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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1947
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rid, bs 6], a .y 10, held tsiers AI)ril , Ind. &apos;a, ()f • I-Ia- 3urg- send ; sters, elton, an of Th:ursday, Jmmary Mason County Post Veterans of THIS Regular Meeting l 9 00r,do, .,,oar, ,7-,, 00INE m ' Lyle O'Dell, Cmdr., J. It. Gray, Q.M. Phone 352J may bet these kids are popular. We keep their clothes y yy ,y y y VYVV l-y-J, trglrvv vy vy. Allyn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reno (Eileen Dove), of Fort Wayne, Ind., arc the proud parents of a baby girl horn December 24. They named her Willeta Jean, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, of Vaughn. visited the Elton Cleve- land t'amily last Saturday evening. Willeta Nussel, having had a major operation at the Swedish hospital in Seattle, is again at holYle ill Bremerton and eonval- pgotlessly clean--ready to take off to a juke box session or ,oke jamboree at a moment's notice. Keep our number 'G 3e0 ;ore yotlr yOungsters" Phone 86. IAN LE ANTORIUM CLEANERS&TAILORS 215 $. 2d St. Phone 86 M. IN.MEIORIAL HA1 3rd TUESDAYS January 14 of the • . TRIM SHOI! AUDRA LITERAL s Auto Upholstery" cars - Auto Tops feats and Canvas SHELTON AUTO Permanent Wave Special During January the Rest of Reduced Prices On Machine and - Machineless ( :: Permanents .,,,:. Also \\;':)'!:k 1:,/" Cold Waves 1' !) ELVIRA'S BEAUTY SHOP 404 Franklin Street Phone 563 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT cscing. The Community Club met at the school house January 8 with a turn-out of over 50 members. Af- ter the business was transacted, community singing and refresh- ments were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be held on Jan- uary 22nd. Bill Austin. Jr., and wife from Shelton, visited the Austin family last week end. Mrs. R. O. Baker, wlm has been confined at home on account of the little ories having had colds, called on friends ifi town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Trefethen visited M;. and Mrs. John Sullivan Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shepherd and Jackie visited Mr. and Mrs. Fern of Bremerton and enjoyed a mus- ical in their home last Friday evening. Archie Lindsey is clearing off the big trees on the hillside be- tween his place and the highway preparatory to building. We are proud to report that Shirley Wilson is one of five cho- sen from the Irene S. Reed high school in Shelton to compete with other schools for the scholarship awards offered by the Pepsi-Cola Co. We wish you good luck, Shir- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson spent the evening with friends in Bremerton one evening last week. NEGLIGENT DRIVER FINED Gent R. lltledge of Shelton pleaded guilty Saturday to negli- gent driving charges before Jus- tice W. A. Magoon who fined him $15 and costs. Telephone 145 r t'o teach e to "smile" one in mndreds of i have lcarned it during tor training program m our t a thorough sc that lasts an) in basic mix.or.match casuals 00L SUITS BLOUSE BEAUTIES  soft '47 styles, 100% W0ol, Fine rayon, classic or soft. 2.90 22.50 to 24.75 ewe 0 WOOL SKIRTS L SWEATERS a,y gathers, bright plaids. Styles it divan or slip.on; lots of colors, with belts and buckles. 3.98 6.90 :e boards like this a trainee is :e calls.., everything complex string of them. She ations.., learns poise and skill en she becomes :an call on a friendly s, when she needs it. me, girls now in training will t: chboards, and as fast as additioO]: ; available, hundreds more will mr calls. For we,intend to do evef" g the rapidly growing State of W  er telephone srvice than ever bet I humanly possible. [ ag telephone service" at the I€"  good wages and working condit!o nd a reasonable return to the tb I o have invested in the busine M ne andYdegroph Co. '(;(,.,._. 