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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By KEVIN SPRADLIN A moment of apprecia- tion and gratitude. That's what John Tar- rant and fellow Shelton Kiwanis Club members in- . tended ..... For more than 20 years, the Shelton Kiwanis Club has met annually to rec- ognize professionals from eight area law enforce- ment agencies. The hour-long program on Tuesday at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House in Shelton awarded plaques to eight individu- als who exceeded expec- tations in their chosen profession. Each of eight area agencies selected their own officer of the year. Kiwanis recognized each Courtesy photo Back row are Mason County Sheriff's Deputy James Ward, left, Shelton Police Department Officer Virgil Pentz, Washington State Patrol Trooper Josh Merritt and U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Service Officer Chris Zuchlewski. Front row are Mason County Jail Correctional Officer Dina Guay and Skokom- ish Tribal Police Officer Julia Smetzler. Not pictured are Squaxin Tribal Police Detective Tracey Bogart and Washington Correctional Center Officer Christina Cloud. one with a sincere "thank "A 10t of the time, I re- you." ally don't think people un- derstand the importanceretirement. Others, like of what you do," Kiwanis Zuchlewiski, were in the member John Tarrant early stages of their ca- said, reers. The officers recog- Skokomish Tribal Po- nized on Tuesday in- lice Chief Joe Vukich said cluded: Mason County pretty much every police SherifFs Deputy James agency has tightened its Ward; Shelton Police De- proverbial belt during the partment Officer Virgil current economic down- Pentz; Washington State turn. Patrol Trooper Josh Mer- Officers like Smetzler, ritt; Mason County Jail Vukich said, help make Correctional Officer Dina such adjustments much Guay; Skokomish Trib- easier to tolerate. al Police Officer Julia "The few do a lot for the Smetzler; Squaxin Tribal many with very little," Vu- Police Detective Tracey kich said in terms of pro- Bogart; Washington Cor- fessional obligations to rectional Center Officer residents and ever fewer Christina Cloud; and resources. U.S. Department of Fish Kiwanis member Dawn and Wildlife Service Offi- Pannell helped coordinate cer Chris Zuchlewski. the event. Some, like Pentz, had She said the annual more than three decades recognition lunch is "one of law enforcement ser- of our best programs that vice and were close to we have." Some spilled whiskey By NATALIE JOHNSON natalie@masoncounly,co~n A driver mistook the Kamilche Trading Post for a drive-through Fri- day just before noon, causing damage• to the building and shattering dozens of bottles of alcohol. "Somebody hit the wrong pedal," said Mike Foster, corporate security chief of Island Enterprises Inc. Secu- rity, According to trading post staff mem- bers, an elderly man hit the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal as he tried to park at the mini-mart, driving straight into the shop's wall. The accident caused some struc- tural damage to the building but it re- mained open as employees worked to clean up a spill of dozens of bottles of liquor. • Store manager Isaiah Coley said he had no idea how much it would cost to repair the damage to the building and replace the inventory. "I ' ' ....... t:s :qmte a bit of damage," he said, "I couldn't even begin to specu- late,,' ..... : :,¢: ...... Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Kamilche Trading Post employee John Rhoades helps clean up after a car crashed into the building's wall Friday, causing structural damage and spilling much 0f ...... store's inventory of liquor., TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO0 LATE TO CLASSIFY See our special Graduation section in today's Journal! MULTI-FAMILY garage sale. Saturday, 9am-3pm, S.E. 91 TJ Lane, off Arcadia. Bayliner boat, baby items, antique table, lots of great stuff. M6/14 Shelton man injured Tuesday in wreck Driver still sought by police STAFF REPORT D.~,@~a(~,$;y.corrt, A collision early Tuesday morning left a 21-year-old Shelton man seriously injured and has area law enforcement on .the lookout for the driver of a white 2000 Chevro- let pickup truck who fled the scene of the accident. Mason County sher- iffs deputies said in a news release the truck was traveling northwest on Bloomfield Road when it left the roadway and struck an embankment, rolling and then striking a large rock, coming to rest on its roof. Deputies said the pas- senger of the vehicle was ejected and the driver fled the scene. The passenger was airlifted to Harbor View Medical Center in Seat- tle and is in critical con- dition. Investigators said speed and alcohol were factors causing the colli- sion. Deputies have identi- fied a person of interest as the driver, but request anyone having informa- tion about the collision call the sheriff's office at 427-9670 ext. 313, to 40hp. Props, cheap. Down- urday 9am-4pm, 1810 Laurel riggers, trolling gear and gen- Street. H6/14 erators. 