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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bituary Several churches,, set MildredWalxen chet. summer B:ble schools Belfair resident Mildred B. died on Monday, June 4, home. She was 87. 8he was born in Seattle on No- 4, 1919 to Abbott and Mar- 8he married Robert Matt of in 1937 and he preceded death in 1946. 1950, she married Earl R. of Belfair. He preceded 1976. llrs. Warren worked as a chef the original Melody Lane Res- Bremerton for 25 years then as a short-order cook un- retirement in 1967. was a member of Take Off Sensibly (TOPS) 1032 in and also the Bremerton Club. She loved to play pi- with her friends and to cro- Mrs. Warren is survived by her daughter Frances Bryden and her son Randy Warren, both of Bremerton; her brother Joseph Goss and her sister Elsie Baines, also both Bremerton residents; and by numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great- great grandchildren. At her request, there will be no services. Her ashes will be scat- tered in a private family ceremony at a later time. Her family will hold a gather- ing for her friends and loved ones at her home on Wednesday, July 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those that would like more information should contact her niece, Maria Goss, by calling her at 275-2179. At Mrs. Warren's request, me- morial donations may be made to the donor's favorite charity. dells plan "p to Liberia (Continued from page 1.) 1IE GOODELLS were im- areas need was being answered, in part, from an organiza- in their own backyard." what really inspired them was tie to Africa; their daughter who died in 2005 at age a horrific car crash, had in- neonatal nurse Work in Africa. -odell says that the family have never considered such to Marissa's death, of her strong convic- about Africa, they were in- to of our comfort and travel [there] to do work There are currently no govern- schools in Liberia and Liberian arm of STC (called God's Children") operates private schools there, serving 900 children between kinder- and the ninth grade. The include war orphans and child soldiers, some as old they didn't have the to go to school during GOODELL is a fourth- teacher at Grapeview El- School, and she will be the teachers," first as- the conditions and avail- resources and then putting a program to assist the in becoming as effective as [ THERAP will also deliver approxi- 200 hand-written letters Grapeview. students to the students, with the plan of a pen-pal program. • form of formal pub- lic education, it goes without say- ing that the STC students do not have formal sports programs. The Goodells' son Quin, age 15, plans to teach them various team sports, including baseball and American- style football. The students are, however, accustomed to soccer (known in the rest of the world as "football") and play the game with found objects such as rocks and plastic bottles. Quin will de- liver them a dozen brand-new soc- cer balls and expects to learn a thing or two about that game from them. DAN, FOR HIS part, can't prac- tice law in Liberia. But he plans to first visi the students' homes and see first-hand the living conditions and from that point teach some very basic hygiene programs and first aid information. Liberia has been without basic forms of mass communication or sanitation for, in their case, a full generation, and with the adult population es- sentially wiped out it is very likely that young people have never been taught the basics about germs and the ability of cleanliness to halt the spread of many common illnesses. The Goodells expect to be back in Belfair on or about July 12, but they don't expect that their lives will ever be quite the same again. Says Dan, "We've been involved with the children in our wonderful community for over 15 years and we worked hard to instill a sense of community involvement and volunteerism in our two children as they grew up." And they are very much aware that their"sense of community," in- spired by their daughter's dreams, is about to expand to global pro- portions. i ter from page 1.) and a collection form in bag to the bag of samples. The cost for fe- analysis is $25 and for vibrio is $30. Checks to be made payable to Am- Six oysters are for both vibrio and fecal owners on Hood Ca- did not submit a survey present samples ro 2 tle 28pC?:a h::atee: Y::: for fecal coliform free of charge on Sunday by completing a short survey thanks to a grant from the Puget Sound Action Team. To receive a copy of the survey and testing instructions, contact Teri King at 432-3054 or, better yet, send an e-mail to guatemal@ so that elec- tronic forms may be sent. By LIZ CASE Various local churches are plan- ning Vacation Bible Schools for kids this