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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 HELTON-MA0N C01qTY JOI.TRNAIJ . , Thursday, Janus,%,; 16&apos;: t .q . . .,T ... Fred Sergeant Doing ................. Chimney Fire Does UUII I JOUI/NAL toupie unn:eo B,,Ue,,, Says Hosl)ital ; LIfl[LE ,$75 Damage to Itome " lepor, s from tile ilelton Con- [] I(IMBEL Ahol,t,,,damagewosd,nethoKennedy,s o,1 Published every Thursday morning InBremerton .o,uUar00ne'sT-x:a ? and National Editorial Association C g(,ani, who suffered a badly brok- ' Ill " -- I OGGIN( ,ifth street Tuesda evening when Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at $helton .Washingto eremony e,, le who. his ,':.' sl.d, o, 0,0, A Jr  aanchimney°Verheatedfire,ChinmeY'started theCaUSedroof bYto " WILFOID JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publishers The honw ()t' Mr. and Mrs, L. i(:y i)avemollt near the air ba,e 'LL PAR0TTIHI; TIgTHAT €5 N5 hDUET hBOLqtl[1614BORtl0GD'$ 0GD' ] burn• A crew of city workmen Bessie Boler) Business Manater C. Smith or 3910 9ti] Street. last we,]{ i:; ill 1)rot|, r ood eolldi- (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) ,£TTiN6:REhDy TO ¢LEEP.E' COMPANY .romerton, was the ..,e,,e of ,, rio,,. ...... AT ,Av You AR  ;f reported the fire to the fire depart- Subscriptiofi Rates: ........ ment when they noticed smoke $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $2.75: [beautiful doable ring wedding FIRST AND PINE =/ff'EM, MA? ' ) j. . passed the honse. - ...... :.--= : ..... :-- ..-==. ...... =-: ................... : ............  ...............................  --= lnarriage of Miss Lucy ls:atherine INITIATI()N ......................................... 3 COCKER SPANIEL BROTHERS ,.ost,,, daughter of Mrs, Lucy M. Tuc.qday, .Ion[tory 21. the lLain- Ope Ev ing S ndays .;,r / ,.at  - • Foster oi: Self air and Iemer bow (]iris will hold initiation n ,el) s- u Modern Equipment GIRL BORN SATUROAY ALL DISAPPEAR MYSTERIOUSLY .arnes o ,anify, Florida. starting" at 7:30 in ti,,, eveumg at Saturday, January 1:], in the   Reverend Fred Opperman eon- the :Masonic '.l'emple. ........ Operated By Shelton General Hospital, a girl The "Cocker Caper" has been the ' '" darted the servic'es at 8 o'clock MCISIC CLUB TO MEET Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for was born to Mr'. and Mrs. Earl cause of dark suspicions in tim  in the evening, beneath a white The Shelton Music Study Chfl) GROCERIES--MEATS--VEGETABL Experienced Men Whitten of Texas. Mrs. Whitten is minds of three owners of three COUGA CLIMBS arch of chrysantlmmunts, white wilt meet at tile home. of Mrs. Don- • the former Fangengen, a Shelton ,brother cocker spaniels that have TREE W|T]H[ TRAP, wedding bells and greenery. Grad- oval Pahner Wednesday, January resident, been lost, strayed or stolen in the uated candelabra were at either 22. Mrs. Joh,1 L. Dots°. win pr,,- ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOFT DR]IN " FOR ........... past few weeks. The three t'sev- CAN'T ESCAPE side and were interspersed with sent :t progrvm on "Music and , I on-month old pups disappeared Alleniinn of ,,ores of motor- large baskets of white minas, Composers of the Northwest." Plus- $ LAND CLEARING ..... -" II I [ . from their respective homes in the Isis and pedestrhms traversing sword ferns and huckleberry. ....... We do I past feW ,Weeks under mysterious Ih'oad Avenue between First , The bride was given in mar- IIOOD CANAL P.T.A. not want to hea Uli" el ' circumstances, and Seeoml Streel last Thurs- NEWS HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT let Mother might say i I v 'sol Pumps The first dog to disappear was day was attracted to an 80- friend of the family. Sie was family life" was chosen by tim RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS- AUTO SUPPLI B so..., but rather wha BULLDOZING riago by L. C. Slnith a ch)se '"Pile part pllye(1 by father in ]l Butch, owned by Mr, and :Mrs, peand fenlale cougar lashed to lovely in a gown of white satin 1)rog'ram chairman, Mrs. Alice . DITC,INO i, PIPE mil Christensen. Eutch left the fro,,i fender of a ,;at- park- with train of chiffon. He,' finger- MeClanahan, for groul) discus- e Will say of you • home shortly after Christmas. ed at: the eurh. tip length veil was held with elus- stun on the January 9 program °ughtful'consideration o BASEMENT EXOAVAT* I RUsty, owned by Mr, and Mrs. A. Before we g0 any furllmr lmr'''- ters of orange blossoms. Her jew- of tile Hood Canal P.