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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Superior court roundup: Prom night bash00ing at lake allege Bail was set at $25,000 for a 21-year-old man who allegedly smashed in the face of a fellow party-goer near Panhandle Lake on the weekend of the Elma High School senior prom. Nathan Ray Bailkoski of 315 South Third Street, Montesano, was identified on Monday, June 11, in Mason County Superior Court in an investigation of as- sault in the second degree. He said he would hire an attorney. He was arrested June 8 by De- tective Luther Pittman of the Ma- son County Sheriff's Office and is suspected of assaulting 18-year-old Brandon I. Jones on May 5. Jones reportedly was with his friends, Laura E. Colley, Allison M. Kaas and Maxwell J. Bailey. According to police reports, the alleged vic- tim required surgery and a metal plate was put in his face to hold it together after the incident. Statements from potential wit- nesses indicate Bailkoski was with Jackson C. Cron Ill who allegedly said he held Jones by his shoulders for Jaime Kempton for Darvocet, a generic brand of hydrocodone, a controlled substance. Pamela Schlauderaff said Kempton had not been seen by the doctor since early 2006 and that the physician had not called in the refill. Kempton reportedly had been refilling the prescription since April 2007. Pentz said while he was en route from the doctor's office to Nell's Pharmacy he was notified by radio that Kempton was at the pharmacy to pick up the prescription. He reported ob- serving her pickup the prescrip- tion and pay for it. Kempton-Northness allegedly had the forged prescriptions filled on April 3 and 27, May 14 and 30 and June 5 and 11. Judge Shel- don appointed Ronald Sergi as her defense attorney, and released her on her promise to appear for arraignment on June 19. She or- dered her to have no contact with Dr. Schlauderaffs office or Nell's Pharmacy. Also on Monday, June 1 I: • Cary Joseph Hoggarth, 30, of 1110 SE State Route 3, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of assault in the second degree. He is suspected of domestic violence against 23-year-old Susan Lynn Sharpe, who said she was Hog- garth's girlfriend. Hoggarth was arrested June 10 at 1:24 a.m. at Mason General Hos- pital by Deputy Jason Sisson who said he was responding to a report of an assault at 12:30 a.m. at 110 SE Piccadilly Drive involving Hog- garth and Sharpe. Hoggarth al- legedly was intoxicated and "very uncooperative" at the hospital. Sharpe admitted biting Hoggarth, but said she did it in self-defense after he struck her in the mouth with his elbow and choked her. Judge Sheldon set bail at $25,000, appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney and scheduled arraignment for June 18. Shel- don ordered Hoggarth to have no contact with Sharpe and not to go within 500 feet of her residence or place of employment. as Bailkoski "was hitting him in his face" and that Bailkoski "blew his temper" over comments Jones made about a girlfriend "and that was why he hit him." Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled arraignment for June 18. She or- dered Bailkoski to have no contact with Jones, Colley, Kaas, Bailey or Cron. On Tuesday, June 12: • Jaime Diane Northness, 30, of 427 West I Street, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of six counts of prescription fraud. She has also been known by the last name Kempton, which she said is her maiden name. She was arrested June 11 by Detective Virgil Pentz of the Shel- ton Police Department, who said he was investigating a report from Pamela Schlauderaff, office man- ager for Dr. Mark Schlauderaff, of a possible prescription fraud. Ms. Schlauderaff told Pentz she received a call from Nell's Phar- macy asking to verify a prescrip- tion called in by Dr. Schlauderaff Not-guilty pleas: Suspect in manhunt is charged with assaulting sheriffs deputy A 26-year-old Belfair man who is accused of assaulting a deputy then evading arrest during what the Mason County Sheriffs Of- fice characterized as "a four-day manhunt" has been charged with three felony offenses in two Mason County Superior Court cases. Gregory James Beals of 2101 East State Route 302, appeared for arraignment on Monday, June 11. He pied not guilty to a charge of assault in the third degree for an incident involving Deputy Wil- liam Philpott, who attempted to arrest him May 30 on outstanding warrants and allegedly was cut on his arm after putting his hand through the window of the vehicle Beals was driving. Beals also entered not-guilty pleas to charges of third-degree assault and unlawful possession of a firearm after he was appre- hended on June 2 with a shotgun at his mother's residence. Philpott, a six-year veteran of the sheriffs office, was injured in