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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• S Pa,e 8 I I IIII 0 HOLLYWOOD TIES Tailored and Styled in California 79 € to Sl.49 O S()(KS Snug-hug tops styled by Wear-Ply  made of mer- ' eerized cotton and rayon, re-inforced high - spliced heels. 35 = 4 9= Pe lai IIANKIES ,=, 9= Each to $1 Boxof3 O WALLETS I I I IIIII I I I t AMONG YOUR MERCHANr Mason county folks lugged home a flock of prizes from Shelton stores last weekend. Putting it briefly a.nd numer- ically, here are the prize winners and their booty: At Lumbermen's Mercantile Keds "Treasure Chest" guessing con- tf, st, Bonnie Millo of Hoodsport came within a nickel of guessing the correet amount of money in tiv sand pile with her $27.32 guess. The actual amount was $27.:'7. Bonnie won the bicycle for first prize. Only eh:,ven cents off the beam was the $27.46 guess made by Rickey Deyette, Star Route l, and it carried for him a fielder's mitt. Third prize, a pair of roller skates, went to Lester Baker of Shelton on a guess of $27.50; while the ,IL1L 5th and 6th prizes, eacia a pair of Keddctte shoes, w(re earned respectively . by Murta Burger of Shelton on a guess e:f $27.53, Shirley Ayers of Shclton, who guessed $27.62, and Harold l Oemmon of Shelton who thought $27.03 was in the sand. Seventh prize, a Boy Seout knife, was earned on a $27.75 guess made by Sharon Clark of Shelton, and thc last prize, a ball point pen, by Larry Etherton of Grapevicw on a guess of $26.88. Over 600 guesses were made, reports Orville Oppelt, manager of the L.M. shoe department, under whose supcrvision tbe contest, was held. One other prize, in an entirely dlffer,nt, and unconnected cv?nt, was taken from the L.M. when Mrs. G. L. Hills of Capitol Hill be- came the lucky winner of a $50 wdue bedspread given away by the L.M. furnit,urc department. Two-hundred and fifty perous had registercd for a chal(.e at the prize, a follow-up to the recent open house events staged jointly l:y the L.M. furniture department axd the Dick Kieburtz (onstruc- {iou Company in the concrete block home on Angleside. • * $ Aud finally, at tbe Children's Wonderland open house in its new quarters at 122 South Secendl :treet, these three door prizes were claimed Saturday afternoon: 1st prize, golden spaniel puppy .... Mrs. Arthur Zehe, Route 3, Box 17-A. 2nd prize, streamlined tricycle-- Mrs. Ruth Bergeson, 1411 Rail- road Avenue. 3rd prize, baby doll--Mrs. E. L. Groves, 227 Satsop Sfrect. There were ()vet" 750 registra- tions for the door prizes, reports Noble White, proprietor of Lhe htore, There aren't any prizes con- netted with this event, unless re- duced prices can be considered as ,inch, but, today marks the open- ing of a 17-day summer sale at the Hillcrest, ttardwarc. The sale lasts through July 2, with Sundays included, and, several Of the h)ng list of special prices may be studied in the advertise- Too Late to Classify coW, good milker, trained to stake. l")llol/(+ 878-R-1 or see C. M. Movc¢,r, R(,ui,' 2. l-h,x 841%. (Bayshore R,)ad). ....... Lambskin Leather, Western and r,, mir. l'hon, 61-J. H6-16tfn. hand-tooled designs. 