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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 FRISKEN'S FUEL KIDS Poor KEmP A I PA DOIEN'T U6E | OUR OiL, YOU KNOV4 l , o°: Take the pain out of chilly nights and mornings by putting cold to rout. We're ready to deliver a full tank of fuel oil at a momen't notice. Keep your tanks full of oil and your home will always be warm. I IIII II III I I  [I STORAGE TANKS 50 to 1,000 Gallons for new burner Installations. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY t t EELTON-MAON COTJ%' JOIrRNAL TOWN TEAM'S FIRST HOME GAME SATURDAY ' At Port 00owns,end DATES FOR FALL ANNOUNCED ...,.. = !%00me,vf002y 00iir,30000ii200ii00FA0000i: ! FOR NEXT YEAR Let's not expecL too n]mq} thin 1949 Shelton junior h'gion l:)aseball team. It's so very young and conse- quently inexperienced-.-.thaL it will make mistakes and beat itself of. ten. Some of the lads played their very ftrt games in any conlpeLi- tion last Friday when Coach Red Smith took them to Port Orchard. They performed surprisingly well for being so very green, but their inexperience was evident. Ahnost tile entire climb will be ellglbb* ltgaln next year alld that's when 4th District rlval had better be on guard against this Shelton bunch. They 'should come a long' way in that year, learn • lot from this year's mistakes, develop far physically by this time in ]950. Lads like Bryant games, one of the three Skol:omish Valley /n- dian youths on the squad, wire mver played a ball galore before last: Friday, Karl Schwarek, the ]4-.yar-old catcher who will have three more years of j!lnior legion eligibility after this year, Ned Miller and Pete Kruger, two more Indian lads, and Hart I)ittman, the shortstop, should benelit greatly from a year. of competi- tion, as will all the Others. James looks like a real hit- ting' prospect, once he gains con- fidence and a bit of experience. Kruger played iris first ball game last lVriday, Sdhwarck Miller and Dittman are all back by only ibis past spring's junior high ,chool play and last yeay's Junior legion B team experience. Let's give those kids lots of en- eoura.gement when they play th,>ir fi)'.t borne game Friday night. B))L don't expect too nnl(.h fronl them except hustle. Old Cronies know... "It's a Case @Enjoyment" 12 TINTI--IO0 PEOPLI--IO CLOWNS MUIICIANS-4IJTO DALLY IIIN|I| iEVEMENI r[ ESDAY JUNE 28 AT SHELTON Next To White Spot -- Mt. View of ON Tile ],'I,Y One of the most mcessful fish- in forays inlo Hood Canal's teem- in K waters this corner has heard of this year fell tile lot of Mr. and Mrs, M. S. l'rel)l)ermin an(l )lr. and Mrs. AI l)ieltinson last week: The quartet boated 11 kings totalling 96 pounds, the bigtest topping 21 pounds, in slightly less than three hem's of fishing. * ) $ Anti spenking' of fishing, Hank Dnraml, the lame-armed grocery- hUH1, pulled one many an angler with twq ood arms wonld like to acconq)lish last week when he heated a ]5-pound king with his broken wing still, in a splint. Rmnor has it that Doug Me- Clary, Olympia's star athlete and vah;(licto:ian student, may stay oLIL of st'heel a year before" ing him higher learninp'. The alti- tntlinotm l)ouK is only 17 years old now, which is in'city ytmng to enler college ;tad expect to conl- pete in nmjor ,.ollege athletics. MeCl:u'y hasn't definitely annotme- ed lh: (:ollege of his choice yet, although with l)oth' his parents Washington gra(hmtes he is ex- pected to lean loward tl3e Hus- kies. That 4 to 2 victory Friday night over the Port Townsend Cubs, who lead the Olynpie Pen- insula baseball leag'ue, gave the Shelton town learn a fine shot in the arm m; the Legionnaires made tle trip without at leat two of their most potent bat-weilders along, Manager Start Armstrong being on vacation and Outfielder I"ete Bloomfichl in the hospital. Bob Tobey's fine llitehtng per- fortalice iva auo|ber bol.ter- lng inci(lent, the southpaw who had so much ltrnl trouble du- ink tlt(" high school s('auon going the full nine innings without allowing an earnad run and giv= ing but six singles. Tobey had his whig worked ow.r by A. F. Oppell:, h,al masseur, recently and apparently got the ldnks unkinked. The only part of the Legionnaire play at Port Townsend Friday whicK was objectionable was the Mel Patton minder baserunners with plow-horse feet who cost the team three runs with futile tries for extra bases just ahead of hits that wouhl have scored thtm. The same. two teams xHl ' tan- gle again Satrurday nlgit, this time on Loop Fmld, as Shelton makes its home bow of ihe year. Port Townsend ha:; lost only our games in a dozen played this ear, all to lefLhan/led pitching, o Jess Phillips, ]T)ttnaging the ehd in Armstron?