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• " •
CLASSI FI ED" 15 words or less -- $6.50 •Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone In multiple Insertion ada, I
The Journal will be responsible
• cent, for 00ach add00t00ona, word over lS .Cta,,,f00ed d00sp,ay-- S pm Monday (3e0) 426"441 2 ,or ,n ,,. ,,.,
RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday to Place Ad InserUon only.
BER BBQ, gas paid $600 plus tax,
r. six times. $4'50. (360) 426-5193.
T tub - new motor, cover, you
00898-3001 F6/14
0T TUB - 7-8 person, $800. Call after
426-6833. L6/14
IA$HER/DRYER Kenmore, 4 years
!. $475 for pair. :l:readmill, $100. (360)
1775 ask for Sonja. B6/14
.TATE SALE - 6 5' brown and white
couch with drop down back. Pio-
0er DVD. VCR. Blue recliner, like new.
lall oak dining table with 2 chairs, 1
oak dining chair with arms. Large
; ed picture (ships in light pastels),
360) 426-4581. $6/14
IINEAU COVER, amethyst blue, fits
_Standard 8' pickup, $1,200 new,
. OBO. White truck canopy, 8' bed,
BI OBO. Ceiling fan (brass/wood
), $20. Freebies: turquoise hide-
,2 twin mattress/box spring sets,
leather recliner, large mirror, 2
d_s. (360) 877-5433. J6/14
STOVE/range with hood. Good
ition. $75. Call (360) 898-3001.
A--RTIST----S! 3rd annual First
art fair, Hunter Farms, Union,
l,iAugust 1 l th and 12th. Please call
Il)Ooth info (360) 427-6062 or email:
LO UL Elintedbirdceramics@hotmailfront door .cOm>e:ty.
BLGlass on top, $300. (360) -
EiEo-bed, $400.
BIFee table and 2 end tables, $150
et. Overstuffed rocker, $25. Foid-
B. single bed, $100. (360) 898-7078.
$200 2 dryers,
h) ' 877d:0bY3 Siwd /7:( fig e rat° r'
" Couns • Currency
00lmlL • Militaria
DAN'S w._,t;;-,-
1012 Harrison Ave. NW
352-8848 .,
re High quality sandy loam
P cut • No Rocks • No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
FLATBED TRAILER, tandem wheels,
no title. (360) 432-9290. $6/7-28
FORD MAJOR diesel loader, good con-
dition. (360) 432-9290. $6/7-28
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. G6/7-28
KENNEL, VERY nice. 7'x14' wide, 6'
high. $175. (360) 427-5583. H6/14
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632)
celebrates June with a month of "Half
Yearly sales." Each weekend will fea-
ture up to 50% off sales on major cat-
egories of stock such as furniture, col-
lectibles, separates, china and morel!
June 1 st-4th will feature furniture - piec-
es including hall trees, armoires, dining
sets, blanket chests, bookcases, beds,
vanities, etc. (Sorry - no lay-aways dur-
ing this sale). June 8th-1 lth will feature
separates including St. John, Chico,
Claiborne, etc. June 15th-17th, Father's
Day weekend will feature gifts for Dad
including fishing, golf and resort dcor.
And finally, June 22nd-24th will feature
:collectibles including two sets of Japa-
nese lithopane, English chintz, blue wil-
low, and more. Don't miss these huge
salesl Mark your calendars for July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake." This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses and highlight rare and antique
books as well as in-store discounts.
KUBOTA" B7510H5D-F tractor, 10.8
hours total time. Full loader, pasture
aerator, calcium tire weight. $12,000.
(360) 427-9654. H5/31-6/21
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1 "-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in
custom units and have stock sizes too.
Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
Raisins, and Hot Wheels. Household
items, fishing gear, much more. Friday-
Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 90 E. Fairfield
Court, Island Lake Manor. W6/14
1209 W. Birch St. Friday, Saturday, Sun-
day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. All must go, downsiz-
ing. No early birds. B6/14
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
231 E. Delanty Road. Upright freezer,
odds and ends, baby items, lots of mis-
cellaneous. C6/14
730 BALLANTRAE Drive. Everything
from furniture to small objects. Rain or
shine. Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday 8
a.m.-4 p.m. $6/14
FRIDAY ONLY - 9 a.m.-? Lots of cheap
stuff. Cancel if raining. 130 SE Arcadia
Road. R6/14
SATURDAY ONLY 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lots of great stuff. Follow signs at Lake
Limerick to 210 E. Shamrock Drive.
