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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY JUSTICE COURT )earing on the docket in County Justice Court Judge Gerald Whitcomb the past week were: ~shington State Patrol :had Pope, P.O. Box 272, r, defective tires, defective $30 forfeit; Steven Klein, ! 10th P1. S., Federal Way, king, $25 forfeit; Reggie , 420 Henry, Shelton, lent driving, $155 fine; Gore, Rt. 1, Box 555, it, speeding, $25 forfeit; a' Widman, Rt. 3, Box 201, I1, speeding, $25 forfeit; Tyrfismaa, Rt. 5, Box 730, failed to stop, $25 • Charles Turtle, Rt. 3, Box failed to stop, $25 i Gary Stevens, Rt. 5, Box Shelton, speeding, $41 '.'Rich Sheetz, Rt. 3, Box Shelton, speeding, $25 bnald Samel, Allyn, Per passing, $25 forfeit; Ryckman, 426 Ellinor, I, speeding, $25 forfeit; ~e Ryckman, 426 Ellinor, I, speeding, $25 forfeit; Remsberg, P.O. Box 405, speeding, $17 fine; i)owell, Rt. 2, Box 330, i~, speeding, $25 fortef it; I Osberg, 3619 36tb Ave. Olympia, speeding, $27 i Carol Olson, St. Rt. 1, ?3D, Belfa!,r,, speeding, $36 ; Linda O Conner, Rt. 3, iS0-C, Shelton, speeding, ~le; O.D. Lacriox, 2634 kl Dr., Aberdeen, speeding, ~rfeit; Karl Kaman, 8902 !0re Ave. SE, Tacoma, tlg, $25 forfeit; Patricia ~!5 N. Prospect, Olympia, ve brakes, $20 forfeit; ~id Byrd, 2204 Madison, I, speeding, $4 1 forfeit; !tl Bilderback, 324 S. ~tte, Bremerton, hauling a permit, $50 fine, ,d; Patilu Ayres, Rt. 3, L, Shelton, speeding, $36 Dundee Ashborn, Rt. 1, , Union, speeding, $25 Ronald Sutter, Rt. 8, Box Olympia, driv!ng while ted, sentencing delayed; ~chmidt, Rt. 10, Shelton, ! equipment, $20 forfeit; l Nault Jr., Box 77, speeding, $25 forfeit; Vlatz, p O. Box 446, Port i failed" to yield right o 1 15 fine; Gary Johnson, • Moore,, Tumwater, no )Perator s license, $10 I arbara Hooover, Box 45, ' , driving on shoulder, elL, osier, 212 Euclid, err He . throwin lmhted material , ay, $25 forfeit; Robert !ngton, 622 Wilbert, rlon, failure to dim !ts, $15 forfeit; Richard 820 Fairmont, Shelton, :id operator s license, e tires, defective lights, !fit; Robert Francis, P.O. Tracyton, speeding, $25 Thomas Duggins, 210 N. Olympia, speeding, $15 artcoln Chayes, 215 N. Olympia, failure to stay Center line, $25 forfeit; l rown, Rt. 4, Box 257, ard, no valid operator s ,25 forfeit; Harold Briggs, tilas Ave., Olympia, h e ' quipment, $20 forfeit; aseth, Rt. 3, Box 381, Peeding, $25 forfeit. eries Department ence Williamson, 30011 l ederal Way, over limit $25 forfeit; Ernest 1064 Coal Cr., ,w, possession of ,,d crabs, $25 forfeit; aughn, 1065 Coal Cr., possession of crabs, $25 forfeit; Plett, Box 112, Riggins, er limit of clams, $25 Olive Scott, Box 70, abe, over limit of dams, :it; Morris Puderbaugh, 68, Brinnon, possession ized crabs, $25 fine; allins, P.O. Box 57, Up, possession of d crabs, $25 forfeit; tiller, St. Rt. 1, Box 43, POssession of undersize forfeit; ^ Main, 19839 ath NW, Ssession of undersized $ forfeit; Betty Meir, L NW Seattle, possession lzed crabs, $25 forfeit; er, 3844 S. Faucett, Ver limit of geoducks, of undersized crabs, : "Top of the hill" : $25 forfeit; Heinz nymer, 4O2O license, $25 forfeit; Charles house broken into. furniture taken from the rooms judgment. Shelton . East F St., Tacoma, over limit of Sutton, Rt. 3, Box 304, Centralia, Joe Hnder reported items of a