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Pa 6 S1TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOIYRNM3 -- Publislieit in "Chrisbmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, " 1962
Ken Oh;on Awarded Rayonier -
FouRdatiefs 7th $¢hotmhip TIH ROSE SHINES Oil HOUKD FOR lAY-ELLS ,m,,m.m.m.mmmmm.mzmm.,.,.
countered by erractic defenses 5¢ntees. Shelton's pitcher-starved some places, but not on the base-
During tfi. high school years el- continued to mark Shelton's All]- American Legion baseball squad ball diamond. Ava|lable to you
son maintained a very fine schol- erican Legion baseball play in a gave Centralia a real rassle be- It did Ken Droscher dirt OllO prescription, ou IN [VASq
antic record, at the same time par- Stlnday twin bill against Mc- fore losino a 6-5 opener, tlen ab- evening last week and cost him NEX. You must
ticipt]ting in lllttlly extracurricular Cleary's more matured town team sorbed a 22-3 shelling in the see- what seemed like ,% well-earned exercise. IIIlUH , : - , J ' " Hllll
activities. He was a member of the on Loop Field Sunday. end Kame of a doubleheader at victory over Centralia in an Amer- or so-called
Honor Society for two years and or c,)okies, oz'
was T.h'csidt,nt of this Society. in Coach Pete Bloomfield's young- Centralia Tuesday night, ican Legion game on Lop Field. NEX is a tiny TOP RUNG
his senior yea.r. He earned letters stere backed up freshman Tim 'Fire Rose, the freshman south- Ken was breezing along with 5-3 [,)wed. When yoU
in football, ba.sketba]l m]d track. Rose's gaudy 5-hit pitching with paw. deserved a better fate than lead going into the final inning of t.ill enjoy your DERBY
As a senior" he was elected hon- errorless support in a 4-1 first the one-iun defeat in the open, play and got the first batter out. Imvef°°ds theY°Uurgelike' spent an
orary captain of the football team game victory, then turned around er, but errors (two of his own) Then o wildness which hd plagued cuse Canal last
and also won the blocking and tac- and committed eight miscues be- contributed materially to four an- him all evening broke out and he tire and half oi it bat-
kling award. :He worked in the hind Don Andrews and Bill Slosh earned runs scored by Centralia walked a pair to run his tot;i £or askr°UryourWeightown
high school administration office in a 10-7 last-inning loss in the in the fourth, the game to te.. you eat less, y0L the long strug-
COACH PETE Bloonzfield called of excess fat ill a 28h-
durirlg the school day, specializing afterpiece. Shelton outhit the hosts 10-7 Don Andrews in from seccnd ::ase NEX costs $3.00 now leads all
in amouncing school programs Except: for Roger Weld's hence ,ld had the tying run at second to save the situation b.:t an off- GUARANTEE: If
reason just V.D.h/. sal-
and activities on the loudspeaking run into the left-center hole in with one out in the final frame field bloop single to left by Daye druggist 40 inches
system. , the third, lefthanded Tim had after Brian Snyder's double and Bartlett drove in one Lilly and back. No que
Kenneth will enter the Univer- little trouble with the older Me- Hank Rose's single, but couldn't then two more walks forced home is sold with . ant .was lured by
sity of Washington in the fall and Cleary batters. He gave only one produce the pinch punch. Snyder, [he tying' tally after one runner y per off Mosquito
plans to study chemistry. His ac- walk and the other fot|r hits were the two Roses. and Tom Wingard was nipped at the plate by third Evergreen 811't°°ds13zL*" ,_' ). She
adcmic interests lean toward sol- all singles, each got two hits. and Tim had baseman Brian Snyder. Marl Oz'de i Oodsport Ms-
The R y o n i e r Foundation t;nce and mathematics, with an ul- BY THE TIME Weld racked his doubles in both games. That sent the contest into over- " .asaing
awarded its seventh 4-year college timate goal still undecided in el- circuit clout Shelton had already Without Bill Slosh. Ken Dros- time as Shelton went down in or- i.tCh "helping' withner holdher
scholarship in iviaon County to ther industrial work or teaching, stowed the verdict away with a cher or Don Andrews to call on, der. In the eighth Gary Lohr slam- I zn the accom-
Kenneth Olson. l member of the ................................................... pair of two-run innings. Brian Coach Pete Bloomfield had to med a triple over the leftfielder's I .'.
