June 14, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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$2,300 MONTHLY, benefits. Develop- A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac-
mentally disabled care provider, live-in, cepting applications for immediate
7 on, 7 off. Shifts also available. $9.30 openings working for the developmen-
hourly. Training provided. Drug free. tally disabled within their homes. Start-
(360) 493-0400. $6/7-28 ing salary: part time $8.25/hour, full
........................................... time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send
EXPERIENCED COOK, bartender, letter of interest and generic application
waitress. Full or part time. Apply at Left-
ies Pub & Eatery, 2810 E. Spencer Lake
Road. L6/7-14
MILLWRIGHT NEEDED at Shelton mill.
Need electrical and hydraulic experi-
ence. Send resume to Shearer Brothers
Chipping, P.O. Box 2638, Belfair, WA
98528 or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call
or resume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey
Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla-
ceone@reachone.com. P5/24-6/14
LOCAL COMPANY now accepting ap-
plications for entry level position in the
manufacture of utility poles. (360) 426-
2624; 351 E. Millwright Road, Shelton.
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.com or call cell (360) 490-4695 for
advance bookings. P6/14tfn
(360) 427-6861. $6/7-14
WELDER NEEDED at Shelton mill.
Send resume to Shearer Brothers Chip-
ping, P.O. Box 2638, Belfair, WA 98528
or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call (360)
427-6861• $6/7-14
VERN'S HAS openings for night prep
cook/dishwasher, buser/host and part-
time servers. 109 South First Street,
Shelton, (360)462-8376. P6/7-14
--..-.JL--. ...............
MASON COUNTY PUD No. 3 is seek-
ing to fill the position of apprentice wire-
man. Job duties entail working under the
direction of a journeyman wireman to
learn the trade related to the construc-
tion, maintenance and repair of substa-
tions and related equipment. Qualifica-
tions include a high school diploma or
equivalent; math proficiency at the col-
lege pre-calculus level; a valid Washing-
ton State driver license with a Class "A"
commercial endorsement and an excel-
lent driving record. This apprenticeship
will require 8,000 on the job training
hours over a minimum of 4 years, en-
rollment in a state certified apprentice
wireman school and completion of 144
hours per year of related supplemental
instruction. This is an IBEW represented
position and is a safety sensitive posi-
tion subject to random DOT drug and/or
alcohol testing. Individuals interested in
applying must submit a completed Ma-
son County PUD No. 3 employment ap-
plication and a supplemental apprentice
wireman application no later than 5 p.m.
July 6, 2007. Incomplete applications
will not be considered. Application pack-
ets may be obtained at Mason County
PUD No. 3 offices in Shelton and Bel-
fair, online at www.masonpud3.org, by
emailing thedraf@masonpud3.org or by
telephone at (360) 426-8255 ext. 5246.
Mason County PUD No. 3 is an equal
employment opportunity employer•
(360) 432-8837. N5/31-6/21
CPA FIRM seeks paraprofessional with
organizational skills, ability to multi-task,
working with QuickBooks, Excel, Word,
interacting with clients. Experience
with federal and state forms preferred.
401(k), medical, vacation, sick leave,
salary DOQ. Can start immediately•
Send resume to: POB 1760, Shelton,
WA 98584• G5/31-6/21
THE LUCKY Dog Casino now hiring.
Food service and kitchen personnel.
Security officers. MIS Technician• Bar-
tenders and beverage servers. Cage
cashiers. Promotions. Table game deal-
ers. Contact Jamie Auld, Human Re-
source Specialist, (360) 877-5656 ext.
244. 19330 N. Highway 101, Shelton,
WA 98584 e-maih jauld@theluckydog-
casino.com. L5/31-6/21
THE ROOF Doct6r, Inc., in Shelton now
accepting applications for roofers with
torch down experience• Located at Tay-
lor Towne just off Highway 101, south of
Shelton• Telephone (360) 427-8611 for
more information• R5/31-6/21
trician, must have all current licenses•
Must be dependable. (360) 877-0455.
.............................................................. LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden dia-
EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted, mond bracelet. If found, contact (360)
Must have valid driver's license• Ap- 490-0957. $6/14-7/5
plications can be obtained at 1650 E.
Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- LOST - MEN'S silver bracelet at Re-
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- lay For Life. Reward. (360) 432-9211.
