June 14, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 14, 1962 |
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V;ii] ltl! sl'Vofl Plii'tf Illl' alllllt;t
\\;viii lit Sl.25, children under 12
year.; of ae. 75 c,nts.
OES Past Matrons To
Meet Next; Thursday
()l'deF Ol lhf' ICastm'n Sial' [)asl,
/]a11'4,1,4 will IYwol for a 17:30 p.lii.
l;,ol.hwl hllli.bc.oll IWXt Tillll'S(lay 1,11
111o tl(ullo O1 Pill'S. JJ]lltonc' Taylor
ol I<aittJlcho,
flitly{tll(! wi:,diing lFliisliol'tati(in
l)olitd I)e I Iho .Masonic ']'eniple
aq ]7 ll()Cill.
...... 7 ..........................................................
!' : S
'sEP;FE E R < W E DD I N iEs?;YL 7(00ALR ' '" " ' { : Y
June 17-30Stateat the Eastern WaSh-wa. AllT a'i Kidd month tri 1
ington College, Cheney, avid Prz, ,.
| t Wishes go to left April
shington. ,llL;va 3(bylski direct: to
,u were nlal'viod they flew
Sandra Lewis won the vocalist --|Y in the lovely spent an :
award and ,Vendy Brickert the IMl. ''' o£ Judge and month
instrumental award, Sandra will lllllllllllil illl||L gCrlghl. JudKe
, aA studying I
he a sophomore at ISR this fall. lid those pl'es- of the eal
She sang with the junior high ii: A, l(idd fqther
I. Ten Pnioving t
school Girls' Glee Club and with "" .*,,J =flft . nit SI(,eR- the acrop,
lhe mixed choir. Wendy will be a aarr.=,,-, .{D5 th- • •
senior this fall at ISR and plays S,:i' [ g,'eom and the museu
clarinet in the band. 30 tO 60 )'earl'! <' Die 1 They el
Jm t,l oft on Sitt- trips, visili
Janet Maranville was chosen as r lie ,,011{ hl Where they Crele and
an alternate for the scholarship. 110 Ionge I'" Vld's pal:ents '
high rat4 701 seniors'(vho
! mote aroa
Insurance )
ZABROSKI of Shelton an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Carol Jean,
to Mr. Richard Lee Oko-
nek, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Okonek of Grape-
view. Miss Zabroski is a
1962 graduate of Irene S.
Reed high school and is
attendin g Mr. Roberts'
Beauty school in Tacoma.
Her fiance is also an Irene
S. Reed graduate and has
attended Olympic college
in Bremerton. He is now
employed at the Boeing
Company in Seattle. A
September 8 wedding date
is being planned by the
f Photo by Ziegler)
Athens to
The class schedule at the col- by high the cities.
lege offers high school students were pus and I)
an opportunity to study with out- :.. ' Kidd the nlotlntl
standing college instructors and i: ....... r. Leonard.
specialists in the creative arts Farmers t( Evans and tiful, but
fields. 14:00i! ill': i:;: 7:J; 00okos, 00ass,b'0 voloped, a,
Janice Demmon was chosen, as ' ?arren Williams culturally,
the outstanding grat;uating senior stop paying for i e Weekend in aN primiti
tevens visiting years ago.
musicalWh° has organization,C°ntributed moStto receivet° her driver's accidentS. { .Vhg Jewett and plumbing
the National Arian Foundation - .: :. " : prove married z[tord Tiedeman. inhabitant,
e, they stopped be very f
Award. " " .:.. . . .:: ::::i 30 and 60 are prefe n0spital to vis- THEY
The names of the winners of eLl 5r`°ld grandson, of Rome. l
this award are sent to hundreds and entitled to Sphad the misfor- took a tri
of colleges and universities y
throughout the cotintry that re- rates and broader=',, ,, .
e While help- spent a fm
queStno guaranteethem yearlY.of any'Whileoffersthere ofiS .' 'F:':; :i : :: .i .: i t::::., ; :;;:15 -'... :.: 7:i:.::... :.... 1 ,cking.C°leA Theyple andretuieC
* ':: "' scholarships for award winners. :..:L:. him a conple o]
many colleges do offer, speeial in- • .... - ;:!:!ii::::7:.lili:)i;i:;}ii:::;: all thank- flight lmm,
clucelnents to the exceptional Sill- ".: ..:i:fTfi:/[:77:77{:::!t::: know a wonderfi
dents. ' .... at least as many c
glad to be
Mrs, Ralph Wagner was chair- ::: and are bl
man of the scholal:sttip committee : ;;:€ ::" returned opening uI
..... assisted by Mrs. Donovan Palmer, . ..:. . : .- on Fri- for summe
Mrs. t)nme Kreger and Mrs. Hat- sag fine.
Japanese Silver Cation. of 00oth Waldo
The Shelton Music Club is af- • ...... : ............. " ........................... " " ...... :: .............. ::: ......... : ........ of visiting f]
Tea Enjoyed By fillated ,vith trite State and Ha- EVI:N IF YOU don't haves house full of male appetites to satisfy, Brown, week and t
tional Federation of ]V[usie Clubs. as Evelyn ghiler has, you will enjoy her heartyChinese-Tuna Cas- ennie Smith too crowd
tend busy abou
All Who At .ero,e. It cai ,be prepared and served in an electric Fry Pan. Sat- small gard
Many local and out of town SANDRA STANLEY * * * * * * were Mr. and
guests filled the sanctuary of the BECOM:ES BRIDE OF Evelyn Fuller's 'recipe for Chi- lyn concentrates on a new idea for and Cin- took time
nese-Tuna Casserole is a meal in a special cake. The boys look for- Doris, trip, this
(near San
Methodist church June 6 for the LESLIE RODGERS itself. It can be.prepared and serv- ward to their birthday cake with took part will be s]
special program and Japanese Miss Sandra .Lee Stanley be- ed in an elecfric frypan. A salad as much anticipation as they do
silver tea presented by the WSCS. came the bride of Leslie Rodgers will complete the meal. their gift. of Mrs. weeks or ;
The String Trio made up of June 1 in a double ring service Evelyn finds lemty casserole§ Evelyn is artistically inclined in Mr. and of their d=
Mary Ashford, cello, Helen Palmer performed before the immediate come in handy at her house as she other ways, too. She enjoys doing Schieve an
violin, and Doris Hillman, piano, family by Rev. Eugene Knautz at has four healthy male appetites water colors and she often does Beforeyou THE OI
presented a group of Oriental num- the First Baptist church. The to appease each day. Her family lettering on signs, campaign post-
bei's: "Orientale" by Cesar Cut bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. consists of George, her husband, ers and placards for friends and get the facts and Mr. Canal Teh
"Madam Bntterfly" by G. Puccini, Orville Stanley. The bridegroom Monty, 11, Jan, 8, and Tim, 7. 0rganiations. Farmers auto poli¢'; ii and Ger- Mr. and M
in the retying S'
"Interlude Oriental" by Rimsky is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vetrus As the mother of boys, 'Evelyn CHINESE-TUNA CASSEROLE ' ; 'i: Joe Luhm largely att
Korsa Kow. " lb. salted Cashew nuts 0ae of -
Selected scripture was read by Rodgers. Both families are of naturally finds herself involved in
Shelton. the Boy Scouts. She has been a 1 can chunk Tuna Call us {or def terested p,
' o ' avn.. and held in the
Mrs. Claude Dewitt. Mrs. Hal i can Cream of iushroom soup
Mcelary presented interesting Baskets of pink and white fin- den mother and an assistant dn "a }S her brother home origi
:*lt: tl Mrs Loien rison Pixl,
mother. She is also a past presi- 1 large can Chow Mein noodles ' lld • '
highlights of her recent trip to wers graced the altar. The bride's dent of the Shelton Jayettes. tsp. salt :! reg of Ox. Noseworth
the Orient and other places. Her father gave her in marriage. She Cake decorating is an interest- ' who in sac
excellent description kept guests wore a white suit with a toque ing hobby Evelyn takes great tsp. pepper /e I' Walden and company 1
cup'finely diced Celery ' Were Weekend the presen
in rapt attention throughout a Of white °i'chids and a veil" She pleasure in. In fact, it is a hobby !. eup minced Onion eof
most enjoyable talk. She men- carried pink and white carnations that has paid off financially at '.6 cup waibr her parents, Mr. Buec
- , ];.t' -emke tion of th(
tinned the Philippines, Hang Kong, with rosebuds, times, for her. Slle bakes and dec- Preheat electric skillet to 350 PA]v'' A. Harris' of ment, in d
Tokyo and Formosa. The matron of honor for the orates birthday and anniversary degrees. Combine tuna,.whole nuts, BILL Z': eee,, visiting
A genuine pearl given to Mrs. bride was her coush% Mrs. Gary cakes. Her boys, especially delight soup, can of noodes, salt, pep- '-'¢1)" and -- former swi
. District Ma
McClary in Japan was passed for Hartline. She wore a fuschia stilt in her decorating ability. As each per, celery and onkms. Pour water '" Sad Mrs John on hand. H
all l:o view. She wore a satin cos- and carried pinl¢ and white earns- of their birthdays approach Eve- over mixture. Cover and cook 20- 125 N. 5th .' Mrs. R. S. rious queri
tame dress made especially for tions. 25 minutes stirring occasionally, ested guest
her trip. Snapshots and cardswere Acting as best man for the Marriage Lice aurice Pear-Buechel, ,
nlso shown, groom was his brother, .Duane nses Top with remaining noodles and refreshmeE
- serve hot from sldllet. Serves 4. from Se- daughters
The lace covered tea table was Rodgers. vaca-
. Ricky Bu e
centered with a Japanese flower Mrs. Stanley chose a beige suit pplying for marriage licenses Parents Mr. the guest t
arrangement of Iris leaves with with bone accessories and yellow at the Mason County Auditor's
visitors sc
figurine. Choice tea from Japan carnations wiLh r)se bnds. Mrs. r)ice this past week were: "+ reports that books and
was served with refreshments, Rodgers' suit was navy blue with Achilles F. Evers, 72, Centralia Aldrich of
Jasamine proving to be the fay- beige accessories. Her flowers and Chalmer E. Loapers, 55, Cen- burned out Telephone
orite. Pouring were Mrs. H. T. were pink carnations and rose traits, the chance A hands
Condon and Mrs. Robert Rings. buds. Roy E. Baker, legal, Shelton, LOSe cabin 1nun1 was
Mrs. F. A. Travis attended the About 100 friends and relatives Week.
Oriental display. Other highlights attended the reception which faN. and Delores L. RaY, legal, Shel-
ton. make it
.'were beatltiful hand-made pro- lowed the ceremony, at the church. .Robert ]V[. Alexander, 30, Brem- and was Wood of C
grams with flowers pressed in wax Here again the brides' chosez col-crton, and Sylvia K. Bame, 25, next best ......othing dog, Ted-at the Se
covers. They were made by Mrs. ors of pink and white were used Bremerton. Aldrich, Mr. and
Ralph Hoffman. Beautiful tiny in the decoration of tie reception David N. Przybylski, Thorpe. such Mr. and
floral arrangements placedin Jap-room andtable. U$1fltJ['--' there had to Roy visite(t
mese oyster shells and moss were " Thethree:tiered pink and white -Wisconsin, 19, and Sharon Kidd, to ' ! .j Mr. and M:
used as centerpieces on. small wedding cake was topped by a tra- 18, Shelton. .
tables. They wei'e made by Mrs. ditional miniature bride and' Frank IV[. Fisher, 22, Seattle,
and Mary Browning, 18, Seattle. BUl
Phil Fredson and given to guests gr0om. Mrs. Frank inor, aunt of l Stanley R. Schweppe, 19, Gig LONG best
as a token, the bride and Mrs. Edna Hunter, Harbor and Cynthia .Munecke, 19, , .
Chairmen for the tea were her great-aunt, served the cake. Gig Harbor.
Mesdames Gordon Bennet, Lee Mrs. Duane Rodgers and Mrs. Ri- Gene Lane, 19, Shelton, and Pat
B°eckstiegel' Dallas Pittenger and chaxd D°ak p°ured' Punch was Mal°ne" 18' Tac°ma" DJ
Phillip Hardie. Mesdames .'W. A. served by Elaine Rodgers. Miss ]:V Ser
Witsicrs, T. R. Rowe and Pahner Kim Rodgers passed the groom's AnllUa| Alumni Dance,
Roberts were in. charge of hos- cake. Walt. • Radio
pitality; Mrs. Robert Steinhoff was Miss Kay DeMiero was in Scheduled June 23 • Phone
in charge of flower arrangements charge of the guest book. Miss The annual Alumni 'dance will • CB 2.
for the tea table, Mary Jane Cook and Mrs. Charles be held Saturday, Jne 23 at the LERO
The general chairman, Mrs. Minor attended the gift table. Union Masonic hall starting at Mr. View
Bernice Stewart wishes to thank • The bride is a 1962 graduate of 9 p.m. Admission will be $1.25 Share friendly talk--settle
all who helped make the program ISR high school. Her new husband per person. There will be live -- and give just as much pleasure
and tea such a stlceess, also attended ISR and is employed music.
at Mell Chevrolet Co. They will Proceeds from the dance will go as you get. ]:ire Set
SHELTON JAYETTES fi]ale theirhome at Route 1, Shel- to the Alumni Scholarship .fund. .e.
The Shelton Jayettes will meetton. , Everyone is welcome. CALL TONIGHT[ ,New.
I tonight at the home of Mrs. Frank I • [ ..... ' * Raca
Kokett. Mrs. Jim Hartley will be ,moohI,-In-Ol FOOD SALE SATURDAY i • Used
co-hostess. 2"lIlltl:lIIl:lllll, ll lllllblOLtl [ AT ItOODSPORT MARINA
_ - ,T____ J __J_____],, Eleanor Chapter No. 177 will Mt. View
I .... 1 lltXt tVV (l[lJ[;]Le(li:/ Ihave a food sale this Saturday at PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL OK RU
' '' -" --th' Walt s Marhia in Hoods art
i IBp Laurel Court Oraer ot Amaran Do "" P "
i ..... meet natlons should airive before
Illlilgl;P , will old s re,a,' sae :l. o,. " '
Inillllqli ing next Wednesday at 8 p.m. a< , ,'v . ="". , Electric:
EVERY ,:he Masonic temple. • Electz
Initiation and honoring of the ROOF
$'.TD'YNIG]itT. theFatherSevenlng,Will be on the agenda for LOWEST= PRICED FROST-P' , . ." Weti:Fairb!
There will be practice'for initia- .. 8HELTO
tion at 8 p.m. this Friday for all
9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. of the officers, FR]GIDAJ0000 419 Railr¢
Admission $1,25 ]Bazelq.uist, Painter
High Pinochle Scorers
.,.o VFW A ili
Tl, e 00avy 00otite,'s Cl,,b wl,, Business Meeting
serve the Kiwanis luncheon next
Tuesday. I The next regular business meet-
The next regttlar meeting of. ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to the
Navy Mothers will be at 8 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Wars will be
nex Thursday at the Memorial held at 8 p.m. this Friday in the
hall. Memorial building.
205 Cots St.
] ,,, i, ,J , •
Hostesses will be Frances
...... Moake, Evelyn Nicholson, Lenora :
Borg and Mattie Backhmd.
Repnrts will be heard on the
recent district meeting in Ray-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson of
Nevada City, Calif., and Mr. John-
son's bvothr, Ira, Of Two Rivers,
Wisconsin, were guests of Mrs.
W. S. Rempel for several days
last week. The Johnsons will visit
Century 21 as well as friend and
lelatives in Bellingham and other
cities before returning home.
Now available for your convenience
in self-service refrigerator at
Evergreen Square
,--/.L. LLT.:L,..'L .................... ' .................................... :.-.:= ......... " ......... "-a= .................................................................................
a hevy
the family
If vare is he spice of your llfe, ee,he ehoee deetloa of
buys now ab your Chevrole dealers 0he-Stop Shopping
Center. One of those new Chcvro]ets, Chew II's or Corvairs
should suit; you perfectly and .saro your budgel; any strahzl
We wouldl' presume %o tell you which one tb buy', bu your
Chevrole¢ dea has more ways of helpgy.ou make lip you
nfind. Je..tke..Jr,t-smooth Chew'ole Impala, luxurious,
exl;rcmely comfortable, mzdoubtcdIy the best riding car in its
field; the Ch.evy II Nova, lively, lovely, and inexTensiv.e, £oo;
*he Corvair Monza, a family car tha rather thinty disguises its
desire o be a sports car; sad the Corvette, America's out-and-
ou spors car. As you see, your Chevrole dealer has just; th
Conic for flint; "le% go raveting" look
in your eye. And, whaVs nice abouf;
buying one, you was'l; have to juggle
oar e around to alrord it. Yott know? "
: : * Helenl
iHlgh scores at the Eagles Au:
lltary June9 Pinochle party REFRIGERATOR" F • Presc]mett<
BALLROOM to Art Hazelquist and • Hypo-
Painter. Second high was won by il=U=' NI:II..
Sclmehler'a Prairie Jack Smith and Ida Downie. Ernie ,....R needs Govey Bid
Shelton-Olympia Highway Stuck and Clara Erickson won the
traveling pinochle. 100 lb. separate door
TEX MITCHELL The next card party will be
Aml His Band held this Saturday evening. The
public is invited. Spacious storage door, Used Fu
---------- • Applt
• Furni!
............ HASON'S HASOHRY ,,,,,s, Fo,
"i!i!!} • 1st & M ill
Fireplaoes " Firepla,
Model ....................
.h:mne. s ................... Screer
:ii#i:! 71
i!iiiii F R i G I D A I R E • Aece=
::"::: ..... • Cera
Planlers o,,.6,
:%; Washer Dryer Customer Pleasing Mt. View
ETC. $199.95 $139.95
ii':::{i Are A Tradition With C:!
i!:::i: awsy from wsshdSyo Ex¢luslVo .r
,11:: P. alrt out without beating. FlOw, • Westing
..... J" ,..=. neat drls8 faster than sunshine,
...... • III IVrlnkles.Awsy drying, too,
00LUMBERMEN'S • ,00oo ,o,
• Also Col
426.2278 "'"''' Appliance Dept.- 2nd E
Lsundry Palr 134