June 14, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Nothing to buy! Nothing to write!
Here's all you do:Just drop bY, write your name on u
entry blank and try one of the new Homelite chain saws.
You'll be seeing the most dependable chain saw ever
built. And you will automatically be In the bl 8 "Power-Up
Sweepstakes" In which 22 Homelite chain saws will be
given away absolutely free. Don't miss out, Ggrne'bl
todayl nUies must be inby July 20, 1962.
Belfair, North Mason Schools Honor Retiring Custodian Century
Graduation Brings Visitors
To Homes Of Kamilche People
By Frances Simmons
KAMILCHE ....... Kamilche young
people receiving their diplomas
Friday evening nt Irene S. Reed
High School graduation exercises
were Donna Clark, Gary Clark,
Sylvia Coker, Erie Fagergren, Na-
omi Nagai, Norman Petereit, Grace
Simmons, Otis Villines and David
Mrs. W. O: Julian, Auburn,
grandmother of David Wood and
Karen Mainwaring, Portland, at-
tended the high school graduation
exercises ill Shelton Friday eve-
ning and stayed over the weekend
at lhe Dan Wood home.
Also coming for graduation ex-
ercises Friday evening were Mrs.
Jess CorneLt and Elizabeth and Ida
Green, Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Simmons, Portland, who
also visited at the Frances Sim-
mons home.
Lloyd Blaekweldc', brother of
Cecil Blackwelder, is reported
gradually improving since his au-
tomobile accident three weeks ago
at The DaRes, Ore., where he is
Confined at the hospital. Mrs.
Lloyd BlaCkwelder spent the latter
part of last week with hte Cecil
Calif., attended the Wm']d's Fail'.
Enjoying an outing np the Duck- !
abash River Friday and Saturday i
were the Harry St\\;linens and Car-
son Sinlmons, Olympia. and the Ed
Johnsons, Olympia, Ray Neuser
and family, Tacoma. The men fish-
ed for steelhead.
We are heppy to report Mrs. Ad-
la M'cDonald to he home again
from a few days in the hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor spent
three days of last week in Port
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bates, Taco-
ma, spent Sunday with the Gene
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dailey of Port
Angeles visited own- the weekend
with their son, Rev. Ran Dailey
and family.
Visiting ac the Cecil Blackwelder
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Martin and children of Ta-
Sallee Rank!n, Trinidad, Calif.,
arrived Sunday to visit her grand-
mother, Mrs. Annie Whitener. SaN
lee Rankin graduated last Thurs-
day from Arcata High School in
Mrs. Ethel Whitener and Lynn
i*,y Ca.rolyn Freelin
BELIi'AIR .... School is out for
lhe last lime for tu(lolf Sun(l-
strata of the North Shore, who is
,'etiriug ;is c'[istotiian ill tile North
Mason school district, and for
Giles Swanson, who gr:(tuale(l last
ahu'day from the University ()1'
A standby for a score of years
at Belfair school and a favorite
wilh students and teachers alike,
Sundstrom was honored by BeN
fair and Norlh //l:.lson sciool per-
sonnel at a ]m)che(m J'lsl lQ'iday,
hin last day of work at the school.
Sands*ram retires after 20 years
ol service as CllSl()dian there. The,
a(tnHnistration, teachers nncl staff
I)renented tlim with a suitcase and
olher items fat tl'/V(}]. Also hon-
oFed A'as MI'S. SiHldstl'oln, WhO
taught first grade at Belfair un-
til eight yearn ago. She had been
with the Belfah' school for 25
Giles Swanson, son m Mr. and
Mrs.. G. E. Swanson, graduated
June 9 from the University of
Washington College of Business
Administration. Giles graduated
from South Kitsap t{igll school
in 1958 and attended Olympic Col-
lege for two years before enter-
ing the University, where he was
a member of Delta Upsilon fra-
summer on the Canal's North
Shore next ,loo,' to tile Cummings-
en are the Waller Bridges, whose
daughh,r, ]lnrbara, graduated Sat-
urday from the University of Wa-
shingt(m School of Nursing'.
