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June 14, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2012
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i i r'r~at is so a hill! decided to go for a run. I ' I didn't say that. It was Jennifer My first thought: How on earth would I keep up with " " "' .i Ford, with whom I shared a five-mile ~~ her? '. ". - . • ' '. " ': training run on June 6 around Island Lake ~~ After high school, Ford had accepted a full athletic in Shelton. ~ 'i~ i~ scholarship to the University of North Florida, an NCAA It's been 14 years and several thousand ~ ~.~Division II institution in Jacksonville. miles since I last saw Ford. ~~ Her running career there went quite well. Ford earned In 1998, she was wrapping up a phe- ~ All-America status five times and won three national nomenal prep cross country and track ca- *" championships at 5,000 meters. PACES&PLACES recent study suggests something physical therapy care. You'll find reer for Gov. Thomas Johnson High School By KEVIN Ford, 32, still holds the university's school records in more. When researchers had ten us conveniently located at 2300 healthy young men ride station- Kati Ct., Ste. B. New patients ary bikes for 45 minutes, it was are welcome. Same day appoint- found that they burned an aver- ments are available and most in- age of approximately 500 calo- surance plans are accepted. ries. When the men's metabolic rate was then measured (using ES. In the study mentioned oxygen consumption as an indi- above, the young men pedaled fast enough to use 70 percent of cator), they burned an average their maximum oxygen intake. in Frederick, Md. At 19, I was barely three SPRADLIN the indoor and outdoor 3K and years into my career as a journalist. 16 minutes and 37.15 seconds. So, as it happened, we bumped into each other through a mutual acquaintance in Shelton and 5K, the latter in a time of See Paces on page C-3 i:i, i~ i:::;i!#:: cjone? Russ Denney CLEANERS & TAILORS ct a b r Mon-Fri,~l 5 South':30 a.m.-6:OOsecondP.m., Sot 9:00, 426-3371°'m"2:00 p.m. ~,,tO,~ )7' 5 COl ~ Member Serving She/ton and Mason County for 86 year, Attorneys and Counselors at Law • General Legal Services • Non-Profits • Small Businesses FL¥ONTHESIDELINE Hourly Rates starting at 550 i! 360-552-2022 PO Box 657 Union, WA 98592 i Colt-Palominos look for 12th man on the field By EMILY HANSON "-We had some Shelton two doubleheaders. The first team began the season a little en~iZy~_~;~uson, cou~ty~corn boys who wanted to play so two games were against an later than others, Solano said .......... I contacted Paul Drinkards 18-19-year-old team and the he had to scramble at the last and Brian Adams in Olympia Colt-Palominos lost both minute to get a schedule for With no Timbers baseball and we were able to come up games. .~ the team. teams this summer, the Ma- with 11 guys for a team," So- '%Ve're mostly 15-17 so %Ve're hoping to go into son County Youth Baseball lano said. we're playing older guys," So- the third week in July," he Association has created a The team has players lano said. %Ve held our own, said. "It's pretty much open new team for older teens, from both Shelton and Olym- though. We have some im-as far as scheduling games. The Colt-Palomino team pia and many of them have provement to make." The more the better." serves teens 15-19 years old never played together before The second doubleheaderThe Colt-Palominos are and is coached by Jorge Solano. they joined this team. games were against a team scheduled to play a doublehead- "We're still looking for"For putting a team to- made up of players who've er against the Maltby Stallions our 12th man," Solano said. gether with kids from two been playing together for a at 1 p.m. on Sunday at Mason '~¢¢e're playing with 11 guys different cities and at least few years, Solano said.County Recreation Area. fight now." three different high schools, "These games were a lot"The boys wanted to play, Solano said he and otherthey're on a quick learning closer," he said. "They're im- so we played," Solano said. coaches were hoping there'd curve as far as playing to- proving, we're just trying to %Ve've had a good time so far. be a Timbers baseball pro- gether," Solano said. figure out where the boys fit Hopefully, this'll be some- gram this summer but when Though the team doesn't in. We have pitching squared thing that continues to grow it didn't start up, he formed have a full lineup yet, the away, though." whether it be Timbers or the the Colt-Palomino team. boys have already playedSince the Colt-PalominoColt-Palomino team." It was fun climbing high with SHS, soaring with Owls Congratulations Graduates/ Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan Moldenhauer and Noel Longan, owner. AUTOMOTIVE 2033 Olympic Highway North ° Shelton 426-1467 A Fami Greenhouse. Nursery. Produce • Seafood. Bark . Soils. Plants • Olympic Mountain Ice Cream 1921 E. Hwy 106, Union WA 98592 (360) 898-2222 • (360) 426-2222 Open gam-S:3Opm • 7 days a week ¸ ii ii ; ii i¸ il; Buy & Sell! Vendor Space Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-4637 