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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: ge ; .......................... L _ . ........... I illl;I, OllI UII UII O= I&apos; ; LI00AL PUBLICAI"ION00 Trip to South, Midwest !i .... o-----. .... -- ......... [ Lound o11 a e0mbined business IOT|CE: ()If SALE,()F TIMIEIP, }lind vac, ation trp, Mr. and Mrs. 1)N STATE LAND ' ! ILL B. Sutton of the Shelton Print- Notice is hereby given that on Tues- * (JAY, ilic 4tb, day ,#1' February, 111,t7, ' IlOI I] fLItncln' t [A,n O*C]OCk in tile : forenoon o said day, in front of thu lilt:tin (lltTance door to tlm county court llOllS( ill the City of She[ton, , County of Mason, Stale of Washmgtoa. , by the County Auditor of said cmm- ty, the tinlber on the foll,#wtng de- scribed state la[l,i will be so ,I at pub- ' li/! aoclioe to the higtm,% bidder there- foc, tl)-if • ,, AI'PLICATION NO. 185 Timber o.'t Ii]1 (,f NWIA and Luts i aad 2 (,f re;ellen :18, township 21 IIorth, range 5 wcsl, W'. M., coul.ain- ink 154.1b 0wvc,% more ¢)r leSS, ae- cording to tilt,', government survey ' 1hereof, appraised at $33,325.50, Timber on E/ of SW¢( arid Lois 3 and ,4 (')f sect')on Jg township 21. Imrth, range 5 wtst, W. M., i:onttlin- ing 156.45 acres, more or less, accord- , lag 1.o the gevermncnt n]rvey thcrcol, , al#prx0sed at $58,420.00 , Timber on SED/, ef ,.q:li(.#n ]8, Iowa- , tlip Z1 norIb, range 5 'wast, W. M,, Conitlning .I(J0 acres, nK)i'c L,r ](Z;:, a(:cL)rdlng + to tbc gl.)vernnl*l#t survey i]/:reof, ap ,raised at 858,9J{.t)0, ]'O he donkey logged. Se(.M atca to 'l),+' left lu the Nfi of NE+,.}, (,f NW%, and N: of S'WV, of Nb:i of NW}£ ; tlSO a seed area io be left in lh¢. N & of NW of NW{4., N{{: of IW)<, ,)f NW:}a of N)/. !, and NEi of BE{i of N,Vh of NWi. SI)ol. 7;)uvniE g 1I Io be determined by in-illection. A('t()l'ill; iO |tl( SIt'It'S er(lln(! l]lcl'e are aptrttxilnalely 8 287,000 l'cet yellow fil', 11J2,(100 fc.(d, dead and down y,,llow Iir, 12 975 0(X) feet sapling fir, 52,01)0 feet hemh.)ck, 9.237,000 feet red fi};, ,1)(7 lineal IeCt poh.'L 3,000 fe(A pruce and 70,),000 feet white pin(?. A|'I'I.ICATI()N NO. 19553 Timber on I{i of SE/I (}f NE(t of eetion 16, tl)wllship 1 llorth, I'allg( 5 "wcat W* l"I,, coal {J intllK 20 acres, nlol'c of less, at;cert|iii  I0 lhc K(}%, "" l'nllil*n[ surv('y tll('F"(f alld al)llroxl - IilateJy 17 frees aloltg the, llOrl|l ]}lel of 11111 NEIA of SIG,Yt of sccl,ioII ]6, ttwnihlp 21 not'lh, rlngq 5 ;vest, 'IV. "M,, apprabted at $3,105.00. Eubjeet to t:al;[mv,nt lot right of way for i(#gginj-; road ]lo1"(:|()forc, grtlllL- ed trader ai)pheation N,#. 13905. Nubjuct 1,) tit II1l ',ttll 1I" right of "W,ty l.}(21ld}n un(i,!l" .lPllticatil)n  i, 19O50. , Marked Irces only im NIC!!}, ()f SE.. ,I'O bo donkey logged. Snags lo be ltUt for fi£'(! Ill'election. ,According tO tile t?illC'S Crl+liiqe, Itr(} ltpproXltllatt]y @,000 f('ct yctlow fir 7 000 feet (leafl )t,aadhlg yellow lh', 245.000 feet r(:d  r ovvr 30', 1.I),- 000 f*'et led fir, 3,.001) fc.¢l down rod :fit'. 2.fXX) feet c(t(l;tr, .|)(XI(} fe,,t dad an01ng' ccdlr, and 02,000 f(:'t ben|- lock IPI)LICATI(IN NIl. 195i18 Tin)bey on Lots 1 and 2 ,)f seetlen L ), township 23 not'(h, rang(.' ,1 west. W. .M,, containing 84.17 acres, n',ore (.)r lenH, I£ccordtllg tO the lovel'luaeet url'ey thereof, appraised at $7,019.211. All tank fret's t.11 be h'ft for sei}{t alrposes. A seed area C(#lltllillillg llp- roxillattely [i aePes ill the EI/Z Of EJA nf NEI of NE% 1.o be left. But,nt Bl'lag}} to be f(!lhd :for fire lira - tee ,ion. T0 lie donkey logged. According to the Siale s cruse lhure are approxlmately 20,000 .feet red fit' over 30", 1,113,000 feet small red fir, 31,00") feet down small red fir, 6,000 feet cedar, 212,000 feet homh)ck. 90,000 f*.,et while pine, arid 1,240 lineal feet polc, API'LICATION" NO. 19,121 Timl'),r on NE {l #.,t seclion 25, lowlshp 23 n0"ih range 5 weq V, .IT,, cr)ntstlling 160 acre:;i am)'0 or less, Ilc(w#rdlng to lhe c)v,,rulll!l|l" *;lll["'(2y t}le['(.ff, appraised at $7,t,fXI.00. Tillber on StY!':I of tq('cti,n 25, (OWl!- , eJn|atltll 100 acl'el, n)c)r or ]('S, ,,a, 'cordin io the goverBII)(nl urvcy thereof, appraised al $7'1,622,50, Ae !ordlng tt',the Ststo/s Cl'UiSt't there ,*are tppYoxi.utatoly 7,965,000 l'(ct ycl- .lOW I']1', 47(101R] feel dead t.aIldlllg and ,..dewn ellow fir: 1 600,000 feet fir un 2 ..,der 10', 2,215000 feet cedar 120,000 ,;oet dead i+taP.dlng and down cedar, • ',,l,975 000 fcct r henflock, 2).0017 feet ¢Whtl,( IIne, I 580 poles a]II 265 00Q feet , '%eIlve, r fir. ' ' , • ?I' r A'I)I)I.I(ATION N0, 1|)42 w Titular on I.,oL bind 2 ef s0ction ','1, loWlS]lil) 23 ll011il) l'slle 4 west. • 'W, M., et,ntahling 77.(;7 am.(,, more 0r Ios, according to il'l, )ovvrnn)en '$UFV(&V |hervof, lppvaisd at $2g I)81,(}(}, ,' Timb('r 0n Lr)}s 3 and 4 and SE] .of SW } t,f " lion 1, ttwn]ip 28 llorttl. "il/go 4 W*Pt, W. )4., contain- 411 J/0.23 a(',rcs, lilO 'e fir ('SS. }lcc0r(I- ']n it) ]lie I[overlnllcat KtllW(.y I}}(!I'('(#l', alqwp, t),.d al $53,]86,75. ' Collky iFce: t/ll{I st'tubby i.l'0(s tin T(}(,]{y ])(%till] ]I] )]( left for sc,d |I'eCS, )e t,' d ar(?a [oc)tlo(,i ttl)pl.oxi t}Nli,q v ill 'l|le 8'Wl..i ill' 8Wit or I,(,t 1. N() 7)nrll- ]llg of s]a'ql ,:xccpt Ill vel'y tlazard(#us ;p>(., Ac(:,ording h) th( .qiut(,';i cvui<p tlwro ar( apl)r )x ) #&t/,|y 1 2.15 ()q0 l'evl r(,d fir over 30", 3.1,000 fet't (lead N|l#ll¢llllg' q sled (]own rt.