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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos; I i iiiiii I I I ................... u i,i, la AIRPORT STABLF00 Saddle Horses by Hour or Day GOOD HORSES & GOOD TRAILS € Come Out and ride these Long Evenings For Reservations Call 771-W USE SOUTH GATE WITH STABLE SIGN • ...#a! i Model 'DJ" One Man Lowest in coat, Ample power to cut up to 36" timber with ease. tight'eeL in weight.., approx. 30 }be. 100% swivel lot felling srtd underbucMng. New flnger.tlp control for ease of operation. Cutting attachments: 16" 20" 24" 30". Model UD" Two Man Lowest priced and liqhtest two man heavv duty power-chain saw on the market. Arple power [or any size timber. 10O% swivel [o*" telling and undor.buckin¢l. Economical on fuel. Easy to carry In roughest Of country. Cuttinq attachmsnta: 24"30"36" 48" 60" 7Z". Also bucking attachraenta: 24" and 30" ! K00MBEL MOTORS "I'm biding my time @ until I get a Chevrolet-- gHELTON-MASON COU"N"rY ,TOU'PNAL .... [[ I [i [i i [ t i t i tit [ ill[ [ JUNIOR LE610N AT HOME FRIDAY, MONDAY' Sheiton Shellacked At Olympia, 9 to 0, In Opener I uesday Overpowo/'od. over-;t ged, an(] over-awe.d, Shelion's junior legion (fialnond %VaFl'lOrS skv,'t.Howed t I)i!' goose-egg an lheir fil•st meal m 4th District rontpetition whett they lost a 9 to 0 (terision to Olympia Tuesday niaht in the C, apital City. They hope for better luck m tht'il' rlf'Xt ,|w'o ganl(?S, howcve, r. lmlh of which will be played be- lhe apprnaching home games Rttizl.I the TJr'onla visitors. ('o'l("h ihd .'qluilh indicaletl. Tile be× s('Iwo: NII EI/I'ON al r It - a e \\;ralley, Zt) ...... :; u iv I 5 i) Etcreti. p-If :; o ] ] ;i tl Anstin. If ....... ;;, :' 0 0 (3 (3 0 Dale, If ......... t o o 0 o I Z lillet', I) ......... i i) 0 0 0 0 I)ittman, ss 2 0 0 1 2 l Cleveland, lb .... 2 0 0 6 0 I Coleman. Ib .... 1 0 0 2 0 o James, rf ........ 2 o 0 q) [) 0 Coult,. )'f ........ ] 0 0 0 0 0 S('hwarch, e . 2 0 0 6 2 i) fore frien(lly llomc crowds unde) Kruger, 3b ..... 2 the Loop li'ic]d lights as tlley en-t Breshmeyer, 3b o tertain Tacoma l-'ost 1"18 i'i'idlty Totals ........ 23 nlglt and t.ttodos Po,ut of Taeomn next Monday, th)l.h game:; starl at 8:'10. Bhelion llitte)'.; were completely stymied by Skeeter Ellis. Olympia righthand(.r, Tm.:4day. Pitcher 13oh Eaerett bagge(I 1 he only lit, ; single in t.lw sixth inning. Fore'- teen %venl down <')n strikes, a half dozen with(nit swinR'ing. Only foil]' Bhelton hal Ier;; l'e:whtd base. Ted Dale. walkin!: in the second, Hark Dittman strolling in the seventh. and lqacrett ?,ettmg a. life on air error nl [.hi' !ourth bosides Ills hi in lhe :dxllt h<rcahwhile, ()Iympia h'ttters were not t,avKing lqnc)',,t t wit.h to( fre- qll(")H ,,;I)c,('es.. 1):1 they dM fret SOFlle ( :IY, t.;I lit t' i::l i licit' C]OltI S, Dean t'.oel(ey vvallaped a lll)IllO rlll with q)llt H!Doa'(I i11 tlw MxLh trite1 Ellis h,t for m" (.irctHt behind l-tenviek," tit)utah' i{1 the f.,,tr/h. t{oekey's blow caL, m (fir Ned Mill- el', who itci0,d lllc lliNi llllltt]'. ()lynltila 5>.'ol'e(l folio ilne'll'tlld runs in tl)e Hfth on lwo errol's, two hits, a hit b:Hter and a walk. lqaerett pYabably will pit(•h bolh Shelton Air Service TICKET AGENTS For West Coast Air Lines For Reservation Phone 25-J 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 l 18 12 4 Olympia. ab r h o a (" Long, cf ............ 3 0 0 0 0 0 Lindskog, 2b .... 2 2 0 1 1 0 Abshire, e ....... 4 l 1 14 0' 0 l¢.oekey, 2b ........ 4 2 3 4 0 0 lIcClary. 3b .... 3 ] 0 0 0 01'' Bush, If ............ 2 1 0 0 0 Mandry, rf .... 4 0 0 1 0 0 HomqcP, s, ss ... 2 1 2 1 2 2 Ellis. p .............. 3 1 2 0 0 1 Totals .......... 27 9 8 21 3 4 Score by Innings Shelton ..................... 000 000 0----.0 hits ................ 000 001 0---i Olympia ................. 100 242 x -9 hits ............... 201 221 x-.-8 SUMMARY: Home runs---Rock- cy, Ellis. E-base hit--HenrieRs. Ituns batted in -Rockey 3. Ab- shire 2, Ellis 2, Bush Henrtcks. Struck out--Ellis 14, Eacrett 3, Millet' 2. Walks-Ellis 2, Eacrett 2. Miller I, Hit batters---McClary, IJntts!