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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19(}2 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published tn ',Ohristmastown Shelton Page 15 bed- $I,000 down. Phone HA H 5/3 tin ono hig lot StOrOS and W 6/7-2l bed,'i.,m 35 feet tide- 426-6811. P, 6/14 tfn house electric \\; Real Estate Legal Publications L I TIIREE HIGHWAY LOTS on Moan- ('AI!,I,: NO. 7737 rain View for sale, or will irade for NO'rl(!l,2 4)1," SlIFllIFI"'S SALE boat or dunql truck. Johu Kneeland, OF IlEAl, E'I'ATE phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tin Under General l:.xeealhbn .,..,,--.ol,,.,,xw..=-==+=::-=--=::::-"-I :c-v IN Tin,: SIJI':ll,,l c,:,t.rr or," ThE STATE (iF' WASII INGT()N F()I¢. lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or MASON COUNTY phone HA 6-8150. N 7]23 tin llAl¢()LD E. AIAA,]N and PEARL MUST SACRIFICE two-bedr'oom Hill- ALLEN, his wit., ]'lainli/f crest hollte, Iurnisiled or unfurn- vs. ished, large garage, corner lot, close M. J. WIIITCIIURCH and MARG- to school and steres. Must move. ARET \\;VHtTCIIIH{CH, his wife, De- Will sell ai real bargain• Phone HA l'cndanl. 6-8549 afternoons or evenings. /hl(|er arid )v ViFttle (If a general ox- M 12/14 tfn evldbm issue(l oat of and under the ..................................... seal id' tile Superitw Ci)urt of the State LARGE TWO bedroom home. Dining of Washington. in and for said Coun- room, basement, fenced back yard. t.v, on Ihe 10th day of April, 1962, allen Plaster finish throughout. Excellent judgment rvndered ill said Courl eondition. Phone HA 6-4673. a ,.,,"".|"" -i:b day ,,r June. i960. in fa- .................................... S 1.3/9 tfn of HARf)LI) E. ALLEN and FOR SALE -- House on 3 acres near ]'EAtL ALLEN, his wife, and against Skokomish school. Contact A. F. Op- M. J. WHITCtlUICII and MARGAR- Legal Publications NO. 3319 NOT|CI4 OF ilEARING FINAL ItEIORT AND |'I,;'ITI'ION |"()it i)]s'rl{I llUTION IN TT-IE SUPERIOII COLIRT OF TI-I STATE OF WASHIN(ITON FOI: MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of MARh A. CORMIER, Deceasel. John B. Cornlicr, Executor of said Estate, has filed with said Court his final report and petition for distribu- tion, asking tile Court to settle said report, distribute tile property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- ehsrge said Executor. Said re]loft an4 petition will he heard on the 2915 day of June, 1962, at 10 a,m. in the Court- room of said COUrt in tile County CI)ut'tllouse fit Shelton, Wash ngton. DATED THIS 25thday (if M P,', 1!)62. HARRY DEYETTE, Legal Publications State of Vashingtan l)elmrtment of Natural l.csonrres Bert 1. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands NO'rlCI: OF SALE OF VALUABLI,; MATEItlAL ON STATI'] LANI| Notice is hereby given tbaL on Mon- day, iiu 25th day of June, 1962, com- nlencJng fit ten o'ch)ck ill the forenoou of said day, at the Port Orchard, Dis- (riot Headquarters, located at Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Adnfinis- trator of said District.. lhe timber on tile following descril)ed state land will be sold at public "ruction to the, higtlest bidder, to-wit: Aplflieation No. 27059 Hard Road No. 2 located approxim- ately 7 miles southwest of Belfair• The sale is composed ef trees nmrked AL J leileh }lOIllC, one nion CHy, 2,,,, ed- tel)lace. 63,800. Call , Olympia, B 6/7 t,n ;IFICE ! bedroom, 6 room rch. Drilled 189 ft. I spring. Will sac- oodehild n Dayton Road REAL of this Two bedroom B jllffEy ,a ==--low t ,nl wa- [?araersley Inlet. plus family room.[aterfron t with fenced yard, hO°t $7,200 for the garden area,,600 each with shed Owner leav"ill :;.a and $30 f)0 per ,It pelt on Wednesday or weekends. TR 7-5436. 10/5 tin Foit SALE ],',)ui:Liii;}ii'g(,m ].,us,i i)n Angh'side, wo-('ar gal'age, dou- hh' eorm'r h)l./Call I:IA 6-313,1. bank wa .......................................... I[.5/31 lfl HOUSES -- Tln'ee-room, $3200. Five- room, $4200. 10% down, $50 per too. Near :Dayton. HA 6-6837. B 5/25 tln LARflE TIIRICIC bedr,om home. fmn- ily room with huili-in broiler, wall- to-wall (.ar])etillg, Fange, (lisbwasllcr, washer, dryer. Phone 426-8078. S 6/7 tfn LAR(IE'TItREE bii(lt;},m h,,m} , fam- v rimln with buill-in broiler, wall- lo-wall carpeting, rqngc. Dishwashcr, washer, dryer. Phone ,t21i-H078. S 6/7 tfn This fine home Sill ,, rst qualified b  room, partly  [iLi ..... wall carpet in a, '3 L_uun.aY 3 beta- rooms /o base¢ . es Just min- 5/31 6/14 .hir  egroom F iu: u Will quickly _..u 1" acS i  ea in this home -- VieWS..u.]eaCh: [1, .R Will like its  775, terms negOm :! fil j.a. own , , : pr'ee--just I CANAL opportunity kn Ocla.'