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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CLEANER DIRECTIONS ray to evaluate home ['hat's why you need 'uidance we can give ,ay. Only a fool with afford to spend in Sold In Most SHELTON County Federal Loan Assiation IRECTORS .V: BRIDENSTE K. L. PARTLOW H. C. BRODIE ED HOLM " MAN :hase on of 00Cafe Avenue 10 ro 8 P.M. N NOODLES . st, Lunch' ETINGS ,J EMPLOYEES :redit Union ON L 21, at 8 p. m. IN lows Hall TO mat Dividend 'w Directors :ee Members mmittee Members SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Freiglt Seattle should be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry Dock, Taeom Freight vm. S'tr. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLNDER, President SOUND FREIGHT LINES Now Open for Business In Our Location on Mountain View Shelton Lumber Company | Due,to present conmdons our services will be limited for some time, but as Soon as possibl,e we will handle a COmplete line of building materials. PHONE 657 P.O. BOX 598 777 ', PHONE For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY WITH BETTER BURNING, MORE DEPENDABLE , ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YOU We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS fro 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations Frisken Oil Co. la=on County Distributor for Associated Oil Products Scoreboard May Have Done Our Highclimbers Dirt NORTHERN DIVISION W L pf pa Ehna ............ 2 0 63 47 Centr:dia ....... 3 ] ]21 13`] Olympia ....... 2 1 ]56 105 l-loqui:t m ...... 1 1 71 67 MonLesano .... 1 1 58 59 Abtl'tIPen ...... 1 2 92 95 Shelton ........ 0 2 52 5,] Raymolld ...... 0 2 ,15 97 Latest Scores Olympia 53, Centralia 36 Elma 35. Raymond 22 Montesano 35. Aberdeen 33 Itoquiam ,16. Olympia 41 Ccntralia 26, Shelton 25 Games Friday Shelton at Raymond Aberdeen at Hoquiam Elma at Olympia Centralia at lVlontesano Losing its second straight one- point decision to prc.season upper division favorites Shelton surren- dered a 26 to 25 Northern Division verdiet to Centralia on the High- climber floor last Friday only af- ter saving the visiting Tigers a thorough scare and coming within a shade of.upsetting the Hub City quintet. The result might have been in the Highclimbers' favor, too, but for a scoreboard error which cred- ited the Tigers with two more points than the official scorebook showed, a mistake which was not] discovered until a post-game check] of the scorebooks. I The confusion occurred early in I the ,econd half when Jack Pall-I rick, Tiger center dumped theball I 'through the meshes after being I fouled. One official ruled the has- ] ket did not count and the oher[ held up two fingers, iadicati/g he said after the game that Padrick was to get two f, ree throws, Both the Shelton and Centralia score- keepers understood the officials' signals and (lid not enter the bas- ket in their records but the score- hoard operator missed the nulli- fyinff signal and added two points to Centralia's total on the board. The error was no noticed thru- out the rest of the game, so when Kenny Hagan was fouled with less than a minute to play ad the scoreboard reading 28-24 in the Tigers' favor, the Highclimber guard took his fonl shot and con- verted, bringing the visual score to 28-25. Had the Highclimbers realized the actual count was 26- 24 before Hagan's shot they would have taken advantage of their pre- rogative of taking the ball out-of- bound and tried for the tying field goal. Both the Centralia and Shelton scorekeepers agreed in their scor- ing of the points in the re-check at the end of the game. Tie Highclimbers gave the Tig- ers a heated argmnent all the way, but lost the game at the foul line when they missed eight of 13 free throws while Ccntralia was con- verting ten of 13. Shelton's zone defense gave the visitors a peck of trouble but the Highclimbers led only