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By EMILY HANSON a 10-day road trip. The first part of the
emily@masoncou~O,.com trip is for a seven game tournament in
Moscow, Idaho. From there, the girls
will travel to Spokane from July 16-20
The Shelton girls' basketball sum- for the team camp.
mer program is raising money for camp. "We have practices right now and
"Right now, each girl has a pledge we're playing in the Tumwater Sum-
packet and the goal is for each girl to mer League," Leth said. "We have four
bring in $40," SHS head girls' basket- teams and a 40-game schedule."
ball coach Aaron Leth said. "Each girl is Finally, the program is hosting a Lit-
shooting 100 free throws. Pledgers can tle Climbers basketball camp from 9 a.m.
donate a specific amount per free throw to noon June 28-30 in the Mini Dome.
made or a one-time flat donation." "The camp is put on by the coaches
The girls' summer program will host and the varsity and junior varsity play-
its fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on ers," Leth said. "Sign-up is done through
Saturday in the Shelton Mini Dome. Shelton Parks and Recreation."
"The money is for future camps for To pledge money for the fundraiser
the younger girls and for the older girls or for more information, contact Leth by
it's for the varsity team camp in Spo- email at aleth@psd402.org.
kane," Leth said. "We appreciate the community giv-
In July, the varsity team is taking ing back to us," Leth said.
The summer youth soccer program
through South Mason Youth Soccer Club
(SMYSC) begins practicing next week.
"Summer soccer starts June 18 with a
practice week and the week after we go
right into games," SMYSC registrar Sue
LeDoux said.
Children ages 3-17 play on the
SMYSC teams. So far there are 60 teams
with roughly 500 children playing on
them, but LeDoux expects around 700
children to play this summer.
"Last year, we had 758 kids," she said.
"So we're expecting a couple hundred
Every week at 6 p.m., 6:15 p.m.
and 7:30 p.m., the teams play Monday
through Thursday at the South Mason
Soccer Park. The games will continue
until the week of July 23 with the last
games held on July 26.
"It's really a great thing for families
and kids to do," LeDoux said. "It's to-
tal recreation, there's no championship
game or anything. It's also just a great
place for people to go and see others be-
cause a lot of people go there, I also think
it's really affordable for a lot of families."
The cost to play is $40 for one child
and there are different family discount
rates depending on how many children
a family has.
"1 don't think
i've ever turned
a child away
because they
couldn't pay."
"The registration fees help cover the
insurance, buys each child a team shirt,
helps with the park maintenance and
helps to sponsor children who can't af-
ford to play," LeDoux said. "Every team
also has a sponsor. It's $250 to sponsor
a team and that money helps offset the
cost of playing."
LeDoux said she's down to six teams
that don't have sponsors.
"People can also sponsor the scholar-
ship program or the equipment fund,"
she said. "We're always looking for peo-
ple who would like to donate."
LeDoux said the scholarship program
is available for families that want their
children to play but can't afford the reg-
istration fee.
"I don't think I've ever turn~ child
away because they couldn't p~[~," she
For more information about the
SMYSC, visit smysc.org or email LeDoux
at ledouxzoo@Comcast.net.
Paces Ford is on a team com- which has gained about 30
prised of runners largely pounds -- enough, says the
Continued from page C-2 from the Port Orchard common runner, to make
area. She and each of her her look like the rest of us.
Ford was inducted into 11 team members will runEnough for her to worry
the University of North three times beginning atabout things like chafing
Florida Hall of Fame on Oct. 10 a.m. on July 20 until the anc~ other things often on the
23, 2010. team reaches the finish line mind of midpack runners.
She was slim -- I'd bet around 11 a.m. on July 21. Her goal for our run on
she weighed less than 110 Ford's three sections total June 6, which was slightly
pounds -- strong and fast. 18 miles. Her goal is not to less than five miles, was to
So why, I wondered, was run each mile at a sub-six, average nine minutes per
she worried about a hill? minute pace. mile.
