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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Host families are needed for students from abroad THEIR Christian faith at Mount Olive Church are, from left to right, Paxton Hov- p Craig Woodruff, Pastor Kris Ennor and Taylor Johnson. Kunkel, Paige Snider, II00Vlount Olive h ,lets 1 "te.. of confirmaxton Following two years of in- truction, five young adults were relcomed into membership at lOunt Olive Lutheran Church li !:.It confirmation Sunday, June .:. and celebrated with a special !ception tbllowing the church rvice. The new church members re: Craig Woodruff, son of Rog- r and Dawna Woodruff; Jeff ',anor, son of" Kim Warren and ¢ott Ennor; Paxton Hovind, n of Mike and Mary Hovind; ige Snider, daughter of Steve Johnson, son of Dan and Lisa Johnson. They renewed their baptismal vows and made public confession of their faith through the rite of confirmation administered by Pastor Kris Kunkel. Through the teaching of the six chief parts of Martin Lu- ther's Small Catechism, they are prepared to be witnesses in this world, to be active in dis- cipleship as members of God's family and to be more active and involved in congregational life, lld Mozell Snider; and Taylor the pastor said. a ker to bring song to Horizons life, bringing audiences to their ]rninistry Penny Baker and (,ompany (|lill be in concert at New Hori- |liOns Church of God starting at 6 1.. on Sunday, June 24. iii: Baker is an accomplished Iger, song wr]ter, ay;Scan |d psalmist. She h |fessional,, entertainer in coun- |!i music for most of her adult i feet with her style ot' yodeling. In many of her services she uses different styles of music to give a testimony of faith. Since 1978, she has minis- tered all over the world. The church is located at 307 East F Street in Shelton. ]:l-rayers for peace [continue at Faitt " |LFaith Lutheran Church will | st a short prayer service for .ace and justice at noon on MOnday, June 18. Prayers will be said for all NOple around the world who are suffering from the effects of anning board blason County is seeking appli- .1% to fill a position on the Mason itY Planning Advisory Com- on that will expire July 31. k " s is a seven-member citizen td appointed to advise the Ma- :yotmty Commission on policies ted to the county's comprehen- . Plan and other land-use is- s. Members help set the vision hle long-term direction for the unity. he planning advisory commis- k:" COnsiders and makes recom- dations on: amendments to  lIason County Comprehensive h' l, the Shoreline Master Pro-  and land-use regulations. llhers typically meet once per L th on the third Monday at 6 ]i ' with special meetings sched- aSnecesSaTm issi a oints le County co m on pp  Lhers to the planning aavisory aission and each member nor- Y Serves a four-year term. The of the position will expire in violence, war, occupation and terrorism The 18th of every month has been designated by the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church in America as Washington's day for special prayers. needs member Complete $ 5 9 5 360-705:2857 )r 1-800-575-8823 24 hours .Vays low cost with dignity 4ERICAN BURIAL & -00.£E00a'noN S00Rvlc00s Host thmilies are needed for students from foreign lands who want to attend school in Mason County as part of the Pacific Intercultural Exchange, or PIE. This year, students from Bra- zil, Israel, Germany, Russia, Venezuela, Thailand and many other countries have been stay- ing with a number of families in this area since August 2006 and attending local schools. Six different nationalities were represented at Shelton High School alone. These students will soon be returning home, to be replaced by a record number of new students from as many as 25 different countries. Cathrene Nichols is the moth- er of five and the local coordina- tor of the PIE program. She and her husband Samuel, an offi- cer with the Washington State Patrol, have been hosting for seven years. They have shared their home with students from 11 different countries and this year hosted two students, one from Israel and another from the republic of Georgia. Mrs. Nichols said their guest stu- dents "have been very active in their community and have been well supported at Shelton High School." Exchange students who have come to Mason County have at- tended local schools and have participated in athletics, choir County, public will discuss Simmons Road Mason County has scheduled a public meeting to discuss the Sim- mons Road project. This is also and theater. "They have also attended local churches, librar- ies and community centers with their host families, not to men- tion many of the local business owners who have been privi- leged to interact with them reg- ularly throughout their stay," Mrs. Nichols said. "They have raised the bar at local schools, excelling academically and bringing a fresh face to cultural understanding in our commu- nities." This bringing together of stu- dents and host families is made possible by the support and care of local volunteers working for PIE and other organizations. Volunteers