cabin. Nye Company against Mr. and geoducks, possession of fishing for game fish with two taken f rum a cabin. Mrs. Ken Auseth reported a Mrs. Robert Butler, debt. ~ ~. undersized crabs, $25 forfeit; poles and lines, $25 forfeit; Don Makoviney reported a break-in. State of Washington against • John Hogan, Rt. 1, Box 99, ForrestScott, 2003 Madrona Dr., powder house broken into. Shirley Ward reported Edward Christensen, unpaid ~ 426 3341 - Lilliwaup, possession of Bremerton, fishing for game fish Vic Bishop reported a boat vandalismtoaskidder, taxes. OpenMon.-Sat. ga.m. tog p.m.--Sun. 9a.m. to6p.m. undersized crabs, $25 forfeit; without a license, $25 forfeit; missing. Robert Albugh reported Billy Joe Widman, change of ~" Floyd Hair, 30046 108th SE, Jack O'Donnell, 408 25th, Kent, Mrs. Wyman reported a gasoline and a spare tire taken, name. ~ .t. .k .k ,k .k ~ ,k ,k ,t. .k .k ,k ,k .k ~k ,k ,k ~ ,k ~ ~. ~ ,k ~ .k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Auburn, possession of undersized over limit of game fish, $25 German shepherd lost. CITY BUILDING PERMITS (Held over from last week.) ~ ~. • ~I, crabs, $25 forfeit; George Goebel, forfeit; Stuart Keffler, 615~A S. Don Kirst reported he found a Buildin~ oermits approved byCITY BUILDING PERMITS ~. ~ bicycle °~ :.FOR DAD DAY 514 So. St., Centralia, over limit 6th, Seattle, fishing for game fish " .... the City of Shelton during the A building permit was of clams, $25 forfeit; Charles without a license, $25 forfeit; Mary ~tevens reporteo an . . - jr, .-.- . ..... apparent break-in of a trailer past wee~ were to .t.. olaz, approved by tide uity ot~nelton Fieldson, 11014 26th S., Seattle, Lorraine Johnson, 103 S. 12th, , carport, $350. to Glenn Watson, residence, possession of undersized crabs, Shelton, fishing for game fish nouse. BLACK & DECKER , ALUMINUM $25 forfeit; without a license, $25 fine, Mrs. Rose Kirby reported sheFIRE DEPARTMENT $50,000. - found ablack poodle. June 11,7:40 a.m., car fire at FIRE DEPARTMENT DELUXE J Step Ladders Vernon Ferguson, 31420 suspended. Mrs. Haydon repor~d she Carl Ramsbottom residence, 318 June4, 7 a.m., fire in dryer at ~ " I * 52nd, Auburn, over limit of crabs, .. ......... . . . , ~... ~nerlll s ulrlce possession .... otunders~zeDick cram,po B:~eJx James Hansen, 1836 264th found a Laborador type d-.g.--~ak. Sue House residence, 1518 :~ Shrub Tnmmer [ 5 year, guarantee. Makes mr~eit; Konney , • • o .~ . _ Mrs. Laverne Ecklund SUPERIOR COURT Summit Drive. ~ Dad s jobs easier. U/L 649, McCleary, possession of rl., Kent,..drunk in pub!m, $25 reportedD a female hound lost. Divorces CIVILIZATION WAS thrust ** 16" double face, [ listed." ~" undersized crabs, $25 forfeit; torieit; Kaymonu t, atewooo, Jacoh Blanksma, 3800 Allen 5952 32nd St. SW, Seattle, ale Hertz reported Divorce decrees were signed into the brain of Europe on the ~ cutting edge. (The [ ""- "on of undersized physical control of-a motor vandalism, for" point ofaMoorishlance ~. easy way to save _ [ ~m~ ,-~ r~e~so, possess~ ..... ,Ge°rge Smith reported a paper. , "Ro~o~ Preston from Morn ~ooert'~' ti.""ln~ersou" ~. Dad some / [ ~!~ ~ ~. ..... felt Bevel vehicle while intoxicated, ~lUU racK, monevanepapersta~en .......................... ~ time.) _.,-~ I I~' 5' 7t~klt ~. c r a o s, $ 23 io r ; r y - , rreston. ~ ............ ---------- ....... ~ .... Blanksma, 3800 AUen, Kelso, f°rfeit" ' Two young men were rescued. :>andra ..... bpreler [foul G -- 'erald e- • ~ ~. ] 17 5 /~ ~15. possession of undersized crabs, Department of Natural Resources unharmed after a sailboat " "er [ Contributions v bprm . $25 forfeit; George Adams, 1104 Stephen Cornmesser, Rt. 2, o erturned in Hood Canal .......... r,_ ,, | for ~ $ 9 ,., , , . r~ed Lnppen Jr. irom uurnell I, Marion, Centralia, over. limit of Box 189-A, Olympia, leaving fire ~raystone reporteo someone ,~. I °---'-- = ...... ¢ 99 6 ~- oysters, $25 fo~fe~;a2Ohn unattended, $25 forfeit, had hot wired a fork lift and t.r]ppen. Lmsons ** Special &~ [ Limited tostockonhand. : Abenroth, 23 .... driven it through the door of a NewCases ~ For Underpriviliged " ' i ~ ~unicipaiuepartmenr shop. Shirley Parr against the I Children • ~noqualmie, possess on ot undersized crabs, $25 forfeit; Terry Adams, Rt. 5, Box 105, Don Lurid reported a coin department of labor and ~ Send to ~" Irvin Wilson PO Box 121, Shelton, driving while license collection and a cash box taken, industries, appeal. .. • = --.= : Washougal, over limit of oysters, suspended, $200 fine, 30 days in Delores Marhov reported her G and B Shake Company ~ KalIIDOW =., Lawn Sprinkler $40 forfeit; Carrel Smith, P.O. jail, suspended; Katherine Norwegian elkhound dog dug out against Olympic Paint and I P.O. Box 423 Box 532, Morton, removing Brodahl, 10509 N,E ..14tla, of its pen. Manufacturing and Mr. and Mrs. } ~I- Oscillating style. Model C-50. ~ ....... r...... :--tertidal zone vancouver, no operator sl~cense, Robert Stoehr reported Richard Webber, transcript of | ...... _P_h_°_ne_4_2_6-5_4__~__ ...... ~ Covers 1,800sq. ft. ~ ~. uy~t~l~ llUm ~n 3 .............................. hell $25 $ 5 forfmt, Richard Stockwdl, without removing from s , "" " Reg. $7.05 ......... nO B"x 507 N 5th,motorcycle SheltOn,endorsement,Speeding,Ino SALE 187, Hoodsport, over limit of $25 forfeit;Wayne Hilton, 718 N. Special $ 33 crabs, $25 forfeit; ¢)th, Shelton, driving while Jon McAninch Rt 11, Box intoxicated, $160 fine, 10daysin 360, Olympia, 'possession of jail, suspended; Vincent Glaser, ~ 820 Falrmont, Shelton, no *'°°__.._ Q GRILLS i undersized crabs, $25 forfeit; James Lane, 133 E. 169th, B'YIJUIII~--n,,- rs regastratmn on vehicle or hcense Spanaway, over limit of oyste , " " " " . 3 "¢~" c~'~' r'"'~ v O B°x plate' $25 f°rfeit; Raym°nd / 6 ~[~y $ 0 fo .... .... .... W ......... n 27, G]enoma, removing oysters eus. Kt. 5, Box o27, bneito, i= c =,.-.,--. ~shers i o.o, from intertidal zone without speeding, $25 fine; Terry Carner, ;: removing from shell, $25 forfeit; 495 Ocestrander Rd', Kels°' i 2N4o,/:?:dl.7,pecia' .... ; John Triplett, 10002 86th, auowlng unlicensed operator tO ars'[ Pu allu ........ :-~ of drive motor vehicle, $25 forfeit; undersized crabs, $30 forfeit;thomas ~itakkeland, Rt. 5, Box ~~ ._ • ~. Unassembled f~, ~ Dewy'" Mary m """ T 390, Shelton, no protective j y y an, ~au rosper .... ~. ~- ....... helmet, $10 forfeit; ~ / I IIIIII1~ 1!1 18"F°lding $72' txu., ~umwater, possession oi ...... ,, T ~. undersized crabs, $30 forfeit; t;ooper, 2~/ nony ~ane, • No. 3206 .......... ~1' I~F"~'~--~ ~, Horace Bur~,er, 3316 179th Cosmopolis, littering, one day of ~ Unassembled ~1 ~/~ Redm v° ' work at 'police department, end, o