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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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qFr IV  q--qrUqVqlqlFvBV,llr4Vlr W  REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -10 acres with 3-room furn- ished home, good outbUild- ings, chicken houses, rabbit hutches, cow-barn and garden tract under cultivation. Pri- vate electric system and gas water pump. Ixocated 5 miles from Shelton. Available at once. Priced at $2650 cash. $$$ Tract of waterfront including large hall with lots of building material in it. Fine point on Hammersley Inlet about , 4 miles by water, 12 miles by road. See it today, $*$ 5-room modern home just fin- ished. Hardwood floors, utility porch and located close-in, Ready for occupancy at once• A fine home for $6800,00. Auto-park and trailer camp with over 2% blocks of prop- , erty, which includes 17 rental houses and cabins, operating store and equipped service sta- tion. Well located on main hi- :: way. Will make an excellent -, investment for some operator. " See it today. Plenty of prop- ,- erty for expansion. ,:. 300 acres cattle ranch with 35 &apos; acres under cultivation, All - machinery including new trac- tor. This will make an excel- lent investment for an opera- tot', Paying property. 2-room well built house located' . on water-front lot on Lake • - Nehwatzcl Includes furniture ' for living, Has nn/ng water '.J in house and electric lightS, Will lnake a fine place for -,. year-around home or summer property. $2500 cash 5 - room modern plastered - nome about 5 years old, with trait room, utility room, and " garage attached, Includes oil circulator, incinerator, and electric hot water heater. Ex- cellent yaxd with sprinkling system in lawn. All pre-war " n'aterial and a fine home lo- cated close-in. $7850, .... HERBERT G. ANGLE ., Angle Bldg. Phone 304 CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat the Board of County Conuuissieuers, WIason County, Washington, will. r- ceive sealed bids up to 2:00 O'Cl0CK P,M,, January 20lh. 1947, at the Court House, Shelton. Washington, at wbi(',h irne all bids will be. openca ann puv- "fitly read aloud for "the:  . " C,netruction of Mason County 'l)a¢l proJect N). 86 (Project No. 2ti-2-61) " Nhn-Skid single seal treatment--- Schedule A  ]8.6 miles long Approximate Estimate of Quantities 252 tons Bitunl. Ccment RC-5 ., 3250 CIJ. Yds. Mill. Aggregate ' EaCh nt ,81 lm in accoraanee with the plans. specifications, and other contract docImenls now on tile ith. 'tile _.Q0n.ty. Auditor of M'ason Count)'. wamngton, . wne.:e cqiq Y be obtteo, 1 aeP*unK sv:O0 gr each set ,Decrepit' ,will be ,re/unued if plans and spe,ctflcatiohs ore re.turn- ed in goes COn(2Ltlon. Bid forms may be obtained from County Auditor of Mason County. Each bid shall bc aeeompanied l)y a certified check or rashicr's check pay- atle to the County Treasurer of Ms- teen County in the sum of 5% of bid {o be forfeited to Mason Counly by the stlccessftfl bidder in (,aie he fails to enter into contract and file an acceptable surety bond in the sun] of the alnount of cntract to fill condi- tions of said contract within five days of the date of award The board of County Conunission- er of Mason Jounty reserve the right to reject any or all bids and t0 Waive all intormMities in tie bidding, Daed this 6th da. of January, 1947. " BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WSmNTO H. 11• DICKINSON, LYLE O'DELL, 16- 2 ROY CARR. 1-9- .-' t GOOD JOBS HARD TO FIND?  Don't You Believe It I The Army Has if You Can Qualify as Air Traffic SerVice Technicians Rotary Wing Meelmnics Automotl;¢e Repairmen Aerial Photographers Muni tides Workers Supply Clerks Radio Repairmen Weather Observers Cooks Telegraph Operators Motorcyclists , i v v 4,-  'l"V'qlPqr  REAL ESTATE OR SALE: Small tract of land 2 miles out on Bayshorc facing hlway, choice building lots on Angieside, and 8 greenhouse windows, like new, size 3x4 ft. Phone 760-J4. 