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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
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KRAFT CRACKER: BARREL OCEAN CR, 1962 GIRLS ATTEND iS, Rosemary Crumb, Judy Eby had a difficult .time dec ding Weekend for their trip to Girls' .The four ISR junior girls are .=kat E ensburg on the Centra ¢ , first place of 35-0 high nsburg this in the :iliary's an- State be- of Central The session 300 semous pro- and state tins Ls are learn- application privileges m this coun- GIRLS' STATE AT ELLENSBURG Washington college campus where they will learn about government by actual participation and listening to outstanding state leaders. The pro- gram is sponsored by the American Legion Aux- iliary• S. Reed juniors who were chosen on that basis were Rosemary Crmnb, sponsored by the Hoods- port American Legion Auxiliary, and Lynne Stevens, Sue Nm'vold and Judy Eby, sponsored by the Shelton Auxiliary, assisted by the Zonta and Kiwanis clubs. The week's program at Girls' State is a well rounded one, for in addition to providing the ex- perience of actual participation in government, the girls will have the opportunity to hear outstan- ding state leaders, take part in chm'al and orchestral programs, try out for the Talent Show, en- Installing conductors were Mr. Roy DARIGOLD leadership, gage in various recreational ac- Wells, Tenino and Mrs. Sarah Pif- COTTAGE ,el fitness d of Girls' tivities and close eacil day with ifer, Tenino. Pint . ,=o"€ fo,,r Irene an ins,trational vesper service. New officers installed for the ----______ ____--_------ men were: President, Ray Mor- lib kert; past president, Lloyd Lewis; Quart , 45* se Set Women Of Moose vice president, Les Dorsett; chap- lain,' Wally Dundas; secretary, Club will go Hold Installation Frank Marler; treasurer, Winston Cruise 'this Asche; conductor, Fred Stuck; in- to Ponrose Of New Officers side guard, Ernie Stuck; outside guard, Earl Leggett; trustees, SI:IELTON--MAS0N COUNT JOURNAL Publtsiieit in "0hr8meoW, U.S.A., Behon, Washtnorz I I I _* II I I I II II I II II III II IIIIII I I I III II I III I Social Even t,s Society Editor. Marj Waters. Phone HA 6-4412 .i REAL Garden Club Sets Candlelight 'Ceremony For Installation Of New ESA Officers In an impressive candlelight ceremony at the home of Mrs. Wayne Herren, Mrs. Floyd Ridout, v::sistcd by Mrs. Ken Evans, in- st'died the new officers for Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsi]on Sigma A1- )ha. Thc new officers are: Mrs. Floyd Ridout, president; Mrs. Bill Kimbel, vice president; Mrs. Lar- ry Corey, recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Seibert, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. Bob Wolden, treasurer; Miss Charleen Smith, parliamentarian; and Mrs. Ed Dunbar, educational director. Mrs. Ridout appointed the fol- lowing to head her committees: Mrs. Wayne Herren, ways and means; Mrs. Richard Holland, wcl- 2are; Mrs. Robert Seibert, social; Mrs. Jerry Richert, chaplain; Mrs. Glenn Sowers, Jonquil girl; Mrs. Gene White, scrapbook; and Mrs. Harold Johnson, publicity. Mrs. Harold Johnson received her Jewel Pin presented by Mrs. Ken Evans. July 29 will be the date for the annual picnic to be held at Twin Harbor' State Park, with Mrs. Robert Seibert as chairman. Mrs. Ken Smith is chairman for the Chapter dance Lo be held Sept. 8. Guests sharing the evening were Mrs. Leona Bunnell and Mrs. Jim Cross. The evening was rounded off with a humerons dance rou- tine offered by Mrs. Gene White, assisted by Mrs. Ken Evans. ART SHOW The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Velma Graves of Shelton the Union home of Mrs. T. Turner, is giving an art show during the ..... month of June at the Quay Supper Sorrow has its reward. It never Club in Vancouver, Wash. The leaves us where it found us. club is at the foot of Columbus --Mary Baker Eddy street. Last week we spotlighted Karen mercial Law were Clay's senior Eagles Aerie 2079 Public Installation Of Officers Held New officers for Eagles Aerie I 2079 and its Auxiliary were instal- I led Tuesday evening at a public I ceremony at 8 p.m. in the airport hall. Installing officers were Mr. John Bartell, Grand Worthy President from Kelso and M'rs. Mabel Bar- tell, Madam State President, Kelso. tJM00 place and a Installation of new officers for John Bariekman, Louie Herzog for. Potluck the Women of Moose, Chapter No. and Art Hazelquist. 