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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday,JJ L :OODS :RObl NORWAY I AUSTRALIA :UGUAY tin ro.n ;PAIN OM CANADA 'yers € :resh Split Broilers 39' Flavor lb. Fresh Fryer Parts MS ( ASTICKS lb. -ite with many = Fryer Wings ,b. 29  low price ' Backs & Necks ,b. 19  J ;e .... ,., 23' )Is Treat ,,,, 49' Gallon dies ds. 1962 ru GIBe.OH ort TR. 7-5237 I']ood Canal Weaentative OTORS 'Plymouth Cars r all°hal Trucks 2 °"r' 49' Cartons S kokomish Valley Young People Attend 4 H Conference By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH - The Valley is buzzing with much activity this week with the closing of school and the ,I-H state conference being held at Pullman. Mrs. Alice Cros- san left early Monday mornirtg as one of the chaperones, with Loren Gee, Sandra Lyman, Bobby Whit- marsh, and Janice Blake of Union HERE NOW! BEST BUY CUSTOM QUALITY VISION. AS LOW AS '159" Y Plus the plug-in-anywhere convenience of a 9" (172 sq. in.) picture. Hand-wired chassis. transformer protection. 1-BELL Color TV, Too Hi-Fi with MULTIPLEX FM Applialme Dept. - 2nd Floor LUMBERMENS MEROANTILE attending the session. They will return home Saturday. Mrs. F'rieda Smith left Sunday to attend the State Grange Con- vention at Bellingham as the dele- gate of Skokomish Grange. Mr. qnd Mrs. Arthur Johnson spent th' weekend in Sumner with their so and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson. Sunday they were guests at a dinner in honor of t he i r granddaughter Jennifer's fourth birthay. They also attend- ed the dedication services of their granddaughter Kimberly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arian Johnson. Don Bearden is spending two weeks at the lower Elwha helping to get the grounds ready for the camp meetings starting in July. A2/C Tobey Lewis arrived home last Friday from Europe where he is stationed with the Air Force and will spend a. month's leave be- fore returning to England. Mrs. Reta Jacobsen left by car for Dillingham, Alaska, accom- panied by Mrs. Ethel Richert, who plans to spend a couple of weeks in Alaska and return home by plane. The Skokomish Women' Club presented Mrs. Jacobsen with a going away gift at their last meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carr, Shel- ton, have moved into their home in the Valley for the summer months. Gary and Kathy Stevens are confined home with measles. Little Burr Stevens spent several days in the hospital with a respiratory dis- order. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Norsby have returned to their home after SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Start Of Vacation Season Brin p Visitors To Brinnon BRIBY:r2spe,ingalt"'e week the Tshe?a Heelenc, 2f ie':t;e,shphi:l Isi?'ButhlhomCla:l,d;e*hetrn, an: end at their acreage on Pulali was ptace in the bwiftsure rcace Mr. and Mrs. rcaipn bpringer ill Point were Mr. and Mrs. Harold two weeks ago. Lake Nahwatzel. Johnson, Seattle, who have brought a trailer for comfortable weekend visits. They were accom- panied by her father, H. L. Pet- ers, 84-year-old Seattle printer, who still manages his own print- ing business after 60 years in the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were one- time operators of the Olympic Inn, having tried their luck as inn keepers the first year of their marriage. Visitors Sunday were Richard and Gretchen Scheumann, and their daughters Robin and Heidi, who anchored their 51 foot sloop "The Helene" in Jackson's Cove. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Van Roger Scheumann, own- ers of the sloop, flew over to Hol. ly Sunday by pre-arrangement to make the return trip to Seattle together. several months absence. Miss Esther Johnson is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson. She plans to return to Seattle Pacific College for a summer course. Bob Bearden is home again after spending several days in the hos- pital due to an attack of the flu. Gary and Jenny Johnson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson of! Seattle are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid John- son, and attending Bible school in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ragan, Danny  and Marie, spent three days sight- seeing on Vaneauver Island and also made a tour of the famous Butchart Garden in Victoria. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP WAKE UP FULLY RESTED QUALITY BEDDING Inner Spring or Latex Foam ,AT THE BEDDING LHEAQUARTERS  Dept. - 2nd Furniture Floor LUMBERMENS MERGANTILE MR. AND MRS. GENE Moore, Shelton, accompanied by friends, visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitney. Moore is a cousin of Mrs. Whit- ney. Mrs. F. B. Btmnell returned home Saturday after spending two weeks in St, John's Hospital following several severe heart at- tacks. Her granddaughter, Hazel Cook, is staying with her for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Don Valley left Friday for Juneau, Alaska, where he is working for a dredging com- pany. They remained here until her mother, Mrs. Bunnell, was able to come home from the hos- pital. Their son Steve, a recent high-school graduate from Monroe has gone to Montana to work in Glacier National Park until time to enter college in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. McFee, who live on the Coyle Peninsula when not 'touring around the country called ion Mr. and Mrs. Whitney last week. They