twice in the game, in the first quarter at 5 to 3 and in the second quarter at 12 to Ii, but at half time were trailing 16-12 and at the third quarter mark by 21- 16 The first quarter rest ended in a 9-9 knot, Tuesday's tussle with Montesano was postponed because of the icy roads anti will be re-scheduled for either Feb. 4 or 11. This Friday the Highclimbers make the long trek to Raymond, next Friday en- tertain Hoquiam here. The speedy Highclimber B team downed Centralia's reserves 35 to 24 in Ildays prelim. Centralia (26) Shelton (25) Copley 6 f Cardinal 8 Nugent 2 .f Cartwright 1 Padrick 9 c Sundsten 7 Groshong 8 g Anderson 4 Tomashek 1 g Fraser Subs: Shelton--White 2, Buck 2, Hagan I. Centralia--Perry, John- SOIl. NOW... STEPPED-U P (significantly higher octane) " SHELL PRE'MIUM, GASOLINE The Hew Year's first bonus to mobrists is at Shell Pumps today Get stepped.up Shell Premium " .. ,for ,qooa driving It became possible to step-up Shell Premium Gasoline when the Govern- ment lifted restrictions on octane ratings of gasolines. That happened just before the New Year and the good results are at Shell pumps today. Stepped-up Shell Premium Gasoline adds higher anti.knock qualities to the quicker starting, finer balanced characteristics always present in Shell Premium. It is a fuel made to give your engine what it needs, and checked for performance by Shell Research. If you use a "regular" grade gasoline, you'll find that Shell Gasoline also is improved. S'o every motorist will get better, more efficient gasoline at Shdl pumps today.  l  ' :,.2.. Y'JI . ., , . . SFI]L'TON-M.ASON COUNTY JOURNAL P ................. • .. . ......... _.Y___'.. :%_._ '.'. ........  , , ,, , , , , , _, ...... Fems. _..0pen Second ,2o CalvarYEost pi.e s, WORSHIP HIM Half By Knotthg Pentecostal Chu,'ch --- IT,, ;,..t Division XN semn? a rl d WOMEN'S BOWLING Stlnday Sehool--.9:-t5 a. ln MARCH OF DIMES DOUBLEBILI w L Morning Worsi.p-.,:oo ,,.,. IN TgUTII • ' ' • Shelton Grocery ........ 26 19 S, mday l;'vanKelistic, 8:00 p, m, a[ IN NEW GYM '  ' ,.,,,.:"" IUESDAY x,_.:,! l:,tners Co, net ......... o :t we.inosda ,'rayer Mee.,,. MeConkey lh,'trnlacy 2.1 21 8:f)0 I). m. Assembly of God Crippled kids will benefit from[cnt teams in Southwest Washing- Pastimc ................ : ....... 23 2'2 Friday Regular Meeting, - -, 8:00 p.m. tie healthy muscles of She|ton,] toil Pantoriun ................... ',2 ',", T,',tele an'd lhna b:tsletball play- [ 'l'lle Cleaners have won over suc'h lason CJeanez'; .......... 22 23 er:; next evening when'al powerful teams as the Raymond Werbercr \\;Vinery ...... 20 25 EVERYONe, WELCOME 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M "March of Dimes" maple court Red Devils and several of the bet- Mac's Corner . ............. IT 2S Rev, R. D. Caddy, Pastor Rev. Sam MeGili, Pastor doubleheader is staffed in the new ter Grays Harbor ,rea independ- High game- Edna Rohinson 195 " r Shelton gym. all pro,:eeds to go ent clubs with a lineup consisting High tot-d..Pauline Staley .:IS0 n"'rs4"t Dm,"a-'" t u"'- "n into the Mason County "March of of tile Anderson broUlers, Jess and ............... F 1 S rc Dimes" fund. Gene. both well known to Shelton That holiday vacation evidently • ' In the preliminary game the basketball fans, the Shelton broth- allowed a little rust to accumulate J.O. Bovee, Pastor Fifth and Cota Streets Mary M. Knight Owls. members ers. Kenny and Bill, Bob Piercy on feminine bowling sights for Bible School 9:45 a.m. - ..... Young Peoples Meetings 6:30 p,m. of the Tri-County high sehool has- and other well-known former Elma scoring was far froln average on Morning Worship 11 a.m. --- "Studies in Romans" ketball league, will meet the fast- prep sars, the whole as the ladies resumed Evening Service 7 p.m. - .... Evangelistic. stepping Highelimber B team at The Morgan club is con]posed of competition last week. All Are Cordially