June 14, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 14, 2007 |
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0truer Shelton resident Au-
Martin died on Satur-
June 9, at Valley Hospital in
Valley. She was 64 and
lived in Spokane Valley for
H. and
in Oro-
s. Martin Audrey
self-em- Martin
a day-
loved to spend time with
and watch her grand-
crochet and travel.
so enjoyed music, butter-
outdoors, shopping and
to her friends. She was
of Eagles Aerie 3862
Was an l 1-year member of
hters of the American
was receded in death by
father, stepfather
brothers Gerald and
Harland and grandson
are sons Curtis
and wife Charolette of
California, and Jeffrey
ympia; daughter Ta-
Bogh and husband Michael
Oregon; mother Beu-
of Port Orchard; broth-
Harland and wife Bar-
of Sacramento, California,
Lowe of Nevada and Alan
wife Donna of Port Or-
surviving are sisters
Little and husband Tom
Coma and Carol Ruby and
Emil of Oroville, Cali-
tren Christo-
of Oklahoma City,
and Devin Mar-
Tennessee, Am-
and Zachary Martin of Visa-
and Alana Bogh of Portland;
ghter Alexzandra
of Ursalia, California; and
nieces and nephews.
FUneral service will be held
a.m. on Saturday, June 23,
First Christian Church of
Pastor Bruce Thacker
officiate. Burial will be at
Memorial Park.
donations may be
to the Lions Eyeglass Pro-
,ment Department,
Street, Oak Brook,
60523-8842; the Sudden
Syndrome Founda-
509 Augusta Drive, Mariet-
30067; or Children's
Hospital, 4800 Sand
NE, Seattle, 98105.
are by McComb
Home of Shelton.
City, tribe seal a deal on water
(Continued from page 1.)
McDonald told the commission-
ers that from the tribe's perspec-
tive, there wasn't enough scien-
tific data about how much stream
flows would be aitbcted by the
drawing down of water from the
local aquifer for the use in the re-
gional plan.
The agreement calls for the city
and tribe to begin a process of in-
vestigating and periodically updat-
ing a scientific analysis of water
resources and their relationship to
stream flows.
IN TURN, the city will support
the tribe's request for $300,000
from the Washington State De-
partment of Ecology to pay for
collecting data about water re-
sources. The studies will also be
used to help the city in water man-
agement planning and help deter-
mine where the city should drill a
fourth well.
"It's a win-win document," Mc-
Donald said of the agreement,
noting there is no economic effect
on the city from it. "I'm trying to
think where there's a downside."
"This is really a proactive step
on our part," added Mayor John
"Technical things aside, the big-
gest thing of this agreement is co-
operation. As Dennis said, it's all
good," said Commissioner Dawn
"THIS IS A landmark thing;
it's huge," said City Administra-
tor Dave O'Leary. "This is a pretty
good deal."
A formal signing ceremony of
the agreement by city and tribal
officials is planned for 9 a.m. on
Friday, June 29, at a site yet to be
As of last November, the esti-
mated cost of the regional plan
totaled $42,422,100. The plan is
composed of four projects, which
* Satellite Water Reclamation
Plant at a cost of $16,271,100. It
County sets stormwater workshop
Mason County will conduct a
public workshop on draft plans
for stormwater management in
Allyn and Belfair.
This will provide the public
with a chance to ask questions
and offer feedback. Plans are
available to review at the public
libraries in Belthir, Hoodsport
and Shelton, as well as on the
county Web site. The meeting
will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 20, at the Port
of Allyn, 18560 State Route 3,
For more information, call
Barbara Adkins at 427-9670,
Extension 286.
Zone rules for Allyn area
approved by commission
(Continued from page 3.)
sioners made on June 12 stipulat-
ed that guest homes be attached
to single-family dwellings in resi-
dential zoning districts.
The ordinance also addresses
group dwellings, gross acreage
and gross area, building height,
lot coverage and net acreage.
"It's significantly further than it's
been in any past years," Carey
THE CURRENT interim zon-
ing code was due to expire on June
30. Over the past several months,
the Mason County Department
of Community Development has
been working with the Allyn
Planning Committee to provide
revisions to the interim code that
best reflect the needs and desires
of the Allyn community.
County officials invited more
than 1,100 residents to a public
meeting in May at the Port of
Allyn. Beforehand, the county
had also sent invitations to ev-
ery known address in Allyn and
publicly announced this meeting
in the local media. The Mason
County Planning Advisory Com-
mission used feedback from this
meeting to develop a final draft of
the zoning code.