-T.A. [tihg hot .with a radio ING I L. Ferwerda, d|sappeared soon of- hops It shouhl ba nnderstood eh:y was a dotlble strand of pearls, To ol)en the (liscussion. Mrs. I and terwards. Tile last pnp to leave elearly tile cougar was very a gift of the bridegroont and she Leone Bealle gave a short article @ BULKHEADING home was Jerry, who belongs to I mueh dead. Art I)almer of Mat- carried a white Testament, eov- from a leading ntagazine. Corn- enjoy the sooth ]1 / wasC' A..tolenReed.fronlJerrYhis master'sSt°le aWayplac,.r]o I loek lmvlng seen to that detail, ered' with two beantiful orchids meats {'roxn the andienee Were  g solace and serenity o FITTINGS ,,,,o,,g,, ]el'V Gett],'s. twin with a shower of white stUn both interesUng and entertaining.. --%g'2"" .y • ft'lnUsie toned to he PILEDRIVERS ' at Lake Isabella a week ago Wed- [ black si)anh:ls were,'t fully con- streamers with tin bows. V¢cd- Mrs. Rosie Smith was named deration of the mother of the three puppies growls and barks, ly" and "Because." this year with tim help of Mrs. a • DUMP TRUCKS I for Complete Installations also, Pahner bagged the eat the Mrs. Virginia Lee Trummell at- Maymie Lallathin and Mrs. Jean- " Fo ,,,,, ICali' Wil Co theThe pups circunastanees disappeared under is worthy whieh ] of] ,he dty eouffar before near ,Matlock had ma,mged but to o,' tended ttm In'ide' as nmtron o/' hor- attired in an-ice-blue gown ette Be,'gcr. Interesting entertainment is be- (l!l t'// , .. X,  ]]L'CKWITH S • PILING ANO LOGS the attention of a Sherlock Holmes elhnb 50 feet up,a trod (leapite with bouquet of white mums and ing t)lonned for the community For Sale. V n son • or.Dick Track since the dogs van-I the handical) of a No. 4 trap pink rosebuds. Sharran Lec De- to raise this year's P.-T.A. funds. .r" IT " JEWELRY - MUSI PHONE 645-W I ,ished. from different homes, homes] and drag firmly atlaclltl to Its Miera. niece of the bride was Onr president. Mrs. Dorotby U/ h/,,/..] ,\\;'/__y  129 lailroad Phone 143 which are not even located in the left for.epaw 1)ahner said. lIls flower girl and she was dressed Palmer, urges tls all to help these I HOODSPORT - PHONE 10 same part of thecounty; they dis- catch was worlh $50 In bounty in a quiant gown of pink net over ladies in any way possible. A de- . appeared within a week of eae h mOHilderman ,,y ,,, ,l,,, M, ,t l,,,D  k man. taffeta. She ca r tied a Cold n ial l i el°as supI )or was se r ved by M "s, '] I 'N" /ii'" -- 4  -------OM oe,' td t.ey a,'o all memher. bounotof i.ywt.temumsand .le,.,ttoerg" .,dMrs le.nor I I " ''.. .... ' of the same liter. - - -   pink rosebuds. Addleman. ..............................  .......  .......  ...... The owners bavo placed advor- DU.. s Oene .eMior. brot,,or-in-lawof Don't Be 'Ar Nwsemaid To A Sick Motor rewsrsttSementSforin Tlmthe Journalreturn of°fferingtheir n the bride, was best man. pets, but no clues as to their hid- Chatterbox Cafe Candlolighters were Paul os l ing places have been reported, tel brother of the bride, and Wal- te'r Smith• REMI WJtn YoUr f./ar i , .  There. is some hope that Butch, One of Shelton's most capable llLot$ 0f:OII - ..f '-, "" Rusty and Jerry are attending a and highly respected cooks re- Mrs. Foster chose a lace for- I t N 0 D o,ttb t a  ==: _  : ... family rennion in some remote turned to his profession in Shel- me,1 of stone blue for her dough- :Establ|shz Needs New E(,LIr] t,/fklq:l-N Spot in Mason County and will re- ton last week when Heinie Hil- ter's wedding and she ot ...... lUngt-When I! .t .1. turn just as soon as tim festivi- derman took over the ownership ehid corsage, fik STORM DOS senger a ties cease, However, the detective and personal operation of the A reception