June 16, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ter. Call
ts, stor(
I work.
..... Thursday, Januar
FOR SALE: Sportsmen's
Itillcrest Hardware.
FOR SALE: hand woven
hlankets, place mats, gl
and other linens• Ass€
hand or orders taken b:
Apparel, 1416 Summit Drl
crest, phone 799J.
FOR SALE: new oil
never used• Girl's
speedometer. Maroon
condition. 1620 D i v i
Phone 4863.
FOR. SALE: Monarctl rangS.,
Excellent baker in goeS.
224 S• 6th• Phone 691W.
FOR SALE: Sinclair inclS
oil burner and coils Etgh.t
ing room set. Phone 3711
FOR SALE : kitchen
built-in drainboarda, chrl
and fixtures. No prtoritl¢
Hillcrcst Hardware.
FOR SALE: two dozcn
mos. old. $2.50 each. y. 1
Potlatch. Wash. .A
FOR SALE: one dump bed,
12-ft. bed, $125• Hammer,
new with 50-ft. 6-inch bel.,a
sections of harrow, $20 t
nor. Phon'e 190M.
FOR SALE: good llscd 0}1
culating heater, $25. MI.
a't 1716 Ridgcroad or ph
FOR SALE: slab wood. F
after 5 p.m. $8.00 4-riOt{
"FOR SALE: coal stove b'
spring and mattress a'nd r
Service. phonc 99.
FOR SALE: Presto cooker
FOR SALE: one small
motor. 1929
truck. One
kitchen table with foul"
burner gas stove.
p.m. or all day
Phone 284R.
machine. Phone 5963.
FOR SALE: ladies ail-
suit, box jacket. Gree
Never been worn. Reas0
quire Journal Office.
FOR SALE: 150 gallon il.
water tank and uprit[
boiler $80 cash. InqUW
A-1, '
FOR SALE: large prewarfl
later, Write Mrs. L. E
Franklin Street.. .
FOR SALE: mixed ha,.
timothy not baled, prl.
able. Also apples. JacobY
FOR SALE: 85 foot bait
ltete with corks and lel
• 3, Box 234A, Shelter,
FOR SALE: one pair C
worn twice, size 91h.
der. 1224 Edgewood.
"FOR SALE: dragsaw,
tiac newly everhauled,,
lew tires and overhaU'
Pcrshall's Associated
miles south.
FOR SALE: Westerl"c
nace, oil or wood,
Hot air circulator an,
See G. C. Angle. _
New Ches]
for Heating and CA
Range or He
Furnace $3t
820 Fairmont .
B. Franklin
- A. K. MeC
Address: Sheltol%
Rt. 3, Box
Eliot Electric E(
Title Insurance
Phone 645
'sd.y., Jtnuaw ]6, ] O-I 7.
|i ' , ............................................ l .......
Roberson Plumbi,00 [--00ELINE
-- and Heating- , ,, b,
",mt.Nf A iS'-"! 222 South Second Street There's a new steelhead fishing I
r----//##12 r,, !1 . ............. ohampion in the ror'a,, family'
| Fd/A£ " i ................ today.
'"/a k._ ,] Home Address 528 Cedar Util t:lst week Mary clnimed
.)lyrnpia City League
Played In
Shelton New Gym
Featuring Shelton's Home Entry
Saturday, January 18- 8 P. M.
, • . they "know how" to find all
the aches and pains your car
may have. You may be sure
your auto will get A1 care
when our expic'ed' mech-
anics check it. DriVe in today!
the title, but he was forced to
°'"'7 S °'
|MnK UPI00I[. /||LR Mm on Cot,nty
............ .......................... Creamery Says::
l(ii;eX°llre'°lr:eds.someprohlenls PantoriumPulls - ' "'-= ='---- " *" =-"
Out As N eedham's
scssio, w,th 00dam Wa,sh ,coach Into -,,v,Tans";n 00ho,o contai.s oot ,as, =
than 8(. milk solids not fat _----
18T AND 'COT'A -- PHONE 52
give up the diadem to his ll-ycar-
old niece. Sharon, daughter of
Virgil Morean..following a fish-
ing trip to the Skokomish River.