{I Ill' ov(r ,17 i/1c}leL 7,- • @0(I,(}(K) f('!('t saKtll r('d fit', 15,000 fe,d. 'L'e(}a,r, ;I,115,00(I i'P('t Ilel)l}O(.'.|¢, 377,000 ff'e(t wllt(( pine and ]3,200 lineal feel. +Ilole,'t, -, AI PIA[CATION NO. 19123 * 'Pimber Ill Ww.  f kl'] :i tlIl(I SE /i o( ;'.kE/, i;e(.'thm 2'{, h)wnsh}l) 2:1 n,)rt|l, ralll; 'l} 5 "Vgesi, W, M,, cell(lining' ]:0 aCl't}. lllOre or l(!s.;, Ile'ol'dblg to (lie rnent suvvey tll(,l'tof, ltl)praiscd 4.71d. 00. )llky tr(*e; h> I.le left for o(,d. bllUntln oxce|)t in VOl'y hazard- )OrS wIwn h,II(,d. To I)c traclor Slnlc'S ('1'11 I"t TM tiM)re lit"{} ' 8.00(7 I('1% aOWll Y('IhIw red fir ever 3W'. ,,.2,- feel sn')atl red fil', :t5 000 fcct henllock. 47g.000 wcltt. W, M., .ing lit0 acres more or les:*, sc- C Lr# ibe gov#qqtll}01li } l,l [" I.' {)  n'at,'.-;e:l at $02,01.(t.00. to the Star:o's (TtliSC |}let'0 feol: yel sl all{lin ye]l#)w fir. 1,511Q,()017 I'(tt '1'i1' '420 000 t,(l, cvdar, 2,():),).iX)0 wk. 15.(X'10 ft. down :eda'. tin. f(,,,t c,:(i;tr IO( :. 210.0110 rt (,'I,A 11SE AP- [ES TO ALl, Tlllfl AE(/VI LIST- Of lhe al)evo/+J(,s('rll,) - to fall all 4#11 ]IC, lll%ql with laws am,- J'(UlICI 111 'I'Jlle Conll)iled and Ilgwu; {t } 'ndatn 'v 41 1,re(.. he ])Ul't,llaS(,l'l] (If t;)h, t tllt)cr life tO VUI# oUt t]#" ]iacN ))l(J tlt[:wl#t rgn' lr(,sl#a;.,1 ill I!;l;l: CUl. O11 ttl]leCut lftle-()wn*H] I I)f ,:ah.' IO })*: i:!*!l'(l will leq(h'.l the' lqght 1) ct)1:;trls!i IP'IJItII (2r I:f4 [) Ill)V(! all,- tract rof |h( t'#lll/Ivltl of .ttlll Will lli)l: [IV, ][ill ally t'X tiI(:(JoI ovq" t}lC ll;lcl. r(!l( l%'es I}1o l'Jlht I(} .l'1}l[ WaY I ()I' l( Ki" "i I'lIil{l} OY t)V('C /lll{] ael'O/S lrael8 af. any ll'llc t'dtl'()r Itl, Stalt ll,)l" tile gl'antcc, be lJaIMe tO t sc Im der (14' Itm ial( f(#r ally (l;l llUl tL'c cal.It!l | }|re|' (lll .',aid ]lllat will Im Ilt)l ]I*SS itlDn 1hi' Ill) )faired ti fief railled ])¢ l]le (olflln]}5-. • (f ]?Lll.)}ie l,lul(ls ill the man- by ]UW. + eq+tl(,Btellt: ()f liq now ,11 li|e ht ihc at'five' o[" (11" of a]d {'0Ullty. r Fa}c arc: Cmd} io bc 1)aid ' f)f sale. r(.}h+t,'4,,r Of t il]lllt'l" OU S[;tl O ilave 1 vear',s wii.]lill w]lich reJl#OV( sa}(l |tall)or, wjth tll+ p)'h'i- iecLIrJllg clf, nsh)llS (# itllle (' SU, tllltPl g'O}'tI'Ilill', (7'1+'I'(') A, (?A SE. ++ CtllllnlitS[()nCl' of I'ublie Lauds. 1 +2-9- I d.,23+311--+ 51, ,,, Ntt'rlCI O! ' I}INNtlLUTION OF .... PA II,TNERI i111  "',N(:)'PIC',I(I I8 ItFIIEBY GIVIN tlllt, :'{-I (o.llaFt|l( r 41/ 1 t tlf l:L i I, IUgl'al)l 'i{l,d (; N. ]trl(tgI's ('+mdl<(ill aud 't'l'yiitg t)rl 1.1 D t 45 1 |l('llOIl. Wlll- (+l4'L)ll, uIlder lbe Jh'm llaol+' iH|d styl< '}€t I NC-RAII-11111D(. l°,}} MoTOIt, C()NI- ,¢.IY we, ul I+ T)JI+atcd ;t,.'+ )i' ]:01 .#;1, ( )l¢itY, Novelllb'!r 25, .9,i6 ll'ld ,or).' an, ixlta l[t ttali tbe un<'h'r- "lttt'ne,t i mt responlllte ]or tiiy debt8 ',{l ('.t,b|gat) t)lt |nclnTed for alld Oll ;.ltellaI'£ ff , id tier|nots} II )* r -- +";I +`` [N '.I]:IA M- I 1 J.DG lgS :M OTOlt •" CO11PANY, + ; ++ .N" (2 BRID(tlL'J, t, II INGRAM, t-;t:. 19-211 +-4.2-I-I 0-23 30 81. "'l/Se |;lie Jourllai Clai£icd  ] riley really get reaultS, ing & Stationery Company, left Sea(Lie by plane for Los Angeles la'A Sunday morning for a, six- week or two-month absence from Shelton which will take them to Chicago and Detroit before their re t u l'n. They plan to visit relatives and old friends in all three cities as W011 as transact business during their absence. NOTICE OI"SALI OF BTATI TIDE LANDS -NOTICI'] IS IlEI?J(31Y GIVEN, That oa Tuesday, the .1111 day of February, 1947 colnelonc]ng at 1ca o'(:loek Jn lhe /' l*(rlOOll II" sad day, in f'ont of the nla]n cuirance door io |he COllnly Coort lieu!.',(: ill the city of Sl'l(,lten) eountY Of Masoll, State of Washing- |all, l)y the County Auditor Of said (ounty. ih fl¢#w ng des(ril)ed stde tide lan(l,q, i+)ge+the.r with the iml)rovc- mcnts situated thereon, will be sold at publte aUcLIo]l lr() tllc hJghcst bid" (](q" t]lercfor, to-wit: NOTE+---No on(-* ('xcept (:lttzcn8 of Ibe Unilod Slatc;L er 1)crsons who }lF¢t (io('htl'cd ttl#ir intention to be- COlll(J Nuch cau ll'urchase stale ]ands. Apl)liealian No. 1122.1 All fide laa<ls of. tbc st,col'ld clasa, owa(.d by the Stat,: of Washington, situate ta front of, adjacent to or" ill'ton lhe north 355 feet of lot 1, sectlou 16; townMdp 20 north, rang'c 2 west, W. M., with a front]g(} of 5.88 lineal chains, more m, lesn, n o( appraised aL $511.00 per chain (#r $.9.1.01). AI)plteatien No. 11226 Ttm tid( lanlls t)f the scctald (:lass. ewl'led l')y the Slate of Wls}lington, sit €111| # ill front of. adjac(2ni. [(# or tthnti,Jng up(m tile east two thirds in width of k)i 4, section 22, townsllil) 20 north, range 3 west, W. l,ff., with a fp(,]}lat)'( ) i#f 15.111 llneal ell]ins, n'a)re or Jelq, appraised [it $30,011 per chain or $454.80, ]i]x(,¢,ptin, ]lowcve)') any I)oriion of the above+ dosc]'ibed thie lands includ- I'd ill an oy};tCF Irao| (tccded by t|le. N(a(', (,1' Washh]td(m. Ial'ch 10, ]903, +{} "V}llialn Bank., un(tcr aPl)lJ(:ation No. 3053, All'plication No, 11237 The thie lands of lhe 8#:tend I:lasl owned }151 ill (+: Stale of Wasllingtun N tulle ill |)*(.)Ill Of, adjacent lo i)r nllllliin u|),#n the WeSL 178 It!el: Of lot 3. sevlion 21. townshil) 20 north, range 3 west. W. M., with u. front- age of 3.113 lineal cbahls more or 1 SS, el)Praised at $,)0,00 per chain or $133.9,20. AI)plicath)n No. 112118 All tide lnnds ef the second class, ewnvd I)y lhe State of