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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. 1388 Ibs. .. • full eapadty, FOR REAL SAVINGS i II L+ Freezer buying-actlon saw means a happy family-reac- tion and savings-action fl&apos;0 now on. For frozen food is better; it saves time, work and waste! 20% Down; 24 Months to Pay MOTORS ? IL 1St, St. - Phone 601 • .o o.-. vacation by bus this year. Get all extra travel values offered you by coma Stages, which make tOanections with Greyhound Lines on the continent. Save money vacation fun through low bus Save extra hours through conven- Schedules... enjoy every hour of of sightseeing as you go. SHELTION BUS DEPOT Phone 162 STAGES GREYHOUND ,LINES COUNTY JOURNAL A 21A,,1 .. 21 ..._ £1.. L I P...X..:.`¢......:..:..::..:..:..::..::..:..::.:..:.w.::::"::..:.::-:-::::-: Rhououenuron uuo.1. . AtHome I!: Social Events !i Meets iii ' ltf Mrs: ! h...t., l i i • o,z *aa..tJaVllltVgS .!: Barbara Nelson, Society Editor . . Phone 100 :!: ., , B D, II  ..,,, t, h. _ i i.:..:.:..:.:..:..:..:..:.:.:..:":.:..:....:.....:.........:..:.:.:..:.:..::..:..:.:.:":.:..:..:.::..:..:..:..: Tie dLllie l$1ec[ng O[ 1:ile r;,,q{)-i . t d<,dc,d,'o,, a,'de. Chub was i,eid esldent Three From Shelton at the hcme of Mrs. Anne 2'horn- _._ o • To Attend Convention' Former n to,i on the south shore. Mrs. ],::tty I Honored at Shower ]Of ne-ree of Honor \\;.Viliiam assisted the hostess in A stork shower was given at t  " • * " )' "ock 1 " I • . . . [ Mrs. V. T. Morgan, Shelton will serving tweJve ( cl " uncneon. Mrs. J. W. Durano's nome at lattend the De,,ree of 'Honor'Pro Club president tClorence Brain, 8 p m, June 3 in honor of Mrs .... , --= .... _2. - :" " ' ' ' le The he ' Lec[iVC 2uot;muon convention a£ p;'e.,;ided at the business session ] ]Z. V. Stinson, Seatt . n- St Paul Minn June 14 15 and 16 \\;vith Alic.c Btrber acting as s:c- ored guest, who was Beatrice rotary 1.,re t(,m. Eiizabeth Ma[son Durand, Shelton, before her mar- Lillian Lince anti Lcla Evans ere riagc, was unable to attend, so the appointed to act as nominating guests wrapped and mailed her (:ommltle, for eh'ction of officers gifts to her. winch will be a feature of the next Games were played with prizes meeting, July 7, at the hot;m of. going to Mrs. Robert Binns, Mrs. Mr:. Matson. Sam Lapiole, Mrs. Stanley Parker A NOTE of thanks from the and Mrs. Harold Potts. 1;el|air'Bells and Bobby Soxets for Guests besides tle prize winners the money given tlmrn by the climb were Mrs. James Miller, Olympia; to help on tle Panhandle Lake l Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mrs. Lewis 4-H club camp, was read. Thecei Durand, Mrs. Drew Cole, Mrs. was also a letter from the county r agent asking for suggestions for] :H. L. Durand, Mrs. O. D. Durand, th6 Mason county floral show tMiss Donna Durand and the host- which is to be held this fall oz' late ', ess, Mrs. Phil Durand, all of Shel- , ton. sumnler, i Mrs. Barber gave a report on the I ] ...... 117,,,3 progress of plans for the fair to t .t']kl|U{[O|| YT  be given some time about the mid- .-,w  die of September at the Belfair]) Year,g Ao school house, and sponsored by l- . ....  -o-- = the three garden clubs of the com-I HlldlP,g(J flirtd: |' munity, Rhododendron Tahtiya -.a)'z.,t.a oaaa. -=- and Evergreen. Dclrue Thom,on, I In honor of their silver wedding chairman of the program ommit- anniversary, Mrl and Mrs. S. B. tee asked for and received sug- Anderson were feted by a sur- gestions for next year's activities'lprise dinner party on June 12. of the club. Mrs. Jesse Phillips and Mrs. zvan Luc,, Foster is on he inactive i NeuensehWander were co-hostesses  ' ' ' ' s for the occasion at the Neuen- roll until her doctor gives con, ent to her engagement in club mat- schwander home. ters again. Kitty Williams and A buffet dinner was erved from Anne Thornton, who find it irpos- the pastel blue linen covered ta- siblc for them to attend regular- hie. Centering the table was a ly, resigned from the eulb. New round