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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 1 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . #, .,,. c~ • ,O -" For Sale N-G SALE, odds and ends, ire, clothes, 227 So. 10th at dead end street downtown :k. K6/14 SALE Sat. and Sunday, 16 and 17 from 10 to 4. Washington Street. K6/14 :AGE SALE Friday and lay. Children's clothes, ottles, furniture, lots of 1 Railroad. S6/14 ,, will autograph Passing Fancies on y afternoon at the Valley Amusement '~. D6/14 ALOHA 21' travel fully self-contained, gas electric, chemical toilet, shower. Comfortable $2,800. 221 So. 12th. WATER heater, under 52 gallon. Call 877-5855. /INGHOUSE UPRIGHT runs good, $50. Call For Sale LADLES GOLF clubs and cart, $45. Call 426-5645. H6/14 PIANO, TYPEWRITER, school desk, saddle, bridle, bikes, dolls, etc. Call 426-6868. E6/14 TEX TAN saddle, bridle, breaststrap, matching set. Black, also pad and saddle stand. $200, Call 426-3057. Mc6/14 EXCELLENT R IVERBOTTOM land top soil for sale. $3.75 per yard. 9 yd. loads. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also light bulldozing. Very reasonable. Call after 3 p.m. 482-3433. If no ans. call 482-3180. B5/24-6/14tfn FREE ONE gallon of root beer to George Saupe, 513 Bellevue, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mr. View. 6/14 FLOWER POTS, clay and plastic, all sizes, Rt. 5, Box 635, Lost Lk. Rd., 426-6220. C6/14-28 18" GE color TV CD7108 portable full warranty $288.89. Lannings, Hoodsport, 877-9729. 6/14 For Sale YOUNG GRAINFED steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refricjerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn GOOD CEDAR fence posts 60c each. Order to Gale Ashby, Rt. 5, Box 296. Shelton. A6/14-21 NINE FT. couch. Excellent condition, $85. Rocker recliner, ~[?ood condition, $45. 426-4897. /]4 GARAGE SALE, 503 Laurel, Friday, Saturday, 9-5. Furniture, misc., guns. B6/14 TWO 775x14 tires with five hole wheels. Call 426-2479 after 5 p.m. C6/14 For Sale CEDAR FENCING call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550 for free estimate. Running foot approximate prices 3 ft $1.35, 4 ft. $1o55, 5 ft. $1.85, 6 ft. $2.15. Includes labor. ES/2tfn EXCELLENT RIVERBOTTOM land top soil for sale. $3.75 per yard. 9 yd. loads. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also light bulldozing. Very reasonable. Call after 3 p.m. 482-3433. If no ans. call 482-3180. B5/24-6/14 SPRING SPECIAL heavy duty custom made vinyl pickup seat covers, black vinyl in stock. One day service weekends included, $40. D.J. Upholstery, 877-9206 after 6 p.m. O3/22tfn Used Cars 1950 FORD pick-up, 3 spd., V-8, radio, good condition. 426-4897. T6/14 C6114 %8 MACK new self-loader log SPOUTING Whale, truck and trailer. Call Olympia CORD WOOD for sale. Any 67 CHEVELLE wagon, excellent length. Call Exceptional Foresters condition, standard shift. $695. ISPort. Antiques, gifts, 456-8200. Evenings 49]-3474. 426-1550o E10/ltfn books, and paintings. R6/14-21 Call 426-1727. W6/14-21 rth of Hoodsport Market. S5/31-6/21 WEDDING band and ring. A Keepsake set. at $300. 426-4998 D6/7tfn -PAPER -- COMPLETE rl. Lowest prices available. Coast Store, 123 South • 6/7tfn USED refrigerator with tr & cross-top freezer, rent condition, ideal for 426-2121. L6 1514; 5 hp outboard, $30; cymbal, $10; high chair, car seat, $2; books, dishes, etc.,426-2870. B6/14 SALE GE washer/dryer, ndition, $125. 426-4615. SOIL And Peat Soil The best quality lawns & gardens. Bob Brewer 936 5/3tfn CORIIOIqATION Building Materials *Sand & Gravel * Crushed Rock Tanks * Reedy Mix POURS WELCOME )10 DISPATCHED IX TRUCKS ME SHELTON 7th & Park Street 2/11tfn WELL KEPT carpets show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store. 6/]4 1969 50 HP Mercury outboard perfect condition. $450 with controls, CH3-8156 or EA2-8360 Seattle. S3/15tfn 16 FT. SELF--CONTAINED Timberline travel trailer, see at 1613 Jackson or call 426-2745. $5/24-6/14 Fuchsia Baskets Geraniums, rhodies, azaleas, shrubs and potted plants. Arcadia Road 426-3773 4/26tfn TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truck load anywhere. Call 426-6749 after 5:30 call 426-2570. F.E. Ogden. 