5971 Mason Lake Drive West
Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24
9 to 3 9 to 1 - Clothing Sl a bag
Somethin00 for everyone!
EVERYTHING MUST go - camping
equipment, garden tools, Husky 5.5
h.p. air compressor, 15R studded snow
tires. Dressers, end tables and lamps,
clothes. Beer steins, Christmas decora-
tions, and much, much more. 612 Laurel
Street (2 blocks behind Shelton Library).
Saturday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. F6/14
SATURDAY - 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cleaned
up cupboards and closets of all excess.
Lots of neat stuff. Some stackable color
drawers, lots of books, small furniture.
Also have a large storage cabinet. You
name it - we've probably got it. Free
cookies and coffee. 881 SE Mill Creek
Road. Last house on left, end of black-
top. Lots of free stuff. Happy Father's
Day. E6/14
SATURDAY ONLY 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Brand
new faucets, Sherwin Williams paint,
Behr deck and fence stain, DVDs, more.
51 Sunnyslope (off E. Mason Lake Drive
E.). No checks please. A6/14
IF YOU have been here before you know
it's good, if not; try us. Reese sway con-
trol adjustable hitch - 2" slug. 18" Hill-
quest rock saw, 8" rock grinder sander
polisher, furniture, 2 flotation jackets,
dishwasher, lamps, clothes, etc. Friday-
Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 370 E. Batstone
Cutoff Road. P6/14
GARAGE SALE Saturday only, 9 a.m.-
2 p.m. 518 Hazel on Capitol Hill. Good
stuff. G6/14
p.m. Books, antique school desk, adult
and children's clothing, household items
and lots of miscellaneous. Cash only.
1663 Dickinson Ave. P6/14
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big onel For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
HUGE SALE! Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-4 p.m. Glassware, jewelry, baby
furniture, generator, and lots more. 1201
E. Dickinson Street. B6/14
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fam-
ily downsizing, too much to list. 171 E.
Marisa Place. Follow Brockdale to Mc-
Reavy, just before Webb Hill. D6/14
SATURDAY 7 a.m.-3 p.m. 3 families,
miscellaneous, washer, dryer, desk,
clothes, collectibles. 154 Meridian Court,
up 7th Street. H6/14
FATHER'S DAY salel Saturday-Sun-
day, 8 a.m.-dusk, 257 Harrier Road, off
Cole Road. 10V2' camper, boat, Honda,
washer and dryer, furniture, antiques,
china hutch, Star Trek collection, yard
tools, steel jack extensions, and lots
more. G6/14
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1871
Trails End Drive, Belfair. Cleaning out
the house, everything must go. D6/14
Autos - Trucks- Boats
Antiques & Collectibles
Tools. Nursery Plants
Preview: June 15, I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sat. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At:
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
9 a.m.: Shop, tools, firearms
I 0 a.m.: Trees, plants, flowers
I I Lm.: Vehicles and boats
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques,
furniture, household, collecrJbles
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
BUYING DVDs and costume jewelry.
129 W. Railroad. Kiss Me Clothing &
Antiques. K5/31-6/21
LIBERTY GUN safe or quality equiva-
lent. (360) 427-6600. C5/24-6/14
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter, rm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because
I don't listen to bands with names like
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe
fits Ill wear it and walk a mile." I'm look-
ing for a group that's happy just to be
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton.
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 5 miles of Shelton
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community
College is seeking: a Workfirst Assess-
ment and Transitions Coordinator, po-
sition closes 5 p.m., 6/27/07; Workfirst
Participation and Outreach Coordina-
tor, position closes 5 p.m. 6/28/07; Ex-
ecutive Assistant to the Vice President
for Instruction, position closes 5 p.m.,
6/28/07; Electrician, position closes 5
p.m., 6/25/07. For specific position re-
quirements and application packet, visit
the website at www.spscc.ctc.edu. An
employment application can also be ob-
tained in the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512. Phone (360) 596-5500, or call
Human Resources Job Line at (360)
596-5473, or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.
edu. TDD access call (360) 596-5439.