summer. Here is a rundown of what's in store: • On July 9-13, Belfair Community Baptist Church will hold "Son Force Kids, Special Agents" a spies-in-space theme program. It will run from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the eighth grade. There will also be snacks, music, crais, skits, games and a pifiata. The church is located at 23300 NE State Route 3. For more information about this school call 275- 6031. • On July 16-20, Christ Lutheran Church will hold "Great Bible Reef- Dive Deep Into God's Word" from 6 to 8 p.m. for kids in kindergarten through the sixth grade. Preregistration is rec- ommended for this program. A light dinner will be offered at 6 p.m. The church is located at 3701 NE North Shore Road. For more information about this program call 275-3354. • On July 16-20, North Mason United Methodist Church will hold "Big Splash" from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for the whole family. It will include a light meal at 6 p.m., crafts, Bible stories, puppets and various recreational ac- tivities. The church is located at 25140 NE State Route 3. For more informa- tion about this series call 275-3714. • On Jiffy 23-27, Belfair Assembly of God will hold "Mega-Sports Camp" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids in kin- dergarten through the sixth grade; preregistration is requested. Kids can pick one activity for the week (basket- ball, cheerleading, soccer or crafts) and the program will also include Bible classes, snacks and an on-site nurse. The church is located at 23001 NE State Route 3. For more informa- tion visit or call the church at 275-2858. • On July 23-27, Grapeview Tim- berland Community Church will hold '%Vaterworks Park" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the sixth grade. It will include snacks, crafts, PUBLIC MEETING At the public meeting held on June 12th 2007 The Belfair Water District Commission- ers decided to recess the meeting until June 20th 2007 at 2:00 P.M. at the Belfair Water District Office Meeting Room. This discussion will only be for the purpose of public com- ments and input on the Water System Plan Update, the public is welcome to attend. Jerry Hukill District Manager 6/14-1t l'.i|V ' W-'R i Since 1982 Valerie McLeod, Physical Therapist 70 NE Medical Center Road puppets, Bible dramas and games. The church is located at 460 East Ma- son-Benson Road and more informa- tion is available by calling 275-3750. • On July 23-27, Prince of Peace Catholic Church will hold "Son Force Kids" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the sixth grade. It will in- dude crafts, music, snacks and out- door activities. For more information call 275-8760. • On August 6-10, North Mason Bible Church will hold "Game Day Central" from 9 to 11:30 a.m. for kids ages 3 through the sixth grade. They will offer Bible stories, crai%, music, snacks and outdoor recreation. The church is located at 82 East Campus Drive and more information is avail- able by calling 275-4555. JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Lic #JESFII*228DO Clearing, Grading, Excavating Logging, Homesites to Commercial Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 18862 E State Rt. 3 J, lyn, WA 98524 ZEPHI*033C0 (360) 275-2861 Fax (360) 275-3355 Caregivers Needed in North Mason County for seniors and people with disabilities • Best wage & benefit package in the industry • Higher rate for NACs or experienced caregivers • Hourly, live-in, sleep-overs • Applicants must be 18 and older, possess a valid driver's Catholic COMMUNITY services of Western Washington Long Term Care System license and insurance & clear background check For more information: Mason County 360/427-2230 800/642-8026 EOE/ADA A .S -I Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency "f'or all your insurance need'" 11 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy. Belfair, WA 98528 (across from QFC) Yervilg, Mas'otl L)mnO" Since 1€70 Phone : (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848 275-4352 Visit us at our website: ' I '1,0011,1 Irlll' ' I I ' ' for., mall c I I ,' I n ..0000oTourna/ ' Veterinary Clinic leral small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLazA • BELFAIR I I Dr. Nancy Isbell , An in-county subscription I now practicing at I brings you the news for I I only 59 cents per week. I A Country , I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: I Name: • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm 360.277.3800 I I Address: I I I City: State: Zip: I I O $31 in County ) $45 Elma or Bremerton address I ) $45 in Washington State O $55 out of state I I Mail with check to: TheJournal I PO Box 430 I Shelton, WA 98584 Questions? Call 360.426.4412 I  I I i I I I i I I i i I I I I I I I I i  Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 bituary Several churches,, set MildredWalxen chet. summer B:ble schools Belfair resident Mildred B. died on Monday, June 4, home. She was 87. 