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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Iun By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - The Mary M. Knight Volunteer Fire Association is sponsoring a benefit dance at the Matlock Grange Hall Saturday night. Mrs. Edward Valley left by plane for Orange, Connecticut to visit her son and family, the David Valleys, to get acquainted with the new grandson and also visit with her two granddaughters. Mrs. Zane Dick and son, Gale, left a week ago by bus to visit the remen hostess and Mrs. Henry Nordstrom co-hostess at the former's home last week Tuesday for the Montesano Elma Daughters of Pioneers chapter. Maflock Ladies Club met last week Wednesday at the grange t/all with Opal Aschie hostess. The next meeting will be in three weeks, June 27. Mr. and Mrs. David Vinje and two sons of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey of Dayton associ ion is sponsorln were visitors at the Elvin Hearing home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly and sons of Seattle spent the weekend at their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Carl Portman were visitors at the Max Cash home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Siehl and family of Belfair spent Sunday and Monday with their father, Grant Siehl. Vacation Bible school at the Matlock Community Church is June 18 through June 22 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The final program will be June 24 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Conda Dick and Miss Debbie Fiskewold attended the graduation of the former's grandson, Harold Dick, at The Evergreen State College Saturday evening. Mrs. Dick Tupper and Susan and Mrs. Laura Spoo motored to Aberdeen Wednesday to shop and then visited Mrs. Alan Tupper near Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Susan and Mrs. Laura Spoo accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman of Tacoma, went to Seattle Friday evening an'd had dinner at the Top of the Inn. There they were met by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. McClure of Kirkland. They took Mrs. Spoo ance ere home with them for the weekend. Mrs. James K. Gribble and Mrs. Fred Pollard of Centralia spent Thursday in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford spent the past week at Pacific Beach digging clams. Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford were Saturday evening dinner guests at the James K. Gribble home. Bob Lamb of Shelton was a Sunday dinner guest at the I.C. Ford home. Sunday afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Boothe and baby of South Bend, and the Herbert Brehmyer Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier are spending this week at Wenatchee attending the state grange convention. Matlock Grange will meet this Friday night with potluck Supper at 6:30 p.m. former's mother in Arkansas. Miss Debbie Fiskewold from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Conda Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simpson and Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Johnson of Shelton were recent visitors at the Conda Dick home. This vicinity is saddened by the death of Archie Kelley last Saturday evening. We offer our condolences to his wife, Evelyn, son David and daughter Betty Smith and many other relatives. Leonard Barnes and his fiancee, Carol Jones of Vancouver, B.C., were weekend guests of his uncle and aunt, the William Barnes St. Mrs. Herbert Helin was Application has been received by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office from T.C. Mc Lean, Seattle, for a Department of the Army permit for work in Oakland Bay near Shelton. The work is to maintain an existing log bulkhead and Fdl; drive piling and install a float. The applicant says the existing bulkhead and fill were constructed in 1969. Purpose of the work is to prevent erosion of property and a private boat moorage. The applicant has agreed: I. All construction debris will be disposed on land in such a manner that it cannot enter navigable water. 