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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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\\; Lusignans celebrate 50 years of marriage and Josephine (Ravsten) Lusig- were married June 17, 1957 in They have lived in Mason for 39 years, having also lived m and Arlington. They have four children: the late Eric Lusig- LI i, Peter Lusignan of Olympia, Jann gnan of Shelton and Mollie Zaring d her husband Keith of Centennial, 01orado. The Lusignans also have four grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Mr. Lusignan retired in 2001 as a forestry consultant and own- er of Lusignan Forestry, Incorporated. Mrs. Lusignan is a retired teacher, hav- ing taught third and fourth grades at Southside School. The couple attends Faith Lutheran Church. To celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, the Lusignans took a cruise to Alaska. % Sara Waiters and Shawn Williams Walters, Williams to wed gust 1 1 Sara Walters and Shawn Wil- liams are engaged to marry. Their wedding is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 11, in Port Orchard. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lannie Walters of Port Orchard. Her fianc is the son of John and Cindy Lewis and A.G. and Rhonda Williams, all of Shelton. Correction: It's Lillian LaMont Lillian LaMont was incorrectly story on page 16 of last week's edi- identified as Beverly Lamont in a tion of The Journal. • will hear Springer an S] will talk about her travels to Antarctica before Kiwanis Club next week. The club meets at noon on sday, June 19, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, 221 West Avenue in downtown Shelton. of '48 slates lunch Members of the h'ene S. Reed High School Class of" 1948 will for lunch at noon on Tuesday, June 19, at Taylor Station and Lounge, off" U.S. Highway 101 and Lynch Road, of Shelton. women to meet State Representative Kathy Haigh, D-Shelton, will address this meeting of the Mason County Democratic Women's Club. club will meet tbr a no-host luncheon beginning at 11:30 a.m. Yednesday, June 20, at El Sarape Restaurant, 2503 Olympic North. a short business meeting, Haigh will speak to the group the results of the last legislative session and will share in- about issues she's currently addressing. The public is to attend. information is available by calling Marilyn Sayan at 426- or Cathy Gallagher at 426-6411. women will meet Olympia chapter of the American Association of University will meet on Tuesday, June 19, at the Chinook Recreation 4031 21st Avenue SW in Lacey. A social session will begin P.m., ahead of the program. Member Mary Garrett, who is r involved with an exercise program, will talk about what can do for you. of '53 will visit Vern's of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1953 will for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23, at Vern's Res- 109 South First Street in Shelton. Friends, spouses and classmates of the Fifties are welcome. Reservations may be calling Myrna Wallin Bennett at 426-7111. of '44 will reunite Ierabers of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1944 will for ,lunch at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 17, at Taylor Station and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. More information is by calling 426-3438. ..... ..... i  ii%/il SOCK turns 10 years old It's hit a whole decade. Save Our County's Kids, better known as SOCK, will turn 10 years old on Thursday. Everyone is invit- ed to the anniversary party. The public is invited to come and celebrate the hard work and commitment that has kept SOCK afloat since 1997 and learn about the hope that SOCK holds for the future by attend- ing a neighborhood block party. The party will take place between 3 and 6 p.m. on June 14 in front of the SOCK build- ing between Fifth and Seventh streets on Franklin Street in downtown Shelton. The com- munity is invited to join SOCK children, staff and volunteers for a barbecue, music and dance performances. There will also be community art projects, carni- val games, face painting, a raffle and a chance to see what's been going on at SOCK. From 6 to 7 p.m., the festivi- ties will move indoors tbr volun- teer recognition and a SOCKu- mentary Filmfest. More information about the programs and volunteer oppor- tunities is available by sending an e-mail to Stephanie Cook at or calling her at 432-0842. NOO,E,E A S Ill DAY GIFT DAD WILL REALLY LIKE..." New from Weber : the stainless Genesis 310 Financing available 6 Months O.A.C .......... i .................................................................... ! .................................................................. ! Stainless Closures Flavorizer Grill Stainless Burners Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia 943-5587 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 \\; Lusignans celebrate 50 years of marriage and Josephine (Ravsten) Lusig- were married June 17, 1957 in They have lived in Mason for 39 years, having also lived m and Arlington. They have four children: the late Eric Lusig- LI i, Peter Lusignan of Olympia, Jann gnan of Shelton and Mollie Zaring d her husband Keith of Centennial, 01orado. The Lusignans also have four grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Mr. Lusignan retired in 2001 as a forestry consultant and own- er of Lusignan Forestry, Incorporated. Mrs. Lusignan is a retired teacher, hav- ing taught third and fourth grades at Southside School. The couple attends Faith Lutheran Church. To celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, the Lusignans took a cruise to Alaska. % Sara Waiters and Shawn Williams Walters, Williams to wed gust 1 1 Sara Walters and Shawn Wil- liams are engaged to marry. Their wedding is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 11, in Port Orchard. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lannie Walters of Port Orchard. Her fianc is the son of John and Cindy Lewis and A.G. and Rhonda Williams, all of Shelton. Correction: It's Lillian LaMont Lillian LaMont was incorrectly story on page 16 of last week's edi- identified as Beverly Lamont in a tion of The Journal. • will hear Springer an S] will talk about her travels to Antarctica before Kiwanis Club next week. The club meets at noon on sday, June 19, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, 221 West Avenue in downtown Shelton. of '48 slates lunch Members of the h'ene S. Reed High School Class of" 1948 will for lunch at noon on Tuesday, June 19, at Taylor Station and Lounge, off" U.S. Highway 101 and Lynch Road, of Shelton. women to meet State Representative Kathy Haigh, D-Shelton, will address this meeting of the Mason County Democratic Women's Club. club will meet tbr a no-host luncheon beginning at 11:30 a.m. Yednesday, June 20, at El Sarape Restaurant, 2503 Olympic North. a short business meeting, Haigh will speak to the group the results of the last legislative session and will share in- about issues she's currently addressing. The public is to attend. information is available by calling Marilyn Sayan at 426- or Cathy Gallagher at 426-6411. women will meet Olympia chapter of the American Association of University will meet on Tuesday, June 19, at the Chinook Recreation 4031 21st Avenue SW in Lacey. A social session will begin P.m., ahead of the program. Member Mary Garrett, who is r involved with an exercise program, will talk about what can do for you. of '53 will visit Vern's of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1953 will for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23, at Vern's Res- 109 South First Street in Shelton. Friends, spouses and classmates of the Fifties are welcome. Reservations may be calling Myrna Wallin Bennett at 426-7111. of '44 will reunite Ierabers of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1944 will for ,lunch at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 17, at Taylor Station and Lounge, 62 SE Lynch Road. More information is by calling 426-3438. ..... ..... i  ii%/il SOCK turns 10 years old It's hit a whole decade. Save Our County's Kids, better known as SOCK, will turn 10 years old on Thursday. Everyone is invit- ed to the anniversary party. The public is invited to come and celebrate the hard work and commitment that has kept SOCK afloat since 1997 and learn about the hope that SOCK holds for the future by attend- ing a neighborhood block party. The party will take place between 3 and 6 p.m. on June 14 in front of the SOCK build- ing between Fifth and Seventh streets on Franklin Street in downtown Shelton. The com- munity is invited to join SOCK children, staff and volunteers for a barbecue, music and dance performances. There will also be community art projects, carni- val games, face painting, a raffle and a chance to see what's been going on at SOCK. From 6 to 7 p.m., the festivi- ties will move indoors tbr volun- teer recognition and a SOCKu- mentary Filmfest. More information about the programs and volunteer oppor- tunities is available by sending an e-mail to Stephanie Cook at or calling her at 432-0842. NOO,E,E A S Ill DAY GIFT DAD WILL REALLY LIKE..." New from Weber : the stainless Genesis 310 Financing available 6 Months O.A.C .......... i .................................................................... ! .................................................................. ! Stainless Closures Flavorizer Grill Stainless Burners Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia 943-5587 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17