8he was born in Seattle on No- 4, 1919 to Abbott and Mar- 8he married Robert Matt of in 1937 and he preceded death in 1946. 1950, she married Earl R. of Belfair. He preceded 1976. llrs. Warren worked as a chef the original Melody Lane Res- Bremerton for 25 years then as a short-order cook un- retirement in 1967. was a member of Take Off Sensibly (TOPS) 1032 in and also the Bremerton Club. She loved to play pi- with her friends and to cro- Mrs. Warren is survived by her daughter Frances Bryden and her son Randy Warren, both of Bremerton; her brother Joseph Goss and her sister Elsie Baines, also both Bremerton residents; and by numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great- great grandchildren. At her request, there will be no services. Her ashes will be scat- tered in a private family ceremony at a later time. Her family will hold a gather- ing for her friends and loved ones at her home on Wednesday, July 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those that would like more information should contact her niece, Maria Goss, by calling her at 275-2179. At Mrs. Warren's request, me- morial donations may be made to the donor's favorite charity. dells plan "p to Liberia (Continued from page 1.) 1IE GOODELLS were im- areas need was being answered, in part, from an organiza- in their own backyard." what really inspired them was tie to Africa; their daughter who died in 2005 at age a horrific car crash, had in- neonatal nurse Work in Africa. -odell says that the family have never considered such to Marissa's death, of her strong convic- about Africa, they were in- to of our comfort and travel [there] to do work There are currently no govern- schools in Liberia and Liberian arm of STC (called God's Children") operates private schools there, serving 900 children between kinder- and the ninth grade. The include war orphans and child soldiers, some as old they didn't have the to go to school during GOODELL is a fourth- teacher at Grapeview El- School, and she will be the teachers," first as- the conditions and avail- resources and then putting a program to assist the in becoming as effective as [ THERAP will also deliver approxi- 200 hand-written letters Grapeview. students to the students, with the plan of a pen-pal program. • form of formal pub- lic education, it goes without say- ing that the STC students do not have formal sports programs. The Goodells' son Quin, age 15, plans to teach them various team sports, including baseball and American- style football. The students are, however, accustomed to soccer (known in the rest of the world as "football") and play the game with found objects such as rocks and plastic bottles. Quin will de- liver them a dozen brand-new soc- cer balls and expects to learn a thing or two about that game from them. DAN, FOR HIS part, can't prac- tice law in Liberia. But he plans to first visi the students' homes and see first-hand the living conditions and from that point teach some very basic hygiene programs and first aid information. Liberia has been without basic forms of mass communication or sanitation for, in their case, a full generation, and with the adult population es- sentially wiped out it is very likely that young people have never been taught the basics about germs and the ability of cleanliness to halt the spread of many common illnesses. The Goodells expect to be back in Belfair on or about July 12, but they don't expect that their lives will ever be quite the same again. Says Dan, "We've been involved with the children in our wonderful community for over 15 years and we worked hard to instill a sense of community involvement and volunteerism in our two children as they grew up." And they are very much aware that their"sense of community," in- spired by their daughter's dreams, is about to expand to global pro- portions. i ter from page 1.) and a collection form in bag to the bag of samples. The cost for fe- analysis is $25 and for vibrio is $30. Checks to be made payable to Am- Six oysters are for both vibrio and fecal owners on Hood Ca- did not submit a survey present samples ro 2 tle 28pC?:a h::atee: Y::: for fecal coliform free of charge on Sunday by completing a short survey thanks to a grant from the Puget Sound Action Team. To receive a copy of the survey and testing instructions, contact Teri King at 432-3054 or, better yet, send an e-mail to guatemal@ so that elec- tronic forms may be sent. By LIZ CASE Various local churches are plan- ning Vacation Bible Schools for kids this summer. Here is a rundown of what's in store: • On July 