Welcome - 7 o'clock while in tie feature at- former Shelton prep imopmen such But interesting things happened traction the Morgan Lumber team. as Bill Levett, Al Eaton, Dan Col nevertheless. For one thing, up- entrant in both the Shelton and rater, Bill McCann. George Valley per division teams, matched MIIil Olive Lutherall Church olympia city baskethall leagues, and Me] MorKan, plus relative against one anotimr, tightened up meets the Valley Cleaners of Ehna. newcomers to this community in the standings noticeably. Paced by II , one of the mosL powerful independ- Bob Phillips aud Jack Williams. Dot Willour and Jessiea Hunter, Ritner's Corner lmlled into a first The Church of the Lutheran I-Iour MORGAN LUMBER PLAYS POTENT place tie with Shelton Grocery on HILLCREST- HIGHWAY AT CASCADE • , , . an odd-game victory over third CAMS HERE' SATURDAY EVENING ploo Mconl,oy Pha,',nay while Telephono ,.-M aud .o.,0 the grocers were losing a 2 to 1 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a.m. Apparently back in high gear points as the local qlint dropped wn'dict to fourth-place Pastime again after a brief losing string, St. Martins College by 39 to 23 and Pauline Stqley's league lead- LISTEN TO THE LUTHERAN HOUR Every Smdqy at Morgan Lumber knocked off two Thursday in the collegians' own ing ,180 total. 9 a.m. over KGY, KTW, KVI---2 p.m, KGY, 6 p.m. I.OL formidable Olympia City basket- gym, and following up with an- In the lower division, Mason ball league opponents last week ntllcr fine if somewhat less point- Cleaners and Pantorium widened ............  and faces another this Saturday productive performance in Mor-the gap between themselves anal First Methodist Church evening in She]ton gym when the gan's ski-tight 30 to 28 triumph last place Mac' Corner and sev- Shelton aggregation entertains o.ver the Olympia Elks here Satur- enth place Werberger Winery with "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" the powerful Cammaranos of clay night. ' ' respective odd-game decisions led Olympia at eight o'clock. ;J?he latter verdict squared ac- by Rubye Frisken and Phyllis Fourth and Pine Tie Cams have lost but one coupts for a six-point defeat in-. Tembrucll. The linet, ps: Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. game in ieagm play so far, that flictcd by tho EIRs in Mprgan's Pastime (2) Cash Grocery (1) i Special Music an upset defeat at the hands of opening league sLarL last month. Handieap 201jHandicap 4,):1 Sermon Topic: .The Cal of the Deep" the youthful Round Table club last Bob Phillips .tallied eleven points[ Staley 4801Brew, ster 359 HARDWICK W. HARSHMAN Minister week. The Cams boast a lineup to. be top scorer for the Shelton-] Kopperman 380LBarger 292 of former Olympia high school and tans agains.L the Brother Bills with I Lindema] 4001Skelsey 3110 Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 independent stars including Earl McCann and A1 Eaton following{ Shuffenhr 386IHanson 341 Lewthwaite, Dick Whitakei , Rod with seven each. Sltherland 3611Durand 349 ' ' ....... FIansen. Jack Borden, Bret Hunt- Morgan Lumber Lrailed only Total 2208 .Total 2104 amer, Leo Stecrs and Dick Swan- once after gaining a 16-13 half-.: Pantorium (2) Wcrbergers (,) First Church -'or Christ Scientist son who have blasted every riwd tilnc advantage, that coming mid-, HandicaP 243 Handical; ,t95 ) except the Round Table by wide way through the third period when Dummy 429 F. Cormier 294 SHELTON margins, including the Morgan the Elks momentarily slipped Tembruell 368 Kimbel 360 Branch 0f five by. nearly 20 points on the ahead 19-18. but after regaining Dummy 366 Johnsop. 