June 14, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 14, 1973 |
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dy i Salmon fishing
""'"'"'"" La n the stands:L,
League rules change
! su ts • Abn .,r d dn : , re latio ,e ,d,n,,ize ,
of salmon caught in Puget Sound I
;to nd,n g s By CAROLYN KERR was reduced this past week with high-lighted by Dave Carlson's ' waters will change on June 1. |
Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Once upona time the help of the dependable grand slam home run as he led The waters of Puget Sound I~llURllV MI
Many long years ago, Washin_ gton weatherman. Both of Manke past PSNB 24-8. Carlson
%on L~st Baseball had its beginningsTuesday's games were postponed also picked up two doubles and a andof Juanthe deeaSternFucaPartformerly°f thehadStraitno II WNll~W|ll~Jrl || I~|
3 1 Or atleast they tell me so.due to wet fields, single, and Paul Skipworth two size limit on salmon. Now, II • mm • ___ l,lA
hen's 23 11 -, in other action JX, Inc. and doubles and two singles, as Manke in length.e i Sees I V 7" SenesJUne" I OAwanh-JUnU av
lel 1 4 There has been a dispute or two Shaub-Ellison both won two batters totaled 20 hits for the hv~t:r~ ~:s~lb::tCle:sg~ttl~n ~h
0 3 As to how, when and where, games during the week to join game. I
0 4 But we know it did get started Manke & Sons in the first-place Other Saturday action saw | JUl
t Results And it provides us with facts spot, with Lumbermen s closetwo close games as Lumbermen s Some areas of Puget Sound .
are restricted waters that are I Classes: Mini, 100, 125, 200, 250, Open NMA
Versapanel 0 to share, behind. The race tightens more defeated Versapanel 6 to 2 and
:Umbermen'slnke5 stopped "nt with each game. Shaub downed A&W 5 to 2. always closed to salmon angling | Points, mufflers required, class C tires.
DID YOU KNOW: JX won a big game last Monday JX slid by Versapanel and thusarenotaffectedbythis |
Results Abner Doubleday was given Thursday over Manke. They i16., size regulation change. These | Sign Up 6- 7 p.m.
1, PSNB 8 nel official credit for designing the literally bunted their way to a 8-5 Tuesday's Lumbermen s vs. restricted areas are: Budd Inlet at | Practice 7 p.m.
~en's 6, Versapa 2 baseball "diamond?' rain-soaked victory. Shaub and PSNB vs. A&W games Olympia south o[ the 4th Avenue | Racing 7:30 p.m.
Kesults"A&W 2 Later facts pointed to Shaub defeated Versapanelwill be rescheduled for a later Men's Hi Game: Tom Olson 237 bridge except for a special fishing | ..................
ersapanel 7 Alexander Cartwright as the 7-0 and Lumbermen s was leading date;as well as the Lumbermen's- Men's Hi Series: Larry Johnson area for older people over 65, the | ~J.uu Tar I-~loers~J. bpectators Iuonat~on)
PSNB game. blind and handicapped people; | ' .,..
rig1 to • . , * * * 746Standings: Wood's 178, "oDd Canal at .oodsport wi*hin I UA¢I"III II #'III INT'
Won L~st o''na Tin 1845 PSNB 12-0 at the end of four
3 1 DID YOU KNOW: ' wlaen the game was called. Name It 15-10, Renecker 14-11,
2 2 The first baseball diamond Saturdays games were Tonights games:A&W vs Brown's 13-12, Bullsh 11-14, 100 feet of the confluence of | Illr'lgVll ~VV n
Roosters 11-14, Time Won 11-14, Finch Creek with saltwater; Puget | ............
n 2 2 was used in1846. Time Too g-17. Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton | GAI~~OUNDS
2 2 DID YOU KNOW: _ • Roosters 1, Tom Olson 693;
1 3
5 1 3 The first code of rules drawn Senior Leaaue Box Scores Time Won 1, Larry Johnson 746; within 150 feet of pierhead line I --n...--..--w- -----
Wood s 0, Carl N iwa 681; of the Naval Shipyard; and the • ,,m m. For further information
1 3 up for baseball was in 1845. v Renecker 4, Dutch Stanley 733; City of Edmonds underwater I ~nollron Phone 426-6928
Results D[DYOU KNOW: Tuesday, June 5 Saturday, June 9 Name It
4, Jim Hutchinson 715;
Time Too 1. Bruce Johnson 656; marine park. -.,
n 7, IWA 6 Bases were originally Manke 7, Lumbermen's 2 Manke 24, PSNB 8 Bullsh 4, Curt Cosey 697;
Ocal 276 5
Bechtold 0 upright posts, four feet high.Manke & Sons AB R H Manke & Sons AB R H Brown's 5, L.C. Leman 728.