followed the wed- CERTAINLY CLE.Ai:: coachserv -. the iob with owners have almost been forced Chatterbox Care at Third and ding ceremony with Mrs. Myrtle in1864.Tl Jk$, It May -]'lkX /[t]]ll=:r/ to believe that the little spaniel Raih'oad Avenue, following" his Smith presiding as hostess. The 1411  ] XI[I. . pups have been the victims of foul purchase of the business from Sid four-tiered wedding cake was dee- /VHP'TF- IT' ith poin , t,i;illr "lJuB['-/ play. Halvorson effective January 10, orated with pink roses and silver BETWEEN THE Washingt Mr. Hihterlnan formerly owned leaves and pink rosebuds ancl . Plug-- , .,, ] . : and ol)erated Heinie's Eats on maidenhair fern encircled the EARTNAND SY O Co]¢te MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIAL: Important Democratic Cots Street but has not been in base of the cake. A beautiful EF..TWEEN A NtA the restaurant business herc since handmade cloth and white tapers Party Meeting Monday selling that enterprise several in silver holders completed AND Ills W JFF_. FrOR MORE POWER AND PEP An importan leoting o the tAD years ago. Until recently he own- setting. More and more con÷rac+ors and builders members of the Democratic. party ed and operated Heinie's Taxi ser- Mrs. Mary 3ohnson, sister of using our quali+y-made Concre+e Ivta! I" Adjust Tappets using Gum Iolvent Fluid. will be held Monday evening-, Jan- vice and Heinie's Groeery, both of the bride, served tbe cakc and at,, a,aSp,e I,i,e, ao,,,. This Entire uary 20 at the Masonic Temple. which he sold a few wfieks ago Mrs. Helen DeMiera, sistcr of the ' Uni+s for basemen+ walls, and for ! Tet (o|l and Gondenser... no gu,$wrkher. ' j Sand Blast and PrQparty. Space Sark Plugs, Mo+or Tune.Up The meeting is selleduled to start to Mrs. Margie Erickson. bride and Mrs, Nell DeMiera S. Clean uel Pump dtmant aowl...Chaek at 8 o'clock. I In purchasing the Chatterbox poured. Miss Rose lIaric DeMiera and resldenHal cons+rucHon iobs. Otrn,, COSS YOU. OIIJy Cafc Mr. Hilderman changes the passed the groom's cake and Miss Te.t €;mPreaton with AccMtae Gauge.  , Set Ignltio. Timlng using ia*est Stbosaope popular eating place's schedule to Wihna Jean DeMiera was in Our blocks offer many wor÷hwhl]e advan+a¢ Equiameat fat Accuracy,, _ . . JCK MOF.FETT Straight six-day week with Sun- charge of the guest book. Both Clean All P,1$sa$¢ways and J=t with Soctal ; I DANCING day closing instead of the former are nieces of the bride, $olveat, Iteauemble tO Grlinal F=tury ape-  Wednesday closing under the pre- For her weddiug, trip to Van- I abl/i÷y, and low laid-up cos+. Plan now. +o ¢ih©a¢ion. ,: .,,.,, ,a. B., ,.,o.. ............ L E S S 0 N S ClOtS managen, eat. Daily hours couver, B.C., the "bride wore a T*ht,n All Manlfold/Cenn¢flon*. of opening will be from 5:30 a.m, green suit with bhtck coat trim- i fhem on your nex+ iob! Call 11, Gheck.$tarter, Genarato¢ aod,YoltaaPgulator. PARTS to 8 p,m. with complete br<akfast, reed in fOX far. with bhtcl{ ae- / iZ. $fla ri Che¢, ,th aol=rn c,mbu,tlen Childcen and Adult now or prices and o+her .... SOM] Aaalyzlr ror"l-errermanco ol)d [¢onemy and EXT TAP, TOE, BALLET, hmch and dinner menus offered cessories, and her orchid corsage, bx  Read Check, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC the public:. The bride, now a registered \\;\ ",,24f ÷on. We can usualJy make 1RV.| and All Styles One of the features of the nurse at the Roosevelt Hospital \\; "bm'__ - IMMEDIATE DELIVERYI REM' be Hinie:s' famous chic],f2,U noD- South Kitsap High Scllool in 19,t3 lownessThe smoOtof dlos ad steaks. " and the Tacoma General Hospital befora Ida Sllelton Eagles Hall DOU( i;ARSON- i:i]:S(ii:i£hGED 1946.School The°f bridegroontNUrsing iu attendedAtlgust' ' --_ whtehC°aCha grandsetv'meaol, Doug Larson, son of Mr. and school in Fh)rida prior to his two Today Cur First and Grove Phone Union 385 Mrs, Lout Larson, arrived home and one llaif years of sea duty in [table blem ......................................................................................  ...... --:' .......... ........ served which ina] Sunday leave ends 18 after nlonths. 