¢off by Facvett, Lindskog by Miller. l%uns responsible for-*Ea- (,reH. 2, Millet" 2. Wild pitch. -:E1- li,,;. Innings pitched . Eacrett 5, Miller 1. Stolen bases  Ellis. Lind. :,l.oa', Dittman Passcd balls S,,l!Wal'(,t[ 3. AT ltLETES FOOT GERM, HOW TO KILL T IN ONE HOUR Ib" NYF i)[A"ANNI), yuu' 411(' blwk'. Asl ally drug'gist fur lhi• NTR()Ntl lllll icid('. •l"'l•'/.. l,'I/llh' 1Vltil *lt/} IICt'('(ll[ ah'oh()l i I'I,]NETI¢ATIi:S. I{,'u('h('; :,nd kill: M()I{E -€'1'111, I factor. Today lit PREPP'S DRUG STORE American Legion TS T8I M.I r ENIORIALH 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALl[, I want to be sure I get the most for my'money!" fine-car features, more EXTRA VALUES of'all kindsat the lowest prices an(l with outstanding economy of operation and upkeep. Yes, the new Chevrolet is the most ,beautiful buy for everythlng styling to stamina, and we cordMly invite you to confim this fact and tell your friends-- "I'm bhling my Hme until I get a Chevrolet/" That expresses the sentiments of countless people in all income gronps, inch)cling many who can afford to buy much higher pv'ice(t cars. They're surveying the rest but awaiting the best--Chevrolet--the mot beautiful buy of all1 We believe you, too, will deehle that Chevrolet ges more for your money--more fine-car beauty, more Vets Win Another, *Dairymen Continue Undefeated Record 7' ('ITV I,'AWi'I|AL, I., LEAGI ]L W L rf ra Kitsal) Dairy ............ 11 0 120 16 Rayomer. ................... 5 6 68 86 Alneriean Legion .._ 4 6 92 76 V.F.W, Post ............ 2 10 46 152 Games Tonight Dairy vs Rayonier V.F.W. vs Legion (lames Monday Legion vs Dairy Rayonier vs V.FAV. Games June 23 Dairy vs V.F.W. Rayonicr vs Legion IeASTBAIA. PLAY of the past week was marked by the Vets second straight victory, Kitsap Dairy's llth straight win. and Rayonier's nod over the Legion. The Vets posted their second in a row last Thursday by down- mg Rayonier. 7 to 3. but saw their brief victory string snapped Mon- day in a 13 to 3 loss to the a un- defeated, Dairymen. The Vets got off to a two-run start over Rayonier and were never headed as Ray Phillips hurl- ed another fine game. He was touched for single runs in the 4th, 5th and 6th. the first pair being home runs Iy Kelly Nutt. The league's tailenders were do- ing all right against the league leaders Monday night, ".oo, until the roof caved in on Phillips in the fourth. Dick Gardner's home rtm with two aboard wound up a six run spree that took the starch out of tie game, which had been a 2 to 0 duel since the first up to that point, TtlE DAIRYMICN came back with five more in the sixth on six singles and an error. Bill Redman, Sonny Ix)we and Bob Kolar each hit three times safely for the l)'ti 'yn en. l:tay(mier virt.ually won its 8 to 5 vmtory from the Legion Monday night with fore' unearned runs in the opening inning off Less Spil- seth. Ted Kendall blanked the Le- gion between the first and sev- enth frames, giving up a pair in the opener and three in the closer wien Spilseth hit his first home :-un with two mates aboard, Bob Smith hit two doubles for the pulpmen. SUNSHINE AND GOOD HAY KEEP SHELTON VALLEY FARMERS BUSY By Signe Kneeland ty, home frorn sehoo]. Coming Farmers here have taken ad- back by way of Portland, Oregon, vantage of the good June weather they arrived Friday evening. to do some haying. Slaters and We had word of E. A. Rut- Vandermay Iilled their silo, • ledge of Alderbrook who left Bhel- Frank Warren, whose barn ton Valley a few months ago with burned this spring, had his hay his daughter when she returned to bailed in the field, something not her home in Yakima. done bcforc in Shelton Valley. Mr. Rutledge used to live east! The social meeting of the Shel- of the mountains, and he is re- ton Grange will be thi:q Thursday. lnewing acquaintances with the  All those having mrtnaays m June I old timers, and helping his daugh- come and celebrate, ter with the work. The Kimbelsi Mh and Mrs, Lee Blater left are caring for the farm for Mr.' Thursday of last week for Ellens- Rutledge while he is away, i burg to bring their