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Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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No. 5001383317 APN: 32135-43- rS # WA-05-52150-NF NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the Revised of Washington Chapter 61.24 ET. L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Loan Service Corp. of Washington, ned Trustee will on 6/22/2007, AM at At the main entrance to the ' Courthouse, 4th and Alder, Shelton, at auction to the highest and payable, in the form of cash, or check or certified checks from fed- or state chartered banks, at the time I the following described real property, in the County of Mason, State of to wit: Parcel A: The north 226 ! measured along the west line of the described tract: That part of the of the southeast quarter, and of lot 2 35, Township 21 west, W.M., in Mason County, described as follows: Beginning south of the southeast uarter of said south- running thence west 330 feet, feet, south 1,108.8 feet, East south 191.4 feet, west 330 feet, 44.22 feet to the westerly line of State Highway no. 14-A; thence It, along said westerly line of highway, north 7530 ' east from the point of of this description; thence south feet to said point of begin- Parcel B: A perpetual, non-exclusive ingress, egress, drainage and over, under and across the feet of a tract of land, particularly as follows: The part of the west southeast quarter and of Govern- of section 35, Township 21 north, 3 west, W.M., in Mason County, Wash- described as follows: Beginning at a south of the southeast cor- the northwest quarter of said southeast running thence west 330 feet, north west 330 feet, south 1,108.8 feet 660 feet south 191.4 feet, and east feet to the westerly line of Secondary Ihway no. 14-A; thence northerly, :1 westerly line of highway, to a point east from the point of beginning description; thence south 75930 ' west feet to said point of beginning. APN: Commonly known as: 5171 Route #3 Shelton, WA 98584 which that certain Deed of Trust dated 08/23/1999, under Audi- No. 1698544, in Book ***, Page *** of Mason County, Washington, from F. Lamont and Michael F. Lamont, and wife, as Grantor(s) to Old Re- Title/ATT Shari, as Trustee, to secure in favor of Key Bank USA, Na- as Beneficiary, (only if cur- different from original benefi- beneficial interest in which was as- Key Bank USA, National Associa- Mortgage Company, Inc. commenced by the Beneficiary of pending to seek sat- of the obligation in any Court by rea- Borrower's or Grantor's default on secured by the Deed of Trust/ III. The default(s) for which this is/are as follows: Failure !When due the following amounts which in arrears: $14,266.57 IV. The sum )n secured by the Deed principal sum of $104,102.52, with interest as provided in the Note 5/23/2006, and such other costs as are provided by statue. V. The real property will be sold to of sale and the obligation r said Deed of Trust as provided by =, Said sale will be made without war- or implied, regarding title, encumbrances on 6/22/2007. to in Paragraph III must by 6/11/2007, (11 days before the to cause a discontinuance of the sale will be discontinued and tar- at any time before 6/11/2007 (11 the default as set forth III is cured and the Trustee's costs are paid. Payment must be or with cashiers or certified checks t 8late or federally chartered bank. The 'be terminated at any time after the (11 days before the sale date) and Sale, by the Borrower or Grantor of any recorded junior lien or by paying the principal and in- costs, fees and advances, if any, the terms of the obligation of Trust. VI. A written Notice of transmitted by the Beneficiary to the Borrower and Grantor at address(es): Name: Beverly F. and Michael F. Lamont, husband and ;171 State Route #3 Shelton, by both first class and certified proof of which is in the of the Trustee, and the Borrower were personally served, if ap- With said written Notice of Default Written Notice of Default was posted place on the real property, in Paragraph I above, and the has possession of proof of such ser- VII. The Trustee whose name are set forth below will provide it, a statement fees due at any time prior to The effect of the sale will be to the Grantor and all those who hold or under the Grantor of all their the above-described property. IX. ing any objection to the sale on whatsoever will be afforded an to be heard as to those objec- bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale Failure to bring may result in a waiver of any for invalidating the Trustee's TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- purchaser at the Trustee's sale to possession of the property on =g the sale, as against the Under the deed of trust (the owner) having an interest junior to the including occupants and ten- 20th day following the sale the has the right to evict occupants by summary proceedings under Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 Trustee is unable to convey title the successful bidder's sole remedy shall be the return of the Trustee, and the success- Shall have no further recourse. This collect a debt and any infor- used for that purpose. 12007 Quality Loan Service Corpo- as Trustee By: Hazel Trustee Sale Officer For info Qual- Corp of Washington 319 2rid Floor San Diego, CA 92101 1 Sale Line: 7t4-573-1965 or com For Ser- Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 600 First Avenue, Suite 435 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 645-7711 P290844 5/24, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Loan No. 32787772 APN: 320065200017 TS # WA-07-74358-CM NOTICE OF TRUST- EE'S SALE Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 61.24 ET. SEQ. I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee will on 6/22/2007, at 10:00 AM at At the main entrance to the Superior Courthouse, 4th and Alder, She/ton, WA will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, or ca- shier's check or certified checks from feder- ally or state chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to wit: Lot seventeen (17), Oak Bark No. 4, volume 9 of plats, pages 164 and 165, records of Mason