er limit of oysters .... " P~ 'table Y ** $30 forfeit; Fredrick Berry Jr., Timothy Hopkins, P.O. Box 6ts~, 506 East W., Tumwater, Shelton, no stop; $45 forfeit. / [ Ii[t[[[t~ ~] SAX~ E possession of undersized crabs, SHELTONPOLICE Chartoal Briquets lO-Lb. $119 X- $30 for fe t "" Casey McGee reported ahit [ I IllllllllJ t Was$269.95 Game Department and run vehicle hit his vehicle FOIl DAD , Ray Walton, 8806 16th SW, whileinaparkinglot, h Seattle, fishi'ng for game fish Kysa Jackstadt reported a ] ~ [l~ 229' • ** Barbecue Accesones" ** X, without a license, $25 forfeit; bicycle taken. Deloris Walton, 8806 16th SW, Jerry Smith reported a ~ $~49 IN //m Seattle, fishing for game fish billfold lost. -" - ! ~111~%,~. ~ Includes delivery& ~: Fancy Aprons ......... ~ !111 JLIIIII! ~. without a license, $25 forfeit; A vemcle driven by t~dwara Claudia Welsh, 6779 Murray, Gold hit a power pole at Center [ normal installation No pre rinsing, no scraping' It'sthe Barbecue Set $ D$9 il/ * Seattle, fishing for game fis'h and'Ellinor. / " "--'--'ma easyway to do the dish . Push- Fork, Turner, Tongs ...... I- ~/ / :1~ without a license, $25 forfeit" Vehicles driven by William For planning estimating and Montgomery Pinson, 1290 Clear Hunter and. John Wilson collided [ I F°r~ntSion?~i?;ear~sand I button controls for six cycles Lake, Salem Oregon, fishing for on Nortla,r.lrst b treet. ..... - including Sani-temperature 155° Shish-Kebab $ )77 game without a license, $25 A,vemcie mr a ounalng at / l ,NS/I E OUT$ID, l om :mM pl ti h$$a mg block top. CookingSet .......... J= of°rfeit;ster BaKennethBre Moore, 220S Binger s ServiCeKen LinderStati°n'reported a coat [ I I " C= ter $229 : y Y, merton, fishing " / i go to work ~ for you. B ........ narcoal Lign ...... for game fish without a license, taken. ...... / use ears zasy rayment 1"tan forfeit" Jam^ U -e E, ,ut, , " vandahsr amerine tsoMnger reported 1_. m to a mail'" b-ox ,r Crescent, Seattle, fishing for game . ' "-aron B] lJlt--i]l ¢ Jet IN Brush Spray Washer fish without a license, $25 forfeit; A pUrwS;sbelO:n ngttOc l*anan William Butler, 2614 NE 64th, Graha fo SAVE $3 , Cleans everything- windows, storm siding, cars, Tacoma, fishing for game fish Park. [ 0 trucks, trailers, boats, complete with pistol without a license, $25 forfeit; SHERIFF 3 OFFICE ] grip. Reg. $4.49. --.. Leonard Bevaart, Rt. 2, BoxH.M. Dubree reported a Was$219.95 1052, Buckley, fishing with two window taken from a trailer ] l $ 1 tal81at 9tra8 8 ~ DP' Special t Ea. poles, $25 forfeit; Robert house. • Maulsby, 1 140 Vandania, A purse and check books were Bremerton, aiding and abetting reported taken at Shafer State FOR DAD [ FOR DAD over limit of fish, $25 forfeit; Park. • • Mary Riedinger, Rt. 3, Box 710, Blackly Graham reported • ' Turtle Wax [ Fire [xhngmsMr Chehalis, fishing without a several items taken. / I//i! II !1 Standard size replaces almost every Keeps car shining bright. ] Refillable, dry chemical, license, $25 forfeit; Shelia Ed Lizakowski reported signs / oLher brand dishwasher. ThiaKen- Extras ecialp . I U/t_approved. Forboats, ,Z Mackey, 1017 Chester Ave.,and mail boxes torn down.] more gives you the convenience of .... ! trailers, cars. = ~1" Bremerton, fishing without a Mike Harding reported a ] no pry-firming, no scraping. Push- [ $ 98 , license, $25 