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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 Concrete Ready-Mix Gives You Fuss-t;ree. Muss-less WE DO THE MIXING -- and deliver rour concrete order on the job, ready to pour. It&apos;s the time,'labor and money. saving way to get the work done. Our file of available contractors' names is at your service, too. Thi Week _ K. L. wa,k,r. =0 Laoro, Street, Sheiton, WINS A QUART • (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of their favorite flavor abeolutely free If called for by next Wsdnesday, In the Ice Cream Everyone Raves About Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month "ALMOND - BUTTERSCOTCH" :el a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily, Including Sundays behind 2°02 ys Second and Franklin Streets P e Women Entertain At 'Scott's Alley' (l)]f l)JDyil) ', ,4]IoJIcHI j)](D)ber.; of / the Olympia ()if club and :t few t of lhe i0',ver handica I) v4()lli(ql p];ty- I ers of Shollm I'aystmrc (;+)If Ch]b cnlertt+med l,l no, mhels of the V¢oDwn's <l '¢ of |.he ()lynlpia Chth a.t lS hoh:; ,f golf at the t:ktV.;1 r+ golf course, an(! hmch- eel: nt "Svoti':; All(,)'" ti Spencer L;H(+, .Jun  . MI'.% tL'tttl M;:u'::ha]l Won low net, wliih'  ' ' :,lt,% l;t\\;vrcnco VVih-;on and Mr:;. ]oll:t }talbort lied for second l)lm'e. (;oil + t)+til wece Fiven as I)i'i;;t,:. Th(, ()]yn?i; guests iuchlded the Mh'sd:mw.; hvin Lassen, WiN li,qln I 'alio]'son, V,'iilianl i[oyal, V¢iltian. chu/t;';, .+lUd(, L:tspa, ,lohu Kinp+, Imyon Haskill, ([7. L. Stick- hey, liobcrl Van (),Mcrhbut, La.w- l'e,qcn S}}a, l::;ly (;]";th;|l]h Ellis Cook, l,'iv,,renit, Vilso+l nnd Andy GoV/. At)cl'deen. Sheltonians Attend Tacoma Ceremony A candle-light wedding service at hnmanucl I'resbyterian ChllrCh in Pac( ma Saturday nl:,Lht at- ten(h,d by Shelton relatives will be of interest locally. 'rile bride was h.Ii:, Jean HarcieL Mm'nen, daugh- ter t)f Mr. and Mrs. lildg'ar John I{nrnen, of Tacoma, and grand- daup,hter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant C. Angle of Shelton, and the bride- groom, Theodore We.sley Lynn, Jr., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lynn. of Coos Bit3', Ore. The ('hlll'ch decorations consist- e(I of wttite peonies gladioli and stock mhl the gathering which in- chided 'Pat:ollHi fricll(ls was qllite largo. The bride attended the College of F)ttget Sotmd and graduated from Mills College in Oakland, C.dif., and the bridegroom attend- ed the 1Tfiversit.y of Maine, and will roceive his degree in, engin- eering + this August at the Univers- it.3' of \\;Vashington. Both are graduates of Stadium high school in Ta(onla. Shelton relatives present in- chided Mr. and Mrs. (I. C. Angle, Mr. aud Mrs. Mauriee Ncedham, Mr. an(I Mrs. J. li]her Angle and son (;ranL; {1'. and Mrs. t.terbert G. Angle :tlld sons Herb and 1)iclG Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pickens, A ltadena, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Mum'ice NeedhanL .It'., Mr.. and Mr:. Cm'l Marsh and Ebcr Tho- mas, all of Seattle. Dancing Students Are Presented At RecitM , Lorraine Bender presented her dancing students in a spring reci- tal Jnne I in the I.O.().F. Hall ill Shelton. Those taking part were Elnor Buck, Jndie l=teilly, Judith Hale, Hanna C, rcnl)erg, Barbara Daniel, Mary ,lordon, Zoe Ann Hokanson, Peggy l?rice, Frances Clifton, Margeritc Fuller and Sharon Price. . • 5riss Bender served #: cream td the l'eh:dJ\\;es and ftLiends of tile students after the recital. In t, he fMl Miss Bender will re- sume the school, WHERE THE SPIRIT OF SERVICE BEGINS One Coast-wide school system is for telephone people only-and better [ service for the West is the result 1; As this young lady learns to use a training switchboard, she'll also learn many things that will be mighty important to good service. All through her training she'll see how operators make courtesy and helpfulness a normal part of their jobs. And the same spirit is present as other telephone people learn their new skills. i  • 8HELTON-MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL , [ S0{;t00TY ]] ,loan Moran Becomes Bride of Allen Eaton In Impressive Rites, June ll 'rite chapel of Saint I(tward's' ed the guest book, while Mrs. Wil- Catholic church was reverently si- lent Saturday morning, June 11, as Joan Frances Moran. dangh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myhre and A.llen Leslie Eaton, son, of Mr, Jake