~ott 1 . DID YOU KNOW: Skipworth If 4 0 1 Trail, M. cf 3 2 1
ut u Kerr Dodge c 4 1 0 Fitchitt lb, 3b 5 3 2 SUMMER MIXED 4's
Results Baseball players were p o t Fltch' ..... ÷+ ~h ~ ,1 O1 Kerr, Dodge c 2 2 1 Men's Hi Game: Bob Haselwood To hdp you Know and, Appreciate .....
->,55S'RAMiklethun 41 bYthemhaving the ball thrown at TraiICarls°npp. 3b 46 1 ± ~2 TraiI.Carls°nD. p'Jb.lbrf 46 2342 M5e5n's Hi Series: Bob Haselwood _ Your Law
Mel, 9 DID vr~,, l,-~.,nW. Smith, F. 2b 3 0 0 SmithM. sscfJb 5 1 1 I E f tM
.......... . Steensen ss 3 1 1 Kerr, Dennis If2 0 0 W0osmen's Hi Game: Laura Morgan
1, Gott 0 %on L~)st At one time there were Smith, M. cf 2 1 0 Smith, F. 2b,p 4 2 0
• he ~ame of Wittenberg rf 0 1 0 Moore rf, c 2 1 1 Women's Hi Series: Laura Morgan n orcemen en
actually five bases m t ~ Trail M rf 1 0 1 Skipworth If 4 4 4 507
3 1 baseball. Kerr' Den. cf 0 0 0 Steensen ss 4 1 2 Standings: Hobbits 16-4, Four I I Leona Sande has been an employee
2 2
2 2 The batter stood between first Moo~'e rf I 0 0 Morgan 2b p 3 3 2 1 4 - 6 , T i b b s 1 2 V2 - 7 ~12,
2 2 and home base and scored when 28 7 7 ' 44 24 20 Untouchables llV2-8V2, No-Names i I of the sheriff s department as dispatcher
2 1 he reached fourth or home base Lumbermen's AB R H PSNB AB R H 9-11, Musketeers 8-12, Drivers
6-14, CAAC3-17. ~ I and the auditor s office as a deputy
e 2 I . . Cox c 4 0 I Ahlf cf 2 i 0 Four 4, Bob Haselwood 555;
s. 1 3 and not his original position. Ridout, K 3b 4 0 0 Christy, 5. ss, lb c 4 l 0 I auditor in the detachment office in
1 3 DID YOU KNOW: Burgess lb 2 1 1 Christy 3b, lb,ss' 2 1 0 Musketeers 0, Ray Daffy 541;
No-Names 1, Debi Harvey 504; Belfair since the early part of 1970. She
ly Results Before 1857 a baseball game Dion p 4 0 0 Avey c, 3b 2 2 1 Tibbs 3, Linda Tibbits 468;
James p, lb 4 0 0
,rle 16, Himlie 7 . ~ , goren ss z u i Drivers 3, Jack Frost 536; CAAC i%. ~ L ~:~ ":~i S married to Orr n Sande, part-owner of
ended when the first team scored Deyette 2b 2 0 0 McGee If 2 1 0 I, Gary Clark 529; Hobbits i,
14 Jarvis 2 6 West Ib, p 2 0 0
I01A&S Ins. 21 aces or runs. LaMont cf 1 0 0 Don Russell 520; Untouchables 3, ~ii~:~/ ~i/!~ Sande Boat Works in Belfair. They have
Dlr~ vnlr k'MnW. Johnson If 2 0 0 Arnold 2b 0 1 0 Laura Morgan 507.
