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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE J w .= KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Equipment &apos; ..... Operated By { Experie[ced Men '0 FOR . !': LAND CLEARING' r BULLDOZING 'i v BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING . • BULKHEADING ,! • PILEDRIVERS i' For Lmd or Water lie DUMP TRUCKS i i For Hire ! ! • PILING AND LOGS Fat* Sale PHC)NE 601 7: - : , ,,, ,,, ,q ,,,,,,,,,,,:,t .... ,, m,r i .. J , , My Sister Eileen Play Is Friday In Grapeview School By Lydia %Vren The comedy, "My Sister Eileen," for whicl we have been waiting, will play at the school house at 8 (;clocl¢ Friday evening, June 17. This is under the auspices or" Sar- ah Eekert Orthopedic Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton en- joyed a visit from her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parks and chin d;'cn, Ardell and PatJy of Rosalia, Wash. M,r. and Mr.,. W. R. Spooner h;vc had as thou' guc:t, Miss Eliz- abeil Lay of Rosedale, Wash., a friend of Mrs. Spooner's during undergraduate days at B.eed (of lege in Portland, Ore. Miss Lay will return to Frankfurt, Germany, where she works with the U. S. Arrny. * :b * Mr. and Mrs. Henry B:tcon en- tertained their nephew, Mr. C. B Henderson and his fiancee, Miss Elaine Sharp, also ),Ir. Henderson's mother, Mrs. A. E. Henderson, all from Vancouver, B.C. Iwm Palms and Lindy Cope o Salinas, Calif., are welcome visi- tors with .Ivan.'s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Palms, Mr. and Mrs. Palms attended their grandson's graduation (Gary Jones) exercis- es at Tumwater school one eve- ning' last week. Wayne Palms is employed full time at Safeway store in Shelton. Leah McGraw of Shelton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hysom while her dad and me- STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Farm S|yle- All You Can Eat Sunday, June 19- 1 P.M. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE ADULTS 75¢  CHILDREN 50¢ NOW IN EFFECt Honeymooners Besiege ] Beckman's Robin Hood I The honeymooners descended on Robin Hood Lodge last week end. All cabins at Don Beckman's were filled'wlth newly-weds, and Beck- man was caught soliloquizing, "Guess I'll have to change the name from Robin Hood to Honey- moon Lodge." The young married ones were Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. John- son of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Justice of Spokane, and Mr. and Mrs Jack Kapphahn of Seat- tle. Estate Appraisers Appraisers for two estates were appointed June 10 by Judge John M. Wilson of the Superior Court. Ed Faubert, L. J. Dowell and El- liot B. Spring were appointed ap- praisers of the Anna L. Suther- land estate, and George N. Adams, Herbert G. Angle and Roy Castle were appointed appraisers of the Earl Ma.lpass estate. ther, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McGraw, attended the Rose Festival in Portland. Fairharbor Grange will hold op- en meeting the evening of June 20. Everyone is invited. There will be an entertaining program and refreshments with Mrs. Louise Spooner and Mrs. Sarah Tschida I in charge. I • • • [ I Mrs. Orin Buckingham and Mr. [ and Mrs. Clem Hell attended the[ Rose Festival at Portland. "rneyj report a beautiful parade and a] grand time. I CAMPFIRE NEWS: Grapevtew Campfire group enjoyed a hike Wednesday, June 8. The hike took in the territory from the Matthews place to the old road that leads into the Schwinn place. Because