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Throughout lille summer: Basic cal" class
Several blood
drives are set
The Puget Sound Blood Cen-
ter has scheduled no less than
five visits to the Belfhir area
over the summer months.
The blood center is remind-
ing residents that it takes 900
donations every weekday to
keep blood supplies at stable
levels, and each donation can
potentially save three lives.
Those donations go not only
to trauma victims but also to
chemotherapy patients, sched-
uled surgeries, premature ba-
bies and others who cannot live
without the support of volun-
teer donors. Organizers are ask-
ing that whatever your summer
plans may be, consider making
time to support one of the blood
drives here in North Mason.
On Saturday, June 16, the
Blood Center will be at the
North Mason High School foot-
ball field tYom 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
during the Relay For Life can-
cel" fund-raising event.
On Thursday, June 21, a
blood drive will be held from
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the
Mary E. Tbeler Community
Center, located at 22871 NE
State Route 3 in Belfair.
On Wednesday, July 18, the
Blood Center will again be at
the Theler Center, this time
fixm 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
On Monday, July 30, a blood
drive will be held from noon to
3 p.m. at North Mason United
Methodist Church, located at
25140 NE State Route 3 in Bel-
On Thursday, August 16, the
Blood Center will be at the Ma-
sonic Center, located at 23341
NE State Route 3 in Belfair,
from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
will run June 30
Folks that have always wanted
to learn more of the basics about
their cars, but never took the time,
will be interested in an upcoming
free class in North Mason.
Anna Gilman of Belfair's Ca-
nal Automotive will teach a "Pow-
derpuff Mechanics" class at North
Mason United Methodist Church
beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday,
June 30. The class is free and open
to everyone.
Gilman trained as an Automotive
Technician at Olympic College and
has had over two years' experience
as a mechanic. She will teach class
participants how to change tires,
inspect belts, tires and fluids, and
give your car routine maintenance
as well offering tips on how to catch
problems while they are still small.
The class will have room for 20
students and Gilman requests that
enrollees call the church beforehand
with their vehicle type and any ape-
cific questions about their car.
The church is located at 25140
On Cam
At the Theler Center: Several with
. roots here
Auction 54v00ll have axe UW grads
a Hawaiian theme
If winter has been too long
and cold and gray tbr you, "A
Touch (and Taste) of Hawaii"
might be just the thing to
brighten up the early days of
your summer.
No, plane tickets are not re-
quired. It's the Mary E. Theler
Community Center's upcom-
ing fund-raising dinner and
auction, scheduled for 5 to 9
p.m. on Saturday, June 23.
The center is planning a
catered evening of fantastic
food ("including fabulously
rich desserts"), music, mixer
games and silent and live auc-
tions. Tickets are $20 per per-
son and attire will be casual
- but Hawaiian shirts, muu-
muus, and maybe even grass
skirts would be very much in
place here.
Reservations should be
made by Saturday, June 16,
Proceeds support the Center
and its wetland trails. For
more information about the
center or the upcoming event
call 275-4898.
Nine students from the North
Mason area have graduated with
bachelor's degrees from the Uni-
versity of Washington this term.
From Allyn, Joseph Woodrow
Sullivan earned his bachelor of
arts degree in communications
and journalism.
From Belfair, bachelor of arts
degrees were awarded to Alecia
Marie Allaway in psychology and
to Jennifer Christeen Hovee in
business administration and mar-
From Grapeview, a bachelor of
arts degree went to Anna Laura
Gardening class
set for the library
The Blue Thumb Gardening
Program is offering a free com-
posting workshop from 9:30 to
11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June
23, at the North Mason Tim-
berland Regional Library, lo-
cated at 23081 NE State Route
3 in Belfair.
Janis McNeal of Washing-
ton Sea Grant, University of
Washington, will guide work-
shop participants through the
process of making soil-enrich-
ing compost from yard and gar-
den waste. Topics will include
finding the right compost bin
tbr your needs, the proper mix
of ingredients, vermiculture
(worm composting) and using
compost as a soil conditioner
or mulch.
Hood Canal watershed resi-
dents attending the workshop
will receive a free compost bin.
Preregistration for the work-
shop is required to efisure ad-
equate materials and bins for
To register /br the class,
contact McNeal by calling
her at 360-432-3054 or by
e-mailing her at jmeneal@
The Blue Thumb Gardening
Program is produced through
funding from the Puget Sound
Action Team and Washington
Sea Grant.