;9, MCFCU 5 ............. ,, ,, Lane rr .... 2' 1 1 Jackstadt rf 1 1 0 :~ four children, Eileen, 20; Eari, 19; Carl,
Results The first baseball enclosure Ridout T 2b, If2 0 1 Rhodes 3b 1 0 1 TUESDAY TRIO
Duggins, My. 2b1 0 0 .Women's Hi Game: Donna ~:~ ~ 15 andDianne, 9, and live near the
:~.9, A&S Ins. 6 was built in 1862 in Brooklyn. Perrine cf 0 0 0 Coleman,203
I~.11, Himlie 10 ..... DID YOU KNOW: ,wurray rr 26 ~ ~ Brady rf 1 0 0
Duggins, Mark2b 1 0 0 Women s Hi Series: Donna ~!i12~ Tahuya area on Hood Canal. She isa
~Jl Graystone rained out
~[U, Jarvis rained out Before 1880 it renuired nine Lumoermen- " 's 0010100 = 2 Elmlund rf 230 08 02 Colemanstandings:558 Bugs 27-13, Team L:EONA SANDE graduate of South Kitsap High School
I'M Won Tie L~st walkballs tof°rfirsta batterbase, to be given a Manke ..... 060100 x = 7 PSNB ..........0400040 = 8 21-19,1 25-15,BatsFamilY21.19, Shiners22-18' 20-20,Dams Clerk- Dispatcher and worked as a volunteer dispatcher
;.Stat. 10 0 Manke ......... 612735 x = 24 Got-Ya 19-21; Peeps 19-21, Seeds and auditor s agent in the Belfair office
.Urug 9 0 3 In 1880 the old rule of nine 171/2-21Ve, Ls 17V2-22Ve, Maes
16-24, Tap-ettes 14-26.
It 8 2 2 balls was changed to eight. Thursday, June 7 Monday, June I I for three years prior to becoming a
~n 6 0 6
4 1 7 In 1 883 it was finally JX, Inc. 1 !, Versapanel 7 Peeps 3, Sonja Pearson 433; full-ti me employee. Place of birth:
JX 8, Manke 5 JX, Inc. AB R H Maes 1, Sandy Hibbert 343; Dams ......... .
Ford 4 3 5 diminished to the present four JX, Inc. AB R H Bourgault lb 3 1 2 2, Mary Lou Wicken 538; Shiners HoDarL washington.
~r 2 0 10 bails for a walk. Bourgault p, Ib ~ I I Tobin ss 4 i I 2, Debbie Stites 465; Tapettes 1, LI~]I~lm~I~,I~I~iEN'q.~
Jackie Brown 429; Team 13,
2 0 I0 DID YOUKNOW: Tobin 3b,cf,p 3 2 2 Ward, J. 2b, c 2 i 0 Donna Coleman 558; Seeds 3, J
}/Results During the 1887 season a Ward, J. c 3 2 0 Ferrier If 4 1 2
It~2t8EliEIkSl4n-son 1 batter was allowed four strikes. Ferrier If 4 1 2 Yager 3b 2 2 1 J, u dy LaMontLalvlont ~4-og- 45_2; Seedsra,,,,,y I 3~?.UdYd,,,,,y
Richert, K. cf 1 0 0 Ward, B. p 3 1 1 Affair 527 'Got-Ya 2 ' Frankie ";'Ur ~I-II-L/UI~I ....................... /SI ~5~ YII~I~ ~/r'qcr'/
~rug7 'Rayo~ierl DID YOU KNOW: Ward, B. ss 4 0 2 Plantcf 2 2 0 Barnes 460; Bugs 2; Mildred
):ord 18, Verle's 6 The first baseball game played Plant lb, ef 3 1 0 Richert, D. c 3 1 0
Richert, D. 2b 3 1 1 Martin rf, If 3 1 2 Danieis 436; L's 1, Linda Madison ~ ~~Bl~llllllll~l ~ ~1
Results. under electric lights was in 1889. Sheetz rf 0 0 0 Richert, K. 2b 0 0 0 374; Bats 3, Betty Dean 434.