AA/EOE. $6/14
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire temporary Administrative Assistant.
To perform a variety of administrative
activities in assisting in the coordination
and acquisition of services and service
cost analysis for appropriateness adher-
ing to tribal and health center purchas-
ing policies and procedures. Insures that
all office functions are operating prop-
erly utilizing high level of professional
business practice and standards. Act as
the central administration contact for the
health center routing individuals to the
appropriate area, providing information
on policies, procedures and governing
regulations. Assist all departments/work
units, as deemed necessary and es-
sential to the delivery of quality services
,and health care. Requires high school
degree (or GED) with, at a minimum,
two (2) years of experience in working
in a medical clinic performing as an ad-
ministrative assistant or position which
demonstrates the skills, knowledge and
ability to perform the job duties outlined.
$10-$12 hourly. Closes 07/20/2007. For
a complete job description visit our web-
site at www.skokomish.org or contact
Winona Plant, Personnel Manager at
(360) 426-4232 x209. $6/14
CDL DRIVERS, full time/part time po-
sitions for local haul. Must have valid
CDL, minimum 1 year experience, cur-
rent medical card, pass drug screens,
insurance requirements. Provide recent
driving abstract at time of application.
Call Dale for appointment, (360) 866-
2010. O6/7-14
CAN YOU help us? The Nifty Thrifty is
in need of able-bodied volunteers. In-
centives are given to all our wonderful
volunteers. Please call (360) 427-0858.
8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Apply in person: Pan-
torium, 215 S. 2nd Street. P6/14-21
SOCK YOUTH Center in Shelton seek-
ing to hire Program Assistant. Position
responsible for staffing Friday night
youth program 5-7 hours per week.
Must be able to engage with youth of all
ages and facilitate games and activities.
Previous experience working with kids
a plus. Must be flexible and responsible
with good communication skills. Able
to pass background and driving check,
willing to drive kids and have depend-
able transportation. Contact Hannah
Franks at (360) 432-0842 or hannah@
sock.org. $6/14-21
STORE CLERK and Housekeeping po-
sition available this summer. Apply at
Lake Cushman Resort. Call for informa-
tion, (360) 877-9630. L6/14-21
STYLIST/NAIL Tech needed for busy
salon in Hoodsport. Call Alisa (360)
877-5999. M6/14-7/5
an opening for an Employment Consul-
tant. Primary duties include developing
employment positions in the community
for individuals with disabilities. Work
week is flexible schedule as required.
Prefer marketing/sales experience,
strong employment background, admin-
istration/management/customer service
experience and/or college education/
degree. Experience with Microsoft Of-
fice preferred. Must be at least 21, have
a valid WADL, pass a pre-employment
drug screen and criminal background
check. $12/hr, company paid medical,
dental, life and vision after 3 months,
paid time off available after 30 days.
Pick up application packet at 2009 W.
Railroad Ave., Shelton. (360) 426-0077.
es remodeling, docks, decks, windows,
painting, concrete, plumbing, electrical
a plus. 1 super/1 laborer. Dependable,
own tools, drug free. Valid drivers li-
cense/transportation, insurance. Mason,
Thurston, Pierce. Full time/$ DOE. Re-
sume/references to Kimberconst@aol.
tom or fax (360) 458-0533. K6/14-21
NOW HIRING experienced part-time
and on-call waitresses. Also part-time
kitchen helper, experience preferred.
Apply in person Monday-Friday, 11
a.m.-2 p.m., Kobe Teriyaki, 118 W. AI-
der. No phone calls. K6/14-7/5
trative and Sales Assistant, full time. 2
years investment or related experience
preferred. Washington Insurance or
NASD licensing a plus. Strong organiza-
tional, public relation skills and attention
to detail required. Competitive benefits
and salary package DOE. Send resume
and salary history to Our Community
Credit Union, HR Department, P.O. Box
1670, Shelton, WA 98584. O5/31-6/21
NOW HIRING driver for local deliveries.