serve as mentors to the students and support to the families throughout the school year. Volunteer opportunities range from placing and mentor- ing foreign students to facilitat- ing educational enhancement trips and organizing orienta- tions for the students as they meet other students and their host families. Students arriving this fall need loving host families to come forward and take a leap of faith. "We can touch lives, pro- mote peace and cultural under- standing and help someone in need, one exchange at a time," Nichols said. For more information, call her toll-free at 877-604-4367. I Located on Steamboat Island Road 3V miles from Hwy 101 360-866-0151 Most sizes crushed rock delivered into Shelton s312 known as the U.S. Highway I01 One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas. and Lynch Road connector proj- Pu, tax. Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subiect to change without notice. ect. The meeting will take place at | :.,1[,'. I 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, at . the Skookum Hall and Field, 3480 [ -'  . SE Lynch Road. Mason County Commissioner Uenne, Ross Gallagher plans to attend this meeting with representatives of the Mason County Public Works Department, the Washington State Department of Transporta- tion and Excel Tech Consulting Engineers. More information is available by calling 427-9670, Extension 450. CONSTRUCTION GRADE 3" Minus EO.B. Located on Highway 101 between Shelton and Olympia Year-round delivery II II Creek Quarry Call for details! (0060) 426-4743 July 2011 and should be filled by a person living in District 3. Applications to serve on the board are being accepted until June 29 and should be submitted to the county commissioners, 411 North Fifth, Shelton, 98584. Appli- cation forms may be obtained from the Web site at or by calling 427-9670, Ex- tension 419. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEKEND SATURDAY, JuNto 30 & SUNDAY, July 1  WEWVE CLOSED THE OLYMPIA AUTO MALL OFFICE TO TRIPLE OUR INVENTORY AT TAYLOR TOWNE SO WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER AT ONE LOCATION I - SUNDANCE ",';,,,,',,:, RV & AUTO CENTER " Featuring ' the Lariat Ladies from To Shelton Hwy. 101 North To -5 Olympia _ SALES - PARTS - SERVICE Hwy. 101 N. at Taylor Towne Shelton, WA CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Sales RV Service Center 426-0821 426-0273 Email: REDUCED PRICES on RVs & AUTOSI Look for our RV parts & accessories vendor booth onsite at the drag racesl Most items 10% off Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25 ..t, b Host families are needed for students from abroad THEIR Christian faith at Mount Olive Church are, from left to right, Paxton Hov- p Craig Woodruff, Pastor Kris Ennor and Taylor Johnson. Kunkel, Paige Snider, II00Vlount Olive h ,lets 1 "te.. of confirmaxton Following two years of in- truction, five young adults were relcomed into membership at lOunt Olive Lutheran Church li !:.It confirmation Sunday, June .:. and celebrated with a special !ception tbllowing the church rvice. The new church members re: Craig Woodruff, son of Rog- r and Dawna Woodruff; Jeff ',anor, son of" Kim Warren and ¢ott Ennor; Paxton Hovind, n of Mike and Mary Hovind; ige Snider, daughter of Steve Johnson, son of Dan and Lisa Johnson. They renewed their baptismal vows and made public confession of their faith through the rite of confirmation administered by Pastor Kris Kunkel. Through the teaching of the six chief parts of Martin Lu- ther's Small Catechism, they are prepared to be witnesses in this world, to be active in dis- cipleship as members of God's family and to be more active and involved in congregational life, lld Mozell Snider; and Taylor the pastor said. a ker to bring song to Horizons life, bringing audiences to their ]rninistry Penny Baker and (,ompany (|lill be in concert at New Hori- |liOns Church of God starting at 6 1.. on Sunday, June 24. iii: Baker is an accomplished Iger, song wr]ter, ay;Scan |d psalmist. She h |fessional,, entertainer in coun- |!i music for most of her adult i feet with her style ot' yodeling. In many of her services she uses different styles of music to give a testimony of faith. Since 1978, she has minis- tered all over the world. The church is located at 307 East F Street in Shelton. ]:l-rayers for peace [continue at Faitt " |LFaith Lutheran Church will | st a short prayer service for .ace and justice at noon on MOnday, June 18. Prayers will be said for all NOple around the world who are suffering from the effects of anning board blason County is seeking appli- .1% to fill a position on the Mason itY Planning Advisory Com- on that will expire July 31. k " s is a seven-member citizen td appointed to advise the Ma- :yotmty Commission on policies ted to the county's comprehen- . Plan and other land-use is- s. Members help set the vision hle long-term direction for the unity. he planning advisory commis- k:" COnsiders and makes recom- dations on: amendments to  lIason County Comprehensive h' l, the Shoreline Master Pro-  and land-use regulations. llhers typically meet once per L th on the third Monday at 6 ]i ' with special meetings sched- aSnecesSaTm issi a oints le County co m on pp  Lhers to the planning aavisory aission and each member nor- Y Serves a four-year term. The of the position will expire in violence, war, occupation and terrorism The 18th of every month has been designated by the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church in America as Washington's day for special prayers. needs member Complete $ 5 9 5 360-705:2857 )r 1-800-575-8823 24 hours .Vays low cost with dignity 4ERICAN BURIAL & -00.