12-5tfn OR SALE: lot near hospital. Inquire Shelton Recreation, First and Frank- lin. ll-28tn. TRADE: 5-room modern house seven miles south of Aberdecn on Ray- m0Id road for property near Shel- l on. Ted S. Shannon, Cosmopolis, Wash. 1-16-30 FOR SALE: 250 ft. waterfront on Is- land Lake with inconlpletcd cabin. Phonc 473J Mc,t -162-20 WANTED: waterfront property. Im- provements desired but not neces- sary. Will pay cash, Inquire at Jour- nal office. R1-9tfn. FOR SALE: moderu five-room llouso with • basement, oil furnace, nice view and walking distance from town. 427 Harvard or call 9W. EI-9tfn. "--v--- FOR SALE: flee-room house, incom- plete. Inquh'e at 518 Park St. Fl0-10tfn, I BUSINESS LOCATION FOR SALE 501100 lot. frame bldg. about 20130, near First Ave. South and Mill St, $4750 RESORT FOR SALE On Lake Isabella, 640 feet wa- terfront, 12,fi acres, excellent beach, cabins and other build- lngs. $22,500 H. L. OLSTEAD AGENCY Phone "C o) 316 N. 2nd St. :FOR SALE: two ]*,is in city limits on Mt, View. Inqtlive 214 North Seventh St. O1-9-23 r'OR EALE: two 3-room ]muses. furn- ished, five lots on im'k Street. 4,000 cash, $,1,500 terms. Inquh'c 5t2 ark Street. $1-9-23 INCOME PROPEITY for sale by owner.--gross annual returns, $2,280, This house has 3 apartments and 3 single rooms with kitchenette, com- pletely furnished• oil furnace, good location near State Capitol. Price $14,500, one third down. Call" 21213, Olympia. D19-16 FOR SALE 80-acre improved farm on Harstine Ishmd, regular ferry service; 12 acres cleared, plen- ty of timber, small stream, piped water; 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, fam- ily orchard, hayland re-seeded; ]nail delivery and school btls; price includes some stock, im- plements and furniture. A real buy at $5500.00 on terjns at 5:. Or will eliminate sonm timber land and sell for- $4500 on terms. M: C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. )0## 40.acre farm )]ear Dayton, 8 acres cleared, balance in tim- ber; 4-room modern house, barn, chicken house and other buildings, well and new elec- tric pump. Price $3900, terms; or 20 acres with the cleared ground and improvements for $2300.00 on terms, M. C, ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. 10 acres and 2-room house on Arcadia Road 4 V,z miles from Shelton, only $1350 on easy terms. M.C. ZINTHEO, Real- tor, Phone 157. HOMES FOR SALE New homes for G,I,'s on Angle- side. Designed by skilled archi- tects. Large window areas hard- wood floors, 40-gallon atttomatic water heaters, floor furnaces, utility rooms, carports, patios, sunny kitcl]ens, large ward- robes, ample storage closets. Better Home Builders Call Dick Kieburtz at 40,000 Good Jobs Phone 160- 12/19-tfn < Month -  F)R SALE: 4-roonl modern home, part bagement, furniture,, boats and float, one mile south of Unien ell I/odd Canal. Inquire William Gra- nan at premises. Reasonable. 1-2-23 Fort SALE OR TRADE for Shelton property, 7-rOOlll nlodern house, full 'cment basement, double garage, laundry room, approximately four acres, half cleared family orchard, five miles wct of 'Olympia on Shcl- ton.Olympia highway,. Inquire Jour- ._ml office. J1-2-16 And mt,r]y others ave needed In the New legular Army each month. No previous experience necessary You must bc mentaN ly and physically, fit, between :the ages of'18 and 34 (17 with ,pareats' consent,) You will re- 'eeive vahlable training under the worlds finest instructors. iEnlist in the Army and enjoy new, higher paY, plus food, ex- cellent clothing, quarters, dent' el and medical care, with high retirement pay for life at the end of 20 or 30 years if you de- cide to make the Army your life- tin m career. A 3 year enlistment permits choice of any branch of service which has quotas open, or any unfilled openings in overseas theatres. This is a real oppor- tunity for men with vision and an eye to future security and lm,pptness--all the facts are yours for the asking at your nea,cst U.S. Army Recruiting Station. Check txtday at CASSIFIE ADrRTISIN RATES 20 words or 'less (minimum charge) 3 .weeks $1,00. 