I Autos - Trucks - Boats I
Antiques & Collectibles[
Tools - Nursery Plants
NE State Route 3. Call them at
275-3714 for more information or to
register for the free class.
...ua,.u La,..WVay .XUtR j/-f -. (Clean. or,..minUs:..,,,,W,
Large River Rock "AiCTWA
Delivery 5 days a week
* Dark, rich topsoil I GRAVEL CUSTOM
" Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE
[Xlfire, h/lO/07. (:ash value 1/20.
S Since1961
Miller Remodeling
Building 0" Your Dreams with Qualiti and Service
Custom Homes
\\;'isi www, tnmillerremodeling, cent
to read ;ft)our our
Septic Tank Sales Installs Repairs Pumps Baffles Repaired
Risers Installed Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields Curtain & Foundation Drains Foundation DigoutS
Misc. Clearing Gravel Pert Holes Designs Available
Hoover in interdisciplinary visual
arts and art history. Danene Ma-
rie Jesionowski and Michelle Ma-
rie Johnson earned degrees in the
field of business addnistration
accounting. Ashley Helen Minaker
earned a degree in interdisciplin-
ary arts and sciences.
Also from Grapeview, a bach-
elor of science degree was earned
by Amelia Dale Wallace in general
biology and Hilma Maudi Yantis
earned a combined bachelor of
arts and bachelor of music in mu-
sic and music education.
to rent or bb noves and/os' x:kq
to add some heat back into your relationip.
Open 7 Days A Week
Men-Sat 8am-2am Sun lOam-lOpm
P Elmo's ADULT
s|nce I YOY 338 N. Callow Bremer :
P.O. Box 275 NE 431 Lo, Yard Rd. Belfair, WA
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
Sen, ing anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor Coun
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy, N., Shelton
Per Small $12 'er
Load PTrailer b
(Pick-up Size) OR Load
275-0228 Please call for directions ond more information
Plastics or
J0seJeffrey T. Reasol M.D.
Board Certified,
Saturday, June 1 6
9 a.m.
Preview: June 15, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sat. B a.m.
To Be Held At."
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
9 a.m.: Shop, tools, firearms
I 0 ,.m.: Trees, plants, flowers
I I a.m.: Vehicles and boats
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques,
furniture, household, collectibles
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardrnan Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2007
Throughout lille summer: Basic cal" class
Several blood
drives are set
The Puget Sound Blood Cen-
ter has scheduled no less than
five visits to the Belfhir area
over the summer months.
The blood center is remind-
ing residents that it takes 900
donations every weekday to
keep blood supplies at stable
levels, and each donation can
potentially save three lives.
Those donations go not only
to trauma victims but also to
chemotherapy patients, sched-
uled surgeries, premature ba-
bies and others who cannot live
without the support of volun-
teer donors. Organizers are ask-
ing that whatever your summer
plans may be, consider making
time to support one of the blood
drives here in North Mason.
On Saturday, June 16, the
Blood Center will be at the
North Mason High School foot-
ball field tYom 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
during the Relay For Life can-
cel" fund-raising event.
On Thursday, June 21, a
blood drive will be held from
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the
Mary E. Tbeler Community
Center, located at 22871 NE
State Route 3 in Belfair.
On Wednesday, July 18, the
Blood Center will again be at
the Theler Center, this time
fixm 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
On Monday, July 30, a blood
drive will be held from noon to
3 p.m. at North Mason United
Methodist Church, located at
25140 NE State Route 3 in Bel-
On Thursday, August 16, the
Blood Center will be at the Ma-
sonic Center, located at 23341
NE State Route 3 in Belfair,
from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
will run June 30
Folks that have always wanted
to learn more of the basics about
their cars, but never took the time,
will be interested in an upcoming
free class in North Mason.
Anna Gilman of Belfair's Ca-
nal Automotive will teach a "Pow-
derpuff Mechanics" class at North
Mason United Methodist Church
beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday,
June 30. The class is free and open
to everyone.
Gilman trained as an Automotive
Technician at Olympic College and
has had over two years' experience
as a mechanic. She will teach class
participants how to change tires,
inspect belts, tires and fluids, and
give your car routine maintenance
as well offering tips on how to catch
problems while they are still small.
The class will have room for 20
students and Gilman requests that
enrollees call the church beforehand
with their vehicle type and any ape-
cific questions about their car.
The church is located at 25140
On Cam
At the Theler Center: Several with
. roots here
Auction 54v00ll have axe UW grads
a Hawaiian theme
If winter has been too long
and cold and gray tbr you, "A
Touch (and Taste) of Hawaii"
might be just the thing to
brighten up the early days of
your summer.