7057• M5/24tfn Y6/14
LOST: GOLD wedding ring, customized
with a finger fit shank. Bracelet type.
Lost in April. Generous reward. Call
(360) 426-5476• N6/7-14
WELL ESTABLISHED local used book
store for sale. Business, inventory, fix-
tures included. Owner retiring. (360)
427-5940. B5/31-6/21
WORK FROM home, no selling, no in-
ventory. Earn $200-$1,000/month. Not
an MLM. Free training, bonuses. Call
Karen, (360) 898-0004, Melaleuca.
START YOUR OWN landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A6/7-28
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
AKC and CKC registered, large German
and Hungarian. Import and multiple Na-
tional and International show champions
and Schutzhund pedigree. Two litters,
$525 CKC, $775 AKC. Vet examined,
microchipped, shots, and wormed, tails
and dewclaws done, short-term health
guaranteed, puppy kits, well socialized,
parents on site. Pictures can be sent
camera phone or viewed online at www.
myspace.com/raokindness. (360) 490-
4212. A6/7-28
PUREBRED AKC Chihuahua puppies.
2 males, 1 female, $800. Will be ready
to go on 7/1. Call Vicky (360) 426-3404.
Accepting deposits now. Mc6/7-28
FREE BUNNIES - 2 of them• (360) 426-
6833. L6/14
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
School District. Kindergarten transpor-
tation available. Over 7 years daycare
experience. References available•
Call for appointment, (360) 432-0306•
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an
opening, age 2 and up. Great learning
environment, large fenced yard. USDA
Food Program participant, 3 blocks
from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763.
CALLING ALL Dogsl Dog obedience
lessons, hands-on training. Puppy and
manners classes starting every month•
AKC Rally and Conformation• Get ready
for those new titles. K9Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.K9Kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility•
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
GOOD HORSE'asture, $55 per head
per month• Limit 2-3 head. (360) 426-
4795. M6/7-14
COMPUTER COACH. On-site software
training, assistance special projects. 16
years experience. New customers first
hour free, special rate beginning se-
niors. (360) 277-0857. D5/17-6/14
MODELING/ACTING lessons. We come
to you. Over 30 years experience. Leave
message (360) 352-8426. W5/24-6/14
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour• All ages
and musical styles welcome• Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.corn for available times. P5/25ffn
PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We
come to you. Over 30 years experi-
ence. Leave message. (360) 352-8426.
Check out the
Journal Classifieds!
Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 2007
LOOKING FOR someone honest and
reliable to clean your house, yard main-
tenance, mowing and trimming, errands
and shopping? Please call for free esti-
mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427-
0484. $6/14-7/5
I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360)
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer-
ry. P6/14-7/5
PRESSURE WASHING, spring clean-
ing, moss removal and treatment•
Competitive rates. (360) 427-1176. Lic.
#HERREBM950JE. H6/14-7/5
JUST CONCRETE Construction.
Driveways, sidewalks, retaining walls,
foundations• 20+ years experience.
Call Verl Justensen, (360) 426-8757
JUST*932LJ. J6/14-21
TINA'S TOUCH of Class home and of-
fice cleaning, also indoor construction
cleanup. References available• (360)
286-7076. D6/14
in exterior work. Licensed, bonded,
insured. 30 years experience. Lic.
#MARTIP*931JP. Major credit cards ac-
cepted. (360) 277-9303. M6/14-7/5
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: New/re-
pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch-
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union
City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207.
(360) 898-3416; 898-3466. U6/7-28
aspects of landscape installation, reor-
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
Consultations• Extensive references.
(360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte-
nance. Q6/7tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years
experience. Landclearing, septic sys-
tem installation, digouts, rock walls
and logging. Just about anything.
Quality work the first time. (360) 898-
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW,
(360) 426-0824, for more information.
Calls will be returned in the evening.
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
HAVE A tree down in your yard? F!r,
moval. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Win"
ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tf.__.
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, I
10,000 lb. excavator and operator lff
hire. Two hour m n mum No job too
or small. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360)
432-3147. E5/3tfn
W. HURT Masonry and roofing, new
construction and repairs 50 years expe
rience, free estimates, i360) 432-8663.
Lic. #WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
PAUL'S ROCK Walls & Landscapi'
dedicated to your satisfaction• ExPel"
enced, honest dependable• Free es.,-
mates• Licensecl bonded, insured pAUl."
