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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) Letter to the editor... COMMU N ITY CALEN DAR Honor each soldier Editor, The Herald: This letter is in regards to the recent decision by Fort Lewis of- ficials to hold monthly memorials, rather than individual ceremo- nies, for fallen soldiers. Honor the brave young men and women. Keep it in the face of the public through the news, ev- ery day. The brave young men and women have disrupted their lives and have fallen from the bombs at the hands of the insurgents in Iraq and other acts as their duty calls. So must we disrupt our lives to honor their memory. Keep the memorials in the public face of the horrible tragedy the families must live from the loss of their loved ones. It is fitting that we, the pub- lic, share their grief and not be inconvenienced fi)r the disruption that their memorials cause. Pray, pray, pray for the government to face the reality of our involvement in Iraq. How long must we and the Iraqis face the evil? President Bush and Vice President Cheney, does victory mean annihilation of the Iraqis and the Americans? Elaine Perron Belfair Victor Community Club's annual flea market on Saturday The Victor Community Club will hold its annual flea market on Saturday, June 16, at the Victor Hall, located on State Route 302 (Victor Road) behind the fire sta- tion. The annual event supports the hall, as well as providing funds fbr scholarships and charity. This year's market will include furni- ture, housewares, clothes, books, tools, linens, antiques, plants, collectibles, a raffle, a bake sale, Saturday, June 16 hamburgers and hot dogs and free coffee. New group forms for friendly tennis matches in Belfair A local adults' tennis group has now begun meeting at the North Mason High School courts for in- formal play. The group gathers at about 9 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays, and all skill levels are welcome. For more in- formation and directions to the courts, call Bill Graham at 277- 3141. Sheriff's volunteers needed to assist at Belfair substation The Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice is again in need of volunteers at the Belfair substation. Volunteers donate four hours a week to assist deputies in fin- gerprinting, writing reports, issu- ing permits and teaching various child safety and public awareness programs. A 20-hour training pro- gram is provided. For more infor- mation visit the substation, locat- ed at 23910 NE State Route 3, in the heart of downtown Belfair, or call 277-3097. "Birding walks" will The first walk is scheduled for 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 22, and "birders" meet at Theler's Exhibit Center, located down the walkway from the main building. All ages are welcome, and bin- oculars and bird guides are avail- able for each walk. Donations are suggested and registration is re- quired. For more information call the Theler Center at 275-4898. Union church holds picnic and auction The New Community Church of Union is sponsoring an auction and picnic that will include free food and fun from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 16, at the A1- derbrook Wickiup (tennis courts park) off Manzanita. Items available by donation go to the Union Community Center and Church. Farmers' Market is open on Saturdays in Theler Center lot The Belfair Farmers' Market is open for its 14th season. The market opens at 9 a.m. on Satur- days, in the south parking lot of the Mary E. Theler Community Center, located at 22871 NE State Route 3. For more information on the market or becoming a vendor, call Norma Stencil at 275-0616 or visit the market Web site at www. Daisies will meet on Mondays at Theler Center this summer There is a Daisy Girl Scouts program planned this summer for girls who are 5 years old or going into kindergarten next year. The Daisies will meet from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, June 18 through July 23, in the Fern Room of the Mary E. Theler Community Center, lo- Thursday, June 14 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. 2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm- on Center Board of Directors, at the North Mason Timberland Re- gional Library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3. For more infor- mation call 275-2763. Friday, June 15 6 p.m., Mason-Benson Commu- nity Club senior social hour, 7 p.m. potluck. For more information call 427-0785. Saturday, June 16 1 p.m., Old Time Fiddlers' per- formance, open to the public, at the Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more information call 426-5326. Sunday, June 17 (Happy Father's Day!) North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Monday, June 18 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., North Mason Commu- nity Voice group's monthly meet- ing, Mary E. Theler Community Center, 22871 NE State Route 3. For more information contact Lee Swoboda at 275-9241. Tuesday, June 19 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. 