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Obits Hospital in Olympia.
She was born on May
Continued from page B-7 19. 1977, in Olympia, to
Ken D. and Glenda D.
William Martin (Young) Kempton.
William Melvil Martin, She attended Shelton
79, resident of Union, High School and also
died on June 10. 2012, at ~ New Mar-
Alpine Way in Shelton. ~ ket Skills
He was born on March~ Center
6. 1933, in Bellingham, where she
to Evelyn Miller and Wil- studied
liam M. Martin Sr. computer
He served in the U.S. program-
Army, 82nd Airborne. ming.
He married Carnell She
Martin in 1954, in North mar-
Carolina. Jaime ried Eric
He worked in the car- Northness Northness
pentry and construction in 1995,
industry, in Shel-
He liked to hunt, fish ton.
and take his dog for She worked a variety
walks. He played golf of clerical jobs in the
and bridge and enjoyed hotel industry, as a dis-
the friendship of many patcher at a call center
friends, and also in medical bill-
He is survived by his ing.
wife of Union; daughter She enjoyed reading,
Malinda Suarez of Span- music and singing.
away; sons Barry Martin She is survived by
of Lynnwood and Randy her husband of Shelton;
Martin of Snohomish; children Jerica, Levi
sisters Jackie Davison and Jason Northness
of Orange County, Ca- of Shelton" her father
lif., and Gayle Freitas of Shelton; sister Jen-
of Union: grandchildren nifer (John) Madara of
Gregory Suarez of Ta- Shelton; brofher Jeremy
coma. Jeffery Suarez of (Heather) Kempton of
Puyallup, William and Shelton; grandmother
Kelsey Martin of Sno- Millie Eddy of Shelton;
homish. Breeanna and in-laws Don (N0reen)
Angela Martin of Lyn- Northness of Shelton;
nwood: great-grandchil- aunts Sharon (Terry)
dren Jackson, Cora and Taylor of Olympia and
Bennett Suarez. Lydia, Carol Criss of Aurora,
Anna and Fiona Suarez Colo.: uncle Dan (Patti)
and Cayden Martin. Kempton of Shelton; two
A funeral will be held cousins, two nephews
at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, and one niece.
at Tahoma National Cem- She was preceded in
etery, death by her mother,
Donations may be grandfather Myron Eddy,
sent to Providence South grandmother Hazel
Home Care and Hos- Young and great-grand-
pice. 3432 South Bay mother Judy Johnston.
Road N.E.. Olympia: WA A graveside service
98506. was held on Friday at~ o
Forest Funeral Home Shelton Memorial Park.
is handling arrange- A celebration of life fol-
ments, lowed at Mt. View Alli-
ance Church.
Jaime Northness Arrangements are by
Jaime Diane North- McComb Funeral Home.
ness. 35, resident of Shel- Condolences may be
ton, died on June 1, 2012, sent via www.mccomfh.
at Providence St, Peter com.
Shannon Peterson
Shannon Elizabeth
Peterson, 32, resident of
Skokomish, died on June
She was born nn Oct.
17, 1979, in Shelton, to
Anna Clark (Plant) and
Pete Peterson Jr.
She was a full-time
mother who enjoyed Har-
ry Potter, her children
and crafts.
She survived by daugh-
ters Alecia Plant and Na-
talia Wall of Skokomish;
sons Adam Flint and Wil-
liam Wall of Skokomish:
brother Berry Peterson
of Skokomish and par-
ents Anna Clark, Celeste
Vigil, Pete Peterson Jr.
and Harold Gamber all of
She was preceded in
death by father Jay Clark
and many others.
A funeral will be held
in Skokomish.
Delbert Miller will of-
ficiate the service.
Memorial donations
can be made to the Amer-
ican Cancer Society.
Forest Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling ar-
Harry Roberts
Harry Eugene "Gene"
Roberts. 82, .resident of
Shelton, died on June 1.
2012, in Olympia.
He was born on March
9,, 1930.
~attle, to
H. and
Lois I.
ated from
Harry High
Roberts School in
1948 and
Beverly Olson Lockmon
on May 28, 1965, in Kirk-
He worked for Pacific
Northwest Bell Telephone"
for 42 years as a repair-
man, telephone deskman
and technician at several
Puget Sound locations.
He enjoyed woodwork-
ing, building, spending
time with family and
He was a member of
Telephone Pioneers of
America. The Elks. Habi-
tat for Humanity and he
attended Shelton First
,Baptist Church.
He is survived by his
wife Beverly Roberts
of Shelton: daughters
Tracy (Raymond) Eick-
hoff of Bothell and Dana
(David) Carstensen of
Poulsbo: sons Jess I Caro-
lyn) Lockmon of Bothell
and Jeff Roberts of Aus-
tin. Texas: eight grand-
children and five great-
He was preceded in
death by his first wife
Mary Grundy and his
A memorial service
will be held at 2 p.m. on
Friday, a~ Shelton First
Baptist Church. 428 W.
Cota St.
Complete ::obituary i i information :isnot :only: an
appropmate::tribute to::thei:':deceased :brat a pa~:::6f
st0rvLwe: en:eourage families :ihctude:theirqoved
oneS~ interests, memberships and act~vities:,/~s w@l~
as::surviv0rS, m:0hituariesJ The:JOUrrtal pr0Vide:s~
forms and: is~ happy :to print informatfon: :on; tt/e::Ii~es
Of ~esidentS: ~nd fOrme~ residents fre6 :of charge.
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Memorial donations County.
may be sent to Habitat Arrangements are by
for Humanity of Mason McComb Funeral Home.
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