SaL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or (360)490"
6670. K3/ltfn
I CAN fix anything and build anythi;
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (36ul
490-8008 PERPEC931DU P
MINI-EXCAVATOR site preparation
for electrical, telephone septic ditd
perc holes, landscape projects ='"
more. No job too small• corn2ol0.
pricing. Paul's Electric, (360) 426-8 •
Paulsen034LZ. 5/31-6/21
CALL PAUL Handy Person• 25 years ex"
perience, reasonable rates. ReferenCes'
(360) 427-5941. K5/31-7/19
JOE GARCI--------A-Landscaping• B
(360) 432-1900. G5/31-6/21
K&L YARD Services and LandsPi
work. Hard working people. Mowing,.W ..e,,
ing, weedeater, trimming, hauling, IlOW,
barking, graveling and more Please
Kris or record your message. (360)
5919. Free estimates. K5/31-6/21
I'LL----CLE-AN u--porGaul any
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, a
Jerry. P5/17-7/5
Light Truck & IW
We Service & Repair Trailers, Tod
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
Nationwide Warranty
O 4624)403 4t.
1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., shel
• Topping • Licensed
• Chipping • Bonded
• Stump • Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUTS053R2
Nora Hau
General cleanup
Pressure washing
Free estimates, lowest prices
Leave message for David
• Homes •
• MOW • Weed
• Prune
Pmdot tomtmo
Tel: ('560)
Cell: ('560)
Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton
Tuesday in A//yn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in She/ton and A//yn
include gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available. /.#
360-586-6181 ext. 115
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
• New homes
• Remodels
• French drains
• Siding
• Decks
A Full.Service General
5ervlng Mason and Thurston counties
*All types of projects welcome
• Excavating • Framing
• Additions • Garages
• Foundations • Logging
• Finish • Roofing
Free estimates
Visa/MasterCard accepted
$2,300 MONTHLY, benefits. Develop- A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac-
mentally disabled care provider, live-in, cepting applications for immediate
7 on, 7 off. Shifts also available. $9.30 openings working for the developmen-
hourly. Training provided. Drug free. tally disabled within their homes. Start-
(360) 493-0400. $6/7-28 ing salary: part time $8.25/hour, full
........................................... time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send
EXPERIENCED COOK, bartender, letter of interest and generic application
waitress. Full or part time. Apply at Left-
ies Pub & Eatery, 2810 E. Spencer Lake
Road. L6/7-14
MILLWRIGHT NEEDED at Shelton mill.
Need electrical and hydraulic experi-
ence. Send resume to Shearer Brothers
Chipping, P.O. Box 2638, Belfair, WA
98528 or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call
or resume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey
Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla-
ceone@reachone.com. P5/24-6/14
LOCAL COMPANY now accepting ap-
plications for entry level position in the
manufacture of utility poles. (360) 426-
2624; 351 E. Millwright Road, Shelton.
WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave
Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out-
door. More than 8 hours of repertoire
for your service and reception, "Bach to
the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea-
sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel-
Iodad.blogspot.com. E-mail cellodad@
juno.com or call cell (360) 490-4695 for
advance bookings. P6/14tfn
(360) 427-6861. $6/7-14
WELDER NEEDED at Shelton mill.
Send resume to Shearer Brothers Chip-
ping, P.O. Box 2638, Belfair, WA 98528
or fax to (360) 427-6862, or call (360)
427-6861• $6/7-14
VERN'S HAS openings for night prep
cook/dishwasher, buser/host and part-
time servers. 109 South First Street,
Shelton, (360)462-8376. P6/7-14
--..-.JL--. ...............
MASON COUNTY PUD No. 3 is seek-
ing to fill the position of apprentice wire-
man. Job duties entail working under the
direction of a journeyman wireman to
learn the trade related to the construc-
tion, maintenance and repair of substa-
tions and related equipment. Qualifica-
tions include a high school diploma or
equivalent; math proficiency at the col-
lege pre-calculus level; a valid Washing-
ton State driver license with a Class "A"
commercial endorsement and an excel-
lent driving record. This apprenticeship
will require 8,000 on the job training
hours over a minimum of 4 years, en-
rollment in a state certified apprentice
wireman school and completion of 144
hours per year of related supplemental
instruction. This is an IBEW represented
position and is a safety sensitive posi-
tion subject to random DOT drug and/or
alcohol testing. Individuals interested in
applying must submit a completed Ma-
son County PUD No. 3 employment ap-
plication and a supplemental apprentice
wireman application no later than 5 p.m.