4/12tfn For The Finest In: PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL SATURDAY POURS I ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IRON -- High prices for good No. 1 iron. Will pick up if t. FOR SALE plate, structural steel, pipe, mill chain, and sprockets, etc. ' Machinery Exchange. 532-3961 Aberdeen Port Area - 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & Set. e.m. 6/14-7/5 TRADE IN your old furniture at 1951 FORD 2-door must sell, $35 Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. in new parts. Started restoring, 4/16tfn good shape. First $85. 877-5434. MERL--------E N~N Cosmetics a~ S6/14 Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn 1954 Volvo classic 14h44,cu1970 Datsun pickup w" stom USE---~L-0--~E~Starligh----~ canopy. Call 426-5695 between model, $495, Johnny's Music 5:30-6:30. D6/14-7/5 Box. 12/7tfn CRUSHED ROCK for your '59 FORD 6 cyl., good motor, driveway or the permanent $50.426-2327. W6/7-14 solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. '65 FORD 3/4 ton With shell, good 12/7tfn condition. See at Deer Creek -- Store or phone 426-3671. B6/7 MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom, ~fchneider's Prairie). Call ympia 943-6140. D3/10tfn SHELTON JAN ITOR IAL Service, carpet cleaning our specialty, phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn FOR SALE 2 formals size 9-10, aqua, $20 each. Call evenings 426-1701. G6/7-28 '64 CHEVROLET 3/4 ton pickup with 8V2' self-contained camper. Call after 5. 426-6413. D5/31tfn 1945 1V2 GMC truck with 2-speed rear end, $250. V2 mile past Pioneer School, Julian Road. R5/24-6/14 1966 GMC 3/4 ton, with insulated canopy, AT, PS, PB, radio and heater, $1,100. 426-2164. C5/24-6/14 25 hp EVINRUDE outboard motor, $100 or will trade for smaller motor. 1961 Scout 4-wheel drive, $650, 426-6532. S6/7-14 FOUR HEAVY duty mobile home axles, easily shortened, with 10-ply nylon tires and hitches. 426-5823. R6/7-28 ANTIQUE BUFFET with mirror, ~ ood condition, phone 426-6142. 6/7-28 Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME wheels and axels for sale. 877-5527. S5/10tfn 36x8 NASHUA 2 bedroom, gas, hot water and stove, must sacrifice $2000 investment in trailer, $1700 firm price. Phone 877-5434. G5/10tfn Quality: Homes made in Olympia and Kent to rigid Washington codes. Service: .Owner personally services your home. V2 of sales are past customer referrals. Price: Lowest overheads anywhere -- savings are passed to you. Call us collect! Man-Kay Distdbutincj MOBILE HOME SALES 18227 Pacific Ave., Tacoma LE1-3116 6/14-7/26 %3 RAMBLER 6 cylinder, four new tires, good body and interior, good transmission, needs minor motor work, $150. cash. Shelton Apts. No. 8. Mc6/7-14 '67 Buick Wildcat Cony., Excellent condition, _ low .eage ............. S1,150 r69 Plymouth Fury III 4-dr. HT. 1475 end'. .............. $ "72 Ply. Duster (2 in stock) 225, 6 cyl. eng., auto. trans., Power steering, air cond ............... $2995 y Motors PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad Mobile Homes ii I FHA MOBILE HOME FINANCING Example: 12 x 64 2-Bedroom Selling Price $8,795.00 Sales Tax 439.75 Total Price $9,234.75 Down Payment 579.50 Amount Financed $8,655.25 120 Monthly Payments of $ 93.53 7.97% Annual Percentage Rate Now two locations to serve your housing needs. Taylor Towne - 426-5568 Gorst. 373-5001 Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sundays in consideration of our religion - our families - and our health. I I I Help Wanted Help Wanted %%~-. -%%%%%%%%~...%--~. _%%%~ Services Pets, Livestock OPENINGS NOW for 2 women desiring supplementary income. Over 18. Sales experience helpful. 877-5860. A&C Enterprises. 6/14 E)(PANDING BUSINESS - we need 10 women who would like to supplement their income. Phone 426-8002. B5/24-6/14 WANTED RAT Patrol Jeep drivers and scouts. $45-$80 per weekend. Will train. WASHARNG . 426-6202. 6/7-28 JOB OPPORTUNITY, mature female, non-smoker, good health, clean, some travel, will train. Write Box 222 c/o Journal stating education, experience. 6/7-14 LARGE STRONG boy for summer - miscellaneous outside work. Harstine Island. $1.70 hour. Own transportation. Call collect 838-1110. 5 a.m. - 8 a.m. S6/14 a career... Talk to us at Farmers Insurance Group You can keep the security of your present position while you train for a new and challenging career, free of charge In fact. while you learn we'll be paying you futl commissions on business you sell Jump to it! Write or call today for full details \ CALL RUSS FRY 943-9765 - days 352-7996- evenings. 