the parking lot of the QFC store in Belfair, according to a press re- lease from Inspector Dean Byrd. Beals escaped and the deputy re- portedly was injured trying to get the key out of the ignition of the suspect vehicle as it sped away. On the fourth day of the man- hunt that followed this alleged in- cident Beals was found while un- der the influence of drugs and in possession of a shotgun. His case is scheduled for an om- nibus hearing on July 2, pretrial on July 23 and trial during the jury term beginning July 31. In other superior court cases: • William Alvin Allen, 30, of 1202 Franklin Street, Shelton, entered not-guilty pleas on Mon- day to charges of driving under the influence, attempting to elude t Weather l grees with a low around 49. Forecasters expect mostly cloudy conditions to continue Friday through Saturday with a chance of showers. The high should be near 64 on Friday and near 67 on Saturday with a low Friday night around 47 degrees. Saturday night should be mostly cloudy with a low around 46. The extended forecast for Sun- day through Tuesday calls for partly cloudy skies. Highs should be near 70 on Sunday and near 75 on Monday and Tuesday. Lows should be around 46 degrees Sun- day night and around 49 Monday night. High Low Precip. • Fahrenheit (In.) June 6 63 44 0 June 7 63 48 0 June 8 70 48 0 June 9 55 50 .60 June 10 62 45 .01 June 11 59 43 .10 June 12 68 37 0 Measurements are recorded for the National Weather Service at Sanderson Field. Wednesday morning the Na- tional Weather Servile predicted mostly cloudy skies on Thursday and Thursday night when there is a 30 percent chance of showers. The high should "be near 69 de- Hams will have a Field Day The Mason County Amateur Radio Club and North Mason Am- ateur Radio Emergency Services will be demonstrating amateur ra- dio techniques at 480 North Victor Road in Victor, Members invite the public to come and see ham radio's capabili- ties and learn how to get their own Federal Communications Com- mission radio license before the next disaster strikes. They can even help people broadcast over the air. Thousands of ham radio opera- tors will be showing offtheir emer- gency capabilities on the weekend a police vehicle and assault in the third degree. He was arrested during the early morning hours of June 2 on the roof of the apartment build- ing where he resides. He ditched his vehicle in the parking lot, en- tered an apartment and climbed out a bedroom window, according to court documents. A chase through downtown be- gan about 2 a.m. after Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department reported being con- tacted by a citizen,/gela M. Sko- gen, who said a Native American male had been assaulting people and tried to start a fight at a lounge on Railroad Avenue in Shelton. Officers said they contacted Tri- sha T. Longshore in the apartment Allen entered and she reportedly allowed officers to come in and Al- len was seen climbing out a bed- room window. The defendant al- legedly ignored orders to stop and was detained on the roof. Lingle described him as "actively fighting and resisting." His case is scheduled for an om- nibus hearing on July 2, pretrial on July 23 and trial during the jury term beginning July 31. On Friday, June 8: la*d,n Jefirey Shawn Suther- 46, 40 West Fairway Drive, Elma, entered a not-guilty plea to a Charge of theft in the first degree. He is accused of domestic violence against Ila M.':Webb, with whom he had a two-year dating re- lationship. He was arrested May 31 by Offi- cer Tasesa Malaya of the SPD who said he was responding to a report of a physical domestic violence in- cident at Olympic Highway North and F Street. Webb allegedly told the officer the two had an argu- ment while they were parked in a truck and she got out of the truck, gathered her bags and started across the street. She reportedly said he took her purse. She also allegedly said there is a history of domestic violence in their relationship. Sutherland is scheduled for an omnibus hear- ing on June 25, a pretrial hear- ing on July 16 and trial during the jury term beginning July 24. On Monday, June 4: • Jesse P. Thomas, 20, of 20 Steh-Class Place, Shelton, en- tered not-guilty pleas to charges of possession of methamphet- amine and driving under the influence. He is scheduled for an omnibus hearing on July 16, a pretrial hearing on August 13 and trial during the jury term be- ginning August 21. Thomas was arrested May 17 by Trooper C. F. Magallon of the Washington State Patrol who re- ported stopping the vehicle Thom- as was driving when it failed to sig- nal and drifted over the centerline of State Route 3 near Bayshore. Thomas reportedly used profan- ity with the. trooper and became aggressive and "began violently twisting from side to side" when Magallon grasped his hands. The