daughter, Bet- 'Your correspondent returned Tip Top 4-H'ers Give Fine Program At Agate School Agate Tip Top 4-H Club held its spring program at the school Saturday night. The youngsters put on an interesting and educa- tional program enjoyed by a large crowd. After the program some of our good neighbors played while oth- ers danced until supper was serv- ed. The quilt top was won by Becky Yeck. YOU want the00e EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its floldl WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ths extra oRTc/ent power plant that's setting the trend for the indu$1ry. FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY found elsewhere only on much ¢osllier cars. CIRTi=SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with DubI-Life Rlvetless Brake Linings) assuring swifter, safer stops for yau and your family, LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD, with WIDEST TREAD, as well giving more room, more riding-eomforf, more road-staadiness and safety. S-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low=Pressure Tires) tha wldeet rims In tha entire Iow-prica field, pruvidlng greater ride-stability. CENTER-POINT STEERING giving max/mum steedns-easu.. • witheut fatigue or "car=wander" ... and found elswhera only on €ostlier cars. CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY supplying thai extra v;don which means axtra cafaty, exclusive !o Chevrolet in ill field. FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION with stea| wddad to tael all around you for maximum solidity, quielnass and safely. IXTU ICONOMICAL TO OWN--OPERATE--MAINTAIN and bdnging you mora when yeu trada for Chsvrolell we most wanted--ew or uNdl The 51yleline De tuxa 4-Door Sedon--Whlte sidewall tibet optlonol at extro cast. .MELL CHEVROLET CO. Phone 777 or 778 First and Grove Streets M 1st and of tlUl 8 Marvin W. D. Seems our community has been visited by some exceptionally bad luck recently. Last week the home of Norman Norsby burned to the ground. They lost every- thing. Later Gordon Hopp was the victim of fire when his ca*', gar- age, shop and chicken house burn- ed. Luckily the house was saved. Jalmer Auseth was taken to the hospital Monday night with a throat infection. Mrs. John "Vander Wal spent several days visiting relatives in Redmond. Mrs. D. J, Dandurand was host- ess to the sewing club last Thurs- day, A delicious 12 o'clock dinner was served to guests, and the af- ternoon was spent in visiting and sewing. Present were Mesdames Glen Leeds, John Whetham. John Vander Wal. Tom Vander Wal, A1 Hovind and P. W. Feusner. Ralph Prescott rettlrned from Pullman on Saturlay. He spent the week as delegate to the state grange. Guests at the Harry Hamilton home the past week were hi's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamil- ton of Manhattan. Mont. They accompanied Harry when he re- tin'ned home from a recent trip to Belgrade and vidinity. Southside Grang members weDe guests at the regular meet- inb of Agate Grange Friday night. We appreciated the gesture of Southside drill team by initiating our class of new members.. We hope that Skokomish will bring their team to our next meet- ing to put on the third and fourth dcgrees. L i Mrs. A1 Hartman had as a guest her daughter" and family from California the first of the week. A1 and Mrs. Hartman accompan- ied them on a trip into Canada, planning to retm'n next week. Bobble Hovind has had as a guest over the past week his consin George from Tacoma. Mrs. James Howarth had her niece visfting her the past week. Mrs. Arthnr Richards has taken employment at-the local Safeway store. 