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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 1973
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E MANKE, right, received the Girl of the Year award eShelton Junior High Awards Assembly last week. nlor Brewer was presented athlete of the year award Manke the girl of the at the Shelton Junior Assembly Thursday student body officers for year were announced Jane Eager, president; vice-president and secretary. candidates for girl of were Patti Pleines, April Sue Radzyewycz, Karen '~ and Gait Thornock. award winners were: Legion Award- Jeff e (runner-up Robin ~ess). American Legion r Award- Patti Pleines. itional Educational Test Awards - Carol Ellen Duemling, Doug Lori Huber, Mary April Kuhr, Lincoln Belinda Nielsen, Chris Debbie Putvin, Shelli Michelle Williams. Football - best lineman, Jim Kieburtz; inspirational, Dale Brewer; captain, Dale Brewer, and big stick, Terry Dion. Letters: Richard Wood, Blain Burgess, LouieZoren, Jay Zamzow, Mark Jaros, Jim Kieburtz, Tom Myer, Tracy Ridout, Terry Young, Wayne Devaney, Jim Huston, Andy Whitener, Craig Sawyer, Jeff McGee, Dale Campagna, Dodge Kerr, Dale Brewer, Dave Leahy, Chuck Bridges, Matt Wilson, Rod LaClair, Mel Morgan, Dan Oliveira, Frank Clark, Larry Baze, Terry Dion, Jamie Parker, Stan Kaszycki. Manager, Dennis James. Perfect attendance awards: seven years, Taryn Lund; three years, Christy Bacon; two years, Lisa Shafer, Anne Daugherty, Fred Nelson; one year, Kitty Mak, Maurice Reintjes, Kathy Rogerson, Steve Swearingen, John Bennett, Tina Jahnke, June Barron, Karma Knight, Jeff McGee, Tom Myer, Lori Nelson. Basketball: team co-captains, SCO "Buckshot" Connally for Camp Philmont, Scout ranch in New e go n He is one of 128 Boy Scouts throughout the United States to receive the Kit Carson Scholarship to this training center. Only nine recipients were selected from the states of Washington, California, Oregon and Idaho. The 1 7-year-old is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Connally of Hoodsport, and serves under Scout Master Bob Aitken as junior scoutmaster of Troop No. 11 of Hoodsport. Connally was a charter member of the troop organized three years ago under the supervision of John Dorn, now a committeeman. He has always worked in a leadership capacity as scribe, quartermaster Ken Connally e DALE BREWER, right, was presented with the Boy Athlete of the Year award during the Shelton Junior High Awards Assembly last Thursday. Mike Smith and Dale Campagna; best defensive, Dale Campagna and inspirational, Mike Smith. Letters: Larry Baze, Randy Bostrom, A1 Case, Dale Campagna, Terry Dion, Pete Francis, Staff~ Kaszycki, Dodge Kerr, Jeff McGee, Mel Morgan, Chris Palmer, Jamie Parker, Mike P. Smith, Jay Zamzow. Manager Jim Kieburtz. Wrestling letters Walter Austin, Dale Brewer, Frank Clark, Dave Cox, Scott Davidson, Wayne Devaney, Steve Ford, Mike Gonzales, Mike Hovind, Jim Huston, Mark Jaros, Paul Kamin, Don Lisk, Tom Meyers, Bob Smith, Matt Smith, Terry Young, Chet Chapman, Dave Johnston, Larry Jones, Arden Merrimen, Karl Stolen, Rusty Wickett, Tom Wittenberg, Jeff Coleman, Brian Dunbar, Chris Patnode, Kevin Ridout, Brian Willis, Matt Kamin, manager. Team captains, Matt Wilson and Dale Brewer; inspirational, Dale Brewer; and camp or patrol leader. His scholarship, based on active participation in scouting events, did not include fare to and from the New Mexico ranch where he will remain through June 30. With the assistance of the Elks Lodge, the Women's Auxiliary to the District No. 1 Fire Department in Hoodsport, the Girl Scouts, and many interested individuals a round-trip ticket has been supplied. Ken Connally, who will be a Shelton High School senior when school resumes in the fall, intends to continue in scouting. "I would like to work at Camp Phllmont," he says. you* up storm damage, limb, cut down clear brush. on firewood Your own. atration of a versatile at $119.95. SHOP ,topic Hwy. S. 02 Hood canal school has raduation ceremony Graduation ceremonies for the ninth grade graduates at Hood Canal Junior High School were held at 7:30 p.m. June 5 at the school. Parents of the students had a party for them at the new Hoodsport Fireball following the graduation ceremony. The graduates were: Rick Allen, Rick Blanchard, Kevin Cultee, Ed Dyment, Earl Freeman, Oliver Gray, Brian Hays, Glenn LaClair, David Lacy, Mark I-indgren, Sam Martin, Scott Metzler, Karl Miller, Gregg Pavel, Brian Perkins, Jeff Pill, Bob Rollevson, Jesse Sha[pes, Steve Slott, Gary Stevens, lloyd Wilbur, Chuck Williams, Lynette Baker, Denise Brunetti, Sandi Denison, Julie Dickinson, Janice Grindle, Pamela Hunter, Kathy James, Janise Laramie, Peggy Murphy, Barbara Ward, Dorothy Westby. Student speakers were Valedictorian Brian Perkins and Salutatorian Pamela Hunter. Guest speaker was William L: Smith, assistant director of financial aid and placement at The Evergreen State College. Awards presented during the program were Pamela