two-tiered cake which was members to take their places will decorated witi white icing and be chosen from the waiting list silver trim. Two hearts, pierced at the July meeting, by an arrow with the names LELA EVANS expressed t:een "Andy" and "Winnie" topped the delight at" winning the: "White cake. Candelabra on the table Elephant," a blooming rose bush held pink candles which matched of the General McArthur variety the pink tea roses at the base of which was brought by Alice the cake. Squire. At the close of the meet- The honored gilests were pre- ing Mrs. Brain gave an enlight- sented with a silver tea service ening demonstration on the art of from the group, and Mrs. Phillips making corsages, and Mrs. Squre gave her mother an orchid cor- slowed a bow made from red sage, and her father a white car- clover blossoms with self foliage, nation boutonniere. ................................................ After dinner cards were played, and Mrs. Anderson won the prize. Since Mrs. Phillips chose her TEEN AGE CLUB parents' anniversary for her wed- . ding, she and her husband were celebrating their first anniversary on June 12, also. At Delight Park Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ro- land Gerhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill EVERY EVENING 5-10 P.M. Blaha, Mr. and Mrs. Lout Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Smith, Mrs. Lucille J. Nash. Monday thru Friday Miss Joan Frisk, Glenn Sowers, Mr. and Mrs. om Harrison, Dr. SEAON TICKETS and Mrs, Start Turner, Aberdeen; the hostesses and their husbands $3.00 Plus Tax and the honored guests, Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Lander were unable to attend. Market after Market.,. Coast to Coast... in her official capacity as state director and national committee woman on the conference board. Honor guests fi'o'm the Shelton association making the trip are Mrs. Careta Nutt and Mrs. John Cormier. The three women will make the trip to St. Paul aboard a, special railroad car for the convention bound Washingtonians. While in St. 'Paul, the Shelton- tans will stay at convention head- Page 11 Former Shelton Grl I ; [ 'rlix' llEl¢Ol{IF l'Ol! IUI' -- l0 I).NY I¢l{[i;lil TRIAL - NO OIgLIIIA'|'it N i ] IYiNAI,I Y! TIlE Nl3PilitON INIIAI,ATION 'I'iIIEI{APY TitE.%TMIC, NT Piiil{" I I'i"ICTEI}. UNUIII,IEVAI¢I, IC |iUT TliUIC. 15then each mimite *,eem like lilt | eiernity, ulmus:ss hrattt, hl.l ilgthuit relieved (ItilCl4Lg (u*¢slally xvi4hh, else hi|n- il I lifO}, Ilarmless ',x'hen simple tlirec|ions |'ai|ow('¢l. |{effltr¢lll,ss elf what you hive d II I trh,d or how ilopeles 3*our else don't give up. ,lilt bring in thi VttiipOll and t I I I *l tVO I' I live )'O t t 1O lily luppiY Of NII'IIIiIIIN inhiihirlg lind Ion }'on ii' II il *°'= """ ............................................................................................................................... ,, ii ..,c. ............................................................................................................................... '1!1 MeCONKEY ' PHARMACY MARGE AND TINY'S BALLROOM .... : Shown above is Lois Babcock quarters in the Lowry Hotel. McNabb, daughter of Mrs. Jessie G. Babcock, Marln City, Iowa, who was the first woman from TO ATTEND SCItOOL that area to be sworn into the ,Jeanne Landers, daughter of Dr. U.S. Navy since the end of the and Mrs. G. W. Landers, will war. She enlisted for three leave Saturday for Berkeley, Call- years and left May 2 for the fornia. She will meet Patti Moen, WAVE Recruit Training School Tacoma, and Judy Lansen, Kelso, at Great Lakes, III. Lois, a for- :in Portland, and then continue on mar well known Shelton resb I to Berkeley where they all plan to dent, was inducted at the office !attend the University of Call|of of Naval, Procurement, Ferry I nia. Building, San Francisco. L'PEEK INTO PARADI  T-ME OF ORTHOPEDIC LINGERIE, SHOW The Colonial House, beautifully.'