Eaton, exchanged mar- riage VOWS. Tall glowing tapcrs lighted the altar which was laden wittt white stock and pink carnations. Bas- I(cts of pink peonies and white snapdragons at the side altars and comnmnion rail added to the pink and white color scheme. White satin ribhon was looped and bow- ed at the altar rail and at the pews. The Reverend Father Mark Wiechmann read the n'mrriage ceremony and was joined by the voices of the chm'ch choir in cele- brating the nuptial high Mass. Attired in a tailored bhte-grey gabardine suit, the attractive bride was escorted to the altar by her father. A perky hat of matching blue felt completed her ensemble. She carried an informal bouquet of pink carnations and white sweetpeas centered with a laven- der throated orchid corsage. Lorena Deschamps attended the brire as maid of honor. Her, cos- tume was a navy blue suit with white accessories and her corsage was of red rosebuds. Serving as best man was Rob- ert Bellinghausen, a former class- nmte of thb bridegroom. The many friends and relatives present for the service were escorted to their seats by Nat Waldrip, John Dtmbar and Donald Fraser. Before the ceremonies, "The Lord's Prayer" was sung by Mrs. Shirley Bellinghausen, who also sang "Ave Maria" during the Mass. he was accompanied by Mrs. Robert Kcenan. Chosing a navy blue suit and accessories for her daughter's wedding, Mrs, Myhre also wore a red rose corsage. The bridegroom's mother wore a green suit accented with brown accessories. On her shoulder she wore a Talisman rosebud corsage. Guests who attended the recep- tion at the'Colonial House, which followed the wedding, were gFeet- ed by the parents of the newly wed couple. Barbara Butler pass- Local Girl Weds Olympian, June 4 The Mount Olive Lutheran Church was the scene of the wed- ding of Delores Margaret Rey- nokls and Lee Ray Swayne at 2,p,m, Saturday, June 4. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mts. Edward Reynolds, formerly of Westbow, Wisconsin, who now reside in Shelton. The bridegroom is the son . of Fritz Bohm of Olympia. • Rev. V¢illiarri Albach read the impressive single ring ceremony before relative and friends. The attractive brunette bride was lovely in a pale pink street length dress with contrasting black accessories. She accented her outfit with a corsage of white carnations and pink stephanotis. Bonnie Bohm, sister of the bride- groom, was the bride's attendant, and she was attractively gowned in a pastel pink dress, which fea- tm'ed a white embroidered design. Her corsage was of white carna- tions. John Hurst, Shelton, was the best man. Mrs. Swayne attended schools in Westbow, Wisconsin, and he graduated with the class of '49 from Irene S. Reed. The bridegroom attended school in Olympia and is employed at the Joint Power Plant. VISITORS FROM MICHIGAN Mrs. Susie L. Stevens and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Cole and son Dick ar- rived m Shelton Thursday, June 9 from Bay City, Mich. Mrs. Stev- ens is the sister of the late Ar- thur Kent of Shelton. ' During their stay the group will visit with Mrs. A, L, Glenn, Law- d'ence and Mrs. Russell Robblns in McCleary. MEET THE EDITOR +. on sbv pales li these, lie" Jeam to use their new climbing equipment. This is just onto[ the more than one hundred courses that telephone people study in towns large and small--up and down the Coast. In 1948, thou- san&of employe received tratNng. That means thousands of men and women:better able . to furnish good service to you. ......... 3. On-the-lob-training here in the West is typified by this "student" who is learning the workings of a trouble indicator frame-an auto- matic detective that constantly makes sure the lines onits "beat" are giving good service. Even experienced employees take refresher courses like this to keep, and keep learn- ing their way up the ladder. And Hear Shelton Tell Its Story To the Largest Radio Audience in the Pacific Northwest FEATURING: Editor "Wiff" Jessup Mayor Harry Cation and Les Fields, Henry Bacon, Rudy Werberg- ee and Grant C, Angle 5:30 P. M. ; : ; 4. Good service for you  , Saturday, June 18 comes from telephone people : I--..-'&.'--'I".1----I.