Washington, sJiuaie in, front of. adjacent to or ai)lJIting upou ihat ml't t)f tot ], sec- tion 16, hlwnship 20 lorih range '2 wcsl: I W+ .M., 1,.viog loUlh (#f the north 265 feet of said lot 1, with a frontage of 15.31 lineal chains, mnre er less, P.j)praised at $40,00 per elm}u or $612,40. Apl)lieation ]No. fill5 Tile lidcl0nds of tlm soc()nd class ()wnod by lhe Sial(; of WaMl}ngion, siLuate i} front of, adjacent to or abutting uDon that portmn of lot 2, section 27, lownship 24 norlh, range 3 west W. IIf,, lying south ef thc )lorlh 503 fec. ,if said h,t 2, wilh a froetalo (if 21.5 lineal chains, nlore 0r lesm appraised at $a0.00 per ell]ill or $707.4(;), also TImt port.ion of 1.he lidc l'tnds of tbc q#R:oIld ¢:lllS,q owned bv the Stale ()I' WaslliI]glon, situate ill front of, altiac('nt 1,) or al)ut}ing npen lol ], sectiorl 27, t,)wnshhl 24 n()rtb, yltng'c 3 west. "W. I,, lying wcterly (,f (he wcst(riy lhlo Of lll( ril'ht l>i' WaV for ]'rJmary State ].lighway No, , as shown on Plat No, 356, filed Octol)er 9, ]930 Jn ]tie office of the Commis- sioner of Pub]}o Lands at Olympia, Waslflngton with 11. frontage of 9.57 lineal +(!hales, lUm'O or less, appraised at $80.00 .pro. chain nr $2N7.10. Application No. 1126(; Tho tide lands of the seon(l class, 0wired by 1,he Slate of Wash ngton. ltuat in frunt, of, ad]ac.ent io , or abutting up0n"that  portion of 1o > v((:li# I, town,btp l,q n0rtb, rallgo 3 west, g. M, d(seril)ed as flHlows: C&iqlllleUelltg a, tile nlcandcr corner oil the 8ou(ll line of said sc.tion 1, led rtlnlMag lhen].e 1dOll]&  tile, btl- allce(l governlnent ]llean(ler ]hle N 46 ° 3G ) 45" E 281,52 feot, N 17 ° 06' 4+')" I,] 1030,25 feet, N 40" 06' ,t5" E 648.90 /'o,t, N 36 '+ 06' ,t5". E 10R.30 fc(,t. N 30 ° (]6' 45" E 843,2,t foot aad 1hence N 52 ' ()6' 45" E 170.00 f-it i th0 IruP. pot)It of I)egtnltiuL , tllcncc ('(,a- linu]nl¢ ttlong 8aid I)alanccd [g()-i,l'll- Illeltl Itl(ln(lel" line N 52 ° 06' 45" ],l l, feci. tllence leaving said halalleed g'(#vcrnyeel]t liltS]litter line lind runnin. i I'thwes(e).ly to a point in the cen- lcr lhle (#f L (el e y "old n said ht 2, l|leucc S 5(; ° ,16' ,iF)" W ulong nut(1 ('(1linty road c(n(.er line IO an angle point tb(!rein, ]hence S 42" 22' 00" W along Sllid eo(inty road ecnter lille to S Ira|at wlllc'h is N 37" 53' 15" W Of ih,l 1))illf Of beglnulng lad (lien(t(}  37" 53' 15" E it) said point of b(!- g]nlllni, will] a f+on|ag( of 3,0() l]n- cal ch{i illN, llloro t#l' ] OS,¢I, ci)pl'liiscd at. $25.111t per challt or $75.00. l]x(,oplin, Ilo,,cver. /lny per(Jan Of 1}e above d(,'.u'rll.)ed lide lands inchld- Cd ill [11'I oyster trael deodcd i)y i]le. Ntate of Wasllington .flint. g, 1'901 fo R. Jacob:en under aI>Iilicatioh N,). 2632. Aplllicaliol't No. 11321 All lidc ]and,,l of (lln sit,and ('I:Iss, own+H.I DY the Sidle of WashinKt()n situate in t'roIlt Of, (tdtacent t(, or sttutiin upon ilia west f) feet (,f tt]e east 170 h'(!t ,if h)i. 2. section 17, t()Wll- ship 22 ntu'l.h, rs:nge 2 wesl, W. J., w}]b a f]'o)ItaKe t*}' 1,06 lineal ell]ins. nlore or l(qS, l;i)i)ralscd ill; $50,00 per S](lu')h, In i'r(;ut" '(+L" adj,)ccitt, (o m" al)utiing uporl filet pl'lrl O}" tot ], sec- tion 3. townshil) 20 nl rth, ran+d, 2 WOI, W. M nlcastwed along the go'," el'Ill]lent n'lell[lder line as fa lows: l:IcgiDl'tinK llL a l)OJlll Oil ll)e. gf#v(xrll- tilt!at n}e]JI'ldeF Ihle Jn fiT)lit of said hit 1 whil'it is N If" 30' W 3,()(i ell]inn frorll tl pcdnt wbel'( sahi Illcalldcr l i(l('! is int(,r.qee(cd by a line rullniuI* east front It point 0n the wcsi line of the & ?' ]l i',+J cll',,;', ' :,?", lt: Ilorlhwet corner (#f llu? NELl )f NEI,,I, of t, hid sec(i#)n 4. and thence ronlinu- teg .N 11" ++(/' W a]oIl," said nlcandcr ih{e 4.(}3 ell]ins. Illol"e (Jr loss. {fl IIU an'ip point ih(I'#'[]l (ted ihcne( N ,,o :it}' E 0.11 c}lIlillS, nlorc or les:t, to i]le ioilll of Jnlcrsecii(ol of U line. wh (,l] i. parallel to and 1'/,511 ('hainv Ifn*i]l ,)f lhv. s(,ulb line of the SEI of NIJ; of Kdjolll I}I. HCCIhtU ,l. pro- dul+,d >lat a(,ro}l.-J said lot I. wilh ;t [l'ontllldl (If d.l,l ]blcal Chains. lilt)re (#r h'ss, nppraimql at $'t0.1t(,i I)(.'I' cha{ll or $155.t;0 Apl)li(,a]fon No, 113,19 The li(]('b)Tl(l,' ,f ihc }{('('Oll{l C][lSS. ownclt ])3' |lie S|lih of Waellhlg'1on sJtuale in fl'(#llt of. LJa()elll [o )r tttIll(filIR" lip,,)1( t11(' ea,t I00 r,,,t ,,f let 2 s..,ti.u 17, lownship :),2 uel'th range I] W(,s}, V. M,. wJlh a fr0nlag( of 1.52 }iueal ('hains, nlore or l('II, .t )1)rsiHl,d tit $ql).00 i)er chaiIl or $70.00. Sll (} ]an]il.t wi 1 11(€ fold f,)r uot ]}t t}Dln llltf ;tl)pvals(,d vtl t, t )Ovc 8taie(l ]lid at)on (lie (crln#t ]lid ('(In(li } ion. J'+#llowhlg : ]Not l(+s,q ill'Ill olle-}eaHl (+f tllt #U)"" ('tlll.te prle(! lllUlt I)e pllM lit ill,' thnc t)f ,tib'. 'J?hc talrcbacr, if llt I)e 111.)]. I]tO (#%'11Of nf lhc i|l}l)ro'v(q}le]lts, ill]IS( fo]*llwil} PaY i,) t}l offic+'' rrlskhlg l}t(' si]e tb(," full e]llOUl:t (,f file llia- l)l'a J('(| vflhllt Of t11€' ] alp r(v f,l]|Clll ,t, ]u+ alloy(, Mated. ()uc..t('nltl Of ihc f)Ul'" /.h&se |)l'J('#! hills( l)(' paid .'ll]llllttl]y lhq'oIH'b,r w}lh hH(,r#vl ea all d(.forrod |lt,Vll' [S I| I( I'llle 'f ]-tX ([)(}' '(11 + tllD1 1'+'1' itlllllnllJ ProvJd#'d, 'l]tal any . purebllger illDy ill]It(' full payelPlli (If priIIcti);IL inlerest :ul<] s()ltui#)ry l('cs git tllly til)l(' tl]d eb(;lln deed. T|I(' I)U('- ('baSal' ()f l[llld colliltin leg ] }lllbCr or ,dher va]uabh, nlatcrtals is t)rehibiled }iv l.qW f ")Ill ' lttil g' or ]'t! ]l},.