Full benefits, 401(k), vacation. Class
B CDL required. Drug free workplace.
Call Troy at (360) 534-9496 or apply
in person at Washington Cedar & Sup-
ply, 2001 93rd Ave. SW, Olympia, WA
98512. W6/7-26
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises
for regional openings today. 1-800-346-
2818, ext. 126. A6/7-28
HANDYMAN NEEDED - competitive
wages. Must be able to do carpentry,
sheetrock, flooring, painting. Bonus if
able to do electrical and plumbing. Must
work well without supervision. Part time
or full time. Spencer Lake area, about 3
month project. Some tools needed. ,Call
Randy (206) 399-5441. P6/7-14
DEPUTY SHERIFF: Thurston County is
establishing a hiring list for entry level
deputy sheriff. No experience required.
Training provided after hire. Require-
ments: 21 years old, U.S. Citizen, high
school diploma or GED, read, write and
speak English, pass merit tests and
background investigation; closes 6-29-
07. Obtain application at 2000 Lakeridge
Dr. SW, Olympia, or www.co.thurston.
wa.us/hr. Job duties/qualifications/ap-
plication form available on-line at www.
co.thurston.wa.us or call (360) 754-3800
or TDD (360) 754-2933. T6/7-21
web. sales marketing position. Order
processing customer service, market
development. QuickBooks and related
experience required. $10-$13 hourly,
DOE. Call (360) 866-0076 or fax resume
to (360) 252-8999. A6/7-14
Caregivers Needed
for seniors and people with
• Best wage & benefit package
in the industry
• Bonus for weekend work
• Higher rate for NACs or ex-
perienced caregivers
• Hourly, live-in, sleep-overs
• Applicants must be 18 and
older, posses a valid drivers
license and insurance & clear
background check
For more information:
Mason County
Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
........... ..Ira.
• " •
CLASSI FI ED" 15 words or less -- $6.50 •Classified deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone In multiple Insertion ada, I
The Journal will be responsible
• cent, for 00ach add00t00ona, word over lS .Cta,,,f00ed d00sp,ay-- S pm Monday (3e0) 426"441 2 ,or ,n ,,. ,,.,
RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday to Place Ad InserUon only.
BER BBQ, gas paid $600 plus tax,
r. six times. $4'50. (360) 426-5193.
T tub - new motor, cover, you
00898-3001 F6/14
0T TUB - 7-8 person, $800. Call after
426-6833. L6/14
IA$HER/DRYER Kenmore, 4 years
!. $475 for pair. :l:readmill, $100. (360)
1775 ask for Sonja. B6/14
.TATE SALE - 6 5' brown and white
couch with drop down back. Pio-
0er DVD. VCR. Blue recliner, like new.
lall oak dining table with 2 chairs, 1
oak dining chair with arms. Large
; ed picture (ships in light pastels),
360) 426-4581. $6/14
IINEAU COVER, amethyst blue, fits
_Standard 8' pickup, $1,200 new,
. OBO. White truck canopy, 8' bed,
BI OBO. Ceiling fan (brass/wood
), $20. Freebies: turquoise hide-
,2 twin mattress/box spring sets,
leather recliner, large mirror, 2
d_s. (360) 877-5433. J6/14
STOVE/range with hood. Good
ition. $75. Call (360) 898-3001.
A--RTIST----S! 3rd annual First
art fair, Hunter Farms, Union,
l,iAugust 1 l th and 12th. Please call
Il)Ooth info (360) 427-6062 or email:
LO UL Elintedbirdceramics@hotmailfront door .cOm>e:ty.
BLGlass on top, $300. (360) -
EiEo-bed, $400.