2. All piling and lumber treated with creosote or other protective material will be completely dry before use in or near navigable water. 3. Work in navigable water will be done to minimize turbidity which tends to degrade water quality and damage aquatic• life. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections that they may have to the existing and proposed work. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the existing and proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest include, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, ecosystems, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Comments should reach the Seattle Corps office not later than July 11 to insure consideration. In Okinawa Marine Pfc Patrick O. lsbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Isbell, 611 West Birch, Shelton, has reported for duty at the U.S. Marine Corps Base in Okinawa. He is a 1972 graduate of Shelton High School. "Let's dash over to H&H SHOES in OLYMPIA and get mom a pair of those Nime Brand women's Shoes at discount prices!" H&H SHOES 411 W. 4th Ave, Olympm \ r Ea. LOOKING FOR THE FINEST STEAK FOR DAD? AT SHOP-RITE YOU CONSISTENTLY GET PERFECT TENDERNESS, AND WASTEFREE TRIM. FROM SELECTED, U.S. CHOICE BEEF. COFFEE OLGER'S REG., DRIP, AND 2 79 ELECTRIC PERK 3 LB. TIN • INSTANT FOLGER' 1, OZ. OAR 3 .49 FROZEN GREAT FOR COOKING AND SANDWICHES HEAL TH AND BE AUTY A I DS ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS BLADES "GILLETTE" PLAT. PLUS 1 03 IN, ECTOR ,PACK U.S. CHOICE BEEF...TENDER AND JUICY EVERY TIME. LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS BROM9 6 OZ. PKG. SELTZLR 7 PACK 7 3 GREAT STEAKS COME F ROM SHOP-RITE #l WHITE CALIFORNIA l FOAMY "GILLE l[E" REG. LEMON 0 OZ CAN 1 3 U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS... VALUE ]KIMMLU. (BONE-IN) U.S. CHOICE BEEF SUCCULENT STEAKS WITH GREAT FLAVOR U.S. CHOICE BEEF DELICIOUS STEAKS. DAD'S FAVORITE I II II [ oouR.,,s,,,,s ] ,. *J' OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE BONELESS FILET MIGNON, NEW YORK, AND SPENCER STEAKS. BONELESS ROASTS ,J.S. C,OlCE BEEF WASTEFREE 1 69 RUMP OR BOTTOM ROUND ROASTS. LB. o S I RL01N T I P ROAST u.s. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS 1 69 ROASTS TRIMMED FOR TRUE VALUE • L I TTLE S I ZZLERS HORMEL'S URE PORK LINKS oz. PKG. 79 CHUNK BOLOGNAAMo,R'S STAR LARGE, SANDWICH SIZE LB. 79 POLI SH SAUSAGEMILWAUKEE'S ZESTY R. E STYLESAUSAGE 98 K I PPERED HAL I BUTGREAT FOR SNACKS OR SANDWICHES 98 ROYAL TREND ETER "T APPLE SAUCE DUCHESS HOT DOG BUNS SHOP-RITE CONEYS DESSERT CUPS SHOP-RITE LB. CUT -UP I I| CARROTS SUNNY LOU CELLO BUNCHES 2 FOR 29 MUSHROOMS GREAT FOR COOKING LB. B7 RADISHES & GREEN ONIONS - 2FOR 25 BUNCHES ONIONS MEDIUM 2 LB. 29 U.S. #l FLORIDA MEDIUM SIZE LB. DAYS FRESHER, WASHINGTON GROWN, TENDER, MEATY FRYERS...PAN READY WHITE AND 200 FOR ASSORTED COUNT SP I C-N - SP AN oz. B9 FRI SKIES lS. TIN 6 FOR 1 FOOD SPECI ALS : DON DONS BUCKETS ICE CREAM BARS CARNATION 1880 HI -HO CRACKERS SUNSHINE DREAM WHI P DEVILED HAM UNDERWOOD N I BLETS CORN GREEN GIANT BANOUET CHICKEN, TURKEY AND BEEF 8 OZ. SWANSON MACARONI 6 1 D I NNERS & CHEESI:: 7 (')7 RED TAG SPECI ALS NAPKINS NORTHERN ASST. 160 COUNT 31 CLING FREE ABRI : SOFTNER 95 7 OZ. CAN DRESSING i SEAS GREEN GODDESb 8 OZ. TOWELS ZEE ASST. 170 COUNT COOL WHIP ,Ros 9 oz. Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 1973 W mINUTE MAID LEMONADE REG. &piNK 6-0, 2/25 SAVE YOU MONEY- • POTATOES HUNT'S WHOLE 14.5 TIN 3B TOM. SAUCE HUNT'S OZ TIN 23 TOM. Jill CE HUNT'S 46 OZ TIN 43 SNAP E TOM 6 OZ 3 'ACK 52 HUNT'S ASST 159 SNACK PACKS PUDDINGS 47 34 59 J SOFT HUNT'S LB. LB. 99 LB. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING, EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7-- WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT EFFECTIVE DATES JUNE 14, 15, 16, 17 oz. 3 FOR 1 16 OZ. TIN 5 FOR 1 8-PACK 3FOR 1 6-PACK 33' EACH 63 6-PACK 53 ,6 oz. BOX 43 4 oz. BOX 49 4.5 OZ. TIN 49 12 oz. TIN 4FOR 1 GAL. CONTAINER BETTY CROCKER ASSORTED OZ BOX FOR SHOP-RITE LB. FOR SHOP-RITE I/2 GAL. 14 OZ. BOTTLE FOR