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i ....
No dryingl
i!::!ii:il V;i: Ii!i 'III
o coils to draw out food moisture!
fresh even in uncovered dishes!
Ifrleraor with a 20 below zero built-in
Holds 70 Ibs. of frozen food.
Soviets Thwarted BELFAIR WOMEN'S CL[* ]*B AI)I)'S
rl'ttt3 S N
Says Frank Bishop 18 NEW MEMBERS I PRIN(,
In Kiwanis Sp ch ..,. Mr.00. M.r,,
ee With 18 new members ad(led to t.ributi(ms of (,ff¢)rL fo}' elltl) lilt!rip
Thwarted in their efforts to its roll, Belfair Women's Club elos.
dominate the most of Europe by ed its spring membersh@ driv(, bets to nmke tcwar(I her pto.iect
the success of the Marshall Phm, at the Jane. meeting, held Jun¢ b; dm'ing the mmmmr Ill(ruth::, Mrs.
the air lift and the Western Pow- at Belfair school. Shackleford semued names of ,d-
m's counter blockade, the. Soviets Mrs. Henry SChOlllblll'' c&p- Ilntecl',j ho v,'ill [:];e :,::mph)s o(
were forced to turn to China for tained the victm'ious temn durin,, C:mal vatm' at (liffm'eni t)(,int;
their next field of operations, but the two-month-long drive, wlich for analysis. (:on}l)aring, ltoo:
they will fail there also. That is was conducted in competitive fot'r Carrel to Ix)i K Isla?a[ Sout]d, MF;<
tile conviction of Frank Bishop, }with club members divided all)ha. Edward Cokelet described water
well known Mason countyfl}mn, helically, into two groups, Win. n'(dlution she uhscrvcd ( 'in res-
as given members of the Sheltonlners will be guests ot the. loser:; i(le:me on the New York body of
Kiwanis chlb at their regular
weekly luncheon meeting.
Mr. Bishop reviewed the Atlan-
tic charter, predicted its ratifica-
tion by the senate and then re-
viewed the defeat of Russia in
their efforts to control Europe;
He fm'ther stated his opinion that
there was too much of a temper-
mental cleavage between peoples
of Rnssia and the Western Pow-
'ers to allow for anything of a un-
ion ever.
I The history or China for hun-
| dreds of years has shown that any i
t aggressive action in that country
] has always been overwhelmed, by
" the vastness of the country and
the placid resistance of the peo-
ple, and Mr. Bishop believes that l
Russia will meet the same fate,
which led to his definite conclu-
sion that the international picture
of today is much relieved of its
The sackbut was an early form
of trombone, according to the En-
cyclopaedia Britannica.
' No. 62
Meets Every Wednesday
8 p.m.
Visiting Members will be
Cordially Welcomed
Thomas C. Myers. Secretary
Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75
Meets 2nd & Fourth Fridays
HELEN COLE, Secretary
* Convenient Terms
* Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
& Loan Association
I I II I r I I III I " ............. I ..... ' ......... I I I I I
TIIINGS AS S00!5."d Sheiton Ble,,smLs
( * 7iIIILID' TF.)Hi p:l;:'! I)
i;(!,'n 1 I':HI:;[ !lT"I [ to ihel' :11'I l'qV
(llIiics, :ill(] hi: l.clic.r h;l:; b¢:,l ;L;-}
signed. Tilt, x.\\;e IA:drict ;,:,- '
!'illeCl' shHtl })Ft)J)llb],, ]HI\\;'{* I:) l'Nlll-
}[illlizi ilillbq,'Jf t\\;ltl the I)!'olo:vll
befol'(' II drcish)ll Cllll he lllll (lo.
