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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:lomen, s (,.,. | (Continued from page 26.) g of the Senior Ball High School last Friday . June 8. to space limitations of the School on Community an auction to be held month is limited to club and their invited guests. raised at the auction will be for the reconstruction of the LOwer of the historic school CHORAL Mas- was the name of the last weekend when the md Community Choir a series of concerts in hall. Receptive au- filled the hall on Saturday Earlier in the day on they sang at Saint Hugh Church in Allyn. choir is made up of Daniel Mike Benson, Bob Bon- Karen Brandt, Bob Clark, Earl, Fred Ebey, Diane Glenna Hagadorn, Lorna Bill Holman, Marlene Hol- Elaine Ireland, Jim Irish, Jackson, Kathy Jonas, Lund, Lori Madsen, Steve Dianne Myers, Wilma Patty Nutt, Jeri Robinson, 'Jean Rose, Mary Ryan, Tom Floyd Sawyer, Heather Monica Sawyer, Nancy Larry Seaward, Willa y Snider, Carol Thom- Lena Tuber. They started Program with two spirited and numbers: "Tambur," which dancing song, and Gypsies." Mackey on the drum Sandra Herndon on the tam- punctuated the singing an enthusiastic rhythm that Hungarian. Seven sung by the choir and of choir members cov- a nicely designed spectrum music of the latter of the 19th Century and half 20th Century by compos- Bela Bartok to Matyas Conductor Elizabeth Ber- and accompanist Mary Beth blended their talents at with a four-handed of three Hungarian folk concluded the concert "Kde Sfi Kreivy Moje," which the drum and tambou- r for a rousing finish. introduced each and provided informative about the Hungarian !and their composers. MEMBERS will begin for their Christmas con- September. They can use 00aring set canal area system PUD 1 Commission has a public hearing about Mutual Water System the scope of work for Improvements. The hear- be held at the beginning commission meeting on Tuesday, June 19, at 1 office, 21971 Highway Potlatch. Canal June 18-22 Breakfast: Pancake, sau- stick, fruit, juice, milk. Last Day! [ub needs volunteers additional members, according to Island Community Hall on Satur- Berndt. She said "our choir is too day, September 1. Fred Burgdorf, small" and invited interested per- director of the Harstine Island sons to join their gatherings on Theatre Club's summer vaude- Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. start- ville program, reports that a siz- ing September 9. "We have great able number of people are ready holiday music and are looking for- to take part in the show. They will ward to performances in the hall be busy over the next 14 days re- and the high-school auditorium," hearsing and getting their acts in Berndt said. tip-top shape for the curtains to The choir meets in the commu- rise at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 29, nity hall on Harstine Island. Their and Saturday, June 30, as well as Web site is www.harstineehoir, at "3 p.m. on Sunday, July 1, for the org. matinee. Karen Kim and Dan Filip of Reminders: the Harstine Island the Mount Rainier Chapter of the Garden Club meets tonight at 7 American Red Cross spoke to the p.m. at the community club and Harstine Island Community Club Pat LeClair will make a presenta- at its meeting on Friday, June 8. tion on Italian gardens; the Har- The Mount Rainier Chapter in- stine Island Grange meets tumor- eludes Pierce, Lewis, Thurston row, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the and Mason counties. Kim pointed out that although the American community club for their monthly Red Cross is chartered by the potluck and meeting; the pinochle group will start shuffling the cards U.S. Congress it is not funded by at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 16, at federal or state governments. Do- the community club; Neighbor- nations and fund-raising events support operations which depend hood Crime Watch will meet next heavily on volunteer help. There Wednesday, June 20, at 7 p.m. in are currently approximately 500 the community hall; and Sunday, volunteers in this area and more June 17, is Father's Day. are needed. The Rainier Chapter partners with the local Community Emer- gency Response Team to provide assistance when disaster strikes, such as the flooding that occurs periodically. Kim cited four areas 1950 U Minneapolis Moline with loader. of Red Cross service: immediate Needs work. $2,500. Call (360) 426- 1924. K6/14-28 emergency need response; pre- ............................................  .............................. vention and preparedness work; OOPS I forgot my Boyds Bear collec- armed forces emergency message tion will be in my garage sale Saturday, services; and health and safety 7 a.rn.-3 p.m., 154 Meridian Court, up training. Volunteers are needed in 7th. H6/14 all these areas, but especially in ............................................................. the armed services function. LOVELY ONE bedroom apartment in Union. No pets, no smoking. All utilities FILIP H|GHLIGHTED Red included except telephone. References Cross activities on the local level, required, plus first, last and damage During last winter's windstorm deposit. $850 monthly. Call (360) 898- two shelters were opened in Mason 2165 or (360) 402-5331. R6/14-21 County. Just within our local com- EARLY 1900s Marquis piano. Sounds munity 35 volunteers are needed, good, looks okay. $500. Call (360) 426- Training for volunteers will be pro- 1924. K6/14-28 vided at the Little Creek Casino. ............................................................... Interested persons can get details BARTENDERS/COOKS, must be expe- about calling the Red Cross rienced, fun-loving, and personaNe. Ap- at 352-857"5. ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar & Grill, 114 Hosts and hostesses for the corn- W. Cota, Shelton. E6/14-21 munity club meeting were Frank GARDEN ASST. part time, flex sched- and Gerri Lewis along with Jim ule, 20 hrs week, for Harmony Hill Re- and Carol Taylor. Mary Furhmeis- treat Center, in Union. Please apply in ter attended the meeting. She is a person Thurs.-Mon. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at long-time island resident who has 7362 SR 106, Union, WA 98592. Non not been around tbr a while so she smoking facility. EEO. H6/14 • was welcomed warmly. HANDYMAN/CARPENTER reliable, Courtesy of the garden club, a good general skills. Belfair/Shelton new paved pathway leads from area. (360) 426-2056 or (360) 286- the kitchen in the hall to the ga- 7911. C6/14-7/5 zebo in the center of the farm- ers' market area. Richard Peet THOROUGHBRED GELDING. 13years donated the sand and the pavers old, bay, good temperament. $1,000. while Rod Hammett, Barbara La- Call {360) 426-1924. K6/14-28 June, Jim Irving and Gary Benz laid them to form the path. Af- ter 23 new members were signed up at the opening of the farmers' market on Saturday, June 2, the membership of the community club reached 237 from 151 house- holds. The club will continue its membership drive by manning a table at the market. Mike Callaghan reported that the Richard Gerber Band will sup- ply the music for the Labor Day dance to be held at the Harstine I Let Alpine Way's assisted living retirement center help your family, also. Our registered and licensed nurses work with the details of diabetes management on a daily (and nightly) basis. Staffed 24 hours a day by health care professionals, we work with our residents, their families and physicians, and our consulting pharmacy to provide comprehensive and high-quality services. Put your minds at ease, and enjoy the fun times with Mom once again. Our nursing and dietary staff can oversee the rest of your mother's needs. Visit Alpine Way and you'll soon find solutions to your concerns. wtI RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE 900 West Alpine Way, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-2600 '1 24 Flavors of Real Homemade Olympic Mountain & Glacier Dairy Ice Cream 182 Different Shakes 30 Combo Meals Kid's Meals. Subs • Burgers • Hot Dogs • Seafood • Indian Fry Bread & Tacos • Espresso • Ice • Propane m Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 :lomen, s (,.,. | (Continued from page 26.) g of the Senior Ball High School last Friday . June 8. to space limitations of the School on Community an auction to be held month is limited to club and their invited guests. raised at the auction will be for the reconstruction of the LOwer of the historic school CHORAL Mas- was the name of the last weekend when the md Community Choir a series of concerts in hall. Receptive au- filled the hall on Saturday Earlier in the day on they sang at Saint Hugh Church in Allyn. choir is made up of Daniel Mike Benson, Bob Bon- Karen Brandt, Bob Clark, Earl, Fred Ebey, Diane Glenna Hagadorn, Lorna Bill Holman, Marlene Hol- Elaine Ireland, Jim Irish, Jackson, Kathy Jonas, Lund, Lori Madsen, Steve Dianne Myers, Wilma Patty Nutt, Jeri Robinson, 'Jean Rose, Mary Ryan, Tom Floyd Sawyer, Heather Monica Sawyer, Nancy Larry Seaward, Willa y Snider, Carol Thom- Lena Tuber. They started Program with two spirited and numbers: "Tambur," which dancing song, and Gypsies." Mackey on the drum Sandra Herndon on the tam- punctuated the singing an enthusiastic rhythm that Hungarian. Seven sung by the choir and of choir members cov- a nicely designed spectrum music of the latter of the 19th Century and half 20th Century by compos- Bela Bartok to Matyas Conductor Elizabeth Ber- and accompanist Mary Beth blended their talents at with a four-handed of three Hungarian folk concluded the concert "Kde Sfi Kreivy Moje," which the drum and tambou- r for a rousing finish. introduced each and provided informative about the Hungarian !and their composers. MEMBERS will begin for their Christmas con- September. They can use 00aring set canal area system PUD 1 Commission has a public hearing about Mutual Water System the scope of work for Improvements. The hear- be held at the beginning commission meeting on Tuesday, June 19, at 1 office, 21971 Highway Potlatch. Canal June 18-22 Breakfast: Pancake, sau- stick, fruit, juice, milk. Last Day! [ub needs volunteers additional members, according to Island Community Hall on Satur- Berndt. She said "our choir is too day, September 1. Fred Burgdorf, small" and invited interested per- director of the Harstine Island sons to join their gatherings on Theatre Club's summer vaude- Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m. start- ville program, reports that a siz- ing September 9. "We have great able number of people are ready holiday music and are looking for- to take part in the show. They will ward to performances in the hall be busy over the next 14 days re- and the high-school auditorium," hearsing and getting their acts in Berndt said. tip-top shape for the curtains to