/ • . ally on a deal°f t!:0ME$ "he Marina, beauti- acres with l,__.0'er . ] " " a a rox  zeet family ,droom cottage, $5, stre m, PP ._2 tii[lroorn the oth- land. H°meSea="lal Bet' I barn, orchard. O1(1 s hat? lo- ,OaUi ano. nave, ton on county z ',ll for t .... [ • n to 0 nat active [ ...... IT4L[ J.I;e er will liste -..-A:* FI-IA flnanci rance Co, ofll/C el ,' y paymen Union I Route 1, BoXl.: TW s.226a I Phone TR 'dNv-- I 426-6227 °' eat "" ' bed,.o, I i _.. 0! ,, hed. ....... ..... financing down pay- payments• bedroom ' lots, all utilities, private dock, BY,0d ze HA 6-4252 days -- HA 6-6530 eve 'Marden Stroud [ 426 -4000 Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton A [BA,VNU E [ ' Sb,qton, Washingtoa 6/1.1-21-28 7/5 VlLu= , ' ,,=i ,.. . . EXOEPTIONAL - Bargains - Bar ares RES,DENT,AL L,V,NG ' g .: ! i ............. '.,0;, 10 - "" ' $ ' ' " p .t•.ly furn- ............ . • J0'Lk percent down, easy terms c 5 bedroom home is located right  011 00veiy yard --large picture double duty dining room 00leasant --- sunny kitchen --- utility room. " ,. ,: iora I Full basement. Single garage. Priced to it 3 %.) ,ppy family. Priced for $10,500. ' $600, down, $56 month. OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD FOR $tt'l 2R  H'OME Hardwood floors, fenced yard lynlw _cl3betd:oo,:o;. se;eteriC h]l[, l , =*-to scnool, G.I. $900. dn., $78 per month. lbe 1 • -;:.," ' i;le k - , g " . ull basement, large s a p 1 locatmn all plastered P ace lar e kltchen f t o s) $10500 GI ;900 dn $80 permo m $9 500 )ME ONISLAND LAKE _lld', ' ' " ' ' ms .... lovely living room -- with fi (h- , ireplace -- beatltiful view -- r.°°;l 1 (_ 'GOOD BUY"? Immaculate 2 BR home, a e zest 250 ae Y ez & stove mclu ck -- 125 £eet w t rf'  q¢.W,.tv^   " ded) dining area, living room, this home. Come in and make an o* let ^OUble-width closets. Large utility, attached i urage. Near to school. Ready to move into for tERE READING, HURRY! t ' ,to see this home as it has so naane¢.tin  obelotiofr u lt-in oven -- tabld top stove 1 fireplace, convenient eating area in --  = o ,  ..d'to  ¢(]IC'$.a firepiace Compare this with others 3sal. £NeaL a  k.ln anu -'--v ^ ' ,uu t c , , , • To sell for $8,'(00, and worth moz' 1. " i.['NtThPlUs owners' 2 BR home apartments rar- I VALLEY _.til¢'Illy._. - ly income. Nice quiet residential area. By edroom home  ideal for yomlg " ilh 8,000. • retired couple• Only $3,200• ' %V il a(large view lot) $2 270. Angleside $1,500. Down- .AKE WATERFRONT ' 'd '!" real $2,290. aterfront -- small cabin  drdlC iir___ er will carry contract. , ANGLE AGENOY TATE -- INSURANCE' _ : !: o 4{!h Phone 426 4666 Real Estate -- Insurau ...... HERB -- Phone 426-8272  DIGg Evenings Call |B ROTTEIII Broker Walter George, ,ne 426-6642 Evenings HOUSE cloe to shopping n'chased with nothing down • 11 ACRES CLEAR barn 40' droom home with room for 2 00. Terms. M HOUSE 4 bedrooms, bath, e is just 7 years old. One '. to high school. Full pricc TELY 1 ACRE 3 room llou0 )200. HOME, 2 blocks from storeS. oil heat, 2 car garage, This is a home to be pru HOME -- fireplacc, electric 8 years old and it is located 'waterfront. :[Cull price $ • 5 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms. 0 cash. - 5 ACRES GLEARED 1959 50 2 bedroom trailer. Full price : CHOICE LAKE FRONTAGI sic heat. A good buy at $10,000. US FOR WATERFRONT AN0 I[ € b Rotter & ' fi , i!i :(ii )I;C Legal Publications NO. 3329 No'rf(?E OF IIEARING FINAL ItFPOItT AND i'ETITION FOR DISTIIII|UTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of OS- CAR RYDEEN, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREt:'Y GIVEN that FEARL RYDEEN, Executrix )i' the Estale of Oscar Ry(leea. dec(,ased, has filed ill the ofl'iee of the Clerk of said C()urt a final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to set- tle said relier(, distribu(e lhe l)rop- sty lo thc persons thereto entitled and to discharge the petitioner as Ex- ecutrix; and that said report and p(tition will be beard on the 13th day of July, 1962, at 10:00 (,'eloc, k in the forenoon of said day, or as soon there- ll'Ior as the itlalter eau be heard at the court room of the above-entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason County, Washington, at which tlnle "lnd place any pel'son interested in said Estate nmy al)pear and file objections thereto and contest the saint, Dated this 8th day of June, 1962. ItARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of said Court, By: Teekla Vermillion, Deputy. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney f(,r Estate /3,ell PAds,, 121 South 4th St. A1 LaBissoniere, Ph. 426-8649 426-8806 Harry (Bob) Wile, Ph. 426-8926 LLENT BUYS REAL ESTAT] Street :::) :RFRONT PROPERTY? ... ch has many excellent features. beachfront home, completely fur- -5 3 baths, guest quarters, and so much 'y finest -- $49,50'0. Very lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home on top not far from Alderbrook, $39,500. Waterfront tracts with septic tank and or building. $5,000 and $3,500. nearly new 3 bedroom 2-level home with activities. $17,500. an have fun finishing this modest 16 x 20 res and needs. Excellent beach. $5950. very fine 100 foot wooded tracts with $5750, easy terms. a cozy 3 bedroom home on 20 acres fishing river bordering place. $6950. 