some of the girls had other vacation plans, only five of the girls went on the hike. They were Carol Burkhart, Patsy Palms, Carol Somers, Marylynn Hawson, Barbara Etherton and guardian, Mrs. Ruth Etherton. The girls had their regular meeting with Mrs. Hawson, who also had the girls for lunch. Web Etherton caught a 9-1b salmon in our bay ?ne. day last week. 16 DELEGATES RETURN FROM 4:H CONVENTION BUILDING FOR TOMORROW, 16 4-H dele- gates from Mason county who attended the Sil- ver Anniversary conventid at Washington State College last week are shown above. Left to rlgh L bottom row, are Joan Sjeholm, Rich- ard McHaffie, Eddie Mercer, Marilyn Bail- ey and Janet Hunter; second row, Lila Mae Shoemaker, Helen Welch, Bobbilee Evans, Betty Gay Henn. ingsen, Barbara Newkirk and Mary Bland; third row, Charles Brown, Jerry Richert, Bob Hunter, Jim Hunter, and the one they chap- eroned, Andrew Kruiswyk, Jr., county e×tcnsion agent. Cioquallum To Get 14-H Groups Work Tr,veling Gavel Cloquallum Grange membe,'s Hard At Annual launeted plans at the June 10' meeting to entertain Shelton 'Grange June 24. Shelton Grange is to bring the Traveling Gavel here on that date, Dorothy Mc- Alfrey reported. The grange meets at 8:30 p.m., I standard time. [ FROLIC ATPWNm I IN DEWATTO JUNE 9 ! By Annie Y. King ! The Tahuya school picnic was  held JuDe 9 on the Dewatto school grounds. Races of all kinds, swim- ming, and plenty of good food kept both adults and children en- tertained. Mrs. Ruth Yates of Dewatto State Convention Weather at Pullman was hot last week, and quick-moving ac- tivities of 4-H groups mingled with those of state grangers in convention on the W.S.C. campus. But local 4-H members pitched in and worked and played hard, AFTER A WEEK'S encamp- ment on the college campus, Ma- son county's sixteen 4-H delegates returned home Sunday evening content with their accomplish- ments. Bob Hunter was selected as a leader of one of the discussion classes. Charles Brown was as- sistant editor of the "Daily Owl," 4-H newspaper, and he sang a solo on the talent parade. Telephone payments will be, accepted at the SHELTON SHOE REPAIR ,, 121 Third St. OLYlVlPIC FURNITURE CO. Is No Longer a Payment Agency You may also pay bills at our business office at 130 South 3rd Street from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- day through Friday. ! The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Sheltou was in charge of the games and races, while Mrs. Eugene Ellis and Mrs. Ted Blair of Tahuya headed the committee on food. In the 1 opinion of participants the day I was a great success and a joy- ous climax to the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Riley, Mr. ] and Mrs. Darrell Baxter and Mrs. i Bernlce Lodwick, all of Port Or-] chard, spent a day fishing here I last week. They were rewarded[ with 23 fish of the "bottom var-I lety," rock cod, llng cod, redgsnap-] per and kelp cod. Before retm'ning home they visited Mr. Baxter's uncle, Lee Baxter. Ben and Jimmy Dennis of Bain- bridge Island were guests for a week at the R. W. King home. Logging operations at Dewatto have been concluded by "Whitaker and Braum of Lone Rock..They have been taking out logs on tie Kilian property for about a month George Merriek of [hcit(m was a houseguest of l.ichar'J Pearce for three days. The. birthdays f six.year-old Douglas Batten and th,'e,.-.year-o!d Diane Yatcs occm' within a few dP.y,u of each (ther. A .ioo:t birth- day party for the ;w3 children ]s be:rig planned by th:ir mother, Mrs. Charles Battm and M;s Ruth Yates, to incl,ld tlae other members of their fan:ilie3 and tne.