fine; Brent Keffler, break-in. | "l buttons for 6 cycles. In White, ; la-Oz. Butt,. I [ Special 7 Ea. 4331 S. Thomson, Tacoma, Dick Dalley reported | tawny gold, avocado, coppertone fishing without a license, $25 vandalism tea cur. ] or decorator panel. FOIl DAD ] FOIl DAD forfeit; James Sullivan Jr., Rt. 1, Ray Johnson reported a | " --- Sale on all merchandise shown 8-Pc. All-Purpose [ .. fishB°X without544' Belfair,a license,fishing$25fOrforfeit;game taken.bicycle' tools and a tool box / ~ x "", ~ \ ~ ~ en& June 18. 11" --. [ rropane, Wallace Lindberg, 8725 Dresden, Mrs. Matz reported she found [ ** $crewdnver Set I Torch Tacoma, 1itteringpublicpropertY,711 NE 16th. Gresham, ~uta aGermanshepherddog.jacket, ring of keys [ SAVE $4 ~ II" Vinylgrip, 7 screw drivers [ ~ ~'11' " $25 forfeit; Phillip. Houghton, Mrs. Donald Sixemer reported Oregon, she found a plus mounting rack. I .... fishing for game fish withe and a pair of pliers , , , ~ -~- I~tl A [ A real workhorse = - - I~ ~;l~e~$25tf?rTfeui~:ar~Ce~)is~i~g takI°ne Wood reported a freezer ] ~~~_~ High-Efficiency • ~1II11~ [forDad Sa9s 16, • • Special • [ "Special 1 ~r5 garm:,t?stl without a license, founEd?il Gaetana reported a boat / Central Air Systems ** ," Geor e Brosam, Rt 10, B°x. Gay .t ~~ 22'05TUH- Regular $449"00,ne,i,de.: .711h~jb~_ ~!e~ ~I" __1~ g " -"C Y Isonreportedachain 41~i ,~"" '"'- 507, Shelton, littering puo)! saw taken. re eft $25 forfeit; Cynttua Do Cushions " ; P 'P y, n Chambers revorted a ....... J Condensing .. R ~1~1-~--I_ _ly~il~ Fa. Ball, 1946 Sheridan, Bremerton, power pole had been hit." / Fl te rtT :olXN IIIII01UlIIIMUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn ~ lillnllllllllI~ ; fishll~~__ 9,. -- ~ e fish witlaout a -You -.--.--...o.--. I | All Sizes °n SALE 'th '| ~ t~]~ "rig for gum Mrs. W.O. Stewart reported a ,,=~,. ',,~ '~1~.. ,,,~,. ,~. ~,. tllUlIIIRlUll innnnlllllllllllllll inllUlllllllllllnllUl ~~ // ataua,,on~xtra.TUbing' Delivery, In-~ Enjoy cool summer comfort w" Sears .= Should Know t [ e&Tr=~.. ..... v ..... system is designed for dependable, econ-~|-'" GIo LiteTetra .. ~t~]L-li~lrll~Jl ~ i* t~~ C "'" I~ . h~o-me ....... survey "b.__e ,r ~vl~n~''r-' ........ omical operation. Quiet-running, tOO,n LINT WltLOUR I ] Learn hoW convenient and economical a thanks to a v a(.lable speed condensing~| Black Ski, Tetra ~1[ ~']]~ ~ ~ .* can b ~ unltfan RatedmaccordancewlthAl~t 1~.| TigerBarbs ............/S| ~ ~r~'~-.--... i: ~~ oEife insurance is the last thing I [ pro fessional installation e. Remember • | too, we service what we sell. Standard 210-66 t~ n earth a man wants-and I | -- ~ ~! " L~~]/~--="~# il~" , | Blue Discus ...... e,. $7.98 _~~----~,d~ | I then he c ' / an t get it. Brown Discus .... ,... $4.50 I, SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE , ' Eve--een "~- ~i Check .ur t.nk, ,e, $1~¢i.1~ ~ dl~. _~..L I; _ 1717OIvmpicHighwayNorth I / Satis[actionGuaranteed I I ... ,T ~~~ ~'~ NORTHW.STI~R. HATIOI~AL , / .* | orYourMoneyBaek , k.~..OLl. O , .nelton, ..o-~2UI ~'L .|mm.~. Oi~7~/~ ;:NY, T:N~, ~|il, niii L,F. ,SSUR^.C" c0"'^E I s-..;, .o .vcK .N. co. i Ph. 426"8139 "mill .................. o ........ _| n . |.lm~ .~, ,~, ,~ dn" "IP ° ~ ~ qn~ o ~ 4~ ~n~'i~ ~mP '~ ° . / Thursday, June 14, 1973 - Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Page 3