BIFee table and 2 end tables, $150
et. Overstuffed rocker, $25. Foid-
B. single bed, $100. (360) 898-7078.
$200 2 dryers,
h) ' 877d:0bY3 Siwd /7:( fig e rat° r'
" Couns • Currency
00lmlL • Militaria
DAN'S w._,t;;-,-
1012 Harrison Ave. NW
352-8848 .,
re High quality sandy loam
P cut • No Rocks • No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
FLATBED TRAILER, tandem wheels,
no title. (360) 432-9290. $6/7-28
FORD MAJOR diesel loader, good con-
dition. (360) 432-9290. $6/7-28
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. G6/7-28
KENNEL, VERY nice. 7'x14' wide, 6'
high. $175. (360) 427-5583. H6/14
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632)
celebrates June with a month of "Half
Yearly sales." Each weekend will fea-
ture up to 50% off sales on major cat-
egories of stock such as furniture, col-
lectibles, separates, china and morel!
June 1 st-4th will feature furniture - piec-
es including hall trees, armoires, dining
sets, blanket chests, bookcases, beds,
vanities, etc. (Sorry - no lay-aways dur-
ing this sale). June 8th-1 lth will feature
separates including St. John, Chico,
Claiborne, etc. June 15th-17th, Father's
Day weekend will feature gifts for Dad
including fishing, golf and resort dcor.
And finally, June 22nd-24th will feature
:collectibles including two sets of Japa-
nese lithopane, English chintz, blue wil-
low, and more. Don't miss these huge
salesl Mark your calendars for July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake." This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses and highlight rare and antique
books as well as in-store discounts.
KUBOTA" B7510H5D-F tractor, 10.8
hours total time. Full loader, pasture
aerator, calcium tire weight. $12,000.
(360) 427-9654. H5/31-6/21
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1 "-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in
custom units and have stock sizes too.
Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
Raisins, and Hot Wheels. Household
items, fishing gear, much more. Friday-
Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 90 E. Fairfield
Court, Island Lake Manor. W6/14
1209 W. Birch St. Friday, Saturday, Sun-
day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. All must go, downsiz-
ing. No early birds. B6/14
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
231 E. Delanty Road. Upright freezer,
odds and ends, baby items, lots of mis-
cellaneous. C6/14
730 BALLANTRAE Drive. Everything
from furniture to small objects. Rain or
shine. Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday 8
a.m.-4 p.m. $6/14
FRIDAY ONLY - 9 a.m.-? Lots of cheap
stuff. Cancel if raining. 130 SE Arcadia
Road. R6/14
SATURDAY ONLY 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lots of great stuff. Follow signs at Lake
Limerick to 210 E. Shamrock Drive.
5971 Mason Lake Drive West
Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24
9 to 3 9 to 1 - Clothing Sl a bag
Somethin00 for everyone!
EVERYTHING MUST go - camping
equipment, garden tools, Husky 5.5
h.p. air compressor, 15R studded snow
tires. Dressers, end tables and lamps,
clothes. Beer steins, Christmas decora-
tions, and much, much more. 612 Laurel
Street (2 blocks behind Shelton Library).
Saturday-Sunday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. F6/14
SATURDAY - 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cleaned
up cupboards and closets of all excess.
Lots of neat stuff. Some stackable color
drawers, lots of books, small furniture.
Also have a large storage cabinet. You
name it - we've probably got it. Free
cookies and coffee. 881 SE Mill Creek
Road. Last house on left, end of black-
top. Lots of free stuff. Happy Father's
Day. E6/14
SATURDAY ONLY 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Brand
new faucets, Sherwin Williams paint,
Behr deck and fence stain, DVDs, more.
51 Sunnyslope (off E. Mason Lake Drive
E.). No checks please. A6/14
IF YOU have been here before you know
it's good, if not; try us. Reese sway con-
trol adjustable hitch - 2" slug. 18" Hill-
quest rock saw, 8" rock grinder sander
polisher, furniture, 2 flotation jackets,
dishwasher, lamps, clothes, etc. Friday-
Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 370 E. Batstone
Cutoff Road. P6/14
GARAGE SALE Saturday only, 9 a.m.-
2 p.m. 518 Hazel on Capitol Hill. Good
stuff. G6/14
p.m. Books, antique school desk, adult
and children's clothing, household items
and lots of miscellaneous. Cash only.
