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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in UChristmasfown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, 1962 For Sale MOSS IN YOILtt bAWN? NOW is the time to apply Mossite from Gray- stone of Shelton. Free use of spread- er• Phone HA 6-6661. 4/19 tfn ]MBERSHIP In Shelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75. Terms, HA 6-3649, For Sale i m 8 x 10 COLOR enlargement front ally K[)(tacoh,r negative, $1.98, From color slides, 30(: extra• Regular $3,50. Z|c- lers Camera Shop. 6/7-21 IRIS SPECI/L -- Wltile they last! One dozen dlumps $2.50, Cllose while blooming, Garden Silop, phone 426- .......................... -B-4-/ n 3710. Two miles on Olympia Hiway, ELECTROLUX SALES, service and supplies, John Rice. Phone HA 6- 6108. Free dsmonstratlons. .R 1/7 tfn NEW 1000 WATT, 110 volt light plant, trailers, boats, campers. $198.50. Saeger Motor Sllop, HA 6-4602. 12/7 tfn YOU CAN PUM.P more water and longer with Falrbanks Morse pumps, See them at Shelton Electric Co.. 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn RICH, i&apos;iAff-rr-b- -1 --ff6iE _ ¥1i l-- i FE road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-2552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7'/5 tfn amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tfn L'ig- -- Used steel, plates,  pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and _ MIl_ phone HA 6*8626. 918 tfn FOR SALE -- Large selsctioa o re- refrigerators, conditioned ranges, & ValleY5 n washers, dryers. Eells pliance Center.  iW- ' U'R-E--IbL" "O--ER arrangementB. Your Craft, Iiobby and Health cor- ners. Bar-Din. 520 Franklin. Open Thursday and Friday. B 6122 tfn peel. Pesmanent finish and scaler, does not discolor with age. See 5/25 tfn 6/7-14 I1.1). ntolor, planet,, joiner. Used three Imurs, $195, Beam-tYl)e baby scale, $5, Call days--HA 6-6163. Z 5/31 tfn EUiiSi;V?---is a---i g-o-+T i U-;:;. --T-;+ shop of hundreds of "hand-mades" 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays, and _.._Fr_idays, B 5/'2d tfn TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden, HA 6-6156, 2/12 tfn WOOD FOR SALE -- Alder, maple, $15 per cord, Phone HA 6-2832. H 11/23 tfn USED UPRIGHT PIANO. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots Street. Phone HA 6-4302. 2/1 tfn "CHR1STMASTOWN, U,S.A," rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each, 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfn WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystone. 6/25 tfn PIONEER SAWS sales and-service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware, HA 6- 8163. 3/29 tfn RABBIT--FRYERS fo-ale, also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone tL 6-3626. Me 8120 tfn EMERSON Tv-an-d-stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn Graystone. NEW FISH, new turtles, and goldfish :"":'y'--T" _--"Z'L-" are open bowls• HA 6-4378, 638 Arcadia. Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillcrest V 4/12 tfn Hardware. HA 6-8163. 3/29 tfn ....................... FI/.I--T---'-'II--IS, dwarf and--r-e-gul' LOWREY ORGAN SALES--Johnny'S Strawberries, asparagus, rhododcn- Music Box, 205 Cota St.. phone HA 6- drons, roses, evergreens, peonies, oriental poppies, tulips and daffo- dils. Also artificial flower bouquets. The Garden Shop, phone HA 6- 3710. 3/1 tfn ONE ONLY --- Upright Coldspot free- zer, 20,5 v.f. Stores 718 pounds feed only $248.00, Scars Catalog Sales office. 5/3 tfu GREENEST LAWN in the block. Use Galbraith Golf Green. Graystone of Shelton, HA 6-6661. 