trooper said he felt a hard object in a coat pocket and re- trieved a pool ball wrapped in leather with a cord, which the trooper described as a potential weapon. Thomas reportedly said he uses it when he plays with his dog. Magallon said Thomas con- tinued "yelling and thrashing from side to side and was wrestling out of my grasp" and began swinging his head toward the trooper. Magallon reportedly found a digital scale in another coat pocket which contained a white residue. Thomas allegedly screamed pro- fanities and pushed the trooper backwards. During the struggle "a wad of cash came out of a pocket and a small black case," the troop- er noted. Thomas reportedly con- tinued to resist while being placed inside the patrol vehicle. Three bags containing white crystalline residue and another baggie with green vegetable mat- ter were reportedly found inside the black case and a glass pipe was reportedly found inside a shirt pocket. The white crystal field-tested positive for meth and the green vegetable material was positive for marijuana, the troop- er said. Magallon said there was $1,700 in a roll of cash and $320 in Thomas' wallet. Thomas had war- rants for his arrest, according to a report on file with the superior court clerk. The trooper said Thomas "calmed down" and began apolo- gizing for his behavior. He was sweating profusely and reportedly admitted he had used meth and told the trooper he was a "tweek- er." He allegedly refused field sobriety tests, a drug test and a blood test. of June 23-24. This annual event, called "Field Day," is the climax of the week-long Amateur Radio Week. Using only emergency pow- er supplies, ham operators will stage emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, schools and back- yards around the country. There are 660,000 amateur ra- dio operators in the U.S. and more than 2.5 million around the world. Volunteers provide free emergen- cy communications for the Ameri- can Red Cross, Salvation Army, Federal Emergency Management Agency and thousands of other state and local agencies. UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS • James Harlen 36, of 1400 West Star Lake Elma, was identified in an tigation of theft in the gree. He was arrested June deputies investigating a report from Lisa G. West Cloquallum Road. She! portedly said she had been for two weeks and that who was a friend, had watch from her trailer. Judge Sheldon torney from The Ever Group to represent scheduled arraignment for 18. She set bail at $7,500 Benavidez if he posts bail he provide an address to his She ordered Benavidez to no contact with Milam, witnesses Natalie R. Thomas W. Cooper or krzewski and told him not to go 100 West Cloquallum Road. On Friday, June 8: • Ted Jackson Rooney, Gig Harbor, was identi vestigation of felony He is suspected of domestic lence against his Mary Rooney, at her r 211 Snowcap Drive in Belfair. He was arrested June 7 Deputy Scan Dodge who investigating a complaint Mary Rooney that her husband had threatened to her and a friend, Tim reportedly said band left with a shotgun in his vehicle. Mr. for North Bay Land in Gig Harbor. Judge James Sawyer Rooney that he did not financially for court-e counsel and would have to an attorney. The judge set $5,000 and ordered Rooney render any firearms to the iffs office and to have no with Mary Rooney within a half mile o Sawyer scheduled June 18. • April Jeanell HancOCk, Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 2007 of 11 East Sea Vista view, was identified in an tigation of possession of phetamine. She was arrested just p.m. on June 7 by Deputy, Adams who said he stoppea vehicle she was driving for ure to dim bright headli passing vehicle. She mitted her license was and that she had a District Court warrant for rest. Adams reported this prior to her arrest. The deputy said he her vehicle and found a containing a crystalline and a smoking pipe with in a cloth Crown Royal substance in the bag and field-tested positive for ares said. Judge Sawyer a as defense attorney, set $2,500 and for June 18. 00lrrested not A man and woman ter law enforcement officers a search warrant at his were told in Mason Fernando of 21 Twana Court, Christine Lily Smith, was arrested at the Twana residence, appeared for ment on Wednesday, June Judge Toni Sheldon ated the $5,000 bail which guez posted and Smith from conditions ter their arrests. TR|E * Motor Oils and Hydraulic Oils racing gasoline * Industrial Lubricants *Automotive Oils *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling i:  * Metal Working Fluids . • , ..... Pump Repmr, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns Greases an(] bear UllS * Heatin - Oil Delivered * Solvents, Antifreeze ,  • * Cutting Oils Furnace and Stove Od, Kerosene Located at Sanderson Srnolld00lJ Sons kT/)]l Industrial