}ag tny .ucb tJl()l)(,r or Illai(,riMH xvitlloal l'i],tt Olll'tH(ltil CIIIINPnl 01' i]lo {ol)Ullit.+slenor ##r J)ubhl' f lilts nlltil lbe full s)l}onllt (if tile I)ltr('ll;l.)o 1u'i('€2 lltu ]')CCl] l)a[d ]lid (h,o,l i'SIICfl, .All S;i1") (if ylltC ]lllldS art! nlIl('le sill)j(,('], l+# lbP l'CSo i'vtltl()nN (if ()J bL gISC:L C(PI:I] (tI'CS, ililtlerah] ltIllJ (,)m¢ils (,' eve '3' rauc. k IRI and de(l.ipi}on ,)11111 ill'the a(lditioBal lerl]lS and COil- till( n pr(s(-ribcd ill c(tttn 3 of chap- l,cr 256 of tile Laws oi 19117. t I ]illd will he std(t subiect to 11' ie'S, (end iiol).S tlld l'cscrvat]on8 uf (it]pitt H2 Of the S,,ss}on Lawn +)i" ]}72?, rp]ai n' tO ellN#Hllellls for |)l,r. ,,I,ql ,. 1}lille ['UIS 111 1 ()t]tl'.l" prt).- dUC(8 t)V,'l' |ha ttltlll(' ()TT() A, C,'Ailq. CullllllillOllCl' of I'ub}ie l,a]l(Is. i r l---Iti-w'3-a0--b t, +k NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 4th day of February, 1947, commencing at ten o'clock in 1he I foreneorl of said day, in front of the maht cntranc, e door to the County Court House in lhe city of Slleltoa, county of Mason, State ef Washington, by tile County Auditor of said county, tile following (lescribed state lands togetller with the inlprovements sllu= a]cd thcreen,! b9 sold at public auction to the nigneat bidder therefor, to-wit : NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have dc('.lared their intentien to bccome such, con purchase state lands. API'LICATIDN NO. 19165 SEW of SE#/I of section 30, town- ship a1 north, range 3 west, W, M,, containing 40 /]eros. lllore or less, ac- cordin. to the governmeut survey thercol, appraised at $500,00, Subject 1.o cascn]ent for right of way I(n" County Road pending under Application No. 18341, API'LICATION NO. 19525 SWi ef SW{{ of section 16. town- ship 23 nortl], range I west, W. M., c(#ntaining 40 acl'cS, nlore or less, ac- cording to tile government survey thereoI, appraised at $600.00. APPliCATION NO. 19588 NE% of NEA ef section 36, town- ship 21 north, range 3 west, W. M., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording to tile govermnent survey tllereof, appraised at $600.00, APPLICATION NO. 19657 Lot 3 of section 36, township 21 nortll, range 2 west, W. M., contain- ing 28.25 acres, nlore or less, accord- lng to the goverunlent SUl'Vey tllere- el. appraiscti at $,1,400.00. Lot 4 of Seciien 3(L townsl]ip 21 north, range 2 wcst, W. M., contain- ing 23.50 acres, more or less, ar- eording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $4,400.00, Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon tho terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less tlmu one-tenth of the pur- c]lase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purclmser, if he be not ewner (If tile improven]ents, must f()rt.llwilll l)ay to the officer making the sale tt]e full amount of the ap- SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNATI i praised vahle of lhc improvements, e above stated. One-tentl] of the pur- chase price mast be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred paynleuts at the rate of sixper ccn- turn l)cr anmlm: Provided, That any pnrehas(fl, luay make full paynlent of principal, inlerest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed, The pur- chaser of hind containing timber or olher ,valuable materials is prohibited ly law from cutting or removing anY suc]l tlnlber or mater|als wlthont flrs obtaining consent of the Commissh)n- cr of Public Lands. until the full ate- ount of the purchase price has been ])aid nnd deed issned. All sales of state ]ands are made subjeel to the reselwatl0ns of oils, gas. es, e0al, ores, minerals and fosslls o every name, kind and description, an( to the additional terms and condition ' I ORDINANCE NO. 436-3!} Red Cross Election AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SAL- Scheduled January 29 ] ARIES oF APPOINTIVE OF'I- CERS AND FIXING TtIE WAGES Annual election of officers for OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY the Mason Comity Chapter of [ OF SHELTON. WASHINGTON, Red Cross will be held at the FOR TtIE FISCAL YEAR 1947. court house, Wednesday evening,  BE IT ORDAINED IY 'TllE MAY- January 29, at 8 o'clock. Every- OR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS Oh' one who paid their membership THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASI1.- INGTON : dues last year is eligible to attend Section 1. That the sabuqcs of the the meeting and help elect the appointive officers at' the City of Stml- officers for the coming year. In tou for the fiscal year 1947 are hereby set as follows: fact, they are urged to attend the (a) The salary of the Treasurer ef meeting and vote. the City of Sh(qton is hereby set at the. sum of $250.00 per month, pay- able nlontlfly. Mel Bearden To Study (b) The salary of the City Clerk of the City nf Shelton is hereby set at the sunl of $75,00 per unmtll, payable 6 Weeks on Art Course nl,,nUlly. V[I', and Mrs. Mel Bearden of (c) lle sale .y )f tl]e C ty Attorney of the City ef'Shelton is hercby set Hoodsport expect to leave for Los at the sum of $100.00 per montb, pay- Angelei this week where Mr. able monthly. Bearden will take a six-week (d) Tim. salary of the Deputy Trees- ' urer of the City ef Shclton is ]lereby "brush-up" course tn art techni= set at the sum of $160.00 per nlonth, que under the noted artist, Ni- payable