6/14-28 FOR YOUR regular or corrective horseshoeing call Dave Robison, 491-5235. R9/14tfn PEACEFUL VALLEY Stables- horses boarded and trained, year around indoor exercise arena, stalls runs and pasture. Call Ken or Lee 426-5749 evenings. P10/19tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, 1202 Cote St. R7/20tfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn STOP WORRYING about those repairs around your home. Call Tl~e Handyman Home Repair Service, 426-1508. K4/19 HORSESHOEING -- JIM Brummitt - extended service call 357-6151. B3/29tfn THE 1130 E. FAIRMONT Call 426-2879 for free estimates. 11/9 tfn GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 79S Phone 426-2501' Swimming Pools Septic Tanks Bulldozing, Backhoe GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton 8/6tfn AKC REGISTERED Brittany pups, 5 weeks old, excellent hunters, come early for pick of litter. 426-2159. C6/14-21 WEANER PIGS $27.50 four or more $26 each. Sheep $2]. Home Meat Service, 426-1415. 6/14 QUARTERHORSE GELDING ~od for children or beginners 00. One reg. 3/4 Arab yearling colt $200. 426-2603. S6/14-7/5 NEED HOME 8 week old kittens, will deliver. 898-3590. Peggy Biger. B6/14 BOARDING, LEAVE your medium and large dogs with us when you go on vacation. MeI-Ru Kennels, 426-2387. M5/31-6/21 ONE LARGE palomino pony, $150. Tack extra.• 426-2483. W5/24-6/14 REGISTERED S II~ERIAN huskies 8 weeks old, champion ancestry. Inquire 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028. N6/7-14 SHELTIE PUPPIES, sable white, 10 weeks, AKC, shots, wormed, $75 with papers. Bremerton, ES7-2467 after 6:30 p.m. Sunday & Monday anytime. S6/7-28 C-BAR-J RANCH, horses boarded, stalls and runs. Many trails for riding. Also standing for Appaloosa stallion service "Coffee Cups Bar Fly." Double bred Top and Bottom, Sundance 500 bloodlines. Call 426-2720 after 4 p.m. 6/7tfn B--L-ACK GELDING; also blaze-faced sorrel gelding. Sharp lookers, gentle, priced right. 426-5850. W5/24-31 DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott 426-2868. SS/i0tfn FOR SALE trailer for one horse. 426-3648. Can be seen at Ford Garage, Mr. View. HS/10tfn Farm Slaughtering Work Wanted CHILD CARE, Airport - Island Lake area, references. 426-8680. H6/14 LICENSED CHILD care, excellent references, fenced yard. Programed day ex-teacher. 426-1580. No calls 12:30 - 3 p.m. H6/14tfn EXPER IENCED AND licensed child care, my home, anytime, fenced yard, hot meals. 215 East Harvard, 426-2540. A6/7-28 LICENSED BABYSITTING, my home, Kamilche area. Fenced yard. For further information call 426-8975. M5/31-6/21 Wanted %%%%%%%%%%~ WANTED OLDER Army Jeep, repairable condition. Call 426-6228. A6/14-7/5 1,000,000 FT. ALDER saw logs, 7" diameter and up. Highest prices in area delivered to Lima. Lindell Enterprises, Herb Schumacher, 426-5444 after 7 p.m. Wgl buy stumpage and have loggers available. L6/14 ATTENTION BRUSH pickers, we are open to take bunch or loose huck and salal all summer. Belfair, Washington, at the old water wheel. CR5-2076. C6/7-28 WANTED CEDAR shake bolts, cash on delivery. Versapanel Inc., Shelton. 426-5571. V12/14tfn DAY CARE -- ages 0-7, hot ALDER LOGS 7" & 8" 30 ft. meals, snacks, near Mr. View $45; 9' up to $68. Mostly 10 ft. School, weekdays only. Call multiples. Will hold these prices 426-6576. K3/15tfn year around for logs delivered. Special prices for longer hauls. iNTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, Stumpage bought and loggers texture and glitter. Free available, Mason Hardwood estimates. Phone 426-5741. 426-3464, day-night. 