/g absence, will nonliBate one o|" the t(?LLIII'N Lt, VO so{: hpaw::, Tot;ey or Jack Stewart, for the pitching assignment. ) $ $ Stubby Jack Stewart lost a heart-breaker while pitching fin' Elma's Evergreen League team Simday, '2 to 1, in ]1 innings to M(u:tesano. $ ;1: $ Four'names familim" sonic years ago in SheKon fastball circles are helping" keep the Bledsoe tem atop the Class A :fastball league in Brcmerton -;b far this ye,.u'. El- mer Matson is playing second base, Russ Dahl and Jutie Stock are co-managing the team and do- ing most of its pitching, and Rtlss Stock is playing outfield. JLs Lose Practice Ball Game By 5-0 At Port Orchard Surprtshlgly  cool for its inex- perience, Shelton's junior legion ball gave a good account of itself in defeat at Port Orchard Friday 'afternoon 5 to 0, in a sty-: en-innmg practme game which gave Coach Red Smith his first opportunity to observe his youth- ful charges under fire. Bobby Eacrctt pitched eight-hit ball for Shelton and could have come through the tussle with a 2 to 1 loss with a right break, but errors accounted for an unearned Port Ochard run tn the hrst and two of the three scored by the vic- tors in the sixth. Sleltbn had a flock of runners on the bases but lacked the pinch- punch to push them across, and a mental bobble which saw a runner on third forget to tag up on a long fly cost Shelton a run in the first. The closest Shelton came to scoring after that was "when Bry- ant ,James was tossed out tr:ing to score on an infield roller in the si×th after his line double to left. Port Orchard's two pitchers hurled four-hit ball and looked good against Shelton, getting strikeouts at critical moments to curb all scoring threats. The short score: Shelton ...... 000 000 0--0 4 3 Howe ...... ] 00 013 X---5 8 i Eacrett nd Schwarck; Bell, " Lund (2) and Graham. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE "iV. L. Pet. *('IBL Hollywood ...... 50 29 .63,3 ....... SEA'IVrLE ........ 44 36 .550 6 ,',) San Diego' ... 4i 36 .532 8 Sacramento ... 37 38 .,193 11 Oakland .......... 38 40 ';487 ll,.fi San Francisco 36 42 .462 13 V., Los Angeles .. 33 45 .42:1 16% Portland .......... 31 44 .413 17 'GameJ behind Ieader. HOW Series Ended W, V. SEATTLE 5 I,os Angeles 3 Portland 6 :an D'ranei:eo 1 t.hrn Dieg'o 4 l hii:),wo()d 3 Oatdand 4 ::acra mc,:to 3 Gomes This Week Ss.n lh, ancisco at SEATTLE l,os Angeles at Portland San Diego at Oakland Sacramento tt Hollywood. Journal Classified Ads--l'nex- pensive but effective. in their first start of the year at Oetol)er 9 to October 30--deer Port Townsend last Friday, the season. Shelton Legionnaires make their' November 4 to November 13 ...... lmme field debut this Saturday i elk season nithi under tile Loop Field lights October'9 to November 6-up- facing_ their opening game vic- I land bird season. tiros. , . . . ), . . I Those hunting seasons were es- 'rn( game opens a[ elgn ( Clock I {hh,, o ,.,,,t , :oU;i , ..... r " " ." _ ." . .P" i provisions worth enumeration p]tcnmg m au tour ueIeas in a I 17,.,• x, ,€ ,r-r., ,'t;ce dozen games this year. . "Y"" b '#°. * ."." ..... .°"A%'."' --BEY H-R .... 1 ull nine epten er a aria a and ueLover in'in O s at put )wnelecl 1 Frida ]9 and 10, with a daily limit of two g" . " . , Y' birds was established , performing before relatives and " .J.." . L_ " . ,_ hel,t fh tome t--m to i v his an d[ in a(lqltlOn Lo the relllar elg i ...................... t set ' " - ---e " t "" season a ,peal season m heavyl no earnea runs• Tn tWO ames el'--ama 'e are in th ... / stored against him were both the K-a. - g_.. as _ ._ e •gn,[ . , _ _ J ...... s ,. ., . :,. L;owlcnee P;iwna and l-lumptullps/ result ul a uruppu lty UII WLLII ) • . ........ valleys of the Olympm Peninsula/ tWO O|lt and two Oil a3ase in [ne _ _ .. ..... .. .... i an(1 the IVllIl Ul'eeK area near Wal- / sevenm ulnIng ..... ; , / That tied tile score at 2-2 and Ila walls .was set which, permits/ • • the shooting of, elk of either sex forced Shelton to stage ts wc-I fie N vembel 4 to " re- - I m o a n 1, tory-wimflng rally in the ninth i __ lJbU frame. Jack Stewart drew a walk l ".." ........ • Atso specmi permits win oe is- to open it and stored as Wayne t ,  " . . ...... --   ) sued. Ior s eclal nums iOllOWin Clary nound{d a trinle his third " " P g hif Af f'h nn tn ri'htftalt R'on the regular elk season as follows: ........ ..... ''" ....... " .......... ''" MASON 150, Grays Harbor 375 Fredson propelled Clary across.. . ., Jefferson 375 Clallam 150, Pare with his second single of the con .... " test. TH E LEGIONNAIRES had broken the ice in the first inning when George Nak rapped the very first pitchfor two bases and scored as Fredson singled him home. A strictly illegitimate run gave Shel- ton a two-tally advantage in the third when Ray Creek stole sec- ond after forcing Fredson and scored as George Snyder got a two-out life on the third-sacker's error. For all opening performance i against a team which had played eleven games, the Legionnaires made a surprisingly good showing, • especially vhen much of their power was missing beeause Man- ager Start Armstrong was away on vacation and Pete Bloomfield was hospitalized after a wood accident. WHEN BOTH of them get back into the lineup and Clary and Fred- son move into the infield the club should be naterially strengthened. The I-,egionnais ran themselves out of three more runs with some overly - ambitious base rambling which wiped results in outs just ahead of hits. The box score: e Shelton ab r h o a ,Nak, 2b ............ 3 1 1 3 0 0 Clary, rf .......... 5 1 3 0 0 I Fredson, ef ...... 3 0 2 2 0 Creek, ss .......... 5 1 0 1 1 Swift, 3b 5 0 0 3 3 1 Snyder, e 3 0 1 5 0 0 Armstrong, If 4 0 2 0 0 1 Tobey, p .......... , 4 0 1 1 6 0 Stewart, lb ...... 3 1 0 13 1 1 Totals .......... "15 4 10 27 11 3 Pt. Townsend ab r h o a • B]ovin, If ....... , 4 1 1 2 0 0 Black, 2b ......... ,t 1 1 2 5 0 tic 300, Yakima 3,750, Kittitas 1,500. and Blue Mountains 1,500. That upland bird season is the longest and fullest Washington Roffler, ss ........ 4 0 1 4 2 0 Charles, 3b ...,.. 4 0 0 2 1 3 Klockers, cf :... 3 0 2 0 1 0 Thacker, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Boulet, lb ........ 4 0 1 7 0 0 Paige, c ............ 3 0 0 9 1 0 Robichau, p .... 3 0 0 1 2 0 a Bertha .......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .......... 37 2 6 27 12 3 Score by Innings Shelton .......... 101 000 002 4 Hits ............ 210 112 102--10 Pt. Townsend 000 000 200 2 Hits ............ 112 001 100-- 6 SUMMARY: 3-base hit---Clary. 2-base hits .... Nak, Tobey. Runs b at t e d in--Fredson 2, Clary. Struck out--Tobey 6, Robichau  9. Walks--Tobey 2, Robichau 6. Runs responsible for--Robichau 3, Tob- ey 0. Hit batterKlocker by Tobey. Stolen bases -- Clary, Creek, Snyder, Klockers 2, Boulet. kars and Htmgarians added to the legal bird list, along' with an extended 15-day season on quail across the divide. Grouse are returned to the eli- gible list after a two-year ab- sence. In the minor season category, racoon were declared a game ani- mal and can be taken the year around throughout the state, while a new squirrel season, September I to 30, was set for Pierce and Lewis counties. 1 Vz-ltouron By Angler With 24-1b. King Bigger fish probably have been caught in Hood Canal this season but it's doubtful if anyone got more fight out of his than John W. Slott of Tacoma did last Fri- day morning. 'Slott, fishing with R. A. Rans- dell, Jr., of Seattle, felt like he'd done a full day's work after spend- ing an hour and a half getting a 24-pound 7-ounce King salmon into his boat off Smith's Marine boat- house at Union. Fortunately for Slott the big King got himself snagged by two hooks far he straightened one out. The big fellow fell for Slott's dodger and herring lure. Use Journal Want Ads Planning A Trip? We save you ell the incon- venience of routing and tlckotlng, on Plane, R.R. or Steamship. No Service Charge World-Wide Connections Call Olympia Travel Service ely. 6226 OLYMPIAN HOTEl.. ' Olympia, Wn. DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP. s IBicycle Repairs ILawnmowers Sharpened Sporting Equipment Keys