10 a.m., Port of Grapeview com- missioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6610. Noon, Kiwanis, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0302. 2 p.m., Allyn Historic Church Association, lower level of Allyn Historic Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-5910. 5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com- missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6711. 6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous, Mary E. ThqrCommunity Cen- ter. For more information call Robin at 275-9262. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- fbrmation call 372-2613. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, June 20 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-2524. b00nin Pridnv h,n,, cated at 22871 NE State Route 3 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, v.o. ,,.uwI, vll in Belfair, Jimmy O's Restaurant, Belfair. 99 t Thplr r.ntQr The Daisy program is designed For more information call 275- ----,  ...v-v. vv-.Lv, to offer girls fun and friendship, 2098. Beginning bird watchers can as well as training for kindergar- Noon, North Mason Lions Club, participate in a series of "birding ten readiness, and is an introduc- Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- walks" planned at the Mary E. tion to the Girl Scout program, za. For more information call 275- Theler Community Center this For more information contact Lori 8135. summer. Patterson at 277-0540. Noon, Keenagers, AIlyn Baptist • Church, Allyn, potluck and speak- ,,,,,I,,m,,,,,,,,g,,m,g,,,,,,mmgm,m,,mgm,,gm,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mm,,,d,,m,,,,,i er. For more information call 275- 6:30 p.m., lap-band weight loss support group, upstairs at Belfair QFC. For more information call P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Slore and Victor. uuuu 275-6779. St. Hugh Episcopal Church We invite you to join us for Sunday Family Worship 10 a.m.. Sunday School Provided 280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn 360-275-8450 Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2007 7 p.m., Fire District 3 commis- sioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. For more information call 275-4483. Thursday, June 21 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. 10:30 a.m., Sarah Eckert Ortho- pedic Guild, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. Lunch follows meeting. For more information call 275-1245. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more inforl" tion call 277-3282. 6 p.m., Trails End Water  trict, at fire hall located at 1N l East Trails End Drive. For 0 information call 275-5318. INTERIOR EXTERI Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN J & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil • Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock Land Clearing * Free Estimates • Certified Scales # • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri. HUGE ANNUAL GARAGE SALE/FLEA MARKET MASON BENSON CENTER 5971 Mason Lake Drive West Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24 9 to 3 9 to 1 - Clothing Sl a bag Somethin for everyone! o,,2,, 'l SUZUKI GRAND VITARA V6, 5 spd, fully optioned, very clean. $6,777 ,lleYe00 CROWN AUTO SALES '02 MINI COOPER ..... , 1 owner, top of the line. Must see.. Blue book $21,000 Crown Price $17,500 Next to Shell • FREE WARRANTY NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair ""o- INTEnEST • 32-POINT SAFETY 360-277-3028 CHECK • NO or BAD CREDIT "OK" See Bob, Mark or Jackie • GOOD SELECTION '00 Ford Escort Z 4 cyl, 5 spd, low miles. Great on gas. $4,477 F¢ 11 Now is the time! For a limited time we're offering 2-for-1 savings on our ME-3 Contou sty}e. (They're our most popular personalized hearing aid,) Thl$ IS the time to improve your heaHng end take advantage of this great offerl Our ME3 Contour style dMivers: • Supe, ior 100% digital sound quality * Automatic adjustments for different environments and sound levels " 2-year warranty,* complete l after-care program Expetienee America Treats At MiracleEar ', we've been helping people hear better for nearly 60 years. So when you II visit any one of our 1,200 locations across Amer;ca, you're sure tO n(:eiw,  the friendly, professional service and the personalized hearing aids we're famous for. Free Heating Test I Ceil or visit your local Miracle-Ea or Sears blearing Aid Center today to schedule your frc,, no-obllgation hearing test.