24-acre fenced property of finest soil, barn, chicken house, etc. $13,000. : IF NONE OF THESE WILL FIT-- EN YOUR CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN! room home on 4 Angleside lots for the $500 down $35/month! Hurry[ N THIS ONE FOR CLOSING COSTS! home has a nice view of Shelton, fire- Yard. Only $6950 at $65/month. DOWNTOWN HOME... lOme is bound to please everyone! Full loads of storage, downstairs bath Two-car garage, nice yard, and last long at $131750! LOOK AT OUR LOTS! . . of the nicest building sites available in w, and those in an area of fine new thee bver! ' 13 OF A RENTAL NOW .... rentals now available--furnished and an- Per month up. Like to see them? GET ALL THIS FOR $6500? .. • with 1/z baths, separated din- and wired for washer-dryer. It's to Safeway and Tradewell. Can S. Better check this one! ROY DUNN RE,$LTOR • 126 Railroad Ave. 41 ET VIIITCItIII.('I1. his wife, judg- ne'nt deblors t'o)' the suel of $779.00 1)his inl(!l'est at |i |)et'(.e]/i put' annunl, o[ which ih(!Fe is duo, and ow- iltg the sutlt of $361.71 together with II[tOI'll(LV'S fe('S, ill[{,rest, COS[S slid ill- (:t'(!lst!d costs, an(l [(} hie direct(!d and d,'liver(,d, I did (m the llth day of Apl'il, 1962, h!vy Ul)on all tho right, ti|l(, and inler(,st )l" said jndgment del)|ors in and to the f()llowing de- scrib('d l)roperty to satisfy said judg- nlent. [.()-wit : East one-half of tim SE! of |he SW , Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 1, West, W.M., exeep( public road righl of way. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday, the 13th day of July, 1962. at 10 o'eloek in the :FoFt!nof)n ill said day, I will sell .the ahove descril)ed I)ropel'iy, or S(I lltlICh t]lt)rel)f as Itl[Ly be necessary (o satisfy said judgnlent, together with nttorney's fees, interest, casts and in- creased costs, ill all all)OUllting to the stnn of $5,t,t.87 l)ollars, Phls Sheriff's Costs and cost of Publication, Said sale will take place at the East dora' of the Court House at Shel- tolt, Washington in said Courtly and Stat,, and will i)e at t)tll)lh auctlou, for cash iu hao(l lo the big]lest and best bidder, Dated at Shelton, Wash,, this 7th (la, y of June, 1962. W. A. POTTER, Sheriff of said County. ]:;y Thora W()lf, Deputy. 6/14-21-28 7/5-12 51 NO. 3322 NOTICE OF ilEARIN(; ]"INAL RI';i'ORT AND PETITION FOR DIS'rRIICTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of TAL- BOT FELIX BELLAZZI, Deceased. ROBERTA A. MeCLARY, Admini- stratrJx of said Estate, ires filed with said Com't her final report and peti- tion for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entit- led and to discharge said Adminis- tratrix. Said report and petition will be heard on the 131h day of July, 1962, at 10 a.m. in the Conrtroom of said Court, in the County Com'thouse at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 8th day of June, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Court by: Teckla V(rmillion, D("pul y Clerk. ROBERT l:. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125L/z North 5th Shelton, Washington. 6/14-21-23 7/5 4t WATERFRONT Live on the salt water 8 miles from Shelton. Un'excelled view of water and mountains, Mod- ern 2 BR home, Patio, 2 car garage, boat house and float. Nicely landscaped, g a r d e n, berries, fruit trees, drilled well -- lots of water. Call owner, 426-6784, for more in- formation. H 6/14 tfn drapes included. Terms $1,200 and financing. • 200' BEAUTIFUL ARCADIA WATERFRONT, T/L and 3 acres in grass• 3 bedroom modern home. Large chicken and rabbit sheds. This property can help support you. Consider trade for small home in Elma, Montesano• Priced $19,950; terms. $5,000 down. Call John Devereux. • INCOME PROPERTY, DOWN TOWN, 2 homes on 1 lot. 3 bed- rooms and 2 bedrooms. This good property needs a handyman. Le in one, rent the other for ou.. Make income pay your way. Full rice $6,600. Terms arranged. • PIONEER SCHOOL u/ MILE 4.ROOM HOME, 3n/2 ACRES- Well, lawn, wood lot, trees. A good lace to live. $4,950. Terms can be arranged. Call John Devereux. • 100' Waterfront, good cabin, lz acres, trees, spring water. Electricity. Magnificent view. $4,- i00 with $500 down. 62' Phillips Lake front. Fine cab- in, furnished. Tree studded. Float. $3,500 with $500 down. FARMS and ACREAGE 8 acres, 3 bedrooms . . . $7,200. 8 acres, 2 bedrooms . . . $8,500. 