4 Shelton Girls Win Prizes Iu Fern NIBC Official notice of final prize winning positions in the women's Northwest International Bowling Congress held in Portland in May were received here this week, showing that our of the six girls bowling under the Mac's Co*ner banner placed in money spots. Emily Kier and Imra Dickie earned $18 with their eighth place fish in the booster doubles on a score of 866 pins, Rubye Frisken earned 15th place in the class B singles for $12 with her 512 score, Mrs. Dickie tied for 30th place in the booster singles with her 430 score for $4.40, ahd H%len Smith tied for 9th place in the Class B singles for $7 on her 476 score. TRAVELING TO ALASKA Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Werberger and their daughter, Mrs. Ike Wil- son, leave this week for Vancou- ver wheb they will board a Can- adian steamer for a two weeks' trip to Alaska. They will go as far as Skagway, making a list of stopover visit .coming and going. Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour and 55 minutes earlier) These tides are computed on Standard Time Thursday, r June 16 Low .................. 5:19 a.m. 6.4 ft. High ................ 9:15 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low .................. 4:23 p.m. 0.5 ft. High ................ 11:59 p.m. 14.4 ft. Friday, 3tins 17 Low .................. 6:21 a.m. 5.6 ft. High ................ 10:32 a.m. 10.2 ft. Low .................. 5:11 p.m. 1.8 ft. Saturday, June 18 High ................ 0:33 a.m. 14.1 ft. Low .................. , 7:18 a.m, 4.6 ft. High ................ 12:14 p.m. 9.8 ft. Low .................. 6:03 p.m. 3.1 ft. Sunday, June 19 High ................ 1:09 a.m. 13.8 ft. Low .................. 8:08 a.m. 3.4 ft. High ................ 1:57 p.m. 10.0 ft. Low .................. 7:02 a.m. 4.4 ft. Monday, June 20 High ................ 1:41" a.m. 13.5 ft. Low .................. 8:51 a.m. 2.3 ft. High % ............. 3:29 p.m. 10.7 ft. Low .................. 8:05 p.m, 5.6 ft. Tuesday, June $1 High'. ............... 2:10 a.m, 13:2 ft. Low ,. ................. 9:30 a.m. 1.2 ft. High ................ 4:43 p.m, 8,7 ft, Low .................. 9:10 p.m, 6,6 ft, Wednesday, June 22 High ............... 2:38 a.m. 13.1 ft. Low .................. 10:07 a.m. 0.1 ft. High ................ 5:39"p.m. 12.6 ft. Low .................. 10:11 p.m. 7.3 ft, last Monday from a trip to Beat-i tie where she had tended her grandchildren. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Knee]and, went to Sun Valley, Idaho, to look after. the house being built for them. It will be ready by July. Wednesday of h-tst week Nrs. Wayne Glover, her three children, Dave, Mike and Linda Sue, and Mrs. Joe Kneeland and son, Ron- ald, and Signe Kneeland attended the W,B,A. annual picnic held at Kneeland Park. The Shclton Grange will take the Gavel to Cloquallum Wednesday of next week• All officers try to be present, and as many members as can turn out. Walter Cooke is putting a new coat of paint on his house, The Echo ranch house is getting its second coat of paint, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown will be moving into their new home SOOn. 407 S. Fir Don't Make A And put your winter Clothing away A thorough cleaning i Soiled clothing attracts moths to decay. your clothing having a thorough cleaning job, you take that suit or dress out next Fall, you'll be sure it is in PANTORIUM CLEANERS 215 S. 2nd St. Summe00 NOW THRU OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT In colors only  while it lasts . SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL $5.15 Paint Thinner ..................... While It lastsbring you'r own 2-INCH POULTRY 2x2 .................... Reg. $'3.75 --- 2x3 ..................... Reg, $5.25--- 2x4 .................... Reg. $7.15--- 2x5 .................... Reg. $8.35 --- 2x6 .................... Reg. $9.50--- Barbed W, ire -- Reg. $11.25-- LUNCH KITS .... Reg. $2.75 (With Thermos) " GARDEN HOSE (extra'fine Red color ........ Reg. $8.25  Black color .... Reg. :$7.3,5--'! Green color .... Reg, $6.95 GARDEN HOSE Very'Finest Quality Regular ................ 13€ ft. ---- GARDEN RAKES--- -:! Extra Fine Quality Regularly .... $2.35 GARDEN HOES .... Reg. $1.98 HAND SPRAYERS ..................... SASH CORD, -- usually $2.25. 1-PIECE SALMON RODS While they last 2-PIECE STEEL SALMON Regularly .................. $17.00 AND MANY eTHEl, S TOO N Hillcrest Builders' Supplies - Paints ' SpoPtlng Supplies - Evinrude and Lauson 1209 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY