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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ThursdaY,,  I4, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Ch&apos;ristmastown, US.A,," Shelton, Washington .... , .... . Pae .... [ MAC MASHES 640 .['|[: r|li rA|[:rAD ISHELTON SOFTBALL Another Trphy Earned : .[| I  r ........... .._ qVl-/ %.hll# %,ll.l-IlllJlPlll --.--.. • ......=... By Ronnic Anderson ,,,,w T0 I.LL rr. k.+.m,v IH MIXEU LEAUUI UUIH LU3P.. 51AKI5 m+ellon's l+on,,ie +nde,'son trek- ,N : ,,*YS, OUTDOORS ,,,,,o.,.++ TEAM TAKE+ MeCOMB 10/12 ..... Jim McComb] is firie ill mm 'I'I,E,,IiA5 ' MIXED I,EAGUE 19th H()LI+ CIIA/VIPIONSIIlP 2, tay. Walker 2, Rocky Hem- Shelton's two entries in Olym-. ked to Port Angeles+ Suuday. to dryingif not T-4-L,Phnised ylllirWitil,lSestr°ng'lulek inshlilt-at any i. dl'ilK +|orl.. 1Vall!h ill[i.t!lPd skill sloilgh Fhntl Standing'SWeek Season ]Pet. Snelgrove 2, Dr. Linkletter 0. mt not on the base- Droscher dirt one 'eek and cost him like a well-earned entralia in an Amer- ame on Loop Field. czing along wil;h 5-3 ) the final inning of the first batter out. ',s which hqd plagued g broke out and he to rnn h!s total top p,1. F K I,loomfield called in from sccot]d base .tuation b.:t an off gle to left by Daye in one tally and walks forced home y after one rlmner the plate by third i Snyder. le contest into over- I1 went down ill or- ath Gary Lohr slam- )ver the leftfielder's • ews appeared about L when he sandwich- rots around a walk: reduced in the clutch :)ther off-field single two runs and Ken .'d a triple into the ole for another. tNED Shelton mark- am half served only final margin to 8-6, n Landis' single and t'or on a long fly to it the visitors, 7-6, :un smash by fresh- Inyder and a solid c Rose featuring the r slammed his cir- ightcenter after An- [n the fourth to wind ]helton spree. n Shelton's first run, arlson walked, with over the leftfielders mad. h Sllcltoil ab r h [ 2 Clary c 301 30]Kingsbury c 100 . 0!M. Sheedy cf 200 t 1]Wingard'rf-cf 200 22 Slosh 31) 300 a I Dcnslc, y el 1 0 0 } 0 T. Roserf 1 0 0 ) 0 Dl'oSc lel" p-2b 3 0 0 ) 01 Carlson lb 12 0 ) 0111. Rose ms 322 ) 01 Landis lb ] 01 ) () Andrews 2b-p 3 1 1 } 0 Wal ,er 11 200 T. Sheedy If 100 Snydcr rf-3b 411 8 6[ Totals 31 6 6 for Steffenson in 4th. 1'3" l liliillgtl ...... 020 100 23--8 ...... 0 I 0 100 13--6 ...... 010 4 00 0 i--6 ...... 010 3 I 0 0 1--7 IR-Snyder. 3b-H. Rose )-Chu'y, RBI-Snyder 2, ()st+, Bartlett 2, Lohr, Sl3-Clary. Ii>-Droschcr 2. SlCI'foIISOI1 2, Sted- ',r 1. Winncr--Sledham. RIli'-Droscher 2, An- rich 1. Steffenson 4. Andrews 2. Goodrich Stedlmni 2, Dobaurier 70, Andrcw8 2, Good- ,n 2, Sh,dbaul 3. %VP.+- tlk--+,ndrews 1. PB-- s - EacrcLt, llycier, =ATHER High Low Precip. ........ 72 40 ----.-- ....... 79 43 ....... 71 43 ....... 66 47 ....... 68 48 ........ 75 41 ....... 63 48 Available. to you iirescril)tion, our NEX. Y, u It t st 1o ()l' yOUl' lllOllCy CXQI't:iSC, of so-called Of ('l,I iki(. O1' NEX is a tiny I,,wed. Whc, n yea Iill enjoy youi foods you bike, hlive tIv! tll'ge C,I rise tile and Your weight lS yollF (Iwn am eat less, you of excess fat slid NEX costs $3,00 GUARANTEE: If l reason just druggist and back. No is sold with McCONKEY 01 Evergreen NIail k Hanging Fuchsias HA IN MASON COUNTY TOP RltNG I)EIiBY spent an HOod Canal last half ot it hat- salmon. the hmg strug- in a 28.,- now leads all the V.F.W. san 40 inches .was hu'cd by off Mosquito ort). She oodsport Ma- with her )lag her hoht in the accom- catch was en by