nmntllly. (el The salary of the Chi.f of Po- colai Fechin, in the Artists ) Work- lice of tile City of Shclton is hereby shop. set at the sum of not less than $250.00 Upon their return-Mr. Bearden nor more than $275.00 per nlonth, plans to devote his full time to payable monthly. if) The salary o[ tile Fire Cllief of art, ill his new studio on a Hood the City of Shelton is hcreby set at Canal point near Potlatch. tim sum of $250.00 per n]antll, payable nlontbly. (g) The salary of tile Assistant Wa- In 1913, minerals produced in ter Superintendent of tile City ef the United States were valued at Shelton is hereby set at the sanl of $5,520,000,000. Today the value $200.00 per nlonlh, payable montbly; and the right io occupy city prop- figure of our mineral production erty at the rate ef $25.00 per month. has risen to more than 7 billion (hi The salary of the Assistant Su- dollar's annually, perhltendent of the Streets ef the City of Shelton Is hereby set at the sum NO. 4824 of $10,00 per month, payable montlfly. (i) The salary" of Policenlen now SUMMON DY PUBIJCATION regularly enlployed hy tim CRy of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Shelton is hereby set at the sum of STAPE OF WASHINGTON FOB $225.00 each per nlontll, payable MASON COUNTY W. A, Gleason, Administrator, Es- monthly, except tim' salary of night sergeant which is hereby set at the late of G. R, Milbourn, deceased, sum of $230.00 per month, payable Plaintiff, montlfly, --vs,-- (j) The salary of the Police Judge of the City of Shelton is herel)y sct at the stun of $62.50 per month, pay- Anna M, Montgomery, George N. Montgomery, Ruth M. Kunzie Char- les B. Montgomery, Pearl R..' Glass, Martha Ann Montgomery, the un- known neirs of Charles R. Montgomery and the unknown heirs of Frank H. Montgomery and to all other persons unknown, "claiming any right,,, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property descrlbed in the cbmplaint adverse to plalntiff's ownership or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, Defendants. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to ap- pcar within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, o-wlt, within sixty (60) days after the 12th day of December. 1946, and defend the above entitleu action in the above entitlcd court, and prescribed in section 3 of chapter 25 answer the complaint to the plain- of the Laws of 1907. tiff, and serve a copy of your answer Said land will be sold subject to the upon the undersigned attorney at his terms, conditions and reservations of office below stated; and in case of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, your failure so to do, Judgment will relating to easements for rights-el-way be rendered against you acoording to and the carrying of timber, stone, mln-. the demana of the complaint, which erals and other products over the same, has been filed with the clerk of said OTTO A, CASE, court. able monthly. (k) The salary of the CRy Public Nurse is hereby set at the sum of $25.00 per nlonth for such time as she is employed part time, payable monthly. (1) "lhe salary of the Nigllt Chief Fireman is hereby set at the sum of $50.00 per month payable monthl,v. (m) The salary of the other nlght flrenlen Is hereby set at the sum of $25.00 per nlonth, payable montllly. in) The ,malary of the Park Care- taker (Whole City) ts Ilereby sct at the sum of $187.50 pcr nlenth, pay- able monthly. (o) The salary of the City Sanitar- ian is hereby set at the sunl of $125.00 per month, payable m)ntlfly. (p) Tile salm:y of the City Engineer Is hereby set at the sum of $450,00 per month, payable nlonthly. (q) The salary of the City Street Cleaner Operator Is hereby set at the sum of $1,45 per hour, payable nlonth- lY'(r) The salary of thc City Librarian is hereby set at the sum of $150.00 per month, payable monthly. That the cause of action herein is is) The salary of the Library Jan- to quiet title in the estate of G. R. itor is hereby set at the sum of $42.50 Mllbourn, to the following described per month, payable n]onthly, realSEpropertof S4; of NWA of Scc. 23. "of (t)$95,00TheperSalarYmonth,of thepayableLibrarYmonthly•Park eeper is hereby set at the sun] of )Twp. 23, N. Rge. 3 W.W.M,, subject $12.50 Per month, payable monthly. to the terms and condltlons reserved (u) The compensation of the Assist- to the Riverside Timber Company, ant Librarian is hereby set at tile sunl a corporation, together with the water rights thereto under permit No. 3324, iv) The compensation of the Lib- situated in the County of Mason, State . Irary Student Assistants shall not be of Waslnngton. I less than $.50 per hour nor more (hen JAMES MUNRO, [$1,00 per hour, I]ayable nlonthly. Attorney for the Estate. [ (w) The compensatiou of the Park- Office and Post Office Address: * Iing Meter Sulicrvlsor is hereby set Brenler Building, ] at the stun of $22,00 per month, I)aY- Bremerlon, Washington. ] able monthly. " ' Date of first publication December I ix) The compensation of the Gur- 12, 1946. ' I bage Supervisor is hereby set at the 12-12:lg-26l-2-9.161sum of $280.00 per nlonth, payable ] monthly. ORDINANCE N(}. 