2 boat trailers, 3 small GARAGE/BAKE SALE ben- boats. 12ft. Highlaker and trailer, efit for Relay for Life. Multi-fam- Must see - 24ft. SeaRay and ily. Lots of treasures. Saturday, 1 -BEDROOM LOFT apartment. 22ft. Bayliner. June 21, 22 & 23, 8am-3pm, 402 E. Hiawatha Blvd. All utilities, $550 monthly. 261 E 9am-3:30pm, 2300 Brockdale C6/14 Capital Prairie Road, Shelton. Rd., Shelton. Mc6/14-21 SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 9am- 360-426-3192, leave message; BIG GARAGE SALE. Clothes 5pro. Man stuff, tools, building/ or 360-490-8076. L6/14 (children's, adults') miscella- maintenance parts, and miscel- EX MARINA garage sale. Lots neous, prom dress, W-price laneous. 926 Grant, Shelton. of boat parts. Outboards, 2hp Mary Kay products. Friday, Sat- T6/14 What can you buy for a • ou could do tffY • .,--uldn't it be gre.a_..._- a pennY. -ing I anyt m sometn air, you cabS" An ad this size workS w ennY per person Oh . ss than.a essageI. out ?22:'heal witn your m 227 West Cota Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN - WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: Julle 13, 2012 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 12-18 The Mason Coumy SherifFs ()l~]ce is releashlg the [ )tl )wing in[brmation pursumat to RCW 4,24.550 and tile Washington Stale Supreme ('ouu decision in ~. which authorizes law enforcement agenc, ies to inform the public of a sex offenders release where; in the discretion of lhe agency, the i'elease of inJbrmation ~ill enhance public saint2* and protection. The individual who appears on Ibis notification bas been convicted of a sex oftbnse lhat l,equlres registration with the Sheril~s Office in the couiIty of their residerlce. Further, ttleir previous criminal histor~ places them hi a classil]calion level which reflects tile polent kd to re.offend. This sex ofibnder h~ls served the sentence imposed o[I him by tile courts aBd [l~ls advised Ihe Mason Collnty SherifCs Office that be will be living in the location below. GARY BROWN IS WANTED BY THE POLICE AT I'IrlS rIME. rills NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAI~R PUBIJC. The Mason County Sheriff's Ot'fice has no legal authorily to direct wbere a sex offender may or may Ilot live. Unless court ordered restrictions exist• tbis offender is constitutionally flee to live wherever he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't undl passage of the Communib, ProtecfionAc~ol•1990(whichmandate~scx(~/bnderragL~'tratidn tbatlawertlbrcelnentevellknewwberet eywe'e vi g• Jtl many cases, lmv ellibrceinent is now able to share that inlbrmation whh you. Citizen abuse of Ibis information to t hreatei~, intimidate ol harass registered sex offenders will not be tolcrated. Further suehabusecouldpotentialvendla~elllbrcement'sab ytodocon nL~ ",no ]ca o s Webe eve he nype~onwhow s f commtmity notification ends is Ihe sex o[]~nder, since sex ofl~nders derive their power Ibrough secrecy. If wm have any informal on re~ard n~ e~ trent cr m hal act vitv of th s or any other offendo; p eose eal 9U(, For other sex offcnder information, ~O.¢O,~l~SOl|.W~.t~/and go to: GARY SHAWN BROWN ' INDIAN MALE-DOB: 06/14/1973 6 -02 - 235 LBS., BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYES Gary BROWN is required to register as a sex offender due to a t conviction on 04/25/2002 for Statutory Rape P Degree, Squaxiu Island Tribal Court, cause # CR-02-04056. This conviction is from when BROWN was 25 years old, he took a 14 year okl gM that he knew to a vacant honse, provided the girl with alcohol attd raped her. On 10102/2006, BROWN was convicted of a Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, Mason County Superior Court cause #06-1-00.~92-0. BROWN moved to Thurston County, but absconded. Due to citizen tips & observations, BROWN is believed to be hiding somewhere in Mason County. Due to these factors, BROWN is considered a HIGH RISK. NOTE: BROWN has multiple felony and misdemeanor wan•ants from nmltiple Law Enlbrcement agencies for his arrest. BROWN is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a level I offender, but due to his Fail To Register and hiding fi'om Law Enforcement, he is now risked as a Level 3 Sex Offender, This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a [ilGtl RISK to re-off;end. observe but call 911. Both the BROWN'S WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN AND HE IS WANTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal =Thursday, June 14, 2012