** Get two Miracle Earpersorla/ized hearing aids fol the price of oriel Simply preent this coJpon to receive two custom made ME-3 Contour style hearing aidr, for the price of one. Don't delay/ Offer ends June 22, 2007 La I i Ililiml SHELTON LACEY Miracle-Ear Center Sears Hearing Aid Center 1718 Olympic Highway N, South Sound Center (A,os ,h ,,e ,o,,, AW) 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 Free Re¢orded Message and Free Report Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, v,st a, wmn.ade.ear.C°¢ [ I lhe a( ( ) Letter to the editor... COMMU N ITY CALEN DAR Honor each soldier Editor, The Herald: This letter is in regards to the recent decision by Fort Lewis of- ficials to hold monthly memorials, rather than individual ceremo- nies, for fallen soldiers. Honor the brave young men and women. Keep it in the face of the public through the news, ev- ery day. The brave young men and women have disrupted their lives and have fallen from the bombs at the hands of the insurgents in Iraq and other acts as their duty calls. So must we disrupt our lives to honor their memory. Keep the memorials in the public face of the horrible tragedy the families must live from the loss of their loved ones. It is fitting that we, the pub- lic, share their grief and not be inconvenienced fi)r the disruption that their memorials cause. Pray, pray, pray for the government to face the reality of our involvement in Iraq. How long must we and the Iraqis face the evil? President Bush and Vice President Cheney, does victory mean annihilation of the Iraqis and the Americans? Elaine Perron Belfair Victor Community Club's annual flea market on Saturday The Victor Community Club will hold its annual flea market on Saturday, June 16, at the Victor Hall, located on State Route 302 (Victor Road) behind the fire sta- tion. The annual event supports the hall, as well as providing funds fbr scholarships and charity. This year's market will include furni- ture, housewares, clothes, books, tools, linens, antiques, plants, collectibles, a raffle, a bake sale, Saturday, June 16 hamburgers and hot dogs and free coffee. New group forms for friendly tennis matches in Belfair A local adults' tennis group has now begun meeting at the North Mason High School courts for in- formal play. The group gathers at about 9 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays, and all skill levels are welcome. For more in- formation and directions to the courts, call Bill Graham at 277- 3141. Sheriff's volunteers needed to assist at Belfair substation The Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice is again in need of volunteers at the Belfair substation. Volunteers donate four hours a week to assist deputies in fin- gerprinting, writing reports, issu- ing permits and teaching various child safety and public awareness programs. A 20-hour training pro- gram is provided. For more infor- mation visit the substation, locat- ed at 23910 NE State Route 3, in the heart of downtown Belfair, or call 277-3097. "Birding walks" will The first walk is scheduled for 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 22, and "birders" meet at Theler's Exhibit Center, located down the walkway from the main building. All ages are welcome, and bin- oculars and bird guides are avail- able for each walk. Donations are suggested and registration is re- quired. For more information call the Theler Center at 275-4898. Union church holds picnic and auction The New Community Church of Union is sponsoring an auction and picnic that will include free food and fun from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 16, at the A1- derbrook Wickiup (tennis courts park) off Manzanita. Items available by donation go to the Union Community Center and Church. Farmers' Market is open on Saturdays in Theler Center lot The Belfair Farmers' Market is open for its 14th season. The market opens at 9 a.m. on Satur- days, in the south parking lot of the Mary E. Theler Community Center, located at 22871 NE State Route 3. For more information on the market or becoming a vendor, call Norma Stencil at 275-0616 or visit the market Web site at www. Daisies will meet on Mondays at Theler Center this summer There is a Daisy Girl Scouts program planned this summer for girls who are 5 years old or going into kindergarten next year. The Daisies will meet from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, June 18 through July 23, in the Fern Room of the Mary E. Theler Community Center, lo- Thursday, June 14 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-3282. 2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm- on Center Board of Directors, at the North Mason Timberland Re- gional Library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3. For more infor- mation call 275-2763. Friday, June 15 6 p.m., Mason-Benson Commu- nity Club senior social hour, 7 p.m. potluck. For more information call 427-0785. Saturday, June 16 1 p.m., Old Time Fiddlers' per- formance, open to the public, at the Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more information call 426-5326. Sunday, June 17 (Happy Father's Day!) North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Monday, June 18 6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0944. 7 p.m., North Mason Commu- nity Voice group's monthly meet- ing, Mary E. Theler Community Center, 22871 NE State Route 3. For more information contact Lee Swoboda at 275-9241. Tuesday, June 19 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. 