The Jennifer Ford I met It is, as she said, "to finish As we headed towards the
on June 6 is a very different without walking." end of our run, I asked if she
person than who I knew in This is how Ford, who has wanted to go to 5.0 instead if
1998. allowed her athletic talent to finishing slightly short of a
She's now a Navy veteran take her to prestigious com- round number.
who is close to finishing her petitions across the country, Ford didn't hesitate.
second master's degree. A connects to the common "I'm headed to the car,"
year from now, she expects man, woman or child lacing she said.
to be a middle school science up their running shoes for Over the last half-mile,
teacher, the first time. though, Ford must have
She's also in training for Ford is nervous. She is started to feel pretty good.
the Ragnar Relay Northwest not the odds-on favorite to She picked up the pace and,
Passage. In July, Ford will win. In fact, the Ragnaraccording to my Garmin
be one of more than 1,000 Relay is not a competition GPS watch, hit a pace as
runners to join relay teams so much as it is an event of fast as 7:15 over the last
and run from Blaine, near camaraderie, half-mile stretch.
the Canadian border, to Ford is trying out new Ford won't win another
Whidbey Island. shoes to fit her new body, national title anytime soon.
Continued from page C-1
The C-team coach for the
boys' basketball program
will still be Tom Tony next
season but Sandberg said
he'd currently interviewing
for his assistant coach. The
junior varsity coach has not
been chosen.
Sandberg said he expects
coaching the Highclimbers to
be challenging next season.
with Shelton moving down
to the 3A Narrows League.
"That's going to be tough-
er than the 4A league they
were in before," he said.
During the remainder
of the spring and into the
summer, Sandberg is coach-
ing the Highclimbers in the
Tumwater Summer League.
Family-Run Meat She
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"We're allowed to do this carne Asada Baby Back
until Aug. 1," he said.team"I A_~~~
wanted to meet the to
1 Lb. " ..... . %;!?
and show them my philoso-
phy and coaching style to get
ready for next year.
Sandberg said the team
will play man-to-man de-
fense and motion offense
next season.
"What I've seen so far.
the players coming back are
understanding what they're
supposed to be doing and
they want to learn." he said.
"We have to get stronger so
we'll need to lift weights over
the summer and fall."
Despite the lack of
strength on the team, Sand-
berg said the boys have some
height five of them are
6'2" or 6'3" and he thinks
working out and building
muscle will make the differ-
ence for the team.
Sandberg applied for the
head coaching position at
SHS after former coach Mark
Jensen resigned this spring.
Sandberg said there were
head coaching jobs open' at
Black Hills High School and
at Timberline High School.
but he decided he wanted
the Shelton job and did not
apply for the other two.
"I've known Mark Jensen
for a' long time," Sandberg
said. "Before the job opened
up, we talked about the pro-
gram and the players coming
After his conversation
with Jensen, Sandberg said
he chose to apply at Shelton,
stating he'd looking forward
to the challenge next season
will bring.
After her last national title
in 2002, she continued to
run and made her marathon
debut in 2003.
For the nex~ eight years,
Ford didn't run at all.
Her goal, after Ragnar,
is to be able to complete a
10-mile run at a quite ordi-
nary pace of eight minutes
per mile. Sometime in the
next 12 months, she said she
wants to run a marathon.
Those seem like pretty
good goals. Maybe those
goals are similar to yours.
And that's pretty neat. How
often do you have something
in common with a Hall of
Kevin Spradlin paces the
Potomac Highlands Distance
Club, an affiliate of the Road
Runners Club of America,
from the middle of the pack.
Write him at
Than 25 Years
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Continued from page C-1
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keeps going.
This school year was
overwhelming for Bell, she
said, and that is why she
thinks her GPA slipped
down to a 3.7.
Though Bell will be a
senior next fall, she said
she has not decided which
schools she wants to apply
to or which career she would
like to go into.
"One day, I'll wake up
and think, 'I want to be a
dentist,' then, 'I want to be
a personal trainier,' then, 'I
want to be a vet,'" she said.
"I know I'll figure it out."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2012 - Page C-3