Mr. and Mrs. Cl'lrence Baker of
tim Ohl Belfair Highway announce
the marriage of their daughter,
:Marie, to Mr. Gary Graves, Calif-
ornia. The couple, who will live
day. His salmon weighed in at 16,
14 and 12 pounds. Bob Pitts scor-
ed high with a 21-pound, four
ounce sahnon the same day, and
Don Cady, wilo seems pretty con-
sistent with his luck, brought in
two more which hit the scales at
16 pounds, 12 ounces and seven
potmds, 12 ounces. Salnlon were
also brought in by Stan Freelin,
I<en Weaver, Jens Stewart, Roy
i Bussell, Pamela Lueshen, Dwight
Lueshen, H. Ernst, Mickey Pitts,
in Oa]dey, near Saeramellto, were
married June '2, in Carson City, A1 Ditman, AI Kreil, Tom Herrill,
Nev. Marie graduated May 29 Orvil Oreutt, Ted Menard, R. Shill-
fronl North Mason senior high theis, Mary Beth Shultheis, and
school, and \\;vas tile school's prin- Dennis Hahn.
eess it, the tem,est Festival this A ynOrthopell------dic
DeVere C. Hall of the North
Shore returned last Friday from
,,, Guild Members
ifornia. He left here. May 30 on
travel orders froln the Puget
Sotlnd Naval Shipyard to San Di-
ego and the USS Bon Honune Ri- Enjoy Picnic
chard, returning by jet liner June
MR. AND MRS. MELVIN Glaz- By Lois Terrell
ier, Delaware, atria., have been
visiting old friends in the Bel-
fair area. The 'Glaziers were res-
idents of Belfair during World
War II when Glazier worked in
the Naval Shipyard and at the
Belfair school, where Mrs. Glaz-
ier taught third grade.
Houseguests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Schatz have been
Blackwelders and the five boys
spent three weeks at the home. recently visited the weekend with tern!iv
The boys thoroughly enjoyed two her sisters in Yakima and Zi)lah, 'Mrs 'Iulia Peterson man Diego,
trips to the World's Fair, a trip to M.rs_B.etle Riehards and Mrs. Fan-. canie' 'to Wastfington' to see her
the ocean and the Forest Festival me.tnsw°[°: ... ....... Inephcw's commencenent exercis- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rein-
parade. " -?Jr arm mrs. w es w.n!l;mler az}cl lea and stayed with the Swansons '
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolen, Nes- ca. l oen .motored to emngnam to I cn tile Nol'l.h Shore. Also Sunday
cow!n, Ore., were tw0-daY beach attena ate graauation exercises at/uest s frmn, ten,view qt the
Western Washington State Col-:--r" , o := , ..
cabin guests of the Edwin Petty's, lee - ::" . _ .. , anson nonle were mr. and *vu's.
last week• eigeeWnere .tnmr son Konata re-[Warre n Hanley and sons Pat and are
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jordan and c u ms mpmma. ]rike" -
daughter Diane, Salem, Ore., are The Robert Whiteners returned "eGraduation at tile Universit- of
to Bellingham Sunday after an .... "Y
spending part of their vacation! ........ . . Washington brought guests to an-
with her parents, :Mr. and Mr.. er;ge ywt.nstParents m :other North Shore home recently.