"I think we're moving very
close to something that's pretty
right on," commented Commis-
sioner Lynda Ring-Erickson, not-
ing that the new regulations are
"not cast in concrete."
involves construction of a satel-
lite treatment plant just south of
the entrance road to the Mason
County Fairgrounds, with sewer
and reclaimed-water lines to the
Washington State Patrol Acad-
emy and Washington Corrections
Center. The city will operate the
• Shelton Wastewater Treat-
ment Plant Improvements at a
cost of $15,957,000. Built in 1979,
work on improvements at the
treatment plant will start in 2008
or 2009 and be completed by mid-
• Johns Prairie Utilities Exten-
sion at a cost of $3,539,000. This
project includes extending city wa-
ter and sewer lines out Johns Prai-
rie Road to link up with the Port of
Shelton's Johns Prairie Industrial
Park. The city will seek $1,911,949
in fbderal funds, with $1,627,051
to come from as for now undeter-
mined private contributions.
• Kneeland Water Expansibn
at a cost of' $6,655,000. The project
involves water system expansion
for Sanderson Field, the correc-
tions center, state patrol academy
and growth and expansion of the
city in the area northwest of the
current city limits.
Mason County Senior Center
is celebrating its anniversary
. .. with a
2505 Olympic Hwy N., Gateway Shopping Center IVIFEHSAIfIF
Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5 Spec£1d
good tIzru
427-08§8 Do.at,o.. accepted: Monday-Saturday 10-4 6/T0/07
Is Your Vehicle Road Trip Ready?
[ Cooling System Inspection
[ Inspect Exhaust System
Inspect and Test Wipers and Washers
Test and Inspect Exterior Lights
L( Inspect Tires and Adjust Tire
Pressure, Including Spare
(Up to 5 quarts of oil)
S249s *
*Plus taxes, Most cars & light trucks.
With coupon only. Not valid with
other discounts. Expires 6/30/07.
- Financing O.A.C.
- Senior Discounts
Inspect Suspension and Lube Chassis
Top Off Underhood Fluids and Inspect Condition
Inspect Drive Shafts and CV Boots
Quality Repairs by People Who Care!
123 North Front St. • Shelton
Open 8-5 Monday-Friday
Help's available
for the victims
of domestic
violence, abuse
Mason County's domestic-vio-
lence and shelter provider offers
assistance to all victims of domes-
tic violence and abuse.
Turning Pointe can be reached
by telephone 24 hours a day at
jobs here
from page 3.)
and approximately 145,200
Figures gathered by
economists are esti-
and rounded off.
neighboring Mason
the following unemploy-
in May: 4.1 in Kitsap,
Harbor, 4.2 in Jeffer-
4.0 in Thurston.
IS2.10 gal.
Taylor Towne Store
& Subway
0 SE Lynch Rd. • 426-0067
The All Access Checking package gives you the freedom and flexibility to quickly and easily
access your money anytime day or night. With a monthly direct deposit you get all these
great benefits FREE:
• Online Banking
• Bill Pay & Presentment
• Online Statements
• Online Check Images
With All Access Checking you qualify for All Access Savings,
Earn more as you save with competitive tiered interest rates.
More freedom to saveit's all about you!
Start saving today with All Access Savings.
• ATM Transactions
• Overdraft Protection
• High Yield All Access Savings
• Dime-A-Time Rewards*
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 5/1/2007 and is subject to change without notice.
APY and minimum balances are as follows on the All Access Savings:
$10,000+ 3.50% APY $1,000-$4,999 2.00% APY
$5,000-$9,999 2.50% APY $0-$999 .50% APY
the quality bank
*Dime-A-Time rewards: Earn $.10 for every credit transaction (signature, non-pin based) using your All Access
Checking VISA ® CheckCard.
All Access Checking and Savings require a minimum $100 opening balance, direct deposit, online banking and online statements. A monthly service
charge of $10.00 will be applied if there is no monthly direct deposit, Heritage Bank AIM transaction fees waived. Write up to 5 checks per monthly
statement cycle at no cost, $.50 each thereafter. Free overdraft transfers from All Access Savings to All Access Checking to cover checks or debits
posted to your account, All Access Checking account is required to open All Access Savings account,
Shelton (360) 426-4431 * www.HeritageBankWA.com ;,, , ,,. - ..!::!