Hunter, American Legion Auxiliary award; Brian Perkins, American Legion award with Denise Brunette getting honorable mention and Jeff Pill, athlete of the year. Open H0use- 130 W. Pine Sunday, June 17.12-6 p.m. Bring dad to see this solid, older 4-bedroom value packed house. ARDAHL REALTY OLYMPIA PHONE 943-5010 ii most improved, Kevin Ridout. Drama awards: best actor, Del Zachery; best actress, Kim Wright; best supporting actor, George Craig; best supporting actress, Raenelle Klokkevold; best director, Carol Barnett; best stage boy, Don Cole; best stage girl, Terry Smith; best over-all contribution, Belinda Nielsen; best inspirational attitude, Robin Trucksess; stage director's award, Don Cole. Girls' athletic association letters: Christie Bacon, Carol Barnett, Dana Christensen, Connie Eliason, Mary Hurlbert, Eva Kubinsky, Terri Moran, Ella Studer, Shelli Thomason, Pat Trotzer, Kathleen Byrne, Debbie Coleman, Danette Huisingh, Tina Jahnke, Mary Jones, Kim Joslin, Karla Knudsen, Marilee Matson, Karen Sushak, Terri Twiddy, Donna Zangl, Shannon Byrne, Shaun Byrne, Lori Putvin, Nicki Schouviller, Teresa Walker. Most points award, Christy Bacon. Track awards - captain, Dale Brewer; inspirational, Dan Oliviera; most imporved, Charlie Shugart; letters, Nancy Lemagie, Kathy Monroe, Cathy Ruddell, Chadie Shugart, Dave Mortensen, Jeff Sawyer, Bill Lang, Kevin Ridout, Brian Martin, Joe Baze, Andy Medcalf, Dan Johnson, Dave Johnson, Chris McGee, Dave Johnston, Brian Poe, Sam Wright, Dennis Devaney, Roger Ayers, Arden Merriman, Kristie Manke, Jennie Cross, Mike Smith, Dan Oliviera, Randy Bostrom, Larry Baze, Dale Brewer. Manager, Rick Magee. Golf letters - Dennis James, Jim Kieburtz, Doug Christensen, Tom Myer, Mel Morgan. Junior high champ, Dennis James. Pep Club awards - most active award, Jerrie Cross and Holly Estvold. Drill Team inspirational award - Loft Engebretson. Pep staff certificates - Jennie Cross, Gall Fuller, Kristie Manke, Sue Radzykewycz, Helen Tomas. Girls' League officers for 1973-74 - president, Kim Joslin; vice-president, Shannon Byrne; secretary, Shaun Byrne. , . . .. -- i IB eal mo By BOB BURMEISTER UNION - The first and, to date, only healthrnobile unit operating in the state of Washington will park at the Union Fireball the third Thursday of every month. This month the date is June 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In partnership with local, state and federal agencies the healthmobile offers many free services with the expressed purpose of preventive medicine. Dr. John Coldicott will be the health officer in attendance to conduct the many varieties of services that include immunization shots; family planning counseling; maternal and child health services; hearing and vision screening including Amblyopia tests; well baby clinic; Mantoux tests (TB); hypertension screening with blood and urine tests; diabetes, respiratory, and medical screening; education and other services. Everyone is welcome to come and take advantage of this opportunity for free health services to prevent illness. The healthmobile coordinator is Rudy Bouton. The David Ray Orthopedic Auxiliary gathered May 16 at Robin Hood Restaurant for their regular meeting. Appreciation and Methodist pastor is re-appointed The Reverend William F. Andrews, pastor of the United Methodist Church in Shelton for the past two years, has been reappointed for another year. The announcement was made June 10 by Bishop Wilbur W.Y. Choy at the dosing session of the lO0th Pacific Northwest Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. The five-day meeting was held on the campus of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Camp 3 picnic set A picnic for all the people who formerly lived in Simpson Timber Company Camp Three is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. July 24 at Kneeland Park. A potluck dinner will be served at 1:30 p.m. Coffee will be furnished. Further information can be obtained from Cecdia Cornell at 426-4384 or Grace Wells, 426-6680. CORRECT FORMAL WEAR Complete Tuxedo Rental Service Men's Women's 409 RAILROAD A Heating -" Air Conditioning - General Sheet Work - Stainless Down Spouts -- Gutters -- Sinks - Hoods - Blowers - Piping Systems e MOBI LE HOME SYSTEMS, TOOt 4264792 321 S. 3rd Lie visi gratitude for dedicated service was shown the out-going officers, president, Mrs. Margie Stairs; vice-president, Mrs. Sally Graham; secretary, Mrs. Judy Krause; and treasurer, Mrs. Sandy Carney. Announcement was also made of the new in-coming officers. They are president, Mrs. Sandy Carney; vice-president, Mrs. Jolean Graham; secretary, Mrs. Jackie Gearhart and treasurer, Mrs. Anna Ghramm. Best wishes and graduation salutations are in order for several Union scions. Graduating this June from the ninth grade at Hood Canal Junior High School were Rick Allen, Pam Hunter, Scott Metzler," Peggy Murphy, Steve Slott and Chuck Williams. Graduating from Shelton High School were John Boggs and Cheryl Molinero. Traveling