Ra.lph Iort Friday. silvers and the week's chuck. limited Sun- in the Osterberg had H. B. Con- Cisco Hicks silvers went 41]./., lbs., Babe Lee White tried a different lo- ',.and Gene Tuck- cale and came up with a 9h-lb. th hese were from King' off Harsline Island Satur- ( Eleven-year'.old Dick Shrum picked tlp a half dozen searun cut- throat going to 18 inches in Oak- land Bay Monday. VVhilc no specilic reports were available, word is tllat Shelton- tans are having considerable sue- eess at Westport lately, where the fishing has been hot sporadi- cally. li.S. FOIIEST SERVICE IIECREATION IIEPORT Shelton Distriet--R(ads are in good condition due to recent gra- ding. Wytmoche Falls campground has available space and the falls are impressive now due to snow' PhOne 4 J, tun-off. $36 95 s,,o,v .as dimi,,lsh+d by now on ___ I • the district. 'Khme Lake remain + - 6 frozen. Dry Creole Trail has been n+n++d.+ Cod+o,< +ic< boundary. MOUT " 252 lhiodsliort Disti.iel--hll Hoods- ;l P°i't district camp g r°unds ex- Shelt°eLv Ido __ perienced light; use during tlle past Russ mork T-T r%'lT T% PhOne , 1, JL ,NS go.._ . .%'1 JJ.g'. m E E T ."17:.,.__7_ 7 .... 2nd 4tt00 o, '"'i TRAIL '50' 8 p.m. HI System. Thai terhwng... 6 Lesson 30 Day Use  A Mrs. 426-3376 t D, RELIABLE Compare it and you too will buy! Specially for men arid women Sherman calnp ill lhe rl.lgged lmck "(}" is always' toady to go tip lo+200 miles per %../';-::.: ",i >.g. , ,.: ,,++oo,,,l,,, ! Only $4.00 Weekly • Sport & Appliance -: Wally Anderson -- Phone 426-6347 / You Name It ................. 23 5 Hep Kats ..................... 17,:, 10+ Eight Balls ...................... 17 11 Twisters ...................... 13t :14 , Downbeats ..................... 12 ill Bee Jays ......................... ' 12 lti St raigtfl: Shooters .......... 12 16 Splalter Pins ................ 5, 23 High .'ames . Margic Knudsen :66, L. L. Melnelly 225. High series Verna Johanson 446, L. L. Mclnelly 640. Slacking one 200 game on top ot another, L. L. Mclnelly fired a 640 series i225-201-214) in mix- C(i fOUI'SOIIlC league action TileS- day at the Timber Bowl. Best his Straight Shooters could get, howeve.r, was a 2-2 split with the Bee Jays (Dick Johnson 528). Chncl{ Tliompson hit a 168 trip- licate an his You Na.nte It sqnad strengthened its leagne lead with a 4-0 whitewashing of the Down- beats (Jerry Christy 518. The Twisters (Don Knudsen 499) won a 3-1 nod from the Splatter Pins (Wilfred White 443) while the 8- Balls (Floyd Lord 523) and the Hep Cats (Verna Johansen 446) went to a 2-2 draw. PARENT-CHILD PIN LOOP HAS 2 60Os PARENT-CHILD LEAGUE Phls McInellys ......... ......................... 6097 Savages .................................... 5943 VCuench-Bezley ........... . 5866 Pettys ...................................... 5823 Simpsons .................................. 5797 Bezleys ...................................... 5587 High games--Rawlin McInelly 225, Bob Wuench 224, L. L. Mc- Inelley 222. High series---L. L. McInelley 637, Bob Wuench 618. Bob Wuench and L. L. McInelly both cracked the 600 barrier in the Parent-Child bowling league last week, the former with  618 (204- 224-190), the latter with a 637 (222-212-203). The McInelly pair of son Raw- lin and Mac fortified its lead in the circuit, which uses accmnulat- ed total pins as a basis for its standings with a stiff 1281 total counting 65 pins handicap (low for the circtlit). Rawlin added a strong 579 to his dad's 637. Wuench and A1 Bezley rang up 1215 total pins. weekend. Native