It was only after considerable
misgiving and reluctance that
Mary and Virgil yielded to Shar-
on's pleas to be allowed to accom-
pany them, and upon arriving at
the river they planted her on the
bank with instructions to confine
her fishing efforts to an area
close to the Morgan car.
Then Virg wani'lered off rip-
stream and Mary (lolstream
i|z quest; of tlw, gamey steel-
head, l)otmd-for-i)onnd t'onsld-
ered the flghthlg(st fish 1111 tile
finny trlhe.
Two hours later Virg.and Marv,
as fishless as when they arrived
at the river, disgustedly returned
to the car and Virg called to
Sharon to come too. He was no
little astonished to hear Sharon
reply, "I can carry my pole and
basket, Daddy, but I can't carry
the fish•"
But if her reply had surprised
him her fish completely astound-
ed him, for there on the bank the
ll-year-old Sharon had a beauti-
ful 13-pound steelhead, hooked,
played and lnded successfully,
completely w i t h o u t assistance
while Uuncle 3/fare, the champion
(now dethroned ). and Dad Virg
had gone their own ways•
Some while back these columns
recorded the fact that Ned Snel-
grove, former Shelton athlete,
teacher and coach, had acquired
a position an recreational director
in the Sehna, Calif., school sys-
tem. To that original information
we'd like to add a bit more about
Ned's new work and what he's
been doing since leaving here last
summer to attend school at the
University of Southern California.
Ned's position at Sehna be-
came effective De(;etnber'l and
of it he writes the Sideliner
thusly: "The pay is eslmclally
good and inasmuch as the joh
is newly-created they left ev-
erything up to me. The town
raised over $5,000 hy stibscrip-
lion so they must be interesled
in recreation.
"I am rooming with A1 Nich-
ellini, the high school eoach. He
was an outstanding'halfback for
St. Marys and the Chicago Car-
dinals about ten years ago. Jim
Phelan (St. Mary's coach, former
Wasiaington football coach) spoke
at the football banquet the other
night and over 300 people at-
tended; which ..shows the town is
interested, especially at $2•50 a
plate One buck from each ticket
went for some cause or other•
"Phelan arrived at Nick's room
about six o'clock so we enjoyed
a two-h0ur bull session• Unlike
the Evergreen State, Phelan is
very popular all over California
I think one reason is that he con-
siders-tile spectator's more than
many college conches and possibly
his offense is better suited to this
"I'm starting a heavy pro-
gram of basketball, will include
a goodly numl)er of kids teams
hrt(I a ('ity league. Incidentally
Would al)preeiate any dope on
how you are running the cit3
leagte in Shelton this ,yEar nd
*-h ih& "DUb 'fro Totals
119-121 South FoUf , " m • . .
Bell Bulldl5, ¢&"" ............... $/6.,8o6,774,.7.
* ed . o 0. 1 1 o
Olle e. ) t) '
ALDEN C. 0teutie "onas ............ and 6o,24.,100.59
• 'eeUrittes
L ............ 11,701,.31:87 $482,2;18;316.25
ATTORNEY AT Oans and D ' "
-b'eOer iscounts .................. : ..... 157.222,704:31
ank .teServe Bank Stock .......... 555,000.0tt
rJLtle 131Burance .arid lulngs, Vaults, Furnlt'ure
Opposite ,turs •, ................
Phone 23 - o}'"n.ers. ' Llabilltj Under Letters
. 'etttt,and Aecsptahces ..........
Aountlng Tax !
123 4th St,
Office at Anglo
TOTAL ................................ $556,717,451.33
Capital Stock $ 10 000 000 00
I hls ......... t •
IIl , ": .................. 8,500,000.00
lesetl.Proflts .. 3 737,541.46
• C.kl=o,/0f ' . .
! "utneel8 -,."..807,8111.24 "$ 27,045;592.71)
eve9 'to'r ItirdS't, 'Tt/xe's, etc. 1,6'33;242.42
ettentyllected Not Earned 4').3,06*o.74
DeDosi t tredit aud Acceptan'ces 3,051,501.26
ts ...................... 624,564,135.21
TOTAL ................................ $656.717,4ol.33
eposlts in This lranel, December 31,
• I16. were $6,215,62.29
, '. Member Federal Reserve System
ebr Federal DepoMt.ln.,urance Corporation
From the streams of money that flow
throughout the State of Washington
ome deposits that are collected in the
41 banking offices of tile Seatde.First
National Bank.