£E00a'noN S00Rvlc00s Host thmilies are needed for students from foreign lands who want to attend school in Mason County as part of the Pacific Intercultural Exchange, or PIE. This year, students from Bra- zil, Israel, Germany, Russia, Venezuela, Thailand and many other countries have been stay- ing with a number of families in this area since August 2006 and attending local schools. Six different nationalities were represented at Shelton High School alone. These students will soon be returning home, to be replaced by a record number of new students from as many as 25 different countries. Cathrene Nichols is the moth- er of five and the local coordina- tor of the PIE program. She and her husband Samuel, an offi- cer with the Washington State Patrol, have been hosting for seven years. They have shared their home with students from 11 different countries and this year hosted two students, one from Israel and another from the republic of Georgia. Mrs. Nichols said their guest stu- dents "have been very active in their community and have been well supported at Shelton High School." Exchange students who have come to Mason County have at- tended local schools and have participated in athletics, choir County, public will discuss Simmons Road Mason County has scheduled a public meeting to discuss the Sim- mons Road project. This is also and theater. "They have also attended local churches, librar- ies and community centers with their host families, not to men- tion many of the local business owners who have been privi- leged to interact with them reg- ularly throughout their stay," Mrs. Nichols said. "They have raised the bar at local schools, excelling academically and bringing a fresh face to cultural understanding in our commu- nities." This bringing together of stu- dents and host families is made possible by the support and care of local volunteers working for PIE and other organizations. Volunteers serve as mentors to the students and support to the families throughout the school year. Volunteer opportunities range from placing and mentor- ing foreign students to facilitat- ing educational enhancement trips and organizing orienta- tions for the students as they meet other students and their host families. Students arriving this fall need loving host families to come forward and take a leap of faith. "We can touch lives, pro- mote peace and cultural under- standing and help someone in need, one exchange at a time," Nichols said. For more information, call her toll-free at 877-604-4367. I Located on Steamboat Island Road 3V miles from Hwy 101 360-866-0151 Most sizes crushed rock delivered into Shelton s312 known as the U.S. Highway I01 One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas. and Lynch Road connector proj- Pu, tax. Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subiect to change without notice. ect. The meeting will take place at | :.,1[,'. I 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, at . the Skookum Hall and Field, 3480 [ -'  . SE Lynch Road. Mason County Commissioner Uenne, Ross Gallagher plans to attend this meeting with representatives of the Mason County Public Works Department, the Washington State Department of Transporta- tion and Excel Tech Consulting Engineers. More information is available by calling 427-9670, Extension 450. CONSTRUCTION GRADE 3" Minus EO.B. Located on Highway 101 between Shelton and Olympia Year-round delivery II II Creek Quarry Call for details! (0060) 426-4743 July 2011 and should be filled by a person living in District 3. Applications to serve on the board are being accepted until June 29 and should be submitted to the county commissioners, 411 North Fifth, Shelton, 98584. Appli- cation forms may be obtained from the Web site at or by calling 427-9670, Ex- tension 419. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEKEND SATURDAY, JuNto 30 & SUNDAY, July 1  WEWVE CLOSED THE OLYMPIA AUTO MALL OFFICE TO TRIPLE OUR INVENTORY AT TAYLOR TOWNE SO WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER AT ONE LOCATION I - SUNDANCE ",';,,,,',,:, RV & AUTO CENTER " Featuring ' the Lariat Ladies from To Shelton Hwy. 101 North To -5 Olympia _ SALES - PARTS - SERVICE Hwy. 101 N. at Taylor Towne Shelton, WA CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Sales RV Service Center 426-0821 426-0273 Email: REDUCED PRICES on RVs & AUTOSI Look for our RV parts & accessories vendor booth onsite at the drag racesl Most items 10% off Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25 ..t, b