1 week 5e, Lower rat#s for larger ads and more Insertions. Reader notices Bc per word. 7 mlnimtan clargo on each notice, Card of Thanks, $I.00; orlglnsl poetry 50e per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted, ove the telephone from phone sub- scribers. Cash should aceompany all other orders or payment made within five (5) days of ths first insertion to save expense of bill. lug. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is nece sary. PHONE 10 USED CARS HERE'S A REALLY NICE CAR: 1936 Pontiac "6", five new tires. heater, seat covers, log lights, Up- holstery clean  and shows no wear. This car must be seen to be appre- ciated. $700. J, M Shrum just out side city lhnits on Matlock Road. Phone 272M. 1-9tfn NO. 1831 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR I) INTRIBUTION iN TItE SUPERIOlt COLIRT OF THE STATE (iF" WAStlINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PItOIIATE) ]n the Matter of tle Estate of Wil- fred ]1. Lunl, l)ceeaaed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ihat I]lla Lunt• Executrix of the csta,te of Wilfred II. Lunt, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court her final reDort and pctitiou for distributhm asking the Court to settlc and approve said final report and petitiou for dialributmn, to dis- tribute thh property to the persons thereto entith.d and to discharge the said Executrix,  NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that aid final report and peLilion for dis- trtbutioa will be heard on Sa/urclay, the 15lh day of February. 1947, at lhc flour of :[0 o'clock Jn /he foreneon, at the court room ill tile court house in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 13th day of January, 1947. • HAItRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Mason County, Washington, (SEAL) B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for sa, ld E:date, Court IIouc, Shelton, Washingt(m. 1-16-23-30--3t, NOTICI, Notice is hereby ghen lhat tile r(,al and personal property tax rolls of IVason couuty, Waslungi()u. for the year 1947, havo been delivered tt) nle. in accordance with. the htw, for the, collection of the taxes as shown-therein. The v'eal an(] perzona] property taxes for the ycsr 1947 will be due and payable O;U "and after tile 15tll day of February, 1947, All tax payments made tn full on reel and personal property on or before March 15, 1947, 'will be subject to a rebate of three er cent. S. E, SMITH, Treasurtr M|tSOU (]()lulty 1-16-23-30--3t. MEZZANINE FLOOR HOTEL OLYMPIAN Olympia, Wash. FJ]- SALE: 1929 Model A pickul), $175 cash. Claude McKenner, ate. ], Box 2 (two miles south on Olym- pia Highway). 19-23 FOR SALE: truck. Inquire Mason Ceunty Laundry. 1-9tfn. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE: 1942 Dodge weapon carrier converted to pickttp. New tires. Inquire 404 Franklin or phone 563, J1-9-23 OR SALE ; ].933 Chevrole(eou----:" io-:, oil back. Motor Just overhauled, good tires. Mrs. tL S. Ahern, 534 Fair- aleut. Phone 329W. A1-9-23 FOR SALE: two pickups, '30 Dt and '30 Model "A". $195 each. Per- sheU's Associated Slatlon, three miles south on Olympic Highway. 1-2-16 FOR SALE: 1936 Chrysler Alrstream sedan, very gOod c(mdition, $600.00, One 1936 Dodge plckul) with new 194l motor. $600. Vie Zabroski. Cap- itol lIill phone 627J. 1-16 FOR SALE: ':6 htys, fou,'r.doo; • sedan with radlo and heater. Fair condition throughout, On Mr, View, next to (:lurci ur phone 412M. A1-16 FOR SALE: 1935 Red L.W.B. truck with steel flat bed and hydraulic hoist, Also 1931 Model "A" 2-door. Both in good condition. Ernest Loertscher, Lost Lake Route, Elma. Phone Shelton 762J2, 1-2-16 FOR SALE: '36 Chevrolet special De- luxe sedan, Phone Hoodsport 11W4 after 6 p.m. or get In touch with M. J. Van Laanexf. 