# flowers,, was the setting for the Condon, Hawley Attend Junior Prom Ill Seattle Karen Condon and Barbara Hawley attended the Junior Prom at the Lakeside School for Boys at Seattle recently. Preceding the Prom a dinner party, with covers laid for twelve, was given in the two girls' honor by Mrs. Clinton Hardy, Karen's grandmother, at her home. The following day the girls were breakfast guests at the Phelps home at Medina. Joan Moran Is Honored At Kitchen Shower A kitchen showe r honoring Joan :Moran, who became tim bride of Allan Eaton last. Saturday, was givem by Loren'a Deschamps at the home of Mrs. W. S. Valley June 8. During the evening the guests worked designs on tea towels which were presented to the hon- ored guest. Guests also brought their fav- orite recipe to give to the new bride. The table was be<uitifully decor- ated with a bouquet of roses .ts a center piece and flanked on cach si'de with pastel candles. Decora- tions on the buffet were similar to ttmse oft the table. Refreshments were served by I candlelight. Those attending were the Mes- dames Bob Bellinghanscn, Lloyd Good, Ralph Myhre, mother of I the bride; Lloyd Robinson, Ed Deschamps and W. S. Valley. Also, the Mary Anne decorated with colorful spring tea and lingerie style show, "Peak Into Paradise," sponsored by the Olympic Orthopedic Guild, with the assistance of the junior or- thopedic guild, last Friday after- noon from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Norma Lee Davidson, l¢Iary An Keenan and Aylene Loughnan, modeling matching pajamas and long and short nighties, were first on the program. The pajamas had pink trousers and a pink and white polkadot blouse, and the two nighties were of the polkadot jersey kni.t material. The girls, forming a trio, presented the un- usual musical commentating of the afternoon. Introductory cards carried by three small tots, Janet Temple, Geriline Haskins and Kathie Suth- erland, announced each group. During the afternoon, Ella Mac Noble, Coco Lovell, Joyce Holt, Gall Ahlskog, Georgine Durkee, Karen Condon and Jerry Carlson displayed lovely pastel slips, night- gowns and negligees with an ac- cent on nylon with lace or flower I trinxs. Pretty slips having match- ] ing panties and gowns were [ shown, and one of the closing I features of the afternoon was the 1 :sheer nightgown, negligee enscm-I bles, just the thing for the June bride's trousseau. The trio that opened the show I also closed it, exhibiting cotton I str!pe rayon print and nylon satin pajamas. The two door prizes were awarded at each showing. Mt's. 1 W. C. Batchelor was the winner of a nylon bed jacket: and Mrs. George Cropper received a pot of assorted plants at the first show. At tim second show, Mrs. Rolla Halburt won the bed jacket, and Mrs. Howard Meyer was awarded the plant. Dancing 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. At Delight Park DSON LOIDS IN SALES! 'Let'sth°pedicTeawasservedbythejuni°r°r'girlS'GoCampIng' " Theme For Girl • Scout Day Camp all other cars The 19,t9 day camp, sponsored Outsells - , the Shelton Girl Scout council, will be held July 11 to 13, and 18 to 20 at the airport, with the theme the three lowest priced makes "let's gocamping." This year day canlp will feature i 1 actual camping activities, different types of outdoor cooking, outdoor crafts and folk dancing will be in- IN 308 MARKET AREAS q From North, South, East, and West, the records are pouring in. Actually, in 54 market areas, Hudson is outselling a!l other cars, regardless of price! In 254 additional market areas, Hudson is outselling all other cars except the three lowest-priced makes! Here's the car that offers--not just a little €'more", but the most of all the things you want most in a motor car. Yes, the New Hudson is-- eluded in the program. With ade- quate leadership, senior scouts will take part in overnight camping. The camp will be in session from 9130 a.m. to 3130 p.m. on the dates named. Transportation will be furnished from Lincoln school to the airport and back. Campers will bring their lunches and meet at the school at 9130 a.m. each day. Day camt is open to all