Tilt ]Icxt [)!'(;('{'dul'c ill (he lll;:lI t' i
will I)e it lt!COllllllcnd{(il)ii fol el
a4li i q. ttle Iw(Lh':l h.¢ the t:"i]',:
0 ll', I lle(q ':s, liSt(hi ,\\;'!iJ C }I ( ( ) l.. I'C;S I
(!tll lit:it;t! ()1" \\;vithilo!:| :tl)l)l'Ov/tl
:t'(t al')l)l'opFi:tl,l<)II:;. T)'h' (),ltlllitl('F
(ll" (Olilllltq'UO iS i¢('('i'ill;; il: (!Vt t>I] ;
ihe lll:llt(,l' H'tl :hall ;lst;isl ihr
(mgiil('('?; ill ;ilL'/ \\;\ IV IH)S::i])l[" I h;tt
will hel t ) l]lem hi '1: :ll<i!l.,, t : '
A lmLiti()n .ig'ti*'(l l)y a rolll],!
]Ulll(ll'(!d l'o::i(lell[; ,)r 'I(,: ll-
lain View, a(iditio;l ha: boon pcc-
:::t!:l [ ,(I t() l[l' 1..(:1 l' [ O!" l'l Let( )} l
Co|tnty (2ol :?1"11 iss 1G rl 91': :, ;!:]iill!!,
i thai y, rollp lo i)roceet! \\;vilh ::t!c'n
lo, gal tcchnic':lilie:; ::i! will all,)w
the incol'p(uttioll of Indeprnden(:(,
,'1 :,t >;O n (,ol in ty, V;I s hi 1 l.,,t t HI, ;k
([/ItC fol' a tl!;ll'lll[ O1 1]1( IIt'\\;V
con!lllllnity vill ]/t)t l)e :et unUt
Sllch [inlc L% h( IIL'L,tH' l}:ty t)9
inspected, in 'all )l its legal :m-
l)ect.% by the Cotlilly Attorn,,,y.
\\;,Vhile there Ira:; hco!l soltle disei!s-
8iO'I Of ii nll)venlollt for the o3t:ib-
lishl'llent of ! 5eptt'ai.e conF, IHIlliLy
' by s(lnl( r(,sidilliS tlf 1M(utlltin
View sec!tiol2, it was expected that
, l}ll':'el' glxt)il.yel,S of trhc &F!: \\;VOIlId
I)I'OVtlil ill prc\\;*eIHing d('veh)plll(,!It
of the l).)()t','l"!lli. The seoli,)l (:h)c.:
, not have ;: high a:s:x:;,-;e(l vahm-
ti(,i, and legal taz lilnitn.tions
wol.lld l)Vevet( the eslahlish)':iel?t
or I)I'ovisimls for luucll of lilly-
thine in J.hc \\;vay ti' ('(.)il]mlln}Iy
S:l'vic,':% sllch as :3treet:; atld al-
leys, l)olice :tlld fir l)roteetion or
any (1' the other liling,4 t:lmt arc
part of nu!nicipal obli:n.tion.; I(;
their ta×payers. If the tlql:e of
the propose(I eonmmnity is ::igni-
fictttll, it could pogssibly tne.'n that:
there is some (:le:dro on the i)l:[l'[i
of Mountain View [)eoph:, to be
"independent" of their neighbors
in Shclton.
Tins is; the time of the year
I wllcn those of its who &re fa-
tilers, tread lightly a]'ouiM the
house and speak in a whi.;per. "We
would cut the kindling if there
wa: stl('h to cut, and Woltld l:tI:e
ollt the ashes without :t cmn-
plaint; give Die othcrt of the
hoosehol(l [irsff peck at'thc d,gily
ncv¢;papor, iwlp with the dishes
and go about lhe honw e.hores with
t)leasantne:;s and disp:tch. Like a
youngster before Christmas we nre
looking forward to next Sunday
and hope that we will not be for-
gotten by a choice selection from
the haberdasher or other gift nlai't
that sleeks things of interest: to
the "old man." Sunday is "ICa-
tt)m". Day" Itud while we p.lay
SCot'l' :tt the orx-t:ion or ;t n'leF-
t'handisin; an(| )'ollotional stllllt,
it i.': nice an(l appreci:tted to lie
renmmbered by the kid., on the
, IlnnivcF;-qtry of lhc even{.