This rfioney again flowsback,}hrough
commercial and :installment *I6ffns -- to
help kee , the wh'eels 6f intlustry turn.
ing--to, evelop h'e r0urces 6f Wash-
/ngton's fields and fO&Sts--roex'pedire
trade and commer/e -- and to "meet'the
vrious deeds of individual 'cuStOmers.
Just as huge reservoirs call,dr 'the
water frdm countless streams and g 'c
it forth agai to generate lower and to
revie the t,irry land, .:i: stffte-wide
institution acts as a gra' 'reservoir of
finance athering togetle'r idle m0c)'
and luttlng it to p'ctiv¢ drk.
of the Los Anlelos Fams profos-
sionnl football team, and Jeff
Cravath (USC football coach) the
last night of the school and we
stayed st) ltte wc got locked in
on tile top floor of the Student
Union building.
"I saw the Rams. San Francis-
co Dons. Cleveland Brows. Wash-
ington Redskins. San Fraucisco
49ers, U of W, WSC, UCLA St.
Marys, and a couple other pro-
fessional and top college teams
play this past football season, but
missed the Chicago Bears I pro-
fessional lengths champions) be-
cause I had to work that day.
"I'm still keenly interested in
every kid I ever handled so would
appreciate a personal letter with
all the inside dope. Tell Ray (Pa-
trick) I ttnow how he felt about
dumping Hoquiam (referring here
to Shelton's jumor high fuotball
victory over Hoquiam It feels
mighty good. I keep track of
what's going on in Shelton and
Mason county through The Jour-
nal and sure enjoy getting it.
Here's wishing you and all nay old
friends up there in tile Northwest
a Happy Mew Year•
Sincerely, Ned."
Revival of semipro baseball in
Southwest Washington is being
talked which would put eL counter-
part of the old Timber League
back into operation this coming
summer with Shelton invited to
take a franchise in the proposed
circuit which would also include
O 1 y m p i a, Centralia, Lougview
and/or ICelso. Vancouver. -Aber-
deen and/or Hoquiam.
'ith the callable h)eal talent
available here, the Loggers
couhl field a strong entry con-
sisting almost entirely of Shel-
ton high school products which
wouhl he highly popnlar with
local fans, hut the hitch In this
cOming season's operations Is
whether Loop Field will be in
shape Io handle crowds for ad-
\\;Vith both lights and a baseball
grandstand on the very doubtful
list, and the old stands already
razed, the field here may not be
able to offer seating accommo-
dations of any kind except in the
footba/1 grandstands, which would
necessitate turning the baseball
field around, an action which may
have to be taken as a temporary
stop-gap until new baseball staids
can be constructed.
Sporty Mr'. Gotrox who vacatiohs
in the sunny south every winter
will have little on Shelton's Jaek
Stewart this year, the young erst-
while aribiter who left last Sul]-
day for a 6-week sojourn in
Florida where he will attend a
baseball umpires school at no ex-
pense to himself other than the
cost of getting to it . . . just like a
winter vacatio in the land of
lemons, eh, Jack? . . . that hand-
some new neon sign Which Paul
Berets has installed to advertise
his beveling emporium and sport-
in o' goods store is lighting up the
main stem no little and getting a
lot of compliments . . Frances
Eacrett, ye Hillcrest Chevron eta-
.lion proprietor, played in the state
basketball tournament with Port
Kn.geles Ttih sCho01 exactly 20
years ago this coming rpring and
is .,;till at the game v,'ith all his 37
years of antiquity, being ,n:anager
of the Morgan Lumber team in its
dual capaclty as an entry In both
the Shelton and Olympia city cas-
aba circuits, and injecting himself
into the lineup every now and
again to spell a puffing youngster
. Eke's aim is to stick it ou
for three more years, when his
son, Bobby, now in the eighth
• grade, is :old enough to make the
Highclimber varsity . . . Eke still
ptits in full time in the city soft-
ball league each summer, too.