wild flowers con- tinue to bloom along the high- ways and major rivers. :i: :i: :I: UNI)ERWATEI{, OLYMPICS SHIFTED TO LAKE Due to a skimpy turnout at last Sunday's scheduled underwa- ter O]yntpics meet at Minerva Park the scene of operations was transferred to Island Lake. There the divers who plan to attend the state underwater Olym- pics July 8 at Alki Point in Se- a.tile will be able to practice with, cut interuption. The Northwest School of Scuba is starting another set of classes at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 18 as a pilot run Sot a class which will last for one week. Each session will last at least two hem's and each student will have ample time and instruction to graduate at the end of that period, after Which a salt water check-out will be given. Dean Perry has spent two nights bucking tides in an effort to launch a 24-foot boat which will be moored near the new site of the Northwest School of Scuba, which has jnst moved from its Pleasant Harbor site to Lilliwaup. The boat will afford divers a chance to get to some of the bet- tel' spots without crossing pri- vate property on Hood Canal. Perry and Dick Fuller have re- ceived so many requests to ac- cmnpany them on their next night dive that they plan to get a party together. Anyone wishing to ac- company the group may get fur- ther information by contacting either Dean or Dick. IS THE ¸ 00'AR # ELECTRICITY will bring yo ny ways, every day of the electricity you can brighten our work.., enjoy comfort /VI::IM/ IB TPIE TIME # y can light, heat and cool Y °' , f# hes and dishes.., cook meal if er, dry clothes.., and help ii o better living. NOTHING Y0, I )ut modern conveniences and bet!if • than low-cost electricity---a ' NOW's the time to get out of the ordinary •.. and into an Oldsmobile! It's the season for values. That means it's easier than ever to step up to a dollar-saving Dynamic 88. Your Olds Quality Dealer .n be i will be happy to prove it to you. •. todayl i tter living. , ,, -- , • 71*re' "-OM,ETHIfE EX77#=WA /J[..]T I In II IIl ebout own,ng a . u ,,- 0", E [,U.U. R r l( OLBBMgBIL ;K COLE, prcsident; TOM WEBB, P .... )R, commisstioner; CLAUDE DANIII"I Si=, YOUR lOCAl. AUTHORIZt=D OIDsMOBII.' OUAIIT¥ ''At', VE BETTF- ELECTRIt3t  ' OrE VROLET OOMPANY, I sl & GR STREETS ; J. Thompson 13/14 68/114 .597 Buck Price 1/14 65/122 ,533 Max Schmidt 10/14 55/104 .529 Jim McComb 10/12 59/114 .518 Jim Fletcher 10/12 43/86 .500 Harry 'Cole 2/10 59/118 .500 Bob Kieburtz 2/14 56/126 .437 Jack Kimbel 4/14 40/98 .408 Jerry Thomp)n'. thumper came thi,ough Ivlll a rousing fin- ish to capture th 19th Hole men's golf league championship on the final day of play last week. Winning 13 of a possible 14: points on the last day while Buck Price's front-runners took only one of 12, the Thompsons leap- frogged over the Prices right into the title room to climax a dram- tic climb from last place dur- ing the second half of the sched- tile. Another slow starting aggrega- tion, the Max Schmidts, came through with a strong finish to take third place away from the Harry Coles, winning 10 of 14 while the Coles won 2 of 10. Point scoring on the final day went like this: THOMPSON 13/14 -- Jerry Thompson 2, L. L. McInelly 2, Ray Rice 2. Chris Curtis 2, Jud Hol- loway 2, Steve Hale 2, Andy Tu- son 1. PRICE 1/12 -- Buck Price 0, Jack ]Gray 1, Purl Jemison 0, Polly Parrett 0, Arn Cheney 0, Art Bennett 0. g'CHMIDT 10/12--Max Schmidt 2, Larry Larson 2, Alvin Hulbert 2, Ed Faubert 2, Jack Jeffery 1, Bob Olson 1. broff 