July 6, 2007. Incomplete applications
will not be considered. Application pack-
ets may be obtained at Mason County
PUD No. 3 offices in Shelton and Bel-
fair, online at www.masonpud3.org, by
emailing thedraf@masonpud3.org or by
telephone at (360) 426-8255 ext. 5246.
Mason County PUD No. 3 is an equal
employment opportunity employer•
(360) 432-8837. N5/31-6/21
CPA FIRM seeks paraprofessional with
organizational skills, ability to multi-task,
working with QuickBooks, Excel, Word,
interacting with clients. Experience
with federal and state forms preferred.
401(k), medical, vacation, sick leave,
salary DOQ. Can start immediately•
Send resume to: POB 1760, Shelton,
WA 98584• G5/31-6/21
THE LUCKY Dog Casino now hiring.
Food service and kitchen personnel.
Security officers. MIS Technician• Bar-
tenders and beverage servers. Cage
cashiers. Promotions. Table game deal-
ers. Contact Jamie Auld, Human Re-
source Specialist, (360) 877-5656 ext.
244. 19330 N. Highway 101, Shelton,
WA 98584 e-maih jauld@theluckydog-
casino.com. L5/31-6/21
THE ROOF Doct6r, Inc., in Shelton now
accepting applications for roofers with
torch down experience• Located at Tay-
lor Towne just off Highway 101, south of
Shelton• Telephone (360) 427-8611 for
more information• R5/31-6/21
trician, must have all current licenses•
Must be dependable. (360) 877-0455.
.............................................................. LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden dia-
EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted, mond bracelet. If found, contact (360)
Must have valid driver's license• Ap- 490-0957. $6/14-7/5
plications can be obtained at 1650 E.
Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- LOST - MEN'S silver bracelet at Re-
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- lay For Life. Reward. (360) 432-9211.
7057• M5/24tfn Y6/14
LOST: GOLD wedding ring, customized
with a finger fit shank. Bracelet type.
Lost in April. Generous reward. Call
(360) 426-5476• N6/7-14
WELL ESTABLISHED local used book
store for sale. Business, inventory, fix-
tures included. Owner retiring. (360)
427-5940. B5/31-6/21
WORK FROM home, no selling, no in-
ventory. Earn $200-$1,000/month. Not
an MLM. Free training, bonuses. Call
Karen, (360) 898-0004, Melaleuca.
START YOUR OWN landscape curbing
business. High demand. Low overhead.
High profit. Training available. Priced
from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www.
edgemaster.net. A6/7-28
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
AKC and CKC registered, large German
and Hungarian. Import and multiple Na-
tional and International show champions
and Schutzhund pedigree. Two litters,
$525 CKC, $775 AKC. Vet examined,
microchipped, shots, and wormed, tails
and dewclaws done, short-term health
guaranteed, puppy kits, well socialized,
parents on site. Pictures can be sent
camera phone or viewed online at www.
myspace.com/raokindness. (360) 490-
4212. A6/7-28
PUREBRED AKC Chihuahua puppies.
2 males, 1 female, $800. Will be ready
to go on 7/1. Call Vicky (360) 426-3404.
Accepting deposits now. Mc6/7-28
FREE BUNNIES - 2 of them• (360) 426-
6833. L6/14
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit-
tenresq.net. K4/26tfn
School District. Kindergarten transpor-
tation available. Over 7 years daycare
experience. References available•
Call for appointment, (360) 432-0306•
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an
opening, age 2 and up. Great learning
environment, large fenced yard. USDA
Food Program participant, 3 blocks
from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763.
CALLING ALL Dogsl Dog obedience
lessons, hands-on training. Puppy and
manners classes starting every month•
AKC Rally and Conformation• Get ready
for those new titles. K9Kapers, Karen
(360) 432-1478. www.K9Kapers.com.
DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility•
Gentle, positive methods only. Group
or private lessons and in-home behav-
ior consults with September Morn (30+
years professional). (360) 432-3633.