7/27tfnh P3/15tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Port of LICENSED CHILD "care- Agate Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy area hour or day. Experienced poles, piling stumpage and land, sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn 426-6350, home phone426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn Sporting Goods 250 HASQVARNA dirt bike, good running condition. Call after 6 p.m. CR5-2336. KS/3tfn EIGHT FT. SHASTA camper with hydraulic jacks. Inquire F.L. Williams, Rt. 1, Box 176B 12 miles on Shelton-Elma Road. W6/14-21 20 FT. SABRECRAFT, 65 hp Mercury outboard, head, sink. Call CR5-3136. S6/14 16 FT. GLASPAR with 60 hp Johnson motor and trailer. Good condition. $1,200. Phone 426-1441. E6/14-21 WANTED: CEDAR logs -- second growth or old growth - green or dry. Delivered to Shelton, $120/M to $220/M. Versapanel, Inc. 426-5571 or 426-5504. V2/15tfn HOP POLE cutting acreage wanted. Write Fiscus Trucking Co. Apt. 5, Cameron Hotel, Shelton. F6/7-28 TIMBER WANTED highest prices paid. We will pay our $65 per thousand and higher for good quality fir, and hemlock. Sell now while log market is at its highest ever. Free estimates, Taylor Bay Logging Co., call Jack Perelli or Rex Dempewolf, TR6-5238 or TR6-8024. Write P.O. Box 106, Port Orchard, We. 98366. T4/12tfn PACIFIC MARINER stilleto 50 hp Mercury 426-4653 or 426-4133. L6/14-21 '64 CHEVROLET 3/4 ton pickup with 8Vz' self-contained camper. Sacrifice exercycle. Call after 5 426-64 13. D6/7tfn BULLDOZING John ldakoviney -- Quick Service -- Excavating -- Back filling & clearing 426-1289 5/3-9/27 Ernie's Mobil Sewing Machine Service Parts and repairs for all makes, 25 years experience, formerly with Singer Co., also approved Singer dealer, in Shelton every Monday. For service call collect, days 852-3011, evenings 772-5729. Ernest Hennig Painting - Taping Texturing - Wall Papering Woodwork Pre-finished LICENSED & BONDED FREE ESTIMATES Heinitz Painting Co. Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 Septic Tank Installations 500-gal,, 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging. Backhoe. Trencher for Hire Sharor Digging Servko Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn Personal ------------_-_--_--_-_-_-- VACATIONING? LET me be your housesitter. Care for Sporting Goods animals, check home, collect mail, water lawn, etc. 426-4929. ~'-"-"---------------------------------" 134112-7/5 1968 65 hp. Johnson outboard; boat and trailer free, $550. 426-3053. M6/7tfn REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex -- lose weight with Dex-A-Diet capsules at Nell's FOR SALE 12' wooden boat and 1971 MERCURY motor, 9.8 hp., Pharmacy. O5/31-9/13 long shank. One 3 gal. gas tank ~------'~----"---- trailer, $75. Call 426-4581 o and one 5 gal. g,% tank, $350. LOSE WEIGHT safely'& fast with 426-4548. 5/10tfn 877-5353. P6/7-14 X-ll Diet Plan, $3. REDUCE FIBERFORM BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Hilaker fishing boats, wood and aluminum prams. Boat & motor repairs, fishing & boating, supplies. • Marina on Bank Terms Union 898-2252 5/zo-z7 III I I Excess Fluids with X-Pel, $3. Money back guarantee at Evergreen Drug. P4/5-8/2 ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St., - Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Lost & Found LOST SMALL black puppy near Potlatch Post Office Friday. Name Pepper. Call 877-9269. P6/14 Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashio,.ed curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B.J. Probst 426- 1415 Kamilche , :rtiss Breeding Service TIFICIAL INSEMINAT!DN Dairy and Beef LENNY LETT 357-4143 tfn Real Estate Wanted 40-80 TREE covered acres, remote acceptable. Phone after 5 p.m. 426-5743. S6/7-14 Reel Estato TWO YEAR old three bedroom house with fireplace, large lot about 1/3 acre, five miles from Shelton in Highland Estates. Being transferred, must sell immediately, $18,500. Call 426-1892. $6/7-14 EXCHANGE -- WHAT You have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn FARM -- By owner, 13 acres, 3 bedrooms, garage, small barn, fenced, $30,000. 426-3753 after 5 p.m. L5/10tfn SALTWATER COVE -- no-bank beach 155' plus 12 acres with beautiful fir trees. Small beach cottage ideal fishing, swimming, waterskiing. Large enough for 2 or 3 families recreation. Appraised at $45,000. H.M. Tokos & Assoc. Shelton, We. 426-3361. Eves 426-8460. 6/14 - OWNER ANXIOUS. 314' waterfront on Hammersley Inlet. Heavily wooded and secluded with mostly low bank. 6}/2 acres total. $33,500 terms. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555, eves 426-4983. $6/14 FOR SALE 2 bedroom house completely furnished, lake privileges, financing available. Waterfront and others from $3,550 to $9,000. 943-7111 After Hours, Mart Price 426-3748 4/12 tfn Thursday, June 14, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19