435-38 [ Section 2, That the wages ef the AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR [ following named employees of the, TIIE VACATION OF' THE ALLEY [ City of Shelton are hereby set for the EXTENDING EASTERLY A N D /fiscal year 1947 as follows: WESTERLY IN BLOCK EIGHT IN [ (a) The wages of the Street Fore- FRANCES SHELTON'S ADDITION | man are hereby set at the rate of TO S H E L T O N, WASHINGTON, | $250,00 per mtmth, layable nnmthly. , SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS FOR [ (b) The wages of Oradcrnmn on City WATER, SEWER AND ELECTRI-/ Streets .are hereby set .at the rata of ' CAL ENERGY PURPOSES. [ $1.45 per hour, payablc seuli-monihly. THE C T -- / (c) The wages of laborers in var- I Y COMMISSION OF THE |ious departm.nts of activities, as CITYK)F StIELTON WASHINGTON | streets water, park, sewer, dock, etc., DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ' are. hreby set at the rate of $1.20 SECTION 5: That the alley extend- per hour, payable semi-monthly: ing Easterly and Westerly through (d) The wages of minor lanorers Block 8, Frances Shelton's Addition shall not bc less than $,50 nor more to Shelton, Wasllington, be, and the than $1.00 per ham', payable senli- same. is, vacated, subject, how- nlonthly. ever to the rigllt (if the City of Sllel-  (el The wages (if volunteer fircnl(,u Ion to use the same fer water, sewer[ hall he at the same. rate prevailing and eh,cirical energy purposes. I ill the fm.egoing subsections (c) and SECTION II: Thatthc ownership .of[ (d) payable seml-nlonthly. the vacated alley be, and the same l if) rhe wages of truck urivcrs are herchy is, vested in lhe owners oft hereby set at the rate of $1.25 per tlle private property abutting thereon, hour, pay]bin seml-montMy, subject to the rights of the City .of (g) The wages of utility nlcn are Shelton to use such alley for water, hereby set at the rate of $220.00 1)er sewer and olee/rieal energy purposes, I N TRODUCI.] D iu Regular City Commlssion nfeetlng thls 31st day o£ D(member, 1946. PASSED ill Regular City Commls- sion meeting this 7th day of January, 1946, Iv. A, TRAVIS, Mayor REGINALD SYKES, Conlnlissloner of Fin]nee and Public A(:ountin. ROY J. KIMBEL. Conunissloner of Streets and Public Utilities. (SEAL) Attest: ALMA IC. CATTO. Cily Clerk, AI)proved: CIIAS. R. LEWIS, CRy Attorney. 1-16--11 NO. 1888 NOTICE TO CREDrPORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Vcr- nie E, Martin Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY gIVEN that the nndersigncd, Frank Marlin, has been appohltcd and has qualified as Executor ef the eetate ef Vernie E. Martin, deceased, and thst all persorm having chl.inls against the said de- ceased or the said estate are requir- ed to serve the same, duly verified with lhe ncccssary vouchers attached, upon the undersigned Executor or Ill8 Attorney of Record at tlle law office of Chas, R, Lewis, Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street. Sllelton. Mason Ceuuty, Washing(oil, the same .being designated as the place for the t].ans- action of the busiaeas of the said cs. late, and file mmh claims with the Clerk of the above entitled court to- gether with proof of service within six months after tile date of first publication of this notice, to-wit: Jan- inu'y 16, 1947, or all elamls not so s rved and flied llall be forever bar- red, FRANE MARTIN, Executor of the cslate of Vernie E, Marlin. deceased. Address: Bell Buildlng, 119 South 4th Street. Slnlton. Mason Coun|y, Washington, CttAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney f(]r said estate, Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason Couuty, Washington. 1-16-23-30--2-6---4t. NO. 154 _'OTICE or IIEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT, AND PET|TION OF ADMINISTRATRIX FOR SET- TLIMENTt DISTRIBUTION A N D DISCllAROE, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matter of th0 Estate of Glenn W. Brown• Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Nervie G, Brown OIson, Adluinlstra- trix of tile above entitled estate, has filed herein her fhml account, report and pctition for settlement and dlstrl- l:altion of the estate at said deceased, wherein the Court is askcd to approve said account an(t report, ann make dis- tribution of the estate, and discharge month, payable n]ontlfly. (hi The wages of shop forcmsu are hereby set at the. rate of $1,50 per hour, payable seml-monlhly. (1) The salary of the Deputy CIeH{ of the Clty of Shclton is hereby set at the rata of $6,00 l)cr day, payable n mntllly, (j) The sahu'y of each of the lwo assistanls to tile gartmge Stll)el'x'is()r Is hereby set at 1he rate of $240.00 per month, payable montllly. Sectiou 3. The inunediate preserva- tion of public peace, health and safe- ty requires that this ordinance bo effective inmlediately upon its pass- Connnissloner of Public Lands. 1-2-9-16-23-30--5t. NOT[('E OF I|EARIN6 ON PETI- TION TO VACATE ALLEY EX- TENDING EASTERLY AND WEST- ERLY IN BI,OCK TEN (10), DAVID SI|ELTON'S SECOND ADDITION TO Till!] CITY OF SilELTON, WASH- IN(ITON, AND !I'1iA'I' PORTION OIi' CEIIAIt STREI*;T WlIICII LIES BE- TWFI']N EIGIITll AND N I N T H STBEETS, SllEL'|'ON, WASIIlNGTON NOTICE ]S ItEREBY GIVEN lhat lh(, ]hl'a]'d )i' l)irccto]'s of Shelton St'heal District No, 309, has ! filed witll the Clerk of the City (,f Sl)cl- Ion lind ttt(, City Colnmisston of the City ot" Shelton,Wasllingten, a l)eti- tion Draying that the alley cxtcnd- ing lasterly  sn(t Westerly ill Bhlck Ton (10), David Shclton's Second Ad- dition to Shcllon, %Vashington, and that portion o:[' Cedar .Strec[ which lies hetweell Eighth and Ninth. Streets in the City of Sllelton, washington, be vacated and the ownership of said alley and. said portion of Cedar