Park o ,L IPr,.,F o,.sT, co ' -- Shelton 4 2 7- 8 0 Superior court roundup: Prom night bash00ing at lake allege Bail was set at $25,000 for a 21-year-old man who allegedly smashed in the face of a fellow party-goer near Panhandle Lake on the weekend of the Elma High School senior prom. Nathan Ray Bailkoski of 315 South Third Street, Montesano, was identified on Monday, June 11, in Mason County Superior Court in an investigation of as- sault in the second degree. He said he would hire an attorney. He was arrested June 8 by De- tective Luther Pittman of the Ma- son County Sheriff's Office and is suspected of assaulting 18-year-old Brandon I. Jones on May 5. Jones reportedly was with his friends, Laura E. Colley, Allison M. Kaas and Maxwell J. Bailey. According to police reports, the alleged vic- tim required surgery and a metal plate was put in his face to hold it together after the incident. Statements from potential wit- nesses indicate Bailkoski was with Jackson C. Cron Ill who allegedly said he held Jones by his shoulders for Jaime Kempton for Darvocet, a generic brand of hydrocodone, a controlled substance. Pamela Schlauderaff said Kempton had not been seen by the doctor since early 2006 and that the physician had not called in the refill. Kempton reportedly had been refilling the prescription since April 2007. Pentz said while he was en route from the doctor's office to Nell's Pharmacy he was notified by radio that Kempton was at the pharmacy to pick up the prescription. He reported ob- serving her pickup the prescrip- tion and pay for it. Kempton-Northness allegedly had the forged prescriptions filled on April 3 and 27, May 14 and 30 and June 5 and 11. Judge Shel- don appointed Ronald Sergi as her defense attorney, and released her on her promise to appear for arraignment on June 19. She or- dered her to have no contact with Dr. Schlauderaffs office or Nell's Pharmacy. Also on Monday, June 1 I: • Cary Joseph Hoggarth, 30, of 1110 SE State Route 3, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of assault in the second degree. He is suspected of domestic violence against 23-year-old Susan Lynn Sharpe, who said she was Hog- garth's girlfriend. Hoggarth was arrested June 10 at 1:24 a.m. at Mason General Hos- pital by Deputy Jason Sisson who said he was responding to a report of an assault at 12:30 a.m. at 110 SE Piccadilly Drive involving Hog- garth and Sharpe. Hoggarth al- legedly was intoxicated and "very uncooperative" at the hospital. Sharpe admitted biting Hoggarth, but said she did it in self-defense after he struck her in the mouth with his elbow and choked her. Judge Sheldon set bail at $25,000, appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney and scheduled arraignment for June 18. Shel- don ordered Hoggarth to have no contact with Sharpe and not to go within 500 feet of her residence or place of employment. as Bailkoski "was hitting him in his face" and that Bailkoski "blew his temper" over comments Jones made about a girlfriend "and that was why he hit him." Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled arraignment for June 18. She or- dered Bailkoski to have no contact with Jones, Colley, Kaas, Bailey or Cron. On Tuesday, June 12: • Jaime Diane Northness, 30, of 427 West I Street, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of six counts of prescription fraud. She has also been known by the last name Kempton, which she said is her maiden name. She was arrested June 11 by Detective Virgil Pentz of the Shel- ton Police Department, who said he was investigating a report from Pamela Schlauderaff, office man- ager for Dr. Mark Schlauderaff, of a possible prescription fraud. Ms. Schlauderaff told Pentz she received a call from Nell's Phar- macy asking to verify a prescrip- tion called in by Dr. Schlauderaff Not-guilty pleas: Suspect in manhunt is charged with assaulting sheriffs deputy A 26-year-old Belfair man who is accused of assaulting a deputy then evading arrest during what the Mason County Sheriffs Of- fice characterized as "a four-day manhunt" has been charged with three felony offenses in two Mason County Superior Court cases. Gregory James Beals of 2101 East State Route 302, appeared for arraignment on Monday, June 11. He pied not guilty to a charge of assault in the third degree for an incident involving Deputy Wil- liam Philpott, who attempted to arrest him May 30 on outstanding warrants and allegedly was cut on his arm after putting his hand through the window of the vehicle Beals was driving. Beals also entered not-guilty pleas to charges of third-degree assault and unlawful possession of a firearm after he was appre- hended on June 2 with a shotgun at his mother's residence. Philpott, a six-year veteran of the sheriffs office, was injured in the parking lot of the QFC store in Belfair, according