I Printed in Shelton, WA, USA ~ using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Printed With Thank you for recycling. SOY INK Over this school year, I know Ralph Kinne broke is. Hopefully in the years to come, I'll the teams at Shelton High ~ the yards in a single get the chance to talk to more High- School and Mary M. Knight ~ game school recordclimbers who've moved on to the pro- weren't always the most successful, was definitely a fessional sporting world. but I definitely have some favorite memorable game. State wrestling was a major high- memories from each season. Winter light of the winter season. Despite 'Fall With the cold the fact that none ofttie Highclimb~,~ My all time favorite memory from weather rolling into ers w6n in'theiic divisions, th~/~ill - - last fall was being with the Knight town and teams mov-worked hard and kept level heads. Owls football team on its journey to By EMILY ing into the gym, aI really enjoyed watching those ath- the first playoffs the team had ever HANSON new season of ups letes perform at such a high-stress gone to. Watching a football team and downs started tournament while remaining calm accomplish so much when everyone for the Owls and and collected. thought nothing of them at the be- Highclimbers. Spring ginning of the season was exciting. I The Owls found success on the This spring, pretty much all of my think those Owls are definitely going basketball courts. My favorite games favorite sports moments are any mo- to be at the top of some team's hit were when my sister and I drove out to ment during which rain wasn't falling lists next fall. Oakville to watch the boys' basketball down on me. Despite the low records of the SHS team get revenge for a recent loss to Aside from the near-constant fall teams there were some high mo- the Acorns. Though the girls' team lost downpour at the beginning of the ments there as well. that night, the game was one of the spring season, I definitely enjoyed The first came when I saw the most competitive ones I've ever seen watching the Shelton track and field Lady Highclimbers soccer team de- and it was pretty hard to keep from athletes achieve so much. feat Timberline, my alma mater, cheering along with the Owls' fans. I liked learning about golf, which Though I still find myself wanting A great memory for Shelton this I've never had the opportunity to to cheer on those Blazers when I winter was definitely being there report on before. Not being a golfer see them playing any sport, getting when the girls' basketball team won myself, it was a little confusing at to tease the Timberline coach after its first game in two years. Seeing the beginning of the season, but my the game for losing to Shelton was a those Lady Highclimbers jumping coaches helped me to learn more blast, off the bench and cheering on their about the sport and now I look for- I don't think I'll soon forget how teammates on the court in the team's ward to it for next spring. much fun I had at the Highclimbers' 42-38 victory over North Mason was Being there when the Climbers football game at Black Hills. When I touching and I hope to get to see won their first baseball game of the got to the game, Black Hills was win- more moments like that for the girls season was definitely exciting, es- ning, but shortly after my arrival, this upcoming winter, pecially since it was the first warm the Highclimbers ran in a pretty long Another great moment from this game I went to this spring. touchdown and suddenly I was run- winter was getting to sit down with I know there were more favorite ning down the sideline with a grin former Highclimber Caleb Schlau-moments for me during each season, on my face, jumping over the 10-yard deraff, now a lineman for the New but these are the ones that stuck out markers in my haste to catch up with York Jets. Talking to Schlauderaff at the top of my head. I'll try to keep those Climbers. was nothing like I thought talking to a list of them next year in order to Watching Shelton defeat Stadium a professional football player would share more. was an unexpected surprise last fall. be like. He is definitely not the ste- I also want to take this time to Both of my parents graduated from reotypical lineman. I don't know how thank everyone who supported these Stadium and for years I've heard linemen got the reputation for being athletes this year and encourage how great their sports teams were. slow moving and slow thinking, but more people in the community to do Last fall, when Shelton won and that definitely isn't who Schlauderaff so next year. , Zumba Toning , Zumba Classes • Sauna/Steam Room, Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming • Aerobics Classes . Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREEwith membership , Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at • Racquetball. Tanning. Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at sheltonathleticclub corn Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm ° Sat & Sun 7am-3pm Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, June 14, 2012