3helton - Telephone 497  DoUble Bed Size INDIAN & PLAID BLANKETS 4.59 h.aille Spreads -- eh, handsome and du, rahlel Solid color or lid with muhieolor[ 9.90 They're so good-looking and inexpensive you'll want more than one! Soft and sturdy single cotton blankets, 72" x 84", in gay Red, Blue or Green Indian and plaid de- signs! Swell for . camping trips and vacations' "<: : .:. .:* T|RRY TOWIH.$ Here's your chance[ We now .have big, bath size towels; white, white with. boders; tON ftll INFANItti PARALYSB 51¢ P.'E. 0. Members Celebrate Their COUNTY JOURNAI Parties at Courthouse LAKE ISABELLA CLUB For Officials Leavilg The Lake Isabella Club met witt Over last week end, several Mrs, Hazel McDonald January 8. parties were given by the staffs There were seven members pres- .......... : ........... ----------------- of various offices for those off i- ant and a guest, Mrs. Esther cials leaving the courthouse this Wicks, who won the nickel drive. lfal:tle2mnvFIREM&NppR f i'f°2 week. Friday afternoon Miss Clare The next meeting', January 22, will Engelsen, Omer Dion and Mrs. be with Mrs. Lula Gunter. Jeanette Dittman were honored ' ........ t by the entire courthouse staff. Eddy for an oyster supper in hen- Miss Engelsen and Mr. Dion were VISITS PARENTS SUNDAY Fiftieth Year Celebrating their 50th anniver- sary, Chapter B of P.E.O. enjoy- ed a golden anniversary supper at the Colonial House Thursday, January 9. Mrs. Clara B. Angle" and Mrs. Eva M. Ahlskog dressq in cos- tumes of the "gay nineties," re- ceived the guests and later es- corted each one to her seat, as the complete roll of the chapter was called by Mrs. Sadie B. Mun- son, treasurer. Whenever the name of a departed member was read, a flower was placed in an arrangement of greenery on the fireplace mantle. Mrs. Blanch Bell, chaplain said grace. At the head table were seated Mrs. Florence Macke, president of Chapter B; honor guests, and three charter members, Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson, organizer, Mrs. Mollie S. Lee and Mrs. Edith Dra- ham; the first initiate, Mrs. Car- rie Coville and two daughters of charter members, Mrs. Betty Fredson Austin and Miss Georgi- bel Webb. Mrs. Draham presented Chap- ter B's gifts of life membership to Mrs. Fredson and Mrs. Lee and in response Mrs. Fredson gave a short and interesting talk on the foundipg and early days of the chapter. Mrs. Lee read the min- utes of the first meeting of Chap- ter B. The tables were attractive with floral arrangements in silver and glass pieces of 50 years ago. Place cards were small replicas of the white and gold year books, each with a picture and gay quips of the nineties. Mrs. Laura Fredson, correspond- ing secretary, read congratulatory letters from the state president and organizer and many letters and telegrams from sister chap- ters, demitted and absent mem- bers of Chapter 8. The 36 members and guests closed the evening with the sing- ing of songs of the "gay nine- ties" arranged by Mrs. Helen An- dersen of Union. GRANT ANGLE IS PROMOTED Mr. and Mrs. J. Eber Angle re- ceied word this week that their son, Cadet Grant A. Angle, was promoted to the rank of Cadet Private First Class, at Hill's Mili- tary Academy in Portland, where he is a student. , UNION LADIES CIVIC CLUB MEETS THURSDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Union Ladies Civic Club was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Douglas Grout. Plans were made for the coming year and the following officers were elected: Mrs. Larry Scheel, president; Mrs. Judd Elliot, vice-president; Mrs. E. J. Bacon, secretary; and Mrs. Mawson, treasurer. JOSEPH W. MARSH ESTATE Judge D. F. Wright Sathrday, during Superior Court, set the time for hearing the final report and petition for distribution of the Joseph W. Marsh estate for Saturday, February 15. SORE THROAT due to colds Let a little Vlcks VapoRub melt on the ongue. Works fine, to soothe sore throat due to colds and helps relieve ii'ritation in upper breathing passages. To