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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 14, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 14, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Denny's Auto ........................... .......................................... I CHOICE ..... ISerwce" presents .... " ....I Continued from page B-1 I our Non-Profit I I| Organization of I workand emphasizeCl°sely withrespect.Students :i : ~aui ~rb~:.i~ ~~ ~che~ at ::: ~: ~ ~ ~mi ~ ch~i~ Cbj~ :: :: :. i: i::~!: I the Month: I "I think the biggest thing i.i~: !i~:~/::~ :i~i:~ : :: :::~:~ :::.::::~ :::.~: :~ : : ~:-~ ~he ~en ::~ ~:~ ~:: I I is we focus on relationships. ': i::i i:i.i! ~i~":!:i~ : ~: :: ii :: ~ IMas°n County ......... I We try to make sure each:~:: ::i':~:~i : : :, ',~:i:~: :: :: ~: :~': :::::.~.ii:.~ :.:: ~ :: ~ar~~an~H~rl~st~ Senior Activities Association & Center I kidadults,,,connectSAndersonWithsaid.several,,The ~ ~:~ :::: i:~b~ ~: : ~ ~ing ~i ~i~ ~ flO~:~ii: I We at Denny's Auto Service are seeing the impact that I I underlying theme is, 'Is | the economy is having on the community and also how it is | what you're doing respectful :: :: ~ ~ ofbr~ ~ga~ ~01~ ~ia~ ~ii ~lI~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ :: | impacting local charities. We want to do our part to support our | to yourself?. Is it respectful to :, 0£ rgaN NN ::. : :: : :. | community and the people who help make Mason County great. I others?'" i:; ~ ~i~ ~i~a~i~a~ :: :~ f0~ ~ ~ ~ ~t!t~i ~e !:: :/! ! In 1996, Anderson came to :: ~t~i~g::~ : ~ :::: :: :: : :~ :~: ~.:: :: :: :::ii iiYou can help by adding $1.00 to your bill at ||CHOICE as a teacher and has : ::'~12~ ~ ~!:~A~t:: : :: : PI~ ~Nfr~:Nag~ ~ ~!}R~ :::~ I Denny's Auto, or by donations and shopping at the ~ Inever left. In the 2008-2009 : ~P ~hi~:~r~;::~:;:;::~:;:. :.:~::~: ~:;; ;:::~: ~;:: ~;;": ~: ~::,::; :: ::: ~ ;: : ' ::::: : :: : : : : : : : ~ ;::~: :: :::: ~; i~i~:::;:~ ~: ~:; :: I Nifty Thrifty Thrift St°re" (L°cated behind McD°nald's) ~ Isch°°l year' she became theschool's principal. CHOICE High School gives students several op- have beenhomeschooled, zeus, Anderson said. While some students at We hope you will join us, your small change can make a big change in others' lives] I | tions to graduate. They can Teachers at the school The school also helps stu- CHOICE have had sub- Quality Repair by choose between three pro- focus on education, but also dents prepare for college stance abuse issues, the grams: the full day program, on forming the students into by helping them with ap-school now requires all stu- People Who Care dents to attend a drug and alcohol program if they do not pass a screening. "We try to work through these with the students - hopefully they feel like it's a safe place to be," Anderson said. • Warranty Approved Maintenance • Nationwide Warranty • Courtesy Loaner Cars ° Complete Auto Care • 24 Hour Drop Box • Lifetime Protection Program • Financing O.A.C. • Senior Discounts which most closely resembles good citizens, plications for financial aid. a traditional high school; CHOICE requires stu- Adding to what Anderson contract-based education, dents to do 75 hours of"phi-" described as the "family at- which allows students to de- lanthropy," akind ofcommu- mosphere," staff members sign their own curriculum nity service, before they can often help students with with staff, or the Home Part- graduate, things like getting to dental nership Academy, which is '%Ve really want them appointments or getting eye- designed for students who to leave here as better citi- glasses. Birds A Stained Glass Tour & Organ Concert "[hursday, June 21 • 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. No Admission Charge e Refreshments ing staff, ness and looking for dana- Judy Callaghan said tions. Turning Pointe is in need One of my favor- of cooking utensils. A sign- ite meals will be served up sheet was sent around at senior lunch on June for members to work at 27. the Saturday market. They will have meat- Judy Moore is in charge loaf, baked potatoes with of procuring donations for sour cream, bacon, butter the children's carnival, and chives. There will Walmart will not be donat- also be crudites and for ing bicycles this year. dessert it will be chefs Brenda Stainbrook has choice of cakes. tickets for a Relay for All of you over 50 and Life fundraiser featuring guests are welcome to speaker Rebecca Ham, attend. They ask a $3 who spoke at the Inquir- donation because it takes ing Minds series earlier a little to keep the food this year. Sewing is at in che fridge even though Donna Hamilton's house all the workers donate on June 26. Linda Van their time for the benefit Landingham is taking of the community. Serv- part in the three-day walk ing starts at noon, but for breast cancer aware- get there a little earlier. Continued from page B-1 peacock. "They're kind of our ba- bies," Summers said. Occasionally, Summers