Besides the new sign outside,
the bowling alleys have several
interior improvements, too, includ-
pint g a curtain in front of the /pin
to deaden the souid of the
falling wood, a partition dropping
four feet from the cdiling just
above the foul line, and a "cookoo
nest" for the foul line boy . . .
thoe BOrdeaux grade school bas-
keteers gave an exhibition of foul
shooting" that Chat Dombroski
Wishes his Highclimber varsity
'had duplicated ,against Centralia
Friday night in the between halves
entertainment feature . . sons
of old Illini in these parts, such
as Jud Holloway, Ben Briggs,
Louie Keyser, Gene Browning,
A. N. Brenne, have been commend-
ably modest over Illinois' smash-
ing Rose Bowl victory over UC
LA . . . decked out in their nifty
warm-up jack'tS, La'rry oi,$an
and Danny Yarr are "a cbttlsIe of
pretty proud young "managers"
lor Morgan Lumbers basketball
aggregation . . . with his 166 av-
.erage, Southpaw Jck " stewart
d'ias turned out to be quite a star
for a bowling fresfiah, Ptnking
"seventh in the Comhei, cittl Lea-
gue individual stanrng's *ht the
half-season mark.
NO. 1881
NOT,cE o C.ED,O.S o
IN ,THE suzmo cco: TUR OF TE
Iia the 1Watter of the 'gfate of Mer-
ri][l gSae er, Deceased.
]Setters of Administration on tte E-
rate ¢)f Merrill Saeger dceased, were
grab'ted to the tindersgn'ed on .thee 21at
flay of DecemlSer 196, ty the said
Superior Court• '
All persons having claims against
said estate are required to serve
them, with the necessary vouchers,
upon the undersigned at the Law
Office of Alden C. Bayley Title In-
surance Building Shelton' Washing;
ton, that being the place' designates
for the transaction of the business of
the estate, within six months after
the date Of the first publication of
.thlk notice, to-wit: withln six months
after ltc eth day of December 1946.
ahd 'file the same with the Clerk of
this Court, tiagcther with pro'Of o£ stlCh
service 'or th'y will be forever barred.
19atod.. this 26th day of Deeember,
Adnalnistratrix of the Estate of
Merrill Snorer, Deceased,
Attorney for Adminlst'dtrtx,
Title Insurance Building,
Shelton. Washington.
W L pf I)a
Pantorium ........... 6 1 218 135
MorgauLumber.. 5 2 223 ]58
Needham's Mcn's 5 2 215 174
urgoyne :Photo .... 4 3 /60 151
layonier ............. 3 3 166 174
McConkey Pharm. 2 4 127 152
Olympic Ply ........ 1 5 128 157
clfair ................. 0 6 106 242
Games Monday
7--Pantorium vs Plywood
8---Rayoztier vs Needham's
9--McConkey's vs Burgoyne
Games Wednesday
7-- McConkey's vs Needham's
8 -Burgoyue vs Belfair
9--Rayonier vs Morgan Lbr '
Pantorium Tailors squeezed in
front by a nose in a photo-finisl
to snatch the first half city league
basketball crown Monday night,
thanks to timely assistance from
Burgoyne Photographers a n d
Morgan Lumber during the past
week's play.
That assistance came in dual
roles by both the photographers
and.lumber dealers for both took
turns plastering defeats on the
hitherto unbeaten Ncedham's
Men's Wear quintet and both took
turns losing to the tailors.
Briefly, here's what happened.
Last Wednesday, Burgoyne's pull-
ed the season's most startling up-
net by dishing out Needham's first
defeat, 27 to 23, in the schedule's
first overtime fracas, and Pantor-
ium hung a 30 to 22 punch on
the Morganites. Then Monday, the
Morganites turned around and
slapped Needham's down again,
4,l to 29, while the tailors squeez-
ed past the photographers, 20 to
18, in a tight-checking tilt which
meant either the championship
for Pantorium or' a four-way knot
involving those four clubs.
Burgoyne's triumph over the
haberdashers last week was the
season's thriller to date. With
the picture-snappers leading at
the four-minute, mark by four
points, Burr Dickinson and Bill
Chase dumped in the tying bas-
kets to force the struggle iito
extra time. where Harold Wil-
son and Bill MeCann connected for
the two winning foals.