1-2-14 FOR SALE: 1936 DeSoto sedan. New tires. Roy McLueas, at, 1, Box 218AA, Shelton (Isabella Valley). 1-2-16 Miscellaneous NEW CLASSES in all Branches of Business Subjects including Steno- type, C,I ,A. Coachin, Auditing, and Federal Income Tax, DIETZ IUSINESS AND SECRETARIAL SCHOOL. Capitol Park Bul]ding, Olylnpla. Plloue 6088. Approved for veterau trainlug, 1-2-23 FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone 799-J for appoint- ment or call at 1,416 Sunnnit Drive. $9-26 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freoz- era, locker plants, milk eoelera, etc., cold storage doors and insulation. ortable coolers power meat saws, Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants, Prices rlght Gulck deliveries. MISKELLA RE- , FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olnia, on the Highway 'at Mud Ba 'Y P O. Box 612. • ' ' s-*.t,- :,r- LOST AND FOUND LOT : Dceember 26. Red Cocker Shmiel, 7 rues. old, wearing tan collar wilil Chl'itenscn scratched on name phde. Crooked. bobbed lail. Reward for retul'n. Pilene 280W. or inquh'e 1332 Ridgeroad, C1-16tfn. LOST: Guernsey, cow around Dayton. I Fresh or coming fresh. 645 W. Eli-I not', Please notify phone 190M. I W1-16-30 [ LOST : near Lake Isabella. Red? I Cocker Spaniel. Male. 7 rues o/d. I Answers to "Jerry." Reward• Phone[ 574 J', R1-16-30 [ FOUND: cabin boat 30F1795. Inquire l A. J. Hultgrun, Route 2, Box 267. [ 1-16-23-30 LOST: white and black Springer pup, brown spots, on forehead. Answer to the name of Dynamite. On Hill- crest. J. L. Bailey, 627 Bellevue{. 9- LOST: DeJu light meter on high- way.101, 17 miles north of Lllllwaup. Reward. Write it. H. W. Kitchen, Hq, Co, Srd Inf,. Fort Lewis, WaslL 1-9-23 LOST: man's yellow gold wristwatch. Finder please return to 321 Cots St., c-o Crane's Apparel. G1-9-23 LOST: before Xmas, brown leather billfold, containing two $20 bills. Iteward for return to Journal or phone 15F21. Mrs. Joe Hill. 1-9-23, LOST: pair of bronzed haby shoes, Valued as keepsake, at Fish I-Iatch- cry Saturday night. Finder pleme return to Journal office• C1-9-23 FOR RENT or couple to share home. o chil- dren. Phone 198M or RL. :l, Box 102A. East Dlckinmm St, Mc1-16 FOR RENT: Beautifully located on North Bay aud state llibway 14A at Allyn, Washington, xnown as Baysido Apts. Management fur n- mnea usual urnlture and furmsn- ings, hot and cold running water, rofrigeratlon, electric lights, oil burner and launary faciIlties. Apartment prices from $25 to $32,50, Cbins $15 and $17.50. W. A. BeaK- ley. Manager. _ __ 8-28-tfn LOCKERS Now Available At MT. VIEW LOCKERS Open Week Days 7:30 a.m. To 6:30 p.m. H, F. BOYSEN, PHONE 62-R I I WANTED TO RENT WANTED: unfurnished room prefer- ably healed, for business couple, Phone 323. $1-16 WANT TO RENT: couple, one ctlild, urgently In necd of four or five room house. Pr(fer Lincoln school district. Phone 272J, H1-2-30 WANTED: furnished apar!ment for neww married working couple. Phone 360. R1-9-23 II I III I I NOTICE fAF ANNUAL STO(IKHOLI)EItS MEETING Goldsborongh Telephone C, ompany Shelton Washington NOTICE IS tEt2EBY GIVEN. that ]he annual meeting 0f ihe stockhold- ers of the Goldsborough Telephone Company will be held at the A, Bue- chel honle on MOnday, the 20th dsy of January, 19,17, at 8 o'clock p.m. t'or the e]eclion ot dlrecto)'s and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the nmet- in-. tock transfer boohs will be closed fl'om the evening of January ]9, 1947, and be reopened on the morning of January" 2i, 1947, Dated Janusry 9, 1947. I)ELPttIN] J{]SHEL, Secretary, 1-9-16--2t. BHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i i i v ,,vvp, vwv,wvv qp, vvvFrvv Classified Service FRUIT TREE SPRAYING. Contact E. C. Gunter m" Berna Evans. Phone 15F3, Also second growth wood for sale. Cut about four months. 