1663 Dickinson Ave. P6/14
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big onel For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
HUGE SALE! Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-4 p.m. Glassware, jewelry, baby
furniture, generator, and lots more. 1201
E. Dickinson Street. B6/14
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fam-
ily downsizing, too much to list. 171 E.
Marisa Place. Follow Brockdale to Mc-
Reavy, just before Webb Hill. D6/14
SATURDAY 7 a.m.-3 p.m. 3 families,
miscellaneous, washer, dryer, desk,
clothes, collectibles. 154 Meridian Court,
up 7th Street. H6/14
FATHER'S DAY salel Saturday-Sun-
day, 8 a.m.-dusk, 257 Harrier Road, off
Cole Road. 10V2' camper, boat, Honda,
washer and dryer, furniture, antiques,
china hutch, Star Trek collection, yard
tools, steel jack extensions, and lots
more. G6/14
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1871
Trails End Drive, Belfair. Cleaning out
the house, everything must go. D6/14
Autos - Trucks- Boats
Antiques & Collectibles
Tools. Nursery Plants
Preview: June 15, I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sat. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At:
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
9 a.m.: Shop, tools, firearms
I 0 a.m.: Trees, plants, flowers
I I Lm.: Vehicles and boats
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques,
furniture, household, collecrJbles
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
BUYING DVDs and costume jewelry.
129 W. Railroad. Kiss Me Clothing &
Antiques. K5/31-6/21
LIBERTY GUN safe or quality equiva-
lent. (360) 427-6600. C5/24-6/14
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter, rm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because
I don't listen to bands with names like
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe
fits Ill wear it and walk a mile." I'm look-
ing for a group that's happy just to be
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton.
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 5 miles of Shelton
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community
College is seeking: a Workfirst Assess-
ment and Transitions Coordinator, po-
sition closes 5 p.m., 6/27/07; Workfirst
Participation and Outreach Coordina-
tor, position closes 5 p.m. 6/28/07; Ex-
ecutive Assistant to the Vice President
for Instruction, position closes 5 p.m.,
6/28/07; Electrician, position closes 5
p.m., 6/25/07. For specific position re-
quirements and application packet, visit
the website at www.spscc.ctc.edu. An
employment application can also be ob-
tained in the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512. Phone (360) 596-5500, or call
Human Resources Job Line at (360)
596-5473, or e-mail jobline@spscc.ctc.
edu. TDD access call (360) 596-5439.
AA/EOE. $6/14
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire temporary Administrative Assistant.
To perform a variety of administrative
activities in assisting in the coordination
and acquisition of services and service
cost analysis for appropriateness adher-
ing to tribal and health center purchas-
ing policies and procedures. Insures that
all office functions are operating prop-
erly utilizing high level of professional
business practice and standards. Act as
the central administration contact for the
health center routing individuals to the
appropriate area, providing information
on policies, procedures and governing
regulations. Assist all departments/work
units, as deemed necessary and es-
sential to the delivery of quality services
,and health care. Requires high school
degree (or GED) with, at a minimum,
two (2) years of experience in working
in a medical clinic performing as an ad-
ministrative assistant or position which
demonstrates the skills, knowledge and
ability to perform the job duties outlined.
$10-$12 hourly. Closes 07/20/2007. For
a complete job description visit our web-
site at www.skokomish.org or contact
Winona Plant, Personnel Manager at
(360) 426-4232 x209. $6/14
CDL DRIVERS, full time/part time po-
sitions for local haul. Must have valid
CDL, minimum 1 year experience, cur-
rent medical card, pass drug screens,
insurance requirements. Provide recent
driving abstract at time of application.
Call Dale for appointment, (360) 866-
2010. O6/7-14
CAN YOU help us? The Nifty Thrifty is
in need of able-bodied volunteers. In-
centives are given to all our wonderful
volunteers. Please call (360) 427-0858.
8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Apply in person: Pan-
torium, 215 S. 2nd Street. P6/14-21
SOCK YOUTH Center in Shelton seek-
ing to hire Program Assistant. Position
responsible for staffing Friday night
youth program 5-7 hours per week.