1,0 of ,loot ,. Summer Tra0k Turnouts Snyder's crashing triple into that gamble on inexperienced and an- head but Andrews appeared about i Hangin$ w.
Reed High School. TOP AWARD WINNERS--Three of the Shelton Junior High left-center pocket was the instru- tested mound choices in the sec- oflt of the jam when he sandwich- I ' .taken by Ralph
00o.oo, w.o 00ooo,vo00 ,., --.o. ,o-,o .0.,. mo.00 o.d 00alno two 00t00,00eout00 00rouo00 a
This selection was made after Starling Next Monday Joan Quimby, GAA inspirational award; Fred LaMonte, bey of the wing in Hank Rose, who had been astic Centralia accumulated But Bartlett produced in the clutch] Fuchsias ,i:,] let silvers and
an evahmtion of qualifications of year, and M4elody Morgan, girl of the,year, hit, and allowing Brian to score three home runs, two triples and again with another off-field single ¢10tted the week's
13 graduating seniors representing Turnouts for the summer track': !,.It chuck.
the three high schools in Mason program being included as part Harstine Sch00 later on a ground ball. two doubles among 15 hits, to whiChsorrell tallieddroppedtWOa triplerUns andintoKenthe GeraIl,00dil limited Sun-
County. The scholarship selection of the community summer recre- F.IILY LEAGUE Bill Slosh, continuing his torrid which the Shelton defense added right-center hole for another.
.iblackmouth in the
committee was composed of R. W. ation program this year will start W L lfitting, drove home the second seven errors.
Oltman, Superintendent of Shetton next Monday at Loop Field at McInellys ........................ 14 6 inning duo with a bases loaded Shelton is scheduled to play at AN UNEARNED Shelton mark- ./.:,.Ed Osterberg had
Public Schools, chairman, Dr. A.C. 4 p.m Donaldsons .................... 13 7 Picni0 Held LA single. Raymond tonight, er in the bottom half served only ;ta([ller' H. B. Con-
Linkletter and Winston Scott. The program is for both boys Preppernaus .................. 11, 08 In the second game the Shelton The box scores: to.reduce the final margin to 8-6, H. !' 5s, Cisco Hicks
Each applicant was judged on and girls of all ages from the Zieglers .......................... 10 1 kids racked up a dozen hits with FIRST GAMi,; coming on Ron Landis' single and Rte. 2, Box 220 'hile silvers went
a merit basis, considering high fifth'grade ................................ and higher. Harris .............................. 9bfi 10' Park Siena getting three more, two siwmm abrhICentrali, abrl'ai two-base error on a long fly to Spene2r at 4% lbs., Babe
school grades, .,chool and outside * Bezleys ............................ 2 18 Island State el which were doubles, Tim Shee= Wagner If 30 0:T. Hudsoncf 40 center. HA 84"ed Oene Tuck-
activities, personality and, to some MEN'S MONDAY TRIOS High games--Audrey Prepper- dy a pair, including a triple, and Cochran cf 4 0 ]i Eaton 3b 4 1 Shelton outhit the visitors, 7-6, ,
extent, on tte basis of need. W L nau 188, Keith Savage 230. Andrews another pair for a total Clary c 4 0 0 Danielson c 2 0 manWith aBrianhome SnyderrUn smaShandbYa fresh-solid ese were from
4 1 2 Lohr ss 3 0 1 triple by Hank Rose featuring the
3:12 Sorrcll 2b 201 attack. Snyder slammed his cir-
The successful candidate receiv- Higl series--Audrey Prepper- By Donette Glr of 4-for-8 during the day. Siena Snyder3b a. B
ed a $3,000 scholarsllip which may Offbeats .......................... 17 7 nau 499. Keith Savage 565" HARSTINE __ The Harstine is. also had 4.for.8. H. Rose ss '00i:aanaJ j -i- -
be used in any accredited college Highballs ........................ 15 9 land school picnic was held Fri- TItE TWO CLUBS battled down Landis ]b 4 2 I I)ean If 2 0 1 cult clout to rightcenter after An-
awarding bacheh)r,s degrees in Prairie Roosters ............ 1311 SUNDAY 00.NO00F00S d,y the ,t,,t, p,,rk. ,rho,.e wa, to the f00.al to see.,,w W,.ga,'6 2b 4 1 ilO,,o.,'r 111 0 drows,00ng]ed tho fourth to wlnd I
Washington, Oregon, Idaho or CaN Untouchables ................ 12 12 W L a good turnout of Islanders. We 5-5 deadlock with Andrews hurling Sheedy rf 20 Bartlett lb 322 up a four-run Shelton spree.