to a press re- lease from Inspector Dean Byrd. Beals escaped and the deputy re- portedly was injured trying to get the key out of the ignition of the suspect vehicle as it sped away. On the fourth day of the man- hunt that followed this alleged in- cident Beals was found while un- der the influence of drugs and in possession of a shotgun. His case is scheduled for an om- nibus hearing on July 2, pretrial on July 23 and trial during the jury term beginning July 31. In other superior court cases: • William Alvin Allen, 30, of 1202 Franklin Street, Shelton, entered not-guilty pleas on Mon- day to charges of driving under the influence, attempting to elude t Weather l grees with a low around 49. Forecasters expect mostly cloudy conditions to continue Friday through Saturday with a chance of showers. The high should be near 64 on Friday and near 67 on Saturday with a low Friday night around 47 degrees. Saturday night should be mostly cloudy with a low around 46. The extended forecast for Sun- day through Tuesday calls for partly cloudy skies. Highs should be near 70 on Sunday and near 75 on Monday and Tuesday. Lows should be around 46 degrees Sun- day night and around 49 Monday night. High Low Precip. • Fahrenheit (In.) June 6 63 44 0 June 7 63 48 0 June 8 70 48 0 June 9 55 50 .60 June 10 62 45 .01 June 11 59 43 .10 June 12 68 37 0 Measurements are recorded for the National Weather Service at Sanderson Field. Wednesday morning the Na- tional Weather Servile predicted mostly cloudy skies on Thursday and Thursday night when there is a 30 percent chance of showers. The high should "be near 69 de- Hams will have a Field Day The Mason County Amateur Radio Club and North Mason Am- ateur Radio Emergency Services will be demonstrating amateur ra- dio techniques at 480 North Victor Road in Victor, Members invite the public to come and see ham radio's capabili- ties and learn how to get their own Federal Communications Com- mission radio license before the next disaster strikes. They can even help people broadcast over the air. Thousands of ham radio opera- tors will be showing offtheir emer- gency capabilities on the weekend a police vehicle and assault in the third degree. He was arrested during the early morning hours of June 2 on the roof of the apartment build- ing where he resides. He ditched his vehicle in the parking lot, en- tered an apartment and climbed out a bedroom window, according to court documents. A chase through downtown be- gan about 2 a.m. after Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department reported being con- tacted by a citizen,/gela M. Sko- gen, who said a Native American male had been assaulting people and tried to start a fight at a lounge on Railroad Avenue in Shelton. Officers said they contacted Tri- sha T. Longshore in the apartment Allen entered and she reportedly allowed officers to come in and Al- len was seen climbing out a bed- room window. The defendant al- legedly ignored orders to stop and was detained on the roof. Lingle described him as "actively fighting and resisting." His case is scheduled for an om- nibus hearing on July 2, pretrial on July 23 and trial during the jury term beginning July 31. On Friday, June 8: la*d,n Jefirey Shawn Suther- 46, 40 West Fairway Drive, Elma, entered a not-guilty plea to a Charge of theft in the first degree. He is accused of domestic violence against Ila M.':Webb, with whom he had a two-year dating re- lationship. He was arrested May 31 by Offi- cer Tasesa Malaya of the SPD who said he was responding to a report of a physical domestic violence in- cident at Olympic Highway North and F Street. Webb allegedly told the officer the two had an argu- ment while they were parked in a truck and she got out of the truck, gathered her bags and started across the street. She reportedly said he took her purse. She also allegedly said there is a history of domestic violence in their relationship. Sutherland is scheduled for an omnibus hear- ing on June 25, a pretrial hear- ing on July 16 and trial during the jury term beginning July 24. On Monday, June 4: • Jesse P. Thomas, 20, of 20 Steh-Class Place, Shelton, en- tered not-guilty pleas to charges of possession of methamphet- amine and driving under the influence. He is scheduled for an omnibus hearing on July 16, a pretrial hearing on August 13 and trial during the jury term be- ginning August 21. Thomas was arrested May 17 by Trooper C. F. Magallon of the Washington State Patrol who re- ported stopping the vehicle Thom- as was driving when it failed to sig- nal and drifted over the centerline of State Route 3 near Bayshore. Thomas reportedly used profan- ity with the. trooper and became aggressive and "began violently twisting from side to side" when Magallon grasped his hands. The trooper said he felt a hard object in a coat pocket