6 Room farm home, 35 acres, spring, creek,.. .barn and log house." Good sod, fru0ts. Fenced paddook. $8,500 with substantial down and $50 monthly. Contact John Dever- eux. 80 acres, 35 clear, drilled well, no buildings, $8,500. Terms. 80 acres, 60 eleav, Well, barn, $10, 000. / CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street : EVENINGS CALL JOHN DEVEREUX "HOME-FINDER,, AT 426-3500 Ch;rk of lhc St;perior Court I)3": Teckh Vermillion, I)eputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251,./, North 5ih Shelton, Washington 5/31 6/7-14-21 41 State of Washington Department of Nataral Resoarees Bert L. Cole, Cemmissloner el Palllie Lands NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 26th (lay of June, 1962, com- mencing at ten o'clock ill the forenoon of said day, at the Shelton, Distrlct Headquarters, h)cated at as Shelt°n'i County of Mason, State of atrW)'h'ngt°n' by the District Administrat • of said District, the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to-wit: Application No. 27709 Dayton Thinning No. 3 located ap- proximately 5 miles west of Shelton, The sale is composed of all trees marked witb lmint within marked sale area boundary and property lines and all right of way timber 10 feet on each side of the center line on parts of the acres, more "'or less. "'comprising ap- proximately 279,000 bd. it• of Douglas fir: and 22,000 bd. ft. of bemlock, or a total of 301,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $4,317.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to December 31, 1963. On or before June 26, 1962, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a mini- :mum deposit of $431.70 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of $436 70 !in the form of cash, money order or 'certified check. Said deposit shall con- stitute an opening bid at the appraised price, Upon awarl of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders• The pur- chaser must pay tbe balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price :on the day of sale, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, ex- elusive of fees, to equal 25% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, previded that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. Upon award of sale, purchaser must also fur- ci{eck'to guarantee compliance wiih all terms of the bill of sale. All eheeks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via state access road. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at She[ton Distri(,t Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District tIead- quarters, on Tuesday, June 26, 1962, at I0 o'clock a.m. AiIplieatlon No. 27823 Pelisheck Thinning located approx)- mately 6 miles northwest of Matlock. Tim sale is composed of all trees nmrked with paint within marked sale area boundary and property lines on SEkl SW, Section 21 and part NW!,I NW Section 23, all in Town- with paint only, on part N/h NE!.I, SW! NE!, part E/fi NW,, Section 9, Township 22 North. Range 2 West, W,M,, contahling 92 aeres, nlore or less, comprising approximately 400,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir. Minhnum acceptable bid: $8,600.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or ill- siallment plan be.sis, Timber nmst be removed prior to December 31, 1963. On or before June 25, 1962, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder nmst nmke a mini- mum deposit of $860.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of $865.00 in the forn of cash, money order or cer- tified check. Said deposit shall consti- tute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the resl)ective deposits shall bc returned to the nnsuccessful bidders. The pur- chaser must pay the balance betweeu the bid deposit and the full bd priee on the day of sale, or may, if the! purchaser so elects at the thne of sale, ; pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, ex- cluslvc of fees. to equal 25%" of the full bid Price based on the cruisc esti- : nlate. This balance may be paid by I personal check. Purchaser must also = furnish, within 30 days of date of sale, a surety bond of $I,000.00 tel guarantee compliance with all terms l of the but of sale All checks money l orders,.t, are to be madc 'payabie ! to the Conunissioner of Publie Lands. ! Accessibility: Via state access road• Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orclmrd Dis- trict Headquarters, County Auditor's ,office, and offiee of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Monday, June 25, 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised, If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hera's of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p,m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commis- sioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Masen county, and District