County, Washington. Commonly known as: 31 East Spruce Place Shelton, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 4/14/2003 re- corded 04/29/2003, under Auditor's File No. 1780441, in Book XXX, Page XXX records of Mason County, Washington, from Lance Jones, a married male, as Grantor(s) to Ma- son County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Mortgage Electronic Systems, INC. as nominee for Sub Mortgage Corp, as Beneficiary, (only if current beneficiary different from original beneficiary) the beneficial interest in which was assigned by Mortgage Electronic Reg- istration Systems, INC. as nominee for Sub Mortgage Corp. to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee for the regis- tered holders of CDC Mortgage Capital Trust 2003-HE3, Mortgage Pass-Though Certifi- cated, Series 2003-HE3. II. NO action com- menced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obliga- tion secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. II1. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: $6,527.01 IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $87,068.28, together with interest as provided in the Note from 11/1/2007, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statue. V. The above-de- scribed real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- cured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without war- ranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, encumbrances on 6/22/2007. The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 6/11/2007, (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and ter- minated if at' any time before 6/11/2007 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated at any time after the 6/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date) and before the Sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal and in- terest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. Vl. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): Name: Lance Jones, a married Male Address: 31 East Spruce Place Shelton, WA 98584 by beth first class and certified mail on 2/1 2/2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee, and the Bor- rower and Grantor were personally served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property, described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such ser- vice or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANTS- The purchaser at the Trustee's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and ten- ants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the suc- cessful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that pur- pose. Dated: 3/19/2007 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington as Trustee By: Hazel Garcia, Asst. Trustee Sale Officer For Non-Sale, Payoff & Reinstatement info Qual- ity Loan Service Corp of Washington 319 Elm Street, 2nd Floor San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 645-7711 Sale Line: 714-573-1965 or Login to: For Ser- vice of Process: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 600 First Avenue, Suite 435 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 645-7711 P282392 5/24, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant To the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. File No. 07-05777 Grantors: RECON- TRUST COMPANY, N.A. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Grantee(s): NIKITA SIERRA On June 22, 2007 at 10:00AM The main entrance to the Mason County Courthouse, 4th & Alder, She/ton, WA, State of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee, RECONTRUST COMPA- NY, N.A., (subject to any conditions imposed by the trustee to protect the lender and bor- rower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the county(ies) of Mason,State of Wash- ington: Tax Parcel ID no.: 32020 53 04915 TRACT B, CITY OF SHORT PLAT SUBDI- VISON NO. 12, AS PER PLAT RECORDED FEB 15 1977 UNDER AUDITORS FILE NO. 324707, AND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 4, BAYVIEW HOME TRACTS, IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 3, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON Com- monly Known as: 1504 CENTER STREET, SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 07/15/2005, recorded on 07/19/2005,under Auditor's File No. 1842955, records of Mason County, Washington from NIKITA SIERRA, AN UN- MARRIED WOMAN, as grantor, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELEC- TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as beneficiary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. II1. The Beneficiary al- leges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payments $2,530.37 B. Late Charges $122.28 C. Ben- eficiary Advances $396.43 D. Suspense Balance ($0.00) E. Other Fees $0.00 Total Arrears $3,049.08 F. Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $337.50 Title Report $509.01 Statutory Mailings $46.54 Recording Fees $68.00 Publication $ 0.00 Posting $100.00 Total Costs $1,061.05 To- tal Amount Due: $4,110.13 Other potential defaults do not involve payment of the Ben- eficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below are catego- ries of common defaults, which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Oppo- site each such listed default is a brief descrip- tion of the action/documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults iden- tified by Beneficiary or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and as- sessments against the property are paid cur- rent Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens are paid current and that no other defaults ex- ist. Failure to insure property against hazard Deliver to Trustee written proof that the prop- arty isinsured against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust. Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust. Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) Revert title to permitted vest- ee. IV. The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Bal- ance of $74,399.80, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument se- cured from 11/01/2006 and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above-described real prop- erty will be sold to satisfy the expense of the sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on 06/22/2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the close of the Trustee's business on 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), the defaults(s) as set forth in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, and Guar- antor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire balance of principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VIA written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(as): NIKITA SIERRA 1504 Center St She/ton, WA 98584 NIKITA SIER- RA 1504 CENTER STREET SHELTON, WA 985B4 NIKITA LYNN SIERRA AKA NIKITA SIERRA 1504 CENTER STREET SHEL- TON, WA 98584 by both first class and ei- ther certified mail, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 02/1312007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 02/13/2007 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with said written no- tice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of such ser- vice or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all foreclosure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objections to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an olP portunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor un- der the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale of the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. DATED: March 20, 2007 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. By: - Its Assistant Secretary RECON- TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1757 TAPO CAN- YON ROAD, SVW-88 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: 8002818219 THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE DEBT SET FORTH ON THIS NOTICE WILL BE AS- SUMED TO BE VALID UNLESS YOU DIS- PUTE THE DEBT BY PROVIDING THIS OF- FICE WITH A WRITTEN NOTICE OF YOUR DISPUTE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF YOUR RE- CEIPT OF THIS NOTICE, SETTING FORTH THE BASIS OF YOUR DISPUTE. IF YOU DISPUTE THE DEBT IN WRITING WITHIN 30 DAYS, WE WILL OBTAIN AND MAIL VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT TO YOU. IF THE CREDITOR IDENTIFIED IN THIS NO- TICE IS DIFFERENT THAN YOUR ORIGI- NAL CREDITOR, WE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR IF YOU REQUEST THIS INFORMATION IN WRITING WITHIN 30 DAYS. ASAP# 836947 05/24/2007, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Notice of Trustee'e Sale Pursuant to RCW Ch. 61.24 et. seq. Recorded 3/12/2007 as No. 1891094. Abbrev. Legal: Southeast Quarter, Sec. 27, Township 21 North, Range 4 West WM.; Tax Parcel No. 42127 41 00000 TO: Larry L. Rockey and Occupants, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 Linda Rockey, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 "Jane Doe" Rockey, 521 West California Road, She/ton, WA 98584 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, Paul S. Cosgrove, will on the 22nd day of June, 2007, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M at front steps of the Ma- son County Courthouse, 419 N. 4th Street, in the City of She/ton, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the fol- lowing described real property, situated in the County(ies) of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: All that portion of the Southeast quar- ter of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, WM., in Mason County, Washington, lying Northerly and Easterly of a line particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1 1/2" iron pipe for the Southeast corner of said Section 27; thence North 00 ° 14'04" East, along the East line of said Section, 1091.73 feet, to a Norris bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereby described line; thence North 41°03'06" West, 134.93 feet; thence North 45°39'51" West, 248.54 feet; thence North 32°09'08" West, 166.70 feet; thence North 72°15'53" West, 273.84 feet; thence North 84013'35" West, 245.52 feet; thence South 87°24'31" West, 304.65 feet; thence North 79°23'08 " West, 155.94 feet to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 43°08'40" West to the North line of said Southeast quarter of Section 27 and the terminus of the hereby described line. (The postal address is more commonly known as: 521 West Califor- nia Road, Shelton, WA 98584 Tax Account No. 42127 41 00000; assessors' ID for man- ufactured home 30 11381 ); which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated February 9, 2006, recorded February 24, 2006, under Auditor's File No. 1861388, records of Mason County, Washington, from Larry L. Rockey, a married man as his separate property, as Grantor, to Paul S. Cosgrove, Esq., as Trust- ee, to secure an obligation in favor of Budget Finance Company, a corporation, as Ben- eficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned to Budget Capital Corporation, a California corporation, under an Assignment recorded under Auditor's File No. 1862396. 2. No action commenced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust or the Beneficiary's successor is now pending to seek satisfac- tion of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's default in the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust. 3. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Monthly Payment: 5 mo. payments of $704.78 each from 11/1/06 through 3/1/07 for a total of $3,523.90; Late Charges of $35.23 for each monthly payment not made within 15 days of its due date for a total of $176.15; Escrow Account Deficit $752.96. TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, LATE CHARGES AND ESCROW ACCOUNT DEF- ICIT $4,453.01. 4. The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $75,295.58, together with interest as pro- vided in the note or other instrument secured from the 1st day of November, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. 5. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured,by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on the 22nd day of June, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph 3 must be cured by the 11th day of June, 2007 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before the 1 lth day of June, 2007 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph 3 is/are cured and the trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after the 22nd day of June, 2007 (t 1 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Grantor or the Grantor's succes- sor in interest or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. 6. A written notice of default was trans- mitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Grantor or the Grantor's successor in interest at the following address: Larry L. Rockey, 521 West California Road, Sbelton, WA 98584 and "Jane Doe" Rockey, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 by both first class and certified mail on the 2nd day of February, 2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Grantor or the Grantor's successor in interest was personally served on the 3rd day of February, 2007, with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. 7. After receiving a request for a state- ment of all costs and fees due at any time pri- or to the sale from any person entitled to no- tice under RCW 61.24.040(1 )(b), the Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide the requested statement in writ- ing to such person. 8. The effect of the sale will be to de- prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their inter- est in the above-described property. 9. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated March 8, 2007. /s/ Paul S. Cos- grove, Trustee, WSB #14013, Lindsay, Hart, Nell & Weigler, LLP, 220 NW Skyline Blvd., Portland, OR 97210, Phone: (503) 291-6700 or (503) 956-8139 (TS #66025-72) 6/14 It ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE Skokomleh t3ba'dse Project Phase I INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION Scope: The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, mate- rials, equipment, and supervision necessary to construct access and internal roads, water distribution system, sanitary and stormwater collection system and stormwater treatment facilities for Phase I of the t3ba'das Project on the Skokomish Indian Reservation. Items Include: grading and construction of roads, excavation, installation and backfill of domestic water, of sanitary and of stormwa- ter infrastructures, disinfection and testing of the domestic water distribution system, land- scaping, and all other items for a complete and operational installation. The project is located near Shelton, Washington in Mason County. Contacts: Technical Information: Herb Fricke, P.E. Cascade Design Professionals, Inc. 2780 SE Harrison Street, Suite 104 Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 652-9090 Contract information ("OWNER"): Steve Dunk, Manager New Housing and Infrastructure Develop- ment Skokomish Indian Tribe North 80 Tribal Center Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-4232, main, email Bids Due: June 28, 2007, 2:00 PM Pro-Bid Conference: June 18, 2007, 10:00 AM at Skokomish Tribal Center Performance Time: 120 Calendar Days Plans and Specifications Available From: Applied Digital Imaging 1803 N. State Street Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 671-9465, main, email 6/14 It RESOLUTION NO. 54-07 COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE BEEVILLE LOOP ROAD. (COUNTY ROAD NO. 01420) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursu- ant to RCW 47.48.010, Beeville Loop Road, located at approximate Milepost 0.02, on County Road No. 01420, shall be closed to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, July 16, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 23, 2007 and will close again at approximate Milepost 5.54 to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 6, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 24, 2007 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Mason County Commissioners has declared the above described road closure a public necessity to facilitate work associated with two culvert replacements projects, THEREFORE, the County Engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as prescribed by law. ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 6/14 It RESOLUTION NO. 55-07 COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE AGATE LOOP ROAD (COUNTY ROAD NO. 23500) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursu- ant to RCW 47.48.010, Agate Loop Road, located at approximate Milepost 1.28 to Mile- post 1.29, on County Road No. 23500, shall be closed to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, June 18, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Thurs- day, June 21,2007. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Mason County Commissioners has declared the above described road closure a public necessity to facilitate work associated with bridge repair on Chapman Cove Bridge. THEREFORE, the County Engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as prescribed by law. ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent e Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 6/14 It SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No.: 07-2-00417-7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON JEFF METZGER and MARGARET A. METZGER, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS of DANIEL McGUIRE and UNKNOWN HEIRS of EVA PRIESTLEY, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. The State of Washington to the unknown heirs of Daniel McGuire and Eva Priestley and all other Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Estate, Lien or In- terest In or to the real property described in the Complaint herein, Defendants: Each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, which date was the 14th day of June 2007 and defend this action in the above entitled court. You are to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, at his office below stated. In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to the real property described in the Complaint herein. DATED: 6-6-07 SETTLE & JOHNSON, PLLC /s/Robert W. Johnson ROBERT W. JOHNSON, WSBA 15486 Attorneys for the Plaintiff P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584 