14 Convenient Locations in Mason, Thurston, Pierce and South Ktncj (ountie
i ii
Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9
0truer Shelton resident Au-
Martin died on Satur-
June 9, at Valley Hospital in
Valley. She was 64 and
lived in Spokane Valley for
H. and
in Oro-
s. Martin Audrey
self-em- Martin
a day-
loved to spend time with
and watch her grand-
crochet and travel.
so enjoyed music, butter-
outdoors, shopping and
to her friends. She was
of Eagles Aerie 3862
Was an l 1-year member of
hters of the American
was receded in death by
father, stepfather
brothers Gerald and
Harland and grandson
are sons Curtis
and wife Charolette of
California, and Jeffrey
ympia; daughter Ta-
Bogh and husband Michael
Oregon; mother Beu-
of Port Orchard; broth-
Harland and wife Bar-
of Sacramento, California,
Lowe of Nevada and Alan
wife Donna of Port Or-
surviving are sisters
Little and husband Tom
Coma and Carol Ruby and
Emil of Oroville, Cali-
tren Christo-
of Oklahoma City,
and Devin Mar-
Tennessee, Am-
and Zachary Martin of Visa-
and Alana Bogh of Portland;
ghter Alexzandra
of Ursalia, California; and
nieces and nephews.
FUneral service will be held
a.m. on Saturday, June 23,
First Christian Church of
Pastor Bruce Thacker
officiate. Burial will be at
Memorial Park.
donations may be
to the Lions Eyeglass Pro-
,ment Department,
Street, Oak Brook,
60523-8842; the Sudden
Syndrome Founda-
509 Augusta Drive, Mariet-
30067; or Children's
Hospital, 4800 Sand
NE, Seattle, 98105.
are by McComb
Home of Shelton.
City, tribe seal a deal on water
(Continued from page 1.)
McDonald told the commission-
ers that from the tribe's perspec-
tive, there wasn't enough scien-
tific data about how much stream
flows would be aitbcted by the
drawing down of water from the
local aquifer for the use in the re-
gional plan.
The agreement calls for the city
and tribe to begin a process of in-
vestigating and periodically updat-
ing a scientific analysis of water
resources and their relationship to
stream flows.
IN TURN, the city will support
the tribe's request for $300,000
from the Washington State De-
partment of Ecology to pay for
collecting data about water re-
sources. The studies will also be
used to help the city in water man-
agement planning and help deter-
mine where the city should drill a
fourth well.
"It's a win-win document," Mc-
Donald said of the agreement,
noting there is no economic effect
on the city from it. "I'm trying to
think where there's a downside."
"This is really a proactive step
on our part," added Mayor John
"Technical things aside, the big-
gest thing of this agreement is co-
operation. As Dennis said, it's all
good," said Commissioner Dawn
"THIS IS A landmark thing;
it's huge," said City Administra-
tor Dave O'Leary. "This is a pretty
good deal."
A formal signing ceremony of
the agreement by city and tribal
officials is planned for 9 a.m. on
Friday, June 29, at a site yet to be
As of last November, the esti-
mated cost of the regional plan
totaled $42,422,100. The plan is
composed of four projects, which
* Satellite Water Reclamation
Plant at a cost of $16,271,100. It
County sets stormwater workshop
Mason County will conduct a
public workshop on draft plans
for stormwater management in
Allyn and Belfair.
This will provide the public
with a chance to ask questions
and offer feedback. Plans are
available to review at the public
libraries in Belthir, Hoodsport
and Shelton, as well as on the
county Web site. The meeting
will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 20, at the Port
of Allyn, 18560 State Route 3,
For more information, call
Barbara Adkins at 427-9670,
Extension 286.
Zone rules for Allyn area
approved by commission
(Continued from page 3.)
sioners made on June 12 stipulat-
ed that guest homes be attached
to single-family dwellings in resi-
dential zoning districts.
The ordinance also addresses
group dwellings, gross acreage
and gross area, building height,
lot coverage and net acreage.
"It's significantly further than it's
been in any past years," Carey
THE CURRENT interim zon-
ing code was due to expire on June
30. Over the past several months,
the Mason County Department
of Community Development has
been working with the Allyn
Planning Committee to provide
revisions to the interim code that
best reflect the needs and desires
of the Allyn community.