Must be able to engage with youth of all
ages and facilitate games and activities.
Previous experience working with kids
a plus. Must be flexible and responsible
with good communication skills. Able
to pass background and driving check,
willing to drive kids and have depend-
able transportation. Contact Hannah
Franks at (360) 432-0842 or hannah@
sock.org. $6/14-21
STORE CLERK and Housekeeping po-
sition available this summer. Apply at
Lake Cushman Resort. Call for informa-
tion, (360) 877-9630. L6/14-21
STYLIST/NAIL Tech needed for busy
salon in Hoodsport. Call Alisa (360)
877-5999. M6/14-7/5
an opening for an Employment Consul-
tant. Primary duties include developing
employment positions in the community
for individuals with disabilities. Work
week is flexible schedule as required.
Prefer marketing/sales experience,
strong employment background, admin-
istration/management/customer service
experience and/or college education/
degree. Experience with Microsoft Of-
fice preferred. Must be at least 21, have
a valid WADL, pass a pre-employment
drug screen and criminal background
check. $12/hr, company paid medical,
dental, life and vision after 3 months,
paid time off available after 30 days.
Pick up application packet at 2009 W.
Railroad Ave., Shelton. (360) 426-0077.
es remodeling, docks, decks, windows,
painting, concrete, plumbing, electrical
a plus. 1 super/1 laborer. Dependable,
own tools, drug free. Valid drivers li-
cense/transportation, insurance. Mason,
Thurston, Pierce. Full time/$ DOE. Re-
sume/references to Kimberconst@aol.
tom or fax (360) 458-0533. K6/14-21
NOW HIRING experienced part-time
and on-call waitresses. Also part-time
kitchen helper, experience preferred.
Apply in person Monday-Friday, 11
a.m.-2 p.m., Kobe Teriyaki, 118 W. AI-
der. No phone calls. K6/14-7/5
trative and Sales Assistant, full time. 2
years investment or related experience
preferred. Washington Insurance or
NASD licensing a plus. Strong organiza-
tional, public relation skills and attention
to detail required. Competitive benefits
and salary package DOE. Send resume
and salary history to Our Community
Credit Union, HR Department, P.O. Box
1670, Shelton, WA 98584. O5/31-6/21
NOW HIRING driver for local deliveries.
Full benefits, 401(k), vacation. Class
B CDL required. Drug free workplace.
Call Troy at (360) 534-9496 or apply
in person at Washington Cedar & Sup-
ply, 2001 93rd Ave. SW, Olympia, WA
98512. W6/7-26
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises
for regional openings today. 1-800-346-
2818, ext. 126. A6/7-28
HANDYMAN NEEDED - competitive
wages. Must be able to do carpentry,
sheetrock, flooring, painting. Bonus if
able to do electrical and plumbing. Must
work well without supervision. Part time
or full time. Spencer Lake area, about 3
month project. Some tools needed. ,Call
Randy (206) 399-5441. P6/7-14
DEPUTY SHERIFF: Thurston County is
establishing a hiring list for entry level
deputy sheriff. No experience required.
Training provided after hire. Require-
ments: 21 years old, U.S. Citizen, high
school diploma or GED, read, write and
speak English, pass merit tests and
background investigation; closes 6-29-
07. Obtain application at 2000 Lakeridge
Dr. SW, Olympia, or www.co.thurston.
wa.us/hr. Job duties/qualifications/ap-
plication form available on-line at www.
co.thurston.wa.us or call (360) 754-3800
or TDD (360) 754-2933. T6/7-21
web. sales marketing position. Order
processing customer service, market
development. QuickBooks and related
experience required. $10-$13 hourly,
DOE. Call (360) 866-0076 or fax resume
to (360) 252-8999. A6/7-14
Caregivers Needed
for seniors and people with
• Best wage & benefit package
in the industry
• Bonus for weekend work
• Higher rate for NACs or ex-
perienced caregivers
• Hourly, live-in, sleep-overs
• Applicants must be 18 and
older, posses a valid drivers
license and insurance & clear
background check
For more information:
Mason County
Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
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