462 was held at the Moose airport hall last Tuesday evening. Officers installed were: Senior regent, Connie Cronquist; junior graduate regent, Harriet Pierce; junior regent, Eva Hanson; chap- lain, Alta Bingham; recorder, Ar- lene Doak; treasurer, Florence Larsen; guide, Stella Haward; as- sistant guide, Mary Owen; argus, June Loving; sentinel, Stephanie Needham. The installing officer was Clif- fm'd Howard; installing sergeant- at-arms, Joe Cronquist; installing chaplain, Earl Owen. They were assisted by the t'nen's Drill Team of Shclton Moose Lodge No. 1684. DEMOCRATIC CLUB TO HAVE SPEAKER Jerry Hogan, director of Labor and Industries, will be guest speak- er at the 8 p.m. meeting of the Mason County Democratic Club next Thursday at the PUD build- ing, according to Roy Ritner, en- tertainment chairman. Officers installed for the Aux- iliary were: President, Virginia Dundas; Jr. past president, Marie Lewis; vice president, Jean Dor- sett; chaplain, Hilary Savage; sec- retary, Opal Asche; treasurer, Flo- rence Marler; conductor, Bertha Lord; trustees, Winifred Morkcrt, Dorothy Ends and Alice Bariek- man; inside guard, Sigrid Haz- elquist; outside guard, Ellen Red- man; senior mother, Clara Stuck. .............................. Sheltonians Graduate From Seattle Pacific Receiving his B.A. degree at Se- attle Pacific College Monday at gradnation serwees w a s Ken Knautz of Shelton. Also graduat- ing in the class of 216 was Rose Furister, Shelton and Bob Hovind, former Sheltonian. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Knautz attended the ceremony. Rev. Knautz gave the invocation. VISITS WITH SISTER Mrs. F. M. Crosby of Lanont, Oklahoma is visiting in Shelton Next Thursday For Rose Luncheon The Hood Canal Garden Chlb met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Eugene Dorman with Mrs. Meade Crosby as co-hostess. Lunchc(n Was served on tables ccnl.,.,red with lovely bouquels fron) their garden. GucsLs were Mrs. Thornas .T. 'Turner from LaMesa, Califm'nia, danghter-in-law of the Th(,nm; Turners of lYnion, Mrs. Eleanor Brewer, Mrs. Bea (]rout and Mrs. Martha Su/terthwaite. Mrs. J(mnie Hoff, a former Garden Club president who served 5 years, was given a gift of a flowering crab apple tree by the club. Rose Mille announced the Fathers Day breakfast at the Womans Clubhouse this Sunday front 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is to raise money for further main- tenance of the clubhouse. Vera Shortsleeves reported on the plantings at the Hood Canal School sponsored by the Garden Club. A large supply of dahlias was recently planted by Matie Backhmd and the school children. The Rose Luncheon which will be held at the Woman's club- house at Potlatch next Thursday was discussed and committees appointed by Mrs. Cecil Gilbert who acted as president in the ab- sence of Lois Pierce. Members brought miniature hats made of all kinds of materials to be used as favors for the Rose Luncheon. An apron made by Mrs. Gilbert was won by Mrs. Flora Lockwood. Proceeds to benefit the Woman's Club's Korean orphan. Wolf with the claim she was the first "third generation graduate" of Shelton schools, to our knowl- edge. Since that time we have dis- covered we also had a boy, Clay Schmidt, in this year's graduating class, who was a third generation graduate. Clay's grandmother, Mrs. Pearl, Schmidt, was a member of the class of 1918 at Shelton High school. Clay's father, Max Schmidt, I Jr. graduated from Irene S. Reed higll school in 1937. It is interesting to note that ns in the case of Karen who plans to be a third generation teacher, I Clay may possibly 'be the third generation'in forestry in his fam- ily. Mrs. SchmidL has spent 14 years working in the cookhouses of varimm logging camps in the area. Max, Jr. is Logging Manager for Simpson Timber Co. Mrs. Schmidt graduated from school as Pearl Wyatt. She later married Max, St., who worked in logging camps 30 years before his retirement several years ngo. Clay will spend the summer, working with the Department of Natural Resources. This fall he plans to enter UPS He has not with her sister', Mrs. H. C. Sher- decided definitely on his career. ,AR. 5 $ wood who is confined in the Shel. Personal typing Phystcs, World F : ' " • • i. 'y, Composftion and Com- ' on General Hospital Hmtm ES. R " LB. 2 's ] CELLO PKG. ;il infested.with dandelions? ' ": ...... ! to gel rid of them,,, , Ill   'b does two jobs at once -- weeas pi .   