ifornia in any field of the candid- Lowballs .......................... 11 13 4 x 4s .............................. 10 5 had guests from Wyoming and excellent ball until his defenses T. Rosep 30 Goodrichp 220 Rose drovein Shelton'sfirst run,
ate's choice. Woodhogs ....................... 11 13 Lovers .............................. 8z 7/ Seattle and several from Shelton. let him down in the sixth. With Totals 315 Totals 2567 after Wayne Carlson walked, with • Lesso .
lice Moll ............................. 1.0 14 Starters 8 8 Score I)3' Innings
............................................................................... Mrs. Osborne, our teacher, pre- score tied, two out, two runs in his 3-ply poke over the leftfielders .Group tran !.:--,u | tally.
TRI0 ATTENDIN6 Ball Wipers .................... 7 17 4.Bees .............................. 5 ll seated "perfect attendance" certi-' and two on base, Slosh relieved Shelton ...................... 000202]--5 head in the second. The outsideO |
' High game--]-awlin McInelly High games--Jo Bloomfield 161, ficates to one-third of our school, him and got the side ou, but be- hits .............. 0 1 t 4 0 2 2--10 Contrails ab r h She.lion ab r h
OOAOHES OUNIO 214. L.L. Mclnelly 204. Edwin and Duncan Osborne and came the victim of more erratic Ccntralia .................. 0O2 ,100 x--6 Lohr ss 412Claryc 301 lfr:.'0 Saes i u.s. ]FO
: High series--Rawlin McInelly High series- Lana McInelly, Suzan Glaser completed this whole defensive play in the sbventh as hits ............. 1 0 2 3 I 0 x-- 7 Goodrich p-lf 5 0 0]Kingsbury c 1 0 good I{ECRE.
Three Shelton coaches are in 570. 421, Lynn White 494. year without being absent or tar- the visitors rang up five runs. SUMMAY: 2b-Snyder. T. Rose. SH- Eaton 3)) 3 2 01M. Shecdy cf 2 0 0 [ OI _ ..... | Shelto
w,,00oo, ,, LLiTTLe 00r.VL00_e I co,
Seattle )his week attending the ............................................................................................................. dy. She also passed out the re- Two errors, a passed ball, an Rose 2. H. Rose 1 Wingard 1. Barb- Bartlc.tt lb 4 2 Siena 3b 3 0 0 diag. W:
annual clinic sponsored by the port cards and we are very happy infield hit and a bloop single, ]ett ]. Lohr 2 SB-D'anielson 2. Lohr. Sorrell 2b 3 2 DenMey cf 1 0 0 --- oA s Welcome I has ava
Washington State Coaches Asso- to report that all nine of our mixed with three walks, accounted '
ciatmn, students passed. As it stands now for the five runs, Ewo of which Sorrell. Cochran. Clary. SO-T. Rose LeBaron cf 400 T. Rose rf 10
Bob Sand, High(climber football we will have eight students next were unearned. 3. Goodrich 9. BB-T. -Rose 2. WP- Bland If 00 Droscher p-2b 30 run-off.