Ease Spasms of Coughing: Put a good spoonful of VapoRub in a b0wl of boiling water. Wonderful relief comes as you breathe in the steaming medicinal vapors that penetrate to cold-congested, upper breathing pas- sag,., a99me$ the irritaorbquiet its ot coughing, helps clear head. For Added Relief, rub VapoRub on throat, chest, back. Let its famous doublc-actio _ep  m  m on working for'    hoursasyousleep.VVA p o R u 8 II I Friday-Sa., January 17, 18 George Raft, Sylvia Sidney "MR. ACE" It's Raft's kind of Action! Sarah Heulen, Jerome Cowan Sial Silvers and the Flennoy Trio NEWS  CARTOON I Sunday - Monday - Tuesday January 19, 20, 21 Paul Munl at his very Best Ame Baxter, Claude Rains in "ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER" The strange story of Eddie Kagle--the man they could not keep down!' NEWS  CARTOON Wednesday Only January 22 Wally Brown, Alan Carney Nutty Network Sleuths Run Wild! ! "GENIUS AT WORK" Anne Jeffreys, Lionel Atwill Plus NEWS, MARCH OF TIME,. SPORT I or of the new officers for 1947. Guest of honor for the event was G. C. Triplett, fire chief at the Puget Sound Navy Yard. Other visitors were  Les Rice, Wile Etherton, Howard Somers and Cliff Barrett, all of Grape- view. The following firemen were present: Chief J. E. Simmons, F, W. Williams, M. W. Newklrk, C. W. Hennengtsen, Walt Eddy, W. R. Cundiff, Larry Adair, Oscar Mickelson, John Stuyts, R. R. Bi- shop, Walt Bishop, William Wal- baum, J. H. Huff man, John Mat- son, Frank Blakefield, Douglas Lines, Ed Caklet, Lloyd Suhr, Mack McDonald, Alford err, Bill Cady, Robert Rood, Sam Theler and C. C. Rice. INTERLOCUTORY DECREE An interlocutory decree of di- vorce was granted to Emma Mc- Gee from Samuel D. McGee by Judge D. P. Wright Saturday dur- ing Superior Court, Union _ Mrs. Estella McGhee became ill during the holiday vacation, witl what seemed to be an attack of flu but her symptoms are baffling. She has not been able to go back to teaching and at the present writing is still bedridden. The Ladies Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Douglas Grout. There was a large attend- ance. Mrs. Allan Rau was hon- ored with a shower. The opening of the attractive gifts, which fol- lowed the luncheon, took up most the time allotted for the after- noon, Ed Hegaas, the veteran mail man, reports that he handled more Christmas cards this year than any yet and that the next time he goes to Congress, he is not going to rule out all cards but is going to force the manu- facturers to make them all the same size. Six girls of our community were certainly thrilled and happy Saturday when they met at the home of Mrs. Iwin McVay who as their leader organized them into a Girl's Club. All the girls between the ages .of ten and 14 in this community are eligible. They plan to follow along thq lines of Girl Scouts. The G. C. also stands for good character and good citizens, they ruled. Lan- its Plews was elected president; Roberts Butler, sedretary; and "De De" Nosworthy, treasurer; others present were Patsy Hauer, Arlene Morris and Georgia Plews. After the business meeting', Mrs, McVay served refreshments. They plan to do handicraft and to be wide awake to all the beauty about them, which wilt mean na- ture study. Mrs. McVay, having had a lot of experience along this line of work, will make an ideal leader and all the parents are de- lighted and appreciative about this orgardzation. Mrs. Merritt Stark and Mrs. Gent Stark, were hostesses Sun- dy evening for a farewell party honoring Mrs. Sam McClain. The group played cards, with high scores goirg to Mrs. Don Calli- son and Ed HaRass. Mrs. Frank Nosworthy and Harlan Blake- were low. After cards a tasty lunch was served and the group present, presented Mrs. McClain with a lovely pin. Those present besides the guest of 'honor and the hostesses, were Mrs. F. L. Gott, mother of Mrs. McClaln, Mrs. Frank Nosworthy, Ed He, sacs, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Blake, Mrs. Don