----. who k,ow their iobs. ,,,;,,,ca,. Th0 FaGIIIG Iulup.u.u Kr,I..R 0 making Sure you always haw  ano ,emgmpn u0mpany The y =a,,o. ' the right +number in;mind be-  .2_-- .... -------------m---- Seattle fore callingi leaving a little time , Your telephone is one of today's biggest bargains 710 ou your ]Dial ma Shafer presided over the punch bowl. The beautifully decorated cake, topped with two large wedding bells and dainty white doves, was cut by Mrs. Mary Battles. Cecil Brunner rosesrsurrounded the base el' the cake and the crystal candel- abra flanking it. Pouring at the urns placed at each end of the reception table were Mrs. Robert Ervin and Mrs. Lloyd Robertson, aunt of the bride. The traditional bridal bouquet was caught and divided by Virgin- ia Connolly and Pat Young, The young couple will reside in Mount Vernon following their wedding trip. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eaton are graduates of h'ene S. Reed High School, the bridegrooqa in 1946 and the bride in 1948. After attending Western Washington College of Education in Bellingham, Mr. Ea-: ton enlisted in the Navy and is! now stationed at Whidby Island. The bride also attended college at Bellinghan. Out Of town guests included :Mr. and Mrs. John Mallette and son Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os- good of Bremerton; Al Fisch and Rachel Dietz of Olympia; Mr. and Mt"s. Carl Selk, Mrs. Frank Hig- gins, Seattle; Bud Pe und Mary .Pope, of Portland; Van Eaton and Pat Simmons of Aberdeen; Mrs. Marion Eaton, Mrs. Omer Eaton, of Elma; Elvis Eaton, of Humptu- lips, and Joe Moran of Darring- Lon. Lord, Stuck Are Eagle Presidents A joint installation of the Ea- gles and their auxiliary was held at the Eagle Hall last Monday evening. The Bremerton Eagles in- stalled the aerie with the thelp of their drill team. New Eagle officers are Al Lord president; Fred Stuck, vice-presi- dent; Dr. A. Bogden, chaplain; How a r d Woodard, conductor; Glenn Gardiner, secretary; Bob Feusener, treasurer; Ray Rayson, • trustee; Don Paul, inside guard, and Wayne Stuck, outside guard. Auxiliary officers that were in- stalled are Erma Stuck, president; Wynoa Peterson, vice-president; Leona Woodard, chaplain; Mayme Morrison, conductor; Emelia Ea- crett, secretary; Vehna Feusener, treasurer; Dorothy McAuley and Myrtle Glenn, trustees; Grace Collins, inside guard and Lidra Liggett, outside guard. Following the installation a lunch was served. Gustafsons Visit With Relatives Across Border Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gustafson, of Bayshore, recently returned from a vacation trip to Chemainus and Nanaimo, B. C. During their, stay they were houseguests of Mrs. S " Gu, tafson s brother and his am- ily. ' While in British Columbia, Mr. Gustafson had an opportunity to tour the mill in which his nephew is employed, and to compare their, methods with logging operations  in Shelton. The trip was made by ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, and the couple returned by way of Sidney and Anaeortes. Local High School Girls To Attend Girl's State The three girls who were chosen this year to attend Evergreen Girl's State from Shelton left Tuesday morning for Pullman by bus. These girls, Gloria Steen, Nor- ma Davidson and Judy Satterth- wite, were sponsored by the Ki- wanis Club. the Zonta Club and the American Legion Auxiliary and were chosen from a selected group for qualities of. leadership, integrity, dependability and other outstanding character traits. They will be in session at Pull- man for 10 days during which time an intensive progrmn of citi- zenship training is carried on through lectures, active participa- tion in Girl's State government, and play. Grant, Huerby, Carlson Featured In Recital Mrs. Charles R. I-wis presented two of her talented piano students, Gordan Grant and Lari'y Huerby, in a recital at her home Friday evening, June 10. They were as- sisted by Geraldine Carlson, so- prano. The boys played to an apprecia- tire audience of relatives and friends. Their program included se- lections by such well known com- posers as Bach, Beethoven and Grieg. Barbara Butler Home From WWCE for Visit Barbara Ann Butler arrived home for a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and MrS. Glenn Butler, Saturday, June 11. She is returning to Western Washington College of Education to attend the summer session next Sunday, June 18. Miss Butler is ta3¢ing a pre- teaching crse, and has just completed lier freshman year. Dur- ing this time she was Homecom- ing Princess, Publications Prom Queen and a member of the sew- ing club, Blue Barnacles. O.E.S. Holds Election The Order of Eastern Star so- cial club held a potluck luncheon and election at Mrs. Ed Elliot's summer