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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14, 1962 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.,"&apos; Shelton, Washington SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page 1 1 ustodian xeighed in al 16, . Bob Pitts scor- 21-pound, four Slltlle dllV, and (,enls pretty con- htck, brought in hit ttle scales at unees "rod seven 2s. Salmon wel'e by Stan Freelin, :s Stewart, Roy Ltleshell, Dwigl{t st, Miekey Pitts, reil, Toni' Herrill, Menard, R. Shul- n Simltheis, and ihop-e-dic m!ers mrsday was the of the Marie Ha- Orthopedic hos- [rs. Steve Boyce ?errell were hos- picnic held here tile group. There present and one ed early to enjoy l?iley enjoyed be- basking in the ales and general L were rpluctant own, vowing to almmer. The next club will be in ments and yours day Monday in racting business h. Carl Izett spent : in Portland vis- I spending a few f their daughters s. BENNY and son gs, Mont., spent L us last Tuesday. Ltion, bringing his m for company. ;alifornia to visit L Disneyland, Ma- Berry Farm, do- tourists do down ['hey drove to Ab- :'lends for 3 days; ing and crabbing qlile in this part they took in the md Thursday, dri- Billings on Fri- Ly. and Steve Boyce ng the last two tint Resort, corn- ish too. Boyce are return- ciday to await the / Richard Paulson pokane, who will urday f o, few m. " The' ,tldreni Jeff ar!][ooking: ay at the beach eather is decent. school held its t Tuesday at the :ion area at Ma- od time wa= had game was rained er it was about was a substantial )y mothers, which oyed Very nmch. s to thank Mr. of the Allyn ce cream he fur- )icnic. The child- i to these get-to- ar and these good of the highlights membered in the . ninth' grade of d a farewell pic- tate Park, chap- :arl Anderson and Kowalczyk. The one of many stu- icked on Friday wth Kitsap and of the many who ,rce. Boats were round and bath- the Order of the park was for the Century Honors2 FATHER'S DAY FAVORITE KEYS Two Shelton ,', and Dr. Lynn V recently i:or th, Centm{v 21 Spe: ' Before the World Fair, they izations, service groups in the Sllel tile fair. t ,, They received a. 1 :: muting it. ; i' • • ...... AHBERRY SAUCE ,.. C WWlVo!sT,:: S PEC Oonvenhon PI: ,. o, 0€ ' U..D.A. INS TED ,,,no o,'0* - E HENS have a pre-conv%] MATUR tim Memorial Build] " today. . : " A musical progr" t SAVE!! sented and refresh Plans for tle state in Longview June discussed. _ Five-Building: i Permds IssudJ Five building issued in They were 0. cabin, $1,200; I-I wood residence, 13urke, wqod J. Koeller, shop, $500, an garage and FERRY Receipts for thee ry for the week were $234.50, Commission was young people MR. AND and Mr. and :Mr attended a tion Sunday, h their cousins, McChesney, whO itors at Allyn, The Puyallup from retired to of their lives friends. They ing on their ables, and she Glen says keep haPt him. Mz'. and Mrs. spent Saturday friends here. ther will turn Mr. and Mrs. received word vid and wife traveling in months) tlmt the trip so up a car their trip an of-the-way interesting. : DICK has been go school ' in Virginia for week Lois the termination they drove hum all the way, their many sl most they encouzte weather along Mrs., A. Lund grandchildren were away. lVh'. and MrS. had several ca1: friends from the Waller Road they were m told the were missed in hood but knew here too. Mr. and bh'S, an impromptu since it just Fred's the evening fox' and Fred. Son, Saturday tile summer $wih's Premium : T WASHINGTON GROWN ''i "M  FRESH FRYER PARTS CANNED HANS 59 IC "BREASTS ( FULLY GOOKED READY TO EAT 9 "53 5 s3's ' ' ., -" THIGHS c - LEGS 3' s,00,od, b , s139 SHRIMP MEAT ............. i.79 ¢ ALASKA KING GRABS '(89  WINGS , . FRESH SNAPPER ......... ,. 33  FRYER NEOKS & BAGKS . 15' Ooo,oRon 59' GON,VERTED RIGE ........................  oz. pkg. ,, ,uo ,24 s DRY DETERGENT ..... ,,'um,:,o ,o ,b. Oo*oroon O,,o,r,o, 10, o*, ,a,o,, 69" RINSO BLUE .................................................... Giant o,oooo <o,.,o ,oo,. , o,, ,ho,, ,.,, $1 SNOBOY LUX LIQUID ................................................ , oz. oo,ooon, <0,oo ,,o,. 0 o,, ,,o, 71  F,oz, s-,co WISK LIQUID .................................................... or. Strawberries - GRAOKERS ........................ pkg. 39' YOU SAVE 35¢ HERE! lOoz. $100 pkgs. TH HI RITZ iGRAGKERS ............................................ ,. k Facial Tissue, Save over 6€.on every box Giant size, Pink, w,ite, aqua or yellow € ZEE TOWELS ............................................  ct. °° 29* LUNCH BAGS . ............................................. o ot. BEEF GHOP SUEY /,, ,. Chun King, Chow Mein t¢ NOODLES ........................................................ ,/= t,. 4GI Chun K,ng 49' SOYA SAUGE .................................................. , oz. 46 oz. tins Banquet Brand, Frozen Apple, Cherry or peach. BROASTED OHIOKEH White Grated the World's Newest Way to IF YOU UKr TUNA FRUIT DRINKS I love golden brown, tender, he natural juices and good ss ken cooked in pure vegetat Ie  ,T IT HERE OR TAKE IT NO LONG WAITING -- cooked froq aw through to the IN JUST 7 MINUTES . FOODS ALSO Iillo's DI FRESH PEACHES SUN BLUSHED FIRST OF THE SEASON Clipped Top )d Canal Near Potlatch Light Powerhouse on Highway Phone Hoods'port TR 7-9488 BULK GARROTS 2 .chs 25* FRESH ::::::: :??::.':::..}::;i::i:!:[:)i!:?::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ':'::::';'::!::!:"!:;':':i: !X:::: Shacly Oak MUSHROOMS ,. 49' KLEENEX .o... I0 c WHOLE KERNELGORN, Gree. G,ant ,,ots ........................ 12 oz. tins MEXIGORN--GORN & PEPPERS, Groon G.ant .12 oz. tins Pillsbury, Choice of 8 flavors, Look! You save 64¢ here. CAKE MIXES 4 .oz I ' GOL EN G,REAM GORN, ............................. o t,ns $ O0 BLENDED w=¢T .=a G,, G'AT SEA TANG YOUR CHOICE . . MIX OR MATCH Shasta, Pineapplc-Orange, Grape, Orage or Apple 5 '1 °° 5 ,,; $100 FRUIT PIES O* $100 tins Kraft  18 oz. BARBECUE SAUCE 39 € Skippy  15 oz, tins DOG FOOD I0/001 °° WEEK-END PRICES AT WASIIING ! ()N'S MOST BEAUrlF[ L FOOD STORES Prices effective through close of business Saturday, June 16. Limit rights reserved. ial