spent the winter in Hawaii and Arizona, and spent Christmas with their daughter in Escanaba, Mich. They will remain on the canal all summer. MR. AND MRS. FRED Spring- er made an extensive trip several weeks ago, They spent a few days with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blenz, Spo- kane, and spent a day with his parents, Mr. asd Mrs. William Blenz, Colville. They also visited her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinneman, Ellensburg. He is a 1962 graduate and will begin his teaching career at South Lake, near Tacoma. They proceeded into Idaho and southward to Orofino, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. William Cum- mings. They returned via Lewis- ton, Pendleton and the Columbia River highway, stopping to visit friends at Camas and at Winlock where they visited Mrs Springer's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Prehm. Mrs. William Pape is home again after a month's visit with friends and relatives in Lewiston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thomas made a business trip to Puyallup and Tacoma Saturday. They vis- ited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas at Shelton on their way home. Mrs. T. B. Balch spent Tlaurs- day and Friday" with her daugh- ter and family in Bremerton. Re- turning home with her was her grandson, Gregory Coomes, and Mrs. Mary James, who stayed un- til Monday. EB route they called on Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ahl at Silverdale, and wore happy to see Steve improving in his recent ser- ious illness involving major sur- gery. MR. AND MRS. FRED Springer spent Saturday in Shelton. They Karen Coates is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holden, Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. Colbert Nevin, Prosecuting Attorney of Vancou- ver, Wash., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitney last Wednesday. They were en- route to a meeting in Port An- geles. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Steelman, Union, and their houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. William Sleep of Lead, S.D., viewed the Whitney Gard- ens last week and visited dur- ing the afternoon. Sleep ts assoc- iated with the Homestead Min- ing Company in Lead. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Spencer of Salt Lake City, were overnight guests of his uncle and mint, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rauch and fam- ily week before last. They are on a belated honeymoon, taking in the world's fair, and visiting relatives in Washington. Judy Rauch and Kathy Phillips, senior Gill Scouts, will attend a Girl Scout Citizen Conference June 18-23 at Winamette University, Salem, Ore. Mrs. Walter Coomes and chil- dren, Randy, Shauneen and Jul- ianne spent Monday with her mo- ther. MI. Olive Bible School Program Set For Sunday Closing services for Vacation Bible school will be held in the Chapel at Mount Olive Lutheran Church at 9:45 a,m. Sunday. Spea- ker for the morning worship ser- vices will be Chaplain Martin Hei- nicke, Ft. Lewis. Teachers for Vacation Bible school at Mount Olive are Mrs. Bill Johnson, nursery class; Mrs. Ray Cook, and Mrs. Mezwyn Set- tle, kindergarten, with Linda Charrier and Bellaine Ogden as helpers; Mrs. Rex Hendrick and Mrs. Adlai Heinis, primary clas- ses with Roseanne Putvin and Leslie Surratt as helpers; Mrs. Tom Ristine and Mrs. Randolph Fitzhum, junior department, with Mrs. Bob Ogden as helper; and Mrs. Wiley Surratt, junior high sttidents. Mrs. L. L. Putvin is sec- retary and conducted the hymn study. Rev. Norman Ott, Trinity, Olympia, opened the sessions Mon- day morning. Eldon Kahny and Fred Venzke will lead morning devotions the rest of the week. Linda Charrier, Leslie Surratt, Michael Fredson, Jeffrey Fitzhum and Donald Stoppler were received into communicant membership June 10 during the morning Wor- ship services. Use Journal Want Ads Page 9 CensusTo Ask '1 ' F00dSupplyhf0 U IN A RUI with your Stocks of household food sup- plies will be sought in the June Current Population Survey, being taken in Shelton along with 332 other sample communities in the nation during the week of June 18. The food supply questions will be asked in addition to the usual employment inquiries asked each month. Mrs. Polly A. Swayze, Rt. 3, will collect the information locally. Liquor Licenses Are Approved Mason County commissioners renewed or approved several li- quor licenses Monday. Among those signed by the com- missioners to be sent to the State Liquor Control Board were Gam- bers Grocery, Allyn, class E and F; Werbergers Winery and Distil- ling class CD and DC; Airport Grocery, Class E and F; Beacon Point Resort, class D and E; Hoodsport Market Center, Class E; Golde Pheasant Tavern, class D and E; Lambert's Grocery, class E; Lake Cushman Resort, class H; Belfair Service, class E and F and Balls Food Center, Union, class E and F. JOrgan Playing? Learn how to play • Harmony • Fills • Rhythm • Glides and so forth that will make yur organ playing so much nmre interesting. CALL OUR STUDIO for a lesson appointment TEACHER WILL BE HERE THREE DAYS A WEEK Monday - Tuesday - Friday Make Appointment Now JOHNNY'S HUSIC BOX Phone 426-4302 205 Cota Street I Let your SAFEOO-LIFEGO-GENERAL Agent E I Hembroff Agency 116 No. Second Phone 426-3357 M Z R CANTI L£ 9 A.M. Thursdoy. June 14th thro ugh June 16th, We reserve the right t# *lties. No sales to dealers.