Administrator of said district, Terms of sale are: cash or install- ment plan basis, BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 5/31 6/7-14-21 41 NO. 3362 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter of the Estate of C. F. ZENTNER, Deceased. Violet Zentner is the appointed and qualified Executrix of said estate, All persons having clabns against said deceased are. required to, serve the same in duplicate, duly V'erified, on said Executrix or her attorncy, Rob- err L. Snyder at tile address below slated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Cos't, together with proof of suctl service, within six nlonths after the date of first publi- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: 5une 7, 962. VIOLET ZENTNER , Box 158 Pacific Beach, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law ship 21 North, Range 6 West, W.M., 125Vz N. 5th containing 65 acres, nmre or less, corn- Shelton, Wastflngton 6/7-14-21-28 41 prising approximately 182,000 bd. it• of Douglas fir; 16,000 bd. ft. of bern- NOTICE OF IIEARING lock and 3,000 bd. ft. of cedar, or a ON AIILICATION FOR total of 201,000 bd. ft. FRANCItlSE Minimum acceptable bid: $2,743.50. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Timber will be sold on a cash or the City of Taconm, a Municipal Cot installment plan basis, Timber must poratio siting by and through it's be removed prlor to December 31, 1963. Dipartm'ent of Public Utilities, Light On or before June 26, 1962, at 10:00 Division have made application to the a.m., each bidder must make a mini- Board of County Gonunlssioners, of mum deposit of $274,35 plus a $5.00 Mason County, Washington, (as re- ]),ill of sale fee, or a total of $279.35 in quired by RCW 36,55.040) for a Twen- me mrm of cash, money order or cer- ty-five (25) year Franchise to con- tified ctmck. Said deposit shall constt- struct maintain and operate transmis- tute an opening bld at thc appraised slon and distributhm lines for the price• Upon award of this sale, the transnflsslon and distribution of elec- respective deposits shall be returned trie energy together with poles wh'es to the unsuccessful bidders. The par- and other 'appurtenances, upon' over ctlaser must pay the balance between along and across the nublle road anci the bid deposit and the full bid price[ Iighway (known and identified as on the day of sale, or may, tf tbe lCounty Read No. 260 and No, 9-60-Ai purchaser so.elects at the time of sale, l as shown on a map attachcd to their pay /m aumtional amount, to._brlng[application, and located on and ac- the .total amount. Or toe uep0slt, ex-[ross portions of Section 5, Township mUSlVe of .fees, to equ. 25% of the[22 North, Range 4 West W.M. and Luu mu price asea on tne cruse es-[Section s 32, 29 aud 20, in Township u mate, ,provided that _such deposit i 23 North, Range 4 West W.M., in Ma- snail not De less tuan Z.UOU.UU TnlS lson County, Wastfington. balance may be paid by personal NOTICE IS FURTI:IER GIVEN that check. Upon award of' sale, purchaser since, the above deseribed area is not must also furnish a cash bond of $200,00 In the form of cash, money order or certified, check to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc• are to be made payable to the €om- missioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Purchaser may use the road according to reciprocal road use agreement with Simpson Ttmber Co. Complete contract and specifications my be exanfined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lsnds, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District Head- quarters, on Tuesday, June 26, 1962, at I0 o'clock a,m. Any sale which has been offered, andS for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised• If all salas cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between tim boars of ten o'clock a.m. and four ,o'clock p,m, Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commis' stoner of Public Lands In the nlanner )srovided by law, a notice of which now on file in the office of the A.udRor of said county and District Administrator of said district, Terms of sale are: cash or install- ment plan basis. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 5/31 6/7-14-21 4t NO. 3209 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL REPORT PETITION FOIL DISTRIBUTION, AND DISCHARGE OF EXECUTOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of Katie M. Abbey, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that Lester L, Dickinson, executor of the estate :of Katie M, Abbey, deceased, has !filed with the Clerk of the Superior !Court of said County and State his final report and petition for distrib- Ution of said estate; and that Friday the 6th day of July, 1962 at 10:00 o'clock, A.M., Department' No ..... or said Superior Court, at Shelton, in said County, has been duly fixed by our Superior COurt fee the settlemen of the said Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the persons entitlLed.d thereto and discbarge said executor. WITNESS, the Hon. CHARLES T. WRIGHT Judgeof tim above entitled Court and the eal of said Court affixed this 23rd day of May, 1962, HARRY DEYETTE, said Clerk of Wash SUperior Court Shelton. BRODIE & 'RISTOE Attorneys for the Ex¢cut0r Suite 1. Professional Arts Bldg. Olympia, Washington (Seal) 6/7-14-21-2 41, within tbe limits of an incorporated City or Town that the said Board is the proper' authority to set the time and place of Hearing and any and all other restrictions that nfight be dbezned necessary in connection lerewith. according to Chapter 36.55,' cvlsed Code of Washington. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that sai( Hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m., on Monday July 2, 1962 at the office of the said'Board, in the Court House, ai Shelton Washington. DATED this llth day of June, 1962. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, WasI!ington By: C. NOLAN IMASON Clerk of Said Board. 6/14-21 21 NO. 3364 NOTIC'E TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of VIOLET M. PROBERT, Deceased. Gary L. Probert is the appointed and qualified Executor Of said estate. All Persons having claims against said eceased ae reqtiired to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert ,L. Snyder at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: June 14, 1962. GARY L. PROBERT Executor Route 2, Box 255 Shelton, Washington. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125A N, 5th Shelton, Washington 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t NO. 3361 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OP WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES H. RUTLEDGE, Deceased. Loda V. Rutledge is the appointed and qualified Executrix. of said es- tate, All persons having clahns against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Executrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address be- low stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with In'cot of such service, within six months after the date of first publ- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred, DATE of first publication: June 7, 1962. LODA V. RUTLEDGE Executrix Route 3, Box 292 Shelt0n, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law- 125% N. 5th Slmlton, WaM)ington,. '6/7-14-21-28 4t MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL NEWS 00Billy Graham Picnic Tllrns Into 'hming' Instead Of Film Slated 'Outing'; Boys', Girls' Coaches Honored The all-school picnic scheduled for Sehafer Park on Monday, June 4, was rained out before, iL started and the buses brought the students directly to the setmol for an "in- ning" instead of an outing. The high scimol gymnasitma was appropriated by the higi school students for their frolicking and they cxercised their ankles and other divisions and subdivisions of their anatomies in dancing the twist in its assorted and spectacu- lar wtriations. Apparently no in- juries restated. The elementary pupils celebrat- ed in their own rooms with games under the supervision of their teachers, A picnic lunch of wieners, buns and other good things was served in the cafeteria under the direc- tion of Mrs, Chappell and Mrs. Moore, assisted by the room moth- ers, In appreciation of their services to ,the school, both Coach Jack Hogben and Nellie Chappell, di- tor of girls' athletics were pre- sented with appropriate gifts at the Athletic banquet, Mr. Hogben received a 17-jewel Bulova wrist watch and Mrs. Chappell wag pre- sented with a bcautiful linen ta- blecloth. $ $ * Graduation exercises were held in the school gymnasium Friday Le;al Publications , NO. 3321 NOTICE OF IlIeAKING FINAL REPORT AND PF'rlTION FOlt I)IST l(llll]'r ION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O:F TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter (,f the Estate of IIANS p. SCHMIDT, Deceased, Mildred A. Sehmidt Ex,cutrix (,f said Estate, has flied With said Court her final report and petiti,m for dis- tribution, asking the Court h, settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entilh,d and lo discharge said Executrix. Said report and petition will i)e tu, ard (m the 13th day ef July, 1962, at ]0 a.m. in the Courtroonl of said Court, ill |h(! Coun- ty Courthouse at Shelt, m, Wasliillg- ton. DATED THIS 8th day of Juno, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of th(' Superi()r Com't by: Tcckla Vcrlnllllou Dcl)uty Clerk ROBERT L, SNYDEI{ Attorney ai Law 1251Az N. 5th Sh(.l'ton, Washiagton. 