4119 tfn FREE BABY root beer for the kiddies under five at A & W Root Beet" Drive-In. Mt. View. 5/1.0 tfn L6 R EY--(5-ti(i kS-I-A'L'E-a("-y6fiii'/i"9 Music Box. 205 Cota St. 4/12 tfn RENTAL EQUIPMENT CHAIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers. Reel Lawn Mowers. Garden Tillers. Floor Waxers and Polishes Wheel Barrows. Electric Saws. Electric Drills, Salter Saw. Sanders. Ext,:rn- slon Ladders Step Ladders. Plpe Wrenche,s• SIlclton Marine StJpply, ,126-8163. 6/7 tfn OLD- GR()W'Ti  wood+f)r " "-shle -Any length, PLone Oliver Petty HA 6- ... 2352• '4120 tfn 21 INCi,:I-RC/i-Tx/-2Z"MMlo,;any cab- inet. $25. 426-6811. B 6/14-28 3t SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Mart Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 If no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183 i r I I DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone HA 8-8384 Moving Anywhere In Mason County || B.&H. Gravel & Paving Co. Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our Specialty 14 years in businees HA 6-4888 8/24 tfn 4302. 2/1 tfn FOR SALE--WOOD -- 16-inch and over, Slab $12,50 a cord; Pole wood $14 cord• Phone HA 6-4867. S 10/12 tfn I))(H I3"IA--SPEk:iAI]-"'2 :"'-One" -d0zcn mixed $2•50. Till: Gardcll Sllop, phone -126-3710. Two nlile8 ,soutll Oil Olyln- _ put lligltway• 6/7-1-I ONE BROWNIE -gii: /-X--i:i/iii-K. B• line. $85. Phone ,i26-8597. __.D. 6/7"21 FREEZER-BEFIIlGEI:ATOR combiua- |lOll lot sale, Like ncw, Iive years old. Cau deliver. See at 621 South 10ih or call 426-2156 or 426-8231• Mr. I€ s, ' 6 " .... S /%.8 FOl.t S.LE- {i}i'i:Hgh(7't'bidcler-':L-Hay StUllll,agc ;it Wasllingtoit Correction (?('llttq' i o be [:oi and renloved bY l,)llrchaser. Contact Institutional Farm Industries. Phone 753-6843 Olympia 6/7-14 FOR SALE-2: Bah-y-Maline=d- ducks, bsutatn cifleks. Chcal), Pitons Shel- ton l:lls Dcl,ot. ,t26-35(12. M 6/14 FOR SALE New Kodak 50 Signet, carrying case, l'las]| and bulbs, $80. Giorg'c Cl'opl)ty. 426-2225. 6/14-21 2t 1;tilt sAlE-221lack'a-id':D-cke , Eliii:- tvw lawn trimmer. Nearly new, $15, Call .126-3570, K 6/1.4 All Metal Singlc-horse TRAILER With Top  Ready to use OAMP TRAILER Sleeps 2, food storage, sink, water tank, ice chest, awnings KIMBEL MOTORS 1st and Mill Street Phone HA 6-3433 m, Boat Building Repairs Flberglas61ng Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. HA 6-4652 t OASH PAIO FOR 6ood, Olean, Used Furnilure and Appliances. CALL KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-0041, FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRIEIDAIRE DEALER H 0 Lumbermen's Meroanhle Oo. T , 3rd and Railroad HA 6.8211 ,, Used Refrigerators Guaranteed n Door Gaskets to Fit All Models a]ld Makes Refrigerators and Freezers ....... O .......... 20 cu. ft. Used Chest Freezer with New [Jnit With Full 5-year Warranty ..... O ........ LEM WARREN REFRIGERATION 226 N. 1st Street Phone 426-2445 24 Hrs, Answering Service For Sale KENMORE PORTABLE dishwasher. McCulloch ellain saw. and Rototiller. Rt!asonatle. To gIVe away tllrce dogs and two-pupi)ies. Phone 426-4167. R 6/14 EXCELLENT. efficient attd economi- cal. that's Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleane, r. Llnnbernlen'8 Me]'cantile Company• 6/14 Used cars 1956 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. 4-door. All the goodies! Good condition. Call HA 6-8674. C 4/26 tfn FOR SALE -- 1960 Dodge Station wagon, like new. HA 6-4541. ............................ _L ......... E..5!