Sh'eet revert to the abutting preperty own- NOTTOI,'I T,q FIIRTI.I}I GIVN that pursuant to Rt.solutien No, 30 adotll/d by the Cily Comnflssiou of tlle Cily of Shclton, Wasilhlgton On tile 141h day of January, 19.t7, said petition will Im ]leard on Tuesday, the 4tb day el' Fel)ruarv 1947, tit the hour of 2 o'clock ill Ihe afte]uloen, tit. llle Commissioners Ro(nns, at the. City Hall, in Shcltorh Washingien. Dated this l.illl day of January, 19,17. ALMA K. CATTO, City Ch*rk. 1-15-23---21, ............... K-i:i:i ............. NO'i'l('lt: Oi 0 IIEAIlIN(I ON FINAL ItEPOBT AND I'ETITION l"Olt I)ISTRI B|TI()N IN TIlE SIYPERIOR COIJRT (iF THE ST./I'E OF WASHINGTON FO1 MASON COUNTY IN lqtOIBA'r I,; In I]W Matlcr ttf llw EsLate ef Joseph V, Marsh. Deceased NOTICE 1S IIEREY GIVEN ]1tat l'(,a]'l W. Wals()n. Adnlinistralrix with tlm 'Will ann(x(,d (ff tim esl.ah; of J( n('l)h W. Marsll deecasc.d has filed wil.I] th(' C}crl¢ of.tile al)ove enttPd court h(']' Ii'lllal R(q)ort and P(,titi,)n 1or L)isi]'ihulion asking the c()nr| [0 v'ttl' and al)l)Vmc sMd RCl)ort and Petitiou ['or J)istribution, d st]' bule the property to the persons (beret() entitled, and discha'rge said Adnlin- j! (ratrix W.W.A. • NOTICE IS FURTHER (;IVEN that I h( satd FinM Rel)OrL aBd Pelit}(al for Distributbm will bb heard in (be Court Room, hl ]lie Court House, Ill SI]elt(m, WashlBg'ton. on aturday lhe 151.11 dsy of F(,bruary, _1947, Dat(,(l this 111h day of January, 1947, CLARE ENGELSEN, (SEAL) ' County CIcH¢. (;HAS, R, LEWIS, AtL()l'ncy fur said estate. 1-16-23-30---2-6---4t. • NO. 4830 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN TtIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR ASON ( (JUN'rX I-I. 15. Alcxand(: all(I A$nes I. AI+ exander, tIusband and wile, Plain- tiffs, --vs,-.- C, W. Brown and Edith Brown. l-Iusbaud and Wife, the unknown heirs of C. W. Brown, deceased, the unknown heirs of Edith Brown, de- ceaaed, alld all otler pel'aons, un- known, having or elaimillg to have any right, title, c,,tate, lien) inter- est or equity ill and to the nereul- after described lcal Estate, Defend- ILIUS, TtIE STATE ()P WASIIINGTON TO: The said C. W, l:h'owu and Ed- [til Irown, husband aud wife, the )Jnknowlt heirtt of C, W. rown, de- ceased, the Ullknow n heirs of Edith ]h'own, deceased, and all other pcr- NOII8 ullknowu having cr clahnlng h) havu, sny right, tiile, estate, lien, inter(,t m' eql]ity'hl and to the here- inafter dem,.ribcd Real Estate; you alld each of y)u are bereby suln- nloned tO at#pear witllln 6(} days after: tht] date of tile first publication oil lhi Stunmons, to-wit.: Within 60 days l after the 26th day of December, 1946, and defend tile above entltlc'd action l ill the above cnlttled C()urt, and an- swer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs. and el'l'e .a c(]py of your Answer up(al the nfidcrsigaed attornoy for the 1'lain(ills at Ills office below stated; aml ill ease (11' yo(lr failure o to do, jtldgl lent will be rendered aga|nst you" a(:cordlng to lho demand of tile i2omplaint, wilieh llas been flled wlth l]le Clerk of the said Court. Tho oh- oct of this action Is to quiet tllo lqainiifls tii.le in ted In t.I]o follow- Ing described lands situated in Ma- Sell Connty, IVashington, to-wit : G()vernnu;st l,ot 5, Scction 21, Townshll) 20 North, Eaugo 2 West, W.M'., excepting therefron the" West 10 acres, nlore of less particularly described its follows: Beginning at the l]mander eorn(w to Se(:tlolls 20 and 21, said Towllsh]p and Range; running thencc outll. along tho West llll(t Of sttid Lot 5, (;,;13 chains, nm]'o or les to tll' coro0r to Sections 2(,), 21, 28 aLld 29' t]'len'ce ]thlt, along the Sec- iit il lille, 10.52 cht).ins: thellCe North t(l' tho uleander lille of ]lalllnlerley's hlleL; i l]ence ahmg tile nlcander lille ill It loBlhWestcrly direct(oil to the point of bcginnillg; alao eXCel)ling (hercfrolll ptlblle road yhlhts-of-way, lnt(l to p0rpetually bar and (njolu you and each of you fronl tl:Sevtillg any right, i|th', clahrl, cqully, lien or luterest thcrelu and ]hereto and for a decree adjudg|n th0nl to b th0 eWIICCS (if tile said ]ands, Ill PRANKI.IN HEUSTON, At[orllcy fO " ] a nlHTs Office alld PI)sL'Of(Jce Addt'(2t6;3: ()ur t lleus(', Shclton, Wsshhlgton. 1L1-2(i21-2-9-1i-'a-30--2- G--Tt. age, UnanimouMy adopted this 1411| (lily of .January, 1947. Iv. A, TRAVIS, Mayor. REGINALD SYKES, Cenlnlissioner of Finance and Public Accounting. ROY J. KIMBEL Colnmissiener of Streets and Publie Utilities. Attest: ALMA K, CATTO, City Clerk Approved as to Form: VIRGINIA C. MALLOY, City Attorney. 1-16--1t. Eairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W NO. 1879 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO the underslgned. Tena Shaw, has been FILE CLAIMS appointed and has qualified as Exe- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE cutrlx of the estate of Frank Rabideau, STATF, OF WASHINGTON FOB deceased, and that all persons having MASON COUNTY claims against the said deceased or (IN ])REBATE) the said estate are required to se]wc In the Matte]" ef tile Estate ef Har- the same, duly verified, with the old /illimn Forbes, Deceased, necessary vouchers attached, upon the NOTICE IS 1-IEREBY GIVEN, Tlmt undersigned Executrix or hcr Atto]'ney Letters of Administration on the Es- of Record at the law office of G-'has. late of Harold William Forbes, de- R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 South ceased, were