girls age 7 to 16, whether or not they are scouts. A fee of $1 is to be paid at the time of registration to cover costs of tran:portation and  pint of pasteurized milk each day. Because the quota is rapidly be- ing filled, all girls who are inter- ested, and have not yet registered for camp are asked to do so as •  C soon as possible with Mrs. Grant A MOST Packard, camp committee chair- merlca S "4- " ar man, 1711 Stevens. i-MOST beautiful 2-MOST roomy 3-MOST road-worthy 4-MOST all-round performance According to latest 1949 tp report8 [or represe,ltative U:, S. market areas, [ron R. L. Polk & Co., the national authority o#i al,o- rnobd registrations. COME TAKE THE THRILLING HUDSON REVELATION RIDE .............. : MOTOR SALES 627 SOUTH FIRST STREET, SHELTON, WASHINGTON WSCS Starts Year, Installs Officers The Methodist Women's Society for Christian Service met for a short meeting in the church par- lor at 1:30 p.m., June 8. Mrs. William Elliot installed the new officers who will take over at the next meeting. A skit was given by ten mem- bers under the direction of Mrs. Opal Hardie. During the after- noon, a tea was served. Members were res¢lccted for the circles by a drawing. The mem- betship of the circles are changed each year so that the women can become better acquainted. Mary Bedell circle met yester- day at the home of Mrs. Mervin Wivell with Mrs. Thomas Rowe, the new president, presiding. Fi- dells circle mot at the same time at Mrs. Ed Elliot's with its new president, Mrs. William Bachelor, m charge." PATRICKS TO ELLENSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patrick and their sons, Jerry and Doug, are leaving for Ellensburg where they will remain until fall. While there Mr. Patrick will attend summer SChool. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Mystery Prizes Given .,ach week NAME-THE-HALL CONTEST FLOOR L.AM OR PERMANENT WAVE Students 75¢ ADMISSION Adults $1.00 Servicemen With pass 75¢ (plus taxes) * Prizes For Our LAST WEEK'S PRIZE WINNERS Charlcrle Hurster, permanent wave Mrs. Ray Cook, nylon stockings Martha D, epoe, corsage Pat Kindred, Walter Jonson, I)ou Mcuiston, Ray Wiley, Deb Getty, Velmbelle Botts, season tict<ets. ..... Hn Appliances -- Supplies -- Fixtures HEARING AID BATTERIES LAMPS - 6 to 1000 Watts 1 A G00D BUY ",oo w00o, ,o install your el'- ,'] tric hot water tank in your base- ment, attic, small closet or under your kitchen work I tables, you can I t SAVE eve, ,°oo0 w,th the on,y tob,e to. l' O0 I mode, bu,t tn Pr,....v. I with all the insulation. Build your own cbinet. This • same tank with regular white enamel dasing complete [ sells at $155.00. I I HOT WEATHER? ,o, o,.oo,o.,oo [ HOT PLATES for Lunches ELECTRICITY--Your Best and Cheapest Servant! E A Carr • • PHONE 645 Slelton Pecotte Electri TOP 0UALffY WIRING and ELECTRICAL SERVICE WITH E. A. CARR iN LaLham, Joan Tiee, Betty Gifford, Pat Young, Marjorie Ann Valh,.y, TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING Joyce l)urkce, Jean Fish, lVIarie PHONE 645 Fish, the honored guest and the hostess. ...... .. ....... ..--..--. ....... .. ..... .... ..... ...--...2 Always look for thJs red on the window! The only place you can obtain a new houaehold SINGER* Sewing Machine--or one reconditioned by SINGER--is from your SINGER SEWING CENTER, identified by the Big Red "S" on the window l Liated below II the only gINGE gEWING CEN- ' TER located inOlymp ia, Wash. ONLY at this place can you obtain-.. I. SINGER Sewing Machlnel. t 2, SINGER Sewing Machines reconditioned by SINGER with warranted SINGER parts. 3. Guaraned repairs by SINGER experts bal on wrlen ostlmatel furnllhed in advanle, 181NGER Sewing Machinea are made in a variety of s¢wing heads and cabinet styles. Therc's one to suit cvery necd and prcfercnce. Choose a portable console, deak model, or period design. slteli. U. B. Pit. or, b TIK JtJt llLllNl]¥'AC't'IJ¥1/N(1 €OMPA.qr Portables" Cabinet from models $89.50 from $1(;4.50 SINGER SffING 00CHI00E CENTER 510 EAST FOURTH AVENUE, OLYMPIA -PHONE 7.6 ' i