ii-md does )oth well. And with a i l i  !er you can weed and feed 5000 ,; own in half an hour. Easily! GLADINE BOREK was chairman of the recent Penny Drive. Although it is a big job with a lot of responsibility she has agreed )Z. TIN ill  i SPends almost at once It -ets to do ,t aga,n next year. With ,er nthe above photo s her young- .eker. And then one clay ou was nero recently vet . , Y few people nier Orthopedic Auxiliary. She has :i!i Otice that llhdndelions Whenthe annual Penny Drive Gladine is a member of the Rai- ve v{ns&" rea!izea_dme Work and planning held various offices in this group t.a n a . gone into it ahead of in the past. She was chairman of leaf and root. trine, omess you have worked on the World's Fair Ticket drive held a big drive like this one, the recently. thought is not likely to occur to you that people like Gladine Borek, this year's chairman, and her com- mittee, have been busy for weeks before the drive started. Women have to be contacted about distributing envelopes in each district and picking them up again. The money has to be o,,,,,t. - d ta ....... ea an gen care of after it is collected. It was Gladine's task to see there was someone for each of these chores. The Penny Drive is sponsored by the Mason County Orthopedic Association. Members of local Or- thopedic Guilds and Auxiliaries distribute and collect the envel- opes. The proceeds go directly to the Seattle Children,s Orthopedic Iospital general fund,- subjects. He also was an office worker. He was a member of the H . THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Dian Woods and Mr. Jerry Mallory was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs• Don Woods, at a party in their home following graduation last Friday evening• He is the son of Mr. and Mrs• Robert Temple. Miss Woods is a 1962 graduate of Irene S• Reed high sohool. She will be attending Olympic college this fall. Mr• Mallory is a 1960 ISR grad and is stationed at Westport with the U. S• Coast Guard. No date has been set for the wedding. (Photo by Dean.) Human dignity, economic free- I Reasearch has shown that Print- dom, i n d i v i d u a 1 responsibility, ] ing is truly "The Art Prervative these are the characteristics that I of all Arts" with approximately distinguish democracy from all ninety-two percent of the knowl- other forms devised by man. [ edge we accumulate being gained . _ --Dwight__D...Ei_.senDo_wer, l_thr_ough ,the,,__ prin_t.ed word. Father's Day as seen il Summer L0 i ung no SINCE LAST WEEK'S paper went to press we have discov- ered there were two, rather than one, "third generation gradu- ates" in the Irene S• Reed class of 1962. Clay Schmidt, ISR class of '62 is the son of Max Schmidt, Jr., class of 1937. His grandmo- ther, Mrs. Pearl Schmidt, grad- uated in 1918 from the Shelton High school., • , "S" Club and Golf Club. Clay lists water skiing along with golfing, as his favorite hobbies. He is 6'1" tall, has brown hair and blue-gray eyes. He lives at 1223 So. 7th with his parents (his mother is also an ISR grad) and a younger brother and sister. T Why Not One For Dad? Large Selection Olsen Furniture ¢o. 328 Cota St. Phone 426-4702 ....... '"' --. III rl I I -m Eleetrm Razors Remington Lektronic II $ 95 s 95 Razor 37 for27 SAVE $10.00 Remington Rollamatic ALL DADS =269s for =209s SAVE $6.00 NorelcoFIoating Head = 95 s 5 24 for 199 SAVE $5.00 1 lb... $1.5o 2 Ibs,.. 2.95 ASSORTED CHOCOLATES •.. remember Dad wlth the finestl FATHER'S DAY. JUNE ]71h Schick Razor He. 1066 '31 s° for '21 s° SAVE $10.00 BUYS '61 Falcon Wagon 4-dr., deluxe trim, 101 HP engine, auto trans. $2295 '58 Rambler American 2-dr. -- Jack says real economy car. $795 '55 Rambler Wagon 6 eyl., o•d• $55O '55 Ford FaMane 4-dr. V*8, auto. trans. $495 '55 Nash Sedan 4-dr., auto. trans. $395 '53 Dodge Sedan 4-dr., fluid drive real sharp $395 '53 Ply, SuSurSan 2-dr., a real buy, standard transmission $395 e TRUCKS '54 Ford Panel =/'a ton, 6 cylinder $495 '42 Ford Pick.up - 16. Limit Rights Reserved. as it feeds grass, 6000 sq• ft• $5.9/ Special I ' ................. $ 5.95 ...... $16.95 SAVE $22.90 $5 00 only $17.90 Feed & Hardware Phone 426-2412 Ill She is a member of the Mason County Orthopedic Association and will be Penny Drive chairman again next year. She is publicity chairman for Mason County PTA Council and belongs to the Ruth Circle at Mt. Olive Lutheran church. She is'a member of Faculty Wives and an ex-Jayette. Gladine's husband, Joe, is pzqn- cipal of Mr. View and Rogers schools. They have three children, Karen, 12, Keith, 11, and David, 6. She lists knitting and .reading as her main hobbies, but admits learning to use a paintbrush and various other small chores along that line have taken much of her time since, they moved into their ,new home lastyear, - McConkey's Drug Center Evergreen Square Phone 426-3456 fll f fl f i 2 ton, 6 cylinder, a real wood-getter $145 @ HOUSE TRAILER 1957- 24 ft. Alio All appliances, shower, furnace, sleeps 4 plus BOAT . 13.Ft. Double Cockpit SPEEDBOAT with 25 h.p. outboard motor and trader,- ready to go. @ TILES RY ARMSTRONG JIM PAULEY INC. FORD -- MERCURY Dealership5th & RB Used Cars 5th&Cota Phone 426-8231 4 7: ?? fl: :,'b ;2' "'Z f 7% Z%, Q 4':b r !% "C P o , f',