No, plane tickets are not re-
quired. It's the Mary E. Theler
Community Center's upcom-
ing fund-raising dinner and
auction, scheduled for 5 to 9
p.m. on Saturday, June 23.
The center is planning a
catered evening of fantastic
food ("including fabulously
rich desserts"), music, mixer
games and silent and live auc-
tions. Tickets are $20 per per-
son and attire will be casual
- but Hawaiian shirts, muu-
muus, and maybe even grass
skirts would be very much in
place here.
Reservations should be
made by Saturday, June 16,
Proceeds support the Center
and its wetland trails. For
more information about the
center or the upcoming event
call 275-4898.
Nine students from the North
Mason area have graduated with
bachelor's degrees from the Uni-
versity of Washington this term.
From Allyn, Joseph Woodrow
Sullivan earned his bachelor of
arts degree in communications
and journalism.
From Belfair, bachelor of arts
degrees were awarded to Alecia
Marie Allaway in psychology and
to Jennifer Christeen Hovee in
business administration and mar-
From Grapeview, a bachelor of
arts degree went to Anna Laura
Gardening class
set for the library
The Blue Thumb Gardening
Program is offering a free com-
posting workshop from 9:30 to
11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June
23, at the North Mason Tim-
berland Regional Library, lo-
cated at 23081 NE State Route
3 in Belfair.
Janis McNeal of Washing-
ton Sea Grant, University of
Washington, will guide work-
shop participants through the
process of making soil-enrich-
ing compost from yard and gar-
den waste. Topics will include
finding the right compost bin
tbr your needs, the proper mix
of ingredients, vermiculture
(worm composting) and using
compost as a soil conditioner
or mulch.
Hood Canal watershed resi-
dents attending the workshop
will receive a free compost bin.
Preregistration for the work-
shop is required to efisure ad-
equate materials and bins for
To register /br the class,
contact McNeal by calling
her at 360-432-3054 or by
e-mailing her at jmeneal@
The Blue Thumb Gardening
Program is produced through
funding from the Puget Sound
Action Team and Washington
Sea Grant.
I Autos - Trucks - Boats I
Antiques & Collectibles[
Tools - Nursery Plants
NE State Route 3. Call them at
275-3714 for more information or to
register for the free class.
...ua,.u La,..WVay .XUtR j/-f -. (Clean. or,..minUs:..,,,,W,
Large River Rock "AiCTWA
Delivery 5 days a week
* Dark, rich topsoil I GRAVEL CUSTOM
" Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE
[Xlfire, h/lO/07. (:ash value 1/20.
S Since1961
Miller Remodeling
Building 0" Your Dreams with Qualiti and Service
Custom Homes
\\;'isi www, tnmillerremodeling, cent
to read ;ft)our our
Septic Tank Sales Installs Repairs Pumps Baffles Repaired
Risers Installed Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields Curtain & Foundation Drains Foundation DigoutS
Misc. Clearing Gravel Pert Holes Designs Available
Hoover in interdisciplinary visual
arts and art history. Danene Ma-
rie Jesionowski and Michelle Ma-
rie Johnson earned degrees in the
field of business addnistration
accounting. Ashley Helen Minaker
earned a degree in interdisciplin-
ary arts and sciences.
Also from Grapeview, a bach-
elor of science degree was earned
by Amelia Dale Wallace in general
biology and Hilma Maudi Yantis
earned a combined bachelor of
arts and bachelor of music in mu-
sic and music education.
to rent or bb noves and/os' x:kq
to add some heat back into your relationip.
Open 7 Days A Week
Men-Sat 8am-2am Sun lOam-lOpm
P Elmo's ADULT
s|nce I YOY 338 N. Callow Bremer :
P.O. Box 275 NE 431 Lo, Yard Rd. Belfair, WA
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
Sen, ing anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor Coun
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy, N., Shelton
Per Small $12 'er
Load PTrailer b
(Pick-up Size) OR Load
275-0228 Please call for directions ond more information
Plastics or
J0seJeffrey T. Reasol M.D.
Board Certified,
Saturday, June 1 6
9 a.m.
Preview: June 15, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sat. B a.m.
To Be Held At."
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
9 a.m.: Shop, tools, firearms
I 0 ,.m.: Trees, plants, flowers
I I a.m.: Vehicles and boats
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques,
furniture, household, collectibles
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardrnan Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2007