1'1"0113- February beginning thenlostly U.8. his S. He at Navy, term-llad the zino ployed the They Sonth at at Bangor. will the Pacific. make U.wash. S. He is their Naval home now em-Maga- at I/ C0ByS . . s quality tra¢ r0ducd our¢zpett under dire, AvadaSle for Immediated ,,,,o He expects to begin . "ii I , II " a veterinary course at Waslfing'- GUEST FROM UTAII i ' , ': ton State College next fall, re- Mrs. Minnie Johnson of Mur- t maining in Sheltou until' then, ray, Utah, was the guest of her .,, " - .............................. brother, Albert Nordquist. and .... Deiivery at Nash Brothers her sister, Mrs, Whittle, here. On , : A new boy arrived at: the Shcl- New Year's day Mrs. Johnston • ..... : .: . ton Germral Hospital Thuysday, visited with her sister, Alice Nel- January 9. for Mr. and Mrs, Ray- son, in Tacoma for the first [line 6 mood hilll,S. in six yoars, A gai,n in 194 NEWCOMER THURSDAY ENROLLS AT COLLEGE 86 Proof, 68.4 Mr. and Mrs, Duane Ryan are Allan R. Miller has enrolled as 10S, hrclay&g( the parents of a girl born Thurs- a new student at the Central day, January 9, in the Shelton Gen- Wasbington College at Ellens- era/l Hospital. burg.. According to a report from the college, when the enrollment Model 4916 is completed, it is reported that c FEA ,ST., LAIR L RANGES .... $159.95 o. 1,000 students will be on- .... tered at te college, About half aro i teacher edtlcation while Model T28 th balance are taking pre-profes- " . sional courses. St. CLAIR OIL RANGES ........ $189.95 ..-,c..,o Kenneth D, Buyer 28, of Po o Nationally= Fame Model KW44 Orchard and Maxine Solid 19, of ' ' MEALMASTER OIL RANGE $2 1 9 95 Bremert0n. January 7 at She'lton. 0X SPRIN Russell E. Gunter 34, and Leona I ..... o ' Maravilla 24, both of Shelton, Jan- uary 7 at Shelton. And Spring-Fill[ ALL 'COMPLETE WITH HOT WATER COILS Ralph A. Heikes 35. and Eva A, Heikes 32, botl, of Olympia, Jan- MATTRESS ' uary 11 at Shelton. Kennetl M, Shold 23, and Mar- jorie Buchillo 21, both of Port Townsend, January 11 at Shelton. William C. Hyde 22, of Belfair and Evelen Johnson 19. of Port Oz'- Model ;676 D chard. January 13 at Shelton. BENDIX COMBINATION ........ $178.45 I ..... 4f[IN CAR PRODUCTION ...t'lN TRUCK '" Model, 736, B BENDIX ........ $230.50 ITR A PPE RS ! IN COMBINED CAR AND TRUCK PRODUCT.ION! District Agent Model 5A 445 s E. Grove- Phone 6 'o " ' " $109 95 oscAR MELL We have a shipmen AOAIN at the dose of 1946-- to be able to build more and more of MAJESTIC TABLE C mbmatmn • Local Agent of new motor cars and trucksis most urgent buying so eagerly--the only • •  when America's need for new these fine products which Am[rice is Model 8S452 1st & Grove - Phone 777 --the Chevrolet Motor Division of car giving BIG-CAR QUALITY' AT $ 6-995 MAJES3: IC TABLE Combination .. 1 , Steel General Motors leads all other manu- LOWEST COST--the on/j txuc3t facturers in automotive production, giving BIG-TRUCK QUALITY AT 11-Tube Console x Wras This means that Chevrolet is tlrst in LOWEST COST--the complete " "   I *' I' $220 SOMBERG-CARLSON ,25 .., car productlon--tst in Chevrolet line which stand, out as the .......... ' truck production--trst in corn- loudest-priced line in its teld/' production . . . despite the fact that glt ;bigger :value and qu,icket Many Other Hard to Find Items are Comi,g In to , Choroe ,ants = osd o-  by p=hng toprodu tf.... ........ ,. , ,, , ..  I lh yver- uy'a-- o. 4 pletely during the first three months of America's largest builder of car • of 19461 Naturally, Chevrolet hopes and trucks--Chevrolet! CATCH ANYTHING FROM  Remember... LARGEST PRODUCTION means QUICKEST DELIVERY of your new car. It Will Pay You to Shop She]ion's Largest Appliance Store WEASEL TO ACOUGAR Plato and keep your,order with us for a new Chevrolet and get biggest value as w.ell a'earliest possible delivery! 01st NASH ympi SEe US Ol a Feed CH|VROt|T--tOW|SI'=PRI¢|D LINE IN ITS FI|LDI ..... T, RE,OR£ YOU BUY pally MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY R:ML .123 South 2nd St. Phone 334 Shelton  " O'Ni, S,du. - s,e,to. First  Grove Streets -- Phon 77 ,