T. Roe(, 2. RRF-T. Rose 2. Goodrich' Stcffcnson p 10 Carl.son ib 1221 '' $3695 Snow
and track mentor; Bill Brickevt. year in foul" grades, first, third, In the llome half the Bloom- :. PB-C}ary 1. DP-H. Roe(. (unassis- aCurtwright 1 0 0lit. Rosess 3 2 t = the diet
hls counterpart at the junh)r high; fourth and slxth, fields came st°truing back f°r a t"d). T. Ros( to Snyd('r'o Land's. E- Dubyrf 200jLandislb, 0 LO21'"" T :'":'2WYhG" frozen. :
a, nd Jack Malli,nger, assistant tQ The Jack Meeks have guests pair of markers on solid bangs Snyd,r 2. T. Rose 2. Wingard. Lohr, Stedham p 0 0 0 Andrews 2b-p 3 1 1 6 maintaix
Brickert. will take ill Val'iO1]S phi- this week fronl Wyoming. Their by Wayse Carlson and AI Wagner, Soz'rell. DcLaurier p 0 0 0 Wa er If 2 0 0 boundar
,es of the clinic, concentrating o) former neighbors in California. along with an outfield error on the T. Sheedy If 100 M0u/%. 252 Ho,,,s
the footbat] sessions being handle.d The Donald Boyds and children latter and a sacrifice fly. SI.:((N]) (;AME Snyder rf-3b 411 port di
by the University @f Delaware's are vacationing in Washington. SLOAN HIT doubles on sac- ,helton al) r h Centralia al) r i, Tola|s 30861 Totals 3166 Sheiton L0d|mm
Nelson and the track sc:slon di- :Monday they attended the worlds cessive trips in the first and sec- Wagner If 210 INeal cf 521 a--PoPl)cd out for Steffenson in 4th. GecrY'e
reefed by Coker of the I.s Ange- fail', end frames, the latter following Cochran 3b 2 0 1 T. Hudson 3b 4 3 2 Score I)y Innings GOV3c. 1
lea Striders. SEVERAL of Harstine Island's Sheedy's two-run triple which had Walker2b 1 0 0'3. Hudsonc 4 4 3 Centralia .................. 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 3--8 Ph0$
Other phases c)f the c]inlc alge "Grandmothers" attended grads-succceded singles by Snyder and H. Roscss 300jKrausess 432 hits ............ '"0 ''--0 ttONDA
include basketball, baseball an4 ation exercises this week. Mrs. Andrews. Sny(h,r Danelson rf 3 1 2 Shclton 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1--6
...................... PhOtO
wrestling. Lee Carlon went to Port Ange- The fielding of newcomer Dave p-2b-3b 3 1 lt]]allgrinmn, p 2 1 0 hits .............. 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1--7 MEETIN $),i], - _--
Brickert also plans Lo attend lea to attend the graduation of Cochran, making his debut in the Landis lb 31 l']]utchins2b 543 SUMMAI.y--HR-Snydcr. 3b-H. RoSe 50
the National Collegiate Track her grandson; Frank Simons. Mrs. Shelton lineup, was outstanding in Shdedy rf 30 ]IBlanchrd. lb 310 Lohr. Sorrell. 2b-Chry. RBT-Snyder 2. lld -ld ! t
Coaches Clinic at the University Bernice Moore attended the grad- both games and he did well on Ktngsbury c 20 laCurtwright 111 Andrews. H. Rose. Bartlett 2, Lohr, Of
of Oregon next Saturday and Sun- oation of granddaughter, Arlene offense, too, getting aboard four Wingd. 2b-p 2 0 01 Dean 1] 0 0 0 Sorrell, Bland. SB-Clary. IP-Droscher 8 p.m.
day, t,o be held in conjtmction wit.h Schmidt in Olympia, and Mrs, Ms- Limes and sacrificing twice. T. Rose cf 201 h Steffenson 010 61/3, Goodrich 2. Stcffenson 2. Sted-
the 'NCAA natJonal trc'k and THE SCOUT, all-purpose utility vehicle by international, will be rie Crouch traveled to Iligene, The box scores: For(,man I 00 ham 3. DeLaurier 1. Winncr--Stedham.
fieht championships, taking his featured in a special June demonstration drive celebration at Kim- Ore., for the graduation of grand, FIRST 6AME tusk ]f
family along, bel Motors, Inc. The event is being staged in observance of the daughter Eilene Jacobson. McC];AI{Y ab r hIItEL,rON ab r h 1 0 0 Loser--Andre.we. RiRF-Droschcr 2, An- -';.'"-'--.=v
' Bruce Schwarck, Shelton lamer Scout's record of success during its first year on the. market. :Matney rf 2 0 l H. Rose as' 1 1 0 LeBaron ]f 1 0 0 drews 4. Goodrich 1. Steffenson 4.