10 a.m., Port of Grapeview com- missioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6610. Noon, Kiwanis, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0302. 2 p.m., Allyn Historic Church Association, lower level of Allyn Historic Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-5910. 5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com- missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire Hall. For more information call 275-6711. 6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous, Mary E. ThqrCommunity Cen- ter. For more information call Robin at 275-9262. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- fbrmation call 372-2613. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0892. 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, June 20 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 275-2524. b00nin Pridnv h,n,, cated at 22871 NE State Route 3 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, v.o. ,,.uwI, vll in Belfair, Jimmy O's Restaurant, Belfair. 99 t Thplr r.ntQr The Daisy program is designed For more information call 275- ----,  ...v-v. vv-.Lv, to offer girls fun and friendship, 2098. Beginning bird watchers can as well as training for kindergar- Noon, North Mason Lions Club, participate in a series of "birding ten readiness, and is an introduc- Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- walks" planned at the Mary E. tion to the Girl Scout program, za. For more information call 275- Theler Community Center this For more information contact Lori 8135. summer. Patterson at 277-0540. Noon, Keenagers, AIlyn Baptist • Church, Allyn, potluck and speak- ,,,,,I,,m,,,,,,,,g,,m,g,,,,,,mmgm,m,,mgm,,gm,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mm,,,d,,m,,,,,i er. For more information call 275- 6:30 p.m., lap-band weight loss support group, upstairs at Belfair QFC. For more information call P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Slore and Victor. uuuu 275-6779. St. Hugh Episcopal Church We invite you to join us for Sunday Family Worship 10 a.m.. Sunday School Provided 280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn 360-275-8450 Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2007 7 p.m., Fire District 3 commis- sioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. For more information call 275-4483. Thursday, June 21 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. 10:30 a.m., Sarah Eckert Ortho- pedic Guild, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. Lunch follows meeting. For more information call 275-1245. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more inforl" tion call 277-3282. 6 p.m., Trails End Water  trict, at fire hall located at 1N l East Trails End Drive. For 0 information call 275-5318. INTERIOR EXTERI Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN J & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil • Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock Land Clearing * Free Estimates • Certified Scales # • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri. HUGE ANNUAL GARAGE SALE/FLEA MARKET MASON BENSON CENTER 5971 Mason Lake Drive West Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24 9 to 3 9 to 1 - Clothing Sl a bag Somethin for everyone! o,,2,, 'l SUZUKI GRAND VITARA V6, 5 spd, fully optioned, very clean. $6,777 ,lleYe00 CROWN AUTO SALES '02 MINI COOPER ..... , 1 owner, top of the line. Must see.. Blue book $21,000 Crown Price $17,500 Next to Shell • FREE WARRANTY NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair ""o- INTEnEST • 32-POINT SAFETY 360-277-3028 CHECK • NO or BAD CREDIT "OK" See Bob, Mark or Jackie • GOOD SELECTION '00 Ford Escort Z 4 cyl, 5 spd, low miles. Great on gas. $4,477 F¢ 11 Now is the time! For a limited time we're offering 2-for-1 savings on our ME-3 Contou sty}e. (They're our most popular personalized hearing aid,) Thl$ IS the time to improve your heaHng end take advantage of this great offerl Our ME3 Contour style dMivers: • Supe, ior 100% digital sound quality * Automatic adjustments for different environments and sound levels " 2-year warranty,* complete l after-care program Expetienee America Treats At MiracleEar ', we've been helping people hear better for nearly 60 years. So when you II visit any one of our 1,200 locations across Amer;ca, you're sure tO n(:eiw,  the friendly, professional service and the personalized hearing aids we're famous for. Free Heating Test I Ceil or visit your local Miracle-Ea or Sears blearing Aid Center today to schedule your frc,, no-obllgation hearing test.** Get two Miracle Earpersorla/ized hearing aids fol the price of oriel Simply preent this coJpon to receive two custom made ME-3 Contour style hearing aidr, for the price of one. Don't delay/ Offer ends June 22, 2007 La I i Ililiml SHELTON LACEY Miracle-Ear Center Sears Hearing Aid Center 1718 Olympic Highway N, South Sound Center (A,os ,h ,,e ,o,,, AW) 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 Free Re¢orded Message and Free Report Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, v,st a, wmn.ade.ear.C°¢ [ I lhe a( (