CAII) or," 'rid N fib,
VO W ]:-i} It ('X pl'.',q:¢ dlt' I !?,l't fr[l
N'l't/ti|lldr hH' Ih' !3;N]l;ll}y. [,illt]lV'F;,
atl(I :l:Sist;l!l(,,, llls, [[t, ]n:itfli]'lll fhr-
Ill ,r[.,t,}llL.,,; !gJV:]l IU: (hlir;; !}l,, t':::
Of t)l}'* hlvl'd I|](',
at a club picnic to be held ::t watcr, and emphasized lhe desir-
Twanoh State Park, July 13, with ahility of prevention of pollution
Mrs. Cecil Clark, captain oi! thv in the Canal.
losers, as general chairman. A guest of the evening wa:; h.I:.
Mrs. Armas Makela, club mere- It. W. Hender, secretary of the
bership chairman, annomtced l)lan:; ncwly-i'ornm( Bear C,'cek C(;m-
for a club directory to be is.quell mtmity Chlb, who dese)'ib(d t|) the
in the fall. \\;¥t)men's Club meml)er:;; the 1):'(| -
As chairman of the committee .ie('t of her organization, a clui)
to "Keep Hood Canal warm.:: house being eool)er:tively built f)r
Clean," Mrs..G.G. Shackleford re- eonmmnity use. She e×ten(led an
ported that the Mason County invitation .to the ground breal<in,\\;l
Health Department plans a survcy ('eremony and carnival, bekl Sun-
of sewage disposal systems on the (lay, June 12, at the (dub hou,m,
Canal to beginimmediately, g.rounds
Suggesting several helpful con. "Blossom Time in Washington"
'" -- and "Mysteries of Plant Life," t\\;,,,c)
informative color fihns, cot, slit ut-
Seattle Chamber Men ed the evening's prograna. Serving
Tour Heavy Logging strawberry shortcake nnd eof;ee
Operations Wednesday ftoml , a nag t, ede,k,a table w<'e
mscesses Mrs. foy Marcy, Mrs.
Three dozen members of the Dan Griffiths, Mrs. udolph Sund-
Seattle Cimmber of Commerce st'.'om, Mrs. Jack Morgan and
wound up a three-day tour of Mrs. Fred Heintzc.
Olympic Peninsula Forestry oper- _ ...............................................
ations by visiting the Simpson
Logging Company's Grisdale con,- COMMISSIONERS SET
munity and Woodfiber plants Wed.. SEVERAL HEARINGS
nesday afternoon.
The visiting businessmen heard FOR MASON COUNTY
a talk on tree farming' and forest County commissioners have five
fire suppression methods by Oscar hearings slated for Jtln and :;ev-
Levin, managing forester of the eral coming up in July. Lyle
South Olympic Tree Farm, at the O'Dell, chairman-of the t)oar(I, re-
Mobray Lookout. George L. Drake, ported that colltnlisioner; al'e
Grisdale division manager, and Bill
very busy lhese days.
Bryan, U. S. district forest rang'. Next Mondqy there will be
el', escorted the group throvgh three hearings. A ses:don to con-
.............................................. sider Jens Hill's plat near Mason
Forest Festival lake is slated for 10 0.m., and
a hearing on er, tergeney funds for
the county supcrintendent of
Nets Good Profit :0000hools is at am
A herd-law hearing involvin K
((?ontinued r,.mn page ]) sev2ral p:trties ill the Matlock
greater Festival for next year. area will t)e held at 2 p.m. Mon-
Te start next year's Forest Fcs- day.
tival, leaders are going to organ- On Monday of the following
ize early. Instead of waiting un- week, June 27, a meeting will bc
til January of 1950, the chiefs will held regarding streets and alleys
meet this September 'for the all.. in tle Schttltz addition at 10 a.m.,
total meeting of Forest Festiwd auda hearing on food handling is
Association, Werberger said. slated for 2 p.m.