283 The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, cheesebox Olympia YMCA floor, control the Shelton club doggec]ly Carr 30,1 Jacobson 356 Boston, Mass. How they'll stack up against the fought off every Elk threat right Frn Fredson ;;[,)2 White 343 Subject Next Sunday: improved Shclton elu on the big down to the f,nish Total '.'10 Total 1. ,,..,, Shelton fh)or is something to be The lumbermen's victory over Ritner's (2) McConkey's (1) deLermined Saturday night, how- St Martins was achieved largely HJndicap 5311Handieap 11..1 SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 ever. on a closing fou.rth quarter sprint Godden 373 McConkey 399 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK Tonight the Morganites meet which widened a third,quarter in- McCaslin 311 Bolen 440 WEDNESDAY EVKNING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Carlson's Shoe Repair in the St. termismon advant,ge of 25-19 to Willour 302 Russell 426 Martins College gym at 8:30 in the ultimate 16-point edge a{ Me- Hunter 334 Schermer 358 Reading Room maintainedby this chuI:ch at 302 Alder Street, another league encounter. Cann and A] Eaton ponred on the Bishop 374 Cole 395 open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Big Bill McCann was hitting the coal. Eaton had a dozen counters Total 2225 Total 2129 and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o'cLock. meshes with something akin td his to push cCama strongly for scor- Mason Ldy. (2) Mac's Corner. (1) All are cordially invited to attend the services hnd visit old self in last week's two" Morgan ing honors, while Bob Phillips Handicap 1261I-Iandicap 276 the Reading Room. victories, setting the pace with 13 played a bang-up floor game, E. Smith 421 Frislen 438 CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STR:EET Simpson 430 H, Smitl 381 MARK FREDSON LOREN HUNTER Mifflin  Cristo,son , -- ............................................................................................ 9 ) Robinson 442 Tifl'any 306 -- J--,' ........... .. ] 1 ,.,I. I-' . r I ..... ' m  . '  ......... .... Jill II BUD EARL TOP PIN TOURNAMENT Dodds 40,t;Edgley 395 . Total 2252 Total 2178 himself tO be one of the best clutch sinKlc game at 248 KIMBEL bowlers in these parts when he The prize=winning scores and [cLEOD SI:)EAIS .... compiled scores in three divisions prizes earned: liPIdE IOM, ORROW of the annual City Bowling AS= ALL-EVENTS One of Washington's top atlthor- lllTAlt[ sociation t o u r n a m e n t which $14.10 M.Freds0n 645-673-585--1903 brotght him the All-Events title $10.00 L.Hunter 645-622-634--1902].fairs-ofities on thisfiShingstatqandwill huntingbe heardaf'in and high places in both the singles SINGLES (68 Entries) Shelton tomorrow (Friday) eve- and doubles. hc] ,_1., , Bud Earl ...................... 659 $16 ning when Ken McLeod. Seattle Factory Approved Hitting 645 ill the singles, il Loren Hunter ............. 646 14 p,, outdoors and game and fish " ark l?redson ........... :615 13 ed|to, talks to the lVlason County placed third, while his 673 score Mary Morgan .............. 643 12 Spo'ts & Skeet Club in Odd Fel- teamed with A1 Drummond's 522 ClLrSltr,- Plymouth -I.ternational for sixth place in the doubles to Bill Dickie .................... 642 11 lbw.: Hall. " ' which he tossed in a 585 cotmt in Barney Morgan .......... 636 10 sERvICE SALES PARTS ' the team event to nose out Loren 7. Buck Price .................. 634 O i • [tals Bohn .................. 62,t 7 "' Hunter of Kimbcl Motors by a s single piI 1903 to 1902. in the all- 9. Lew Struthers .............. 621 7 events. 10. BUd Kenyon ................ 6.1.9  H O M E Hunter had a big share of the 11. Arne Aronson .............. 617 We Are Equipped to Rep.air and Rebuild 12. Bill Noblctt ................ 617 5 All Makes of prize money in his pocket at the 13. JohnGavareski ............ 613 4 T,' ]'.' close of the tournament, too, team- ' '-'-'-,  Cars - TruCk Tractors and Heavy ing with Bill Pearson to take top 14. John Dotson ................ 610 4 place in the doubles (thanks to 15. Chuck Hanson ............ 604 4 Logging Equ,pent Bill's closing 243 game), and wind- 16. Teedee Deer . ............... 