said, the birds wander, and come home a little later than expected. The couple also takes care to avoid placing the birds in the danger of an attack from a hawk or other bird of prey. "I don't really fly them during the winter because the hawks are hitting them heavy," he said. "I try to work around them. It's been pretty good lately." After spending much of his life breeding, racing and caring for his beloved birds, Summers wants to dispel common misconceptions of pigeons as dirty birds that live on city streets. "Pigeons aren't stupid, they're smart," he said. "They've been around a lot longer than us." Journal photo by Natalie Johnson This Rock Dove, or homing pigeon, is one I i .... -I of about 60 owned [ StY; d oI by Monte and Jackie I l:: e u eh 324 W, CedarSt Summers, who run I ~~;~i;:~b:~iii;re'; lcome Siaelton •Ii a business releasing the doves at special events. / (Better than singing in the shower) / [ -- NOW Playing --:- ] th • ~ • / Friday, June 15 5-6pm | [ It s A / Harstine I,. |l Wonderfulidea,• / Continued from page B-1 / / / When you shop locally, | Each member also had a / Ni Rrlna vm~rl /y°ur dolfars circulate in our| package of flower seeds / ..... ~-Y .... I / community & we all win | by her plate to take home. I friends! / Dessert was pink cupcakes /i J'. [ / I with red grapes and straw- ' The berrieS.ents scholarship were announced' recipi- by Missionary Alliance Church on Mountain View Jo Ewart. The women's [ at Washington & East J Street. il L club awards of $1000 were given to Billy Bamford and Kyle Dimilante. Christine Printed in Shelton, WA, USA A Johnson was awarded using US-made ink and US-made ~ ~~ the$1000.ChasejohnsonSCholarshiPhad also°f newsprint with the highest ~ffi~~ had a scholarship award percentage of recycled content ~~ ~ last year. From the Chase in the industry• , PrintedWith .... Fund, stipends will be Thank you for recycling. SOY I N K given to the 55 members of the Pioneer School teach- pti Grace Ba st Church Contactus: ............... Mailingaddress: {{ili{iiiiii{ii ... for the faith of the,~ospeI " ~ Po Box1025,Shdt0n. WA 98584 i>i!ii{iiiiiiii! Times0fServiees: Ph0110:(3~0) 4~21~II liiii{{i{ii{{i ~" www~bcshel[0ii.01~ t515i54~i Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~{~[;g E-n,ai]: past0,@gbcshdt0n.0,'g Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.~ii{~.,~*:~5 KMAS 1030 AM {iiiiiiii!{{} WednesdayPrayerMeeting..... 7p.m. ii!!iiiiiiii AgateGrangeBldg.onAgateL0opRd, ~si~i~iii:i ,9:30a.m, ' 728Railr0adAv¢. Worship Service ........ 10:00 a.m. (hair Children and Adult Sunday $¢hool 9 &M • Child¢are both servk'es NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? Sunday Services ~ i)Wednesday Night Service 9:OO AM I Celebration Service ~ 7:oo ~,~ I Mitl-~eek Service 10:30 ,xM I Celebration Service ~ Nursery to 2 Years Claikl re~rt's Classos Attended Nu,*sery \ ~uLFiR~ YOUTH, 6 ~1>12 ~11 Grade ChildYen's Clc*sses ! 4:oo ,,~ I (;atmvay Io Renovcry } th. pu,,,,,~. ,,i ~ Ol,zwc~t~ .. ,,, h,do ('hJlg/~ol(,l>l~,t,id~,d ; per,pie I,e,:,,rne C~O~ ,~ c~,~ ~,'~1~ th, otlgh Wol Shil,, - Wm,e~. w.~c,,< .~,.d wo, k fo~ H~ K,,gdo,,~. ADDRESS [ 405 S 7t. ll St, Shellon PHONe I g(io 426 2'158 W~SSlIE l Www.gdteW~IycI~coll] _'.L I..L .... .... k 1212 Connection St FRIUl lbutllUliltll lltllt;@** helton W " S , A A Christ-centered Church (360) 426-8611 fsun a Mornin k[] / Traditional - 8:45 a.m. / [C°ntemp°rary- 11:00 a.m./ l~"~ ~" Bible Study X. J' &~~ Youth Activities Pastor Steve Olsen ~ Paster Brian Weinberer WVVW ~ A place'where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St, • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • SUNDAY SERVICES Celtic 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m. A place ~ohere all are ~oeleome 324W. Cedar St. ° Shelton Father's Day Craft Fair Friday, June 15t" 5 to 6:30 p.m. at St. David's Mt. Olive SHELTON FIRST BAPTIST Lutheran Church .............. '/ ................ ....... Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue 360 426-8461 • Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:a0 am Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 ~t.nq. Sunday School for all ages Christian Education .............. i.. 9:45 am, Traditional Worship ............... 11:OO a,m, • Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm Servicio on Espafiol Office 426-6353 • Wednesdays 6 pm Daycare427-3165 Youth Church, AWANA K-6, Adult Classes Jueves6 pm Elgmp SPRING ROAD CHAPEL FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship lh00 a.m. Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed in Rivers of Grace NEW LOCATION Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday Night Worship 6:01} p.m. 438-8531 New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are wdcome.9 " WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Roll 50 E. Seattle 8t., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: www.thenccltorg Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 14, 2012