high principal also expects to wit- Offered in two or" all-wheel drive models, the Scout Is available Mac and Tom Ttezaey are very :Karr rf 0 u 0 Snydcr rf 3 1 1 S(edhom )) 2 I I SO--Droscher 6, Andrews 2, Goodrich H$
Lappy to have Mac's son, Peter Basset ss 1 Sl0an 3b 4 0'1
w.ss the NCAA (¢VrHI| ls ]w ;uld "'ith"-a'choice of six detachable tops and is powered by a four- • 8 0 d Johnson rf 1 0 0 3, Steffcnson 3, Stedham 2. DeLauricr
Mrs. chw&)'ck wil! be visiting a cylinder economy engine. Mason County residents are invited to Hawkins, of near San Francico, ,, Fal)er z'f 2 0 0 1. DB--Dros(']zer 10, Andrews 2. Good-
dallhter ! nc:lrby SpringfieJd at vi:At Kimbel Motors, Inc. to inspect and test drive the versatile with then] during his vacation. McMillhuBrian ]f If 210001Wagncr]]clary ]f If 210000 TotalSa__singlcd 23for3 Bhuchard 6/ Totals in 6th.382215 Droschcrri("h 2. Steffenson2. Balk--Andrews'2' St(,dham 1.3' ,VP---pB__ 306 LesSODay.
that time. Scout. Peggy and Alvin Anderson aro Este :)b 30
i Carlson lb 300 I.)--run tot Dean in 4th Clary 2. Umpircs--EacreLt. Snyder. Use /!
SE00ND uaa uauaa ca.NED BY 61RL S¢0UTS OF TROOP 335 ,o,.. It Wednesday, June Tut,and lb 30 Andrews 2b 4O2 (--doubh,d for St(,dham in ,,th WEATHER
6, at Harrison Hospital in Brem- M(:Mil]ian u 2001Co(..In.)n cf 110 e---Paber fanned fro" Johnson Jn 5th High Low Precip. Mrs.
erton. Mark we:giaed m at seven ltoag c 1 0 01Kingsbury c 1 0 0 Neore by lnniug J June 6 .................... 72 40
pounds, 12 ounces. Proud pater- Odh?. p 300IT. Rose p 311' Shclton ...................... 0003000-- 3 June 7 ..................... 79 43 426-3376 RELIABLE
hal grandmother is Mrs. Aina An- Weld cf 31 5 hi(s ........... b 1 ] 3 0 o-- 6 j June 8 .................... 71 43
derson of Harstine and maternal Totals 251 Totals 2446 Centralia pecially for men and womer
grandfather, Walter Scott of Bel ................... 2 0 2 9 3 6 x--22 June 9 .................... 66 47 Sherma
Score by ]nnlnge in tim rugged "bac
fair. hits .............. 202 5 ] 5 x--15 June 10 .................. 68 48 is always'toady to gc
• Jim and Naomi Lohrer Mourn- McCh!ary .................... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0--1 UMMARY: HR-J. Hudson. Krause, June 11 .................. 75 41 . Up to 200 m{[es pe]
hits ............................ 102 101 0--5 Hutchins. 3b-T. Hudson. J. Hudson. June 12 .................. 63 48 0 to 30 Pl. iu th(
led to Lakewood for an overnight Shelton ........................ 2 2 0 0 0 0 x---4 2b-T. Rose. Dniclson. John.on. RBI- zT0v,wl[|
visit with Mrs. Scott Kizer. They hi(s ............................ I 21 011 x--6 J. Hudson 4. Daniclson 3. Hutchins 3,
returnedall attendedhomethesaturday.fair Friday and SUMMAPY: HR-Wcld. 3b-Snyder, SH- T. Hudson 2. Krnusc .." Blanchard. '
Kingsbury2(bunts). RBI-Wekl. Shmn I)(,an, Stedham. Johnson. Sheedy 2, The System That Bri
The Charles Allisons spent the 2 Snyder. SB-S|oan. Andrews. Torn- Snyder. SB-T. Hudson 3. Neal 2,
weekend at their summer home &t quit. HB-H. Rose. Cochran by Odle. :Krause 2. Hutchins 2. Blanchard,
"The Maples". SO--Rose 5. Odle 4, BR--Ros(: 1. Odle Danielson. ,T. Hudson. ]P-Snydcr 3,
THEaD.d HarstineTED NESSESIs]and O'FhaVeAnaC°rte''opened 4.2. E-Estes.RRF--R°Se'lMtland.l' Odlc 2. p,-lIclHiIllan Stedham 4. Winner-Stedham. Loser- Better
their boat marina at Jarold's Cove. Snyder. RRF- Stedham 3. Snyder 9. • • m , B
ECONI) GAME Wingard 8, SO-St.ed]mm 3. Hdgrin]son
The official opening will be held MeCLI,A]Y ab r h'SllELTON ab r h 5 Snyder 1. Wingard 4. BB-Snyder 3,
later on this month. They have
gas, oil, spark plugs, and minor Matney cf 30 llH. Rose ss 401 ,Vingard 2. WP-Snyder 4. Wingard 1.