from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to see their nephew, John Boggs, graduate, were Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Kelley. are Mrs Alice Kelley is the twin sister of Mrs. Blanche Boggs. The Kelleys spent six days enjoying the Union area and were also able to tour the University of Puget Sound campus where John will attend school this fall. After more than 25 years Mrs. Lucille Livingston is retiring from classroom teaching. For the past sc uJe seven years Mrs. Livingston has taught the first grade at the Hood Canal School. Upon graduating from Central Washington State College in 1935, Mrs. Livingston taught successivdy in the school districts of Chehalis, Yakima, Toppenish, Tillamook, Oregon; Sunnyside and Bremerton. Sure of Insurability to 40? Life insurance can now be guaranteed to young men! For details on the Policy Purchase Option ARTHUR J. WIRTH P.O. Box 1 158 Olympia, 98507 Bus: 352-0503 Res: 491-0510 New York Life Insurance Company Life, Health and Group Insurance Annuities * Pension Plans Air Conditioning and Heating Engineering Sales & Service Kellogg Mechanical 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 24-hr. emer. service Coins Coins Bought And Sold estate appraisals for appointment: 426-4719, P.O. Box 866 OLYMPIC GATEWAY George T. Booth Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Plumbing New and Repairing BOON'S PLUMBING & HEATING RADIATOR R£': PA I R "Serving Mason County Since 1948" 1916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 Radiator Repair 426-3483 Boon's Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. Air Conditioning & Heating *Oil *Gas *Electric Boon's Plumbing & Heating 1916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 " Serving Mason County Since 1948" Auto Glass Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 Custom Gun Stocks *New stocks made * Old stocks refinished * Glass bedding, inlays 426-649S efrigeration Commercial- Industrial Sales - Service KELLOGG MECHANICAL 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 24-hr. emer. service Drugs j Remodeling I -- Helena Rubinstein [ Carpentry -- Remodeling I -- Cosmetics I Kitchen Cabinets I -- Prescriptions I Roofing -- Painting I -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I Free Estimates I NELL'S PHARMACY I XEN COOTS , I 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 [ Phone 426-6602 Auto Repairing -- Major Overhauls -- Brakes & Ignition --Welding & Tune-ups ED'S SERVICE 219 So. 1st 426-1212 Floor Covering -- Linoleum -- Carpeting -- Tile -- Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Back Hoe Service Septic Tank Installations Ditching Bonded & Licensed Dale Fleshman 426-3073 _ After 5 426-8_89_6 , Glass Broken glass replaced promptly! Insurance claims handled! Plate-sheet * Thermopane * AUtO Mirrors * Shower & tub enclosures -- Free Estimates -- SHELTON GLASS CO. For fast service phone 426-1152 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. Sewing Machines AL'I SIWING MACHINE REPAIR Used machines for sale and rent. Mt. View 2004 Laurel 426-1831 i Beauty- -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Bras ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Heating = Heating & Cooling Sales & Service • Sheet Metal SHELTON FURNACE CO. 321 S, 3rd 426-4792 Sheet Metal & Welding---'--- BOON'S Plumbing & Heating "Serving Mason County Since 1948" 1916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 Cable TV i Insurance I ea~rv I Tired of shopping? i I Let us do it for you! For S ice Call I Auto-Home-Boat-Life.Health l" Business-Preferred Risk? 1426 1691 ' Wel°catethel°westc°st" I Insurance is our only business. J ARNOLD l SMITH I INSURANCE AGENCY I 117 E. Cota 426-3317 Carpet Installation (ennels - Boarding, medium and large CHUCK'S CARPET dogs -- individual indoor and I SERVICE outdoor cement runs. MEL-RU KENNELS I Phone 426-2774 426-2387 Shoe Repair * Polishes & laces of all kinds * All types of boots ancl shoes repaired. EXPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 311 Grove Street Farm Slaughtering * Cutting & Wrapping * Curing, Sausage Making * Sharp Freezing HOME MEAT SERVICE Kamilche 426-1415 Ceramics Classes Mon., Tues., Wed. Adult & Children Classes Greenware Firing MT. VIEW CERAMICS 426-1313 Masonry -- Fireplaces -- All brick and -- Block work, MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Television Service Roy & Jo's TV Repair Chain Saws Stihl & McCulloch Chain Saws -- Rentals * New -- Small motor tune-up & repairs. SHELTON SAW SHOP INC. , Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 221 3 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-4639 Nursery Complete Nursery Stock Perennials - Shrubs - Trees MT. VIEW GARDEN SHOp 1610 Olympic Hiway No. i 426-1313 Typewriters Adding Machines Calculators * Local Service * SHELTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT ! 14 S. Second 426-2880 Thursday, June 14, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23