and re- trieved a pool ball wrapped in leather with a cord, which the trooper described as a potential weapon. Thomas reportedly said he uses it when he plays with his dog. Magallon said Thomas con- tinued "yelling and thrashing from side to side and was wrestling out of my grasp" and began swinging his head toward the trooper. Magallon reportedly found a digital scale in another coat pocket which contained a white residue. Thomas allegedly screamed pro- fanities and pushed the trooper backwards. During the struggle "a wad of cash came out of a pocket and a small black case," the troop- er noted. Thomas reportedly con- tinued to resist while being placed inside the patrol vehicle. Three bags containing white crystalline residue and another baggie with green vegetable mat- ter were reportedly found inside the black case and a glass pipe was reportedly found inside a shirt pocket. The white crystal field-tested positive for meth and the green vegetable material was positive for marijuana, the troop- er said. Magallon said there was $1,700 in a roll of cash and $320 in Thomas' wallet. Thomas had war- rants for his arrest, according to a report on file with the superior court clerk. The trooper said Thomas "calmed down" and began apolo- gizing for his behavior. He was sweating profusely and reportedly admitted he had used meth and told the trooper he was a "tweek- er." He allegedly refused field sobriety tests, a drug test and a blood test. of June 23-24. This annual event, called "Field Day," is the climax of the week-long Amateur Radio Week. Using only emergency pow- er supplies, ham operators will stage emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, schools and back- yards around the country. There are 660,000 amateur ra- dio operators in the U.S. and more than 2.5 million around the world. Volunteers provide free emergen- cy communications for the Ameri- can Red Cross, Salvation Army, Federal Emergency Management Agency and thousands of other state and local agencies. UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS • James Harlen 36, of 1400 West Star Lake Elma, was identified in an tigation of theft in the gree. He was arrested June deputies investigating a report from Lisa G. West Cloquallum Road. She! portedly said she had been for two weeks and that who was a friend, had watch from her trailer. Judge Sheldon torney from The Ever Group to represent scheduled arraignment for 18. She set bail at $7,500 Benavidez if he posts bail he provide an address to his She ordered Benavidez to no contact with Milam, witnesses Natalie R. Thomas W. Cooper or krzewski and told him not to go 100 West Cloquallum Road. On Friday, June 8: • Ted Jackson Rooney, Gig Harbor, was identi vestigation of felony He is suspected of domestic lence against his Mary Rooney, at her r 211 Snowcap Drive in Belfair. He was arrested June 7 Deputy Scan Dodge who investigating a complaint Mary Rooney that her husband had threatened to her and a friend, Tim reportedly said band left with a shotgun in his vehicle. Mr. for North Bay Land in Gig Harbor. Judge James Sawyer Rooney that he did not financially for court-e counsel and would have to an attorney. The judge set $5,000 and ordered Rooney render any firearms to the iffs office and to have no with Mary Rooney within a half mile o Sawyer scheduled June 18. • April Jeanell HancOCk, Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 2007 of 11 East Sea Vista view, was identified in an tigation of possession of phetamine. She was arrested just p.m. on June 7 by Deputy, Adams who said he stoppea vehicle she was driving for ure to dim bright headli passing vehicle. She mitted her license was and that she had a District Court warrant for rest. Adams reported this prior to her arrest. The deputy said he her vehicle and found a containing a crystalline and a smoking pipe with in a cloth Crown Royal substance in the bag and field-tested positive for ares said. Judge Sawyer a as defense attorney, set $2,500 and for June 18. 00lrrested not A man and woman ter law enforcement officers a search warrant at his were told in Mason Fernando of 21 Twana Court, Christine Lily Smith, was arrested at the Twana residence, appeared for ment on Wednesday, June Judge Toni Sheldon ated the $5,000 bail which guez posted and Smith from conditions ter their arrests. TR|E * Motor Oils and Hydraulic Oils racing gasoline * Industrial Lubricants *Automotive Oils *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling i:  * Metal Working Fluids . • , ..... Pump Repmr, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns Greases an(] bear UllS * Heatin - Oil Delivered * Solvents, Antifreeze ,  • * Cutting Oils Furnace and Stove Od, Kerosene Located at Sanderson Srnolld00lJ Sons kT/)]l Industrial Park o ,L IPr,.,F o,.sT, co ' -- Shelton 4 2 7- 8 0