9-13, Belfair Community Baptist Church will hold "Son Force Kids, Special Agents" a spies-in-space theme program. It will run from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the eighth grade. There will also be snacks, music, crais, skits, games and a pifiata. The church is located at 23300 NE State Route 3. For more information about this school call 275- 6031. • On July 16-20, Christ Lutheran Church will hold "Great Bible Reef- Dive Deep Into God's Word" from 6 to 8 p.m. for kids in kindergarten through the sixth grade. Preregistration is rec- ommended for this program. A light dinner will be offered at 6 p.m. The church is located at 3701 NE North Shore Road. For more information about this program call 275-3354. • On July 16-20, North Mason United Methodist Church will hold "Big Splash" from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for the whole family. It will include a light meal at 6 p.m., crafts, Bible stories, puppets and various recreational ac- tivities. The church is located at 25140 NE State Route 3. For more informa- tion about this series call 275-3714. • On Jiffy 23-27, Belfair Assembly of God will hold "Mega-Sports Camp" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids in kin- dergarten through the sixth grade; preregistration is requested. Kids can pick one activity for the week (basket- ball, cheerleading, soccer or crafts) and the program will also include Bible classes, snacks and an on-site nurse. The church is located at 23001 NE State Route 3. For more informa- tion visit or call the church at 275-2858. • On July 23-27, Grapeview Tim- berland Community Church will hold '%Vaterworks Park" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the sixth grade. It will include snacks, crafts, PUBLIC MEETING At the public meeting held on June 12th 2007 The Belfair Water District Commission- ers decided to recess the meeting until June 20th 2007 at 2:00 P.M. at the Belfair Water District Office Meeting Room. This discussion will only be for the purpose of public com- ments and input on the Water System Plan Update, the public is welcome to attend. Jerry Hukill District Manager 6/14-1t l'.i|V ' W-'R i Since 1982 Valerie McLeod, Physical Therapist 70 NE Medical Center Road puppets, Bible dramas and games. The church is located at 460 East Ma- son-Benson Road and more informa- tion is available by calling 275-3750. • On July 23-27, Prince of Peace Catholic Church will hold "Son Force Kids" from 9 a.m. to noon for kids ages 4 through the sixth grade. It will in- dude crafts, music, snacks and out- door activities. For more information call 275-8760. • On August 6-10, North Mason Bible Church will hold "Game Day Central" from 9 to 11:30 a.m. for kids ages 3 through the sixth grade. They will offer Bible stories, crai%, music, snacks and outdoor recreation. The church is located at 82 East Campus Drive and more information is avail- able by calling 275-4555. JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Lic #JESFII*228DO Clearing, Grading, Excavating Logging, Homesites to Commercial Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 18862 E State Rt. 3 J, lyn, WA 98524 ZEPHI*033C0 (360) 275-2861 Fax (360) 275-3355 Caregivers Needed in North Mason County for seniors and people with disabilities • Best wage & benefit package in the industry • Higher rate for NACs or experienced caregivers • Hourly, live-in, sleep-overs • Applicants must be 18 and older, possess a valid driver's Catholic COMMUNITY services of Western Washington Long Term Care System license and insurance & clear background check For more information: Mason County 360/427-2230 800/642-8026 EOE/ADA A .S -I Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency "f'or all your insurance need'" 11 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy. Belfair, WA 98528 (across from QFC) Yervilg, Mas'otl L)mnO" Since 1€70 Phone : (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848 275-4352 Visit us at our website: ' I '1,0011,1 Irlll' ' I I ' ' for., mall c I I ,' I n ..0000oTourna/ ' Veterinary Clinic leral small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLazA • BELFAIR I I Dr. Nancy Isbell , An in-county subscription I now practicing at I brings you the news for I I only 59 cents per week. I A Country , I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: I Name: • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm 360.277.3800 I I Address: I I I City: State: Zip: I I O $31 in County ) $45 Elma or Bremerton address I ) $45 in Washington State O $55 out of state I I Mail with check to: TheJournal I PO Box 430 I Shelton, WA 98584 Questions? Call 360.426.4412 I  I I i I I I i I I i i I I I I I I I I i  Thursday, June 14, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3