GOOD HORSE'asture, $55 per head
per month• Limit 2-3 head. (360) 426-
4795. M6/7-14
COMPUTER COACH. On-site software
training, assistance special projects. 16
years experience. New customers first
hour free, special rate beginning se-
niors. (360) 277-0857. D5/17-6/14
MODELING/ACTING lessons. We come
to you. Over 30 years experience. Leave
message (360) 352-8426. W5/24-6/14
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes mu-
sic theory, ear training and advanced
techniques. Over 20 years experience.
Evenings, $10 per half-hour• All ages
and musical styles welcome• Call Dave
at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.corn for available times. P5/25ffn
PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We
come to you. Over 30 years experi-
ence. Leave message. (360) 352-8426.
Check out the
Journal Classifieds!
Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 2007
LOOKING FOR someone honest and
reliable to clean your house, yard main-
tenance, mowing and trimming, errands
and shopping? Please call for free esti-
mates and reasonable rates. (360) 427-
0484. $6/14-7/5
I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360)
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805 ask for Jer-
ry. P6/14-7/5
PRESSURE WASHING, spring clean-
ing, moss removal and treatment•
Competitive rates. (360) 427-1176. Lic.
#HERREBM950JE. H6/14-7/5
JUST CONCRETE Construction.
Driveways, sidewalks, retaining walls,
foundations• 20+ years experience.
Call Verl Justensen, (360) 426-8757
JUST*932LJ. J6/14-21
TINA'S TOUCH of Class home and of-
fice cleaning, also indoor construction
cleanup. References available• (360)
286-7076. D6/14
in exterior work. Licensed, bonded,
insured. 30 years experience. Lic.
#MARTIP*931JP. Major credit cards ac-
cepted. (360) 277-9303. M6/14-7/5
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: New/re-
pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch-
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union
City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207.
(360) 898-3416; 898-3466. U6/7-28
aspects of landscape installation, reor-
ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
Consultations• Extensive references.
(360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte-
nance. Q6/7tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years
experience. Landclearing, septic sys-
tem installation, digouts, rock walls
and logging. Just about anything.
Quality work the first time. (360) 898-
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW,
(360) 426-0824, for more information.
Calls will be returned in the evening.
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
HAVE A tree down in your yard? F!r,
moval. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Win"
ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tf.__.
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction, I
10,000 lb. excavator and operator lff
hire. Two hour m n mum No job too
or small. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. Call (360)
432-3147. E5/3tfn
W. HURT Masonry and roofing, new
construction and repairs 50 years expe
rience, free estimates, i360) 432-8663.
Lic. #WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
PAUL'S ROCK Walls & Landscapi'
dedicated to your satisfaction• ExPel"
enced, honest dependable• Free es.,-
mates• Licensecl bonded, insured pAUl."
SaL954JO. (360) 427-1011 or (360)490"
6670. K3/ltfn
I CAN fix anything and build anythi;
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (36ul
490-8008 PERPEC931DU P
MINI-EXCAVATOR site preparation
for electrical, telephone septic ditd
perc holes, landscape projects ='"
more. No job too small• corn2ol0.
pricing. Paul's Electric, (360) 426-8 •
Paulsen034LZ. 5/31-6/21
CALL PAUL Handy Person• 25 years ex"
perience, reasonable rates. ReferenCes'
(360) 427-5941. K5/31-7/19
JOE GARCI--------A-Landscaping• B
(360) 432-1900. G5/31-6/21
K&L YARD Services and LandsPi
work. Hard working people. Mowing,.W ..e,,
ing, weedeater, trimming, hauling, IlOW,
barking, graveling and more Please
Kris or record your message. (360)
5919. Free estimates. K5/31-6/21
I'LL----CLE-AN u--porGaul any
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, a
Jerry. P5/17-7/5
Light Truck & IW
We Service & Repair Trailers, Tod
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
Nationwide Warranty
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1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., shel
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(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUTS053R2
Nora Hau
General cleanup
Pressure washing
Free estimates, lowest prices
Leave message for David
• Homes •
• MOW • Weed
• Prune
Pmdot tomtmo
Tel: ('560)
Cell: ('560)
Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton
Tuesday in A//yn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in She/ton and A//yn
include gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available. /.#
360-586-6181 ext. 115
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
• New homes
• Remodels
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• Decks
A Full.Service General
5ervlng Mason and Thurston counties
*All types of projects welcome
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Free estimates
Visa/MasterCard accepted