Edwin Petty. . ers p .... Mr. and Mrs. Clint Reardon and
ALLYN -- Thursday was the
regular meeting of the Marie Ha-
zen Guild of the Orthopedic hos-
pital, Tacoma. Mrs. Steve Boyce
and Mrs. Earl Terrell were hos-
tesses for the picnic held here
on the beach.for the group. There
were 12 members present and one
The gala arrived early to enjoy
aid Schatz, California. After a the lovely day. They enjoyed be-
visit here the senior Schatzes plan ing out-of-doors, basking in the
on a trip to Canada. They, too, sun, playing games and general
former Belfairites; Mrs. conversation, All were rluctant
Schatz cooked at the Belfair to return to town, vowing to
school, helping to organize the .come back next summer. The next
hot luncil program, and Mr. meeting (if the club will be in
Saeger M01er Shop .... r a Mrs Herb Nelson erie Schatz was a custodian there. September,
A trip to Westport isn't nec- Mrs. Sam Clements and yours
ON HILLCREST Phone 426-4602 M, nd . j Y- :?tahe Rv e ahen nlr°°vl.fgufaily the Virgil Covington family have essary, as many local fishermen truly spent the day Monday in
have found ill tile Tahuya-Bald Bremerton contracting business
ed their granddaughter Sunday .. ' --" -- .-" ...... J'ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Williani Cam- Point area recently. The salmon and having lunch.
,,, ,,a ........ + ,,. ........... I gs during the past week, cam- llave been hitting" well, and those Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett spent
while their son Bruce and family vLr .ann cars awa wmtener rain '
...................... .... ................. and Charlotte Graham of Bays!de, a'-the"l"om'e o'tle{VVhene.]iog • from California for the grad- early-rising weekend fishermen part of the week in Portland vis-
- " .chool . + ..... .,. ,.+ ...,,,. ........ ._,Z[uationu.,,,g of their nephew, Eugene have fonnd their efforts unus- tting friends and spending a few
h' - ,. - [ Turner, from the U. of W. Sclmol ually rewarding. Most of the Catch days with two of their daughters
? [ completes. ,of Medicine. The Reardons, from has been Biackmouth, although and their families.
I Oroville, who were with tile Cam- some Kings and Silvers have been MRS. VERA. BERRY and son
Rnhnrta Rnkw0000nk linings early last week, continued taken. Fisimrmen report almost Wayne of Billings, Mont., spent
, .... ,-,= ,,,.,,,vn [ to see the'sLate with a. loop trip equal success with trolling and a few hours with us last Tuesday.
N,A 'NW' llO'lPii [around the Olympic Peninsula and mooching.
-....--. 1-.. vv ,,vx=v I a stay at Westport where they The top recent catch at Sandy's Wayne is on vacation, bringing his
- mother with him for company.
Roberta Sehwarek, Shelton, re-[ found the fishing excellent. Mr. Tahuya Resort was taken June 8 They drove to California to visit
, %%S ceived a Baehel°r °f Arts degree'snd Mrs' C°vingt°n and their bY Mrs" D°ris P°weli' wh°eaught relatives' t°°k in Disneyland' Ma"
;\\; in Education at commencement ex-[ twin daughters Kathy and Karen a 20-pounder and two sLx-pound- rtneland, Knotts' Berry Farm, do-
ercises at Central Washington [enjoyed a stay and tile Cunnnings ers to round out her limit. Other ing all the things tourists do down
State College, Ellensburg, Satur- home while their sons Mike and successful sportsmen fishing frem in Los Angeles. They drove to Ab-
day. |Jeff clhnbed Mount Rainier on S ' "
andy s tins weekend were Floyd erdeen to visit friends for 3 days;
|Friday with the soon-to-be grad- Powell and A1 Cunningham with went clam digging and crabbing
JIIrnl W u |sate, who plans to leave shortly two each, and Doll Flagg.
---=.. ww.., n . "for his internslfip in Minneapolis. AT TIlE BALD Point Resort, at the ocean. Wlfile in this part
e Well Drilli.g ngehs of the country they took in the
..... ....... Ernie Cadillac u as the high man fair Wednesday and Thursday, dr!-
on the board with a limit Satur- vhlg on home to Billings on Fri-
day and Saturday.