Made HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES ......... ,:, 223 Cots ,qtroet • : .... Phone 243 The Veterans" Corne SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Eltiott, Owner AUTO TRU(K FIRE Farmers Insurance Group PHONE 654 Bill Pearson, DlItrict Agent ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway Gay Taylor  Clint Wlllour AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eell8 George Valley Phone 25-J Power Line Construction Co. Jack Chisum, Mgr. Mt, View WHITE SPOT Jlm Bleecker CLIFF WlVELU8 TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans IL Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson mployees Federal Credit Union 4SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson mployees Bill Pearson, TreaI.-Mgr. SHELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products BJli Miller, Owner FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager Dewey Danlela PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans PHONE 162 CITY CAB Mel Robert=on BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex.Service men FOR FOR FUEL OIL PHONB $26 - Union Oil Products Glenn Roeemel VET'S DOIN'S World War I or other veterans of war or peacetime service since April 21, 1898/who have perman- ent-total service-connected dis abilities due to a spinal cord in- jury or disease, may now quali- fy f0r a federal grant through the Veterans Administration to acquire a home suitable for whee'N cha4r living.. The spinal injury or disease must have resulted in par- alyaia of the legs and the lower part of the body. Eligible veterans will receive a federal grant of not more than 50 per eeat of the coat of the home or maximum of 10 thou- sand dollars with which to buy or build & new home, or to re- model an eistig home to meet the special requirements. The grant may also be used to pay off the indebtedness of a spe- cial home already acquired by the veteran. Plans and specifications for suitable homes may. be had free of charge from the Veterans Administration. Applications or further informa- tion may be obtained from th nearest VA office or from your service officer of the American Lgion and the Veterans of For- eign Wars. CALL $97 FOR Diek,s City Delivery Dick Gardner, Opr. For Homo Dellvorfe= Call 26 BOB KOLAR Diatlqbutor of Kltaap , Dairy Produot= Mih - Cream - Butter UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gdon Iayes, Owner Fro....00m where I sit... , Don't Fence a nE vraY; PRio,r ta;dtY hP;ti: r ;: ::t¢r r:; ;;:; ' stone wall that separates their farms. They walk along talking-- Easy on oae side, Handy on the oiherpicking up the fallen stones and putting them back. Afterwards, over a £rlend]y glass of beer, Easy says, "You know, wall-mending is a nice neigh- borly custom, but we really don't you, or you, need that wall. We keep it up just live toye because it happens to be there." and tewer "walB" "Yes," says Handy, "'a lot of walls and fences and boundaries keep an separating people £or no down, instead 0fl From where mouthful. Take tolerance" that against each perate glass you may '49 CI00YSLERS & Now On Display at KIMBEL MOTORS Complete Richfield Oil (;/iS, 01L, LUBE Complete Automotive Body & Fender and Car Painting. Augmenting Our Former Services of Repairing and Cars- Trucks- Heavy Logging GREASING- WASHING - Pick-up and Delivery Servi HOME AND REFRIGER By International-Harvester FACTORY Chrysler. Plymouth - SALES - PARTS - S0uths( ztl. st:" .... "y Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business, In Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO- REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE 1st , Cota - Phone 940 + FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY . SHAFER'S BAKERY Welt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim ls to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 DEN'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Gr.ocerles - Meats UNION MARKET Roy'Watson, Owner U N ro N 462 CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street - Mountain View P.O. Box 158. Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dlok Valley, Prop. EATON Vern and ' LES Chevron.! Hillorest HAPPY Resort' Grooerlel " 320 Neal EXPERT Wh RAY'S IAber ' Ray I Jaok Licensed, 207 Cots 1000