The choir meets in the commu- rise at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 29, nity hall on Harstine Island. Their and Saturday, June 30, as well as Web site is www.harstineehoir, at "3 p.m. on Sunday, July 1, for the org. matinee. Karen Kim and Dan Filip of Reminders: the Harstine Island the Mount Rainier Chapter of the Garden Club meets tonight at 7 American Red Cross spoke to the p.m. at the community club and Harstine Island Community Club Pat LeClair will make a presenta- at its meeting on Friday, June 8. tion on Italian gardens; the Har- The Mount Rainier Chapter in- stine Island Grange meets tumor- eludes Pierce, Lewis, Thurston row, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the and Mason counties. Kim pointed out that although the American community club for their monthly Red Cross is chartered by the potluck and meeting; the pinochle group will start shuffling the cards U.S. Congress it is not funded by at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 16, at federal or state governments. Do- the community club; Neighbor- nations and fund-raising events support operations which depend hood Crime Watch will meet next heavily on volunteer help. There Wednesday, June 20, at 7 p.m. in are currently approximately 500 the community hall; and Sunday, volunteers in this area and more June 17, is Father's Day. are needed. The Rainier Chapter partners with the local Community Emer- gency Response Team to provide assistance when disaster strikes, such as the flooding that occurs periodically. Kim cited four areas 1950 U Minneapolis Moline with loader. of Red Cross service: immediate Needs work. $2,500. Call (360) 426- 1924. K6/14-28 emergency need response; pre- ............................................  .............................. vention and preparedness work; OOPS I forgot my Boyds Bear collec- armed forces emergency message tion will be in my garage sale Saturday, services; and health and safety 7 a.rn.-3 p.m., 154 Meridian Court, up training. Volunteers are needed in 7th. H6/14 all these areas, but especially in ............................................................. the armed services function. LOVELY ONE bedroom apartment in Union. No pets, no smoking. All utilities FILIP H|GHLIGHTED Red included except telephone. References Cross activities on the local level, required, plus first, last and damage During last winter's windstorm deposit. $850 monthly. Call (360) 898- two shelters were opened in Mason 2165 or (360) 402-5331. R6/14-21 County. Just within our local com- EARLY 1900s Marquis piano. Sounds munity 35 volunteers are needed, good, looks okay. $500. Call (360) 426- Training for volunteers will be pro- 1924. K6/14-28 vided at the Little Creek Casino. ............................................................... Interested persons can get details BARTENDERS/COOKS, must be expe- about calling the Red Cross rienced, fun-loving, and personaNe. Ap- at 352-857"5. ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar & Grill, 114 Hosts and hostesses for the corn- W. Cota, Shelton. E6/14-21 munity club meeting were Frank GARDEN ASST. part time, flex sched- and Gerri Lewis along with Jim ule, 20 hrs week, for Harmony Hill Re- and Carol Taylor. Mary Furhmeis- treat Center, in Union. Please apply in ter attended the meeting. She is a person Thurs.-Mon. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at long-time island resident who has 7362 SR 106, Union, WA 98592. Non not been around tbr a while so she smoking facility. EEO. H6/14 • was welcomed warmly. HANDYMAN/CARPENTER reliable, Courtesy of the garden club, a good general skills. Belfair/Shelton new paved pathway leads from area. (360) 426-2056 or (360) 286- the kitchen in the hall to the ga- 7911. C6/14-7/5 zebo in the center of the farm- ers' market area. Richard Peet THOROUGHBRED GELDING. 13years donated the sand and the pavers old, bay, good temperament. $1,000. while Rod Hammett, Barbara La- Call {360) 426-1924. K6/14-28 June, Jim Irving and Gary Benz laid them to form the path. Af- ter 23 new members were signed up at the opening of the farmers' market on Saturday, June 2, the membership of the community club reached 237 from 151 house- holds. The club will continue its membership drive by manning a table at the market. Mike Callaghan reported that the Richard Gerber Band will sup- ply the music for the Labor Day dance to be held at the Harstine I Let Alpine Way's assisted living retirement center help your family, also. Our registered and licensed nurses work with the details of diabetes management on a daily (and nightly) basis. Staffed 24 hours a day by health care professionals, we work with our residents, their families and physicians, and our consulting pharmacy to provide comprehensive and high-quality services. Put your minds at ease, and enjoy the fun times with Mom once again. Our nursing and dietary staff can oversee the rest of your mother's needs. Visit Alpine Way and you'll soon find solutions to your concerns. wtI RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE 900 West Alpine Way, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-2600 '1 24 Flavors of Real Homemade Olympic Mountain & Glacier Dairy Ice Cream 182 Different Shakes 30 Combo Meals Kid's Meals. Subs • Burgers • Hot Dogs • Seafood • Indian Fry Bread & Tacos • Espresso • Ice • Propane m Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27