Just prior to that Warren
Woods had paced PantoriUm's vtc-
tory over the lumbermen with an
ii-point personal contribution
which wan compiled on seven
gtraight successful foul conver-
sions and two field tosses• Woods
ad Bob Phillips shared scoring
hOnOrs in a second-half Pantof
ium attack which broke a 14-all
score at half-time.
The Same pair were again the
'marker-makers in the titular tilt
Monday, Woods getting seven and
Phillips six but the tight defen-
sive wrl of Don Underwood, Don
Phillips and Ken Fredson was
equally responsible for the Pan-
trium .triumph. Burgoyne's en-
joyed a 14-11 half-time advantage,
but picked up only solitary field
goals in each of the last tWO qui'-
tern while missing nine foul
shots. Larry Cardinal and Harold
Wilson outscored Pantorium's
point-producing pair with eight
and seven tallies respectively, but
their teammates added only three
more among them.
Morgan Lumber's tmexpectedly
large margin over Necdham's
came from,, AI Eatou's sizzling
shooting, abetted by Bill Le'dtt
and Dan Cormier. The trio regis-
tered 41 points together, Eaton
getting 19, Levett a dozen, and
Cormier ten. All Needham's points
were scored by Bill Coburn, Jess
Phillips and Butt Dickinson. who
had ten, ten and 9 respectively.
In the only game not involving
the championship, McConkey
Pharmacy had surprisingly tough
sledding before subdtling a sib-
born Belfair lineup, 23 to 19. Bill
Schirmer and Torger Lee eacl
contributed eight points to the
pharmacists' victory, Walt Si-
monson leading Belfair tvith ev-
Monday's snow kept Belfair
from filling its engagement with
Olympic Plywood. The lineups:
Pantorium (20) Burgoyne (18)
Parsons 1 F Burgoyne 2
Woods 7 F H.Gruver
Underwood 4 C Cardinal 8
D.Phillips 2 G McCann '1
B.Phillips 6 G Wilson 7
Subs: Pantorium -- Fredson.
Burgoyne'sL. Gruver.
Morgan Lbr. (44) Needham's (29)
Williams 2 F DickinS0n '
Comlg to Shelton on lCehn -
'ary 8 tire tlte rohdway (lowns,
led by AI Pull/ns, their eoax,h
• and scoring star, to demon-
slrate to h)eal hasketball fans
why they have gained a nation-
al relnttation for heing among
the outstanding maple totzrt
showmen in the country.
This group of colored cage
(.omcdians from the ontsland-
ing Negro college of America.
have re-organiked this keasou
after k 'lapse of }'onr war years
knd Will play at, exh'lhitlon
game against the Morgan Lum-
ei- team of 'lito Slteltoh and
'01ympla eliy leagues. In a pre-
Tiiinary at taeti(in on lhe same
program two Shelton ('it'y lea-
gue learns, the first half eham-
plonship Pantornma Tailors and
Ra3ro'nler, me;t In a regular
leilgue game. The program will
be t4tilgeil in the new Shellon
gym with the Pantoritnn-Ray-
on]er game starting at "/:80.
Eat'on 19 F Gardiner
Cormier 10 C Coburn 10
Levett 12 G Chase
Eacrelt G J.Phillips ]O
Subs: Burgoyne's---P, urgyne 6.
NeedhanVs Bedna rski.
IIrg,)yne's (27) Nee,[hanl' (23)
=i.Gruver 2 F Diekinsr,n
Wilson 9 F Gardner ,I
Cffrdinal 2 C Cobnz' 10
L.Gruver G Barger 7
McCann 8 C Chase 2
Pantoriunt (30) Morgan (22)
B.Phillips .6 I' Levett 7
Parsons 4 F Eaton 2
Underwood 8 C Cormier 8
[ D.Phillips 4 G Dunbar ,i
VCoods 11 G VqlleT¢
McConl{ey's (3) Belfir (19)
Somers 2 I Foster 2
Schirmer 8 F Crow 3
Lee 8 C D,vis
Hanson C Simonson 7
Viger 4 G Pcderqon 2
Body and
Fender Works
1 Mile South On
Olympic Highway
Phone 218R-2X
Bremert00,la00ema Stages
The Finest In Motor Coacl Transportation
South Bound
North Bo0nd
Port Angeles ................ Lv. 9:15 a.m. At. 5:35 p.m.
Sequim .......................... 9:45 a.m. 5:08 p.m.