County officials invited more
than 1,100 residents to a public
meeting in May at the Port of
Allyn. Beforehand, the county
had also sent invitations to ev-
ery known address in Allyn and
publicly announced this meeting
in the local media. The Mason
County Planning Advisory Com-
mission used feedback from this
meeting to develop a final draft of
the zoning code.
"I think we're moving very
close to something that's pretty
right on," commented Commis-
sioner Lynda Ring-Erickson, not-
ing that the new regulations are
"not cast in concrete."
involves construction of a satel-
lite treatment plant just south of
the entrance road to the Mason
County Fairgrounds, with sewer
and reclaimed-water lines to the
Washington State Patrol Acad-
emy and Washington Corrections
Center. The city will operate the
• Shelton Wastewater Treat-
ment Plant Improvements at a
cost of $15,957,000. Built in 1979,
work on improvements at the
treatment plant will start in 2008
or 2009 and be completed by mid-
• Johns Prairie Utilities Exten-
sion at a cost of $3,539,000. This
project includes extending city wa-
ter and sewer lines out Johns Prai-
rie Road to link up with the Port of
Shelton's Johns Prairie Industrial
Park. The city will seek $1,911,949
in fbderal funds, with $1,627,051
to come from as for now undeter-
mined private contributions.
• Kneeland Water Expansibn
at a cost of' $6,655,000. The project
involves water system expansion
for Sanderson Field, the correc-
tions center, state patrol academy
and growth and expansion of the
city in the area northwest of the
current city limits.
Mason County Senior Center
is celebrating its anniversary
. .. with a
2505 Olympic Hwy N., Gateway Shopping Center IVIFEHSAIfIF
Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5 Spec£1d
good tIzru
427-08§8 Do.at,o.. accepted: Monday-Saturday 10-4 6/T0/07
Is Your Vehicle Road Trip Ready?
[ Cooling System Inspection
[ Inspect Exhaust System
Inspect and Test Wipers and Washers
Test and Inspect Exterior Lights
L( Inspect Tires and Adjust Tire
Pressure, Including Spare
(Up to 5 quarts of oil)
S249s *
*Plus taxes, Most cars & light trucks.
With coupon only. Not valid with
other discounts. Expires 6/30/07.
- Financing O.A.C.
- Senior Discounts
Inspect Suspension and Lube Chassis
Top Off Underhood Fluids and Inspect Condition
Inspect Drive Shafts and CV Boots
Quality Repairs by People Who Care!
123 North Front St. • Shelton
Open 8-5 Monday-Friday
Help's available
for the victims
of domestic
violence, abuse
Mason County's domestic-vio-
lence and shelter provider offers
assistance to all victims of domes-
tic violence and abuse.
Turning Pointe can be reached
by telephone 24 hours a day at
jobs here
from page 3.)
and approximately 145,200
Figures gathered by
economists are esti-
and rounded off.
neighboring Mason
the following unemploy-
in May: 4.1 in Kitsap,
Harbor, 4.2 in Jeffer-
4.0 in Thurston.
IS2.10 gal.
Taylor Towne Store
& Subway
0 SE Lynch Rd. • 426-0067
The All Access Checking package gives you the freedom and flexibility to quickly and easily
access your money anytime day or night. With a monthly direct deposit you get all these
great benefits FREE:
• Online Banking
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With All Access Checking you qualify for All Access Savings,
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More freedom to saveit's all about you!
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• ATM Transactions
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*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 5/1/2007 and is subject to change without notice.
APY and minimum balances are as follows on the All Access Savings:
$10,000+ 3.50% APY $1,000-$4,999 2.00% APY
$5,000-$9,999 2.50% APY $0-$999 .50% APY
the quality bank
*Dime-A-Time rewards: Earn $.10 for every credit transaction (signature, non-pin based) using your All Access
Checking VISA ® CheckCard.
All Access Checking and Savings require a minimum $100 opening balance, direct deposit, online banking and online statements. A monthly service
charge of $10.00 will be applied if there is no monthly direct deposit, Heritage Bank AIM transaction fees waived. Write up to 5 checks per monthly
statement cycle at no cost, $.50 each thereafter. Free overdraft transfers from All Access Savings to All Access Checking to cover checks or debits
posted to your account, All Access Checking account is required to open All Access Savings account,
Shelton (360) 426-4431 * www.HeritageBankWA.com ;,, , ,,. - ..!::!
14 Convenient Locations in Mason, Thurston, Pierce and South Ktncj (ountie
i ii
Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9