CaUisgn, Miss Ella Strandin, and Merritt Stark. The group also gave Mrs. McClain notes to read each day of her trip which promises to be a big venture. She and her small son Dwight, plan to leave Wednesday to join Mr. MeClain who is a staff sergeant in the air corps at Rome. The itinerary will include a train from Seattle to New York and ship to Naples from where they will fly to Rome. A number of his friends staged a surprise party on Bob Chamber- lain, Saturday evening. There was a lot of fun over jolly cards and gifts presented to him. Mrs. Jam- ison and Miss Ethel Jamison serv- ed:a delicious lunch. An impromptu dinner at the Andersen home Saturaay evening brought together besides the An- dersens, Mrs. Don Csllison, Mrs. Tom Roomer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Callow, Mrs. Irene nolle and John Moffett. After a late dinner, the group became very' proficient in the art of square dances. Mrs. Irene nolle, is spending the winter witl her daughter, Mrs. Don Callison. Tom Roemer spent several days last week in Portland. Danny McHenry, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll McHenry, was very ill a few days of last week. They took him to Shelton to a doctor thinking they might have to put him in the hospital but this was not necessary and he is much improved. Miss Zona Neldon came over from Aberdeen Monday for a few days visit with the Harley Nel- dons. Luncheon guests of Mrs., Gone Stark for Wedndsday will be Mrs. William Wing, Mrs. Harlan Blake and Mrs. Virginia Grout. . Mrs. Knutson entertained for luncheon at her home in Alder- brook Center last Thursday, her old friend, Mrs Grace Lyons who is now a resident here, and Mrs. Ethel Dalby. Wednesday evening Mrs. Ethel Dalby and Mrs. Lucy Ferron, of Sk0k0mish, were guest Speakers at the Woman's Club in Belfair. Mrs. Knutson, who is a member of that club, escorted them. Mrs. Ferron talked on Indian basketry and Indian lore and Mrs. Dalby about pioneer days on the Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clark of Seattle were dinner guests at the Dalby home Sunday and qn Mon- ray Mr: aid MrS. Dwight n- gram, a!s0 of Seattle, were there for dinner: presented billfolds and Mrs. Ditt- man a fountain pen. Saturday the assessor's Office had a party for the members of the staff of the treasurer's and auditor's office and after court Saturday, the of- fice of Miss Engelsen, the sher- iff's office force and Judge Wright and the attorneys enjoyed a so- cial hour. W.S.C.S. SPONSORS POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service met at the Methodist Church parlora on Wednesday, January 8, for a potluck hmcheon followed by a business meeting which was presided over by Mrs. W. M. Elliott. Rev. H. W. Harslman offered prayer, Mrs. W, A. Brodt led de- votions, the subject of which was "Our Stewardship of World Chil- dren." Mrs. Robert C. Johnson was in charge of tho program, as- sisted by Mrs. H. W. Harshman. The program carried out the same theme of the devotions. Due to illness Mrs. John Steiu- berg, who was to have been the soloist for the afternoon, was un- able to be present,-- Mrs. Elliott had the pledge service. HostesSes for the aftem]oon were Mrs. Harshman and Mrs. W. A. Brodt. Mrs. O. T, Westby as- sisted them. SEATTLE VISITORS HERE Mr. and rs. Paul Anderson, Yuvonne Baekley, Jeanne and Buddy Anderson, all of Seattle, visited last week with their par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. An- derson on Hood Canal. They Iso attended the public installation of the Order of Amaranth Friday evening. They returned to their home in Seattle Sunday afternoon. Harstine Island last Thursday with Mrs. Zelda Streckenbach with just a few members present. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Wills Mills in two weeks, Mrs, Celia Glaser and Mr. and Mrs. Sven Johnson were business callers in Belfair last Friday. When in.a hurry to come to Harstine from Tacoma just fly down like Billy Glaser did just recently, He tins a friend in Ta- coma with a seaplane and he landed Billy right at the beach of his uncle s place, Hugo A. Glaser. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen and children of Seabeek, were re- cent visitors at the Ed Wilsou home. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Page are the proud grandparents of a new grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wanford Page in Albany, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman visited Mrs. Bessie omfort at Silverdale last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George aite gyaVe a wedding antversary par, unaay evening. Those attend, ing were Mr, and Mrs. J. Paul Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer and daughter Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gillette and daughter Cher- ry and sor Larry and Richard Glaser. A very pleasant evening was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Vipcent .G)Rser of Tacoma were last week end guests at the Hugo A. Glaser home. Harstine Grange meets this Friday night at the school house. Mr and Mrs. Eric Christensen returned one day last week from an ll-day trip to Oakl'and, Calif., where they celebrated the arrival of the new year. They report a lovely trip. George Mutter was taken to the hospital one day last week, but no reports at this tir0e. The Harstine roads are pretty bad now after the freeze and thaw, so let's h.ope we won't have very much snow. The Hittite Code discovered in Baghas Koi, Asia Minor, set ceil- ings for wages and prices in 1350 B.C. pAeaMOU, T THEATRE 8hdlton. Wa=h, Thursday - Saturday Janaury 16 - 18 "DANNY BOY" "SWING PARADE OF 1946" Gale Storm Sunday - Wednesday Jan. 19 - 22 Tom Drake Elizabeth Taylor "COURAGE OF LASSIE" IN TECHNICOLOR Featuring Lassie the onder Dog Thursday'- Saturday J.a,. 23 - 25 2 FEATURES IN COLOR "SONG OF OLD WYOMING" "STRANGE IMPERSONATION" Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy, Jr., of Seattle, visited here Sun- day witi his parents, Mr. "rod Mrs. M. E, Kennedy, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy and their children Peter and Karol plan to leave Seattle January 27 for Chicago, where they will be on the radio January 28. Then they will go on to New Yorl¢ where they will board a plane for Stockholm, Sweden. Peter and Karol will en- ter tlm World's Figure Skating Championship, representing tie United States. The competition will be held February 14, 15 md 16. t4e Method akes Safe Re. gait:; that OuHast ¢afetv . E¢o,omv Per}ormance, NOW AT t  B  e ..._a,,, TI R E ,,.,,  RAUSCHEg & SON 1528 Olympic Htway (Hillcrest PHONE 585 Whatever Your Need ) SPENCER Individually Designed SUPPORT Will Meet It BECAUSE: [ Each Spencer is created especially for you---and you alone. Yet, I: COSTS NO MORE, LASTS LONGI,R an d i ]._ GUARANTEED NEVER TO LOSt ITS SHAPE. Phone 799-J - 1416 summit Drive BERNICE SCIIREIBLR Oealer ..... *., , , , , , , JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE of WOMEH'S APPAREL AT 25% OFF - RAYON GABARDINE DRESSES 7 49 Regular $9.98; Sizes 9 to 16 ................................ • RAYON CREPE DRESSES 1 8 Regular $19.98, Sizes 16 to 46 .................... 4. I, I WOOL DRESSES 11 13 Regular $14.98, Sizes 13 to 17 .................. e BLOUSES 2 98 Regular $3.98, Sizes 14 to 38 ............................ • RAINCOATS 99 Regular $12.50, Sizes 14 to 20 .......................... e ) %.0FF 'ON Wool Cardigan and Slip-On SWEATERS 2,49 ,o ..... , 2.98 WOMEN'S APPAREL 1416 SUMMIT DRIVE - - PHONE 799-J Between Etinor and Dearborn on Hillcrest One Block from HiHcrest Bus Stop At Elinor and Olympic Highway r'---,--"-- ......................................................... carefree little casuol " $ideswept intrigue and a squard-off.toe make this free-feeling shoe a pleasure to sllp into! Dark suedes with cushiony p)atform and loather soles. Established 1895 . . ..... L I I