June 14, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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To list your community
events or activities, please email
June 14
6 p.m., The Get Read Work-
shop and Orientation for the
Washington CASH program,
which provides low-cost business
classes, will take place in the Port
of Allyn Meeting Room, 18560 E.
State Route 3.
6:30 p.m., Lilliwaup Co~mu/
nity Club will hold a monthly pot-
luck dinner at Robbinswold Girl
Scout Camp. Hosts are Jim and
Christy Messmer. Please bring a
favorite dessert or main dish. Call
877-6213 for information.
June 15
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Mason
County Senior Center, 826 Rail-
road Ave., presents '!John's Music
Jam," with John Rosengreen on
the piano and Vern Morgus on the
guitar and harmonica.
June 16
9 a.m.-3 p.m., Shelton Farm-
ers' Market will take place on
Third Street between Cedar and
Franklin streets.
11 a.m., American Legion Fred
B. Wivell, Post 31, will host an
American Flag Retirement Cer-
emony at the Shelton Memorial
Park Verterans' Area.
11 a.m.-3 p.m., Sign-ups for
the Shelton Kings youth football
will be held at the Shelton Tim-
berland Library. The cost for se-
nior varsity seventh- and eighth-
grade players is $160. Junior
varsity and minor league players
are $85. Flag football players are
8 p.m., The Chrome Betty
Band Concert will take place
for "Sawdust Days," at Ma-
son County Fairgrounds, 751
W. Fairgrounds Road. Visit
www.masoncountyfair.org for
more information.
June 18
5 p.m., The Mason County
Cemetery will hold its monthly
meeting in the QFC Historicaltension Mason County will hold
Room. a free septic workshop at Mason
PUD 3, 2621 E. Johns Prairie
June 19 Road, Shelton.
9:30 a.m., Shelton Mothers of
Preschoolers (MOPS) invites local June 20
mothers and their children to join 11 a.m.-noon, Mason County
them for popsicles and a play date Senior Center, 826 Railroad Ave.,
at Kneeland Park in downtown presents "Piano Favorites with
Shelton. Evelyn Trenckmann," a variety of
5:30 p.m., The joint meeting 30s, 40s and 50s piano music with
of the Mason County Trans- sing-a-longs.
portation Authority Board and 3 p.m.-5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
Mason County Transportation berland Library presents "Teen
Advisory Board will meet at the Gaming Lounge" for teens.
Mason Transit Business Office, Play electronic video games
790 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shel- and have refreshments with
ton. friends. For more information
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., WSU Ex- call 426-1362.
Under the watchful eyes of Mason Con-
servation and Southside School staff, fifth-,
sixth- and seventh-graders at the school
helped install a roughly 600-square-foot rain
garden in the parking lot on Friday.
Southside teacher Stella
Fe~ley said the project began
as a way to mitigate a drain-
age problem, in the school's
parking lot and ended as a
teaching opportunity.
'~e want to nurture our
students in the Southside
community," she said. "This
is an opportunity for them to
create a legacy. I think they
felt really good about that."
The project was funded by
the Squaxin Island Western
Estuary Initiative grant. Of-
ficials from the Mason Con-
servation District were on
hand Friday to help the stu-
dents plant the garden.
'%Ve like to work with children," said Seth
Book, from the conservation district. '%Ve're
basically trying to promote low-impact devel-
Rain gardens help channel sto~:water
away from impervious surfaces, such as park-
ing lots, into the gardens, which include loose
soil, gravel and native plants. The materi-
als allow the water to drain from the surface
quickly, Book explained.
The gardens can also help improve water
quality, he said.
"We're going to be reducing ponding, it's
going to increase safety. It's also going to be
treating oils and heavy metals that are run
off from the parking lot," he said.
Community members
and parents have also vol-
unteered their time to make
the project a reality.
On June 2, a group of vol-
unteers dug the base for the
rain garden, and on Friday,
students from the school
"This is an
for (students}
to create a
started p!acing plants in the
legacy, m think garden.
Book said the program
they feJt realWy, provided a perfect opportu-
nity for adults who wanted
about to help at the school but
didn't know how.
L| |¢~L4~ w~ "It becomes an anchor in
the community," he said.
Each year students at
Southside have several opportunities to learn
about ecology and water quality.
Some of the same students who installed
the rain garden have a chance to complete
water quality tests at Walker Park. Feeley
+said projects like these help students feel in
touch with, and aware of, the community they
live in.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Southside School sixth-graders Justin Seckel, left, and Donny Brown
help plant native plants in the school's new rain garden last Friday.
w, nner
Javier Navarrete receives
$1,000 award for education
Shelton Lions Club an- used for his college educa-
nounced its 2012 schol- tion.
arship award to a local Navarrete plans to at-
graduate of CHOICE AI- tend Olympic College Shel-
ternative School during ton or South Puget Sound
a graduation ceremony Community College this
on June 7. Francisco Ja-fall, where he will enroll in
vier Navarrete received courses with a career goal
the award of $1,000 to be of earning a master's de-
gree in architecture.
Navarrete has been a
member of the Shelton
High School track and field
and wrestling teams, and
has volunteered for a vari-
ety of community events.
He said his favorite sub-
ject in school is math, add-
ing that he enjoys figuring
out complex equations.
While at CHOICE, he
completed courses through
the Contract Based Educa-
tion program and is finish-
Pulled Pork
ing school with a 3.7 GPA. each year to a graduate of a student of the month
The Shelton Lions Club CHOICE. selected by the faculty of
provides scholarships The club also providesCHOICE.
Outdoor Dining!
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BBQ . 5101E. SRIO6.Union, WA I Saturday, June 16
• Ribs • Pulled Pork • BrisKet .,¢mq~ll~l~. I at the fairgrounds
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• Large Meeting Room Available ~ Est+ Kaya ks 'l Chrome Betty Concert @ 8
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al - Thursday, June 14, 2012 -Page B-3