out-board repair parts, Also light Brian ss 1 1 1 T. Sheedy c .t I 2 PB-Kingsbury. E-Kingsbury 3. Walk- Wally Anderson
Karr c 5 03]Sloan 3b-I) 4 l 3 ez 2. Warmer. H. Rose. DP-Snyder to
groceries and pop. Mrs. Ness re- Bmsct 3b 4 0 1] Clary If 2 0 0 Landis. Hutchins Lo B]anchard. Hutcll-
ports that their son, Glenn, will Tornquist 2b 3 0 0 Walker 2L) .1 0 0 in to Krause to Blanchard.
run the marina this summer. Her Estes p 5 0 1]Carlson lb 2 1 I
mother, Mrs. Helry Steel, will ale0 McMlllian lb 2 2 01Wlngard 2[) 2 0 0
be on hand at the marina. We Weld s,-cf 230,W.gne." If 211 Fines Levied In
are so very happy to have the I-h)ag rf 3 2 2JSnyder rf 4 I 1
marina here and offer our best McU,ian ,.foz O, Coch,'an cf 01 Jusli©e Oourl
of luck wishes to these fine peo- Hynmn If 3 0 0[Andrews p-3b .i 2 2
pie. We also want to say "Wel- Traffic violations made up the
come" to the Nesses, who, as of Odlc ]f I I ol
Totals 32 19 9) Totals 31 7 12 docket ill Shelton Police Court be-
today, are Journal subscribers. Scor. by In.ings fore Judge Rolls Halbert Monday
MeCleary .................... 0 3 o o 0 2 5---]0 night. Cases were:
pr0u R |T Study h, ts ........................... 02 01 2-9 Ralph D. Curtis, negligent driv-
' Shelton ....................... 0 ,1 ; 0002--: 7 ing, $10 forfeit; Edward J. Brew-
GIRL SCOUTS of Troop 335 pose for their pic- Frances Rice, Becki Holland and Patty Thomas, hits ......................... 1 4 4 0 0 1 2--12 er, negligent driving, $25 forfeit;
Of Aging Chester L Avery faulty equip i
ture at the end of a busy day. Last Thursdaythe Fron, r, ow, l. tor, LindaTow,e, VirginiaMedley, Problems "'"'"' "''""
girls hiked to Island Lake where they had a cook- Andrea Brown, Cheryl James, Joyce Powell and SH-Cochran 2 (bunt fly), RtT--Shc('dY ment ad violation of S R.A., $10
out and completed their 2nd c|ass badge work. Karolee Stevens. Camera-shy troop leaders are 2. Sloan. Cochran. Andrews. Karr 3. .fine, $50 suspended and 10 day
.' Matney. Brian. Hoag, Odle. E--Sheedy m jail, six days suspended; Gevald
The girls are: Back row, I. to r. Merridee Ander- Mrs. Vi Ferris and Mrs. Jaok Powell. A Mason County Steering Com- s. H. Rose. Chu, y, Walker. Wingard. Nault, allowing unlicensed d' '
son, Linda Rishel, susan Owens, Jodeen Dethlefs, mittee, working with the Gov- Andrews, Weld. Od]e. IP-Andrcws to operate motor vehicle, $25 for-
.................................................................. ernor's Council on aging, will meet 5 2/3. Loser-Siena. RRF-Andrews O. eit; Francis X. Beatty, drul]k |n
a the ShelLon Hotel .June 18 aL )oan 3. Estes 5. 80-'Andrcws 1. Sloan public, $15 forfeit; Cheryl Tlzomp-
a 'no-host' |uTIcheon at: noon to 2. Estes 4. BB-Andrews 4. Sloan 4. son, faulty equipment and no valid
, operator's license, $15 forfeit. •
discuss whether Mason county is £stes 3. Wt--Estes.
