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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL m Published in "Chrstma.,town, U.S.A.," Shdton, Washington Hood Canal Bible School Has,Enrollment Of 70 By Joyee Scott HOODSPORT ...... Daily Vaca- tion Bible School got off Loa fine tart on Monday morning at Hood Canal C&apos;onnnnnity chnreh. Seventy ('age)' boys and girls arrived by various cars and the Sunday school bits. A staff of 25 adult and teen- age workers, directed by Amy Graves were on hand to instruct them in singing, Bible stories, me- mory work and hand craft. Tim week will be climaxed with a de- mormtration program. At 7:30 p.m. Friday refresh- ments will be stowed at the (:lose of the program while the child- rcn enjoy a film. Tile house next door to the church is being used to handle the larger-than-usual number. Warman's no sooner left for theh" new home in Portland than the Bible school moved in. NINTH GRADE graduation for Hood Canal junior high was well attended June 6. Judge Charles Wright was the gmst speaker. Tile choir, under the direction of Richard Endicott, favored the ga- thering with two lovely munbers. Sandy Lyman was named valedic- torian and Virginia Crumb, salu- tatorian. Both girls spoke briefly to the crowd. The boy and girl citizenship awards went to Marty Rose and Iarbara Jalis. Eddie Latham re- ceived the athletic award, Follow- hag the graduation exercises the parents entertained at Holiday Beach Clubhouse in their honor. "The Peppermint Twist" was tile theme carried out in the red and white decorations. A buffet sup- per was served. A friend of the I-yman family entertained with Western music, accompanying himself on the electric guitar. Mrs. Dwight Pierce left for Sit- ka. Alaska, May 4 and arrived back at her home June 7. Lois reports having had a peFfect trip. ha ,traveled by jet to Juneau, spending five hours there visiting the nmsetm and shops. The trip from Jmaeau to Sitka was made via "goose". We learned that this t • 12 passenger land or sea plane, nmch used in that, area. Mrs. Pierce made lhe trip primar- ily to visit her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Rod- gers and their family. While in Sitka she also visited several for- mer Shelton residents; namely the Wilfred LaChances, Larry Marl- e2,s and Mr. and Mrs. Chat'les L0/lgshore. Mrs. Longshore was formerly Antonitte Miller. A NIMBER of interesting plac- e,u were. visited during her stay. The hehion Jackson College Mu- ,,eum, founded in 1844 by the Pre,byterian clmrcih was of parti- ¢tdar interest. The ALP pulp mill tom,, Where Dsrrell in employe(I as a pulp teste), in the lab, was mmther highligM. A visit, was made to a Russian Orthodox ohm'oh. One day the Rodgers, Mrs. Pierce and several friends went to the hot sHlphHr springs at God- dard, Alaska. Tile lrip was made on the new "Bertha R", a ship that vca.s completely rebuilt after being wreaked a yea)" or so ago. Tle ship left at 6 a.m. and did not dock until 9 p.m.. so Lois had the experience of a day at sea. Mrs, Pierce found real sat- Isfacl.ion in making the trip as this ires be0n one of ]let drea)llS Mnce 11 years of age. Mrl. Philip McKav and four children of Grand Coulee visited several days last week with Mrs. ]. T. Arnold. On Thursday they called on Mrs. Roy Pierce. MR. AND MRS. PETER Bourke el Ch)Ehun visited at lhc Rudy Schwa,b home last week. '/'hey came especially to attend the gra- gnation of tileir granddaughter, Carolyl. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crmnb and /amlly are enjoying tlac sun at un Lakes this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster arid JHIIe, Cllenwood, .t)ld MV. anti Mrs, James Parker, Centra,lia, were weekend /nlt'sts of tile Bill tl0odlsters. The DOll VaFulan faintly Ic/l. }toodspo)'t. Monday afternoon. .lr. and Mrs, Jack Gmbb had them in for breakfast; on Monday morn- iP.g'. As a eonmlunity we will miss their at:tention by Shel F. Stoe!ter But, sad to say, over the, week- end It disappeared. Perhaps Mr. Stoeker can find a new municipal ,nterprise to promote, one not 80 subject to the whim of a water company repair crew! MR. AND MRS. JOE Hansen came bearing a beautiful cake to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Harold Mille Saturday night. Joe was the chief cook, barbecuing steaks for the guests, on the new broiler, a gift for Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Roe and Mr. and Mrs. Arne Gabrielson joined the Han- sens and MiHos in this celebration. The Hood Canal Womens' Club will be sponsoring the annual Fa- thers' Day breakfast on Sunday, June 17. Serving starts at 9 a.m This event will be lmld at the Chlbhouse. Methodists Start FilmSeries The first in a series of 12 films depicting the life of St. Paul will be shown in Fellowship Hall of the Methodist Church at 9:30 a.m. Sunday during the regular Sun- day school hour. There will be no early worship sm'vice that day. The 11 a.m. worship service will be in charge of Horace Crary, Max Schmidt and several other laymen of the church. Tile Rev. Robert Rings, minister of the church, is attending tile session of the Pacific Northwest