1-2tfn NOTICE TO PUBLIC: I ant still do- ing watch, clock, gun and jewelry repairing at my home. B. S, Barger, 205 N. 5th St.. phone 681W. 12-19--1-9 HEMSTITCHING lf 2rARD. Knlfe and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue with Mrs. Twony'a cus- tomers. Mrs, Fred Elson, 42"/ Belle- vue. S-7-ttn PORTABLE STEAIW CLEANER for Classified Ads Classified Service v BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W, Pick up and. delivery: Closed.. Sat- uraays, or leave WOrK at l¢lllmer Electric. 11-7tfn. truck and auto motors, Work eve- --. nings and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medi- 411 Harvard, phone 478-J 6-20tfn. Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I Classified Service SEWING /IACHINE .REPAIRING, alo parts for all makes oI sewing machines. Phone 596J. B10-3ttn Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 F. K. McCUTCHEON S-I-G-N-S PAPER HANGING Phone 28 I III DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL • BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone l12-W 1221 Franklin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Killmer Eleetrtc SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs -ieys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 II Shelton FIX.IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates 0 Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box t82-A Phone 462-JX I I II cal contrtcts, old age assistance, or direct with you on your doctor's order. PrepP'a Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tfn. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rial guaranteed. Vern Davldson, 903 Ellinor, Shelton, Phone 229W. 7-18tfn ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies, Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley, only authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty, Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Shel- ton 664. 7-18tfn. NYLON HOSE MENDED: Runners and snags. Phone 217R2. P12-5tfn. DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Hall. Good music, good time. WS-20tfn. i CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meat, rJnding, Have your locker meat cut y an experienced meat cutter. Beef, pork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son. Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 3e pound. Don Williams, 604 Dearborn. Phone S81M, 9-12tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smifh. Co., lgion and Cherry, Olympia. Pnone 7753, U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn. HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis and Boundary Streets,) 2-28-tfn GENERAL GARDENING: shrub aud tree pruning. Phone 348. F. M, Foster. , F1-2-9 IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS cotact C. L. Col- lins, Buslness Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 8-3tfn i NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 BULLDOZING, LANDCREARING, EXCAVATING No Job Too Small, No Job Too Large CALL VIC ZABROSKI Phone 627-J For Free Estimates, No Obligation Satisfaction Guaranteed IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US Ignition, Carburetor and General Overlaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FAY AUTO REBUILD 513 ParlC Street lhone 284-R LAND CLEARING A SPECIALTY GOOD EQUIPMENT ---: COMPETENT OPERATORS Our Very Reasonable Monthly Credit Plan Is Available To All People Owning or Buying Who Wish to Have Their Property CLEARED, GRKDED OR LEVELED Our Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates, No Obligation VIC ZABRO'SKI "PHONE 627-J 12-26-tfn KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W I OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els, CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tfn teries Rebuilt Guaranteed FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street 1-9 tfn } i According to a churqh census In 1940 there were 6)8',501.594 church members in the United States, divided among 250 denom- inations and 244,319 churches, TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nohm Mason, Secretary-Treasure'r II I Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phohe 236-RX Prompt Service u SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral Bath MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 |1 RAY'S JEWELRY O Prompt Watch Repairing o 117 Cota Street Phone 633 MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O PECIALIZING IN lIOTOR, REBUILDING REBORING the Cleat] Way VALVE SEAT GRI1NDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUI REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shclton AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK OO EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 FOR SALE vvvvvv FOR SALE: one light weight Vauglm drag. saw and one wood heater. Call evemngs at 829 Franklin. G11-20tfn KITCHEN cabinets, linen closetS, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made to order. For free estimates Phone 217R2 or 217R3. Peterson Bros. 8-1tfn. USED FURNITURE r, j Thursday, Janus  FOR SAL    v  v  v  v r FOR SALE: Sportsmen's Itillcrest Hardware. FOR SALE: hand woven blankets, place mats,. I and other linens, AS hand or orders taken ] Apparel, 1416 Summit D] crest, phone 799J. Maroon velour daveno bed, swing rocker, hassock (all matched). 1 Extra swing rocker. Walnut desk, chair with blue leather seat, and lamp, End table. 1 Large Mirror, 2 Vacuum cleaners, (1 large, 1 small). Wahmt bedroom suite (7 pcs.) 1 blonde maple dinette set (red leather). 1 Frigidaire (6.3 size) 1 Hague washing machine, Miscellaneous articles-- 1 unpainted chest of drawers kitchen utensils , dishes small radio FOR SALE: new oil bur.lL_"----- ' never used. Girl's b speedometer. Maroon d'= condition. 1620 Divist* . Phone 4865.  F: Monarch ranl-' .. .... t baker In dOS .)| " • 224 S. 6th. Pholo 69 Jlympia City Lea PHONE 660 Between 9 a:m. and 5:30 p.m, I FOR SALE: 50-lb, capacity ice box in good condition. See P. A. Rose at Mell Chevrolet 1-2-16 FOR SALE: good breed of puppies. Reasonable. Six weeks old. Phone 554R after 4 p.m. L1-2-16 FOR SALE: baled alfalfa hay. A, Lemke, St. at. 2, Box •96. Phone 14F35. 1-2tfn. FOR SALE: 5 h.p. outboard motor, $25. John C. King, at. 3, Box 217 (Arcadia Road). 1-2-16 A GIFT THAT LASTS Nice Singing CANARIES Mrs. E. Latzel PHONE 615-R5 FOR SALE: one used Colonial wood range with coils, in good condition. Phone Hoodsport llW4 after 61P'm'.216 M. J, VanLaanen -- " FOR SALE: one Titan power saw with 5-foot bar and chain. Priced reas- onable. Inquire Warren Williams, Star Route 2. 1-16-30 FO SALE: custom-built 22-foot lmuse trailer. Excellent condition inside. $1250, luqulre Mrs. Bassett, Apt. 2, Goldsoorough ADts,, or N. L. Man- ley, Fir Drug Store. 1-16-23 FOR SALE: kitchen cabinet, bedstead and box springs, oak table, dresser, library table, practically new 40- gal. water lank, two-burner electric plate, d04 Franklin, phone 563. J1-9-23 FOR SALE: Electric room heaters, Hlllcrest Hardware. 1-16 FOR SALE: rebuilt batte'ric's"and- tires. Inquire 518 Park Street, F1-9-23 FOR SALE: Nesco automatic roaster. New condition. Inquire 407 South First. M1-9-23 FOR SALE: rabbits, Bred does. Young ones ready for Easter. Inquire Star Route 2, Box 53. BI-9-16 i I Ill I I OIL HEATERS All Sizes IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ask for Duerden at Erickson's Phone Bremerton 2680 616 Pacific Avenue 12-26--1-16-4t I[I I CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Aerr Flow Burner in operation a.t B. Smith CO,, Zeglon way ana ry, vlympla. Phons 7758. 11-15tfn. FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. nhone 595. 