'til:{ SALE} i6 :]ci;ii.. "2-b-(:(J];7{Jff(-(ig h(,us . Mostly l'llrnisho(l, Log barn, I 'ows tnd ('hiclens. Nvw tract.r, ;Ullvd('l! ld:tahd. (blind soil. Year 'lqlllld w(!ll. (]tlg W. Kohh,r, First r,,a,d to left on Lyn('h ]Th)ad. Stetjrhidc $1.98 '-':: ]i'(il}: "SALEi goiid bi{(tl t)l'hlgs and ,. . ( maltr('ss, ('h*,ap, Ph,me 472R. lib 16 Sheepskin $.1.19 (l'cderat tax IHU',t I)c added) yea(Iv h* cut. Franc,,s Simln.,ns. Rt. o 1, }(x 1118 (]Kanlilche). fi-16 JJ(iST l):'(J'i[{{iii(l -Ti;iiiiii,',-8"Ti{i;li/i .Id. Reward, Write Box 8,111, RI. 2, I;ollevue. Wash. D6-16-30 I1 Pop likes to tinker, or ,. icily built. Iilchen-(lining I'oo111 1;lble'witil Iwll(!hlf,. ;Jze 38" X 72", has a workshop, hv will bc Ph(m,. 699. B6-16 pleased to get FoR SAI,l,; tisi;il"ik-2(i'x-3)--wa-lt .utlo[, $15. /-hlme Ill. R6-16-30 rll'[tT IN FOI SLI.,E: 1929 Model A el)up(!, $40 1%9 Jl-g&-) nliles soulh on Olympta Highway- 6 - J6' three room. and bath. newl.v redec- ortted. Phone 5J after 6 p.m. or inquire 421 No, 5th St. M6-16 i+Ot-k,EEi-7:fi;k'ti:ii iaigi,;"-fied-=fffib inonth. |]ol'fect condition. Klllnmr Ai)artrnents, No. 4, S6-1O ',iWSXLE'i "30i0 C,:.ig, $5: '.'Y'D. Ellis, fit. 3, Box 170. Phone 960R3. 6-16-30 I Ill Illl I I Taps & Dies 25¢ each 4-pc. Drill Sets $1.00 7 pc. Drill Sets __ $1.19 5-pc. Drill Sets .... 69¢ Expansion Bits .._ $1.98 " to 3" diameter Tool Boxes ........ $.29 O 2 Way Safety ]Fhtshligllts $1.3 Throws 750.foot beam Batteries ...... 11l¢ 0 , ' Sl ment on t)age 2 of this edition.[ Proprietor Jim Roush has dolled] his store up with a new coat of[ paint for the event. I Big event of this week among Shelton stores is Father's Day, which arrives next Sunday. A large portion of the advertis- ing space in today's Journal is de- voted to gift suggestions for that head of the family, Dad, and it will be well worth the time for anyone who hasn't yet made his Father's Day gift purchases to study these messages carefully. * :L: * Over-production at one of the SUPER SPECIALS SPROUSE I REITZ CO. I.NC. 5-111-15¢ Store 410 RAILROAD AVE. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Down Payment 1947 Plymouth Sedan ...... $295 1940 Chev. Coacla .............. $195 1938 Ford Coupe .................. $95 And 20 Otlers to Choose From Clark-Mykut Motors 322 So. First' St., Shelton See Harold Adams LEGAl. PUBLICATIONS N()TICE IS IIEI[EI;Y (lIVEN TIIAT, ]IHFStlaIIL to I'lq, ltlh'i'd llotlt +t' (J[ l)abllc ll,iH'iil lis rcqtltrl,fl by Chllptlq' 1'18 lif LaWH (JI' 19,15. State of Washington. a IH'litiln for lllillvXiltiotl O[ a plaited ti 7,/. itt all.d 11 ]'tlSt,ll (h)llllly, illid in )1" lilll't :t 1 t 'ly dvst'ribcd li.u "the Sculllz Addition lo llu City of Shvl- tlll.+' the lllltl lill,rl,of Iwtllg fth,d J'tll' I','col+d olt [11o third dlty of 17't'brtlary 1917 and l.(,cord*,d ill Vii liiii, ,I ill lit, J[ 'hi. 1,I, ttttA.' 4t. Yt,cords I'll I' ]J IM4Cill (hllliltY, Wlishillgl oll hits lit,t,ll filed ",villi tho Cily (OilallissitJll of till! City tli" Sll(d 1, ol, Tllt > (lly ('lllllliili4llJll I'lll t117 City oi ,.'ll+.ltlii hcl.i,by I'ix,'s thv 281h day >1' ,l(lll(', llll) ol the hollr of  I',M. (,I ,'ld day al Ihe CHv l|all hi lh' l'ily of ll" hll W'.l,*|lillg|oll lm the dall' I'ov Ilubllc heal'in thor oll IilH| ::titl ('tIIIIIIIIMHIOII dOO8 hi,toby lllvlto all iiil.,!roled liPl'tqln to ftllllt'lll' alid '€olc # i IL'OV{LI Off ¢ll:tttqWovlil of lhe ml- Illk;il O11 I/|" ,ahl Schultz Ad,lilion hi lll, Clly iff li(qtLill. Dl' any llliiq, thoi.c- 1,1. L)ah.d lifts l.llh day ol June, l,l'J, /s/ I1AP, FY CARL(IN. .-M ay'¢,r /s/ AbMA K. CATT(). Clerk. 6-16--11. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL chick hatcheries with which George Wagener deals for his Wagener Feed Store laas resulted in a bargain for Mason C(mnty folks intere:tcd iu raising chickens. This hatchery over-set its incu- bator capacity and in order to dis- pose of the extra supply a bar- gain price of $14 per hundred is offered on New Hampshire chicks between June 20 and 24. Adwtnce orders are requested, Mr. Wagoner sfiys. $ * * The Shelton Shoe Repair sloop' in the Graham Theatre Building this week was designated as a place for telephone users to pay their monthly telephone bills when- ever the main business office of the telephone company just across the street is not open. v'v'V'qr VVVVV', vvv VV'q" vv VV V'VVq" Hospital Notes SH ELTON GENERAL Athuitted this week to ShelLon General Hospital were James Cm'e, Jahncr Auscth, Fritz Prisz- nor, Eugene Jamison,. Mrs. M. Miller, James Haznby, Ra 1 p h Beery, Mrs. Gregory Mahaffey and Sylvia Dosch. Those discharged were Hiram Roberts, John Young, Pete Bloom- field, Allen Prosser, Walter Swin- hart, Darrell Luke and Charles WoodaH. CLINIC HOSPITAL Admitted to the Clinic hospital this week for surgery were Mrs. Ed Petty, Darlene Hicks and J. G. eard, /II. Others admitted were Flank Wylie, Mrs. Mary Ohmit, Philip Bloomfield and Henry D. Boyd,, Jr., Camp Grisdale, an accident case. Those discharged were Mrs. Clayton Rank, Mrs. Thomas Tib- hits, Mrs, Earl Mallinger. Mrs. Jenny Hinchcliffc, McCieary, Mrs. Stella Schnitzer, Roy L. Skaggs, McCleary, A. P. Hulder, Ernest Anderson and Charles Ayers, HoodsporL .............................................. Walter L. Marble Representing the :METROPOLITAN LIF] INSURANCE COMPANY Life and Personal Accident and Health Insurance 1904 Stevens Phone 854 Well Dri Water Wells- Test OUR WORKMANSHIP Bedell Drilling LAURENCE BEDELL (formcmy Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3. Box 101, Shelton QUALITY LOW IN ,, SAFEWAY ... now oontains more mJJk! sular! more shorteninl! Befter every way .., unex©elled ii WHITE OR, WHEAT II'LB'LiRGE , ' PIASTI0 --the better Mrs. Wright's Bread! iiml[gl0m OOVER' CRAf00I00I) WItEAT 00adowithhonoy, 14= Delicious wheat flovar Lb. POTATO BREA D 00=vo,ou00 toasted 14= or plain .............................. Lb. an ,end '--" RAISIN BREAD 17= Su..yba.k Margad.e Chock full of luscious For information  ' raisins Lb. 'andcoupon,$ee  A SQUARE MEAL IN A SQUARE CAN Sunnybnk display iny0u, S.fewaySt0re. RY E B R E A D Wonderful with cheese. 15 = SPAM LUNCH MEAT ........ Adds variety ............................ lb. Lbs. Peanut Empress Apple Strained NucoA OR Lb,. DO R KEE'S., Butter jam Butter Honey SWANS Beverly, chunk Strawberry, Ira- Sunny Jim, Sioux Bee. U.S. or regular ported, Canadian! Spiced just right! No. 1 fancy. ' 1-LB. € 2-LB, : 29-OZ. ( 5-LB, ( . '""""J'-e- jAR 37 CAN 69 JAR 21 CAN 69 BUTTER! MIL I lit,lllrdl/AI l/I I II _ _  DeLuxe Blend (1.1b. pkg. 46¢) liKtnn0a Hams 00'00%Nob Hill 2-Lb. Pkg. 89¢' Oscar Mayor or Diamond IIBIIlk  mall "F " Tendered 16-1b. i Lb. l/{ lBrazilian Blend (l-lb. pkg. 44¢) ;izes and under. T ' \\;'Airway -b. Pkg. 85¢ I00.u00.mi00l 'KT00,'Jl llell00! 0=n 0,,> lllllll, lillli Vwai tem, as,,,* , , . . Foa tea, .__=_ Edwards 1-Lb. Can 53¢ Grade "A" Homogenized or Regular. TENDERYOUNG MILK-FED VEAL AT ITS BESTI treat be sure and get some veal for the weekend. "k SHOULDER ROAST, U.S. graded 'good' .... lb. 69¢ "k SIBLOIN STEAK, U.S. graded 'good' .......... lb. 83¢ * BUMP BOAST, U.S. graded 'good' .............. lb. 77¢. VEAL CHOPS, loin or rib, U.S. 