6/14-21-28-7/5-12-19 6t Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 41 No. 5001383317 APN: 32135-43- rS # WA-05-52150-NF NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the Revised of Washington Chapter 61.24 ET. L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Loan Service Corp. of Washington, ned Trustee will on 6/22/2007, AM at At the main entrance to the ' Courthouse, 4th and Alder, Shelton, at auction to the highest and payable, in the form of cash, or check or certified checks from fed- or state chartered banks, at the time I the following described real property, in the County of Mason, State of to wit: Parcel A: The north 226 ! measured along the west line of the described tract: That part of the of the southeast quarter, and of lot 2 35, Township 21 west, W.M., in Mason County, described as follows: Beginning south of the southeast uarter of said south- running thence west 330 feet, feet, south 1,108.8 feet, East south 191.4 feet, west 330 feet, 44.22 feet to the westerly line of State Highway no. 14-A; thence It, along said westerly line of highway, north 7530 ' east from the point of of this description; thence south feet to said point of begin- Parcel B: A perpetual, non-exclusive ingress, egress, drainage and over, under and across the feet of a tract of land, particularly as follows: The part of the west southeast quarter and of Govern- of section 35, Township 21 north, 3 west, W.M., in Mason County, Wash- described as follows: Beginning at a south of the southeast cor- the northwest quarter of said southeast running thence west 330 feet, north west 330 feet, south 1,108.8 feet 660 feet south 191.4 feet, and east feet to the westerly line of Secondary Ihway no. 14-A; thence northerly, :1 westerly line of highway, to a point east from the point of beginning description; thence south 75930 ' west feet to said point of beginning. APN: Commonly known as: 5171 Route #3 Shelton, WA 98584 which that certain Deed of Trust dated 08/23/1999, under Audi- No. 1698544, in Book ***, Page *** of Mason County, Washington, from F. Lamont and Michael F. Lamont, and wife, as Grantor(s) to Old Re- Title/ATT Shari, as Trustee, to secure in favor of Key Bank USA, Na- as Beneficiary, (only if cur- different from original benefi- beneficial interest in which was as- Key Bank USA, National Associa- Mortgage Company, Inc. commenced by the Beneficiary of pending to seek sat- of the obligation in any Court by rea- Borrower's or Grantor's default on secured by the Deed of Trust/ III. The default(s) for which this is/are as follows: Failure !When due the following amounts which in arrears: $14,266.57 IV. The sum )n secured by the Deed principal sum of $104,102.52, with interest as provided in the Note 5/23/2006, and such other costs as are provided by statue. V. The real property will be sold to of sale and the obligation r said Deed of Trust as provided by =, Said sale will be made without war- or implied, regarding title, encumbrances on 6/22/2007. to in Paragraph III must by 6/11/2007, (11 days before the to cause a discontinuance of the sale will be discontinued and tar- at any time before 6/11/2007 (11 the default as set forth III is cured and the Trustee's costs are paid. Payment must be or with cashiers or certified checks t 8late or federally chartered bank. The 'be terminated at any time after the (11 days before the sale date) and Sale, by the Borrower or Grantor of any recorded junior lien or by paying the principal and in- costs, fees and advances, if any, the terms of the obligation of Trust. VI. A written Notice of transmitted by the Beneficiary to the Borrower and Grantor at address(es): Name: Beverly F. and Michael F. Lamont, husband and ;171 State Route #3 Shelton, by both first class and certified proof of which is in the of the Trustee, and the Borrower were personally served, if ap- With said written Notice of Default Written Notice of Default was posted place on the real property, in Paragraph I above, and the has possession of proof of such ser- VII. The Trustee whose name are set forth below will provide it, a statement fees due at any time prior to The effect of the sale will be to the Grantor and all those who hold or under the Grantor of all their the above-described property. IX. ing any objection to the sale on whatsoever will be afforded an to be heard as to those objec- bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale Failure to bring may result in a waiver of any for invalidating the Trustee's TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- purchaser at the Trustee's sale to possession of the property on =g the sale, as against the Under the deed of trust (the owner) having an interest junior to the including occupants and ten- 20th day following the sale the has the right to evict occupants by summary proceedings under Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 Trustee is unable to convey title the successful bidder's sole remedy shall be the return of the Trustee, and the success- Shall have no further recourse. This collect a debt and any infor- used for that purpose. 12007 Quality Loan Service Corpo- as Trustee By: Hazel Trustee Sale Officer For info Qual- Corp of Washington 319 2rid Floor San Diego, CA 92101 1 Sale Line: 7t4-573-1965 or com For Ser- Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 600 First Avenue, Suite 435 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 645-7711 P290844 5/24, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Loan No. 32787772 APN: 320065200017 TS # WA-07-74358-CM NOTICE OF TRUST- EE'S SALE Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 61.24 ET. SEQ. I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee will on 6/22/2007, at 10:00 AM at At the main entrance to the Superior Courthouse, 4th and Alder, She/ton, WA will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, or ca- shier's check or certified checks from feder- ally or state chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to wit: Lot seventeen (17), Oak Bark No. 4, volume 9 of plats, pages 164 and 165, records of Mason County, Washington. Commonly known as: 31 East Spruce Place Shelton, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 4/14/2003 re- corded 04/29/2003, under Auditor's File No. 1780441, in Book XXX, Page XXX records of Mason County, Washington, from Lance Jones, a married male, as Grantor(s) to Ma- son County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Mortgage Electronic Systems, INC. as nominee for Sub Mortgage Corp, as Beneficiary, (only if current beneficiary different from original beneficiary) the beneficial interest in which was assigned by Mortgage Electronic Reg- istration Systems, INC. as nominee for Sub Mortgage Corp. to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee for the regis- tered holders of CDC Mortgage Capital Trust 2003-HE3, Mortgage Pass-Though Certifi- cated, Series 2003-HE3. II. NO action com- menced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obliga- tion secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. II1. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: $6,527.01 IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $87,068.28, together with interest as provided in the Note from 11/1/2007, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statue. V. The above-de- scribed real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation se- cured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without war- ranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, encumbrances on 6/22/2007. The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 6/11/2007, (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and ter- minated if at' any time before 6/11/2007 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated at any time after the 6/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date) and before the Sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal and in- terest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. Vl. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): Name: Lance Jones, a married Male Address: 31 East Spruce Place Shelton, WA 98584 by beth first class and certified mail on 2/1 2/2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee, and the Bor- rower and Grantor were personally served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property, described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such ser- vice or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANTS- The purchaser at the Trustee's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and ten- ants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the suc- cessful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that pur- pose. Dated: 3/19/2007 Quality Loan Service Corporation of Washington as Trustee By: Hazel Garcia, Asst. Trustee Sale Officer For Non-Sale, Payoff & Reinstatement info Qual- ity Loan Service Corp of Washington 319 Elm Street, 2nd Floor San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 645-7711 Sale Line: 714-573-1965 or Login to: For Ser- vice of Process: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 600 First Avenue, Suite 435 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 645-7711 P282392 5/24, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant To the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. File No. 07-05777 Grantors: RECON- TRUST COMPANY, N.A. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Grantee(s): NIKITA SIERRA On June 22, 2007 at 10:00AM The main entrance to the Mason County Courthouse, 4th & Alder, She/ton, WA, State of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee, RECONTRUST COMPA- NY, N.A., (subject to any conditions imposed by the trustee to protect the lender and bor- rower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the county(ies) of Mason,State of Wash- ington: Tax Parcel ID no.: 32020 53 04915 TRACT B, CITY OF SHORT PLAT SUBDI- VISON NO. 12, AS PER PLAT RECORDED FEB 15 1977 UNDER AUDITORS FILE NO. 324707, AND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 4, BAYVIEW HOME TRACTS, IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 3, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON Com- monly Known as: 1504 CENTER STREET, SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 07/15/2005, recorded on 07/19/2005,under Auditor's File No. 1842955, records of Mason County, Washington from NIKITA SIERRA, AN UN- MARRIED WOMAN, as grantor, to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELEC- TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as beneficiary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. II1. The Beneficiary al- leges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payments $2,530.37 B. Late Charges $122.28 C. Ben- eficiary Advances $396.43 D. Suspense Balance ($0.00) E. Other Fees $0.00 Total Arrears $3,049.08 F. Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $337.50 Title Report $509.01 Statutory Mailings $46.54 Recording Fees $68.00 Publication $ 0.00 Posting $100.00 Total Costs $1,061.05 To- tal Amount Due: $4,110.13 Other potential defaults do not involve payment of the Ben- eficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below are catego- ries of common defaults, which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Oppo- site each such listed default is a brief descrip- tion of the action/documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults iden- tified by Beneficiary or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and as- sessments against the property are paid cur- rent Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens are paid current and that no other defaults ex- ist. Failure to insure property against hazard Deliver to Trustee written proof that the prop- arty isinsured against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust. Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust. Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) Revert title to permitted vest- ee. IV. The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Bal- ance of $74,399.80, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument se- cured from 11/01/2006 and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above-described real prop- erty will be sold to satisfy the expense of the sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on 06/22/2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the close of the Trustee's business on 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), the defaults(s) as set forth in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after 06/11/2007 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, and Guar- antor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire balance of principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VIA written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(as): NIKITA SIERRA 1504 Center St She/ton, WA 98584 NIKITA SIER- RA 1504 CENTER STREET SHELTON, WA 985B4 NIKITA LYNN SIERRA AKA NIKITA SIERRA 1504 CENTER STREET SHEL- TON, WA 98584 by both first class and ei- ther certified mail, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 02/1312007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 02/13/2007 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with said written no- tice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of such ser- vice or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all foreclosure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objections to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an olP portunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor un- der the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale of the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. DATED: March 20, 2007 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. By: - Its Assistant Secretary RECON- TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1757 TAPO CAN- YON ROAD, SVW-88 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: 8002818219 THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE DEBT SET FORTH ON THIS NOTICE WILL BE AS- SUMED TO BE VALID UNLESS YOU DIS- PUTE THE DEBT BY PROVIDING THIS OF- FICE WITH A WRITTEN NOTICE OF YOUR DISPUTE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF YOUR RE- CEIPT OF THIS NOTICE, SETTING FORTH THE BASIS OF YOUR DISPUTE. IF YOU DISPUTE THE DEBT IN WRITING WITHIN 30 DAYS, WE WILL OBTAIN AND MAIL VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT TO YOU. IF THE CREDITOR IDENTIFIED IN THIS NO- TICE IS DIFFERENT THAN YOUR ORIGI- NAL CREDITOR, WE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR IF YOU REQUEST THIS INFORMATION IN WRITING WITHIN 30 DAYS. ASAP# 836947 05/24/2007, 06/14/2007 6/14 It Notice of Trustee'e Sale Pursuant to RCW Ch. 61.24 et. seq. Recorded 3/12/2007 as No. 1891094. Abbrev. Legal: Southeast Quarter, Sec. 27, Township 21 North, Range 4 West WM.; Tax Parcel No. 42127 41 00000 TO: Larry L. Rockey and Occupants, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 Linda Rockey, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 "Jane Doe" Rockey, 521 West California Road, She/ton, WA 98584 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, Paul S. Cosgrove, will on the 22nd day of June, 2007, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M at front steps of the Ma- son County Courthouse, 419 N. 4th Street, in the City of She/ton, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the fol- lowing described real property, situated in the County(ies) of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: All that portion of the Southeast quar- ter of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, WM., in Mason County, Washington, lying Northerly and Easterly of a line particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1 1/2" iron pipe for the Southeast corner of said Section 27; thence North 00 ° 14'04" East, along the East line of said Section, 1091.73 feet, to a Norris bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereby described line; thence North 41°03'06" West, 134.93 feet; thence North 45°39'51" West, 248.54 feet; thence North 32°09'08" West, 166.70 feet; thence North 72°15'53" West, 273.84 feet; thence North 84013'35" West, 245.52 feet; thence South 87°24'31" West, 304.65 feet; thence North 79°23'08 " West, 155.94 feet to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 43°08'40" West to the North line of said Southeast quarter of Section 27 and the terminus of the hereby described line. (The postal address is more commonly known as: 521 West Califor- nia Road, Shelton, WA 98584 Tax Account No. 42127 41 00000; assessors' ID for man- ufactured home 30 11381 ); which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated February 9, 2006, recorded February 24, 2006, under Auditor's File No. 1861388, records of Mason County, Washington, from Larry L. Rockey, a married man as his separate property, as Grantor, to Paul S. Cosgrove, Esq., as Trust- ee, to secure an obligation in favor of Budget Finance Company, a corporation, as Ben- eficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned to Budget Capital Corporation, a California corporation, under an Assignment recorded under Auditor's File No. 1862396. 2. No action commenced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust or the Beneficiary's successor is now pending to seek satisfac- tion of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's default in the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust. 3. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Monthly Payment: 5 mo. payments of $704.78 each from 11/1/06 through 3/1/07 for a total of $3,523.90; Late Charges of $35.23 for each monthly payment not made within 15 days of its due date for a total of $176.15; Escrow Account Deficit $752.96. TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, LATE CHARGES AND ESCROW ACCOUNT DEF- ICIT $4,453.01. 4. The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $75,295.58, together with interest as pro- vided in the note or other instrument secured from the 1st day of November, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. 5. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured,by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on the 22nd day of June, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph 3 must be cured by the 11th day of June, 2007 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before the 1 lth day of June, 2007 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph 3 is/are cured and the trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after the 22nd day of June, 2007 (t 1 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Grantor or the Grantor's succes- sor in interest or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. 6. A written notice of default was trans- mitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Grantor or the Grantor's successor in interest at the following address: Larry L. Rockey, 521 West California Road, Sbelton, WA 98584 and "Jane Doe" Rockey, 521 West California Road, Shelton, WA 98584 by both first class and certified mail on the 2nd day of February, 2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Grantor or the Grantor's successor in interest was personally served on the 3rd day of February, 2007, with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. 7. After receiving a request for a state- ment of all costs and fees due at any time pri- or to the sale from any person entitled to no- tice under RCW 61.24.040(1 )(b), the Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide the requested statement in writ- ing to such person. 8. The effect of the sale will be to de- prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their inter- est in the above-described property. 9. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated March 8, 2007. /s/ Paul S. Cos- grove, Trustee, WSB #14013, Lindsay, Hart, Nell & Weigler, LLP, 220 NW Skyline Blvd., Portland, OR 97210, Phone: (503) 291-6700 or (503) 956-8139 (TS #66025-72) 6/14 It ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE Skokomleh t3ba'dse Project Phase I INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION Scope: The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, mate- rials, equipment, and supervision necessary to construct access and internal roads, water distribution system, sanitary and stormwater collection system and stormwater treatment facilities for Phase I of the t3ba'das Project on the Skokomish Indian Reservation. Items Include: grading and construction of roads, excavation, installation and backfill of domestic water, of sanitary and of stormwa- ter infrastructures, disinfection and testing of the domestic water distribution system, land- scaping, and all other items for a complete and operational installation. The project is located near Shelton, Washington in Mason County. Contacts: Technical Information: Herb Fricke, P.E. Cascade Design Professionals, Inc. 2780 SE Harrison Street, Suite 104 Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 652-9090 Contract information ("OWNER"): Steve Dunk, Manager New Housing and Infrastructure Develop- ment Skokomish Indian Tribe North 80 Tribal Center Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-4232, main, email Bids Due: June 28, 2007, 2:00 PM Pro-Bid Conference: June 18, 2007, 10:00 AM at Skokomish Tribal Center Performance Time: 120 Calendar Days Plans and Specifications Available From: Applied Digital Imaging 1803 N. State Street Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 671-9465, main, email 6/14 It RESOLUTION NO. 54-07 COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE BEEVILLE LOOP ROAD. (COUNTY ROAD NO. 01420) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursu- ant to RCW 47.48.010, Beeville Loop Road, located at approximate Milepost 0.02, on County Road No. 01420, shall be closed to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, July 16, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 23, 2007 and will close again at approximate Milepost 5.54 to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 6, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 24, 2007 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Mason County Commissioners has declared the above described road closure a public necessity to facilitate work associated with two culvert replacements projects, THEREFORE, the County Engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as prescribed by law. ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 6/14 It RESOLUTION NO. 55-07 COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE AGATE LOOP ROAD (COUNTY ROAD NO. 23500) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursu- ant to RCW 47.48.010, Agate Loop Road, located at approximate Milepost 1.28 to Mile- post 1.29, on County Road No. 23500, shall be closed to all through traffic from 8:00 a.m. Monday, June 18, 2007 to 5:00 p.m. Thurs- day, June 21,2007. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Mason County Commissioners has declared the above described road closure a public necessity to facilitate work associated with bridge repair on Chapman Cove Bridge. THEREFORE, the County Engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to proceed as prescribed by law. ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair Absent e Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 6/14 It SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No.: 07-2-00417-7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON JEFF METZGER and MARGARET A. METZGER, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS of DANIEL McGUIRE and UNKNOWN HEIRS of EVA PRIESTLEY, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. The State of Washington to the unknown heirs of Daniel McGuire and Eva Priestley and all other Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Estate, Lien or In- terest In or to the real property described in the Complaint herein, Defendants: Each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, which date was the 14th day of June 2007 and defend this action in the above entitled court. You are to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, at his office below stated. In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to the real property described in the Complaint herein. DATED: 6-6-07 SETTLE & JOHNSON, PLLC /s/Robert W. Johnson ROBERT W. JOHNSON, WSBA 15486 Attorneys for the Plaintiff P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584 6/14-21-28-7/5-12-19 6t Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 41