601 3 17. Walt Elliott ................ 600 3 " Convenient Tems ...... ins up second in the singles with a 646 score. To that and his 622 18. Percy Funk ................. 600 3 doubles mark, Hunter startel off DOUBLES (3.Teams) In Otlr with a 634 tally in the team Went• 1. Hkmter (622) Pearson (672) ..... " Reasonable Rates 1294 23. NEW SERVICE B, UILDING Bud Earl of Pantorium Clean- 2. Kopperman (617) D o Ls o n • ° ers cracked off a sizzling 659 toLal (656) 1273 $2 * NO DELA, AT SOUTHFIRST AND MILL STREET Lo .earn top place in the singles, 3. B. Smith (619) I. H. Woods while the Simpson Log lineup of (605)-.--1224 $19. Electric Weldi'ng I PHONE 1 the city "league counted 3015 pins 4. D, Woods (643) Gavarest0, Mason, Cou]atyS4tvings And Brazing I to nose out Beckwlth Jewelers for (571)--1214 ,17, 465-w I • ' ......  Motor Testing I top money in the team event. Fir 5. Gardner (595) rice (617,)  Loan Association DrUg Store, Morgan Lumber and 1212 $15. " i Associated Oil trailed in that order 6. Drummond (522) M. Frcdson by the Latest Sunmastex Method for the remahaing team prizes, (673)--1195 $13. Titl¢ I),ra** mdg. Means No Guess Work. shutting out commercial and Ray- 7. Bishop (602) McCaslin (.585) onier league teams completely, --1187 $10. "  ..... J ...... LZ _:."-L_._=u,==:=_,,.r=,:.lJ!_[!_.J I I[ The tournament was run on a 8. C. Robinson (555) Roles (622) -- - 75% handicap basis, all figures --1177 $7. quoted so far including handicap 9. W. Earl (615) Bayley (553) Igns, but the top actual-pin scores 1168 $6. were the 653 totals hit by Mark 1.0. K. Fiedgm ({}20) W. Wo0dP Freds°n in the d°ubles and bY Paul (548)--'1168 $6" GriBS0N Fredson in the team competition, TEAM EVENT (21 Entries) , 1. Simpson Log No. 2 .... 3015 $63 2. Beckwith's ................. 3010 $50 3. Fir Drug'. ..................... 2993 $40 D) B* CASE 4, Morgan Lumber. ....... 2974, $0 FJ(00RM 5. Associated "Oil ............ 292 ,0 ........ Leading s60rers for 'id tam " .ItJ.ur]nt(e victors i,7¢ere Paul Fredson's 598 for Simpson, Ron Dodds' 608. fr Agency Beckwith's, John Doons 552(,for UTILIT Y " Fir Drug, Ptul Fredson's 653 for Complete Insurance Mrgan Lumber, and Joe Hglts ' > Coverage 603 for Associated. Office With Salisbury.,,,,,0, T R A C T 0 R S Shick & George h, tr, amual !;Io,0l, 1., 124 N. 1st St. Phone 46-J First games of the sen'ior high ,, , school intt;axnur baReb!I se = On|g ,95..0D Delivered in Bremeton (SUbject to Cha, ge) ................................................. son were played last @eek with 83 boys 'formed into a ten team league, eight of the teams getting ON DISPLAY AT 1ST & FRANKLIN - s-Duno";er's to action laat week. Hugh Sal)sbpry earned indiviar eLEFF WIVELL'S TEXACO SERVICE * ual scoring h(m0rs for the night TAXI toWhen his 27 pointalcdthe AK¢a 50 to 35 victor.v"qvef the OiI'PIGw  kCS D'oii¥ O ldeol for 2 to 40 Acres Hopefuls. Otho.r resuits o.g*,t O2/,2,Gd. Gos for 8,hr. use r Prayer Boys a l to  trounc: 0. No Clutch to Burn Out Phone i,g at the hands of the Packard e A €hiM' Con Handle and, Specials, the Bloomer BOYS. a 33 " " O¢omplete ¢ontrel with Steering to 20 victory over the Choir Bys, Oporoe 620 and the SpiLfires the. night's clos Lever ' est decision, 22 to 15 over tl/¢ O Powr, Take-Off fo MoM.g or Castoffs. Stand at Chevron Gas The intramural league plays Wood Sowing  Complete Pos Stock Carried Station - First & Cota oach Wednesday night under .the direction of Norm, I-il]yard, Mowers. Rkes - Plows. Dozer Blades - Discs ,, .,, S " D-& N-CmI:-N.G RO Scrapers. pr,ngtoofh Harrows. Furrow " Openers SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE GLUB EVERY SATURDAY NIGH, RICH00DSON.JENSEN From 9 P.M. to Midnight BREMERTON Memorial Hall Tractors Plymouth Music by General Welfare Club Orchestra, 2:i Sixth, at Mnl,Qm)r,y Phone 4210 ) .............................. .:Z' . .1.