- five Matson boys. BosS- -"Can't you find some- tiling to do?" Office Boy---"Gee whiz. Am I expected to do the work and find it. too?" It's Christmas For Your Favorite Santa Claus ! -- Next --  . Sunday-- ¢ilal/l '¢i£' Y ., WORKS FOR I)AI) THIS YEAR? ()t)r advice is to drol) quietly into our store between now and Sunday and let's you an(l us confer togcthcr about something for Dad. Hcre are a few suggestions . , . we have lots and lots of others .... • In Fashioncraft, /t's TiesRayons, Knits, All Silk • In Van Hucsen, it's ShirKs, Ties, Pajamas, Sport Shirts • In Stetson, it's Hats--Use our gift certifi- cate and let him select one to fit his own personality. • In Swank. it's Jewelry and Leather Goods, Cuff Links, Tie Clips, Key Chains, Bill- folds. • In Kaywoodie it's Pipes and More Pipes • In Ronson, It's Lighter=v--We suggest the new Pencil Lighter. • ALSO--Large Assortments in Tee Shirts, Sport Shirt, Belts, Slacks, Sweaterp, etc. MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Hotel Shelton Building ' Phone 609 v ,q ,,e ,q v,q- v v v v ,,e,..r v ,q v ,qp v ,m, v v 'qp'v v  Kamilche News A pink and bluc shower w'ts i held Saturday afternoon for Mrs. 1 Angus Ellison. [ After the many h.wcly presents ll were opened, lunch was served to l Mrs. F. Simmons, Mrs. L. Ad-I ares, Mrs. E. E. Tayhn, Mrs. D. i H. Whitener, Mrs. D. W. Strank-I man, Mrs. C. Barnes and Mrs, Alice Archambault. Many sent gifts who were un- able to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wayland, of Port Orchard and Mrs. E. Olson of Everett visited at the Archam- bault home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Proc Hcppington of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. El-! mer Moffitt of Seattle were at the !E. E. Taylor home Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Ellenberger, who Other smges ere Mary Bland [ ...... " ., • . , has been visiting her son an( Barbara Newkirk and Rdttv nvlzamuy a¢ woncree, was very iu "-,.n;n .... " ..,..:." oz...-'--L--'. "-a I and still is not able to return to' le]aabez°c'laorus.'" I¢,'Ssp>"rts B'o her home. She wrote that she is i Hunter, Jim Hunter and Jerry out of he ot the .(lt.y at Richert played on a basketball I present ann zeenng somewna oct- [ team representing Ma so n andt tel'. I Thurston counties. ', .,.vv,e'vvv'.vvvv'.r'v...v,.,.,vvv,, MARY BLAND and Charles "r%. I Brown assisted in the serving of Ulvorces i food at a beef barbecue for mem- .vvvv,-v.--v,-.v..vv,.,vvvvvv,., [ hers of tim 4-H clubs and granges. A final decree of divorce was ] On hand to welcome the state signed June 10 in the Superior l 4-H delegates were Dr. Wilson Court of Judge John M. Wilson Compton, president of Washington in the case of Lois Buffington vs. State College, and Arthur B. Ray Orin Burlington. Langlie, governor. Lower Skokomish Friendship Sewing Club Has Potluck The Friendship Sewing Club held its regular monthly meeting 'last Friday on the heath at WiN liam Halls with potlucl¢ ltmch at noon, Mrs. Martlm Aardal was honor .uest, her birthday falling ill Jtlne. Gifts and a bea.utifully dcc- orate(i birthday cake made by Mrs. Hall c.arne as genuine surpis- CS. Prcscllt %Yore Mrs. Don Obcrn and chihh'en, Judy, l¢obcrt and Ronnie of Shell.on; Mr:. Joy Bur- gess and daughter, Lcora; Mrs. 