"When school takes up in Sep'- A hearing on the wtcation of
tember, we're going to elect Fes- Canal street for a distance of 170
tival officers and start plans roll- feet in front of block one will be
ing for the 1950 presentation," held at 2 p.m. July 7.
Werberger stressed, adding', "it All the above sessions will take
will make the whole effort much place in the eommissioncr chain-
easier." bet's at the county courthouse.
CHAMBER MEN applauded A1
Huerby and Joe Hansen of the v,,v..,,, ,,,,v,v,,v,vv,.
finance committee and Werberger Coming Events
and his other committee heads for * * "
the fine show of May 12 through vv,,vv,=,,,,v,n,,,,,,=,,-, ....
14. Following' the finance report, Thursday, June 16: Zonta club,
Andrews showed the Festival noon hmchcon, Shelton Hotel.
movies. Hearing on Burton Kreidler peti-
Officers to report for a meet-- tion, 7.30 p.m., courthouse
ing of Festival Association to re- Friday, June 17" Tuberculosig!
vise by-laws were announced a. Association cxeentive board n,e<-'t-
Joe Hansen, C; R. Lewis,Hokie izg, 12:30 p.m,, courthouse..I/mi,
American Legion baseball, Sheltol
Spread By Pair '
tl',lHL1}ll,'i I',,l)t i*:!)'' 1)
lcl', \\;V[leo OIl{' (lf 111;' tll,'|)i}lOlq !
IO\\;"':llOIliP ! t':l::: i:ll {' N\\; ''::,iI:)il i
tlml Ann :i/ui llill [;a(('hoh,i 'A !
'.-',lit'lit,I! \\;,¢(!l't' t h:;e ]'!'iontb;.
F, LrI.'s :ll ICv:ln;:'i]lc, 111., qlld
i.:+rliJ-; m, i';[ut;.. ,',qive(t },(ylmod
o>: i)Ol'iqlcO.: frd' I' r. 1;::%,., \\;vhl)
,;It(' tivc'd ill 3 )Ih t(l\\;',';i;. Ill th0
!:il('.' ('it 5' thr /-:helt,m co/H,, .-
itoFlell,'o(] ;171 i:l(ih!1'/[ H" th:II '.';lt/l-
qlLl!:t :':Hl[h:!lli ]D):'}i,;!i[ t:]" .V!],']l
lli:ll'V i,:li"; ! ;d,'} ;';iV;:l:{'(t iq
Ihr' tiw:l \\;\ ll }1!)11[ {: h(;[ ('1 I';) J,?1
;l\\;*:lil;ll)l¢', :l t'()]lt)]:l!' ;;[ 'CI!Q',', ' [)
J\\;ll. ;l|l(I 5l's. I:ha,R ILll'tl('[/ OV(W
I}w key.; it) JliF, ]]OIISC it) 1}ICll]
whih h(' ;Itld his \\;','if'(! V.(q'( ()(1( (}I
t¢\\;vll for lhe ])erio, t i1 whi¢,h the
V, re I'C Vi::4i t Ol':l.
311l. li[:l(!l{ enjt)y,d :;evcr:H
days uf r'.'utitmhf:, with I)oyi(d
I:htu]ly; ¢l['l:t!l' tht! l't!ci()ils :]ll'ilD?'-
cr:, 511'. :thl Mrs, t:ll:tir \\;:Ve]clh
t(|,)k the .Sheltol, couple on it t c.ql-
plete auto t,'{ur of i;:arlington,
N::.,bvilh,, Tcnn., I)irthpl:tce of
,f[l'. II',{€:¢.'.% Ii<)lhel', \\;V}S l'lexl !)]1
tlie ;l;!:nda, with attu;l(tarlce at a
uleetill4 O( (]lll'iIhe)'!Hlld M,'l:(llh
L()(toe No. 8, ill which his l)l()tlltq"h;
ftlttlel' hall })cell I1 lift! Illo!tl]:)cF
aud had hehl every office ['FOD1
Tyler I. the '3"lad d(,?.rtm, one of
lt'e lti?,hligits of the ,'i..;it t,) lh:t
New Orleans l)rovide(1 another
interesting stopover fro' tiw lollF-
inv Sheltonians, then fore' (lay
in l'hoenix, Ariz., \\;vere spellt vi,g-
iling lhc forlll01' ;Sholt,:m re'-;i(!ent::L
]{t'. all(I IMI'S. I-i'u'ry i'err3, who
own atxd (:)F, evate llt(:' "(;tew:k','
Court" t,)urisi ('chin:;.
AT PASAi)I,;NA, Calif., lhey
spent a. weel.: w}h Tr:< ]"]:tcl.;'r
sisleY l:t!t(I ]]ll>[];ll(i lncI visited
I1UHltq'()IIE ohl iowa ilei;fhl)o.':.; llow
c.lired in S<tll.;!;')'ll Caliiorma,
The lasl leg of the return lip,
llllt(IO }3y qO(lh(::t'13 l)aeii'i: fl'o/I!
California Io 'V :is hill:.4/(m, 2\\;h,
tlack ¢te:;cl'ibe(1 a:< the [tl()/q ;:r c.!]-
ic of tile entire 8,(i0(I mile<
' Phone 4S
,i. L. CATTO
Pentachlorophenol, the chemical that
i)otects many power and telephone
poles a?ainst decay and termkcs, il
r,nw available in a sohaion for treat,
ing post and tlmbcrs .imlfly by soak.
its;:,< Even whcn applied by brush or
swab, Pcnta Preservative lengthens the
life of woods used for sills, steps and
,.......,,,,m,..,, l!-'l
:t]) kills chicken tnitc.% :i
t('zmhr. and powder post
I)cetlcs, You can buy
Pcnta Pr('cr', alive irl gal-
lon and 5-gaHtm cans.
• "Hiilcrest - Phone 812
1title Inlurano BIdi. Hokonson, A1 Huerby, ltLdy Wet'- VS. Tacoma Post 1:¢8, 8::]0 p.m., Mr. nn,t Mrs. |]ll'l'y )"S'o[I(' , i. i.
"*"* '"'""* , in" Beautiful ,99, to$149
berger, Ed Faubert and H. E. Loop Field. ' ........ ,h.-.. L),.ha l¢,)h,,rts :t:,l fa,,ily. :' :: :
Lakeburg. Saturday, June 18: Town learnt
OUr Sl]Icere • Appr ......................... 00ClatID00 • • i ......................... All 00Ar0und ...................... I'i .... hil l-les a good send, baseball, Sunday, . 8::),0 Cheer Journal church Pt g e,: Shelton p,m., June SeOllt Loop 19: vs. Father's F'ield. don't Port , Towrt- i f°rgct i Day. "'i { "[NI()N NO. 1800 [ (yARIEN rI " Meets '""' ( | ]l # - " l b USr gh i 'L-a-r '
Monday, June 20: FIre-prevcn- I 2rid and 4th Wednesdays I
tion planning confc]'cnce, Statel " at /
' * Fire Hall at airport. Couttv corn - . Eagles' Hall I/
missioners meet, 10 a.m., e(urt 8 P. ).L / Ir
recen, opening, which ho,tse. P.U.D. 3 commissioners, 81 Hall Open Daily /
p,m., P.IJ.D. Bldg. Junior °Legion
was successful beyond our most optimistic hopes, was so only baseball, Shclton vs. Rhode: Post 1':30 A. M to 9:00 A. M, /
of Tacoma, 8;30 p,m. Loop Field. Monday thru Fridays ]1
of the splendid cooperation and assistance of .... ' Tuesday, June 21: Kiwanis, no(,2a 'Hall Phone 984 f i
son ight C can Legion Post 31 honors 30- es. Phone 743-VV ,* 2 f:t?.r.e --=*
year Legionnaires, 8 p,m., ¢I,m(h'.,
Harold John Wr arisen ial Hall." City commissioners, 2 " ""
p.m., City YIall. First day of
Who did the carpenter work and super- who did the cement block and brick Summer. " _ -_- _ . - "
vised construction, work. Wednesday, June 22: Active
club, 8 p.m., Bichsel Bldg. "
Norman Anderson
who did the concrete work.
