympic College's Hon- or Roll, but also the President's List. Tyrone will be graduated this evening (June 14) with an A.T.A. degree (Associate Tech. Art 3) in Electronics and will re- port on the job Monday morning at Boeing's Developmental Cen- ter in Seattle as a quality control inspector, working on the Minute Malt missile. Tyrone and his char- ruing wife Jackie live in Tacoma. "AT HOME" again in their Grapeview sunamer cottage are Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gurney. Daughter Frona, Mrs. Robert M. Stern, drove them tip from their el Ann front Sunday until today. The James drove up front Ash- land, Ore., to visit Century 21 and were most delighted to be able to make the Robinsons' home their Fair headquarters. COMBINING TI-IE At)VENT of smnmer vacation and Elsie'fi birth- day, the Arthur Zehes made a full clay of this past Sunday. Star- ting out at 7 a.m., they attc'nded early church in Bremerton and were able to arrive at the Cen- tury 21 Exposition before 11 a.m. Touching lightly on the many ex- hibits and attractions, they for- nmlated plans for returning at a later date (as so many of us have) but managed to squeeze in a little of most everything (with the help of the sky-ride) before their de- parture shortly after 6 p.m. Hollywood winter home and was. Ar'rivin at the Seattle Fair • • r  " race enough to bring along some just about the time the Zehes of that. fabulous Califorma sun-]were leaving were Mr. and Mrs. shine gwng much needed encour-IWalt Clayton h" and family ac agement to our late-arriving sum- 1 companie 1 by' lt:s. Clayton';:-unt met" weather. [and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Also at home again after a ILineinger of Glen Lock, Pennsyl- bout with an infection in a hip!vania. An overdue train brought fracture suffered many months;the Lineingers into Seattle three ago, is Mrs. Hall Shepard. In thours late but the delay and the fact, Dixie has been doing so well]jangled nerves incurred failed to that she's already busy entertain- dull their enjoyment of the uni- ing house guests.  que Monorail trip to the fair Those enjoying her warm hos- pitality from Friday 'til Sunday were long-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bates of Los Angeles• Interestingly enough, the Bates were on their way home from Ja- )an after a two months' visit with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Burditt, who have been living in Gifu, Japan, for four years. Mr. Burditt is Techni- cal Advisor for Lockheed Air- craft Overseas International, Inc. i The Shepards were most intrigued with accounts of their side trips to Hong Kong, Singapore, Bang- kok and Taipei (capitol of For- mosa) and the beautiful colored photographs taken as they trav- eled. Visiting here in Grapeview with her niece attd husband, the Orville Kagers, is Mrs. Florence Tregask- is of American Fork, Utah. Mrs. Tregaskis arrived last Wednesday evening, "escorted" by son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Treg- askis and their three children. Thursday and Friday all of the Tregaskis family visited Century 21 and Saturday mot'ning, leaving the elder Mrs. Tregaskis to vimt a. little longer here, they left to make a tout" of Washington be- fore their return home. Mrs. Treg- askis planned to take her leave this weekemt to visit with rela- tives in Portland• STARTING OUT their vacation with a bang, Don and Shirley Pog- reba tucked Don, Susie and Jan- ie K. into the family ear early Saturday morning and took off for a long-anticipated trip "around the loop" Saturday's high .point of interest was ,] visit to Hurri- cane Ridge. After spending the night in Port Angeles they contin- ued on, finding both the rain for- ests and the beaches perfectly beautiful. Am:lying home late ;. day evening, lhey fell they had fulfilled a basic requirement for becoming "dyed-in-the-wool" Wa- s+hingtonians. Plans to visit Cen- tury 21 Tuesday seemed to be a suitable reward for putting in a full day Monday painting and working on "sround the house" projects. After bidding a fond farewell to granddaughter Linda Shallit, who was returning to San Francis- co after spending a two-weeks' va- cation with them, the M. J. Robin- grounds and the glorious panora- mic view seen from the top of the Space Needle. The close sched- ule of 'their International Rotary Tour (of which they were mem- bers) prevented the Lineingers from visiting in Grapeview