home on Hood Canal June 7. New officers who will become active at the next meeting, whicl will be the first Tuesday in Octo- [ber, are Mrs. Glenn W. Landers, I i'esident; Mrs, Ed Elliot, vide- i president and Mrs. C. A. Rutter, I secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Bill Valley is the z'etiring president. Shelton Will Be Represented At TB (00nvention Mrs. ,I. L. 1)otson, who was appointed state chairman for the Tuberclllosis nominating c, on'o£it- tee at Longview last, January, called a meeting of her committee last Friday, June 10, at Seattle to plaW for the state convention to be hehl June 20 to 22 at Ever- ett. While in Seattle Mrs. Dotson also attended the state executive meeting. The state association extends an invitation to all those interested to attend the convention, especial- ly . Tuesday, which will be the outstanding (lay. It will fefitm'e interesting talks and a salnton bake, which will be given by the Indians, in the evening at the Flof al Hall in Forest Park. Delegates from Shelton will be Mrs. Vern Davidson, h)cal sec- retary; Mrs. Dotson, local repre- sentative, and Dr. George Le- Compte, director at large. Jane Clothier Is I00onored At Shower Jane Clothier was the honored guest at a miscellaneous bridal shower June 9 at the home of Miss Dorothy Schwietering. The group had a picnic supper at 6.30 p.m. Miss Clothier will become the bride of Eugene White Saturday, June 18. Gu es t s included Georgiabell Webb, Vi91a Knudsen Vera Tho- mas, Efnma Richert, Edna Stew- art, Juanita Millet', Ellen, Stuck, Florence Stevens, Thora Gabrio, Leona Starkey, Grace Forbes, Marion Gaffney, Pauline Sehweit- ering, the hostess and honored guest. On this occasion, the group was also bidding Ellen Stuck, who re- signed recently, farewell. Mrs. Beckwith Will Represent Local Club The Board of Directors of.the Shelton-Mason County Zonta lub met at the home of Elizabeth Simpson Monday night to trans- act their regular business and to honor Grace Beckwith, who will leave June 15 for Quebec, where she will represent tim local Zon- ta Club at the International con- vention, beginning on June 21. Mrs. Beckwith will include the convention as a part Of the trip she and Mr. Beekw/th are plan- ning to other points of interest in the East. "I am thrilled at the opportunity of attending this con- vention," said Mrs. Beckwith, "as there will be outstanding woen there from all over the world." 8he was-surprised last Monday night by her associates with a handkerchief shower. Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith plan to be away about a month. Coed Homef-rrom College ,Shirley Dickinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Dickin- son, returned horr from college Sunday evening after stopping en- route in Seattle where she was a week end house guest at the Rob- ert Burro home. Shirley has been attending Western Washington College of Educatio.n where she was editor of the student handbook, The Nav- igator. Pre-School Picnic To Be Held June 22 The annual pre-school picnic will be held between ll a.m. and1 p.m. June 22 at Kneeland park. All pre-school children and their parents a'e invited to attend. Bring youi,: own lunches, and ice cream, coffee and pop will be furnished. 00?he li0us in a highgall... perlect t0r a ccktail... FAST, EFFICIENT, H01JSE WIRING By Bonded, Licensed KILLMER ELECT LOCAL DEALERS FOR MONARCH RA I CROSLEY APPLIANCES, APEX WASHERS 207 Cota Street GOT0 CHURCH EVERY,, Each forkful . . . a taste treat. The • foods prepared to best flavor. From' dessert, each bite here often. GO TO CHURCH HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX Calling All Western Old Time & Scan/ DANCe Every Saturday 9:30 P,M. to 2:00 A.M. --'With Oakie and IIis U.E. Chamberlain Eleven radio musicians and singers our champion cow-girl Yodeler, Johnny Missus, HillBilly Harmonizers at the' TROPICS $1.00 PER PERSON, TAX INCI1J ,Schneiders Prairie 8 Milea from Olympia on Shelton \\; 4;> i 000000ttc%hb;d l' $4,00 Flawless "o;uc-wiite dia- mond in 14-carat solid gold setting . . . $40.00. -k show good taste. be thrilled to receive ' with goes a IO guarantee. • uncertain a lection thers ers help Handsome Leather Billfolds Wide From wrist some gold Initialed cigaret $4 to $12 cases, lighter . . . • band styleS. $3.00 to $10.00 $18.00 to $1 SOMETHING FROM YOUR JEWELER IS ALWAYS SOMETHING F.E. B Jewelry- Gifts 129 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 143