_ tf.. FOR SALE -- 1929 Model "A" sport coupe. New Top, new .scat covers, has rumble seat, nlotor cxcellent con- dition• This car in top shape. Phone 426-8635 evenings, Shelton. D 6/7-14 FOil SAIE or TRADE-:222-1936 Ford. five-window coupe, 48,000 relics, mo- tet' Imrtly rebuilt, excellent condi- tion• Want good pickup. 426-4719. B 6/14-21 Sp, orting Goods 16 FOOT DAY CRUISER -- Good con. dition. 20 h,p., Arnolt inboard. Vce bottom. Excellent for year round salmon fishing, $750. or trade for 1957 pickup. Phone ES 3-6845 Brem- crton or EA 5-8955. Seattle. D 6/1.t tfn 1-6--i()()T--B'0"RCH'(R AiTr - boat" -iron: vertibh; tOl), steering wheel, dual controls. 1956 15 h.p• and 1957 7}z h,l). Evinrudes with crulseaday tanks, 3/4 ton rapacity, 1958 Elglu trailer with spare tire and wheel. $700. 426-6765, M. A, Dickinson. 6/14 tfn ONE -'i-42FT:-- o'i-eii--'iodi:f-'Oile ''i6:ft cabal boat. One 18 ft. convertible cruiser, c/o E. L• Todd, Beverly EVINRUDE SALES and service. We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine Hillcrcst Hardware. HA 6-8163. 3/29 tfn EVINRUDE SALES and service. Scott out-board service Hood Canal Mar- ina, Union. TW 8-2252. 3/15 tfn i5 --H :p-. -j U T B 0-i. RD.---iih-,-- e d and 16 ft. boat. ideal fishing setup. _. $200. HA 6-4428. J 5/10 tfn 15 leT. MaRlNE-l;l;;-l)6;it--(Seaswift) II.p. Johnson nlo'tor and controls• Msstcr Craft Trallcr. Ph, 426-6615. ................ L 6/7-14 BOATS, No'r0Rs:-TRAiIERS, eqr, tp2 ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on ocautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244, 1/19 tfn BOATS -- 8 and 1O ft. prams, $40 and $60; 12 ft, fisherman, $80; runabouts 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, 1015 E. Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar- Din. HA 6-6857. B 12/14 tfn For Rent FOR RENT -- Tbree bedroom home, available June 14, Phone HA 6-4505 between 6 and 7 p,m 5/31 tfn '-0R-'-iE N T- -2---'Gal 1 o'l;l-- -d --hill f---ghi= Ion Jugs to take home. Delicious root beer and orange from A & W Drive-ln on Mr, View. 5/10 tfn -b'OR RENT  TWO " bddr()6ni-unfurn- ished apartment, Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact ApL No. 2 or HA 6-2493, oz" HA 6-2,t,t6. B 5/18 ttn 73 EiSgg " 0" K -O-U--iiT-R i-L #, R----A-R Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewcr and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA 6-4679, R 4/14 tfn Furnished. Call 426-8423, or 426-3532. W 6/14-28 For Reni 2 bedroom furnished apart- ment -- water -- heat -- gar- bage included. Walking dis- lance to town. $90 per month. 2 room compact apartment. Furnished water and garbage included. $35.00 per month. 2 bedroom house unfur- nished except for stove and re- frigerator. Downown location, $45 per month. Angle Agency REAL ESTATEIN SU RANCE HERB--Phone 426-8272DIC K For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT available __a.t_ G°ldsl00-ugh Apt_s, ........ S 4/4 tfn GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. S 5/11 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North _.Four.t], phon_e HA - .6,: 348_7,.._R. 4/19 _tf n FOR RENT -- One bedroont house, rural waterfront, modern. 426-8976. M 6/7 tfn COZY ONE BEDROOM house, Stove and refrigerator furnished $40 per rag. Adults. Phone 426-4806. H 6/7 tn FOR RENT -- Across from Evergreen school, spacious partly furnished apartment, View window, every room overlooking garden, car port, laundry included. $60 month. Adults. Inquire 818 Pine St. Apt. 4, HA 6- 3357, 4/26 tfn FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished, .__h_oe_H_ 6-__S!S_o. - ....... _/._tt CARLON APTS -- Furnished. $50 per month and up. Downtown location. Phone 426-3011 evenings, 6/7 tfn FOR RENT  Reed Apt. 2 bedroom. unfurnished, garage, yard, Call Lao Bissoniere Agency, HA 6.4666 or HA 6-4336. D 3/29 tfn GATEWAY APTS. -- Furnished, mo- dern apt., four reonls. 218 No. 1st. 426-4481or 426-4895. M 6/7 tfn f-dR--gkNT-------uKfiirKi6ed---sSiiifl three-bedroom house. Immediate oc- cupancy, two miles out. IIammersley Inlet. Phone 426-4224. D 6/14 tfn LAWTON APARTMNTB. Bachelor units ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively ft-nlshed one bedroom apartments. All untilltles furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 13/4 tfn ATTRACTIVE three room furnished house for rent. suitable for couple. Phone HA 6°4759. B 5/24 tfn SPACIOUS one and two furnished bedroom apartments, lots .of closets, clean and neat. Very pleasant place to live. Edgewood Apartments. Air- port. HA 6-3772. S 3/19 tfn iF6-R--IENT or sale, Large orlo'bed- room house, close to school, fenced yard. Phone HA 6-2259. S 4/26 tfn •oR-RENT --L- --Fo'u r Ji:ooii--fui;ifl  fii'd beach house at PotlatclL double ga- rage, Call Olympia FL 2-3713, or weekends, Hoodsport TR 7-5457. C 6/14 tfn UfE'lqN-IHT OR WEEKEND guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel, Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- 8177. 7/16 tfn TWO BICYCLES taken from Arcadia Street Friday or Saturday. Reward offered for return (st" infornlation, i, Wanted WANTEDQualificd reliable taxi dri- ver. State background by letter to Box E, c/o Journal. 5/10 tfn BABY-SITTING WANTED -- Loving care for your children in my home. Phone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tfn TREES TOPPED. trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service• HA 6-4823. 2/13 tfn BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy. accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone HA 6-4602, 1/15 tfn HANDY MAN  Odd jobs! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-2098. 2/12 tfn , , | Real Estate Real YOU DON'T NEED CASH to get into NEW ttOOD CANAL bcach imme, one this cA?all. altractive foUr b(,drooln lllile llorth O[ Unioll Cily. rl, oe(l-[ Anglcside home in very good con- rooms. With fircl)lacc. ,%,800. Call dition, Full basement, for exi)ansioa Whitehall 3-0414, Olympia. B 6/7 t,n 'Two eF recl'lation rooIll, includes garage space. WILL ACCEPT car and/or outboard nlotors in tl'adt for down- payment or $300 will get you in. YOU take ore,' payments. Inquire at SACRIFICE! 612 Turner HA 6-8584. D 5/31 tfn FOR SALE -- Comfortable three bed- 13 ACRES--4 bedroom, 6 room room home, Electric beat, I)atio, home, utility porch. Drilled 189 ft. garag(,. Attractive yard, c.onplctely deep well. Good spring. Will sac- fenced, Moderately I)ric('d. Call for appointlncnt--426-2109, Hilh'rest area. rifice for $4500. v 6/7-28 John Goodchild ONE ACRE on Bayshore highway, well, set)tie tank and bulkhead. 4 miles out on Dayton Road Young fruit trees. $3500. $1000 dn. P, ardin's, phone HA 6-6837 evenings. 5/31 6/14 B 5/24 tfn WOMAN-WANTS WORK"efany kind F6kgALE=:E'iglk-clio;el-7- b day or hour. Call 426-4373 eve- ed lots. Electricity and water avail- nmgs. V 6/7 tfn able• Loealed behind Robin .................... Inn on Canal• Call HA 6-3548 after 5 WAITED'--TO- RENT -- Thrce-bcd- pan. K 5/31 tfn 250 -- terms. rooIll or bu•ger ileitis outside of city. three bed- $1,0110 down. Phone HA till(1 ' ."----. W 6/7-2t ,{ heat, 85 .a,| = OWner i'cet (idc- 426-{;81 I. B 6/14 ifn llol_lse. electric after P, 4112 tfn r :0 REAL E of thi00 bedroom Ba mw bank wa- anlrnersley Inlet. plus family roor ,Waterfront with t'eneed yard, hO ° garden area,   $7,200 for the shed Owmer leagl  .