'Villiam Hill and children, I)i×ie, Sue Ann, Kay, /)ale alld Mike; Mrs. Earl Hunting of Shelton; Mrs. Ltllah Hunting and Mrs. Lois tPiercc and grandsonu, Mike and Terry Lec. :i: : & :M)'. an(I drs. Jack Gabershack of San Diego, Calif., at'e. coming to the Canal to stay. Mrs. Gab- ershack is tile former Margaret Aardal, daughter of Mr. und lt, il's. Sefert Aardal. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jones of Bremerton and Mrs. Jone,'' niece, Anetla Wilson, of VChitefish, Mon- tana. spent last Tuesday with 1Vfr. and Mrs. F. Hunting. At tile Sefcrt Aardal home the past week end were Mr. and Mrs. Aardal's daughter, Mrs. Don Ob- ern and children of Shelton; their son  Lawrence Aardal of Rich- moll. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Chanchler and Mr. and Mrs. George Aardal anti children. Mrs. Chanehler is a granddaughter of the Sefert Aardal's. Mr..and Mrs. Charles Dillon, Sigard and Linda returned home Tuesday morning from Spokane where they visited Mr. Dillon's mother. Ml:. and Mrs. Fred Burgess had as their guests Smlday Mrs. Bur- gess' sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson of Tacoma, and Mrs. Burg'ess' and Mrs. Jolinson's mother, Mrs. Olson, of Shelton. Sig Service is open again under the managenacnt of the owner, Sigard Aardal. Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage li. censes wore filed during tlae week of June 7 to 1'4 in the office of Mrs. Susie Paulcy, Mason county auditor, by the following couples. C/yde M. Bogue, 53, and Agnes Edgar, 50, both of Port Orchai'd. Gcne W. White, 20, and Jane Clothier, 19, both of Shclton. Edwin ] [. llepner, q2, and l, Jlainc I R. Stenherg, 21, both of Los An- geles. Merle l,Ag'ene %'heeler, 2l, and Betty Jane Rayson, 17, both of Shclton. l:[obert McNew, 31, and Lucillc grickson, 34, both of Olympia. The state flower of Wa.hing- ton is tho rhododendron. How Soon Can You Exlmct Delivery Of a New Buick? YOU'LL BE SURPRISED/ 24 Months To Pay AT ' MOTORS BOB ERVIN (WE NEED USED CARS) Independence City ((?ontinued from PaF(! 1) city of Indcpcudenc,. i'.; ()es,:ribed pene:a!ly by a bound;,ry t:. fol- I¢\\;V. : f[ Oill [he i:o) thwest cornei' of ,"!l,'}ton city ]ii:fil: wc>,t to AIell(:))'it ] (!()lIt'!i'y, 1ioti h tO K sLrect, northeast to l:uu'el .%feet, altd southeast to the city limits alonzo a sta,gered line on I,am'el street. Some blocks Hi'( excluded. A(!CORD[N(; TO estimates, a l)(pulation for the :a)ea :was set in the pciition at. 430 person:;. As;es.';ed valualion o the district wa.q given by John Whiing, de- puty • :ssess:)r, as approximately $77,O00. lCepresenting those ftvo)'iK4" thc incorpo]'ation ox'e is l.dl)il G. wanson, Olyml)ia attorney. I,yle O'i.)cll, chairman of the ]3t'.';: l'd O[" c()llllty (onll)] issiollel's, s:i(l that a hearinK would be call- ed a. soon as legal a(iviee i; e- {,.ei V(l. WILBERT S. CATTO Representative (f Equitable Life Assurance Society Life Insurance Retirements Annuities Long term, low interest rate Farm and Country Home Loans Aldereroft Nursery Phone 591-W Ray's 117 Cota 317 You'll Always Have TINY AND MARC'S DELIGHT PARK SATURDAY, JUNE Modern and Old-Time Admission (tax included) Students 75¢, FOR SALE- 2" BEDROOM H at 1419 Fairmont .....  ''< ::,XN  SIEELI)N: Payments $50 Per Will Redecorate Phone C. C. Cavanaugh (colleOt) Broadway 4134, HOMES, 806 Washington Building - Ta¢Ol iiiF O s / s ss S s S 4 S S -"" ra's go light and livel /' in a new comrenient can enjo Blitz Weinhard in c' as b0ttles.,.whichever gou prebr. h9 th case [0r h0m% picnics 1 % % % % % % % % %, % % -..,  w,l :4: :ARD CO.'APANY. po.rtiLAI : OREGON % g I / I I S {