and an 8:00 a.m. departure for Vic- toNa made a pre-midnight fare.. well an absolute necessity. Newcomers to out" community from Casper, Wyoming, who have moved into the former Howard Somers residence on Stretch Is- land, are Mr. and Mrs. Don Query and their five youngsters. The big move-in for this lively family took place last Saturday. WeN come PLAYING HOSTS to out-pC state friends coming to visit the fair have been Mr. and Mrs. Orin Soule. Portland friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Crewse drove up and spent several days here but incle- ment weather discouraged them from visiting the fair. This past Saturday the Sovles' daughter and Saturday the Soules' daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hall drove up from Primeville, Ore., and left daughters Judy and Gall Soule to visit with their grandparents for the month. Monday drop-in guests were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith of Napa, Calif., who have been visiting at their son's home in Tacoma. Busy times! Visiting' with sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hell, the Carl Jolliffs drove, up from Portland Tuesday and spent until Thursday just relaxing, family- style. Early Friday evening, the Hells welcomed for a few short hours Moses Lake guests, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Muelberger. No sooner had the Muelbergers departed than Marge's nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jolliff L,£Lh daughter Virginia and infant son David arrived and stayed until Smaday. Quite a houseful, con- sidering that Marge's .niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. harvin Hol- den and baby Jon are staying with the Hells for the surnnaer. Hospi- tality unabounded ! TALENTED PERFOItMERS at the annual Margie Speck Dance E. R. Stacey, Shelton, was pre- ;;cured an award for 15 years ser- vice with Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company last. week. Stacey received the award along with five employees from the Olympia area from John Irwin, district plant manager for Pacific Northwest Bell at a luncheon at the Tyee Restaui'ant in Olympia. Recital held at the Shelton Junior i High. Auditorium last Saturday t evening were Art and 'Kim .Nick- laus. Guests at the "Specktaeu- lar" besides fond parents, FREE-WHEELER--Carol Moe, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Moe, was the lucky winner of the fine bicycle offered as top prize in the recent contest sponsored jointly by The Bootery of Shelton and the manufacturers of Red Ball Jets shoes. .Eight other prizes offered over a period starting April 14 were won by Donald VanderWal, 9, a telescope; Terry Lewis, 2,'Candy Nutt, 13, Kris Kneeland, 12, Lori James, 7, and Carl Roush, 8, all binocu- lars; and Susan Busak, 9, a flash camera, 00++ii .......... ................................ " ................ ................ + ........................ 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'. }  iiiiii::::i:i:!:!ii!:i:?ii:!!??!:?:i:::?ii?i.::?!i!ii:i:? !:i??7:i: .. .i! ?ii!)iii!!!ii!i!i::i?!iiiiiii::!i!iiiiii::i:::iiii i!:i::!ii!ii!iiil } il!i:.:!:.:.:i:?ii??;i!:;iiii!ili:::;iilll;i:'j : Large plastic Dish drainer cutlery cup. What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself. --Thomas Sprat There aro soltlo defeats lnore tri- Uml)hanl ltmn victories. ....... Michel de Montaigne TV SEI'S FOR RENT Don't Miss the Fun anti Eptertainment o/f Television J TAYLOR RADIO ELEGTRIG 4th &Cota 426-6602 i .m H HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD Thai a Hearing Aid Won't Ip You? Don't give upl Let us show you the brand new Belt,one Classic HFE, designed especially for severe nerve losses. This may be just what will help you to hear more clearly, naturally, than before possible with a hearing aid. Come to see us at Eells and Valley Appliance Cenler Friday, June 15 between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. If you can't come in, telephone 426-4663, and we will be glad to call at your horne. , No obligation. Daniel E. Bruner Ernestine, and fond grandmother, It takes 50 raih'oad cars to ....,.nmvnu¢ ....,,.=u':anmn AIDS Mzs Ruby Crane were Ernestine's + ozi( ' '- ' .... t transport the New. Y ' City t=,;- cousin, Mrs Alma Fredson of . - . 106 E. 4th Avenue, Olympia Phone 357-3521 _ ..... " .^...,..