7-4tfn BRIGGS AND STRATTON lr cooled gas engine. mlth and Blnger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia, Phone 7758. 11-15tfn FOR SALE: hand crocheted baby sacquea, caps, boottees and soakers. Assortment on hand or orders taken. Mrs. W, A. Brodt, 121 E. Cedar Street, Phone 582J. 10-24tfn PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. M11-14tfn. WANTED HELP. WANTED: part tbne house- work and care of children for free rent and compensation. Inquire Rit- her's Cafe. 1-16tfn. WILL TAKE CARE of children by the day in my own home. 1411 Railroad Phone 272R. B1-2--2-6 WANTED:, used light plant. State make. raze. A.C. or :D.C,.. Henry Korzeniowski. Lost Lake Route, Box 46, Ehna. Wash. 1-9-16 WANTED:. young couple, no chin dren. wisn to rent furnished house or apartment in Shelton. Perma- nent residents. Phons 541R. M11-7ttfn. WANTED: watch charms and fobs. Inquire Journal office, 10-10tfn WANTED TO BUY SECOND GROWTH TIMBER And Poles To Log Will pay top pnccs, Contact Vic Zabroski, Phone 627-J, Shelton 12-26-tfn I 'WANPED: 'Exper/enced woman for general housework and care of one child. Room, ooara, goes salary. In- quire Journal. 4-11-tfn WANTED: women to wol'lt as Oyster cullers at Oyster ay. Call tong dis- tanee, Oyster Bay, .collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WAITRESS and kltcben hep wanted Apply Hotel Shelton Cff Shop. 5-4t WANT TO BUY: old horses for, Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia• Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill, Lynch Road and Hi- way, four miles south of Shelter. • 8-29tfn. FOR SALE: Sinclair incise. oil burner and coils, Eigh ing room set. Phone 3752¥ FOR SALE : kitchen -' built-in drainboarda, chr and fixtures, No prtoritl Hillerest Hardware. FOR SALE: two dozen 2! rodS. oh:L $2.50 each. J, Potlatch, Wash. FOR SALE: one dum 12-ft bed, $125. new with 50-ft. 6-inch sections of harrow. nor. Phonb 190M. FOR SLE: good used culating heater $25. a't 1716 Ridgeroad or FOR SALE: slab wood• after 5 p,m. $8.00 FOR SALE: coal stove Pering and mattress rvice, phone 99, SALE : Presto Hardware. FOR SALE: uIri Frank's Mobil FOR SALE i one small motor. 1929 Hu truck. One kitchen table with foul" ¢ burner gas stove. p,m. or all day Phone 284R. WILL PAY CASH for machine. Phone 596J. FOR SALE: ladies all- -- uis t, box jacket. GraeJ ever been worn. Rea quire Journal Offlce. FOR SALE: 150 gallon i, water tank and upri ooiler $80 cash InqamJ A-1. ' " - | FOR SALE: large prewar.' later Write Mrs. L.  Franklin Street.. ',, FOR SALE: mixed haF,."'J timothy, not baled. P'P' ble. Also apples. JacobY I FOR SALE: 85 foot bait plet with corks and le| at. 3, Box 234A, Shelto FOR SALE: one pair tPl worn twice, size 9. Tl der, 1224 Edgewood. . FOR SALE : dragsaw, _al tiac newly overhauled,,.][ ew tires and overhaUL , Pershall's Associated miles south. _, FOR SALE: Western-l nace, oil or wood, Wit. Hot air circulator ann| .nam See G. C, Angle. New Che OIL BURN for Heating and C Range or H£I $14.75 Furnace -- $3 CLARK DO, € 820 Fairmont Shelt0n PROFF00IONIL Bash Shelton Featuring She MORGA OLYMPIA Saturday, Jm ADMISSION 3( • • . they "kn( the aches an may have. your auto v when our anics cheek it SHELTO 1ST AN D 'COT'A A RESl Office at Angle INSURANG|  Licensed Embal w. Phone 180 - - Shel i ELLIOT B. Aountlng Tax Bookkeeping 123 4th St. u all-tal Stock ..... PDIus ... $ 10,000 -*d,vidsa";: ......... s s00 • eteerve a €^. fits .. 3,737 DettetP°llected N;t Ear eDuSis u ured/t and Accel TOTAL .................... nd Due from 0019121 south .35, Bell Bufldin$i , xr"'t!i{ii:i't'(4: ) 0., :N.F¢t ml Fdii lm 8ec r PUblic . , ATTORNEY AT   . s and D! ' .............. ":'J ", @.'eUera,  scounts ........... • . attllk tateserve !Bak Sloe ^_q? ....e...e  ..d F',!!ings, aulis, Fu, OppOSite Flrst Na.o auttrot'2mnee% i;t 6/ Phone 23 = -  Of el 19' Liabllitj Under] eutt and Acceptahc( ,, TOTAL .................... FUNERAL