Ray Wheatley
ho the plumbing and heating in-
Grant Lumber Co.
"fr supplying our lumber needs.
Hollis "Bugs" Daniels.
who did the painting.
Lloyd Pecotte
who did the electrical wiring and fix.
ture installations.
Shelton Hardware
for supplying miscellaneous hardware.
To All Who Sent Flowers To Our Opening
To All Who Visited Our Store Opening Day
and accorded us such a splendid welcome --
Who Had Any Part in the Grand Opening of
'The Dairy
at First and Cedar Streets
Harold Johnson, Jr., and AI OilS, Operators
i i i ii*
Obituaries I
Funeral services for Mrs. Flor-
ence A. Richer.on were held at 2
p.m. June 14 from Witsicrs Fun-
eral home with the ltcverend C. C.
Haug of Montesano in charge.
Mrs. Richeson died June 11 at her
home near Deckerville.
Mrs. Rieheson started the first
Sunday school class in her area
and taught for many years. She
was born February 5. 1883 at
Westport. Minn. he came to
Deckerville from Vashion Island
in 1923. ' *,
Surviving are er husband,
Grant Richeson, Deckerville: mo-
ther, Mrs. Henrietta Bigelow,
Olympia; two daughters. Mrs,
,Ruth Smith. Snohomish and Mrs.
Ester Spence, PbulSbo; a sister,
Mrs. Lela Bigelow, Olympia, and
five grandchildren.
Burial wns in Shelton Memot.ia]
The infant Glenna M. Dundas.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Dundas of Olympia. died in a Shel-
ton hospital June 10 a day after
birth. G:':,.veside servmes were. hekl
June II at Shelton Mnmorial Parr
with the fteverend Warren :lad
in charge.
Surviving arc ,the mother nnd
father. Mr. and Mrs. Dunda.
Olympia; grandl>arcnt:. My. attd
Mrs. (.;lenn l)unbar, Santa Bar-
• bara, Calif,, and Mr. and Mr,q
Thomas A, Dundas. Ncwport, Oro.
Graveside services for Mrs. Dav-
id Wilder, 73. were held at the
family lot in Memorial Park Junc
3. Mrs. Wilder died ]Iay 31 in
Aberdeen and the funm'al was bold
there. She was formerly a resi-
dent of Shelton.
Surviving are fete'sons, Hudson,
Cap, Donald, Morris and' Dick, all
of Aberdeen; three daughterm Mrs.
Gene Kemp, Aberdeen, Mrs. Hazel
Jarbo, Anacortes, and Mrs. W. M.
Lawhom, Bakersfield Calif.: a sis-
the Corner of
$79 to$109
FLOAT-IN-EZ':the perfect POSTURIZED seating
comfoct for the 5,-foot light-weight and the 6-foot heavy-
weight. Like floati,g on a cloud. Many arm styles in
Modern, 18th Centu,,y and Colonial with appropriate fabrics
for all.
*Trade Mar'l< rep,istm'ed.
OTHER I{0(.KERS Ell,( M $39
Olympic Furniture Co.
321 Railroad Phone 94