Sam Clements and Steve Boyce
Pod A have been fishing the last two
R IG j OR m --O ? centennial June 22, which has been and family days at Ball Point Resort, conl- of Spokane, who will
Gives Invitation ing home with fish too.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyee are return-
Bedell o II C
INSP ONS v7- TUNE UPS set aside by the centennial cam-
" rn ung o, be. arriving
Phone 426-602
Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Phone 426-4713
days of vacation.
" Roert L. Gardner, general Lee, Joellen and Jeff arl
ch''irman of the committee, in.a forward to a day at te beach
letter to Mayor Frank Travis Jr. here, hope the weather is decent.
extended an invitation to all Shel-
THE ALLYN school held its
annual picnic fast Tuesday at the
Simpson Recreation area at Ma-
son Lake. A good time was had
by all. The ball game was rained
out,however, after it was about
half over. There was a substantial
lunch furnished by mothers, which
the children enjoyed very much.
Everyone wishes to thank Mr.
White, manager of the Allyn
House, for the ice cream he fur-
ton residents who call make it to
attend the centennial that day.
He invited the mayor to be the
guest of the committee that day'
and at the pageant that night.
To Top Off A Perfectly Wonderful
SheltonMaidProdu0ts Kitsap-Mason Dairy
Are Quahly Produds of •
Your Farmer Neighbor
Phone 426.4473
nished for the picnic• The child-
ren look forward to these get-to-
gethers every year and these good
times will be one of the highlights
of schoo1days remembered in the
years to come,
On Friday the ninth' grade of
North Mason held a farewell pic-
nic at Twnoh State Park, chap-
eroned by Mrs. EariAnderson and
Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk. The
were one of many stu-
dents who picnicked on Friday
at Twanoh. North Kitsap and
East Kitsap were of the many who
were out in force. Boats were
busy buzzing around and bath-!
ing suits were the order of the
day. Truly the park was for the
Two Shelton
and Dr. Lynn Whir
recently for their
Century 21
Before the
World Fail', they
izations, service
groups in the
the fair.
They received s J
Plaque and were giV/^,._
of the fair for their "
meting it. 00NBI:RRY .MIn-
---- mmm vnvvE
wwlve!sT0W "
Convention P,ll[i 1. oz "J)
Madrona-Ba;'rs0]I , I
I Veterans r " I N 1
have a pre-eouveU;I '
*he Memoriaf'Baildi ]
today. ::
A musical progra ' ....
sented and refresh '
Plans for tim tt!'
in Longview June'l I :'
Five Buildin$ " :
Five building
issued in rural
They were C.
cabin, $1,200;
wood residence,
turke, wood
J. Koeller,
shop, $500, ,.
garage and "1'11]
ry for the w
were $234.50,
Commission wa
young people on
and Mr. and Mrs
attended a gold.e
lion Sunday, hel
their cousins, -AT
McChesney, who
!tars at Ally\\;.
The McChesne
Puyallup from
retired to spen
of their lives n ...
friends. They k
ing on their pin .'i
ables, and she
Glen says "to
keep happy" an
Mr. and Mrs.
spent Satt, rday
friends here. TI
ther will turn
Mr. and Mrs.
received word
rid and wife
traveling in
months) that
the trip so mu(
up a car for
their trip and
of-the-way pla, " ..,
g. =
has been ,/"
school ' in
Virginia for
Week Lois
the 'termination
they drove
all the
their many
Mrs., A.
were away.
Mr. and M:rS.
had several cal
friends from
Waller Road
they were in
told the
were missed in
hood but knew
here too.
Mr. and Mrs.
an impromptu
since it ju'
the evening for
and Fred. son,
the summer
You'll love golden brown, tender,
with all the natural uices and
chicken cooked in pure vegeta e
It's cooked frol raw through to the b°
On Hood Canal Near Potlatch
Light Powerhouse on Highway
Phone Hoodsport TR 7-9488