+.2. .. r.. I phone mrectories ,from Chicago bert Loop, of Bremerton which prints the major volume of Another recital Satut'day eve- I the ,nation's telephone directories. ning was held at the home of iVIrs. ' . " Bernhard Winiecki in Shelton, ....................................................... Featured at thisaffair was also PENNEY'S sm a Grapeview boy, Donald Somers, MER IS FIRST who has just completed his second school year of piano lessons with Mrs. Winiecki, CLASS FUN Home this weekend for both .' business and pleasurc was young Zarl Fulmer. Both he and his IN EASY CARE guest, Miss Pat Johnson of Kent, are students of the Burnley School of Professional Art in Seattle. Last Thursday evening the Shel- ton Valley Grange brought, the travelling gavel to Fair Harbor. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson+ Among those pre- sent were 22 Fair Harbor Gran- gers, 16 Shelton Valley Grangers and 33 other visitors. A short talk was given by Charles Savage on the proposed legislative redis- tricting of our state. Fair Harbor Grange approved the State Grange committee's resolution pertaining to said redistricting. Robert Spoo- her and Mrs. Daisy Bush offered lheir talents to help entertain the group before refreshnents were served. Sp(icial Not:ices: ..... Bookmobile Summer Scheules are available at the store. Black and white spaniel puppies are available at the Dean Cook, Jr. z'esidence! ! I Worried about skiddin.g on a slick street ? The best way to avoid the hazards of a skid is not to get into one." Cut your speed and dou- ble your caution if the roads are Art and I wet or icy. ii;iiii!i!iiiii:iiiiiii!iii!iiiiii!i!!i!!!i JAMAIGA ' and ) TAPERED SLAGK / SETS PENNEY'S ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Catch the luxury lines, the tailored look with zip closings . . . the full cut fashion blouses (some touched with embroidery). Economy priced in a choice of fashion col- 'ors. Washable. Sizes 10 to 18. 00!!iiiiii iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!!i!!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiit!ii00iiiiiiiiii! i!ii!ii iiiiiil)i! !iiii!iiiii00i!i0000iiiiiiiii00ii!i i00ili i0000:i!i i:iiii;il ili iii!iill :ilili;iii; ii!!:i?iii::!i!iiiiiiiii00:!;i:: ]iiii:il I=ATHER's DAY is JUN i7T [Jl I J II i i :k, Smart, Comfor# of the year! .t. O 0 ° o ° ° ° ° e ° e S ndied • --.--. -...rA I : Kgl_D)l00Lgt t;:]; : GET YOUR 5:W! t all of • /I =vng " • WEATHER ST r. More • ith the • '*"_* :; ,oay. . NIIIL.:\\;'-. :'i t vehicle • '"" ,. .,,ooo, • 00llll|i i ' + da'ndstat.full: • It shows temperatUrere ,,0 • wind speed and di i • measures rainfall an! -- • lated rainfall. It's your', i ' li • test drive the a .weatl  ,®  • during our SCOUTCeI' I-n * ,+ """"RS, IN(:.,""+i Phone 426,3433 ::*::::: - _ ......  ... ,, i' ............. +, +5 s,  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii!:.!i!i:i!i:i:i!  i :i ............................................................... Striped chair  P ;":" ,',::::,,, ::i:! ........ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cushion, t MEN'S SPORT SHIRT SPEGIAL! :.!: !!:.! !:iiii :'-Jla-::i!i!i!!!illii!i:!i!ii: !!iiiii!ii!!iiiiii! €::!:'::i::: ::!:': .i:!:!:!:::i:i:i:i:i::i:i ::::i:!:!.:'::  , t  ++++++  ++++++piiii++ii!pi++ -- . .all machine washable e' O • need little or. no ironing . '[J  ,. ': ',::' i:!:!i   :.::i-::i:: i'i:i:  +ii+ .+- i!?+! . up to ,.o m,nute sty,. 1- a :,.:!. :+ ----=- j. ...... Sizes -- S, M, L i iiiil;+% i]! '., ",  .-.)-- *' See cool breezy solids neat Georgian prints, plaids by !ii!:.::i: ;!if !i .-- Dan' River Mills . . . all in the chest popular shadings!  :!i iiiiii / J :+ ....... I  .....,  Choose placket pullovers or button front styles button N :;: !i:!!i:s:iiii:i:['.;::::::i:i:!,!:i,i:!;i:!,i:i:i:::i down or regular spread collarsl Stock t,p! ::: ": ,:, .4. _ -- ' :__+ .... ..- - ,- ..±.. ":': :' '- Four 12 oz. One dozen Pt . insulated 11 oz. glass fii+ '". +;+: ............................... ,,, .:,:.:  f:::i:!:i:i:!:i!;::::::::::i:i:.:.. :: -x2: i -!:ii!!!!,'si:i:i:i:::iki:iii ::..:.a::v.',':::::-,:.,::..-.:.:,:+:,:. ............ ++ +++++++ ++ + .... il [+ +++ + e+ a ::ii.'.: i!::sk\\;\ I \\;\\\\x:;.i!i!if::i ....  .... iit, ;:" I:. :. "::: ...... ,, , ++ i ,+++  ,. ++  BiG PATTERN + ,++ + +,+ t+++++ 's+u'm+::+ +++++++++;++++ ¢ > \\;; ++!+ ': : € ::ii}::i::li::i::i::iii!::iii::iii:: ., ' °+* +° '°+'+ ii i! d plastic pitoher, drain board, glass juice act. plaatlc hangers, picnic bag. V21;:?ll:n t jug I [] [] m