Anmml Conference at the Univex- sity of Puget Sound, Tacoma, this week. Mervin Wingard is also at- tending as lay delegate. The closing session at tile an- nual conference will be in tte University of Puget Sould Wiel House at 10:45 a.m. Sundty. Fkinh- op Everett W. Palmer wili bring !he morning message arm wtll read tile appoihtments of lfini- lers to their ch/n'ehos for th$ coming year. The regular sun'mer Suda.'f schedule will begin Jue 2,4, with early worship service at 8:30 a.m., Smdsy setmol at 9:45 a.l. and morning worship at 11 a.m. There will be regular Sunday School classes fro" pre-school children With all others in the Sunday school seeing the series of films on St. Paul and harlng ill a un- ited worship service. Baptists To flonor Fathers Fathers will be honored during lhe morning services at the First Baptist church SunQay morning. TliiS will be a program in keeping; wiI, h the 'annusl time lhat has bee, n designated as "Fathers" Day. The day will end with special programs in lhn youth nlcetings, al 6:30 p.m., for all fathers of the junior Mgh and senior high young people. All fatilers of the Bible School members and of the men0ers of the youth groups a;',. invilel to conle tO all tle progralllS, ITl¢}l'n- ins lind evening, being given in yollr hOIIOF Ol] l'ath(?l?S ' D'ty, Arresls Made By Sheriff's Officers l¢ot)r persons were report(,l ar- rested by lhe Mason Colltll.y Sheriff's office. Dan Rutledge, 18, Port Orchard, and Alien Hudlow. 17, Bremerton, are being heht on charges of burglary. Catherine M. Flcnling, 19, SI- toll, Aras arrested on ellarge8 of being drunk in public and vag- rancy. She was released on $25 bail v'hon she aPl)eared before ,hzdge Milliam DeMtero, Belfatr, Monday, Gary I). Whitehm'eh, 21, Belfair, was fined $150 and given a 30- day jail sentence, witil 27 days suspende( by Judge DeMiero Mon- day on a charge of being in pea- PRICES EFFECTIVE THUI. - FRI. - SAT. JUNE 14 - 15 - 16 ROUND STEAK U. S. Choice Boneless Top LB. ¢ Seeks Trial i On a motion for a the suit of Cascade Company School Board :'! Judge t-a ?,,naond Court Friday. Olympia attorney Olympie, SuI)erior Court Clifford said a ' y Y' ;' | firm. truetion firm sought thool board to award aCt for construction : even though its bid -,;ditted $10 000 er-  'ie alternatives. '$.:¢tton is delaying the • I.traletion on m addi- C. Angle school. 00ber et i U. S. Choice -- from the round BONELESS ROLLED RO00AST,008 ROASTING CHI,CKENS Lancaster Kings E/iT 2-POUND LOAF tll[; Varmans but wish them tim session of stolen property. very Ist, in their new llome. '.File "uptown" l-loodsport ilave ca joyed their pool the past week. It seems the tel, h,ws lind completely the of having a facil- ity )lch a,s this right: at: their doorstep, so to speak lreally!), until it was drawn (really]l to CHEESE FOOD SHOITElilNG 3-LB. TIHS ............................................. , ¢¢lCCCC ,,,,-,,,,, (' ','. ".", 59' '17' et'{'°°ke:l  V I II I L ONE POUND TIN FnOZFOO-S 3/89 o.c.,....ou...,,. tavi "  faeil- -- "- ////--r rn:nun rn,r.o Shu,-Vresh, ,e-oz. / L ', ,° ,---- ........ ,- APPLE PIt o,.$ 1 iiiiii C For A Big Deal On A  mIlli S & W 28-OUNCE"., NOW-- AT THRIFTWAY DODGE SEE BUD PAULEY 1.959 PLYMOUTH Sla, Wag.. $1495,00 4 Door6 Cylinder  Standard Transmission 3000 Miles !955 OHEVRoLET a-Ion P,U, $845.00 Heavy Tires -- 4 Speed 1954 FORD Slalion Wag., clean $495.00 1954 PONTIAO 2.dr.... $295.00 6 Cylinder -.2 Standard Transmission 1953 FORD 4.dr. , , , . . $195.00 1952 GHEVRoLET 4.dr. , . $150.00 WATERMELONS Cliforni---Redandlipe Ib 5 c CORN California-- Lrge Ear ea 4/009" Verifine Brand -- No. 1 CARROTS -2/25" California -- Yellow Meat -- First of the Season PEACH ,, 2/35" i PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 14 - 15 - 16 RIGHT TO LIMIT SItUR-FRESH BAKERY SALE APPLE WHIRLS DONUTS 29" CENTER .................. 6's 54 Motor PAULEY HOTORS ].st & RR. Phone 426-8i83 -as 0 D. Coun- will again at the an- County Cham- inter-conmmn- evening Washington of Educai]ion feature speaker :i gets un'der ur at ,5:00 ai 6:a0 p.m. with 8 P.m. the iuter-cozmnu- the Hoodstort and the Beltair b. Large deha- organizatims Vailable at $2.50 offic.e in ql She]Los, in the it Potlaic, h, from .l.W. Good- chai]'B)a n Of t<im bel Mot m's sidelights Will be election o/7 the Clmn- :tt)lliil'l;lt i I-g" ested retiPig Grunkellteier gor on the board iB)Ld" l<',,on ud. pair of two- re Opell. be open from .rusiees elected r}enlbershiI). Fol- the trustees session amt S President, first idents, and eir ternls Talks ' eonlpallies of ast week with business agent I.W,j. was in attending a commit- Connnittee was progress of company I The lllOVe bat tl ill dll cause VJOUS 'l?h( n]oLl it e,-b( man; . xvheB fclonx Th} $q,$2 to t h turn ; reinst TH ] an ofl case C'.ty lelter Olymt H.ishel The judgn: Super: and ( Rishel COLn't at the Be f( was t Jr., re the pc said, i con tin instrll, the b TH I portat recrea to lea: LANsOfficers of tl ol Alumni Associat as they makc plans day night. Left to t for svel';l[ I'by Ihe Mt- M ollda y. L. Orcutl, B;tysllore C. B. rellR)del ltlld :," $1,500; V()Od. E. Mc- 3in, $2,000; carport, Shel-