2, Laurie Carlson 2, Walt COLE 2/10 ..... Harry Cole 0, Oliver Ashford 1, Frank Heuston 0, Bttd Pauley 1, Jim Morrissey 0. FLETCHER 10/12 -- Jim Flet- cher 2, Dick Y.eager 2, OiTver Kel- ly 2, Phil Bayley 1, Bill Batstone 1. KIEBURTZ 2/14 ..... Bob Kie- bnrtz 0, Jim Douahoe 0, Clint Wil- lour 0, Bud Knutzen 2, Frank Tra- vis Jr., 0, Bill Gott 0, Ralph Ste- vens 0. KIMBEL 4/14 ....... Jack Kimbel 0, Bill Francis 0, Guy Beckwith 1, Fred Stuller 1., Bean Daniels 0, Winston Scott 0. By winning his final match, Al- vin Hulbert captured the individ- ual title with his record of 17 out of a possible 18 points during the schedule, a winning percentage of .944. Jim Fletcher gave l)m quite a chase with a .937 mark on a 15-of-16 record. The leading individual averages came out like this: Points Pet. Alvin" Hulbert .............. 17/18 .94.4 Jm Fletcher . ............... 15/16 .937 Andy Tuson ................ 12/16 .750 Tony Nelson ................ 9/12 .750 Bud Pauley .................. 13/18 .722 Chris Curtis .................. 13/18 .722 Ed Faubert .................. 10/14 .714 Polly Parrett .............. 11/16 .684 Jim McComb .............. 12/18 .667 Jerry Thompson .......... 12/18 .667 L. L. McInelly .............. 8/12 .667 Sonny Lowe .................. 8/12 .667 Jack Jeffery ................ 8/12 .667 Rocky Hembroff .......... 10/16 .625 Laurie Carlson ............ 10/16 .625 Ivan Myers .................. 10/16 .625 Arn Cheney Sr ........... 11/18 .611 Oliver Ashford .......... 11/18 ,611 Jud Holloway .. ............. 6/10 .600 13 Of 35 Lettermen Return In '63 BLAZERS SET TEN RECORDS Ten new school records were set during the 1962 season by the helton junior high track team which flashed to its 22nd consecu- tive dual-triangular meet victory and its 4th straight sub-district championship. Only disciplinary action which removed several high scoring ath- letes from the roster prevented Coach Bill Brickert's squad from earning its third straight district championship, a title lost by a scant five points and a disqualifi- cation in a relay victory. Thirty-five letters were award- ed by Coach Brickert--15 in the A division, 10 each in the B and C divisions. Of these, three in the A division, four in the B, and eight in the C will return for fur- ther competition. TOM LOWE SET three of the few records and shared in a fourth as a member of the Class A relay team, Fred Lament led the squad in point scoring with 68, and Larry Dittman was elected honorary captain, for the season. One of the 9th grade letter win- ners and high pointer among the B .division athletes with 63V_,, he is moviug to Aberdeen' and will be competing against the Highclimb- ers next year. The records set during 1962 were: Lowe, Class A 50 at 5.8 (broke Buddy Lund's 5.9 of 1956); Class A 100 at 10.5 (broke Dan Loitz' 11 flat of 1955) and ties the all Southwest Washington re- cord; Class A broad jump at 19 ft. V, inch (broke Lunds 18-93/4 of 1956); Class A relay team of Lowe, Jim Rodgers, Ed Rogers md Terry LaBissoniere at 47.4 (broke 48.7 mark of 1960 team of LeRoy Austin, Dave Rogers, Fred Bostwick and Dan Olson and beats the all SWW mark. TERRY LaBissoniere, Class A 180 at 19.5 (broke Olson's 20.1 of 1960; Fred Lamont, Class A shot put at 53-11% (broke Gary Combs' 53-3V., of 1960); Larry Dittman, Class B 180 at 20.1 (broke Vince Bostwick's 20.5 of 1958); Jerry Westlund, Class B pole vault at 11-10% (broke Phil Scrafford's 9-7!./, of 1961)' tops all junior high records and is even better than the senior high school