'good' ........ lb. 89¢ -k VEAL STEW, breast or neck ........................ lb. 43¢ ,re to bc Tender WIENERS .......... lb. 49¢ Red King - LB. FREStl SALMON . 65¢ Ready for the Pan l LB. FILLET OF SOLE 45¢ U.S. "good" - Blade Cut POT ROAST ........ lb. 55¢ U.S. Graded "Good" SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 79¢ Brisket, Points and Plate BOILING BEEF lb. 29¢ * FRISKIES, Dog Food, 1-1b ..................... 2/27¢ * FRISKIES, Dog Cubes or Meal ......... 5-lb. 69¢ -k VETS DOG FOOD, 10')"o protein .... l-lb. 3/26¢ * PLAYFAIR DOG FOOD ............ 15-oz. 2/'19¢ .k AERI)WAX, liquid polish .................... qt. 59¢ * BORAXO, washes clean .................... 8-oz. 15¢ Fab Soap Bu.y one at regular price-- get another for / price. Cleanser Ajax. Cleans quickly and efficiently. 14.oz. can. 2/23* 2/43 ¢ Oxydol Washes white without bleaching, 24-oz. carton Par Soap Granulated soap. Contains Hello for whiter washes. oz 25* , Crystal White The family laundry soap. Regular Size Bar .... .2/13' Lifebuoy Wonderfully refreshing. Healthful tool Regular Bar Size 8¢ Torpedo Grated Style l TUNA FISH ............ No.  tin 29¢ Cherub or Darigold (Case of 48 $5.28) CANNED MILK ................ tall 11¢ Kitchen Craft, enriched (25-1b. $1.85) FLOUR ............................ 10-lb. 79¢ White Satin or U & I SUGAR ............................. 50-lb. 4.46 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATUR- DAY, JUNE 17 & 18, 1949, SUBJECT TO MAR- KET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DEALERS. SORRY, WE MUST RSEERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTI- TIEE. Cantaloupes Jumbo D1/, € Size Lb.  / RMELO"   N lb 6* WAIE ......... . Calif. Klondike, black seeds, every melon seleoted for ripeness (Cut Melons lb. 6/=€) 1 F .'I IOMAIOES ... 12-oz. ctn. 17 ¢ $olJd Red Ripe STRAWBERRIES.. cup 2/39* Local, luscious, large, ripe. Now is the time to can. (Crate $2.29) * GREEN ONIONS ................ blni, 3/10¢ * RADISIIES .......................... bllli. 3,"10¢ * PLUMS ........................................ lb. 19¢ * BANANAS .................................. lb. 19¢ * CELEBY ........................................ lb. 9¢ CARROTS .................................... lb. 9¢ 12-Oz. Can THE CAKE FLOUR FAMOUS FOR HIGH QUALITY ................ 2¾-Oz. ) Qt. Fresh Half'& Half, Lucerne cream blend pt., Coffee Cream, Lucerne ( -pt 22¢) lit, Whipping Cream, Lucerne ...... (.pt, Chocolte Dairy Drink, Lucerne .. eli, Buttermilk, grade 'A', Lucerne -. qt, Montrose Butter, grade AA, cubes lb Darigold Butter ............................... lb, Shady Lane Butter, fresh ream. Ib, Lily Park Butr, guaranteed lb, Breeze Cheese Food, delicious .. Velveeta Kraft Cheese Food ........ Cottage Cheese, Blossom Time .- 1.1b' Cottage Cheese, Kraft ..................... Nestles. For Toli House Cookies. 6-Oz. CHOCOLATE MORSELS '" Busy Baker, Salted Sodas SODA '   CRACKERS ....... Sunshine, Krispy Salted SODA CRACKERS. ..... Royal Satin, All-purpose SHORTENING ............ Pure Vcgetable Shortening SNOWDRIF I ............. DEL MONTE, RICH AND CREAMY! 17-0Z. CREAM CORN .......... 2o=,,, BETTY CROCKER PREPARED BAKING MIX BISOUICK 0 40- z. pkg. ;i THE ORIGINAL KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP .............. ! "CLASS' A" BRAND, UNPEALED, 17-0Z. WHOLE hPRICOTS ................