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t NO. 3359 NOTICI.; TO Ci|ED]TOltS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tho Estate of LULA M, JONES, Deceased. Ads C. C[otbier is the appointed and qualified Exe('utrix of said cstate. All persons havJng c]aJlns agaillSt said deeeased tit'(" rcqllired to serve the same ill duplicate, duly verified, on said Executrix or h,r attorney, Rob- ert L. Snyder at ttn, address below slated, and file the same wiih tile Clark ,ff said Court, i.ogelher wilit It 'oof a)|' suel/ sorviee, witbin six monlhs after the date ol firsL puMi- eatiou of this noti('c, or lhc salne will be barred, DATE of first l)ubli('alion: June ]4, 1(.]62, . ADA C, CIA)TI:IIE[{ • 403 N. 7th Shell on, Washing(ca ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney a( Law 1251, N. 5th Shelton, Washington 6/14-21-28 7/5 4t NO. 3367 NOTICE TO CREDITOItS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE Ill the Matter l)f the Estate ,)f ING- RID R. BRIINSTROM, Deceased. Notice is hereby gi,'en that the un- dersigned has [)ee ell ttl)l)ointed and has qualified as executor of the estate of Ingrid R. Brunstrom, Deceased that all pers,)ns having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said exe- c'utor or his attorn(:y of ret:r)rd at |lle address below stated, and file the same with the Cl(-rk of sald Court, together with proef of sneb Sel'viee within six months after the date of fh'st publication of tbis notice, or the same will be barred. Date" of first publication: 3une 1,i, 1962, GERALD R. BRUNSTROM Executor of said Estate 12660 Shurewood Drive S.W. Seattle, Washington John L. Hay, Attorney for Estate, .,2o Central Building Seattle 4, Washington 6/14-21-28 31 NO. 3358 NOTICE TO CItEDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the "Estate of BU- FORD MATTHEWS. Deceased. NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualifl.ed asthe Administrat- rix of the Estate o mord Matthews, deceased; that all persons having claims against said de.ceased are by reqliired to Se, r:e the same, duly verified, on t le unucrsigned Admints- tratrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of ttae said court, together with proof (,f such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the ame will be barred. Date of first publication: May 24, 1962. IONE MATTHEWS ORNER, Admlnistratrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington 5/24-31 6/7-14 4t NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION" OF PARTNERSHIP The' undersigned. M. W. Patterson and N'. E. Demeree, hereby give No- tie of the Dissolution of the Partner- ship formerly existing hetwecn them. Which partnershiiI was dolngbusiness under the name of P & D LOGGING CO. Said P & D Logging Co. will continue in operation as the sole pro- prietorship of N, E, Demerce. DATED this 31st day of May, 1962. N. E. DEMEREE M. W, PATTERSON 6/7-14-21 3t NOTICE OF ATEIt RIGIIT APIL1CATION NO. 17310 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFIICE OF UPERVISOR OF WATER ].E- SOURCES, Olympia, TAKE NOTICE : That KENNETH and THELMA L. FLOYD Of Tabuya, Washington on May 25, 1962, filed application for per- mit to divert the public waters of an unnamed sprtng tributary of Hool Canal, in the amount of 0.01. second foot, subject to existing rights con- tinuously each year for th0 purpose of donlestic supp]y that tlle approxi- mate point of diversion is located with- In SWI:SW,(t ()f Section 20, Town- ship 22 N,, Range 3 W. W.M., in Ma- son County. e (oln anh d Any objections must b. ac" p . hy a two dollar ($2.00) recording fec and filed with the State Supervisor of WatI; Resources withfn thirty (30) days from June 14, 1962. l .W'Itneus my hand and officlal sea this Ist day of June, 1962. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water ' :Resom'ces. ..... 6/7-14 21 cvening, June 1. Mrs. Ann (?arr tqvanKelist Billy Ch'aham ful- of Ephrata, a former teacher at Mary M. Knight, delivered an in-[fills ml :mbition of m'utv years spu'lll, commencenmnl address, as he tells tim fasci|aling slory Yv(tnne Lttlldis was salutatt)riau nf ancwnt "Jerustlem". iu vVol'l(I and Dan Valker, wlledictorian. Appropriate I'lltlSlC for the occa- sion was provided by lhe high school chorus and i)alld llnder the direction of Mr, Roland Quinn. Graduating ibis year were Rilcy Beerbower. Margaret Chamberbin, Neal Graham, Yvonne Landis and I)an v',raller. Scientist Text Fr0m Isaiah How spiritual understanding of God brings f]'eeaom from weari- ness and fatigue will he brought oul at services Sunday at the Shelton First Church of Christ, Scientist, ' Scriptural readings in [he Les- son-Sermon entitled "God the Pre- server of Man" will inehlde tiffs verse from Isaiah (40,: "They that wait upon the Lord shall re- new their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." 