$,600 eaeh, with • . ,  and 930.00 l)er This fine home """'1", first qualified b: room, partly fi" this daady 3 bed- wall carpet in -'t8 l rooms,  base,.y Icres just rain- third bedroom. *:lti °u Will quickly 1. acre.a  yieS in this nome beacn,r:n, , mall down neg °tm"-?4°T fi°ll Will like its all price---just 1 TIIREI It rain Vie' 1)(,ai or ( __P.!}?2!_%LI: FOR S,LI lots. Inq phone 1t2 MUST SA( ('rost ilo ished, lal tO schoo Will sell 6-8549 af r(H)lo, b Plaster l eond it ion FOR SALI Skokomi pelt on W 7-5438. F()It SAL Oil A Ilg'h I)h' ('()l'lLt i0usg  re(ira, $41 Near Da: LAR(IE Tl ily l't i()lll t*)-wall (' V,'II N} IO |', LAR(IIq "TI v I'o€ HII h)-wa]I ('t %V,'ISh O I', Contac! A1 Ford, 426-4412 weekdays. ..................................... q/K._tP WANTED -- Wonmn baby slt(er my home 8:30-3:30. rive-day week. Call 426-6625 after 4 p.m. H 6/14 tfn GARDEN WORK or any kind of work. Call 426-2175. V 6/14-21 $,L-A-N"--E-I)-- --D¥ i\\;;i=ii(-s ti:i,l)iii: r y pic: kers, Excellent fiehl. Northwest variety, Register now, Ward Farms, at, 2 Box 87, Olympia• FL 2-5833• 6/14-21 Pets, Livestock BURRO. saddle and bridle, $I00. Own- er, 426-8132. R 6/7 tfn small breed--part Pomeranian and Cocker. Six-weeks old. 426-4910. T 6/14 iOff-SXLE'-----Q'fi]u,ter" hirsi,- niare. Good riding horse. Hoodspert TR- 7-5545, A 6/14 ifn Tr O" "--iivE'--'"WAY -- 22_--- Iiielli il- "sett et:, four Iltonths o]d. CaLl 'i26-8553. B 6/14 Miscellaneous Le! NO' SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- SK0o-i)()-WN==$5(VI)7-TTwo-b-ed 2 view. lug. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- room lmme on two lots. Good loca- sun porch, ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone HA 6- tion. Call ttA 6-6510. B 5/17 tfn 775, terms 2438, 3/8 tfn Phil-SAbLE or LEAsE--_5-Slfirban--2= . * I,'INAL I Opportunity kn0cl, WANTED -- i000 recappable tires. OK bedl'oom home, partly furnlshcd, ga- HOOD CANAL  .... ,,'(1 ,- with lar I'0M€= ) STATE Rubber Welders. Mt. View, 1/10 tfn ,'age, phone HA 6-4147, S 5/10 tfn . . . aallYe:n a. deal of : .. '. INMAsoNTHF S' Union, close to the Marina, beauh-  Perle .... In the N • > • strea .... a.nrox, 3!=.):! OnT!  f2510 v2t,e2:, bedroom cottage, $5, land. Homesteaa, barn, orchard. * ton on county roa, d for t   - i'i('d n ill( er will listen to 0u. il i 543 p( titi(¥ wi TR 7-5211 TW 8-2263 Phone TR 7^r..-NTAL of July 1' 426-62Z'  "ll, i',,, , nob; o' [e. 2 bedroom af1,,r as ti ,  h_. court, in ' --_ )Nll Mastm Cot ARCADIA POINT WATERFBUFIt0NT ::n(:a+iHiE' "ARKADA PARK" I tl. objcctimls $5,0 JEROME BURKE 426-8192, or 426-2089. A 6/14-21 ........ MY SINCERE GItATITUI, IC ........ GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-agcd alder sawdust, pit run gravel, compost fertilizer. Phone HA 6-3678. 4/5 tfu IIANO-AND - VIOLIN--- t udL:iii:s iiow bt'itlg ae<:eptcd, Mrs, Dale CowLes Islaud Lake. 426-387i. C 6/7 tfn ....... Slid'ICE ON OR AFTER this dale, June ]i., 1962, I will not L)(, rcsponsiblc lot" any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Lawrence Sp(!nccr 6/14 May I take this nlcans of t'xi)ressing the deep appreciation I have for i he olany frieilds whu xvere sa kind dur- Ing llly recent Ollcratioa and conval- ('scell(e. 1 anl c(H'ttlln t[ helped sp('cd nly ro(!ovcry, Siucerely. Joseph B. Liogvl, 6/1€ ii ii Art's Bulldozing! Excavating Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS 6-6441 3/27 tfn Old fashioned quality Paperhanging and Painttng EARL HERRING "A Whale of a Paperhanger" WH 3-1732 Olympia 1/18 tfa HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tfn WA2U-TED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'8 FURNITURE HA 6-2411 Oold Slorage Lockers Classified Service EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. Jim Pauley Ine. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone HA 6-8261. 4/28 tfn ()OlINGb-wn rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. 6/20 tfn M--ASS'],JR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near the Lower Skokomlsh School, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. 4/16 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone HA 6-8082 day or night, 118 tfn EXPERT M-'AS--NR-Y. fireplae, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. HA 6-2278. 3/1 tfn Hay & Feeds Alfalfa Dairy Hay Tops, Bottoms, Feeder Hay. (Order Now For 1962 Harvest) Load Lots Only. Call collect, Marysvflle, Wash,, OLive 9.2003 Classified Servlce ARTIFICIAL BREEI)ING service pro- ven, , and highly classffled sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. PI- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, HA 6-2084. C 12/15 tfn are open Sundays. Shelton Marina Hlllcrest Hardware. HA 6-8168. /29 tfn Hk V V-GUN-WlL-L-iiY-. i- Etel and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone HA 6-3248. 5/10 tfn  c -c?-p,-Tn smuations, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 321 So, Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 + tfn USED FUINITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valloy Applianoo Oenler Your Washor.Oryer Headquarlers Always Iho bed doal, by Georget at Eells & Valley 2nd & Cota St. HA 6-4663 3/2 tfn for rent WANTED: To move in July 1st Permanent WANTED: To buy with very low down payment or rent with option to buy, three or more bed- room house. Must be on hard surface road. Small acreage OK. Responsible professional couple, teenage children. Write Box 38, Tumwater, Washington. 6/14 - 28 FOR SAI Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman,_ $ 8-Bedroom home at Union being remodeled (not waterfront)• $6,000 00L00.-Bargains- GRACIOUS RESIDENTIAL LIVING 1 f ire-''"P This fine 3 bedroom home with love y "0 - 00M This immaculate This 4 or 5 bedroom home is locate£i right d"01 I corner lot. Lovely yard ---large picture wind,°lt'i;a,,H_OME With double duty, dining room --- sunny kitchen -- utility room. " '|,.i ea. FUll basement Si 00 ' ' an, 600 o need for a happy family. Priced for $10,5 • i,. $ d wn $56 mo D FOR $ ]I ) ME Hardwood TH Ep?.aNeiYal?;2wH E_?:/?2oB2,RsH_O_0_Oelectric lalt.,, -'+++'near to school. G.I. $90C age fenced in yard .... close to schools, stores  t . . +ire 1 stove -- ideal location .-7 all plastered. ,i;te.p ace, large kitchen full .... • I; -,s) 90,5oo. .I. 90 dn., BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th HA 6-061 Business Opportunity For qualified woman. Valuable well-estabished Avon territory available now in Shelton. Why not find out if you would qual- ify ? Phone HA 6-6426 cvcnings. Write Avon, 604 Ellinor, Shelton, Wash. The JOURNAL SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS i0-gal., 250-gaL, 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tfn i AUTOMATIC DRYER' SALE AT SEARS BUY NOW . . . SAVE NOW. PRICES AS LOW AS $98.00 HURRY . . . QUANTITIES LIMITED. SEARS CATALOG SALES EVERGREEN SQUARE PHONE 426-8201 6/14 - 21 2t USED FURNITURE Reasonable Prices 2 sectionals __ 3 davenports nd matching chair sets -- dinette sets --- 1 lUahogany dining set, 7 piece, bcd2:'ockers = club chairs- bunk APPLIANCES Twiu tub Dexter washer -- elcctric range .. 2 refrigerators -- 2 auto- matte washers. OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 328 Cots SL. Phone 426-4702 ,. ...... .-__v__--__ -_ ......................... 2- NEW THERMORITE FIRE SCREENS (Glass doors) one only ....... No. 721 adjustable 35A. to 40a" width ' 5' aud 25G- to 27,/" height, inside measurements .......... $75, save $15 One only No. |) Timrmoritc fire scrcen adjustable 39:i" to 4,i%" widi.h, 31 i" to 33,%" height., $75, save $23. OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 328 CoLa St, Phone 426-4702 ) m LOVELY HOME ON ISLAND LAKE _$i; 3 bcdrooms .... lovely living room -- with fi roont with fireplace -- beautiful view -- r°°;@l A "GOOD BUY,,? Imm beach and dock -- 125 fcct waterfront -- 250 de.j0), 'i tw(ref: & stove included) din of room with this home. Come in and make an o ,ll, u lOnble-width closets. L .'i " Storage. Near to school. R WHY SIT TH ERE READING, HURRY! t: YeA have to see this home as it has so manY f th a be "'- ve :.t, and at mtul fireplace, cow rooms -- built-in oven -- tablff top stove to °' |'t$50ouaoor fireplace. Com garbage disposal. Neat as a pin and ready -.,,:'M' 0. winuing yard. To sell for 98,700 and worth more' :% NT plus owners' 2 BR h ;  aonthl t SKOKOMISH VALLEY _pl¢'t,hl...^_ Y neome. Nice quie Small 2 bedroom home --.ideal for young  .. I. * 48,000. h,g out or £or retired couple. Only 93,200. =i+: "area)):w (large2view lot) $2,270, A 18ABELLA LAKE WATERFRONT :'1,11' $ ,290. ' 90 feet waterfront--- small cabin -- drill°' ..I880NIER E $5500 -- owner will carry .contract. ' A( 00NGLE AGEN0¥ 00S00ATE -- INS00 119 So: Real Estate -- Insura 4h -- Phone 426, HERB -- Phone 426-8272  DIGg HERB IIIOTTEIII Herb Rotter, Broker Office -- Phone 426-6642 Walter George, Evcnings "" 2 BEDROOM HOUSE close to shopping be purchased with. nothing down 40 ACRES -- 11 ACRES CLEAR barn 40 t 2 bedroom home with room for $12,500. Terms. GOOD 6 ROOM HOUSE 4 bedrooms, bath, house is just 7 years old. One Closc to high school. Full price APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE 3 room at $2200. 4 BEDROOM HOME, 2 blocks from stores. matte oil heat, 2 car garage, yard. Thi is a home to bct  3 BEDROOM HOME -- fireplacc, electric just 8 years old and it is located ft. of waterfront. Full price 15 ACRES -- 5 ROOMS, 2 bcdroonls. $1,250 cash. 10 ACRES -- 5 ACRES CLEARED 1959 10 x 50 2 bedroonl trailer. Full 138 FEET OF CHOICE LAKE FRONTAGF-_ electric heat. A good buy at $10,00U. SEE US FOR WATERFRONT AND Herb Rotter & REAL ESTATE 124 North 1st Street Evenings Call A1 LaBiss 426-8806 Harry (Be RFRONT PROPER' ch has many exce beachfront h e, 3 baths, guest q very finest -- $d Very lovely 3 bedroom not far from Alderbro Waterfront tracts or building. $ new 3 bedro activities. $17, can have fun finishin! res and needs. Excell very fine 100 fog $5750, eas a cozy 3 bedroor good fishing river b( 24-acre fenced p barn, chicken he IF NONE OF TH IEN YOUR CHANCE room home on 4 t ! $500 down $35 IN THIS ONE FOR CI home has a nice ' Only $6950 at ${ DOWNTOWN tome is bound to p loads of stox Two-car g; last long at 91317 .FTTER LOOK AT O of the nicest buildi iew and those in thee bver!  OF A RENTAL NO now availabk month up. Like to ¢OU GET ALL THIS home, with l /z ' and wired f( to Safeway s. Better check this o A. ROY DUK REALTOR • 126 Lemke's Service Phone 426-6779 tfn M y Drilling HA or HA 6-2455 . Rototilling -- plowing G discing -- blade work lawns and power saw work. R. C. GLASER Phone 426-2239 6/14 - 28 ALDER LOGS WANTED 8' Multiples, Long Logs, 10" Minimum Diameter, $45. HUNT'S MILL, Gorst 6/14 - 7/5 4t