~)Sutat. 7, End!cott 5 [ DIDN'T KNOW THAT! Yager 3b 2 0 0 Haskell cf 0 0 0
~. g6, Elks~I-sTAIN "** MorganHaSkellrf2b 1 0 0 Sheetzrf 0 0 0I She A'"' Cente'
ir.Ord 9, Ellingson 3 - ~ ,, , Anderson rf 0 0 0 26 11 9
14, Rayonier 8 Senior Division baseban p~ay 28 8 8 Versapanel AB R H
Manke & Sons AB R H Myer ss, cf 3 0 0
~T VA RN/SH ~ 5 0 1 Gordon cf 2 0 0
..... - ....... - .... ~-~l Skipworth IfKerr, Dodge c 44 01 21 White, Bill c, 2b 4Leahy, D. 2b, C 4 21 21 I Ul I ' IIII
I I I....__ I Smith, Fitchitt lb, p 212 Myers 3b 414
I I~11~~ ~ll~darI 4"xa"x96" Roughsawn Fenc E) Carlson cf, lb 4 1 1 Jackson lb, p 4 0 0 I
Trail, D. 3b 2 0 0 Leahv. B. o 1 0 0
M. rf, 3b 1 1 0 White, Bri. lf, lb 4 0 0 233 So. F,rst St. She
Smith, F. p,cf I 0 0 Leahy, B. ss 1 I 0
$R149 l Steensen ss 301 Johnson rf, p200
Moore rf 1 0 0 Smith rf 1 0 1 I ~ •
t , xoo ,,oo *4 II l * * ° ooo
Trail, M. cf 1 0 1 Jacobson rf 1 1 0
Wittenberg cf 1 0 0 Kangas If 2 1 1
...... ........ .... ....... ..... ; ......... ' ~o59 3379 Featur I hese USED , kRS th s veek
Manke .......... 1000400 = 5 Versapanel ...... 0102040 = 7
JX ............. 062 O00 x = 8 JX, Ine ......... 602201 x = 11 I
ALUMINUM i , I;I at th . se SPECIt PRICES!
ooo., i ooo., i :1O.andOpe.,ng
I 1971 Chevrok,t C,pri, e ! 8 Mercury Cc,ugar
i *i3s° I i iI. KELLY S SHOP I' " C°upev/8aut°matcp°wersteering.............
I , , . . ....../ oDor, automatic, p/s, p/o, very snarp,
I power aisc DraKes, a~r con(]., vlny~ ~op, rao~a~ new tires, turquoise.
I tires, am/fm stereo and more, blue, blue v.t.
L! With Hardware |~ With Safety Glass II~l~'ii FmO v, JUNE 15 II one owner. *3095 "" ""
NO. 1GRADE ....... NOON-6 P.M.
naur,,u,,, I 3 lah llingles I;I I I " Ida 1967 Mercury Cougar
a.¢Lm[ u I ""'- I°1 I Antiques Furniture I 1969 Caddlac E rado
EMBOSSED ,- ER IN EEL I~1 I Too , & Nuts I I Fleetwood. 2 dr.. hard top. full power, d. 2door. V-8. auto., p/s. p/b. low mileage. It.
POMPANO! ~ ]~1 i~ ~; I AutoPortsC°llecf°bles AxeSHandles III green vinyl top. Oneowner. $3795 blue. blacktop. $1395
$349 ! ~s [il I c/oth/.g nook, I I 969 lJukk Electra ,, 1966 Olds De!t
a 88
48" x 9____ _______0" 235.,b. $12q1 1 j Cards SleepingBagsI vinyl top, one owner, s209$ radio, heater, s795
........ - -- --- - I ..... ........ ana much more J
Wtm'l t i t 1 11 1l, , , , , , , COMEOUTAND Stl: I I $ , [ .............. I;;,;OR,-3;4 N4WHEELDRIVE .............
Hunter s [
I;~'C°r't°rwr°ught'r°nrai'secU°n I I t I l 11;I
I ' vZ~t'°'insta"" n° s"e¢'a't°°'s needed • V-8, 4 sp., traction tires, winch and more. With 10'/z t~I~L~
• rs, ,noor, or out I I I I I ! I> I
LLLt 1 t i 11° elly's I pec,a/ ,,King camper, oneofthe best campers available. $'~mUT~_ __1
# cno. ,8.oo 6.59
~' R EG " O
,,.,o..., 7.. ;hop
| warranty and priced to sell. Stop in today and check some of these specials before your neighbor beats
___. :_~.~ I~1 I Plus more new cars and trucks priced to sell! Many new Buicks, Opels, Pontiacs, GMCs, all with
(Fo- - ...... I
,merly Grant Lumber) you to it! Lease cars available.
I Pheasant Tavern. Turn right onto ~ •
6!,_12;~1 ] ~,elsa~e,,eRoad. the. ,eft first II
road to very end. r I 233 S. First I I
607ARE Se 1st ,6- S,IGNS ALL THE WAY I
GLASS AB, E "L WOO , _ . ..
Thursday, June 14, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 1 !