'One of the correlative passages Wide Pictnres' newest film relense. "Jel'llSa[enl" witl l)e S}IO.Vn ill She4Lon at, 7:30 p.m. Smlrhqv in the tlldit'ot'iunl of the Firsl Baptist. church. 5th and C(da Streets. The City ol: Jerusalem. for four tllOUSand yeal'S lhe fOe:l] poillt (if human histr)ry and l,)ivine inhq'- vention, has beeu totally deslt'oy- e,d on at least l, wo OCel).SiO)IS; hus been captllred t)y conquoriu' Ii1' mies more than 30 limes: but lmK rebuilt from the rubble.)f ils own rllJris [O outlive all conqla, l'oFs. clinging tenaciously to jLs rocky loundations as if determined to await a future day of gh)ry. The story of "Jerusalen" was written by .lames Collier. and di- re, cted by Dick Hess, with came:a- nlen Richard Lederhaus and Rus- sell Busby, Tilt", nluslt; was eonl- l)esed and conducted by l?alpll Ca rmichael. The stt)ry of tim filnl beKins with 1he Conquest of the }'rondspd Land, and conLinues down )(he years to the present dilema of tllc divided city. Dramatic scenes ilk- elude Moses and Joshua ai(/p Merest Nebo wyeth/citing i.he Jot dan Valley; Mary and Josepll' on iheir weary journey alonK hc Jericho Road to Bethlehem; MaI.'y Magdalene, boLh as a young irl to be read from "Science and in Galilee and as the sorrowing Health with Key to the Scrip- von]a]l at the Ton]b; and many tures" by'Mary Baker Eddy states eenes which quicken i:he interest (p.2171: "The scientific and per- and desires of all men, whettler manent remedy for fatigue is to Jew or Gentile. as they behoid tt e learn the power of mind over the power of the I:¢.esurrecLion. hody or any illusion of physical Scenes of Solomon's Quat!ri¢., weariness, and so destroy this il- underndath the city, Hezekiah's lusion, for matter cannot be weary Tunnel, where the wa, te]' from .the and heavy-laden." Tie Golden Text is from Psalm 9I: "He that dwelleth in the sec- ret place of the most High shall abide mder the shadow of the Almighty," ..................................... Oltl)]NANCE NO. (if,7 An Ordinsn(.(. Reilealing I)rdinam!e NO. 694 TIfE CITY COMMISSION OF TttE CiTY OF SltELTON DOES HEREBY oRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: |. ()rdinan('(  No. 694 passed on lhc 1st day of May, 1962, s heret)y t'e- [)(,ah!d. Passed ill oilen C()llltldssioll :M(,eting this 5th day of June 1962. FRANK TItAVlS JR. Mayor Attest : Alma K. Catlo. City Clerk Al)ln'ov('d as Io I't)t'lll: John ('• I:{affall. City At(orney 6/14 II Virgin's Spring still flows clear )11ci coht to the Pool of Siloaln within the oily walls; and newly excavated areas of this ancient; city are shown in this hour r](:nig motion picture, rich in color (ui} the authentic sounds of the laud. , , . , L MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... ll:00 a•m,. A. Y. F ......................... 6,00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m• Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breid, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, JUNE 17-- FATHER'S DAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. "Three Men'Of The Bible" 7:30 p.m. BILLY GRAHAM FILM "JERUSALEM" FISHEIIHEN'S CLIJB . • . . "Peace With God" ':>.:;:,it!:z" ,,0 sff,000000oo00 .sS002o.YYo 20. o, Full Gospel In Message - Fundamental in Doctrine SUNDAY SCHOOL --- "Keep Coming" . ......................... 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP .......................................................... 11:00 a.m. CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS .............................................. 6:00 p,m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .............................................. 7:00 p.m, Listen To REVIVALTIME, Surlday 3'.00 p.m. KDGN FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- N't'l Lutheran Ccouncil ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.IVf. Holy Communion 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worshi p The Church is always open for meditation and prayer i ii, SKOKOMISH COMMUNITY CHURCH Middle Skokomish Valley Wallace Bell -- Pastor Lord's Supper ......... 8:30 a,m. Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 p.m. Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship ...... 7:15 p.m. Worship Service .... 11:00 a.m. Wed. - Bible School .... 7:45 p.m. Nursery Care at All Services FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard " Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at ll:00 Service t , i THE METHODIST OHURGH North 4th and Pine 8treete ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Church School, 9130 a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. . ,u u  ,, . RRST OHUROH OF GHRIST, SOiENTI00T 302Aider 8t., Shelton, Wash, Sunday School 9:30 .m. Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mon. & Frl. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.