Quilcene ............. : .......... 10:40 a.¢n. 4:25 p.m.
Lilliwaup ...................... 11:31 a;m. 3:18 p,m.
Hoodsport .................... 11:41 a.m. 3:12 p.m.
Shelton .......................... 12:10 p.m. 2:45 p.m.
Olympia ........................ Ar. 2:45 p.'m. Lv. 2:05 p.m.
Connection To a*nd From Bremerton at Junction
Connection To aWid From Port Townend at Quilcene
8:30 a,m.
10:45 a.m.
1:45 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
• 8:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
9:45 p.m.
8:15 a,m.
11:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
*3:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
9:45 a.m,
12:30 p.m
3:30 p.m
7:00 p.m,
* Via Allyn .
* No Sur/day "or ttoltday s ei, wce,
Chafer Work a Specialty .
Depot at First & Grove Phone 162
i i i i)
Fishing Dates Set
By Game Heads In
Lakes and Streams
li'resl water" fi.iing sates wcrc
tstablished by lhe State t:tme
Commission at its January meet-
ing in Seattle last week, nn(i a
season limit ot 2,1 was set (,n
nd not lss than 3.25?;, fat.
It is generally recognized, --
however, that most milk is of -
'higher non-fat solids an'd
butterfat content. =
Milk appcar on the market .
today in a number of forms.
Information cencecning th .
pereentacJe composition of
cli(ferent kinds of cow's milk ----
steelhead fishermen 'dUring the. and of milk from differeff
winter months, ] speoies Will be the subjee
Thc fresh water fishing 'dates f0" a series of brief explan- =
were April 20 to November 0 in I attons =n ths space ,n the .
specified lowland lakes throttgh- i followhg weeks. ' -
out the state. May 25 to October --- " --"
"]1 in streams except that a :gen- IUlIIIIlflIIIliitllUlI|IlUiilIIIIIIll|IiII
eral closure on nrmy Eastern .................................................. "
Washington streams was made ef-
fective for September' 1 and May
25 to October' 3] in the high alti-
tude lakes.
Whitefish seasons were estab-
lished the same as last year with
one stream excepted, and trout
limits wre left unchanged in the
commission's actions. Lakes pois-
oned by the game department in
its program to exterminate scrap
fish were closed for the earning
season while seine of those poison-
ed two years ago were added to
fly fishing-ouly waters.
Good luck to you--and make
[he job easier for yourself by
letting us take care of the
transportation of your ef-
fcctsanywhere in Washing-
221 S. 2nd Ph'one 66
--:12:15 A.M. 1:10 A.iVl7
12:55 5:00
*5:45 * 5:45
6:15 6:15
'7!00 *7:00
7:30 7:30
8:15 8:10
8:45 8:45
9:25 * 9:30
10:00 10:00
10:45 10:35
11:15 11:15
11:50 12:00
12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M.
1:15 1:00
1:45 1:45
2:15 2:30
3:00 3:00
3:45 3:30
4:15 ,4:15
4:55 5:00
5:30 5:30
6:15 6:15
6:45 6:45
7:30 *7:00
i'8:00 "t"7:30
'8:30 ' 8:00
18:45 T8:45
1"9:15 *9:00
*9:30 ";'9:15
10:00 10:00
10:30 "F10:30
11:15 "11:00
11:45 "t"11:30
* Daily Except Sunday
€ Sunday Gnly
$12:40 on Monday morning
( Sunday night)
HAttW£00 TO
Halfway 'to "50, and l?obing f0rWard!
North Coa ine, 'Wh'o iiVe the people of
this eomrthfty :by providing direct con-
nections with Bremerton-Tacoma Stages, are
now entering their 25th year of service to
the Pacific Northwest.
Since 'the Small beginning in 922, the one
aim forever in mind has been and isL--
beft'er )Ubltc s ervive. Durir/g th past quarter-
centurs tremendous strides have been taken,
and modern bus travel is beyond comparison
in corrifort and convefenc'e With that of
25 years ago.
The coming years, based now on a quarter-
,century of constantly improved .trans-
portation Service, will prove eveh more
advantageous to the traveling public.
Shelton Bus Station
First and Grove Streets Phone 162
Into the heart o[ your com,!,unity