meeting the needs of the older --
citizen; --- the resident who is [
preparing for retirement and lotta Hansen, retired school teacll- W 0 ] ]
those forced to retire due to physi, er; Mrs, George Jadin, Golden Age 1 IN 1962 ELECTRICITY will bring
cal or mental illness; --- and to Club of Shelton; Mr. G. E. Barkley, 0 r i i ] i 11 g ill many ways, every day of the
learn what resources the older retired and member of Skokomish i 80
person has that can benefit the Valley Grange; Rev. E. C. Knautz, 426-4245 I ...........
community. 1 pendable electricity you can brighten
Various organizations of the Ministerial Association and a rep-
County will be represented.' resentative of the Boy ScoUts. __ or 426-2455 lighten your work.., enjoy comfort
Oscar Levin, Simpson Timber ---- Electricity can light, heat and cool
Company, and Sarah G. Donovan.
Department ofiPublic Assistance, EX00ELLEHT CUiSinE wash clothesanddishes cook'meal,: "
liaison members of the Peninsula ENJOY " Now's the time to get
Area Committee of the Governor's , heat water, dry clothes and help ill i
=" " ' into an Oldsmoi
Dr.C°unCilK. K.°nsherwood,Aging' appointedchairman bYof . to bring better living. NOTHING That means it's eas
, newest
lhe GovezTmr's Council on Aging In Mason County s quality dining facilities. Dine more to put modern conveniences and dollar-saving Dynami(
,, ' a panoramic view of lovely Lake
for the State; Geraldine Watt. "OVER THE WATER w,th +: will be happytc
Mason County Public Hea]Lh De- Cushman and the rugged Olympic Mountains. Relax in your call than low-cost : , '
partment; John Bennett, Chair= "The Liars' Den" with your favorite cocktail, bargain ill better living.
man of I-tealth and Welfare of DINING ROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
Ra)onier, Inc.; r, "E., Deer, Fize . , '(
Marshall; Martin Auseth, (:ounty featurng TOP QUALITY CltlAR-BROILE.D STEAKS and .-) - --
con.mission(.r; Prank White, op- DELICIOUS SEAFOOD DINNERS lib ' 'i; -
e,a, tor of A]lyn Ho,,;;e; Jane ,Vind- ** " . "'- " -'" [i,,{i ae#bout aM
sor, coflnty exten.ion agent; Car- Complete Dilmers from $2.50--Child's Plate $1 J] | MASON It II h IBJl '
LAKE 00ESO00T ill ':
COUNTY r,o,u, 1,i! <:
,: '.'T %'' " ' OLE, prcsidcnt; TOM WEB '{ 'II:",JACK (::
i }D)t]]:$ttNN#! , ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DAN Sl y ...............
Hoodsport, Wash|ngton Phone TR 7-5388 IIH .... :, . u .,.
LOOK OVER PLANS--The Neil Dethlefs faro- during the next school year. The program is Roservations if desired--We catcr to group luncheons and dinners lil • LIVE BETTER ELECT][{ "'iRl, :,,-
ily, selected last week as thv 1962-63 "home faro- sponsored ,, tho ,o,, ,o Soot,, Ill ' UlIEVROLET O0
ily" look over the plans for thoir new home Jodeen, Dothlefs) Mra. Dothlofs, Dcarlne and ,
which Ih0p ituden of Irene 8, R0I, will build Debra, - '!i: