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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 16, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 16, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JJ DRILLING • Get sparkling water in abund- ance from your own well. Cool, fresh, pure water at all times. JOHN WEBBER PHONE 413-W Evenings Route 1, Box 128, Shelton ¥OUR'¢Ag t li',; li I[" t; % WoL.. d_ ', o YOUI FAkI|LY ss # 'tBuR iQUCATIO NG • • • the Steps to Success in the right direction by coming YOUR insured savings account at Then, add to savings regu- liberal dividends, too. County Federal & Loan Association curlty Bldg., Olympia, Wasll. DIRECTORS I. SEARS K.L. PARTLOW V. BRIDENSTINE FRED HOLM TON.MASON COITNTY JOURNAL li .... i it i t TRAVELERS AGREE CANAL HOLDS 'VERY SPECIAL' ENVIRONMENT By Frances R,. llill World travelers seem to agree that there is something very spe- cial about the Hood Canal and Olympic mountains environment in which we live. VACATIONING ON the Canal and enthusiaic about its scenic wonders are Mrs. Else Geissmar and Miss Eva Heinitz, instructors in the School of Music at the Uni- .versity of Washington. Both visi- tors have a European professional background. Miss Heinitz, a new member of the university faculty, is an internationally known cell- ist. Mrs. Geissmar is accompanied by her daughter, Ruth, a student at Mills college. They were Sun- day guests at the home of the C. E. Hills, whose daughter, Merrily, is a piano pupil of Mrs. Geissmar. Although repair work and re- modelling are still in progress, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis have moved back into their home, damaged by fire a few months ago. In addi- tion to repairing the burned roof, the Davises have had to make oth- er repairs. LOCAL RECEPTION for tele- vision is receiving a trial with Mrs. Warren H. Stewart's new television set. Mrs. Stewart, who has been in Seattle with her sons most of the time since the death of her husband this winter, has returned to her Lilliwaup home. She reports that television recep- tion has been a bit cloudy and she expects to try a "booster" and ENJOY H. C. BRODIB $3.85 4/5 QUART $2.43 PINT RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 651; GRAIN NEU- TRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS,INC.,N.Y.C. antenna :for improvement. John E. Carroll, former city councilman in Seattle, went to Ho- quiam last Friday to attend the annual meeting (f the Association of Washington Cities. From the time of its inception, Mr. Carroll has taken n great interest in this organization and was ciutirman of it until the time of his retirement from municipal work. From the Grays Harbor meeting he went on for a visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Erhart spent the week end in Seattle, visiting their son, t',ob Erhart, now em- ployed there and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burman. Mr. Burman was a mem- ber of last week's graduating class of the U. of W., having ma- jored in industrial design in the College of Arts and Sciences. When Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Drees of Olympia spent last week end in their Indian Point cottage, they were accompanied by Mr. Drees' brother, Frank, of North Dakota. GUESTS AT the Ora Marlcham home last week end included Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Crerar and their daughters, Dorothy Mae and Bar- bara Jean and their friend, Pat Evans, all from Seattle. The Crer. ars are cousins of Mrs. Markham. Other recent guests of the Mark- brans were Mr. and Mrs. R. g. Sche of Portland, who enjoyed some sole fishing during their stay. A cottage at the Lilliwaup Mo- tel was occupied last week end by former proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hutchins, who were accom- panied by Mrs. Hutchins' mother and stepfather of Tacoma. The Hutchins have been making their home in Tacoma since leaving Lilliwaup. They stopped to call on local Hood Canal friends while here. Miss Merrily Hilh, psychology major at the U. of W., is home with her parents, the C. E. Hills, for her summer vacation. Mack Knutsen of Chehalis, also a psy- chology student, is a guest at the Hill home. '. and Mrs. W. B. Hathaway are spending the smnmer in their home north of Lilliwaup. Mrs. Hatimway teaches in Olympia during school months. They have been harvesting a crop of beauti- ful strawberries since their ar- rival. Guy Kneeland is reported sell to be in serious condition in a Shelton hospital, following a re- cdnt stroke. i El " IlllIInnlnl' II I i il r ii[ i ,i i i "" 2' J WAGES. TAXES -MARKETS" BUSINESS J Fire Season is Here The past several week of unusually dry weather have brought the growing forests of Mason County into another season of fire danger. Prevention of fire outbreaks calls for thd cooperative effort of every individ- ual and agency. It calls for safe smoking habits, safe camping practices and for prompt warnings to fire officials when smoke is seen in the woods. Public and private fire protection pro- grams for the summer will be discussed at the sixth annual meeting of Grays Harbor, Mason, Thurston and Kitsap County author- ities at the State Fire Hall here on Monday, June 20. This type of unified action, fully backed by the public, can be a strong weapon against fire throughout the coming months. !?!,L 'SON LOOOINO COMPANY &HILTON, AN D_ iI, € L IA00T, u! n N OTO II n n n u Cushman Pooch Has Eight Pups, Pleases Children J I|.V lernnee ihullke. The Don i}ro,vu chihh'en were excited Sunday I)y the arrival -ri oigliL cocker splinicl puppies at [ lheii' ]louse. At least this was tim evel]in' (,()lint. q'%VO %vel'i! collated i at, rioon. i DENNY ANDVIG was schcd- 'tiled Tuesday for a ionsilectomy 'in Shclton. Gucst of the Sandvigs for two (lays to see thcnl lhrongh tile great emergen('y was Mrs. Sandvig's mother, Mr'. Ivy Wat- son. The Sandvig family spent Meinorial Day in Bellingimm vis- iting Mrs. Anna Sandvig and Mr. und Mrs. E. E. Sandvig and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hill spent Friday mtil Sunday visiting in Tacoma at the homes of Mrs. Elhm White and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. On Sunday they entertained the Ben Banners of Shelton. I>ave Collins, who underwent an operation May 27, returned home from a Tacoma hospital on the fifth day and is recuperating nicely. On Friday the Collins fam- ily entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. C. C'ohins from Seabeck with their two children, Pat and Christine. Tiwy attended the Cushman pic- nic which was held at the Hoods- per: home of Gordon Dickinson. IN ATTleNDANCE at the pic- nic were more than 40 people, who enjoyed a pothw, k supper on the lawn. Ladies of the Hood Canal Gar- den Clul) who met last Thursday at lhe home of Mrs. Vera Linscott were entertained seeing a rohin feeding her young. They were in a tree outside the front room win- dow. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ethering- ton and family of Tacoma were Sunday guests week before last of the O. K. Linscott family. They enjoyeKd a (lay of fishing, I{I,AON FOR the abscncc of Cu,hman and Hood:port news in last week's paper was because the reporter, France, Radtke made -t trip to Seattle to get pictures of her foster sister, Marie Morten- sen, who graduated from the Holy Angels ttigh School. The forty- second annual commencement ex- ercise of the school w-ere held in the Green Lake Field house and included giving of 51 diplormts by the Reverend Thomas A. Connolly, coadjutor bishop of Seattle. ]V[rs. l.adtke secured pictures of her sister in white cap and gown, as well as stage settings. While in Seattle it was also her pleasur to attend a birthday party of her granddaughter; Arline S mi t h, eight, years old. In the presence of several sclmot friends and other visit.ors, Arline cut two birthday cak vs. Mr. and Mrs. O. K Linscott de- pared Saturday for their Oregon ranch, intending to rifler an uncle who had traveled up from Cali- fornia for gt visit there and at their Cushman home. Bill Ilunham, though working every day, has been badly bother- ed with an ulcerated tooth and a swollen jaw. Guest of the Edward Radtkes for Saturday nlght dinner was Mrs. Helen Cook who spent the last week end in' Hoodsport. Mr. Dave Conrad. age 85, from Capron, ill., camc. to Portland to meet his nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott, and re- turn to timir Cushman home with them. tte had been visiting rela- tives in San Diego and will ac- company the Linscotts to Spo- kane on their next days off be- fore returning to his home in Illi- nois. Twanoh State Park Was Site for Meeting Of Union Ladies Club The Union Ladies Civic Club held their last business meeting for the summer a.t Twanoh State Park on June 9. Hostesses were Mrs. Gene Avey, Mrs. Louis Pfundt and Mrs. Vernon Wyatt. Mrs. Candace Noseworthy was a guest. After the picnic hmcheon the business meeting took place with Mr,. Merritt Stark, vice president, presiding in the absence of Mrs. Curtis Grout, president. Club mem- lers voted to hold a bake sale at te Union Fire Station on July .15. People who desire a slice of cake or pie with a cup of coffee will be served at tables. Mrs. Richard Buechel is chair- man for the sale and other com- mittee members are Mrs. David James and Mrs. Curtis Grout. Other club members will be help- ing sell and serve at the affair. Members are turning in tea tow- els, hmch cloths, pot holders and aprons for the club's bazaar to be held in October. At that time a large and lovely doll complete with wonderful wardrobe will be award- ed. There will also be awarded an exquisite handbag made by Mr. Vernon Morris of Union. Canal Orthopedic Guild Meets With Mrs. Bolin Mrs. Ray Bolin entertained la- dies of the Hood Canal Orthopedic Guild at their last meeting before fall in her home at lYmon Friday. Site was asited at serving lunch in her patio by Mrs. Bernice Bo- lin and Mrs. Lila Scheel. Interesting reports were offered by Mrs. Florence Cady and Mrl. Blanch Calahan. Inasmuch as the club does not meet during the smmner project chairmen in each district were appointed as follows: Mrs. Flor- ence Cady for Belfair. Mrs. Ber- nice Bolin for Union, and Mrs. Shirley O'Niel for Hoodsport. II ill I i I HOOD00PORT SCHOOL'S PICNIC ltELD, MUSIC LESSONS START I By Frances IladlRe Editor's note: l,'ist week's IIoodsport news was lost. ill transit for li few days. The nlain litlinls are sunilinirized in llils lqltl iall. The all-school picnic held nt Twanoh State park May 26 was well attended by students, par- ents, and friends. The dry sittrtcd off interestingly when it was dis- covered that Mrs. Alwe McClana- hart, t:)TA president, had become 't grandmother during the early hours of the morning which made her daughter Jban, an auntie. Tlley were exeeedl'ngly pleased with themselves, and so was everyone Jean Paul, music teacher from1 Olympia, will give Hoodsport chil-! dren lessons on b:md instruments dtlring the summe,' at lloodsporbl school. Special rates have been' announced for students wiMfing to take advantage of this opportun- ity. Mnch progress has been made during the last two and one half nlonths of the sehool year, and it is expected that a school orchestra will be ready to assist with programs tlis fall. All teachers have left Hoods- port on Summe} vacations with the exception or lLicllard Iates who remained LO condllcL 13ible classes. The Iiehard Spark, fani- ily is hclieyed to be in California, Mrs. Helen Cook in Seattle. and Mrs. Mardy Gatfle will attend school again tiffs summer. Mrs. Floy Yentcr is again cook- ing for rangers at the Forest Ranger's Station in ltoodsport; this summer. Guest of Leon Felch :it: Rest- while Park Sunday u, nd Monday was W, P. Feleh of Col fax, who came with his family for :t short visit. Ralph Judd of the l T. S. Merch- ant Marine service arrived ill Itoodsport last weck end frorn Japan to visit his: s!t;ter and fam- ily. Mr. altd .1rs. Gordon Bttyes. tte brought with him a super fish- ing pole, Japanese makc. to de- light tim heart of Gordon. Mr. Jtldd is enroute to A!a'dm. tie was a radio operator in the maritm service &)r the past five years. Frank A. Powers was a guest of his son, Bill Powers last week. having traveled out from his home in Shelton. Mrs. Marguerite Neagle a n (1 children m'e visiting her parents, the I)ave Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergstrom and son Donald from Edmonds. Mrs. Betty Andcrson. Mrs. Phyl- lis An(hrson also from Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bmtz with children Janice and David from Tacoma with Joanne Marshall were guests of tiio Stephan Hales last week, Mrs. Hale left Tuesday for Ta- cnma to spend three days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. James Glackin of Gig Hlirbor, were Monday guests of Mrs Hose Mille. and attended Commercial Club Potluck dimter t at the schoolhouse. Sunday guests of the Millos were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schmidt of Taconm, who also called on Mrs. Ella, Lunt. Cmests of the l.)ess Haines fam- ily during the week were Mrs. Jesse Jtinkin of Seattle, Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mrs. Vera An- derson front Bremerton. These ' " ""' ' ..' ..... '2__" .... --. ' ' ..... a ..... '2. latter two were friends or thirty-!ii lqtirDanKs'lylOrse .,ive years ago whom the Hainesil PUMPS last saw on Lumm! Isl,md where their home was at the time. Mrs. I{ose Snlith left Seattle I LOW PRICES t yesLerday for a visit with her sis- ,,,,', Mrs. R. S. Symmonds-it Yak-,, Shelto-00lectric / in;t, after sl)ending two weeks at a ScatHe hospital. Mrs. Sid Jar- vis entertained her sister and hus- |--,.Wi L- band last week, Mr. aud Mrs, S. Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W ]-l. Buche and children of Seattle. Mr. Buche, who expected to I ,. end his wcation fishing' became 'P 'witl a cl;ie appen;licitis shortly! after arrival and was rushed to I I IIIIIII I II a Shelton hospital for an emer-[ geney ot)eration, t Mr. and Mrs. Giles Essex from Emunchtw were S,nday guests of their son and daughter-in-law, ih'. and Mrs. William Essex. Mrs. N anee was confined to the houe Monday with a severe cold 'rod cough. Mrs. Rule Dickinson jtlst recovered from tim same kind of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowles and fantify spent tim past two weeks visiting local friends, stopping at the home of imr parent in 'Pot- latch. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lock- wood. Mr. Bowles was observed with an injm'ed finger which he received while working at logging near his home at Sweethome, Ore. Mount" Mitchell Highest elevation in the East is Mount Mitchell in North Caro- lina. It is 6684 feet high. C. FRED SMITH Says: Does Your Savings Plan Work? If you save as much in the next 15 years as you did during the past 15, will you have funds enough to pay you a retirement income ? If not . . . let's discuss a plan that will work---without fail. A few minutes now will memt a lifetime of peace (,f mind. C. FRED SMITH NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Shelton, Washington p Flor-Eve00 FLOOR COVERING) Smooth, non.porous surface doesn't absorb dirt! "Once over lightly" with a  mop, cleans it. Stain-, spot-, alkall-resistant. Grease- and water-proof. Clearer, brighter oo,ors ,o right '2 95 through to tho u backingl Per Sqato Yard * Lawton Lumber Open Saturdays Until Noon 420 S. First Phone 56 I I COMPA,RE T'HE [OUR The Most Modern GiVes You More- yet Costs $875 to $2,387 Less* to Buy m n • l Nadl has created an entirely new conee4)tion fl" luxurious motoring. ]n lhe N ash Andlassador you will discover handling ease, stability and performance su- perior to anyihing in your experience. I t is built with Unifize, d Body-and-Framl!, the solid, wchled unit that lowers weight, lit- creases reran, adds greatly to safely. I I is magnificently spaei0us and has all the power you wouht dare release, yet eonlpared with die other Ihree fine cars, it delivers as nllwh am 30% more, gasoline mileage. With coil springs on all four wheels, iis ride is a revelalion. It is quieter, it is smoother. And you will enjoy iis aerodynamic beauty. It. offers so much more of the fine things you want, yet it is priced $875 to $2,387 less* than the other th,'@e fine cars. Discover the ditference. Your Nash dealer will gladly place an Ambassador at your commend. ':'Based on prices roport+'d in Automotiw. Nowm May 30. 19.t9, Th Onll Fin Car with M411h. Compression Valv-in.Had Enlin, with 100% eoungr-balaned 7.Boating Cranhshaft... Wathv l'y System ...Coil rinling on all Fotu. • t/h olsr... Un isop... Ttrin .ds. COMPANION CAR 1'O THi NASH *'600" AIRFLYTI Nosh Motori, Division Nash.Knlvinetor CorporatJotl, Detroit, Ml=hillan ,,>,, btASI-i IvIOTOitS, IN( 1)al't err J'|ly at the llorfle of ]]/rs, LAy ,cheel in Union; cards will be sent to eaeh member announcing the date. m ttostesses for the first meeting in fall at Alderbrook Inn are to bec011insMrS, ndNancYMrs,Br°wn'BlancheMrS'cala-IVa First and pine Street, Shelton, Washington han of,oodsport. ,. , -.- _