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Canal stud
k int
world of careers
The idea of the annual
Career Day at Hood Canal
School was for students to
learn something from the
On Friday, it might have
been the other way around.
Inventor Gordon Gerb-
ing -- famous for heated
clothing, for which Harley
Davidson serves as a ma-
jor retailer -- presented
i~he benefits of his outer-
wear, which has military,
industrial and recreational
applications. Tiffany Rut-
{edge wanted him to ex-
~)and to the educational
"Have you ever consid-
~red heated backpacks,"
:,he sixth-grader asked.
No, said the 82-year-old
{'rom Tumwater who grew
4Jerbing's Heated Clothing
t,o a company that gener-
!ttes $12 million each year
:in sales.
"Well, that's something
for me to think about,"
;2rerbing said.
A total of 106 students
in grades six through eight
were treated to presenta-
t, ions from 12 different pro-
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Journal photo by Kevin SpradNn
Faith Brimberry, a seventh grade student at Hood Canal School, serves
as a volunteer model for fashion designer Andrea Densley, of Legacy
Design Studio in Shelton.
, fessionals representing ev- different careers is a posi-
erything from art and dogtive break from the normal
training to college basket- routine.
ball coaching and wildlife "It's great," Kamin said,
biology. "because it gives students
Teacher Rob Kamin said a practical application for
the exposure ~o so many the knowledge they're ac-
cumulating here."
And it did relate. Fash-.
ion designer Andrea Dens-
ley, owner of Legacy Design
Studio in Shelton, repeated
to students how different
areas of interest could re-
late to her chosen field.
Like computer graphic
design? You could end up
in the fashion industry,
too, Densley said. Like
power tools? Fashion might
' The Community Came together in Support of the HoOd Canal Kiwanis FoUndatiOn Bid
for the Kids ottheir Spring Fling Ap!i! 21 at o Hood Canal SChool;
The Sp!ing Flings the Clubs biggest fUndraiso! d the year Wth onnuo dinner,
silent Ou¢flOn live aUCtion 0nd rOffle
Eve :one njoTecl ihe deliiious clinnei Catered bythe Tides Restauian[ :
Ent oinmeni was prOVided by lhe Wi!d Cats Cheei Squod for Sboppeis in lhe
Nke Roorda Seived as e:aO Oneer for event:
be for you as well.
While students might be
asked to improve in a num-
ber of areas during their
career as students, Dens-
ley said it's important to
know which ones you "like.
"Any skills that you
have, work on them," she
said. "And the ones you
love the most, work on
them a lot."
It takes a special skill
set to do what Kitara Pace
does for a living.
Pace works at Lega-
cy Canine Behavior and
Training in Sequim. On
Friday, her dog Daisy took
the limelight.
Pace said when she met
Daisy, the dog had been
abused and was in poor
physical condition.
Daisy, Pace said, had
been dragged behind a
moving truck, shot at, "was
covered in scabs," and was
"known as the trash can-
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tipper," showing signs of
foraging for food.
The question facing
Pace, though, was how
much mental damage Dai-
sy might have suffered.
Pace said she completed
a number of behavior tests
with the dog and, after a
year, Daisy was a certified
Good Canine Citizen.
Robin Von Ruden was
one of four students who
spearheaded a committee
to organize this year's pre-
sentation of professionals.
Robin said the commit-
tee first brainstormed to
draft a list of every pos-
sible profession that came
to mind.
Then, through a series
of decisions and a survey
from fellow students, the
group narrowed down the
list of potential presenters
to 18.
Of those, 12 were asked
to come speak to students
at the school.
Speakers included: An-
drea Wilbur, a Native
American artist; Ruth
Peterson, glass artist;
Kitara Pace, dog trainer;
Jeremy Bucklin, wireless
phone consultant; Mary
Hallek and Rick Johnson,
security officers; Jacob
Mearse, emergency room
nurse; Andrea Densley,
fashion designer; Forest
McCullough, logger; Keith
Cooper and Roger O'Neill,
collegiate basketball; two
legal aides; Levi Moulton,
mechanic; Gordon Gerb-
ing, inventor; and Beth-
any Tropp, wildlife biolo-
Rod Olsen Jr.
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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 14, 2012