granted to tlle under- 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, signed, on the 14til day of December, Washington, the same being desig- 1946, by the said Superior Court. hated as the place for the transaction All persons having claims against of the business of tile said estate, said estate are required to serve them and file such claims With the Clerk with the necessary" vouchers upou me of file above entitled court together at nly attorneys office, Brodle & with proof of service within six Brodie, 205 Capitol Park Buihling, months after the date of first publi- Olynlpia, Washington, within six cation of this notice, to-wit: Janu= nlonths aftcr tile date of the first )ublication of tbis notice, to-wit, witll- n six nlontl]s after tim 16th day of January 1947, and file the same witll the clerk of this Court, together w t x ))roof of sucll service, or they shall e forever barred. Dated at Olympia, Wash., this 9th day of January. 1947. GRACE FORBES, Adnlinistratrix• :BRODIE & BRODIE, Lawyers, 205 Capitol Park P.htg., Olympia, Washington. 1-16-23-30--3t NO. 1728 , NOTICE FOR TltE SALE (IF R;AL ])R|)PERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In ttle Matte] • of the Estate of George J. Archer, Deceased. Under autllority of Order for sale of real property entered by the Judge ef the abovc-entitled Court on ]he 11th day of Jamlary, 1947, William M. Olson, administrator of the Estate of George J, Archer, deceased, will sell at public auctio]l, to the higlmst and best bidder, the following described real property : Traet 26 and lidelads, Section 34, Township 22, Range 3, Madrona Morn- ingside Beach Tract, Mason Connty, State of Washington Said public auction will be held at (lie front door of the Court House of ,Mason county on the 8th day of Feb- ruary, 1947. No bid less than ninety per cent of tile. appraised wdue of said property will De received or con- sidered. WILLIAM M. OLSON, Adnfinistrator of the Estate of George J. Archer, deceas- ed• Attorneys for Administrator: WATT & PERRINE P.O. Box 455 Port Orchard, Washington. 1-16-23-30--3t, NO. 1875 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN I)ROBATE In t]le Matter of tlle Estate of Frank Rabideau• Deceased. ary 16, 1947. or all claims not so herv- ed and filed shall be forever barred. TENA SHAW, Executrix of the estate of Frank Rabideau, deceased, Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Sheltou, Mason County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Address: :Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 1-16-23-30--2-6---4t. AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Cylinder boring, piston grinding, valve refacing. Generator, starter serv- ice. Sold In Most 8HELTON Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 FRUIT TREES Investing... ORNAMENTAL That's the way to evaluate home ' SHRUBS ownership. That's why you need ALDERCROFT the expert guidance we can give NURSERY you all the wayl Only a fool with Wilbert Catto money can afford to spend in Walker Park - Phone 591-W haste! 1 lit Thurston County Federal I NEED A zr . . . [ .... .._-- Savings & Loan Association: • PLUMBtI{ i[! o,?c.o.. • I Phone 48 II! OA00'TON,,,*RS , I ' il, G.w. DRAHAM K.L. PARTLOW I II[ HAZEL WALMER •• , H. (2. BRODIE I HARDWAREJ" L. CATTO I!} HoL00 :- : I • _ I I k,.w,*.,w..A + *+..*,.,*,,,.*,,.*,,,',,,.'+,,'.',.-'-..%.%.?**?**?**?**?.?**.%.?. t++?++?**?++?**?**?++?**?+*-**-%+?**?++ ++ : HEINIE HILDERM, akN ' Announces His Purchase and Personal' Operation of The Chatterbox (::ate SHIP Y01 BY FAST FR WITH DOOR D Freight should be .... Tacoma Freight vm sir. Time Sch Leaves Tacoma daily Olym Arrives Shelto CLARENCE C SOUN at Third and Railroad Avenue From Sid Halvorson EFFECTIVE JANUARY 10 Now Ope In Ou ,Mourn Shelto: Co, I Due, to present will be limited soon as possi: complete line o: PHONE 657 0; Your HEA OIL STO WeHave a SUPP] from 50 to 1,000 gallo] Frisk00 aon County D,istril: ,) DAILY HOURS -- 5:30 A. M. TO8P. M.cLOSED SUNDAYS J[ " + SHE ' -k FEATURING HEINIE'S CHICKEN NOODLES "k The Nm ' and Serving Complete Breakfast, Lunch" and Dinner Menus . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINGS SIMPSON EMPLOYEES Federal Credit Union FOR THE PURPOSE OF Declaring Annual Dividend the Adnlinlstratrlx, NOTICE IS FURTI'IER GIVEN, that Election of in at:cord]ace wllh an or(let Of tlm Court made and entered on the 21St" m 4 New Directors dsy of Decen)bt}l" J946, a Ilea¢ing will be had before tne. Court on said fill- I 1 Member Credit Committce al account, report an4 petltiou on Sattu'day, the. 25th dsy of. January, 2 Melnbors Supervisory Committec ]947 at 10 o'elock, A. M,, ou said i,,1.,, i,, ,,,o c,,,,rt Room of l, ald 00,ourt M nd' y Jan;?0. ' t 8 p in the Court Itousc at Shelten, Wash- 0 a , , a m. big(on. * Dated this 21st (lay of December, 1946, ((SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. • Clerk of the Superior Court for Mason Cot, n,y, Wash,,,.,o00 Odd Fellows Hall AL1)EN C. BAYLEY, *+' "" [Att(.a'ncy for Adnlinintrah'tx [ Title, lusurance Building, I hclt.on. WaMfington, . • 12-tJ--I-2-'J-L6--4L RAYONIER EMPLOYEES Federal Credit Union ON Tuesday, Jan, 21, at 8 p. m. IN Odd Fellows Hall _ TO Declare Ammal Dividend Elect 3 New Directors 3 Credit Committee Members 2 Supervisory Committee Members It became pos mcnt lifted re beforc the NI Stepped.up to the quicke Shell Premiur checked for I c If you usc also is impro at Shell pum