mark; Class B relay team of 1Vfike Buzzard, Bob Sergeant, Westlund and Dittman at 48.8 (broke 49.0 mark of 1958 team of Sherry Hal- bert, Gene Robertson, Vince Best- wick and Dale Taylor) and beats all SWW record; Duane Fager- gren, Class C shot put at 37-7 (broke Jim Sells' 36-6/ of 1960). The 1962 letter winners with their total points, number of let- ters, and grade levels are: CLASS A--Fred Lament 68, rd, 9th; Tom Lowe 59, 3rd, 9th, Perry Rose 42 2nd 8th (due to age will not be eligible for junior high competition as a 9th grader); TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and pltm 3.0 ft. ,11 Friday, June 15 High ................ 3:03 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 10:16 a.m. -0.9 ft. High ................ 5:26 p,m. 10.5 ft. Low ................ 10:27 p.m. 6.9 ft. Saturday, June 16 High ................ 3:32 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 10:49 a.m. -1.7 ft. High ................ 6:06 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 11:12 p.. 7.2 ft. Sunday, June 17 High ................ 4:03 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 11:28 a.m. -2.4 ft. High ................ 6:45 p.m. 11W ft. Low ................ 11:57 p.m. 7.4 ft. Monday, June 18 High ................ 4:37 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low ................ 12:00 noon -2.9 ft, High ................ 7:23 p.m. 12.1 ft. Tuesday, June 19 Low .................. 0:41 a.m. /.4 ft, High ................ 5:15 a.m. 10.9 it. Low ................ 12:39 p.m, -3.2 ft. High ................ 8:03 p.m. 12.4 ft, Wednesday, June 20 Low .................. 1:28 a.m. 7.3 ft. High . ............... 5:59 a.m. 10.7 ft. LOw .................. 1:21 p.m. -3.1 ft. High ........... : .... 8:45 p.m, 12.6 ft. ThuPsday, June 21 Low .................. 2:18 a.m. 7,1 ft. High ................ 6:47 a.m. 10.4 ft. , LOW .,:.'.-:-.':.'.=:'.T----'2:05 p,m, -2.6 ft. High ................ 9:27 p,m. 12.7 t. Terry LaBissoniere 38 5/6, 1st, 9th; Steve Archer 37, 2nd, 9th; Bob Johnson 27, 1st, 8th; Ed Rog- ers 20, 1st, 8th; Gregg Souliere 18 3/4, 2nd, 9th; Jim Rodgers 16/z, 1st, 9th; Harold Monson 13, 1st, 8th; Jeff Haskins 8, 3rd, 9th; Roy Ritner 8, 1st, 9th; John Hem- broff 6, 1st, 9th; Rich Wyatt 55/6, 1st, 9th; Steve Kelley 2, 1st, 9th. CLASS B--Larry Dittman 63', 2nd, 9th; Jerry Westlund 48,./1, 3rd, 9th; Mike Buzzard 35, 2rid 8th; Cec Purvis 35, 1st, 7th; Jim D. Anderson 32, 2rid, 9th; Bob Sergeant 26, 2nd, 9th; Mike Brick- err 16 1/3, 3rd/ 9th; Rich Loving 6, 2nd, 8th; Roger Samples 2, 1st, 8th; Tim Schnitzer IA, 3rd, 9th. CLASS (P--Collin err 26V.,, 2rid, 8th; Duane Fagergren 25, 2nd, 8th; Eric Nelson 20, 1st, 9th; Ed Keenana 175/6, 2rid, 8th; Jerry Brown 14 3/4, 2nd, 8th; Glenn Van Blaicom 12 , 1st, 7th; John Mil- ler 101, 1st, 9th; Denny Daniels 8 8/15, 1st, 8th; Dennis Whiteaker 6, 1st, 7th; Joey Earl 3 47/60, 1st, 8th. Motorcycle Club's Activities Listed Next competition for members of the Shelton Trailblazers Mo- torcycle Club will be an endur- ance run July 1, leaving from the Bob Aitkens home at 10 a.m. A special club meeting has been called for Saturday, June 16, at 7 p.m. at the A1 Pile home on Capitol Hill. Next regular meet- ing is due July 7 at the Der- riell Singer home at 7 p.m. The true reformer will not only hate evil, but will earnestly en- deavor to fill its place with good. --Charles Simmons Don't Gamble on a "I0st weekend" . Now's the time to have your motor' checked and serviced to make the most of lunny week- ends ahead. Every motor neech periodic servicing to insure smoother idling, quick starting, and trouble-free performance. : Bring your motor in for a check- up howl WE SERVlGE SCOTTS -- Open Sundays- Hood Canal Marina, lnc, at Union pia's Class A softball league reel similar fates in opeuing games Monday nig:ht, but i)y different degrees. The Shelton Merchants went 10 imlings before bowing to Olym- pia Brewery, 7-6, in Olyntpia, while Rayonier trekked to Mc- Cleary to absorb a 16-4 shellack- ing. The Merchants weal Gown .hard, throwing three Brewer runners m lt at the plate in the late going before finally bowing in the third extra inning. Shelton led twice in the early going and it wasn't until the sixth that the Brewers tied the score at 6-6 after Bill Nntt relieved Bill Jackstadt. Nutt finished tip and took the loss. Only bright point in Rayonier's beating at McCleary was Tom Myers' home run. meet some of the stiffest contpe- litton Of his Go-KltrLiug Cal'eer off, %Vah, h hcallhy kin rclihicc il. and catne hoino witit the ,tt.ll place llch lilld Ilurnill K ill'e llilii.. 'l'lll)Aii' lit trophy in the A Super class of the IqlEI'P'S ItI,IXALI+ I)IliIG. ,;tate reg'ional Co-Karl race. ALEX TOMEY (formerly of Mell Chevrolet) Specialist In All Automolive Repairs noB, at J & J SERVIGE MT. VIEW 8 a.m. --5 p.m. -...• ....... Monday ..... Saturday Journal Wani Ads Pay ..................................................... __.__.= ........................................................................................................ , .............. .,-.--; Now In Progress[! the BIG ONE Parker's Annum Anniversary Remember Father's Day, June 17 Wilh A Gift From Parker's Now is the time to buy clothes for back-to-school, the thought may be a little sickening, but it's true. We have a shipment of QUILTED SKI PARKAS (our back-to-school order) in now, so we put them on sale. You'll also find these washable jack- ets ideal for summer boating and hiking. They are nylon, with quilted lining, and with rolled under collar hood. A terrific value at men's $13.98 and boy's $11.98. The boy's sizes will fit " k the average womari. Colors green, blue and blac . MEN'S DRESS SLA,GKS 15% DISCOUNT DURING SALE FAMOUS BLACK JEENS rugged work pants $3.88 ,GOLORED DRESS SHIRTS values to $5.00 $3.19 or 2 for $5.98 RAILROAD SOGKS 50'¢,, wool 50% cotton 2 pr. $1.29 SHORT SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS values to $8.95--banlon, orlon, nylon, cotton $2.88 - $3,88 - $4.88 SPORT SHIRTS long sleeves- values to $7.95 SPORT OOAT & SLACKS (combination) $2.88 & =3.88 20% o,, ,oP cash SAVE $25 SWIM TRUNKS TOP GOATS - $24.88 as ,ow asS2,88 .a,, Price 2 only 1/39 1/42 short Smart Buys In Ladies Sportswear SKIRTS - BLOUSES - SLAGKS reduced as nmeh as 5O% some items less than half price ALL WOOL SKIRTS $17.95 wstd. sale $8.95 save $9.00 WOOL TWEED- $13.95 now $6.95 save $7.00 SUMMER SKIRTS dacron and cotton checks $8.95 sale $6.95 save $2.00 MANY MORE- THESE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES BUY Garland Royal Blue Cardigan Sweate; for reg price $12.95 and get a Matching Wool Knit Skirt ($10) FREE (Sweater size 38 -- Skirt size 14) I I BUY Garland Sweater (green ski pattern cardigan) for reg. price $15.95 and get Matching Solid Color Skirt ($12) FREE (Sweater size 40 Skirt size 14) NO CHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE ALL SALES FINAL MR, & MRS, SHOP 123 Railroad Avenue OPEN THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS 'TI L 6 P.M. Phone 426-3542 ' i i